2021-10-06 City Council REGULAR MEETING - Agenda PacketCity Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2   Lesa Sobek, District 3   Dean Deines, District 4     AGENDA Menifee City Council  Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, October 6, 2021 5:00 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk CLOSED SESSION (5:00 PM) 1.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6 Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. Villa Labor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Police Officers Association (POA); Menifee Police Management Association (PMA) 2.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6 Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. Villa Labor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Executive Staff REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER  2. ROLL CALL  3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION  3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson ­ Impact Church 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE  5. PRESENTATIONS  5.1.Introduction of Menifee Fire Chief Lonny Olson 5.2.CalFire Captain Scott Philipbar Recognition 5.3.2021 IMMAF Youth MMC World Champion: Lariah Gill 6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. Please sign up in person at the kiosk or online at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas.  8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS  9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  9.1 September 8, 2021 Special City Council Minutes 9.2 September 15, 2021 City Council Minutes 10. CONSENT CALENDAR  All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmember requests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from the Consent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately. 10.1 Waiver of Reading RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provide that they be read by title only. 10.2 Proclamations RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Proclaim October 2021 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month 10.3 Warrant Register RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Ratify and approve the Voucher Lists dated 8/27/2021 and 9/10/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 8/25/2021, 9/02/2021 and 9/03/2021, and the Void Check Listing PE 8/31/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $6,719,886.04. 10.4 Treasurer's Report, August 2021 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for August 2021. 10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution for the balance of budget carryovers, as of June 30, 2021, for all ongoing operating requests, ongoing grants, and capital programs to Fiscal Year 2021/22. 10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant in the amount of $12,946 and authorize staff to administer the funded program/project; and 2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $12,946 to a project account as assigned by the Finance Department; and 3. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents to implement the funded project/program. 10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $9,535; and 2. Adopt a Budget Adjustment Resolution appropriating $9,535 in revenue and expenditures, for Police Department; and 3. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute all necessary agreements and other grant­related documents thereof to receive the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant.  10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution authorizing the Menifee Police Department to appropriate asset forfeiture funds in the amount of $36,189. 10.9 FY2021­2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment Resolution RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Budget Amendment Resolution appropriating $2,000,000 from available fund balance to Account #100­4330­52846 Professional Services – Recoverable (CEQA) with an off­setting increase in revenues in Account #100­3425 CEQA Review Revenue. 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Resolution amending the applicable Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees.  10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the improvements for the Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II, Capital Improvement Project No. 16­13 as complete; and 2. Authorize the City Clerk’s Office to file the Notice of Completion with the Riverside County Recorder’s Office. 10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super Center RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an Improvement Deferral Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co. requiring completion of future frontage improvements associated with Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 38005, located on the east side of Encanto Drive, south of McLaughlin Road; and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Community Facilities District (CFD) Annexation Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co., requiring completion of property annexation into a CFD for maintenance of the frontage improvements; and 3. Approve and authorize filing of the Final Map.  11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45­Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt an urgency Ordinance imposing a 45­day moratorium on utility­scale battery storage uses with later options to extend moratorium for a total period of up to two years.​  12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for camping and storage of personal property in public areas. 12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential, Commercial, and Multi­Family Properties Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for noise from residential, commercial, and multi­family properties. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: TBD – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Krikorian Theater and Property Updates (Sobek, May 19, 2021) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Options for Appropriating Surplus Fund Balance (Deines, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 1 of 295 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, October 6, 20215:00 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneySarah A. Manwaring, City ClerkCLOSED SESSION (5:00 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORSPursuant to Government Code section 54957.6Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. VillaLabor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Police Officers Association (POA); MenifeePolice Management Association (PMA)2.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORSPursuant to Government Code section 54957.6Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. VillaLabor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Executive StaffREGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson ­ Impact Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1.Introduction of Menifee Fire Chief Lonny Olson5.2.CalFire Captain Scott Philipbar Recognition 5.3.2021 IMMAF Youth MMC World Champion: Lariah Gill 6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS   7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on the agenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendized matters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on any single item. Please sign up in person at the kiosk or online at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas.  8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS  9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  9.1 September 8, 2021 Special City Council Minutes 9.2 September 15, 2021 City Council Minutes 10. CONSENT CALENDAR  All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmember requests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from the Consent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately. 10.1 Waiver of Reading RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provide that they be read by title only. 10.2 Proclamations RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Proclaim October 2021 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month 10.3 Warrant Register RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Ratify and approve the Voucher Lists dated 8/27/2021 and 9/10/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 8/25/2021, 9/02/2021 and 9/03/2021, and the Void Check Listing PE 8/31/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $6,719,886.04. 10.4 Treasurer's Report, August 2021 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for August 2021. 10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution for the balance of budget carryovers, as of June 30, 2021, for all ongoing operating requests, ongoing grants, and capital programs to Fiscal Year 2021/22. 10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant in the amount of $12,946 and authorize staff to administer the funded program/project; and 2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $12,946 to a project account as assigned by the Finance Department; and 3. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents to implement the funded project/program. 10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $9,535; and 2. Adopt a Budget Adjustment Resolution appropriating $9,535 in revenue and expenditures, for Police Department; and 3. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute all necessary agreements and other grant­related documents thereof to receive the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant.  10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution authorizing the Menifee Police Department to appropriate asset forfeiture funds in the amount of $36,189. 10.9 FY2021­2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment Resolution RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Budget Amendment Resolution appropriating $2,000,000 from available fund balance to Account #100­4330­52846 Professional Services – Recoverable (CEQA) with an off­setting increase in revenues in Account #100­3425 CEQA Review Revenue. 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Resolution amending the applicable Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees.  10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the improvements for the Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II, Capital Improvement Project No. 16­13 as complete; and 2. Authorize the City Clerk’s Office to file the Notice of Completion with the Riverside County Recorder’s Office. 10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super Center RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an Improvement Deferral Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co. requiring completion of future frontage improvements associated with Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 38005, located on the east side of Encanto Drive, south of McLaughlin Road; and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Community Facilities District (CFD) Annexation Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co., requiring completion of property annexation into a CFD for maintenance of the frontage improvements; and 3. Approve and authorize filing of the Final Map.  11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45­Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt an urgency Ordinance imposing a 45­day moratorium on utility­scale battery storage uses with later options to extend moratorium for a total period of up to two years.​  12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for camping and storage of personal property in public areas. 12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential, Commercial, and Multi­Family Properties Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for noise from residential, commercial, and multi­family properties. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: TBD – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Krikorian Theater and Property Updates (Sobek, May 19, 2021) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Options for Appropriating Surplus Fund Balance (Deines, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 2 of 295 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, October 6, 20215:00 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneySarah A. Manwaring, City ClerkCLOSED SESSION (5:00 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORSPursuant to Government Code section 54957.6Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. VillaLabor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Police Officers Association (POA); MenifeePolice Management Association (PMA)2.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORSPursuant to Government Code section 54957.6Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. VillaLabor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Executive StaffREGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson ­ Impact Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1.Introduction of Menifee Fire Chief Lonny Olson5.2.CalFire Captain Scott Philipbar Recognition5.3.2021 IMMAF Youth MMC World Champion: Lariah Gill6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on theagenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendizedmatters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on anysingle item. Please sign up in person at the kiosk or online at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 September 8, 2021 Special City Council Minutes9.2 September 15, 2021 City Council Minutes10. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmemberrequests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from theConsent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately.10.1 Waiver of ReadingRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda andprovide that they be read by title only.10.2 ProclamationsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Proclaim October 2021 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month10.3 Warrant RegisterRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Ratify and approve the Voucher Lists dated 8/27/2021 and 9/10/2021, thePayroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 8/25/2021, 9/02/2021 and 9/03/2021, andthe Void Check Listing PE 8/31/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of$6,719,886.04.10.4 Treasurer's Report, August 2021RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for August 2021. 10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution for the balance of budget carryovers, as of June 30, 2021, for all ongoing operating requests, ongoing grants, and capital programs to Fiscal Year 2021/22. 10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant in the amount of $12,946 and authorize staff to administer the funded program/project; and 2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $12,946 to a project account as assigned by the Finance Department; and 3. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents to implement the funded project/program. 10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $9,535; and 2. Adopt a Budget Adjustment Resolution appropriating $9,535 in revenue and expenditures, for Police Department; and 3. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute all necessary agreements and other grant­related documents thereof to receive the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant.  10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution authorizing the Menifee Police Department to appropriate asset forfeiture funds in the amount of $36,189. 10.9 FY2021­2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment Resolution RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Budget Amendment Resolution appropriating $2,000,000 from available fund balance to Account #100­4330­52846 Professional Services – Recoverable (CEQA) with an off­setting increase in revenues in Account #100­3425 CEQA Review Revenue. 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Resolution amending the applicable Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees.  10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the improvements for the Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II, Capital Improvement Project No. 16­13 as complete; and 2. Authorize the City Clerk’s Office to file the Notice of Completion with the Riverside County Recorder’s Office. 10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super Center RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an Improvement Deferral Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co. requiring completion of future frontage improvements associated with Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 38005, located on the east side of Encanto Drive, south of McLaughlin Road; and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Community Facilities District (CFD) Annexation Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co., requiring completion of property annexation into a CFD for maintenance of the frontage improvements; and 3. Approve and authorize filing of the Final Map.  11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45­Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt an urgency Ordinance imposing a 45­day moratorium on utility­scale battery storage uses with later options to extend moratorium for a total period of up to two years.​  12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for camping and storage of personal property in public areas. 12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential, Commercial, and Multi­Family Properties Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for noise from residential, commercial, and multi­family properties. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: TBD – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Krikorian Theater and Property Updates (Sobek, May 19, 2021) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Options for Appropriating Surplus Fund Balance (Deines, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 3 of 295 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, October 6, 20215:00 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneySarah A. Manwaring, City ClerkCLOSED SESSION (5:00 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORSPursuant to Government Code section 54957.6Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. VillaLabor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Police Officers Association (POA); MenifeePolice Management Association (PMA)2.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORSPursuant to Government Code section 54957.6Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. VillaLabor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Executive StaffREGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson ­ Impact Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1.Introduction of Menifee Fire Chief Lonny Olson5.2.CalFire Captain Scott Philipbar Recognition5.3.2021 IMMAF Youth MMC World Champion: Lariah Gill6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on theagenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendizedmatters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on anysingle item. Please sign up in person at the kiosk or online at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 September 8, 2021 Special City Council Minutes9.2 September 15, 2021 City Council Minutes10. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmemberrequests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from theConsent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately.10.1 Waiver of ReadingRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda andprovide that they be read by title only.10.2 ProclamationsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Proclaim October 2021 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month10.3 Warrant RegisterRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Ratify and approve the Voucher Lists dated 8/27/2021 and 9/10/2021, thePayroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 8/25/2021, 9/02/2021 and 9/03/2021, andthe Void Check Listing PE 8/31/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of$6,719,886.04.10.4 Treasurer's Report, August 2021RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for August 2021.10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution for the balance of budget carryovers,as of June 30, 2021, for all ongoing operating requests, ongoing grants, andcapital programs to Fiscal Year 2021/22.10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program GrantRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant in theamount of $12,946 and authorize staff to administer the fundedprogram/project; and2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation ofexpenditures in the amount of $12,946 to a project account as assigned by theFinance Department; and3. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessarydocuments to implement the funded project/program.10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police DepartmentRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of$9,535; and2. Adopt a Budget Adjustment Resolution appropriating $9,535 in revenue andexpenditures, for Police Department; and3. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute all necessaryagreements and other grant­related documents thereof to receive the 2021Justice Assistance Grant. 10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of FundsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution authorizing the Menifee PoliceDepartment to appropriate asset forfeiture funds in the amount of $36,189.10.9 FY2021­2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment ResolutionRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Adopt a Budget Amendment Resolution appropriating $2,000,000 from availablefund balance to Account #100­4330­52846 Professional Services – Recoverable(CEQA) with an off­setting increase in revenues in Account #100­3425 CEQA ReviewRevenue.10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentRECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Resolution amending the applicable Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees.  10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the improvements for the Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II, Capital Improvement Project No. 16­13 as complete; and 2. Authorize the City Clerk’s Office to file the Notice of Completion with the Riverside County Recorder’s Office. 10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super Center RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an Improvement Deferral Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co. requiring completion of future frontage improvements associated with Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 38005, located on the east side of Encanto Drive, south of McLaughlin Road; and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Community Facilities District (CFD) Annexation Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co., requiring completion of property annexation into a CFD for maintenance of the frontage improvements; and 3. Approve and authorize filing of the Final Map.  11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE  12. DISCUSSION ITEMS  12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45­Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt an urgency Ordinance imposing a 45­day moratorium on utility­scale battery storage uses with later options to extend moratorium for a total period of up to two years.​  12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for camping and storage of personal property in public areas. 12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential, Commercial, and Multi­Family Properties Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for noise from residential, commercial, and multi­family properties. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: TBD – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Krikorian Theater and Property Updates (Sobek, May 19, 2021) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Options for Appropriating Surplus Fund Balance (Deines, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 4 of 295 City Council Chambers29844 Haun RoadMenifee, CA 92586Bill Zimmerman, MayorBob Karwin, District 1Matthew Liesemeyer, District2  Lesa Sobek, District 3  Dean Deines, District 4    AGENDA Menifee City Council Regular Meeting AgendaWednesday, October 6, 20215:00 PM Closed Session6:00 PM Regular MeetingArmando G. Villa, City ManagerJeffrey T. Melching, City AttorneySarah A. Manwaring, City ClerkCLOSED SESSION (5:00 PM)1.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORSPursuant to Government Code section 54957.6Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. VillaLabor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Police Officers Association (POA); MenifeePolice Management Association (PMA)2.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORSPursuant to Government Code section 54957.6Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando G. VillaLabor Agreement Negotiations: Menifee Executive StaffREGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM)1.CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WORDS OF INSPIRATION 3.1.Pastor Mike Johnson ­ Impact Church4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1.Introduction of Menifee Fire Chief Lonny Olson5.2.CalFire Captain Scott Philipbar Recognition5.3.2021 IMMAF Youth MMC World Champion: Lariah Gill6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS  7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS)This is the time for members of the public to address the Council about items which are NOT listed on theagenda.  The Ralph M. Brown Act limits the Council’s ability to respond to comments on non­agendizedmatters at the time such comments are made. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes on anysingle item. Please sign up in person at the kiosk or online at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 September 8, 2021 Special City Council Minutes9.2 September 15, 2021 City Council Minutes10. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmemberrequests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar.  If an item is removed from theConsent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately.10.1 Waiver of ReadingRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda andprovide that they be read by title only.10.2 ProclamationsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Proclaim October 2021 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month10.3 Warrant RegisterRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Ratify and approve the Voucher Lists dated 8/27/2021 and 9/10/2021, thePayroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 8/25/2021, 9/02/2021 and 9/03/2021, andthe Void Check Listing PE 8/31/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of$6,719,886.04.10.4 Treasurer's Report, August 2021RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for August 2021.10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22RECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution for the balance of budget carryovers,as of June 30, 2021, for all ongoing operating requests, ongoing grants, andcapital programs to Fiscal Year 2021/22.10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program GrantRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant in theamount of $12,946 and authorize staff to administer the fundedprogram/project; and2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation ofexpenditures in the amount of $12,946 to a project account as assigned by theFinance Department; and3. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessarydocuments to implement the funded project/program.10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police DepartmentRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of$9,535; and2. Adopt a Budget Adjustment Resolution appropriating $9,535 in revenue andexpenditures, for Police Department; and3. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute all necessaryagreements and other grant­related documents thereof to receive the 2021Justice Assistance Grant. 10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of FundsRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution authorizing the Menifee PoliceDepartment to appropriate asset forfeiture funds in the amount of $36,189.10.9 FY2021­2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment ResolutionRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Adopt a Budget Amendment Resolution appropriating $2,000,000 from availablefund balance to Account #100­4330­52846 Professional Services – Recoverable(CEQA) with an off­setting increase in revenues in Account #100­3425 CEQA ReviewRevenue.10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Adopt a Resolution amending the applicable Transportation Uniform MitigationFees. 10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project AcceptanceRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Accept the improvements for the Public Works Maintenance and OperationsCenter Phase II, Capital Improvement Project No. 16­13 as complete; and2. Authorize the City Clerk’s Office to file the Notice of Completion with theRiverside County Recorder’s Office.10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super CenterRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an Improvement DeferralAgreement with E.D.D. Investment Co. requiring completion of future frontageimprovements associated with Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 38005, located onthe east side of Encanto Drive, south of McLaughlin Road; and2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Community FacilitiesDistrict (CFD) Annexation Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co., requiringcompletion of property annexation into a CFD for maintenance of the frontageimprovements; and3. Approve and authorize filing of the Final Map. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ­ NONE 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS 12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45­Day Moratorium on Battery Storage UsesRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Adopt an urgency Ordinance imposing a 45­day moratorium on utility­scalebattery storage uses with later options to extend moratorium for a total period ofup to two years.​ 12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas OrdinanceRECOMMENDED ACTION1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for camping and storage ofpersonal property in public areas.12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential, Commercial, and Multi­Family PropertiesOrdinance RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for noise from residential, commercial, and multi­family properties. 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS  14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS  15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS  > Discuss Hunting Regulations Within the City (Zimmerman, December 2, 2020) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Canyon Lake for Fire Services (Liesemeyer, February 17, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Event for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (Deines, February 17, 2021) Target Date: 2022 > Menifee Bus Route Feasibility Study (Karwin, May 5, 2021) Target Date: TBD – following the RCTC feasibility study > Report on Pet Licensing Fees and Animal Services (Dienes, May 19, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Krikorian Theater and Property Updates (Sobek, May 19, 2021) Target Date: October 20, 2021 > Regional Transportation Plan Update (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Update on Development East of the City and Traffic Concerns (Sobek, July 7, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Options for Appropriating Surplus Fund Balance (Deines, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD > Discuss City Citizen’s Academy Commencing 2022 (Sobek, September 15, 2021) Target Date: TBD 16.ADJOURN  Decorum Policy Notes For information on how to participate in the meeting, please visit the City’s webpage at https://cityofmenifee.us/agendas. The Council anticipates and encourages public participation at its Council meeting, both on agenda items and during the public comments period. Please turn your cell phones off, refrain from talking in the audience or outbursts that may be disruptive. We encourage participation and ask for a mutual respect for the proceedings. Staff Reports Materials related to an item on this agenda, including those submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet, are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672­6777 during normal business hours. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672­6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 5 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 8, 2021 Page 1 of 2 City Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobek, District 3 Dean Deines, District 4 Special Minutes REGULAR MEETING (4:30 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 4:31 PM. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman Absent: None 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Karwin led the flag salute. 4.DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1 Fire Services Workshop City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item. Mr. Villa provided a presentation and reported on the existing fire services and provided an overview of the Riverside County Fire Program. Fire Chief Bill Weiser introduced himself and Deputy Director of Administration Diane Sinclair. Chief Weiser continued the report on the Riverside County Fire Program. Mr. Villa continued with the presentation and reported on Menifee’s current services; fire station locations including the engines and staffing; and the future Fire Station No. 5 project. Public Works Director Nick Fidler reported on the future Fire Station No. 5 project site; building layout options; building design, and fire station improvements. Mr. Villa and Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton reported on the fire services equipment, history of the fire contract costs, fiscal year 2020 fire statistics, fiscal year 2021/2022 fire services, future of fire services in the City, and next steps. Menifee City Council Special Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 08, 2021 4:30 PM Special Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Item Title:9.1 September 8,2021 Special City Council Minutes Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 6 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 8, 2021 Page 2 of 2 The City Council asked questions of staff regarding the proposed staffing, support for the City of Canyon Lake fire services, cost difference for alternate fire station layout, fire vehicle purchase and maintenance, split cost with County for the Captains at Station No. 76, maintenance reserve engines, purpose for City purchased equipment, medical truck response times, station personnel in the City, determination of future station locations and street improvements, community programing expansion, and CalFire and Riverside County contract term and renewal. Menifee Businessman Kassen Klein inquired about the reserve location for replacement equipment and the new proposed Fire Station No. 5. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring noted that the City Council received emailed correspondence from resident Rick Croy. 5.ADJOURN Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 5:49 PM. Sarah A. Manwaring, MMC City Clerk Item Title:9.1 September 8,2021 Special City Council Minutes Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 7 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 1 of 12 City Council Chambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Bob Karwin, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobek, District 3 Dean Deines, District 4 MINUTES Menifee City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 15, 2021 5:00 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk CLOSED SESSION (5:00 PM) Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Present were Councilmembers Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Mayor Pro Tem Sobek, and Mayor Zimmerman. The City Council recessed to Closed Session for the purpose listed below. 1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 1 Potential Case REGULAR MEETING (6:00 PM) 1.CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching stated there was no reportable action from Closed Session. 2.ROLL CALL Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman Absent: None 3.WORDS OF INSPIRATION Pastor Charles Wolfe with Rockridge Church Menifee provided the words of inspiration. 4.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dr. Jonathan Greenberg led the flag salute. Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 8 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 2 of 12 5.PRESENTATIONS 5.2 Recognition of PRTC Commissioner Rick Croy The City Council honored outgoing Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commissioner Rick Croy for his years of dedication to the community. The City Council presented him with a proclamation for his service on the Commission and wished him all the best in his retirement. Mr. Croy stated his appreciation for the community and encouraged residents to get involved. He thanked the Council for their support and well wishes. 5.2 Outstanding Citizen of the Month – Nina Medina Although Nina Medina could not be in attendance, Councilmember Liesemeyer spoke of her service to the community and recognized her as September’s Outstanding Citizen of the Month. 5.2 Business Spotlight – Nothing Bundt Cakes Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez introduced Nothing Bundt Cakes as the September Business Spotlight and presented the award to Carol Badal. The City Council thanked Ms. Badal for her service to the community. Ms. Badal thanked the Council and community for their support. 5.2 Community Services Department Update Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks introduced Community Services Manager Mariana Mitchell and Management Analyst II Kori Jones. Ms. Mitchell and Ms. Jones reported on the recreation programs and park ranger activity; special events; Clean Air Day; solid waste and recycling; and the Menifee Clean Air Month events. Staff stated there would be a Bulky Item Drop Off on November 13, 2021 at Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC). Councilmember Karwin stated clarification of the food distribution times and the amount of food available, so that residents don’t arrive early and wait longer than necessary. Mayor Pro Tem Sobek stated she would like to recognize the Youth Leaders of Menifee. Mayor Zimmerman introduced a tribute video showcasing Riverside County cities that held a September 11 Memorial event. 6.AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated there was a request to move Item No. 12.1 prior to Item No. 10. The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) as modified. Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 9 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 3 of 12 7.PUBLIC COMMENTS (NON­AGENDA ITEMS) Jonathan Greenberg commented on the Community Cupboard and thanked the City for their supported. Community Cupboard Executive Director Dawn Smith provided an overview of the program. Charles Wolfe, Menifee resident, discussed concerns with mask and vaccine mandates. 8.COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS Councilmember Karwin reported on the meetings and events he attended. Menifee’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony Sun City Farmers Market Rotary Club Meeting Councilmember Liesemeyer reported on the meeting and event he attended. Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Meeting Menifee’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony Councilmember Deines reported on the meetings and events he attended. Veterans Fair at Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) Student of the Month Menifee’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony Mayor Pro Tem Sobek reported on the meetings and events she attended. Meeting with Supervisor Jeff Hewitt Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commission Meeting Menifee Interfaith and Community Service Council Watched the Chat with the City Manager Menifee’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority Meetings Mayor Zimmerman stated the marines who lost their lives in the Kabul terrorist attack on August 26, 2021, were coming home to Camp Pendleton that evening and that police officers and fire personnel will be located on the McCall overpass to salute them as they drove by. Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he attended. Meeting with Supervisor Jeff Hewitt Parks, Recreation, and Trails Commission Meeting Veterans Fair at MSJC Menifee Interfaith and Community Service Council Salt Creek Mural Committee MSJC Collaborative Meeting The Oasis Home Owners Association (HOA) Board Meeting Rotary Club Meeting Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 10 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 4 of 12 Sun City Farmers Market Opening Day Ceremony for Girls Softball Menifee’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Meeting Mayor Zimmerman announced that there would be a historical program at Antelope Menifee Rural Center on Saturday, September 18, 2021, and on Saturday, September 25, 2021, the Mott’s Big Barn Car Show would take place. 9.APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1 September 1, 2021 City Council Minutes The minutes were approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications. 12.1 Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission Appointment Mayor Pro Tem Lesa Sobek introduced the new Parks, Recreation and Trails Commissioner, David Foust. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Foust. ACTION 1.Mayor Pro Tem Sobek appointed David Foust to the Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission; and 2.City Clerk administered the Oath of Office. 10.CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Karwin requested to pull Item No. 10.15. Councilmember Liesemeyer required to pull Item Nos. 10.05, 10.9, 10.18, and 10.19. The balance of the consent calendar was approved by the following vote. ACTION MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.1 Waiver of Reading ACTION 1.Waived the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provided that they be read by title only. Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 11 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 5 of 12 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.2 Proclamations for the Month of October 2021 ACTION 1. Proclaimed September 17-23 as Constitution Week; and 2. Proclaimed October 1, 2021 as Manufacturing Day; and 3. Proclaimed October 2021 as Clean Air Month; and 4. Proclaimed October 2021 as Cybersecurity Awareness Month. 10.3 Warrant Register ACTION 1. Ratified and approved the Voucher Lists dated 8/13/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 8/02/2021, 8/03/2021, 8/05/2021, 8/06/2021, 8/09/2021, 8/19/2021, and 8/20/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $4,056,400.73. 10.4 Public Safety Reporting Resolution ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1062, formalizing Public Safety Reporting. 10.5 Public Safety Reports Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about including the historical data in the future in order to show trends. City Manager Armando Villa stated the historical data would be provided during the quarterly report presentations to Council. Mayor Pro Tem Sobek requested false alarm information be added to the monthly report. ACTION 1. Received and filed. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek 10.6 California Intergovernmental Risk Authority (CIRA) Alternate Representative Appointment ACTION 1. Approved Resolution No. 21-1063, appointing the Deputy Human Resources Director as an alternate representative and allowing that representative to vote at the California Intergovernmental Risk Authority (CIRA) board meetings on behalf of the City. Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 12 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 6 of 12 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None 10.7 Memorandum of Understanding with the American Red Cross ACTION 1. Approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the American Red Cross and the City of Menifee to assist individuals and families impacted by disasters and to provide other humanitarian services 10.8 Coalition for Clean Air Microgrant ACTION 1. Accepted the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Clean Air Day Microgrant for Menifee Clean Air events in the amount of $500; and 2. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1064, appropriating $500 in revenue and expenditures, for Menifee’s Clean Air events and activities; and 3. Authorized the City Manager or his designee to execute all necessary agreements and other grant related documents thereof to receive the Coalition for Clean Air Microgrant. 10.9 Environmental Review Guidelines Update Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about the City’s liability with traffic studies completed by City staff, and the Request for Proposal (RFP) and peer review process. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching, Public Works Director Nick Fidler, and Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow provided clarification. Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about the language in section five, subsection C regarding the applicants’ ability to choose a consultant and the peer review process. Ms. Kitzerow stated if it was the Council’s direction, language could be added to state that applicants are free and willing to hire consultants on the City’s pre-approved list and will not incur a 15% administrative change. The City Council provided consensus for the modification. Councilmember Liesemeyer requested that communication from staff to developers be clearer. Mayor Pro Tem Sobek noted correspondence received by Ron Sullivan stating his support of the item and thanking staff for their work. ACTION 1.Adopted Resolution No. 21-1073, updating the City of Menifee Environmental Review Guidelines; and 2.Authorized the City Manager to execute agreements with approved environmental firms to provide on call environmental and planning consulting services for privately funded development projects. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Dean Deines Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 13 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 7 of 12 10.10 Menifee Police Department Patrol Vehicle Disinfecting Robots Purchase ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a Purchase Order with Command Sourcing, Inc. (micro UVC disinfecting robots) in the total amount of $9,998.61 to be funded with American Rescue Plan funds; and 2. Exempt the purchase from competitive bidding pursuant to Menifee Municipal Code section 3.12.070(A)(7) and (A)(8) as a unique commodity that can only be obtained from one vendor (proprietary equipment). 10.11 Community Facilities District No. 2021-2, Sumac Ridge Resolutions of Intention ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1066, establishing Community Facilities District No. 2021-2 (Sumac Ridge) of the City of Menifee, located north of Scott Road, at the intersection of Lindenberger Road, to authorize the levy of a special tax to pay the costs of acquiring or constructing certain facilities and to pay debt service on bonded indebtedness; and 2. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1067, incurring bonded indebtedness in an amount not-to-exceed $15,000,000 within proposed Community Facilities District No. 2021-2 (Sumac Ridge) of the City of Menifee and set the public hearing for November 3, 2021. 10.12 Community Facilities District No. 2017-1, Annexation No. 6, Sumac Ridge Resolution of Intention ACTION 1. Accepted the Petition of Meritage Homes of California, Inc., a California corporation, Tentative Tract Map No. 37668, located north of Scott Road at the intersection of Lindenberger Road, to annex into Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) (“CFD No. 2017-1” or “CFD”) as Annexation Area No. 6; and 2. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1068, adding Annexation Area No. 6 into CFD No. 2017-1, to authorize the levy of special tax therein to finance certain maintenance services, and to set a public hearing for November 3, 2021. 10.13 Kimley-Horn and Associates Agreement for Design Services of Traffic Signals at Antelope Road and the Mount San Jacinto College Entrance ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley Horn and Associates for Capital Improvement Project No. 22-15 in an amount not-to-exceed $45,186. 10.14 Agreement with R.J. Noble Company, for McCall Boulevard Resurfacing ACTION 1. Awarded the bid and authorized the City Manager to execute an Owner-Contractor Agreement with R.J. Noble Company for CIP No. 21-13, McCall Boulevard Resurfacing, in the amount of $1,232,866.50; and 2. Authorized the City Manager to execute change orders(s) for unanticipated expenditures required to execute the construction of the project, in an amount Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 14 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 8 of 12 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None not-to-exceed 10% of the contract amount or $123,286.65; and 3. Approved Resolution Nos. 21-1069, 21-1070, 21-1071, and 21-1072, carrying forward CIP 21-13 McCall Blvd Resurfacing Project budget from Fiscal Year 2020-2021 into the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget; and 4. Authorized the City Manager to execute the Utility Relocation Agreement between the City of Menifee and Eastern Municipal Water District for reimbursement of costs related to the relocation of water facilities for McCall Blvd Resurfacing. 10.15 NV5, Inc. Amendment No. 5, Bradley Bridge Over Salt Creek Councilmember Karwin inquired about the timeline for Bradly Bridge and the reason the bridge and the trail were not planned for alignment in 2019. Public Works Director Nick Fidler and City Manager Armando Villa provided clarification. The City Council inquired about a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) study and if the trail would go over or under the bridge. Mr. Fidler provided clarification. Councilmember Karwin expressed the importance of forward thinking. ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 5 to the Professional Services Agreement with NV5, Inc., for Capital Improvement Project No. 13-04, extending the term of service through June 30, 2023 and providing funding for additional services in the amount of $187,950. MOVER: Bob Karwin SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer 10.16 Public Improvements, Security Bond Reduction and Release for Tract 32934, Boulder View Estates, Gordon R. Hanshaw ACTION 1. Accepted Public Improvements for Road and Drainage, Water, Recycled Water and Sewer in Tract 32934, located at the southeast corner of La Piedra and Phoebe Road; and 2. Approved of the 90% reduction of the original bonds for Road and Drainage, Water, Recycled Water, and Sewer Improvements; and 3. Approved of the release of the Subdivision Monument Bond. 10.17 Final Map and Agreements for Tract Map 37400, Sagewood by DR Horton ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute the Security Improvement Agreements for Onsite Road, Drainage, Water, Recycled Water, and Sewer Systems to guarantee completion of required improvements associated with Tract 37400, located at the southwest corner of Barnett Road and McLaughlin Road; and 2. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute the Security Improvement Agreements for Offsite Road, Drainage, Water and Recycled Water Systems to Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 15 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 9 of 12 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None AYES: Deines, Karwin, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: Liesemeyer guarantee completion of required improvements associated with Tract 37400; and 3. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute the Security Improvement Agreements to guarantee completion of required regional flood control improvements associated with Tract 37400; and 4. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a Security Improvement Agreement for Placement of Monuments for Tract 37400; and 5. Approved and authorized filing of the final map for Tract 37400. 10.18 Kimley-Horn & Associates Agreement, Garbani Road / I-215 Interchange Councilmember Liesemeyer inquired about the cost discrepancy between the two bidders. Public Works Director Nick Fidler provided clarification. ACTION 1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn & Associates (Kimley-Horn) in an amount not-to- exceed $570,264.16, to provide the Project Initiation Document for Capital Improvement Project No. 20-05. MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer SECONDER: Lesa Sobek 10.19 Tract Map 29636, Calder Ranch, Settlement Agreement and Bond Release Councilmember Liesemeyer stated he recused himself because he lives in the community. ACTION 1.Released the security bonds for drainage, flood control, water, and sewer for Tract Map (TM) 29636, (Calder Ranch); and 2.Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute the associated settlement agreement. MOVER: Bill Zimmerman SECONDER: Dean Deines 10.20 Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance to Levy Special Taxes – Community Facilities District No. 2017-1, Annexation No. 9 ACTION 1. Adopted Ordinance No. 21-326, amending Ordinance No. 17-231 and levying special taxes to be collected during Fiscal Year 2021-22 to pay the annual costs of the maintenance and servicing of street lights, parks, parkways, streets, roads, and open space, the operation and maintenance of storm drainage systems, a Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 16 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 10 of 12 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None reserve fund for capital replacement, and administrative expenses with respect to City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services), Annexation No. 9, Sagewood for D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 11.1 2020/2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for the Community Development Block Grant Program Sr. Management Analyst Edna Lebron provided a presentation and reported on the overview of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER); Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); public services; Minor Home Rehabilitation Grant Program (MHRGP); Phase II Romoland Sidewalk/Street Improvements; Program Year 2020/2021 CDBG-Corona Virus (CV) Statistics; and the recommended action. Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 7:52 PM. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated the public hearing was legally noticed and there were no public comments. Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 7:53 PM. ACTION 1. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1074, approving the 2020/2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) and authorize staff to submit the CAPER to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS 12.1 This item was moved prior to Item 10 during agenda approval. 12.2 Agreement for Fire Services City Manager Armando Villa introduced Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton to present the item. Ms. Clayton provided a presentation and reported on the agreement with CalFire and Riverside County, CalFire and the County of Riverside’s partnership; contract effective dates; history of contract costs; Fiscal Year 2021/22 fire services; and staff’s recommended action. The City Council inquired about the three-year contract, which extended passed CalFire’s and the County of Riverside’s contract, cost increases, and the City’s termination options. CalFire Chief Bill Weiser and Ms. Clayton provided reassurance that the City would have fire services. ACTION 1.Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute the Cooperative Agreement to Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 17 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 11 of 12 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None provide fire protection, fire prevention, rescue and emergency medical services for the City of Menifee from November 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024; and 2.Approved Resolution No. 21-1075, to increase the Fire Professional Services expenditure account. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Dean Deines 12.3 Introduction to the 2021 Redistricting Process Andrew Westall, owner of Bear Demographics and Research, provided a presentation and reported on the Redistricting Laws; Menifee Municipal Code; Equal Population Principle; Traditional Redistricting Criteria; Equal Protection Clause; the Federal Voting Rights Act; and the 2021-2022 timeline of meeting and workshops. 12.4 Fund Balance Policy for the General Fund Deputy Finance Director Wendy Preece provided a presentation and reported on the current policy reserves; current committed and assigned reserves; optional reserve totals; reserve level comparison; available fund balance after reserves; and staff’s recommended action. The City Council inquired about the City’s surplus in the available fund balance, and purpose for reserve increase. Assistant City Manager Rochelle Clayton, City Manager Armando Villa and Ms. Preece provided clarification. ACTION 1.Adopted Resolution No. 21-1076, modifying the Fund Balance Policy reserve requirements for Fiscal Year 2021/22 to 12.5% Committed Fund Balance, 12.5% Assigned Fund Balance and 10% Unassigned Fund Balance, for a total of 35%; and 2.Approved the revised Fund Balance Policy, CC-07. MOVER: Dean Deines SECONDER: Lesa Sobek 12.5 Standard Contingency to Construction and Professional Services Agreements Public Works Director Nick Fidler provided a presentation and reported on the Menifee Municipal Code; change orders; industry best practice; current contingency practices; and Council options. Councilmember Liesemeyer requested that the contingency amount be left unidentified in the contracts. Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 18 of 295 Menifee Mayor and City Council September 15, 2021 Page 12 of 12 AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman NAYS: None RECUSE: None Mayor Pro Tem Sobek spoke in favor of not including a 10% contingency on professional service agreements. Mayor Zimmerman stated he agreed with not including a 10% contingency on professional service agreements. The Mayor also requested a quarterly report for all change orders approved by the City Manager as a receive and file item on the Consent Calendar. The City Council provided consensus for a quarterly report. Councilmember Deines inquired about the increase to the change order amount. Mr. Fidler provided clarification. Councilmember Karwin spoke in favor of the proposed increase in the change order dollar amount of $50,000 and not including the contingency amount in the contract. ACTION The City Council provided consent to update the municipal code to authorize the City Manager to execute change orders for construction agreements in increments of up to $50,000 and to remove contingencies from professional service agreements and authorize the City Manager to execute change orders. MOVER: Lesa Sobek SECONDER: Bob Karwin 13. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS None. 14. CITY MANAGER REPORTS None. 15. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS Councilmember Deines requested a report on options for appropriating surplus fund balance. Mayor Zimmerman seconded the request. Mayor Pro Tem Sobek requested a discussion item for next fiscal year to establish a Citizen’s Academy. Councilmember Liesemeyer seconded the request. 16. ADJOURN Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 9:22 PM. Sarah A. Manwaring, MMC City Clerk Item Title:9.2 September 15,2021 City Council Minutes Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 19 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Warrant Register MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Ann-Marie Etienne, Financial Services Manager REVIEWED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Ratify and approve the Voucher Lists dated 8/27/2021 and 9/10/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 8/25/2021, 9/02/2021 and 9/03/2021, and the Void Check Listing PE 8/31/2021 which have a total budgetary impact of $6,719,886.04. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 3.16.050 requires that the City Council audit payments of demands and directs the City Manager to issue checks. The attached Voucher List and all corresponding invoices have been reviewed and approved for accuracy by the Financial Services Manager and by the Deputy Finance Director. Voucher Lists dated 8/27/2021 and 9/10/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 8/25/2021, 9/02/2021 and 9/03/2021, and the Void Check Listing PE 8/31/2021 have a total budgetary impact of $6,719,886.04. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government FISCAL IMPACT As indicated above, Voucher Lists dated 8/27/2021 and 9/10/2021, the Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 8/25/2021, 9/02/2021 and 9/03/2021, and the Void Check Listing PE 8/31/2021 have a total budgetary impact of $6,719,886.04, which is included in the FY20/21 and FY21/22 budgets. ATTACHMENTS 1. Voucher List dated 8/27/2021 2. Voucher List dated 9/10/2021 Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 20 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Warrant Register October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 7 1 1 3. Payroll Register/Other EFT’s dated 10/6/2021 4. Void Check Listing JUL’21 5. Voucher CC Details 8/27/2021 6. Voucher CC Details 9/10/2021 Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 21 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 1 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 49886 8/27/2021 00748 4IMPRINT, INC.21363077 MENIFEE PD SUPPLIES 1,672.02 1,991.23PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS FOR CITY MANAGER'S8954222 211.63PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS FOR CITY MANAGER'S9151396 Total : 3,874.88 49887 8/27/2021 00851 ACCELA, INC.INV-ACC54319 03412 FY21/22 ACCELA LICENSES 122,280.75 Total : 122,280.75 49888 8/27/2021 01889 ADLERHORST INTERNATIONAL LLC 107004 MENIFEE PD K-9 EQUIPMENT 80.81 Total : 80.81 49889 8/27/2021 02167 ALL MAGIC M.V. INC 3489 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#20-15) 1,418.23 Total : 1,418.23 49890 8/27/2021 01438 ALTA LANGUAGE SERVICES, INC IS542474 EMPLOYEE BILINGUAL TEST 198.00 Total : 198.00 49891 8/27/2021 01252 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC.13DM-37FQ-3131 P/W MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 521.23 301.56STANDUP DESKS13DM-37FQ-3C3R 355.56IT SUPPLIES13HD-LR17-MNVC 97.86MENIFEE PD SUPPLIES14K6-QRNW-47TH 36.95COMMUNITY SVCS SUPPLIES163D-CPQT-9QVC 104.25COMMUNITY SVCS EVENT SUPPLIES166L-16VM-3RPJ 57.39IT SUPPLIES16NF-WYGM-3WNX 67.36MENIFEE PD SUPPLIES16TF-C4FP-1DLM 153.15COMMUNITY SVCS EVENT SUPPLIES17GG-QTPG-3Y6H 159.43COMMUNITY SVCS SUPPLIES17JK-GMGL-LRV9 129.20COMMUNITY SVCS SUPPLIES17MD-XJXK-WPGH 94.96MENIFEE PD SUPPLIES1C17-1V7D-9YCC 180.50IT SUPPLIES1CCN-3GRC-91LV 1,217.78MENIFEE PD VOLUNTEER SUPPLIES1DCL-QW6Y-4KP4 615.53P/W SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIP1DKD-GT13-PHCK 100.00COMM SVCS SUPPLIES1F9W-97RN-LLNP 44.90COMMUNITY SVCS OFFICE SUPPLIES1GH9-QHTN-C93P 161.25COMMUNITY SVCS SUPPLIES1GH9-QHTN-LRMG 89.60COVID-19 SUPPLIES1GXY-LTG9-K6XW 1Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 22 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 2 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 49891 8/27/2021 (Continued)01252 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. 339.15IT SUPPLIES1HKQ-HWTK-C1C1 40.23COMM SVCS SUPPLIES1HWT-YLNW-D9XP 34.76OFFICE SUPPLIES1JR3-QJ1M-D1PK 779.68COMM SVCS SUPPLIES1JYR-DGDK-41R4 119.27IT SUPPLIES1KGX-VXMD-3XMK -652.45MENIFEE PD SUPPLIES1L63-XVH6-TK1G 71.76SUPPLIES FOR SENIOR MEALS1LTP-9JXP-67GM 119.61MENIFEE PD SUPPLIES1NQ4-HX73-KM6V 30.98COMMUNITY SVCS SUPPLIES1NQY-RWXT-CMG3 336.57COMMUNITY SVCS EVENT SUPPLIES1NQY-RWXT-GDNL 129.70MENIFEE PD SMALL TOOLS AND FIELD EQUIPME1P69-MNVK-V4MV 163.12MENIFEE PD K9 SUPPLIES1Q3F-MTC1-6G3P 394.15MENIFEE PD VOLUNTEER SUPPLIES1QPF-DXFM-CC4X 203.02FLEET SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIPMENT1RK9-XPFF-4DVD 545.65FLEET SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIPMENT1T71-HRDJ-7L1G 165.09SWEET TEAM SUPPLIES1WP4-WCLD-YYDQ 85.85FLEET SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP1WY3-NW6L-31K3 Total : 7,394.60 49892 8/27/2021 01252 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC.16WM-CN1N-3P6R MENIFEE PD OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.54 16.40MENIFEE PD OFFICE SUPPLIES1GHC-964P-YTYJ 27.63IT SUPPLIES1HVX-H7QP-9PG1 16.12SWEET TEAM SUPPLIES1HWT-1WXL-9QC4 16.26COMM SVCS SUPPLIES1VTN-GMY6-JP7M 23.89COMMUNITY SVCS SUPPLIES1XPD-4FYR-9N17 Total : 112.84 49893 8/27/2021 00123 AMBER MANAGEMENT, LLC SEPT'21 SEPT'21 CITY HALL MONTHLY RENT 46,134.04 29,431.16SEPT'21 PD HEADQUARTERS MONTHLY RENTSEPT'21 Total : 75,565.20 49894 8/27/2021 01451 ANGELES PARTY RENTALS 5817 CHAIRS FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY EVENT 314.00 Total : 314.00 49895 8/27/2021 01762 ANSER ADVISORY, LLC 1544R 02382 JAN'21 CIP 16-07 CITYWIDE TRAFFIC SIGNA 2,892.76 2Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 23 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 3 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 2,892.76 49895 8/27/2021 01762 01762 ANSER ADVISORY, LLC 49896 8/27/2021 02132 ARQUI300 LLC 2021127202 03248 3D RENDERS & MOVIES FOR CITY OF MENIFEE 14,400.00 Total : 14,400.00 49897 8/27/2021 01841 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC SI-1737868 02576 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT (BODY WORK CAM 25,512.75 03420 165,865.50FY21/22 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENTSI-1737868-1 Total : 191,378.25 49898 8/27/2021 01894 BADGE FRAME, INC 37576 MENIFEE PD BADGE DESIGN 1,919.63 Total : 1,919.63 49899 8/27/2021 01742 BEEGUYTRAVIS 1224 2015-2 CITYWIDE PARKS FACILITY MAINTENAN 395.00 395.00CSA 145 FACILITY MAINTENANCE1240 Total : 790.00 49900 8/27/2021 01156 BIG EAR AUDIO LLC 00001735 03388 SOUND FOR MOONLIGHT MARKET EVENT 2,400.00 03389 2,400.00SOUND FOR MOONLIGHT MARKET EVENT00001736 Total : 4,800.00 49901 8/27/2021 01272 BOOT BARN INC.INV00120459 FIELD STAFF BOOTS 200.00 Total : 200.00 49902 8/27/2021 00184 BUXTON COMPANY 052734 03279 BUXTON FOR SCOUT PLATFORM 25,000.00 03279 10,000.00BUXTON FOR SCOUT PLATFORM052737 Total : 35,000.00 49903 8/27/2021 02111 CANNON DESIGN 213636 03168 CIP 21-04 NEW FIRE STATION 5 ARCHITECTUR 9,508.68 Total : 9,508.68 49904 8/27/2021 01374 CIVILPROS COM_1002_202106 02109 JUN'21 CIP 20-01 SCOTT/BUNDY CANYON ROAD 18,221.63 Total : 18,221.63 49905 8/27/2021 00868 COMPLETE PAPERLESS SOLUTIONS,, LLC 3410 03375 FY21/22 LASERFICHE ANNUAL LICENSE RENEWA 26,292.00 Total : 26,292.00 49906 8/27/2021 00776 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS, LLC 82091288 JUL'21 CORELOGIC LICENSING 316.50 3Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 24 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 4 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 316.50 49906 8/27/2021 00776 00776 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS, LLC 49907 8/27/2021 01210 CORKY'S PEST CONTROL 2777193 AMR PEST CONTROL SVCS 75.00 Total : 75.00 49908 8/27/2021 02158 CRAYON SOFTWARE EXPERTS LLC 3053191 03300 SOFTWARE AGREEMENT FOR CITY OF MENIFEE: 99,970.26 Total : 99,970.26 49909 8/27/2021 00881 D.R. BECHTER CONSULTING INC.14-002-345 02590 JUL'21 ON-CALL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION S 8,525.00 02590 9,240.00JUL'21 ON-CALL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION S14-002-346 02590 12,760.00AUG'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE CONSTRUCTION14-002-347 Total : 30,525.00 49910 8/27/2021 00453 DENNIS JANDA, INC.14781 JUN'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING S 3,635.00 02617 Total : 3,635.00 49911 8/27/2021 00272 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SVC 0003344812 RESTROOMS FOR NOVA PARK MOVIES IN THE PA 295.60 Total : 295.60 49912 8/27/2021 01988 DIVERSIFIED DISTRIBUTION 20011451 FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 137.02 Total : 137.02 49913 8/27/2021 00080 DOCU-TRUST 043844 DOC STORAGE & RETRIEVAL SVCS 744.35 Total : 744.35 49914 8/27/2021 02104 DOKKEN ENGINEERING 39272 03236 JUN'21 CIP 14-01 MCCALL BOULEVARD & I-21 79,740.12 Total : 79,740.12 49915 8/27/2021 00841 DUDEK 13587 02619 JUN'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE CONSTRUCTION 3,025.00 Total : 3,025.00 49916 8/27/2021 02154 EAN SERVICES, LLC 27530978 MENIFEE PD CAR RENTAL 104.18 Total : 104.18 49917 8/27/2021 00731 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST FBN4274699 03367 AUG'21 MENIFEE PD & CS VEHICLE LEASES 5,283.87 Total : 5,283.87 4Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 25 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 5 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 49918 8/27/2021 00912 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 94072429 03096 CITY OF MENIFEE: ARCGIS ENTERPRISE JUMPS 15,000.00 Total : 15,000.00 49919 8/27/2021 00733 FULLER TRUCK ACCESSORIES W 70994 COMM SVCS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (VEH#615) 1,631.25 Total : 1,631.25 49920 8/27/2021 00805 GARY F. HOYT LANDSCAPE CP-2443A 02620 JAN'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING S 2,200.00 02620 990.00FEB'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERINGCP-2444A 02620 2,750.00MAR'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING SCP-2446A 02620 4,620.00APR'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING SCP-2447A 02620 4,455.00MAY'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERINGCP-2449A 02620 5,060.00MAY'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING SCP-2449B 02605 6,160.00JUN'21 LANDSCAPE DESIGN & INSPECTION SVCCP-2450 02620 5,720.00JUN'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING SCP-2451 Total : 31,955.00 49921 8/27/2021 02129 GRACIELA VERDUZCO 8/20/21 SEP'21 SEP'21 LEASE FOR POLICE SUBSTATION 2,030.00 Total : 2,030.00 49922 8/27/2021 02032 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL, PLANNING, INC 109159 03256 JUN'21 CIP 17-01 EVANS PARK CEQA SERVICE 1,430.00 Total : 1,430.00 49923 8/27/2021 01372 JLC ENGINEERING & CONSULTING 65073 MAY'21 NON RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING SERVI 507.50 Total : 507.50 49924 8/27/2021 00840 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.094991009-0621 03004 JUN'21 PROF SVCS FOR MOTTE-RANCON DISTRI 6,527.50 03113 6,300.00JUN'21 LYLE MARSH PERMANENT PRE-FABRICAT19161653 03123 337.50JUN'21 EVANS PARK PERMANENT PRE-FABRICAT19161654 03086 5,865.00JUN'21 PROF SVCS FOR INITIAL STUDY/METIG19446225 Total : 19,030.00 49925 8/27/2021 01333 L.C. PAVING & SEALING, INC 15396-03 02884 CIP 20-12 ADAMS AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMEN 51,051.57 Total : 51,051.57 49926 8/27/2021 01851 LEADSONLINE LLC 318856 03406 FY21/22 ELECTRONIC REPORTING & CRIMINAL 5,267.00 Total : 5,267.00 49927 8/27/2021 00790 LEIGHTON CONSULTING, INC.44686 03426 FEB-MAR'21 CIP 20-12 ADAMS AVENUE STREET 6,199.61 5Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 26 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 6 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 6,199.61 49927 8/27/2021 00790 00790 LEIGHTON CONSULTING, INC. 49928 8/27/2021 01567 LOZANO SMITH LLP 2143264 JUL'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS 137.50 Total : 137.50 49929 8/27/2021 02165 MAP ADVISING 32 03401 CITY OF MENIFEE: JOBS BLUEPRINT 1,383.75 Total : 1,383.75 49930 8/27/2021 01856 MASTER LOCK AND KEY 3129 03428 RE-KEYING OF DOORS 2,771.00 Total : 2,771.00 49931 8/27/2021 01031 MENIFEE VALLEY TAEKWONDO ACADE CK REQ 8/17 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 577.50 Total : 577.50 49932 8/27/2021 01750 MIDSTATE AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT, CO INC 2130078 FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 364.30 Total : 364.30 49933 8/27/2021 01655 MPA, INC 988 03286 FY 21/22 PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND INVESTI 3,375.00 Total : 3,375.00 49934 8/27/2021 01514 MULLIN360 LLC 43 02864 REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT SERVICES- AUTO PA 10,000.00 Total : 10,000.00 49935 8/27/2021 02074 MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING, LLC 184592-4 RETENTION FOR CIP 20-09 CENTENNIAL PARK 37,096.31 Total : 37,096.31 49936 8/27/2021 01576 MYERS & SONS HI-WAY SAFETY 118805 03340 P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT 6,202.75 Total : 6,202.75 49937 8/27/2021 00706 NPG ASPHALT 20394 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 527.98 1,933.04P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES20395 240.01P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES20410 127.15P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES20442 241.58P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES20475 519.09P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES20510 824.29P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES20511 115.83P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES20566 6Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 27 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 7 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 4,528.97 49937 8/27/2021 00706 00706 NPG ASPHALT 49938 8/27/2021 01761 P.L. PERRIN & ASSOCIATES 21-13 03285 PD POLYGRAPH SVCS 270.00 03285 1,080.00PD POLYGRAPH SVCS21-14 Total : 1,350.00 49939 8/27/2021 00716 PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES, INC INV-00166320 03393 JUL'21 PD HQ LOCKER ROOMS & LEASE 3,120.05 03393 3,110.26JUL'21 PD HQ LOCKER ROOMS & LEASEINV-00166321 03393 3,120.05AUG'21 PD HQ LOCKER ROOMS & LEASEINV-00172345 03393 3,110.26AUG'21 PD HQ LOCKER ROOMS & LEASEINV-00172346 Total : 12,460.62 49940 8/27/2021 01160 PAYPRO ADMINISTRATORS PPC-225021 JUL'21 COBRA INSURANCE 65.00 Total : 65.00 49941 8/27/2021 00938 PETTIT 15184 02626 NOV'20 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENG SVCS (LAN 840.00 02627 11,165.00APR-JUN'21 NON RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING S15185 02626 14,700.00JAN-JUN'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERI15186 02626 1,620.00JAN-JUN'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERI15187 Total : 28,325.00 49942 8/27/2021 01807 PINNACLE TRAINING SYSTEMS 8012 03419 MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT HEALTH AND WEL 26,126.10 Total : 26,126.10 49943 8/27/2021 01212 R.J. NOBLE COMPANY 195456 03408 P/W MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2,332.28 138.72P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES196451 103.91P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES196819 128.64P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES197599 Total : 2,703.55 49944 8/27/2021 00360 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIT0000004968 03237 FY20/21 ON-CALL AS-NEEDED AV SYSTEM SUPP 386.80 Total : 386.80 49945 8/27/2021 00242 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, TLMA ADMINISTRATION TL0000015624 NOV'20 SLF MONTHLY COST 23,699.37 17,151.74APR'21 SLF MONTHLY COSTTL0000015853 23,992.46MAY'21 SLF MONTHLY COSTTL0000015888 Total : 64,843.57 7Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 28 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 8 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 49946 8/27/2021 01869 RSM DESIGN 22025 02510 CITYWIDE SIGNAGE PROGRAM- PHASE I, II & 190.96 Total : 190.96 49947 8/27/2021 00962 RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP 893674 JAN-FEB'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS 47,556.59 15,557.00MAR'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS897315 851.00MAR'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS899624 230.00APR'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS900084 15,498.00APR'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS900409 8,055.25APR'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS900518 4,699.50MAY'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS900964 19,892.39MAY'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS900965 9,204.00JUN'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS901453 25,550.00JUN'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS901454 1,840.00JUN'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS901465 2,369.00MAY'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS903226 Total : 151,302.73 49948 8/27/2021 02155 SAFE USA INC.750 03258 FY 20/21 AUDIE MURPHY RANCH (AMR) CRACK 87,699.14 Total : 87,699.14 49949 8/27/2021 01923 SAFETY COMPLIANCE COMPANY 199956 SAFETY COMPLIANCE TRAINING 350.00 Total : 350.00 49950 8/27/2021 00596 SATCOM DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS 7416381 JUL'21 EMERGENCY SATELLITE PHONE SVC 54.25 54.25JUL'21 EMERGENCY SATELLITE PHONE SVC7416382 54.25JUL'21 EMERGENCY SATELLITE PHONE SVC7416383 54.25JUL'21 EMERGENCY SATELLITE PHONE SVC7416384 54.25JUL'21 EMERGENCY SATELLITE PHONE SVC7416385 Total : 271.25 49951 8/27/2021 01318 SEARLE CREATIVE GROUP LLC 21714-ED 03209 CONSULTANT ASSISTANT WITH STREAMLINING 6,500.00 03363 3,600.00CAMPAIGN TO ATTRACT OFFICE SPACE DEVELOP21761-ED Total : 10,100.00 49952 8/27/2021 01892 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610277543 03120 STREETLIGHT RETROFIT 2ND TRUE UP 7,262.02 Total : 7,262.02 49953 8/27/2021 01845 SPEAKWRITE LLC 327AFB3B 03344 MENIFEE PD AS NEEDED DICTATION SERVICES 1,148.23 8Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 29 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 9 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,148.23 49953 8/27/2021 01845 01845 SPEAKWRITE LLC 49954 8/27/2021 01582 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION, OF AMERICA 70126247 TRANSPORTATION FOR SUMMER FIELD TRIPS 437.75 437.75TRANSPORTATION FOR SUMMER FIELD TRIPS70126372 785.38TRANSPORTATION FOR SUMMER FIELD TRIPS70126644 592.25TRANSPORTATION FOR SUMMER FIELD TRIPS70126714 515.00TRANSPORTATION FOR SUMMER FIELD TRIPS70127201 Total : 2,768.13 49955 8/27/2021 01695 SUSAN SAXE-CLIFFORD 21-0715-2 03284 MENIFEE PD PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION SVCS 425.00 Total : 425.00 49956 8/27/2021 00914 SWANK MOTION PICTURES, INC.DB 3045226 MOVIE LICENSES FOR MOVIES IN THE PARK 685.00 685.00MOVIE LICENSES FOR MOVIES IN THE PARKDB 3048035 685.00MOVIE LICENSE FOR FAMILY CAMP OUT EVENTDB 3057159 Total : 2,055.00 49957 8/27/2021 01895 THE COUNSELING TEAM, INTERNATIONAL 79795 03416 MENIFEE PD: BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND WELLNE 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 49958 8/27/2021 01449 THE NATELSON DALE GROUP, INC 4150 03206 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) STRATEGI 4,050.00 Total : 4,050.00 49959 8/27/2021 02034 TR DESIGN GROUP INC.4532 02975 CIP 21-03 FIRE STATION#68 IMPROVEMENTS P 5,040.00 Total : 5,040.00 49960 8/27/2021 00741 U.S. BANK CORP. PYMT. SYSTEM **1632 CITY CREDIT CARD CHARGES 3,169.78 402.09CITY CREDIT CARD CHARGES**1678 519.16CITY CREDIT CARD CHARGES**2472 50.49CITY CREDIT CARD CHARGES**9199 497.26CITY CREDIT CARD CHARGES**9739 Total : 4,638.78 49961 8/27/2021 01768 V&V MANUFACTURING, INC 53298 MENIFEE POLICE BADGES 372.67 108.94MENIFEE POLICE BADGES53318 234.67MENIFEE POLICE BADGES53382 Total : 716.28 9Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 30 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 10 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 49962 8/27/2021 01401 VERIZON WIRELESS INV23620364 JUN'21 VEHICLE GPS SERVICE 948.00 Total : 948.00 49963 8/27/2021 01804 VISUAL COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC 15410 03441 CITY OF MENIFEE PAYROLL SOFTWARE SERVICE 17,539.20 Total : 17,539.20 49964 8/27/2021 00298 WEX BANK 73364530 AUG'21 CITY VEHICLE FUEL & MAINT CHARGES 39,059.57 Total : 39,059.57 49965 8/27/2021 01198 WHITE HOUSE SANITATION 0001116402 JUL'21 LAZY CREEK PORTABLE RESTROOM SVCS 201.77 176.34JUL'21 LYLE MARSH PORTABLE RESTROOM SVCS0001116403 201.77AUG'21 LAZY CREEK PORTABLE RESTROOM SVCS0001138926 176.34AUG'21 LYLE MARSH PORTABLE RESTROOM SVCS0001138927 Total : 756.22 49966 8/27/2021 01524 WRIGHT SEPTIC 33188 FIRESTATION #5 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 410.00 Total : 410.00 49967 8/27/2021 01859 2 HOT ACTIVEWEAR & UNIFORMS 2434 MENIFEE PD UNIFORMS 119.55 132.60MENIFEE PD UNIFORMS2451 341.75MENIFEE PD VOLUNTEER UNIFORMS2540 Total : 593.90 49968 8/27/2021 00555 ADAME LANDSCAPING, INC.88656 02779 FY 20/21 IRRIGATION REPAIR SERVICES 2,515.00 Total : 2,515.00 49969 8/27/2021 01795 AIR & HOSE SOURCE, INC 429711 P/W EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 54.95 190.18FLEET EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE430527 61.42P/W VEHICLE MAINTENANCE430661 Total : 306.55 49970 8/27/2021 01596 ALL STAR GLASS, INC.ITA087599 P/W VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 454.60 Total : 454.60 49971 8/27/2021 00744 ALLIED TRAFFIC & EQUIP. RENTAL 83773 P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT 554.63 204.45P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT83817 395.85P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT83822 526.08P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT83843 10Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 31 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 11 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 49971 8/27/2021 (Continued)00744 ALLIED TRAFFIC & EQUIP. RENTAL 1,506.19P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT83858 924.38P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT83859 Total : 4,111.58 49972 8/27/2021 01652 AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE, AMBULANCE SERVICE, INC.CK REQ 8/18 AMR SVCS FOR MOONLIGHT MARKET EVENT 493.00 Total : 493.00 49973 8/27/2021 00365 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC.076432-2174 APA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 727.00 888.00APA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL123672-2174 552.00APA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL214657-2174 470.00APA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL341746-2174 265.00APA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL368785-2174 Total : 2,902.00 49974 8/27/2021 00058 AMERICAN REPROGRAPHICS CO. LLC 10966994 PRINTING SVCS 480.59 233.89PRINTING SVCS10994242 Total : 714.48 49975 8/27/2021 01948 APPLEONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 01-5993396 BLDG & SFTY TEMP EMP SVCS PE 7/24/21 1,020.80 1,020.80BLDG & SFTY TEMP EMP SVCS PE 7/31/2101-6000817 Total : 2,041.60 49976 8/27/2021 01206 BACKFLOW TESTING BY PATRICK 1806 AMR BACKFLOW TESTING 195.00 45.00HIDDEN HILLS BACKFLOW TESTING1807 45.00HIDDEN HILLS BACKFLOW TESTING1808 45.00COMM SVCS BACKFLOW TESTING1809 45.00AMR BACKFLOW TESTING1810 45.00AMR BACKFLOW TESTING1811 45.002015-2 BACKFLOW TESTING1812 45.00COMM SVCS BACKFLOW TESTING1813 Total : 510.00 49977 8/27/2021 01203 BALLET FOLKLORICO, LORENA HANCOCK CK REQ 8/17 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 759.60 Total : 759.60 49978 8/27/2021 02175 BITTITAN, INC E7C6C1E3D3A8F3C5 03374 BITTITAN MIGRATION LICENSES FOR NON-USER 2,866.67 11Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 32 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 12 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 2,866.67 49978 8/27/2021 02175 02175 BITTITAN, INC 49979 8/27/2021 01590 BLUEBEAM, INC.1378248 03278 BLUEBEAM LICENSE RENEWALS 3,470.00 Total : 3,470.00 49980 8/27/2021 01346 BORDIN SEMMER LLP GHC0032331 LEGAL FEES FOR CLAIM # GHC0032331 1,350.50 703.00LEGAL FEES FOR CLAIM # GHC0032331GHC0032331-1 351.50LEGAL FEES FOR CLAIM # GHC0032331GHC0032331-2 425.50LEGAL FEES FOR CLAIM #GHC0032681GHC0032681 Total : 2,830.50 49981 8/27/2021 01098 CAL TRUE VALUE MAY'21 COMM SVCS & P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,296.81 Total : 1,296.81 49982 8/27/2021 00135 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CK REQ 8/16 GREEN FEES QTR ENDING 6/30/21 5,865.30 Total : 5,865.30 49983 8/27/2021 02191 CALIFORNIA INTERGOVERNMENTAL, RISK AUTHORITY (CIRA)INV-1022 21/22 ANNUAL LIABILITY PROGRAM RENEWAL 978,561.00 93,490.77FY 20/21 ANNUAL POLLUTION,PROPERTY,CYBERINV-1074 9,395.75FY21-22 ANNUAL CYBER LIABILITY PROGRAM RINV-1110 Total : 1,081,447.52 49984 8/27/2021 01612 CAZCOM, INC 39644 MENIFEE PD RADIO SUPPLIES 564.14 Total : 564.14 49985 8/27/2021 01836 CI TECHNOLOGIES, INC 3470 03429 IAPRO AND BLUETEAM ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 4,500.00 Total : 4,500.00 49986 8/27/2021 01897 COMPTIA 104581921 03376 COMPTIA GOVERNMENT AGENCY MEMBERSHIP DUE 3,500.00 Total : 3,500.00 49987 8/27/2021 01243 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, AIRPORT, LAND USE COMMISSIONCK REQ 8/18 FEES FOR AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION RVW 1,521.00 Total : 1,521.00 49988 8/27/2021 02083 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, EXECUTIVE OFFICE 2021/01MEN 03007 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (JPA) FOR CITY OF 937.67 03427 85,211.00JUL-SEP'21 ANIMAL SHELTERING SERVICES7/20/21 03427 154,537.00FY21/22 DEBT SERVICE PORTION PAYMENT7/20/21-1 12Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 33 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 13 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 240,685.67 49988 8/27/2021 02083 02083 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, EXECUTIVE OFFICE 49989 8/27/2021 02169 DELTA RESTORATION SERVICES 03328 03328 FIRE STATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 3,993.82 Total : 3,993.82 49990 8/27/2021 00136 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION, DIV OF ADMIN SVCS, ACCTGCK REQ 8/16 SMIP FEES QTR ENDING 6/30/21 17,665.25 Total : 17,665.25 49991 8/27/2021 01178 DIRECTV LLC 004016741X210716 JUL'21 FIRE STATION #7 SATELLITE SVCS 292.24 Total : 292.24 49992 8/27/2021 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST.152572-03 8/4/21 JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS 557.81 2,761.65JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS173168-03 8/4/21 626.51JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS181069-03 8/4/21 212.57MAY21 LLMD ZONE 38 WATER SVCS197480-04 6/3/21 1,359.87JUL'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS204615-02 8/4/21 2,389.08JUL'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS204616-02 8/4/21 662.09JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 37 WATER SVCS209502-03 8/4/21 991.36JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS210877-03 8/4/21 259.52JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 47 WATER SVCS214104-03 8/4/21 421.95JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS217316-03 8/5/21 191.98JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS217318-03 8/5/21 143.95JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS217419-03 8/4/21 531.23JUL'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS226312-03 8/5/21 340.46JUL'21 CSA 145 ROW WATER SVCS229625-03 8/5/21 551.51JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 77 WATER SVCS230227-03 8/5/21 362.27JUL'21 NEWPORT/HAUN STREET MEDIAN WATER234911-01 8/4/21 185.70JUL'21 AMR SPORTS PARK WATER SVCS236607-02 8/5/21 75.25JUL'21 SUN CITY ROW IRRIGATION240219-01 8/4/21 181.44JUL'21 FIRE STATION #7 WATER SVC241468-01 8/4/21 568.79JUL'21 FIRE STATION #7 WATER SVC241469-01 8/4/21 455.62JUL'21 CITY HALL WATER SVCS246366-02 8/4/21 2,160.90JUL'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS246855-02 8/5/21 107.04JUL'21 HIDDEN HILLS PARK RESTROOM WATER247007-02 8/5/21 104.88JUL'21 CENTRAL PARK WATER SVCS250203-02 8/5/21 146.96JUL'21 CFD 2015-2 ANNEXATION 34 ZONE 34250899-02 8/5/21 1,541.25JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS71416-03 8/4/21 13Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 34 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 14 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 49992 8/27/2021 (Continued)00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST. 389.60JUN'21 WATER SVCS SENIOR CENTER81456-03 7/6/21 566.40JUL'21 WATER SVCS SENIOR CENTER81456-03 8/4/21 301.31JUL'21 CSA 33 WATER SVCS8792-03 8/6/21 112.81JUL'21 RANCHO RAMONA PARK WATER SVCS8913-02 8/6/21 101.50JUL'21 CSA 33 WATER SVCS8914-3 8/12/21 133.11JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS94084-03 8/5/21 72.32JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS95841-03 8/5/21 5,848.59JUL'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS95843-03 8/5/21 372.94JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS96356-03 8/5/21 148.19JUN'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS99479-03 8/5/21 Total : 25,938.41 49993 8/27/2021 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST.100891-03 8/5/21 JUL'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS 17.40 26.24JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS152855-03 8/5/2021 61.48JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS155944-03 8/5/21 26.24JUL'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS169064-03 8/5/21 23.68JUL'21 WATER SVC NORTH ANNEX232844-02 8/4/21 60.67JUL'21 BRADLEY RD ROW WATER SVCS234982-02 8/4/21 42.88JUL'21 FIRE STATION #7 WATER SVCS240865-01 8/4/21 19.20JUL'21 CREEK VIEW PARK WATER SVCS245515-02 8/5/21 53.68JUL'21 CSA 145 WATER SVC246112-02 8/5/21 17.40JUL'21 HIDDEN HILLS PARK IRRIGATION SVCS247009-02 8/6/21 65.28JUL'21 CENTENNIAL PARK WATER SVCS250719-02 8/5/21 58.98JUL'21 FIRE STATION #68 WATER SVCS73422-02 8/5/21 21.46JUL'21 FIRE STATION #68 WATER SVCS73433-02 8/5/21 Total : 494.59 49994 8/27/2021 01928 EFAX CORPORATE 3318823 JUL'21 PD VIRUTAL FAX LINES FOR TRAINING 139.50 139.50AUG'21 PD VIRUTAL FAX LINES FOR TRAINING3354477 Total : 279.00 49995 8/27/2021 01696 ELECNOR BELCO ELECTRIC, INC 06 CIP16-07 02388 CIP 16-07 CITTYWIDE TRAFFIC SIGNAL COMMU 30,841.20 Total : 30,841.20 49996 8/27/2021 01439 ENCODE PLUS LLC 1948 03395 STANDARD90 ENCODE PLUS SOFTWARE (ENCODEP 31,355.00 14Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 35 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 15 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 31,355.00 49996 8/27/2021 01439 01439 ENCODE PLUS LLC 49997 8/27/2021 01701 ERIC TOMASEK CK REQ 8/18 ENTERTAINMENT FOR MOONLIGHT MARKET 100.00 Total : 100.00 49998 8/27/2021 00024 FEDEX 7-416-59458 JUN'21 EXPRESS DELIVERY SVCS 20.33 66.54JUN'21 EXPRESS DELIVERY SVCS7-423-71768 66.54JUL'21 EXPRESS DELIVERY SVCS7-430-18918 12.85JUL'21 EXPRESS DELIVERY SVCS7-445-47839 12.85JUL'21 EXPRESS DELIVERY SVCS7-453-19033 29.34JUL'21 EXPRESS DELIVERY SVCS7-453-19034 Total : 208.45 49999 8/27/2021 01042 FISHER WIRELESS SERVICES, INC 073992 OCT'21 CITY RADIO CHARGES 232.56 Total : 232.56 50000 8/27/2021 02196 FORENSIC NURSES SPECIALISTS, INC 4845 MENIFEE PD SEXUAL ASSAULT EXAM 950.00 Total : 950.00 50001 8/27/2021 00736 FRANCE MEDIA, INC.2021CI-1140 03200 ED MARKETING SERVICES 7,000.00 Total : 7,000.00 50002 8/27/2021 01142 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC.310-150-0013 8/30/21 AUG'21 CITY HALL IP CIRCUIT (MAIN) 430.01 140.98AUG'21 SENIOR CENTER FIOS SVCS323-159-1679 8/10/21 505.52AUG'21 MENIFEE PD FIOS SVCS323-160-9666 8/7/21 990.00AUG'21 CITY HALL DEDICATED FIBER (EIA)951-197-0298 8/4/21 990.00JUL'21 MENIFEE PD FIOS SVCS951-197-0485 6/28/21 990.00AUG'21 MENIFEE PD FIOS SVCS951-197-0485 7/28/21 990.00AUG'21 PD HEADQUARTERS DEDICATED FIBER951-197-0579 8/4/21 840.20JUL'21 & AUG'21 MENIFEE PD EVPL (LIVE SC951-197-0673 8/1/21 130.98APR'21 MENIFEE FIRE STATION #7951-679-0060 5/3/21 130.98AUG'21 FIRESTATION #7 FIOS SVCS951-679-0060 8/7/21 696.96AUG'21 PW YARD FIOS SVCS951-679-2323 8/6/21 183.37AUG'21 ALARM CITY HALL951-679-3592 8/4/21 117.01AUG'21 LAZY CREEK ALARM SVCS951-679-8153 8/4/21 Total : 7,136.01 50003 8/27/2021 01322 GEOCON WEST INC 721020429 02829 CIP 21-01 MURRIETA RD STREET RESURFACING 15,018.25 15Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 36 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 16 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50003 8/27/2021 (Continued)01322 GEOCON WEST INC 03228 2,217.00MAY-JUN'21 PMP ANDALUSIA/BELCANTO ASPHAL721070401 Total : 17,235.25 50004 8/27/2021 02035 GERBER COLLISION & GLASS 1901212531 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 90.00 Total : 90.00 50005 8/27/2021 00139 GHA TECHNOLOGIES INC 101144670 MONITORS FOR IT DEPT 1,753.90 03329 6,684.98BITTITAN LICENSES FOR M365 MIGRATION PRO101145537 1,410.49STANDBY PHONES FOR IT DEPARTMENT101146771 Total : 9,849.37 50006 8/27/2021 02189 GREENROCK MATERIALS, LLC.10118 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 778.00 Total : 778.00 50007 8/27/2021 01060 HANK'S HARDWARE & LUMBER INC.401599 2015-2 PARK FACILITY MAINTENANCE 130.48 Total : 130.48 50008 8/27/2021 00108 HAUN PROFESSIONAL LLC, C/O STEVE GIBSONCK REQ 8/16 REFUND CASH IN LIEU OF GRADING BONDS GP1 78,500.00 Total : 78,500.00 50009 8/27/2021 00921 HD SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 10014671721 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 478.50 Total : 478.50 50010 8/27/2021 01969 IE RISING STARS BASKETBALL, ACADEMY CK REQ 8/17 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 702.45 Total : 702.45 50011 8/27/2021 00548 IMPACT PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS 28532 IT EMPLOYEE SHIRTS 990.21 Total : 990.21 50012 8/27/2021 01043 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY 4682940-00 PARKS SMALL TOOLS/FIELD EQUIPMENT 293.63 51.91P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES4690484-00 143.77AMR PARK MAINTENANCE4706059-00 175.41AMR PARK MAINTENANCE4715608-00 155.37AMR PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4719367-00 56.67CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4728957-00 96.96CFD IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4737639-00 59.69PARKS SMALL TOOLS/FIELD EQUIPMENT4738699-00 16Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 37 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 17 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50012 8/27/2021 (Continued)01043 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY 453.45CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4739810-00 597.76COMM SVCS IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4739894-00 126.74AMR IRRIGATION REPAIRS4740022-00 62.92AMR SMALL TOOLS AND FIELD EQUIPMENT4740607-00 120.00AMR SMALL TOOLS/FIELD EQUIPMENT4743126-00 815.94CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4744800-00 368.00CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4748816-00 69.52CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4751030-00 192.33COMM SVCS ROW IRRIGATION REPAIRS4751309-00 451.39CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4752957-00 68.50AMR PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4754730-00 110.48COMM SVCS PARK MAINTENANCE4757369-00 504.29CSA 145 PARK MAINTENANCE4759070-01 95.65CSA 145 PARK MAINTENANCE4759502-00 57.17CSA 145 PARK MAINTENANCE4760424-00 107.43CSA 145 PARK MAINTENANCE4761309-00 245.432015-2 ZONE #1 PARK MAINTENANCE4762367-00 235.87CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4762566-00 66.16CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4762912-00 99.42AMR PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4766690-00 143.202015-2 ZONE #1 PARK MAINTENANCE4767060-00 388.06CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4770245-00 49.182015-2 ZONE #1 PARK MAINTENANCE4774306-00 69.89CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4776037-00 93.69AMR PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4776275-00 44.06CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4776773-00 160.95COMM SVCS IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4777569-00 134.27HIDDEN HILLS PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4778620-00 Total : 6,965.16 50013 8/27/2021 01043 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY 4715017-00 COMM SVCS ROW IRRIGAITON REPAIRS 31.93 40.21CFD PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4715182-00 1.71COMM SVCS ROW IRRIGAITON REPAIRS4715292-00 18.88AMR IRRIGATION REPAIRS4722902-01 2.14CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4725601-00 14.12CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4738716-00 17Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 38 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 18 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50013 8/27/2021 (Continued)01043 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY 11.14COMM SVCS IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4743254-00 21.44CFD IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4744800-01 10.78CFD IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4749339-00 43.45CSA 145 PARK MAINTENANCE4749732-00 41.52AMR PARK IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4754730-01 9.79CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4757032-00 27.17CSA 145 PARK MAINTENANCE4759070-00 20.65COMM SVCS IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4770037-00 32.56CFD IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4772421-00 19.00CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4778122-00 Total : 346.49 50014 8/27/2021 01653 IN MOTION TRUCKING CM08202021 03055 PUBLIC WORKS TRAINNING 4,500.00 Total : 4,500.00 50015 8/27/2021 01054 INLAND OVERHEAD DOOR 47252 FIRESTATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 434.00 Total : 434.00 50016 8/27/2021 01090 INTELESYONE 98139 MITEL ANNUAL LICENSES 1,687.20 Total : 1,687.20 50017 8/27/2021 01331 KOA CORPORATION JC12033-3 03114 CIP 17-01 EVANS PARK PUMP TRACK DESIGN S 5,780.00 Total : 5,780.00 50018 8/27/2021 02186 KONA ICE TEMECULA VALLEY, & CORONA 001176 03386 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT EVENT- KONA ICE 1,280.00 Total : 1,280.00 50019 8/27/2021 01743 L.N. CURTIS & SONS INV512086 PATCHES FOR PD UNIFORM 316.64 Total : 316.64 50020 8/27/2021 00520 LAKE ELSINORE & SAN JACINTO 8869 FY21/22 LAKE ELSINORE & CANYON LAKE TMDL 82,180.00 Total : 82,180.00 50021 8/27/2021 00128 LOWES 901138-HFHQTX FIRESTATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 304.47 45.23FIRESTATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE901373-HGDHUA 263.00COMM SVCS PARK MAINTENANCE901519-HGIHUV 146.87FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE901574-HGIHUZ 18Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 39 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 19 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50021 8/27/2021 (Continued)00128 LOWES 147.88FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE901600-HGIHVB 10.28FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE901763-HGNIMV 40.26FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE901794-HGNIMX 50.69COMM SVCS SUPPLIES901843-HIQECJ 163.30FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE902257-HHOUVO 10.62FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE902326-HGNIMB 59.96FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE902348-HHOUVS 12.97FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE902399-HILCWL 281.49CSA 145 FACILITY MAINTENANCE902401-HHOUVV 42.68COMM SVCS FACILITY MAINTENANCE902435-HFRSCE 11.332015-2 PARK MAINTENANCE902544-HILCWR 24.81FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE902592-HJLWQH 6.16COMM SVCS SUPPLIES902667-HFCPJT 122.422015-2 PARK MAINTENANCE902823-HIVFGB 48.59CITY HALL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE902876-HFHQTD 63.06FIRESTATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE910664-HFWEPX 44.15FIRESTATION #7 FACILITY MAINTENANCE911215-HJBWKP 17.03CITY HALL FACILITY MAINTENANCE911459-HHOPQQ 75.98COMM SVCS FACILITY MAINTENANCE912231-HFHQTJ 18.14FIRESTATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE913215-HFHQTK 56.79FIRESTATION #7 FACILITY MAINTENANCE913518-HGDHTV 87.80FIRESTATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE918174-HFRSCP 95.312015-2 PARK MAINTENANCE919521-HILCWX 876.362015-2 PARK MAINTENANCE920175-HGMHQH 288.842015-2 PARK MAINTENANCE920557-HGIHUQ 72.212015-2 PARK MAINTENANCE922124-HIGGFP 22.07FIRESTATION #7 FACILITY MAINTENANCE923278-HJBWKQ 61.68FIRESTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE972670-HHFVJO 309.77COMM SVCS SUPPLIES974298-HGXZFU Total : 3,882.20 50022 8/27/2021 02201 MARK UR BRAND 343 MARKETING FOR CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 150.00 Total : 150.00 50023 8/27/2021 02168 MILDEF, INC MUS50-13442 MENIFEE PD EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 289.63 19Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 40 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 20 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 289.63 50023 8/27/2021 02168 02168 MILDEF, INC 50024 8/27/2021 00474 LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA CK REQ 7/16 REFUND FOR MSHCP FEES PMT18-03130 20,020.00 Total : 20,020.00 50025 8/27/2021 00474 MBK BUILDERS CK REQ 7/28 REFUND BOND FOR PMT17-02084 10,000.00 10,000.00REFUND BOND FOR PMT17-02090CK REQ 7/28 10,000.00REFUND BOND FOR PMT17-02117CK REQ 7/28 Total : 30,000.00 50026 8/27/2021 00474 LIFT ENERGY CONSTRUCTION INC CK REQ 7/19 REFUND BLDG PERMIT PMT21-02604 214.88 98.24REFUND BLDG PERMIT PMT21-02605CK REQ 7/27 Total : 313.12 50027 8/27/2021 00474 SOCAL PERMIT RATERS CK REQ 7/27 REFUND BLDG PERMIT PMT21-03200 128.98 Total : 128.98 50028 8/27/2021 00474 TRESA FERRELL CK REQ 8/6 REFUND FOR PICNIC SHELTER RESERVATION 50.00 Total : 50.00 50029 8/27/2021 01473 MISS APRIL'S DANCE CK REQ 8/3 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 221.40 Total : 221.40 50030 8/27/2021 00690 MMASC 3470 MMASC MEMBERSHIP 90.00 90.00MMASC MEMBERSHIP DUES8/01/21 Total : 180.00 50031 8/27/2021 01605 MOBILE MODULAR MANAGEMENT CORP 300520484 MOBILE MODULAR RENTAL 102.44 Total : 102.44 50032 8/27/2021 01058 MONOPRICE INC.21819261 TV WALL MOUNTS FOR IT 125.83 Total : 125.83 50033 8/27/2021 02183 MR. COOPER CK REQ 7/19 03371 CDBG-CV RENTAL MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE PROGR 9,000.00 Total : 9,000.00 50034 8/27/2021 01796 NETFILE, INC 7463 03398 FY 21/22 SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES FOR EFILIN 1,875.00 20Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 41 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 21 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,875.00 50034 8/27/2021 01796 01796 NETFILE, INC 50035 8/27/2021 01558 OCCUPATION HEALTH CENTERS, OF CALIFORNIA71987717 PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS 115.00 115.00PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS72068582 1,567.50PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS72147114 144.50PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS72228799 Total : 1,942.00 50036 8/27/2021 01130 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4746-149587 FLEET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -97.74 G 7.13COMM SVCS SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIPMENT4746-177090 12.17FIRESTATION #7 FACILITY MAINTENANCE4746-191411 80.87FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES4746-236482 31.94FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES4746-237268 23.91FLEET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE4746-237352 Total : 58.28 50037 8/27/2021 02126 PACIFIC WEST SOUND PROF AUDIO, & DESIGN, INC.29276 03238 CITY OF MENIFEE: AV EVALUATION FOR CITY 3,500.00 Total : 3,500.00 50038 8/27/2021 01096 PAPER RECYCLING & SHREDDING, SPECIALISTS INC.492324 POLICE DOC SHREDDING SVCS 95.00 Total : 95.00 50039 8/27/2021 01843 PARKHOUSE TIRE, INC 2010752315 PROFESSIONAL SVCS-TIRE RECYLING/DISPOSAL 247.50 655.32BLDG & SFTY VEHICLE TIRES (VEH#115)2010752330 742.02PD VEHICLE TIRES2010752332 29.23FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES2010752393 Total : 1,674.07 50040 8/27/2021 02160 PB LOADER CORPORATION IN0018130 03359 ASPHALT TACK SPRAY FOR POTHOLE REPAIRS 3,018.05 Total : 3,018.05 50041 8/27/2021 02050 PIT STOP PUB CK REQ 8/19 MEALS FOR SENIOR LUNCHES 957.00 Total : 957.00 50042 8/27/2021 00373 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FIN. SERV.3104893398-1 03404 FY21/22 POSTAGE MACHINE SOLUTION: MULTI- 388.08 Total : 388.08 21Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:23 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 42 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 22 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50043 8/27/2021 02198 POSITIVE PRMOTIONS, INC.06779905 MENIFEE PD CHILD ID KIT 604.60 Total : 604.60 50044 8/27/2021 01739 PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT 458916 03032 MENIFEE PD PISTOLS AND PARTS 4,876.03 Total : 4,876.03 50045 8/27/2021 01065 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 23183428 COMM SVCS UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS 53.29 158.48P/W UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS23192816 33.65FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES23192817 Total : 245.42 50046 8/27/2021 00006 R&R BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 8676 SHIRTS FOR COMM SVCS 188.66 927.09PRINTING SERVICES8681 Total : 1,115.75 50047 8/27/2021 00394 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, PURCHASING-SUPPLY 233998 02070 FY 2019/20 TRACTOR DRAWN AERIAL FIRE APP 1,305,108.28 Total : 1,305,108.28 50048 8/27/2021 00359 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, RECORDER 20-262624 PROJECT RECORDINGS 183.00 50.00PROJECT RECORDINGS21-189810 20.00PROJECT RECORDINGS21-198579 50.00PROJECT RECORDINGS21-217489 35.00PROJECT RECORDINGS21-299201 98.00PROJECT RECORDINGS21-302974 17.00PROJECT RECORDINGS21-318750 50.00PROJECT RECORDINGS21-372918 Total : 503.00 50049 8/27/2021 00969 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 83874 AUG'21 RTA BUS PASSES 741.00 Total : 741.00 50050 8/27/2021 01456 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH, S 202107 03325 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH COU 17,190.00 Total : 17,190.00 50051 8/27/2021 01456 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SY 1100 02982 ADULT/ADOLESCENT FORENSIC SERVICES (RUHS 2,400.00 02982 1,200.00ADULT/ADOLESCENT FORENSIC SERVICES (RUHS1101 02982 1,200.00ADULT/ADOLESCENT FORENSIC SERVICES (RUHS1102 22Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 43 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 23 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 4,800.00 50051 8/27/2021 01456 01456 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SY 50052 8/27/2021 00141 ROTARY CLUB OF MENIFEE July 2021 FY 21/22 ROTARY CLUB OF MENIFEEE MEMBERS 500.00 Total : 500.00 50053 8/27/2021 02194 SAN BERNARDINO & RIVERSIDE, COUNTIES FIRE EQPT. INC.115580 FIRESTATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 30.00 30.00FIRESTATION #68 FACILITY MAINTENANCE115581 48.00FIRESTATION #7 FACILITY MAINTENANCE115582 30.00FIRESTATION #5 FACILITY MAINTENANCE115583 Total : 138.00 50054 8/27/2021 01659 SEARCHLIGHTS OF SAN DIEGO SL20210911-04 9-11 EVENT SEARCH LIGHTS 415.00 Total : 415.00 50055 8/27/2021 01263 SIDI, SEBASTIAN 52621 VIDEO SVCS FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY EVENT 500.00 Total : 500.00 50056 8/27/2021 01915 SIG SAUER, INC 7115150 MENIFEE PD HANDGUN GRIPS 270.00 270.00MENIFEE PD HANDGUN GRIPS7115151 Total : 540.00 50057 8/27/2021 01912 SLI CLEANING SERVICES 0005 MENIFEE PD CLEANING SVCS 325.00 325.00MENIFEE PD CLEANING SVCS0006 Total : 650.00 50058 8/27/2021 01640 SO CAL SHORT LOAD INC 1501 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 885.00 Total : 885.00 50059 8/27/2021 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 7590378956 03409 CIP 21-11 SCE LINE EXTENSION 11,479.13 Total : 11,479.13 50060 8/27/2021 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 700035766267 8/3/21 JUL'21 CSA 33 STREET LIGHT SVCS 50.08 1,198.96JUN'21 CSA 86 STREET LIGHT SVCS700036971996 8/3/21 63.40JUL'21 2015-2 ANNEXATION #12 STREET LIGH700055057749 8/6/21 14.62JUL'21 CFD 2014-1 TOWN CENTER IRRIGATION700126333652 8/3/21 294.30JUN'21 CITY SIGNAL SVCS700178388906 7/29/21 87.59JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 167 SIGNAL SVCS700228070080 8/4/21 40.89JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 167 SAFETY LIGHT SVCS700249783128 8/4/21 23Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 44 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 24 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50060 8/27/2021 (Continued)00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 0.09JUL'21 PARK CITY LS3 SIGNAL SVCS700253167519 8/6/21 60.62JUL'21 PARK CITY TC-1 SIGNAL SVCS700253176512 8/6/21 94.60JUN'21 CFD 2017-1 TOWN CENTER TRAFFIC SG700268894249 7/12/21 15.98JUN'21 CFD 2017-1 TOWN CNTR IRRIGATION S700268908801 7/12/21 11.52JUL'21 CSA 145 IRRIGATION SVCS700285086781 8/3/21 18.03JUL'21 CFD 2015-2 ANNEX 18 STREET LIGHT700288704174 8/6/21 15.15JUL'21 AMR ROW IRRIGATION SVCS700303753524 8/6/21 14.80JUL'21 AMR ROW IRRIGATION SVCS700303769688 8/6/21 77.72JUL'21MENIFEE RD TC-1 SIGNAL SVCS700316479116 8/3/21 780.59JUL'21 P/W MOC ELECTRICAL SVCS700325024513 8/3/21 569.34JUL'21 AMR STREET LIGHT SVCS700344343273 7/27/21 136.04JUL'21 CFD 2012-1 AMR STREETLIGHT SVCS700362876640 8/3/21 56.93JUL'21 CSA 80 STREET LIGHTS700413389590 8/3/21 14.97JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 IRRIGATION700451160986 8/3/21 319.22MAY'21 CITY SIGNAL SVCS700528318931 6/7/21 28.45JUL'21 CSA 84 STREET LIGHT SVCS700548135223 8/3/21 323.20JUN'21 NEWPORT RD SGNL & STREETLIGHT SVC700549826154 7/13/21 984.70JUN'21 CITY SIGNAL SVCS700555228246 7/30/21 692.86JUN'21 LLMD SIGNAL SVCS700559066517 7/30/21 2,406.79JUL'21 CITY SIGNAL SVCS700559501603 7/30/21 89.44JUN'21 ANTELOPE RD TC-1 SGNL SVC700611879276 7/13/21 Total : 8,460.88 50061 8/27/2021 01932 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEWS GROUP 0011445324 LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS 1,809.20 575.50LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011446470 658.00LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011447951 614.00LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011447953 1,725.20LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011447966 454.50LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011451217 1,794.50LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011451327 731.25LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011452537 416.00LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011452553 1,632.80LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011455114 597.50LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011455664 570.00LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011455709 169.60LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011455767 24Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:26 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 45 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 25 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50061 8/27/2021 (Continued)01932 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEWS GROUP 165.20LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011458284 235.60LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011460549 429.20LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011461242 759.20LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011461809 1,310.40LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011461811 729.50LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011462705 226.80LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011463763 310.40LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011463766 1,278.40LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011463777 178.40LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011464955 633.20LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011466915 543.60LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011466971 332.40LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011467870 795.50LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011470158 649.20LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011470653 169.60LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011471266 182.80LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011471268 367.60LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011471285 310.40LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011471289 Total : 21,355.45 50062 8/27/2021 02128 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, MOTOWERKS SCMW0379 03181 CUSTOM PRONTER AND LIDAR HOLDER 3,534.38 Total : 3,534.38 50063 8/27/2021 00861 STAPLES CONTRACT & COMMERICAL 8063100709 JUL'21 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,196.70 Total : 4,196.70 50064 8/27/2021 01010 STC TRAFFIC, INC.4654-B 02632 MAR'21 RECOVERABLE ON-CALL ENGINEERING S 9,494.50 02632 15,040.00APR'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING S4713-B 02737 2,911.75MAY-JUN'21 CIP 21-10 MURRIETA/ ROUSE RDT4791 02632 19,930.25MAY'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING S4804-B 02632 17,025.50JUN'21 ON-CALL RECOVERABLE ENGINEERING S4805-B Total : 64,402.00 50065 8/27/2021 00682 STUDENT OF THE MONTH PROGRAM PMP-21-22 CM STUDENT OF THE MONTH SPONSORSHIP 1,000.00 25Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:27 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 46 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 26 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,000.00 50065 8/27/2021 00682 00682 STUDENT OF THE MONTH PROGRAM 50066 8/27/2021 02033 SUBMARINA MENIFEE CK REQ 8/17 MEALS FOR SENIOR LUNCHES 560.00 Total : 560.00 50067 8/27/2021 01034 TEMECULA WINNELSON CO.232752 02 PD HEADQUARTERS FACILITY MAINTENANCE 344.96 Total : 344.96 50068 8/27/2021 00098 THE GAS COMPANY 114 347 5472 4 8/3 JUL'21 FIRE STATION #76 GAS SVCS 96.01 Total : 96.01 50069 8/27/2021 00854 THE LLOYD PEST CONTROL CO, INC 7468726 JUL'21 P/W PEST CONTROL SVCS 70.00 75.00JUL'21 CITY HALL PEST CONTROL SVCS7468727 40.00JUL'21 PD HQ PEST CONTROL SVCS7469035 99.00JUL'21 PD HQ PEST CONTROL SVCS7469036 Total : 284.00 50070 8/27/2021 01585 THOMSON REUTERS- WEST 844619986 02543 JUN'21 PD PUBLIC RECORDS INFORMATION SVC 658.40 03390 658.40JUL'21 PD PUBLIC RECORDS INFORMATION SVC844779965 Total : 1,316.80 50071 8/27/2021 01492 TONKIN PLUMBING INC 47925 FIRE STATION #76 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 450.00 Total : 450.00 50072 8/27/2021 00714 TPX COMMUNICATIONS 145853514-0 AUG'21 LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE SVCS 836.41 Total : 836.41 50073 8/27/2021 01064 TRI STATE MATERIALS INC 97208 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 263.99 Total : 263.99 50074 8/27/2021 02190 TV PRO GEAR INC.4736 03422 AV SWITCHER 49,995.00 Total : 49,995.00 50075 8/27/2021 00054 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC, EDEN SYSTEMS DIVISION045-339333 03378 TYLER MAINTENANCE SUPPORT 26,870.22 Total : 26,870.22 50076 8/27/2021 00703 UEBER HAUN I, LLC 110 SEP'21 LAND LEASE AGREEMENT 5,298.07 26Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:28 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 47 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 27 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 5,298.07 50076 8/27/2021 00703 00703 UEBER HAUN I, LLC 50077 8/27/2021 01315 ULINE, INC 136848750 MENIFEE PD FORENSIC SUPPLIES 76.26 Total : 76.26 50078 8/27/2021 02006 UNIFORM SPECIALIST 111471 MENIFEE PD VOLUNTEER UNIFORMS 140.29 Total : 140.29 50079 8/27/2021 02120 UNITEDHEALTHCARE, INSURANCE COMPANY AUG4679446840 AUG'21 EMPLOYEE COBRA SUBSIDY 1,911.80 Total : 1,911.80 50080 8/27/2021 01560 URBAN LAND INSTITUTE 3998703 03354 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PANEL FOR SUN CITY/ 12,000.00 Total : 12,000.00 50081 8/27/2021 01911 US ARMOR CORPORATION 33675 PD CONCEALABLE VESTS 1,046.55 715.75PD CONCEALABLE VESTS34054 951.41PD CONCEALABLE VESTS34154 948.34PD CONCEALABLE VESTS34193 Total : 3,662.05 50082 8/27/2021 01979 VCA CALIFORNIA VETERINARY, SPECIALISTS (MURRIETA)634104171 AS-NEEDED VET SERVICES 50.01 Total : 50.01 50083 8/27/2021 00189 VERIZON WIRELESS 9884725187 JUL'21 PD MOBILE CHARGES 5,997.65 12,833.85JUL'21 CITY MOBILE DEVICE CHARGES9885267429 Total : 18,831.50 50084 8/27/2021 01887 VISCID DESIGN CO.2902 CODE CUSTOM WRAP ON VEHICLES 646.50 Total : 646.50 50085 8/27/2021 00797 VISTA PAINT CORPORATION 2021-009893-00 03358 TRAFFIC LINE STRIPING EQUIPMENT 6,415.16 Total : 6,415.16 50086 8/27/2021 00787 WAGEWORKS, INC.INV2983126 JUL'21 FSA MONTHLY PREMIUM 701.00 Total : 701.00 50087 8/27/2021 01119 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC.175171 03423 TREE PRUNING (MCLAUGHLIN & HULL) 4,136.00 27Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:29 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 48 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 28 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 4,136.00 50087 8/27/2021 01119 01119 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC. 50088 8/27/2021 01803 WEST TOW 21-801222 PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS 35.00 45.00PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS21-80603 45.00PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS21-80885 130.00PD VEHICLE TOWING SVCS21-81474 Total : 255.00 50089 8/27/2021 02051 WORLDPAC INC 29660754 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 21.88 72.69PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE29746011 110.35PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE29908079 97.37P/W VEHICLE MAINTENANCE30305957 41.41P/W VEHICLE MAINTENANCE30327769 27.55PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE30480577 15.09PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE30481343 44.22PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE30481353 Total : 430.56 50090 8/27/2021 00157 WRCOG 551 FY20/21 WRCOG MEMBER DUES 10,491.09 Total : 10,491.09 50091 8/27/2021 00686 CALTRANS SL220231 LLMD ZONE 114 AND CITY SIGNAL & LIGHT SV 3,767.02 2,180.13LLMD ZONE 114 AND CITY SIGNAL & LIGHT SVSL320813 Total : 5,947.15 50092 8/27/2021 00776 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS, LLC 82086935 JUN'21 CORELOGIC LICENSING 300.00 Total : 300.00 50093 8/27/2021 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 700308269175 7/13/21 JUN'21 TOWN CENTER STREETLIGHT SVCS 29.55 326.20MAR'21-JUN'21 SCOTT/MURRIETA RD TRAFFIC700647813231 7/27/21 Total : 355.75 50094 8/27/2021 01932 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEWS GROUP 0011471282 LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS 1,433.50 Total : 1,433.50 Bank total : 4,803,015.30 209 Vouchers for bank code :uboc 4,803,015.30Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 209 28Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:30 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 49 of 295 08/26/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 29 4:17:40PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 29Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:31 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 50 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 1 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50095 9/10/2021 01252 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC.11P4-FYV9-1JR1 ENG DEPT OFFICE SUPPLIES 34.35 20.65P/W FACILITY MATERIALS & SUPPLIES196V-YVTN-9N6G 27.18COMM SVCS SUPPLIES1CLX-DXJK-HR7W 31.54MENIFEE PD SUPPLIES1JWK-HJ7H-9NQQ 180.50FLEET SMALL TOOLS & FIELD EQUIPMENT1K39-X3D3-3TJW 108.71COMM SVCS SUPPLIES1RGR-CD4Y-WYQN 80.61IT SMALL TOOLS AND FIELD EQUIPMENT1RPG-XKDT-9KXY Total : 483.54 50096 9/10/2021 01210 CORKY'S PEST CONTROL 2800547 LAZY CREEK PEST CONTROL SVCS 85.00 75.00AMR PEST CONTROL SVCS2808202 Total : 160.00 50097 9/10/2021 00272 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SVC 0003415049 RESTROOMS FOR FALL FESTIVAL 1,704.00 Total : 1,704.00 50098 9/10/2021 01988 DIVERSIFIED DISTRIBUTION 2001485 PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 409.52 476.84PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE2001486 Total : 886.36 50099 9/10/2021 00912 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 94076143 ARCGIS BUSINESS ANALYST LICENSES 300.00 Total : 300.00 50100 9/10/2021 00824 HILLCREST CONTRACTING, INC.PB 29707R RETENTION FOR CIP 20-11 SCOTT/MENIFEE RO 21,059.08 Total : 21,059.08 50101 9/10/2021 01571 KATHRYN ANDERSON CK REQ 8/31 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 300.00 Total : 300.00 50102 9/10/2021 01871 LEXISNEXIS COPLOGIC, SOLUTIONS INC 807519-20210731 03384 LAW ENFORCEMENT AGREEMENT FOR MENIFEE PD 1,440.00 Total : 1,440.00 50103 9/10/2021 01567 LOZANO SMITH LLP 2140539 JUN'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS 3,527.25 155.00JUL'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS2143161 Total : 3,682.25 50104 9/10/2021 00241 LSA ASSOCIATES INC 178721 03292 JUL'21 PROF SVCS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSU 1,391.88 1Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:32 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 51 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 2 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,391.88 50104 9/10/2021 00241 00241 LSA ASSOCIATES INC 50105 9/10/2021 01031 MENIFEE VALLEY TAEKWONDO ACADE CK REQ 8/31 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT SEP 949.65 Total : 949.65 50106 9/10/2021 01576 MYERS & SONS HI-WAY SAFETY 119686 P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT 393.35 634.88P/W SIGN MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT119690 Total : 1,028.23 50107 9/10/2021 00706 NPG ASPHALT 1120114 P/W EQUIPMENT RENTAL 504.00 193.08P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES20695 145.46P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES20696 Total : 842.54 50108 9/10/2021 01761 P.L. PERRIN & ASSOCIATES 21-15 03285 PD POLYGRAPH SVCS 270.00 Total : 270.00 50109 9/10/2021 00716 PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES, INC INV-00177749 03393 FY21/22 LEASE OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S LOCKE 3,120.05 03393 3,110.26FY21/22 LEASE OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S LOCKEINV-00177750 Total : 6,230.31 50110 9/10/2021 01497 QUINN RENTAL SERVICES 18546701 COMM SVCS EQUIPMENT RENTAL 160.59 160.59COMM SVCS EQUIPMENT RENTAL18691301 Total : 321.18 50111 9/10/2021 01212 R.J. NOBLE COMPANY 197992 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 90.18 Total : 90.18 50112 9/10/2021 00215 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT SH0000039438 CAL ID 21/22 MEMBERSHIP 97,093.00 Total : 97,093.00 50113 9/10/2021 01892 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5620035877 03444 STREETLIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT @ PHOENIX W 6,936.60 03446 6,936.60STREETLIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT @ TWYMAN WA5620036114 03443 7,300.46STREETLIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT @ CALM HORI5620036805 Total : 21,173.66 50114 9/10/2021 02176 SIZEUP, INC.1390 03397 SIZEUP LOCAL BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 7,995.00 2Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:33 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 52 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 3 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 7,995.00 50114 9/10/2021 02176 02176 SIZEUP, INC. 50115 9/10/2021 01845 SPEAKWRITE LLC C9380657 03344 MENIFEE PD AS NEEDED DICTATION SERVICES 690.55 Total : 690.55 50116 9/10/2021 01228 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 935452 -SEP'21 SEP'21 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 28,786.62 Total : 28,786.62 50117 9/10/2021 00741 U.S. BANK CORP. PYMT. SYSTEM **1394 City Credit Card Charges 266.14 3,638.00City Credit Card Charges**1632 1,486.33City Credit Card Charges**1632 2,108.75City Credit Card Charges**1632 2,642.83City Credit Card Charges**1632 2,944.61City Credit Card Charges**1632 255.00City Credit Card Charges**1632 875.00City Credit Card Charges**1632 1,777.87City Credit Card Charges**1632 1,087.00City Credit Card Charges**1678 587.73City Credit Card Charges**1678 743.19City Credit Card Charges**1678 567.00City Credit Card Charges**1678 402.00City Credit Card Charges**1678 991.00City Credit Card Charges**1678 95.60City Credit Card Charges**2472 725.90City Credit Card Charges**2472 90.25City Credit Card Charges**2472 800.00City Credit Card Charges**5047 993.19City Credit Card Charges**5047 289.63City Credit Card Charges**5047 744.40City Credit Card Charges**5047 249.67City Credit Card Charges**7121 90.24City Credit Card Charges**8389 100.91City Credit Card Charges**8389 456.74City Credit Card Charges**8389 550.54City Credit Card Charges**8389 218.59City Credit Card Charges**8389 249.89City Credit Card Charges**9199 3Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:34 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 53 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 4 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50117 9/10/2021 (Continued)00741 U.S. BANK CORP. PYMT. SYSTEM 267.91City Credit Card Charges**9739 463.74City Credit Card Charges**9739 114.75City Credit Card Charges**9739 406.95City Credit Card Charges**9739 130.47City Credit Card Charges**9739 655.50City Credit Card Charges**9739 120.70City Credit Card Charges**9962 Total : 28,188.02 50118 9/10/2021 00741 U.S. BANK CORP. PYMT. SYSTEM **1016 City Credit Card Charges 4.99 0.99City Credit Card Charges**1016 70.00City Credit Card Charges**1632 65.03City Credit Card Charges**2472 21.90City Credit Card Charges**2472 5.65City Credit Card Charges**2472 1.00City Credit Card Charges**2472 20.00City Credit Card Charges**5047 57.89City Credit Card Charges**5047 52.99City Credit Card Charges**5047 34.02City Credit Card Charges**5047 33.00City Credit Card Charges**7121 14.99City Credit Card Charges**7121 47.97City Credit Card Charges**9199 0.00City Credit Card Charges**9199 70.00City Credit Card Charges**9739 53.97City Credit Card Charges**9739 Total : 554.39 50119 9/10/2021 01768 V&V MANUFACTURING, INC 53416 MENIFEE POLICE BADGES 108.94 1,287.26MENIFEE POLICE BADGES53452 547.77MENIFEE POLICE BADGES53453 Total : 1,943.97 50120 9/10/2021 01378 VISIONARIES IMAGE COMPANY 0001166 03415 FY 2021/22 ON-CALL CITY OF MENIFEE VIDEO 437.50 03415 600.00FY 2021/22 ON-CALL CITY OF MENIFEE VIDEO0001168 03415 225.00FY 2021/22 ON-CALL CITY OF MENIFEE VIDEO0001169 4Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:35 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 54 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 5 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,262.50 50120 9/10/2021 01378 01378 VISIONARIES IMAGE COMPANY 50121 9/10/2021 01250 VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY 73035348 P/W MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 324.33 Total : 324.33 50122 9/10/2021 00143 WRCRCA CK REQ 8/25 JUL 2021 - MSHCP FEES 5,870.00 Total : 5,870.00 50123 9/10/2021 01524 WRIGHT SEPTIC 33265 FIRESTATION #5 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 485.00 Total : 485.00 50124 9/10/2021 01859 2 HOT ACTIVEWEAR & UNIFORMS 2643 MENIFEE PD UNIFORMS 132.60 200.00FIELD STAFF BOOTS2652 131.63FIRE MARSHALL STAFF SHIRTS2662 Total : 464.23 50125 9/10/2021 00191 AFLAC 849758 AUG'21 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 16,757.18 Total : 16,757.18 50126 9/10/2021 01948 APPLEONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 01-6008023 BLDG & SFTY TEMP EMP SVCS PE 8/07/21 1,020.80 Total : 1,020.80 50127 9/10/2021 01646 ARROYO BACKGROUND, INVESTIGATIONS 2570 03283 PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION SE 1,200.00 Total : 1,200.00 50128 9/10/2021 02136 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP 190674388 PORTABLE AUDIO MIXER FOR A/V BROADCASTIN 631.20 776.25ADDITIONAL WIRELESS MICROPHONES FOR COUN191331662 Total : 1,407.45 50129 9/10/2021 01746 BAY AREA DRIVING SCHOOL, INC CK REQ 8/31 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 27.30 27.30COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT SEPCK REQ 8/31 Total : 54.60 50130 9/10/2021 00259 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES INC 41565 03417 JUL'21 PD BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 650.00 Total : 650.00 50131 9/10/2021 01511 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC 27076399 03380 JUL'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES 354.80 03381 4,321.51JUL'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27076400-1 5Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:36 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 55 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 6 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50131 9/10/2021 (Continued)01511 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC 03380 360.30JUL'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27076401-1 03382 2,019.29JUL'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27076402-1 03381 140.07JUL'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27076403-1 03383 437.41JUL'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27076404-1 03380 354.80AUG'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27225935 03381 7,541.90AUG'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27225936 03380 418.67AUG'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27225937 03381 140.07AUG'21 PRINTER LEASE SERVICES27225939 Total : 16,088.82 50132 9/10/2021 00104 CITY CLERKS ASSOC OF CALIF.300000224 CCAC MEMBERSHIP 200.00 Total : 200.00 50133 9/10/2021 01699 CONCENTRA HEALTH SERVICES, INC 15003181 PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING SVCS 60.00 Total : 60.00 50134 9/10/2021 01178 DIRECTV LLC 004016741 8/16/21 AUG'21 FIRESTATION #7 SATELLITE SVCS 292.24 Total : 292.24 50135 9/10/2021 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST.100351-02 8/6/21 JUL'21 FIRESTATION #76 WATER SVCS 360.52 1,461.34AUG'21 CSA 145 WATER SVCS101923-02 8/19/21 1,064.21JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS218618-03 8/5/21 595.37JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS218620-03 8/5/21 1,053.76JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 69 WATER SVCS225995-03 8/5/21 943.59JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 69 WATER SVCS225996-03 8/5/21 416.11AUG'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS231135-03 8/19 484.61AUG'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS231149-03 8/19/21 653.66JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 81 WATER SVCS233542-03 8/5/21 305.14AUG'21 HAUN RD WATER SVCS236550-01 8/20/21 1,428.54JUL'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS236610-02 8/5/21 1,802.68AUG'21 AMR SPORTS PARK IRRIGATION237538-02 8/19/21 679.00AUG'21 AMR ROW IRRIGATION SVCS238455-02 8/19/21 1,233.96JUL'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS238693-02 8/5/21 591.32AUG'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS238834-02 8/19/21 320.06AUG'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS238835-02 8/19/21 593.05JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS239165-02 8/5/21 6Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:37 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 56 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 7 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50135 9/10/2021 (Continued)00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST. 1,910.12JUL'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS240232-02 8/5/21 259.39AUG'21 TOWN CENTER ROW WATER SVCS240236-02 8/19/21 241.58AUG'21 TOWN CENTER ROW WATER SVCS240240-02 8/19/21 680.68JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 77 WATER SVCS240567-02 8/5/21 6,663.31AUG'21 HIDDEN HILLS PARK WATER SVCS244910-02 8/19/21 661.19AUG'21 MAYFIELD PARK IRRIGATION SVCS247265-02 8/19/21 536.52AUG'21 AMR CREEK VIEW IRRIGATION WATER S247266-02 8/19/21 751.61AMR SILVERSTAR IRRIGATION WATER SVCS248650-02 8/19/21 1,174.94AUG'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS249367-02 8/19/21 642.01AUG'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS249372-02 8/19/21 382.69AUG'21 TOWN CENTER ROW WATER SVCS249510-02 8/19/21 245.69AUG'21 TOWN CENTER ROW WATER SVCS249511-02 8/19/21 1,390.18AUG'21 CENTRAL PARK IRRIGATION SVCS250347-02 8/19/21 736.54AUG'21 TOWN CENTER WATER SVCS250354-01 8/19/21 397.76AUG'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS250955-03 8/19/21 916.01AUG'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS251794-02 8/19/21 984.51AUG'21 CENTENNIAL PARK IRRIGATION WATER252059-02 8/19/21 1,861.31AUG'21 CENTENNIAL PARK IRRIGATION WATER252060-02 8/19/21 296.38CFD 2015-2 ANNEXATION 28 ZONE 28255841-02 8/19/21 Total : 34,719.34 50136 9/10/2021 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST.101330-02 8/6/21 JUL'21 FIRESTATION #76 WATER SVCS 113.28 30.16JUL'21 FIRE STATION #76 WATER SVCS106931-02 8/6/21 41.84AUG'21 LA PIEDRA/SHERMAN IRRIGATION WATE237370-01 8/19/21 144.70AUG'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS238346-02 8/19 93.16AUG'21 SPIRIT PARK WATER SVCS239155-02 8/19/21 175.82AUG'21 TOWN CENTER ROW WATER SVCS240243-02 8/19/21 179.93AUG'21 TOWN CENTER ROW WATER SVCS240244-02 8/19/21 170.73AUG'21 AMR WATER SVCS240844-03 8/19/21 108.54JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 167 SVCS246084-02 8/6/21 158.01AUG'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS250956-03 8/19/21 214.18AUG'21 AMR ROW WATER SVCS250957-03 8/19/21 207.72AUG'21 CENTENNIAL PARK IRRIGATION WATER252061-02 8/19/21 221.33JUL'21 CHERRY HILLS BLVD STREET MEDIAN W4065-02 8/4/21 235.19JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS71998-03 8/6/21 32.59JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 3 WATER SVCS79852-03 8/6/21 7Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:38 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 57 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 8 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 2,127.18 50136 9/10/2021 00161 00161 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST. 50137 9/10/2021 01503 ETIENNE, ANN-MARIE CK REQ 8/25 MENIFEE PD PETTY CASH REIMB PE 8/25/21 409.76 Total : 409.76 50138 9/10/2021 00024 FEDEX 9-603-97934 AUG'21 EXPRESS DELIVERY SVCS 3.99 Total : 3.99 50139 9/10/2021 01222 FREEWAY TOYOTA OF HANFORD 4128071 03097 RAV4 HYBRID FOR BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT 31,205.97 03098 43,057.54HIGHLANDER HYBRID FOR PW/FLEET ADMIN4158350 Total : 74,263.51 50140 9/10/2021 01142 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC.213-166-6081 9/9/21 AUG'21 WEST ANNEX FIOS SVCS 290.98 300.98AUG'21 SPIRIT PARK FIOS310-010-9929 8/19/21 154.50AUG'21 911 ANALOG BACKUP LINES FOR KCSC951-679-6259 8/16/21 380.49AUG'21 CITY HALL ROLLOVER LINES SVC951-6798-8527 8/19/2 Total : 1,126.95 50141 9/10/2021 00278 GALLS, LLC BC1426784 FLEET UNIFORMS 192.27 Total : 192.27 50142 9/10/2021 00908 GOSCH AUTO GROUP 1027848 03431 COMM SVCS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE(VEH #602) 2,141.22 Total : 2,141.22 50143 9/10/2021 01515 IE GENERAL ENGINEERING 001 03204 CIP 19-03 ANTELOPE RD RAISED SAFETY MEDI 201,334.49 Total : 201,334.49 50144 9/10/2021 00548 IMPACT PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS 28671 PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYEE SHIRTS 203.29 Total : 203.29 50145 9/10/2021 01043 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY 4776037-01 CFD IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 43.70 501.30CSA 145 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4781713-00 5.41CFD IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4781842-00 67.64COMM SVCS IRRIGATION SUPPLIES4783184-00 192.58COMM SVCS ROW IRRIGATION REPAIRS4783384-00 61.78COMM SVCS ROW IRRIGATION REPAIRS4785463-00 129.24CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4785785-00 566.87CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4786913-00 8Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:39 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 58 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 9 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50145 9/10/2021 (Continued)01043 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY 35.62CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4787388-00 16.93CFD PARK MAINTENANCE4789343-00 214.48AMR IRRIGATION REPAIRS4791341-00 15.21PARKS SMALL TOOLS/FIELD EQUIPMENT4791633-00 496.40AMR IRRIGATION REPAIRS4791921-00 Total : 2,347.16 50146 9/10/2021 01090 INTELESYONE 98115 MITEL 9-1-1 ANALOG LINE SYSTEM CONFIGURA 688.95 Total : 688.95 50147 9/10/2021 02137 KNOTT'S BERRY FARM CK REQ 9/1 RESERVATIONS FOR TEEN CAMP PROGRAM 1,920.00 Total : 1,920.00 50148 9/10/2021 01331 KOA CORPORATION JC12056-1 03312 JUL'21 ON-CALL NON-RECOVERABLE GRANT MAN 1,782.50 Total : 1,782.50 50149 9/10/2021 02200 KRAGEL INDUSTRIES, INC 19008 FLEET MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 243.30 Total : 243.30 50150 9/10/2021 01342 LA SIERRA FIRE EQUIPMENT INC 56172MJ PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 250.50 Total : 250.50 50151 9/10/2021 00525 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 202536 JUL'21 CITY LEGAL SVCS 390.00 Total : 390.00 50152 9/10/2021 00474 ARS RESCUE ROOTER/KRISTIN BUSS CK REQ 7/27 REFUND BLDG PERMIT PMT21-03281 70.52 Total : 70.52 50153 9/10/2021 00474 HEATHER ROGATO CK REQ 8/24 REFUND CLASS REGISTRATION 22.25 Total : 22.25 50154 9/10/2021 01058 MONOPRICE INC.21877042 ADDITIONAL HEADSETS FOR VIRTUAL MEETINGS 326.14 Total : 326.14 50155 9/10/2021 01130 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 4746-239404 FLEET MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 44.53 47.14FLEET MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES4746-239405 140.15P/W VEHICLE MAINTENANCE4746-239757 9Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:40 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 59 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 10 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50155 9/10/2021 (Continued)01130 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 30.44FLEET MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES4746-240812 Total : 262.26 50156 9/10/2021 01096 PAPER RECYCLING & SHREDDING, SPECIALISTS INC.494727 CITY HALL DOC SHREDDING SVCS 95.00 85.00POLICE DOC SHREDDING SVCS494728 63.00COMM SVCS DOC SHREDDING SVCS495195 55.00POLICE DOC SHREDDING SVCS495196 Total : 298.00 50157 9/10/2021 01843 PARKHOUSE TIRE, INC 2010755464 PD VEHICLE TIRES 1,332.40 Total : 1,332.40 50158 9/10/2021 02050 PIT STOP PUB CK REQ 8/31 MEALS FOR SENIOR LUNCHES 957.00 Total : 957.00 50159 9/10/2021 01065 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 23199316 P/W UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS 163.74 33.65FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES23199317 168.36P/W UNIFORM LAUNDRY SVCS23201948 33.65FLEET MATERIALS & SUPPLIES23201949 Total : 399.40 50160 9/10/2021 00006 R&R BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 8692 PRINTING SERVICES 89.37 42.96PRINTING SERVICES8694 171.83PRINTING SERVICES8696 43.45PRINTING SERVICES8697 11.95PRINTING SERVICES8698 Total : 359.56 50161 9/10/2021 00013 READYREFRESH 01H0036688976 CITY HALL BOTTLE WATER SUPPLY 471.08 592.98CITY HALL BOTTLE WATER SUPPLY11H0029762325 Total : 1,064.06 50162 9/10/2021 00500 RIVERSIDE HABITAT CONSERVATION CK REQ 8/25 JUL'21 K-RAT FEES 42,040.00 Total : 42,040.00 50163 9/10/2021 01858 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC 86958132 FLEET PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 444.50 10Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:41 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 60 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 11 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 444.50 50163 9/10/2021 01858 01858 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC 50164 9/10/2021 01912 SLI CLEANING SERVICES 0007 MENIFEE PD CLEANING SVCS 325.00 Total : 325.00 50165 9/10/2021 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 437397 03410 CIP 21-10 SCE LINE EXTENSION 9,275.14 Total : 9,275.14 50166 9/10/2021 00046 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 700033176468 8/13/21 JUL'21 LLMD IRRIGATION SVCS 595.64 557.15AUG'21 PD SUB STATION ELECTRICAL700145838534 8/27/21 44.93JUL'21 COMM SHACK DAILY RD ELECTRIC SVC700167267551 8/10/21 14.66JUL'21 LLMD ZONE 167 IRRIGATION SVCS700226009741 8/10/21 14.53JUL'21 CFD 2017-1 TOWN CNTR IRRIGATION S700268908801 8/10/21 5,285.31JUL'21 POLICE HQ ELECTRICAL SVCS700271101708 8/11/21 41.85JUL'21 AMR SILVERSTAR IRRIGATION SVCS700283505883 8/6/21 31.79AUG'21 AMR ROW IRRIGATION SVCS700303731902 8/11/21 29.03JUL'21 TOWN CENTER IRRIGATION SVCS700308269175 8/11/21 145.56JUL'21 BRIGGS RD SGNL SVCS700351649393 8/6/21 4,943.11AUG'21 FIRE STATIONS ELECTRICAL SVCS700449636167 8/25/21 2,004.18JUL'21 POLICE HQ ELECTRICAL SVCS700529353801 8/11/21 78.12JUL'21 MCCALL TC-1 SIGNAL SVCS700589354664 8/6/21 90.32JUL'21 SCOTT/MURRIETA RD TRAFFIC SIGNAL700647813231 8/10/21 109.97AUG'21 AMR ROW ELECTRIC SVCS700667949522 8/26/21 207.21JUL'21 AMR ROW ELECTRIC SVCS700667949522 8/3/21 21.89JUL'21 CFD 2015-2 ANNEX 28 STREETLIGHT S700670073115 8/6/21 Total : 14,215.25 50167 9/10/2021 01932 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEWS GROUP 0011472052 LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS 1,691.60 1,017.50LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011473974 592.00LEGAL ADVERTISING SVCS0011474883 Total : 3,301.10 50168 9/10/2021 00045 STAPLES 6041 8/15 OFFICE SUPPLIES 44.53 Total : 44.53 50169 9/10/2021 00283 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE527560 JUL'21 NEW HIRE SCREENING 867.00 347.00JUL'21 NEW HIRE SCREENING528426 455.00JUL'21 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS529151 11Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:42 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 61 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 12 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount (Continued)Total : 1,669.00 50169 9/10/2021 00283 00283 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 50170 9/10/2021 00697 STATER BROS. MARKET C0285 8/3 COMM SVCS SUPPLIES 449.11 Total : 449.11 50171 9/10/2021 02031 SUBWAY CK REQ 8/23 MEALS FOR SENIOR LUNCHES 960.00 Total : 960.00 50172 9/10/2021 02203 SUN WEST MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC CK REQ 8/17 03442 CDBG-CV RENTAL MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE PROGR 9,000.00 Total : 9,000.00 50173 9/10/2021 02085 TALALAY TENNIS CK REQ 8/31 COMM SVCS INSTRUCTOR PAYMENT 894.00 Total : 894.00 50174 9/10/2021 00098 THE GAS COMPANY 008 125 8251 8 8/24 AUG'21 CSA 145 GAS SVCS 4.77 86.92AUG'21 FIRE STATION #7 GAS SVCS047 770 7105 3 8/23 14.30AUG'21 WEST ANNEX/SENIOR CTR GAS SVCS064 825 8334 8 8/24 23.57AUG'21 NORTH ANNEX GAS SVCS069 025 8387 8 8/24 18.94AUG'21 POLICE DEPT BLDG A GAS SVCS091 934 9672 7 8/24 71.49AUG'21 POLICE DEPT. BLDG B GAS SVCS186 436 1021 7 8/24 Total : 219.99 50175 9/10/2021 00854 THE LLOYD PEST CONTROL CO, INC 7485053 AUG'21 P/W PEST CONTROL SVCS 70.00 75.00AUG'21 CITY HALL PEST CONTROL SVCS7485055 99.00AUG'21 PD HQ PEST CONTROL SVCS7485308 40.00AUG'21 PD HQ PEST CONTROL SVCS7485309 Total : 284.00 50176 9/10/2021 01085 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO 0482-9 GRAFFITI ABATEMENT SUPPLIES 389.84 Total : 389.84 50177 9/10/2021 01064 TRI STATE MATERIALS INC 96863 CFD PARK MAINTENANCE 6.47 Total : 6.47 50178 9/10/2021 01315 ULINE, INC 137710448 MENIFEE PD FORENSIC SUPPLIES 283.79 227.15MENIFEE PD FORENSIC SUPPLIES137725544 Total : 510.94 12Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:43 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 62 of 295 09/09/2021 Voucher List City of Menifee 13 3:05:00PM Page:vchlist Bank code :uboc Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #Description/Account Amount 50179 9/10/2021 02006 UNIFORM SPECIALIST 112666 MENIFEE PD VOLUNTEER UNIFORMS 103.91 Total : 103.91 50180 9/10/2021 02120 UNITEDHEALTHCARE, INSURANCE COMPANY SEP4679446840 SEP'21 EMPLOYER COBRA PORTION 1,911.80 Total : 1,911.80 50181 9/10/2021 01911 US ARMOR CORPORATION 34468 PD CONCEALABLE VESTS 948.63 Total : 948.63 50182 9/10/2021 00976 VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER LLC 12-2849 VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER 500.00 Total : 500.00 50183 9/10/2021 00228 WASTE MANAGEMENT 0001851-4793-1 BIOHAZARD BIN DISPOSAL FOR PD 1,922.75 Total : 1,922.75 50184 9/10/2021 02051 WORLDPAC INC 30876838 P/W VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 76.91 240.38PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE31068136 80.87PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE31071604 256.39PD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE31089872 Total : 654.55 50185 9/10/2021 01729 TRESS MAKSIMUK CK REQ 9/9 REMEMBRANCE DAY PERFORMANCE 300.00 Total : 300.00 Bank total : 693,308.07 91 Vouchers for bank code :uboc 693,308.07Total vouchers :Vouchers in this report 91 13Page: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:44 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 63 of 295 Date Paid by:Payee Description Amount 9/3/2021 ACH City Payroll Payroll Period 8/14/2021 - 8/27/2021 769,464.63 9/3/2021 ACH ICMA Payroll Period 8/14/2021 - 8/27/2021 33,325.41 TOTAL PAYROLL:802,790.04$ Date Paid by:Payee Description Amount 8/25/2021 ACH CIRA/PARSAC FY 2022 Cyber Security Insurance Premium 9395.75 9/2/2021 ACH OpenEdge Credit Card Processing Fees August 2021 6,944.02 9/3/2021 ACH Cardpointe Credit Card Processing Fees August 2021 685.26 9/3/2021 ACH CALPERS - Medical Aug-21 253,874.08 9/3/2021 ACH CALPERS - Retirement Payroll Period 7/03/2021 - 7/17/2021 94,306.82 9/3/2021 ACH CALPERS - Retirement Payroll Period 7/03/2021 - 7/17/2021 70,366.70 9/3/2021 ACH CALPERS - GASB 68 Reports Sep-20 1,050.00 TOTAL OTHER EFT'S:436,622.63$ TOTAL PAYMENTS:1,239,412.67$ Payroll Register, Taxes and Other EFT's/Wires City of Menifee October 6, 2021 Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:45 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 64 of 295 Status VV A/P VOID CHECK LISTING Bank code:uboc Check #Date Vendor Clear/Void Date Check Total 49595 07/16/2021 01119 WEST COAST ARBORISTS IN V 08/09/2021 173121 3,600.00 08/09/2021 173255 05/17/2021 2,850.00 Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid 49789 08/13/2021 02183 MR. COOPER V 08/19/2021 05/12/2021 15,850.00 08/09/2021 173120 05/14/2021 400.00 6,850.00 2 checks in this report Total Checks:15,850.00 Page: 1 CK REQ 7/19 07/19/2021 9,000.00 9,000.00 uboc Total: Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:46 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 65 of 295 City of Menifee US Bank Credit Card Detail Jun'21 Last Four of CC Cardholder Date of Transaction Description Description Detail Charge Initiated For: Amount Account Number to be charged **9199 City Card 6/30/2021 City Credit Card Charges Lowe's - IT Equipment for Community Development Event IT 50.49 110-4115-51500 **1678 City Card 6/28/2021 City Credit Card Charges Eventbrite - Law Enforcement Social Media Conference Registration T.Sik Menifee PD 27.09 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 6/28/2021 City Credit Card Charges California Police Chiefs Association - Women Leaders in Law Enforcement Training D.Robertson Menifee PD 375.00 100-4911-52211 **1632 City Card 6/26/2021 City Credit Card Charges International Code Council - Code Books for Building Inspector Training Building & Safety 55.61 100-4331-52211 **1632 City Card 6/25/2021 City Credit Card Charges B & H Photo - Mobile Production Kit for City Manager's Office City Manager 85.91 100-4111-51600 **1632 City Card 6/29/2021 City Credit Card Charges Searle Creative Group - Marketing for Menifee KEEP Event Economic Development 950.00 100-4350-51700 **1632 City Card 6/29/2021 City Credit Card Charges Searle Creative Group - Marketing for Menifee Broker's Luncheon Economic Development 1675.00 100-4350-51700 **1632 City Card 6/30/2021 City Credit Card Charges California Association of Local Economic Development - CALED Membership Dues K.Hernandez Economic Development 50.00 100-4350-52200 **1632 City Card 6/30/2021 City Credit Card Charges Office World - Replenishment of Accounts Payable Check Stock Non-Departmental 148.05 100-4221-51010 **1632 City Card 6/30/2021 City Credit Card Charges Little Caesars - Meals For Employee Lunch & Learn City Manager 193.14 100-4111-52211 **1632 City Card 6/30/2021 City Credit Card Charges Little Caesars - Meals For Employee Lunch & Learn City Manager 12.07 100-4111-52211 **2472 City Card 6/29/2021 City Credit Card Charges Amazon - Supplies for Economic Development Economic Development 33.70 100-4350-51600 **2472 City Card 6/30/2021 City Credit Card Charges GWL Southern California - Economic Development Supplies Economic Development 485.46 100-4350-51600 **9739 City Card 6/26/2021 City Credit Card Charges Domino's - Meals for Independence Day Event Staff Community Services 107.64 100-4660-51700 21-Indday **9739 City Card 6/29/2021 City Credit Card Charges 99 Cents Store - Summer Camp Supplies Community Services 39.62 100-4660-51011 **9739 City Card 6/30/2021 City Credit Card Charges American Red Cross - First Aid Training for Community Services Staff Community Services 350.00 100-4660-52211 4638.78 Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:47 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 66 of 295 City of Menifee US Bank Credit Card Detail Jul'21 Last Four of CC Cardholder Date of Transaction Description Description Detail Charge Initiated For: Amount Account Number to be charged **1394 City Card 7/15/2021 City Credit Card Charges Stater Bros - Supplies for Employee Appreciation Event Non-Departmental 173.70 100-4221-50450 **1394 City Card 7/15/2021 City Credit Card Charges Anady's Trophies - Supplies for Employee Appreciation Event Non-Departmental 92.44 100-4221-50450 **7121 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges Miguel's Jr. - Meals for City Manager Meeting City Manager 134.83 100-4111-51600 **7121 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges Bushfire Kitchen - Meals for City Manager Meeting City Manager 114.84 100-4111-51600 **7121 City Card 7/12/2021 City Credit Card Charges LawDepot.com - Legal Documents for Non-Disclosure Agreement Human Resources 33.00 100-4222-51600 **7121 City Card 7/20/2021 City Credit Card Charges Zoom.us - Video & Web Conferencing Service IT 14.99 110-4115-51350 **9199 City Card 7/4/2021 City Credit Card Charges MyCommerce.com - IT Supplies Non-Departmental 50.00 100-4221-51600 **9199 City Card 7/4/2021 City Credit Card Charges MyCommerce.com - IT Supplies Non-Departmental -50.00 100-4221-51600 **9199 City Card 7/15/2021 City Credit Card Charges Network Solutions - Domain Registration for ExploreMenifee.com Economic Development 10.00 100-4350-51600 **9199 City Card 7/15/2021 City Credit Card Charges Network Solutions - Domain Registration for VisitMenifee.com Economic Development 10.00 100-4350-51600 **9199 City Card 7/15/2021 City Credit Card Charges Network Solutions - Domain Registration for VisitMenifee.org & ExploreMenifee.org Economic Development 179.94 100-4350-51600 **9199 City Card 7/15/2021 City Credit Card Charges Network Solutions - Domain Registration for MenifeePolice.org IT 49.95 110-4911-51353 **9199 City Card 7/16/2021 City Credit Card Charges Network Solutions - Domain Registration for MenifeeMeasureDD.com,MenifeeCares.com & MenifeeForward.com Economic Development 47.97 100-4350-51600 **1678 City Card 7/6/2021 City Credit Card Charges Full Circle Solution - Data Elements Webinar Registration D.Hawkins Menifee PD 189.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/6/2021 City Credit Card Charges Full Circle Solution - Data Elements Webinar Registration J.Victorio Menifee PD 189.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/6/2021 City Credit Card Charges Full Circle Solution - Data Elements Webinar Registration J.Kashima Menifee PD 189.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges SkillPath - Fundamentals of Microsoft PowerPoint S.Lawton, C.Booker, N.Epps Menifee PD 402.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/8/2021 City Credit Card Charges SkillPath - Taking Control of Tough Performance & Attitude Problems D.Hawkins Menifee PD 149.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/8/2021 City Credit Card Charges San Bernardino Sheriff's Dept. - Traffic Collision Investigation Training M.Harper & A.Clay Menifee PD 842.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges 21Clets LLC - Drone Training T.Perez Menifee PD 125.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges Behavioral Analysis Training - Investigative Interview & Interrogation Training D.Beare Menifee PD 481.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges Behavioral Analysis Training - Investigative Interview & Interrogation Training A.Marcinko Menifee PD 481.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/15/2021 City Credit Card Charges Eventbrite - 2021 CCIAA Conference Registration N.Epps Menifee PD 389.72 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/15/2021 City Credit Card Charges Alaska Airlines - Airfare for 2021 CCIAA Conference N.Epps Menifee PD 198.01 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges Center for Criminal Justice - Field Evidence Technician Training C.Keene Menifee PD 724.00 100-4911-52211 **1678 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges Center for Criminal Justice - Field Evidence Technician Training C.Keene Menifee PD 19.19 100-4911-52211 **1632 City Card 7/1/2021 City Credit Card Charges League of California Cities - LOCC Conference Registration A.Villa & R.Clayton A.Villa & R.Clayton 1100.00 100-4111-52210 **1632 City Card 7/1/2021 City Credit Card Charges League of California Cities - LOCC Conference Registration L.Sobek L.Sobek 550.00 100-4110-52210 **1632 City Card 7/1/2021 City Credit Card Charges Searle Creative Group - Marketing for Menifee Broker's Luncheon Economic Development 1988.00 100-4350-51700 **1632 City Card 7/2/2021 City Credit Card Charges The Citizen Marriott - Hotel Accomodations for League of California Cities Conference A.Villa A.Villa 938.01 100-4111-52210 **1632 City Card 7/2/2021 City Credit Card Charges The Citizen Marriott - Hotel Accomodations for League of California Cities Conference L.Sobek L.Sobek 875.28 100-4110-52210 **1632 City Card 7/2/2021 City Credit Card Charges The Citizen Marriott - Hotel Accomodations for League of California Cities Conference R.Clayton R.Clayton 938.01 100-4111-52210 **1632 City Card 7/2/2021 City Credit Card Charges Advocacy - 2021 Directory of California Legislature for City Manager's Office City Manager 193.31 100-4111-51600 **1632 City Card 7/6/2021 City Credit Card Charges Statewide Mini Storage - Additional Storage for Community Services Community Services 255.00 100-4660-51600 **1632 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges Liebert Cassidy Whitmore - Labor Relations Training C.Loera Human Resources 475.00 100-4222-52211 **1632 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges California Society of Municipal Finance Officers - Job Advertising for Contract/Purchasing Specialist Human Resources 275.00 100-4222-50428 **1632 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges SoCal Fire Chief Association - Hazardous Material Training I.Gutierrez Fire Marshall 125.00 100-4446-52211 **1632 City Card 7/9/2021 City Credit Card Charges Galls - Fire Marshall Small Tools & Field Equipment Fire Marshall 158.32 100-4446-51500 **1632 City Card 7/9/2021 City Credit Card Charges Statewide Mini Storage - Additional Storage for Community Services Community Services 404.10 100-4660-51600 **1632 City Card 7/9/2021 City Credit Card Charges Bombdiggity Hot Dogs - Meals for 2021 Family Camp out Community Services 1015.45 100-4660-51700 **1632 City Card 7/9/2021 City Credit Card Charges Constant Contact - Constant Contact Membership for Economic Development Economic Development 200.00 100-4350-51720 **1632 City Card 7/12/2021 City Credit Card Charges S&S Worldwide - Supplies for Summer Camp Program Community Services 39.44 100-4660-51011 **1632 City Card 7/12/2021 City Credit Card Charges S&S Worldwide - Supplies for Summer Camp Program Community Services 287.39 100-4660-51011 **1632 City Card 7/12/2021 City Credit Card Charges Castle Park - Summer Field Trip for Boys & Girls Club of Menifee Community Services 1159.50 100-4660-51700 **1632 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges League of California Cities - LOCC Conference Registration I.Huerta I.Huerta 550.00 100-4111-52210 **1632 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges California Academy for Economic Development - Registration for Advanced Institute for Economic Development Economic Development 1300.00 100-4350-52211 Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:48 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 67 of 295 City of Menifee US Bank Credit Card Detail Jul'21 Last Four of CC Cardholder Date of Transaction Description Description Detail Charge Initiated For: Amount Account Number to be charged **1632 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges Jersey Mike's - Meals for Menifee Mentors Program City Manager 258.75 100-4111-52211 **1632 City Card 7/14/2021 City Credit Card Charges Government Finance Officers Association - Fundamentals of Local Governemtn Budgeting Training for Finance Staff Finance 490.00 100-4220-52210 **1632 City Card 7/14/2021 City Credit Card Charges ICMA - ICMA Conference Registration A.Villa & I.Huerta A.Villa & I.Huerta 1179.00 100-4111-52210 **1632 City Card 7/14/2021 City Credit Card Charges Fairfield Inn & Suites - Room Rental for Employee Appreciation Event Non-Departmental 226.27 100-4221-50450 **1632 City Card 7/14/2021 City Credit Card Charges Mulligan Family Fun Center - Field Trip for Menifee Summer Camp Program Community Services 747.56 100-4660-51700 **1632 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges Capio - Project Management Training J.Hermosillo J.Hermosillo 35.00 100-4350-52211 **1632 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges Capio - Project Management Training K.Charters K.Charters 35.00 100-4350-52211 **2472 City Card 7/1/2021 City Credit Card Charges Amazon - Supplies for Economic Development Economic Development 95.60 100-4350-51600 **2472 City Card 7/2/2021 City Credit Card Charges The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf - Meals for Economic Development Meeting Economic Development 21.90 100-4350-51600 **2472 City Card 7/3/2021 City Credit Card Charges Temecula Town Center - Supplies for Economic Development Economic Development 1.00 100-4350-51600 **2472 City Card 7/15/2021 City Credit Card Charges Archibald's - Meals for Economic Development Meeting Economic Development 65.03 100-4350-51600 **2472 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges Land's End Outfitters - Supplies for Economic Development Economic Development 725.90 100-4350-51600 **2472 City Card 7/22/2021 City Credit Card Charges The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf - Meals for Economic Development Meeting Economic Development 5.65 100-4350-51600 **2472 City Card 7/24/2021 City Credit Card Charges FTD.com - Supplies for Economic Development Economic Development 90.25 100-4350-51600 **9962 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges Mountain Mikes - City Council Dinner City Council 120.70 100-4110-51600 **9739 City Card 7/1/2021 City Credit Card Charges 99 Cents Store - Supplies for Family Camp Out Community Services 208.96 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/1/2021 City Credit Card Charges Five Below - Supplies for Family Camp Out Community Services 58.95 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges Sun City Mini Storage - Additional Storage For Community Services Community Services 188.00 100-4660-51600 **9739 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges Temeku Cinemas - Summer Field Trip to the Movie Theater Community Services 145.00 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges Temeku Cinemas - Summer Field Trip to the Movie Theater Community Services 322.50 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/8/2021 City Credit Card Charges Dunkin' Donuts - Meals for Family Camp out Community Services 53.97 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges Riverside County Health - Health Permits for Menifee Moonlight Market Community Services 226.50 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges Riverside County Health - Health Permits for Menifee Moonlight Market Community Services 226.50 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges Riverside County Health - Health Permits for Menifee Moonlight Market Community Services 5.37 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/13/2021 City Credit Card Charges Riverside County Health - Health Permits for Menifee Moonlight Market Community Services 5.37 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/19/2021 City Credit Card Charges Municipal Management Association of Southern California - MMASC Membership Dues K.Jones Community Services 90.00 100-4660-52200 **9739 City Card 7/19/2021 City Credit Card Charges Dollar Tree - Supplies for Little Learners Program Community Services 24.75 100-4660-51011 **9739 City Card 7/20/2021 City Credit Card Charges Belmont Park - Field Trip for Menifee Teen Program Community Services 406.95 100-4660-51700 **9739 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges Elephant Fire Extinguisher - Fire Extinguisher Rental for Independence Day Event Community Services 70.00 100-4660-51700 21-indday **9739 City Card 7/23/2021 City Credit Card Charges Target - Tables for Senior Center Community Services 130.47 100-4660-51011 **1016 City Card 7/18/2021 City Credit Card Charges Apple.com - Meetings Software For City Manager Ipad City Manager 4.99 100-4111-51600 **1016 City Card 7/22/2021 City Credit Card Charges Apple, Inc. - Extra Storage for City Manager Iphone City Manager 0.99 100-4111-51600 **5047 City Card 7/2/2021 City Credit Card Charges MailChimp - Mailchimp Subscription for Menifee PD Menifee PD 52.99 100-4911-51720 **5047 City Card 7/7/2021 City Credit Card Charges Mildef Inc - PD Equipment Maintenance Menifee PD 289.63 100-4911-52500 **5047 City Card 7/8/2021 City Credit Card Charges Stickeryou.com - Badge Stickers for Menifee PD Menifee PD 278.80 100-4911-51720 **5047 City Card 7/8/2021 City Credit Card Charges Delta Airlines - Airfare for IACP Conference P.Walsh P.Walsh 465.60 100-4911-52210 **5047 City Card 7/12/2021 City Credit Card Charges Federal Aviation Administration - Drone Registration for Menifee PD Menifee PD 20.00 100-4911-52200 **5047 City Card 7/14/2021 City Credit Card Charges Target - Meals for Menifee PD Meeting Menifee PD 49.20 100-4911-51600 **5047 City Card 7/14/2021 City Credit Card Charges Michael's - Supplies for Menifee PD Menifee PD 8.69 100-4911-51600 **5047 City Card 7/20/2021 City Credit Card Charges Target - Meals for Menifee PD Meeting Menifee PD 34.02 100-4911-51600 **5047 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges Police Promote - Oral Interview Dynamics Training T.Sik T.Sik 300.00 100-4911-52211 **5047 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges California Peace Officer Association - Public Records Training D.Hawkins D.Hawkins 250.00 100-4911-52211 **5047 City Card 7/21/2021 City Credit Card Charges California Peace Officer Association - Public Records Training J.Victorio J.Victorio 250.00 100-4911-52211 **5047 City Card 7/22/2021 City Credit Card Charges CSU Long Beach - Crime Scene Investigation Training R.Castro R.Castro 724.00 100-4911-52211 **5047 City Card 7/22/2021 City Credit Card Charges CSU Long Beach - Crime Scene Investigation Training R.Castro R.Castro 19.19 100-4911-52211 **5047 City Card 7/22/2021 City Credit Card Charges California Peace Officer Association - Public Records Training M.Rodriguez M.Rodriguez 250.00 100-4911-52211 Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:49 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 68 of 295 City of Menifee US Bank Credit Card Detail Jul'21 Last Four of CC Cardholder Date of Transaction Description Description Detail Charge Initiated For: Amount Account Number to be charged **8389 City Card 7/8/2021 City Credit Card Charges Kraft Tool Company - Public Works Small Tools & Field Equipment Public Works 550.54 200-4552-51500 **8389 City Card 7/9/2021 City Credit Card Charges Covercraft - Public Works Vehicle #218 Maintenance Fleet 218.59 115-4552-52503 **8389 City Card 7/14/2021 City Credit Card Charges Etrailer - Public Works Vehicle #227 Maintenance Fleet 90.24 115-4552-52503 **8389 City Card 7/19/2021 City Credit Card Charges Kraft Tool Company - Public Works Small Tools & Field Equipment Public Works 100.91 200-4552-51500 **8389 City Card 7/24/2021 City Credit Card Charges Zoro Tools - Fleet Small Tools & Field Equipment Fleet 456.74 115-4117-51500 28742.41 Item Title:10.3 Warrant Register Item Page Number:50 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 69 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report, August 2021 MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director REVIEWED BY: Rochelle Clayton, Assistant City Manager APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for August 2021. DISCUSSION Attached is the Treasurer’s Report for Cash and Investments for the month of August 2021. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. August 2021 Treasurer’s Report Item Title:10.4 Treasurer's Report,August 2021 Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 70 of 295 CITY TREASURER'S REPORT CASH AND INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO As ot August 31, 2021 CITY CASH ACCOUNT INSTITUTION DEPOSITS PERCENTOF STATED CITY CASH RATE ENDING BAI,.ANCE CHECKII{G SAVINGS ASSET FORFEITURE PETTY CASH UNIOT{ BANK OF CA UNION BANK OF CA UNIOT{ BANK OF CA CASH ON HAND 8,99it,89a.16 3 20,022,27? -77 17,722.n 9,600.00 8,388,985.01 t 889.82 0.77 0.00 (6,75r,076.18) I 0.00 0.00 0.00 't0,632,802.99 3 20,023,117.59 17,723.51 9,600.00 10,632,802.99 20,023,117 .59 11,723. 9,600.00 3,1.65% 65.26% 0.06% 0.00vo 0.000/. 0.05% 0.05"/o 0.00% CITY INVESTMENTS COST AASIS ISSUER BEGINNING BALANCE oEPOStTS/ PURCHASES t) WTHDRAWALS/ SALES/ IIATURITIES ENDING AALANCE LOCAL AGENCY IXVESTME}IT FUNOS i 31,084,,149.81 t $$31,084,449.8t 3 3t,084,449.81 30.U1/r 0,221% US BANK.PIPER SAT{OLER FEOERAI- FARI CREOIT BANKS FEDERAT HOTIE LOAI{ BA}IKS US TREASURY t{ONEY MARKET 8,977,500.00 37,000,000.00 20,502,500.00 /t6s,8s0.s7 8,9rr,500.00 37,000,000.00 20.502.500.00 518,919.15 8,995,710.00 37,012,270.00 20,485,200.00 518,919.1s a.a2% 36.36% 20.13./o 0.51% o.725yo 0.7500/r 1.3400/r 0.010./o 3 $ s $ s $ $t it $ $ s st $50.068.58 ItI 3 TOTAL US BANK.PIPER SANDLER $ 66,948,850,57 $50,068.58 t 37,6.t9.61 $66,998,9t9,15 $67 ,012,129.15 UTIION MNK4}IANOLER ASSET iIGMT AGENCY FU}IOS US TREASURY CORPORATE II/IONEY MARKET I ,5,t3,085.29 972,299.66 1, t60,563.62 1,590,73!.90 972,299.66 r,105,852.23 24,211.46 1,612,836.90 996,562.79 '1,123,490.621 21,211.46 s $ st t $ $ $ $ttt 3 s $ $ s s 24,999.66 Lf,233.01 (79,701.0s) (24,999.66) 1.55% 0.96% 1.09% 0.02./o978.48 TOTAL UNIO}I BANK-CHANDLER ASSET ' 3,62,927.05 $109,882-31 3 (1021,700.71) $3,683,108.65 I 3,757,102. t9 TOTAL INCREASE(DECREASE) 132,119,751.73. $ 1,694,049.60 MARKET VATUE BEGINNING BATANCE (-) WITHDRAWALS $ rorA crrY cAsH r -ry,!J!- s---L199899. s-(g,@M i-39l@13. s-99:!!!413. _994. PERCEUTOF STATEDTARKETVALUE PORTFOLIC RATE 1.74s% lAvg.l 1.631% (Avg.) 1.708% lAvg.) 0.02070 lAvs.) TOTAL C|TY TNVESTMENTS @ $ 159,950.89 S (1U,700.71) 6 101,766,477.61 _q_1gr!!!l99]jl!_ ....]ry TorAL cAsH ANo tNvEsrMENr= $ 130,755,702.13 $ 8,549,825.49 l_llrg4gil $ Item Title:10.4 Treasurer's Report,August 2021 Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 71 of 295 RESERVE BALANCES Committed Funds: Committed - Emergency Stabilization Committed - City Hall $ 6,892,510.00 750,000.00 $ 7,642,510.00 Assigned Funds: Assigned - Economic Uncertainty Assigned - Fire Safety Assigned - CIRA Assigned - General Plan Update Assigned - Central Park Amphitheatre Assigned - Holland Road Overpass Assigned - Bradley Bridge Assigned - Encumbrances $ 6,892,510.00 285,513.49 75,000.00 750,762.70 450,000.00 671,614.00 223,872.00 20,539,945.35 $ 29,889,217.54 TOTAL COMI\iIITTED AND ASSIGNED RESERVES: Balance Available for Daily Operations General Fund: Balance Available for Daily Operations All Other Funds GRAND TOTAL: $ 37 ,531,727 .54 36,442,446.71$ 58,475,577.48 i 132,149,75'.t.73 ln compliance with the California Code Section 53646, as the City Treasurer of the City of Menifee, I hereby certify that sufficient investmenl liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months and that all investments are in compliance rvith the City's adopted lnvestment Pollcy. I also certify that this report reflects all Government Agency pooled investmen and bank balances. 'u Rochelle City Treasurer Date ' This amount does not include Wilminton Trust TRIP Escrow funds in the amount of $17,434,338.73 that are held outside the City's funds.. This amount does not include Willington Trust Streetlights Escrow funds in the amount of $56,234.36 that are held outside the City's funds Item Title:10.4 Treasurer's Report,August 2021 Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 72 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Margarita Cornejo, Financial Services Manager REVIEWED BY: Wendy Preece, Deputy Finance Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution for the balance of budget carryovers, as of June 30, 2021, for all ongoing operating requests, ongoing grants, and capital programs to Fiscal Year 2021/22. DISCUSSION With the passage of the budget, it is assumed that all revenues will be earned and all expenditures will be expended by the end of the fiscal year. Due to the timing of receiving goods and services, the specific performance period of grant funded projects/program, and the multi-year capital improvement projects, some expenditures are not fully exhausted within the fiscal year and must be carried over into the new fiscal year. These expenditures, if not incorporated within the following year’s budget, must be re-appropriated by City Council and added to the newly adopted budget. Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget Carry-Over Overview: On June 2, 2021, the Menifee City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2021/22 operating and capital budget for a total City-wide appropriation of $122,677,320, of which $74,835,100 represented total appropriations for the General Fund including Measure DD. Based on departmental requests, a total of $46,449,469.22 in carryover expenditure items are requested for approval and $2,802,918.16 in carryover revenues. Please note this does not include six budget carryovers approved from July 1, 2021 through the most recent Council Meeting, totaling $2,265,344.37. The attached Purchase Order Rollovers reflect the detailed purchase orders, the attached Grant Rollovers reflect the ongoing grants and the attached CIP and Other Rollovers reflect the ongoing capital projects that require City Councils approval to carryover to fiscal year 2021/22. Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 73 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 7 7 1 0 Below is a summary, by fund, reflecting the requested carry-over appropriation. Additionally, Table 1 summarizes the proposed carryovers by the following categories: 1. Purchase Orders (PO) (Attachment A): Existing contracts/purchase order (POs) where work/services commenced in the Fiscal Year 2020/21 period, but will continue into the Fiscal Year 2021/22 year. A contractual commitment in the form of an executed contract and/or PO has been issued for the respective goods/services, and is being carried forward into the new fiscal year. Covid-19 Impact on Purchases: With respect to annual expenditures and purchases, Fiscal Year 2020/21 was singular to other years, in the impact of Covid-19. Across the board, various city departments experienced atypical delays in the delivery of services, ranging from IT equipment/hardware to street sign blades, impacted by global supply shortages in key supplies such as computer chips and aluminum. Over the last month or so, the City has seen small relief in the delay of some purchases, however, some larger purchases such as vehicles, still face delays of several months. 2.Grant Projects/Programs (Attachment B): Projects/programs funded by grants funds. The implementation/completion of these are governed by the specific terms of the grant agreement and can range from one year to multiple years. Carryover grant projects/programs represent remaining anticipated expenditures and revenues in the Fiscal Year 2020/21 period. Most grants are funded as reimbursement grants, meaning the City must complete the funded project/program/activity first, and then seek/receive reimbursement from the funding entity. Grant reimbursements are recognized within the fiscal year(s) they are received. Grant expenditures are recognized in the fiscal year(s) they are expended. 3.CIP Projects (Attachment C): These include CIP projects generally completed within a one to two year time frame. Project activity can range from pre-construction, design, and engineering to construction of the projects. These projects are included within the Fiscal Year 2020/21 adopted CIP Program, and remaining activities are proposed to be carried forward into the new fiscal year. 4.Multi-Year CIP and Other Projects (Attachment C): These generally represent larger, more complex projects (CIP, Housing Element Update, Redistricting Process etc.) requiring multi-year coordination for delivery of the project including, but not limited to: a. Funding strategy/plan b. Pre-construction activities c. Design d. Environmental e. Right-of-Way Acquisition f. Construction Funding for Multi-year CIP and Other Projects, in particular may involve a funding plan across several fiscal years to fully bring together the required funding to complete the project. For example, CIP 13-03: Holland Road Overpass Project, is estimated to cost $30 million (reflecting increased construction costs) from beginning to end of the project (pre-construction activities to Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 74 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 October 6, 2021 Page 3 of 7 7 1 0 construction completion). Multi-year CIP projects, such as the traffic signal communication projects, which receive federal funds through grants, require several years to coordinate design and construction activities with Caltrans. Table 1. Fund Fund Name Expenditure Type Expenditure Amount 100 General Fund CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other $2,807,350.97 Purchase Order (PO) 957,167.50 100 Total 3,764,518.47 105 Measure DD Transaction Tax Fund CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 6,311,736.64 Purchase Order (PO) 826,479.85 105 Total 7,138,216.49 110 Information Technology Purchase Order (PO) 475,087.61 110 Total 475,087.61 116 Facility Maintenance Services Purchase Order (PO) 7,900.00 116 Total 7,900.00 200 Gas Tax Purchase Order (PO) 194,845.50 200 Total 194,845.50 220 Measure A Purchase Order (PO) 269,972.63 220 Total 269,972.63 280 AQMD Purchase Order (PO) 106,969.47 280 Total 106,969.47 301 Grant Fund Grants 409,590.63 Purchase Order (PO) 1,171,359.07 301 Total 1,580,949.70 310 TUMF Fees Fund CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 577,403.00 Purchase Order (PO) 3,369,311.04 310 Total 3,946,714.04 320 Capital Projects CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 2,674,065.62 Purchase Order (PO) 425,306.42 320 Total 3,099,372.04 410 Scott Road-RBBD CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 1,014,034.00 Purchase Order (PO) 174,899.00 410 Total 1,188,933.00 415 Menifee Valley-RBBD CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 6,788,647.00 Purchase Order (PO) 45,182.82 415 Total 6,833,829.82 420 CSA 33 Purchase Order (PO) 2,210.09 420 Total 2,210.09 460 CSA 86 Purchase Order (PO) 56,523.05 460 Total 56,523.05 481 CDBG Grant Grants 641,049.24 Purchase Order (PO) 66,958.00 481 Total 708,007.24 490 Audie Murphy Ranch CFD CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 99,981.91 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 75 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 October 6, 2021 Page 4 of 7 7 1 0 Fund Fund Name Expenditure Type Expenditure Amount 490 Total 99,981.91 507 DIF 17 - Public Facilities CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 314,160.80 Purchase Order (PO) 741,163.20 507 Total 1,055,324.00 508 DIF 17 - Fire CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 2,575,393.87 Purchase Order (PO) 562,162.30 508 Total 3,137,556.17 509 DIF 17 - Roads CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 2,097,541.70 Purchase Order (PO) 1,683,473.24 509 Total 3,781,014.94 510 DIF 17 - Signals CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 241,797.00 510 Total 241,797.00 511 Dif 17 - Parks CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 642,605.30 Purchase Order (PO) 752,053.74 511 Total 1,394,659.04 512 DIF 17 - Trails CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 569,889.32 Purchase Order (PO) 1,103,114.59 512 Total 1,673,003.91 520 DIF Citywide - Public Use & Community Facility CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 117,000.00 520 Total 117,000.00 521 DIF Citywide - Fire Facilities CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 555,418.35 Purchase Order (PO) 28,635.65 521 Total 584,054.00 522 DIF Citywide - Park Improvements CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 185,725.00 522 Total 185,725.00 526 DIF Citywide - Circulation CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 3,630,732.00 Purchase Order (PO) 392,745.31 526 Total 4,023,477.31 527 DIF Citywide - Storm Drain Facilities CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 485,941.00 527 Total 485,941.00 620 Local Park CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 279,551.00 Purchase Order (PO) 16,334.79 620 Total 295,885.79 Grand Total $46,449,469.22 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 76 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 October 6, 2021 Page 5 of 7 7 1 0 Table 2 summarizes the requested carryover of revenues: Table 2. Fund Fund Name Revenue Type Revenue Amount 301 Grant Fund Grant $2,012,670.47 481 CDBG Fund Grant 790,247.69 Grand Total $2,802,918.16 Of the proposed carryover budget from Fiscal Year 2020/21 to Fiscal Year 2021/22, a majority is represented by Multi-Year CIP Projects, which total $40,550,550.07. Table 3 below provides a summary of the Multi-Year CIP Projects: Table 3. Project Number Expenditure Type Expenditure Total CIP 13-03: Holland Road Overpass Project CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other $15,927,680.61 Purchase Order (PO) 45,182.82 CIP 13-03: Holland Road Overpass Project Total 15,972,863.43 CIP 13-04: Bradley Bridge Construction and Design CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 730,529.70 Purchase Order (PO) 15,789.08 CIP 13-04: Bradley Bridge Construction and Design Total 746,318.78 CIP 14-01: McCall/I215 Overpass Project Purchase Order (PO) 3,113,702.88 CIP 14-01: McCall/I215 Overpass Project Total 3,113,702.88 CIP 14-03: Scott/I215 Interchange Improvements Purchase Order (PO) 1,667,684.16 CIP 14-03: Scott/I215 Interchange Improvements Total 1,667,684.16 CIP 15-08: Fire Station #7 CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 13,699.87 CIP 15-08: Fire Station #7 Total 13,699.87 CIP 16-03: Trails Connectivity & Enhancements CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 127,796.24 Purchase Order (PO) 12,295.63 CIP 16-03: Trails Connectivity & Enhancements Total 140,091.87 CIP 16-07: HSIP Traffic Signalization Grant Project CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 10,954.35 CIP 16-07: HSIP Traffic Signalization Grant Project Total 10,954.35 CIP 16-08: Citywide Signal Communications Grants 30,236.04 CIP 16-08: Citywide Signal Communications Total 30,236.04 CIP 16-13: City Public Works Yard Purchase Order (PO) 872.50 CIP 16-13: City Public Works Yard Total 872.50 CIP 17-01: Evans Park Acquisition, Design and Construct CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 490,972.43 Purchase Order (PO) 144,741.00 CIP 17-01: Evans Park Acquisition, Design and Construct Total 635,713.43 CIP 19-03: Antelope Road/Sunstream Median CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 58,401.80 Purchase Order (PO) 590,192.74 CIP 19-03: Antelope Road/Sunstream Median Total 648,594.54 CIP 19-14: Sports Court Updates CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 24,981.91 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 77 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 October 6, 2021 Page 6 of 7 7 1 0 Project Number Expenditure Type Expenditure Total CIP 19-14: Sports Court Updates Total 24,981.91 CIP 19-15: Central Park Amphitheatre CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 2,904,857.10 Purchase Order (PO) 443,575.50 CIP 19-15: Central Park Amphitheatre Total 3,348,432.60 CIP 19-16: Lazy Creek Campus Improvements CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 145,496.36 Purchase Order (PO) 1,105,612.50 CIP 19-16: Lazy Creek Campus Improvements Total 1,251,108.86 CIP 19-18: Menifee Police Headquarters Purchase Order (PO) 601.56 CIP 19-18: Menifee Police Headquarters Total 601.56 CIP 20-01: Bundy Canyon/Scott Road Widening CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 377,248.00 Purchase Order (PO) 787,465.16 CIP 20-01: Bundy Canyon/Scott Road Widening Total 1,164,713.16 CIP 20-04: Paloma Wash Trail Improvements CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 266,622.92 Purchase Order (PO) 1,522,832.75 CIP 20-04: Paloma Wash Trail Improvements Total 1,789,455.67 CIP 20-05: Garbani Road/I-215 Interchange CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 792,586.00 CIP 20-05: Garbani Road/I-215 Interchange Total 792,586.00 CIP 20-12: Adams Avenue Street Improvements Phase 2 Purchase Order (PO) 8,930.00 CIP 20-12: Adams Avenue Street Improvements Phase 2 Total 8,930.00 CIP 20-13: Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 1,094,450.00 CIP 20-13: Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge Total 1,094,450.00 CIP 21-03: Fire Station #68 Remodel CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 412,892.35 Purchase Order (PO) 28,635.65 CIP 21-03: Fire Station #68 Remodel Total 441,528.00 CIP 21-04: New Fire Station #5 CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 5,157,653.00 Purchase Order (PO) 562,162.30 CIP 21-04: New Fire Station #5 Total 5,719,815.30 CIP 21-07: Menifee Rd/La Piedra Rd Traffic Signal CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 458,033.00 Purchase Order (PO) 8,178.00 CIP 21-07: Menifee Rd/La Piedra Rd Traffic Signal Total 466,211.00 CIP 21-09: Murrieta Rd/Sun City Blvd. Traffic Signal CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 618,488.00 Purchase Order (PO) 6,551.50 CIP 21-09: Murrieta Rd/Sun City Blvd. Traffic Signal Total 625,039.50 CIP 21-10: Murrieta Rd/Rouse Road Traffic Signal CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 460,533.00 Purchase Order (PO) 7,904.25 CIP 21-10: Murrieta Rd/Rouse Road Traffic Signal Total 468,437.25 CIP 21-11: Menifee Rd/Garbani Road Traffic Signal CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 175,691.00 Purchase Order (PO) 13,153.56 CIP 21-11: Menifee Rd/Garbani Road Traffic Signal Total 188,844.56 General Plan (Housing Element Update)CIP/Multi-Year CIP/Other 10,000.00 Purchase Order (PO) 174,682.85 General Plan (Housing Element Update) Total 184,682.85 Grand Total $40,550,550.07 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 78 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 October 6, 2021 Page 7 of 7 7 1 0 STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government. FISCAL IMPACT Total appropriations for the FY 2020/21 operating, grant and capital budget will increase by $46,449,469.22. Total revenues will increase by $2,802,918.16. These items were previously authorized during the FY 2020/21 budget year and were not fully expended or received. The authorization by City Council to carry over these appropriations will allow capital projects, grants and outstanding operating purchase orders to continue without interruption. ATTACHMENTS 1. Budget Adjustment Resolution – Budget Carryovers 2. Attachment A - PO Rollovers 3. Attachment B - Grant Rollovers 4. Attachment C- CIP Budget Rollovers Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 79 of 295 RESOLUTION NO. 21-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2021/22 with resolution 21-1033 on June 2nd , 2021; and WHEREAS, from time to time the City of Menifee receives unanticipated revenues, experiences unanticipated expenditures, and/or identifies alternative funding sources; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2021/22 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: 1. Record Revenue Estimate(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT October 6, 2021 Various Grants 301-XXXX 2,012,670.47 October 6, 2021 CDBG Grant 481-3845 $790,247.69 TOTAL:$2,802,918.16 Increase FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $2,802,918.16 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: General Fund 100-XXXX-XXXXX 3,764,518.47 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Measure DD Transaction Tax Fund 105-XXXX-XXXXX 7,138,216.49 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Information Technology 110-XXXX-XXXXX 475,087.61 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Facility Maintenance Services 116-XXXX-XXXXX 7,900.00 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Gas Tax 200-XXXX-XXXXX 194,845.50 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Measure A 220-XXXX-XXXXX 269,972.63 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: AQMD 280-XXXX-XXXXX 106,969.47 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Grant Fund 301-XXXX-XXXXX 1,580,949.70 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 80 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 General Fund Budget FY2021/22 Budget Carry-Overs 2 Increase FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $46,449,469.22 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: TUMF Fees Fund 310-XXXX-XXXXX 3,946,714.04 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Capital Projects 320-XXXX-XXXXX 3,099,372.04 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Scott Road-RBBD 410-XXXX-XXXXX 1,188,933.00 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Menifee Valley-RBBD 415-XXXX-XXXXX 6,833,829.82 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: CSA 33 420-XXXX-XXXXX 2,210.09 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: CSA 86 460-XXXX-XXXXX 56,523.05 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: CDBG Grant 481-XXXX-XXXXX 708,007.24 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Audie Murphy Ranch CFD 490-XXXX-XXXXX 99,981.91 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF 17 - Public Facilities 507-XXXX-XXXXX 1,055,324.00 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF 17 - Fire 508-XXXX-XXXXX 3,137,556.17 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF 17 - Roads 509-XXXX-XXXXX 3,781,014.94 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF 17 - Signals 510-XXXX-XXXXX 241,797.00 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF17 - Parks 511-XXXX-XXXXX 1,394,659.04 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF 17 - Trails 512-XXXX-XXXXX 1,673,003.91 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF Citywide - Public Use & Community Fa 520-XXXX-XXXXX 117,000.00 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF Citywide - Fire Facilities 521-XXXX-XXXXX 584,054.00 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF Citywide - Park Improvements 522-XXXX-XXXXX 185,725.00 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF Citywide - Circulation 526-XXXX-XXXXX 4,023,477.31 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: DIF Citywide - Storm Drain Facilities 527-XXXX-XXXXX 485,941.00 October 6, 2021 Various Expenditures: Local Park 620-XXXX-XXXXX 295,885.79 TOTAL:$46,446,469.22 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 81 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 General Fund Budget FY2021/22 Budget Carry-Overs 3 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT #AMOUNT TOTAL:0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual budget for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2021/22 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Fund No.Fund Revenue Amount ($) 301 Grant Fund 790,247.69 481 CDBG Fund 2,012,670.47 $2,802,918.16 Fund No.Fund Name Expenditure Amount ($) 100 General Fund $3,764,518.47 105 Measure DD Transaction Tax Fund 7,138,216.49 110 Information Technology 475,087.61 116 Facility Maintenance Services 7,900.00 200 Gas Tax 194,845.50 220 Measure A 269,972.63 280 AQMD 106,969.47 301 Grant Fund 1,580,949.70 310 TUMF Fees Fund 3,946,714.04 320 Capital Projects 3,099,372.04 410 Scott Road-RBBD 1,188,933.00 415 Menifee Valley-RBBD 6,833,829.82 420 CSA 33 2,210.09 460 CSA 86 56,523.05 481 CDBG Grant 708,007.24 490 Audie Murphy Ranch CFD 99,981.91 507 DIF 17 - Public Facilities 1,055,324.00 508 DIF 17 - Fire 3,137,556.17 509 DIF 17 - Roads 3,781,014.94 510 DIF 17 - Signals 241,797.00 511 DIF 17 - Parks 1,394,659.04 512 DIF 17 - Trails 1,673,003.91 520 DIF Citywide - Public Use & Community Fa 117,000.00 521 DIF Citywide - Fire Facilities 584,054.00 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 82 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 General Fund Budget FY2021/22 Budget Carry-Overs 4 Fund No.Fund Name Expenditure Amount ($) 522 DIF Citywide - Park Improvements 185,725.00 526 DIF Citywide - Circulation 4,023,477.31 527 DIF Citywide - Storm Drain Facilities 485,941.00 620 Local Park 295,885.79 TOTAL $46,449.469.22 Increase FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $ 2,802,918.16 Increase FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $ 46,449,469.22 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of October 2021. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 83 of 295 Fiscal Year 2021/22 Attachment A: Budgets Rolled for Purchase Orders (POs) Fund Vendor Description Amount GENERAL FUND AARDVARK SWAT GEAR $2,605.53 ADAMSON POLICE PRODUCTS SWAT GEAR (MENIFEE PD)$22,666.77 ADLERHORST INTERNATIONAL LLC BASIC HANDLER TRAINING (DINO)$4,950.00 BARRY ANINAG INVESTIGATIONS, LLC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES $6,806.25 D.R. BECHTER CONSULTING INC.FY2020/21 ON-CALL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICES (RECOVERABLE) $49,150.00 DMC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR DOCUMENT SCANNING SERVICES $75,059.63 DOWNTOWN FORD SALES PW/CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INSPECTION- SERVICE TRUCK $31,793.71 FERGUSON PAPE BALDWIN, ARCHITECTS INC.MENIFEE CITY HALL: SPACE NEEDS ASSESSMENT UPDATE (INCLUDING POLICE DEPARTMENT) $3,947.50 HILLCREST CONTRACTING, INC.CIP 20-04 PALOMA WASH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT $4,394.29 HMC ARCHITECTS CITY OF MENIFEE COMMUNITY CENTER (PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL DESIGN SERVICES) $24,999.00 JPW COMMUNICATIONS, LLC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR CITY OF ME $17,400.00 KIMBERLY H. OLSON-HARRIS FY 20/21 COMMUNICATION SUPPORT SERVICES (MENIFEE MAGAZINE) $9,200.00 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR $4,682.85 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR INITIAL STUDY/METIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION $7,013.98 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR PP2019-005 MOTTE- RANCON DISTRIBUTION CENTER $216,870.00 LOZANO SMITH LLP CITY OF MENIFEE: AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL $12,000.00 LSA ASSOCIATES INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR BOULDERS MIXED USE PROJECT(IS-MND) $27,272.61 MATRIX CONSULTING GROUP TYWIDE USER FEE STUDY AND DIF STUDY UPDATE $88,000.00 MATTHEW FAGAN CONSULTING, INC CEQA/ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT (PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEEMENT) $4,132.87 MOTOPORT USA MOTOR UNIFORMS $2,266.35 NATIONAL AUTO FLEET GROUP 2 2021 DODGE CHARGERS $99,872.64 2021 CHEVY SILVERADO $14,810.52 2021 FORD EXPLORER $45,512.71 PACIFIC ALARM SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR ADDITIONAL CAMERA $601.56 PARRON-HALL CORPORATION COMMUNITY SERVICES FURNITURE FOR RECEPTION AREA $3,973.89 PLACEWORKS, INC.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR INITIAL STUDY AND $102,316.94 PLANWEST PARTNERS INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CITY OF MENIFEE LAFCO MUNICIPAL SERVICES REV $5,000.00 PROMOTIONAL DESIGN GROUP POP UP TENT $4,892.64 RBF/MICHAEL BAKER CORPORATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGT FOR NEWPORT POINTE PROJECT (IS- MND) $16,183.45 SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPMENT, COMPANY, INC SWAT GEAR $9,543.90 THE NATELSON DALE GROUP, INC FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE CITY OF MENIFEE $4,450.00 UNIFORM SPECIALIST MOTOR UNIFORMS $2,066.20 URBAN LAND INSTITUTE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PANEL (TAP) FOR SUN CITY/MENIFEE CORE AREA $12,000.00 VISIONARIES IMAGE COMPANY B-ROLL FILMING SERVICES FOR STATE OF THE CITY $8,125.00 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-W $2,398.00 WEST COAST LIGHTS & SIRENS INC GETAC V110 DOCKING STATIONS WITH PASSTHROUGH ANTENNAS $7,502.85 LIGHTS AND SIRENS ON UC VEHICLE #204 $2,705.86 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $957,167.50 MEASURE DD TRANSACTION TAX FUND BERG & ASSOCIATES, INC.CIP 19-03 ANTELOPE ROAD RAISED SAFETY MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS- CE SERVICES $80,174.06 FORENSIC NURSES OF SOCAL, INC MENIFEE PD: FORENSIC SERVICES (FORENSIC NURSES OF SOCAL)$9,600.00 GEOCON WEST INC CIP 20-10 ANDALUSIA/BELCANTO ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT- EXPLORATORY SERVICES $6,119.00 IE GENERAL ENGINEERING CIP 19-03 ANTELOPE ROAD RAISED SAFETY MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS $44,245.00 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 84 of 295 Fiscal Year 2021/22 Attachment A: Budgets Rolled for Purchase Orders (POs) Fund Vendor Description Amount INLAND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, INC.CIP 21-17 (PEACOCK PLACE RESURFACING PROJECT) MATERIALS TESTING $13,515.00 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.CIP 21-17 (PEACOCK NEIGHBORHOOD RESURFACING PROJECT) PS&E $22,254.20 LEIGHTON CONSULTING, INC.CIP 21-13 (MCCALL BLVD RESURFACING- ENCANTO TO ANTELOPE) MATERIALS TESTING $16,392.43 MTGL, INC CIP 21-15 (PREMIER/MENIFEE LAKES ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECTS) MATERIALS TESTING $8,220.08 ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC.CIP 21-15 PREMIER & MENIFEE LAKES ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT $360,153.78 PACIFIC ALARM SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR ADDITIONAL CAMERA $2,385.01 RESCUE ESSENTIALS FIRST RESPONDER VEHICLE KITS $2,922.53 STC TRAFFIC, INC.CIP 19-03 ANTELOPE ROAD RAISED SAFETY MEDIANS ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES $2,002.80 WEST COAST LIGHTS & SIRENS INC EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION OF PRISONER TRANSPORT SYSTEMS $2,835.68 GUN RACK INSTALLATION ON U.C VEHICLES (MENIFEE PD)$2,857.85 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, PURCHASING-SUPPLY FIRE MEDIC UNIT TRUCK (FIRE STATION #68)$252,802.43 MEASURE DD TRANSACTION TAX FUND TOTAL $826,479.85 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3SI SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC 3SI TRACKERS $6,764.50 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP PD CSI FORENSIC CAMERA $1,637.24 CRAYON SOFTWARE EXPERTS LLC CITY OF MENIFEE: MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 LICENSES AND MIGRATION SERVICES $13,200.00 DIGITAL INTELLIGENCE, INC PD FORENSIC WORKSTATIONS $23,779.64 FLOCK SAFETY PUBLICK WORKS DEPATMENT: SECURITY CAMERAS $5,500.00 SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR AUTOMATED LICENSE PLATE READER CAMERAS (FLOCK SAFETY) $16,500.00 GHA TECHNOLOGIES INC ARUBA ACCESS AND ARUBA CENTRAL LICENSE $30,994.68 SURFACE LAPTOPS FOR PD $19,760.23 HELIXSTORM FY20/21 IT PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES $85,012.17 IK CONSULTING, LLC ACCELA CONFIGURATION CONSULTING SERVICES $69,529.22 INTELESYONE CITY OF MENIFEE: PRI CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION AND MANAGEMENT $6,610.02 MSM PUBLIC SAFETY NOPTIC VEHICLE NIGHTVISION CAMERA (QTY 2)$7,975.88 NATIONAL AUTO FLEET GROUP IT DEPARTMENT VEHICLE - AV VAN $28,402.23 PACIFIC ALARM SERVICE MENIFEE CITY HALL: ADDITIONAL PANIC BUTTONS AND IMPROVEMENTS SERVICES $3,032.96 MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT: GATE RADIO-FRQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID) INSTALLATIO $6,434.73 MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT: PANIC BUTTONS INSTALLATION SERVICES $3,270.50 MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT: PHASE II ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM SERVICES $24,851.25 SSD ALARM SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR MONTHLY SERVICES FOR THE ADDITIONAL CAMERAS AND $1,378.36 PRIME GOVERNMENT SOLUTION INC, PRIMEGOV AGENDA MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE - PRIMEGOV $10,000.00 QUEST MEDIA & SUPPLIES, INC.CITY OF MENIFEE: ENTERPRISE BUSINESS SYSTEM BACKUP $83,358.00 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2021 GIS AERIAL IMAGERY FROM RIVCOIT $27,096.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL $475,087.61 FACILITY MAINTENANCE SERVICES INLAND OVERHEAD DOOR STATION 76 REPLACEMENT BAY DOOR $7,900.00 FACILITY MAINTENANCE SERVICES TOTAL $7,900.00 GAS TAX DOWNTOWN FORD SALES PW F-450 REPLACEMENT $41,049.00 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING, CORPORATION CIP 20-12 (ADAMS AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 2) LABOR COMPLIANCE SERVICES $8,930.00 MYERS & SONS HI-WAY SAFETY SIGN MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT $8,307.89 STREET NAME BLADE REPLACEMENTS SUN CITY CORE WEST AREA $18,348.10 NATIONAL AUTO FLEET GROUP PUBLIC WORKS TRUCK WITH SERVICE BODY $44,195.36 NPG ASPHALT NEW STREET STRIPING EQUIPMENT $34,885.91 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 85 of 295 Fiscal Year 2021/22 Attachment A: Budgets Rolled for Purchase Orders (POs) Fund Vendor Description Amount ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC.CIP 21-15 PREMIER & MENIFEE LAKES ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT $21,776.00 UNIVERSAL TRUCK BODY, INC F-450 COMBO SERVICE BODY $17,353.24 GAS TAX TOTAL $194,845.50 MEASURE A ANSER ADVISORY MANAGEMENT, LLC CIP 21-15 (PREMIER/MENIFEE LAKES ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECTS) LABOR COMPLIANCE $6,440.00 MTGL, INC CIP 21-15 (PREMIER/MENIFEE LAKES ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECTS) MATERIALS TESTING $12,742.71 ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC.CIP 21-15 PREMIER & MENIFEE LAKES ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT $250,789.92 MEASURE A TOTAL $269,972.63 AQMD FREEWAY TOYOTA OF HANFORD FY20-21 RAV4 HYBRID $31,705.96 HIGHLANDER HYBRID FOR PW/FLEET ADMIN $43,557.54 RAV4 HYBRID FOR BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT $31,705.97 AQMD TOTAL $106,969.47 GRANT FUND ANSER ADVISORY MANAGEMENT, LLC CIP 20-04 PALOMA WASH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT- LABOR COMPLIANCE $6,440.00 DESIGN PATH STUDIOS CITY OF MENIFEE: PERMIT READY ADU UNIT PLANS AND GUIDANCE HANDBOOK $36,150.00 GEOCON WEST INC CIP 20-04 PALOMA WASH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT- MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES $19,810.00 HILLCREST CONTRACTING, INC.CIP 20-04 PALOMA WASH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT $473,515.00 IE GENERAL ENGINEERING CIP 19-03 ANTELOPE ROAD RAISED SAFETY MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS $462,870.00 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR $170,000.00 MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING, LLC CIP 20-09 CITY OF MENIFEE CENTENNIAL PARK LIGHTING PROJECT $1,673.19 STC TRAFFIC, INC.CIP 19-03 ANTELOPE ROAD RAISED SAFETY MEDIANS ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES $900.88 GRANT FUND TOTAL $1,171,359.07 TUMF FEES FUND CIVILPROS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FOR SCOTT ROAD/BUNDY CANYON ROAD WIDENING PROJECT CIP 20-01 $612,566.16 DOKKEN ENGINEERING CIP 14-01 MCCALL BOULEVARD & I-215 INTERCHANGE (PA&ED) (PS&E) $2,756,744.88 TUMF FEES FUND TOTAL $3,369,311.04 CAPITAL PROJECTS BUCKNAM INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP FY 20/21 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SUPPORT SERVICES $415.82 GEOCON WEST INC CIP 19-16 LAZY CREEK RECREATION CENTER IMPRV. PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL SVCS. $10,213.00 IDS GROUP, INC.CIP 19-16: LAZY CREEK RECREATION CENTER DESIGN/ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES $12,870.00 ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC.CIP 21-15 PREMIER & MENIFEE LAKES ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT $215,280.30 OPTIMA RPM, INC CIP 19-16 (LAZY CREEK RECREATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT) $176,770.30 WALLACE & ASSOCIATES CIP 19-16 LAZY CREEK RECREATION CENTER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR LABOR COMPLIANCE $9,757.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL $425,306.42 SCOTT ROAD-RBBD CIVILPROS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FOR SCOTT ROAD/BUNDY CANYON ROAD WIDENING PROJECT CIP 20-01 $134,899.00 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CIP 20-01 BUNDY CANYON ROAD/SCOTT ROAD WIDENING PROJECT- ENGINEERING SERVICES $40,000.00 SCOTT ROAD-RBBD TOTAL $174,899.00 MENIFEE VALLEY-RBBD T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL CIP 13-03: HOLLAND ROAD OVERPASS DESIGN/ENGINEERING SERVICES $45,182.82 MENIFEE VALLEY-RBBD TOTAL $45,182.82 CSA 33 DAVE BANG ASSOC. INC OF CALIF.JOHN DENVER PARK SLIDE $2,210.09 CSA 33 TOTAL $2,210.09 CSA 86 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING, CORPORATION CIP 21-14 ASH DALE WAY DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS- LABOR COMPLIANCE SERVICES $6,940.00 NATIONAL AUTO FLEET GROUP 2021 CHEVY SILVERADO $49,583.05 CSA 86 TOTAL $56,523.05 CDBG GRANT PACIFIC MH CONSTRUCTION INC.MINOR HOME REHABILITATION GRANT PROGRAM $13,033.00 RBF/MICHAEL BAKER CORPORATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CDBG & CDBG-CV (CORONAVIRUS) PROGRAM FOR ON- $21,115.00 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 86 of 295 Fiscal Year 2021/22 Attachment A: Budgets Rolled for Purchase Orders (POs) Fund Vendor Description Amount RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH, SYSTEM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (RUHS) FOR HOMELESS OUT $32,810.00 CDBG GRANT TOTAL $66,958.00 DIF 17 - PUBLIC FACILITIES OPTIMA RPM, INC CIP 19-16 (LAZY CREEK RECREATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT) $296,715.20 T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL CIP 19-15 CENTRAL AMPHITHEATER PROFESSIONAL DESIGN, ENGINEERING, AND ARCHITECTUR $443,575.50 WALLACE & ASSOCIATES CIP 16-13 PUBLIC WORKS MOC LABOR COMPLIANCE SERVICES $872.50 DIF 17 - PUBLIC FACILITIES TOTAL $741,163.20 DIF 17 - FIRE CANNON DESIGN CIP 21-04 NEW FIRE STATION NO. 5 - ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES $562,162.30 DIF 17 - FIRE TOTAL $562,162.30 DIF 17 - ROADS NV5 INC BRADLEY ROAD BRIDGE DESIGN $15,789.08 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, TLMA ADMINISTRATION FY17/18 SCOTT/I-215 INTERCHARGE IMPROVEMENTS $1,667,684.16 DIF 17 - ROADS TOTAL $1,683,473.24 DIF 17 - PARKS HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL, PLANNING, INC CIP 17-01 EVANS PARK CEQA SERVICES INITIAL STUDY AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARAT $70,715.50 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.CS032 FOR EVANS PARK PERMANENT PRE-FABRICATED RESTROOM (PS&E) $43,113.50 CS032 LYLE MARSH PERMANENT PRE-FABRICATED RESTROOM (PS&E) $37,057.74 KOA CORPORATION CIP 17-01 EVANS PARK PUMP TRACK DESIGN SERVICES (PS&E)$1,880.00 OPTIMA RPM, INC CIP 19-16 (LAZY CREEK RECREATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT) $599,287.00 DIF 17 - PARKS TOTAL $752,053.74 DIF 17 - TRAILS GAMETIME PARK AMENITY AND TRAIL ENHANCEMENTS $12,295.63 GARY F. HOYT LANDSCAPE CIP 20-04 (PALOMA WASH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS) LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SVCS $5,280.00 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL, PLANNING, INC CIP 17-01 EVANS PARK CEQA SERVICES INITIAL STUDY AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARAT $72,145.50 HILLCREST CONTRACTING, INC.CIP 20-04 PALOMA WASH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT $1,013,393.46 DIF 17 - TRAILS TOTAL $1,103,114.59 DIF CITYWIDE - FIRE FACILITIES TR DESIGN GROUP INC.CIP 21-03 FIRE STATION#68 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT- ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING SVCS $28,635.65 DIF CITYWIDE - FIRE FACILITIES TOTAL $28,635.65 DIF CITYWIDE - CIRCULATION DOKKEN ENGINEERING CIP 14-01 MCCALL BOULEVARD & I-215 INTERCHANGE (PA&ED) (PS&E) $356,958.00 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.CIP 21-11: MENIFEE ROAD AND GARBANI ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL (PS&E) $13,153.56 RICK ENGINEERING CIP 21-09: MURRIETA ROAD AND SUN CITY BLVD. TRAFFIC SIGNAL (PS&E) $6,551.50 STC TRAFFIC, INC.CIP 21-07 MENIFEE ROAD AND LA PIEDRA ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL (PS&E) $8,178.00 CIP 21-10 MURRIETA ROAD AND ROUSE ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL (PS&E) $7,904.25 DIF CITYWIDE - CIRCULATION TOTAL $392,745.31 LOCAL PARK GAMETIME PARK AMENITY AND TRAIL ENHANCEMENTS $78.29 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.CS032 FOR EVANS PARK PERMANENT PRE-FABRICATED RESTROOM (PS&E) $5,256.50 MTGL, INC CS032 EVANS PARK PERMANENT PRE-FABRICATED RESTROOM PROJ.(GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES) $5,500.00 CS032 LYLE MARSH PERMANENT PRE-FABRICATED RESTROOM PROJ. (GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES) $5,500.00 LOCAL PARK TOTAL $16,334.79 GRAND TOTAL $13,429,854.87 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 87 of 295 Fiscal Year 2021/22 Attachment B: Budgets Rolled for Grants Grant Category Account #Description Expenditures Revenues BEVERAGE CONTAINER GRANT 301-4550-52420 Beverage Container Collection $22,415.00 BEVERAGE CONTAINER GRANT TOTAL 22,415.00 CALRECYCLE GRANT PROGRAM 301-3848 CalRecycle's Grant Program 23,125.00 301-4550-52425 CalRecycle Grant Expense 23,125.00 CALRECYCLE GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL 23,125.00 23,125.00 CITYWIDE SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS GRANT PROGRAM 301-4555-58046 Citywide Signal Communications 30,236.04 CITYWIDE SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS TOTAL 30,236.04 EMPG GRANT PROGRAM 301-3869 EMPG-S Grant (F)7,500.00 301-4114-52838 EMPG-S Grant Expense 7,500.00 EMPG GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL 7,500.00 7,500.00 HSIP CYCLE 7 GRANT PROGRAM 301-3858 HSIP 7 Citywide Signal Comm. Grant 135,469.03 HSIP CYCLE 7 GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL 135,469.03 HSIP CYCLE 9 GRANT PROGRAM 301-3862 HSIP Cycle 9 Antelope Rd Raised Median 466,091.18 HSIP CYCLE 9 GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL 466,091.18 K9 GRANT 301-4911-52753 K9 Supplies 250.00 K9 GRANT TOTAL 250.00 LEAP GRANT PROGRAM 301-3871 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grant 300,000.00 301-4330-52839 Housing Element Update - LEAP 170,000.00 301-4330-52840 Permit Streamlining - LEAP 85,000.00 301-4330-52841 Inclusionary Housing Feasibility - LEAP 45,000.00 LEAP GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL 300,000.00 300,000.00 OTS GRANT PROGRAM 301-3865 OTS Grant (STEP)(F)81,734.26 OTS GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL 81,734.26 PROP 68 GRANT PROGRAM 301-3741 Prop 68 Per Capita Grant 235,075.00 PROP 68 GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL 235,075.00 SB2 GRANT 301-3739 SB2 Grant Funds 244,950.00 301-4330-52837 SB2 Grant - Obj. Development Standards 24,510.00 SB2 GRANT TOTAL 24,510.00 244,950.00 SB821 GRANT PROGRAM 301-3859 SB 821 Paloma Wash Trail Improvements 499,765.00 SB821 GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL 499,765.00 SHSP GRANT PROGRAM 301-3833 SHSP Homeland Security Grant (F)18,961.00 301-4114-52421 SHSP Grant Expense (F)1,554.59 SHSP GRANT PROGRAM TOTAL 1,554.59 18,961.00 CDBG PROGRAM 481-3845 Grant Revenue 790,247.69 481-1819-51600 Special Dept Exp 1,245.00 481-1920-51600 Special Dept Exp 599.00 481-1920-57100 Public Services - Coronavirus 419,579.40 481-1920-57105 Small Business Grant - Coronavirus 100,000.00 481-1920-57110 Professional Services-Coronavirus 13,837.00 481-1920-57115 Special Dept. Expense-Coronavirus 23,757.90 481-1920-58043 Fair Housing Services 33.00 481-1920-58066 Romoland Sidewalk Improvements 3,559.68 481-2021-50320 Medicare 53.64 481-2021-51600 Special Dept Exp 884.02 481-2021-52800 Professional Services 190.00 481-2021-58014 CDBG-Minor Home Repair Grant Program 75,560.00 481-2021-58043 Fair Housing Services 1,738.60 481-2021-58044 Public Services (CDBG)12.00 CDBG PROGRAM TOTAL 641,049.24 790,247.69 GRAND TOTAL $1,050,639.87 $2,802,918.16 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22 Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 88 of 295 Attachment C: Budgets Rolled For Capital Projects (Other, CIP, and Multi-Year CIP Projects/Programs) (Fiscal Year 2021/22) Category Project Account Expenditures Other General Plan (Housing Element Update)100-4330-52650 $10,000.00 General Plan (Housing Element Update) Total 10,000.00 Objective Development Standards 100-4330-52800 3,000.00 Objective Development Standards Total 3,000.00 Professional Services 100-4113-52800 64,000.00 Professional Services Total 64,000.00 Other Total 77,000.00 CIP Project CIP 16-01: Sun City Blvd. Street Medians 320-4555-58034 50,000.00 CIP 16-01: Sun City Blvd. Street Medians Total 50,000.00 CIP 16-06: Park Surveillance/IT Upgrades 490-4555-58039 75,000.00 CIP 16-06: Park Surveillance/IT Upgrades Total 75,000.00 CIP 21-12: Hillpointe Comm. Asphalt Overlay 105-4555-58110 17,370.25 CIP 21-12: Hillpointe Comm. Asphalt Overlay Total 17,370.25 CIP 21-15: Premier Community Road Resurfacing 105-4555-58114 77,487.19 CIP 21-15: Premier Community Road Resurfacing Total 77,487.19 CIP 21-17: Peacock Community Road Resurfacing 105-4555-58116 1,042,998.40 CIP 21-17: Peacock Community Road Resurfacing Total 1,042,998.40 CIP 21-18: Permanent Park Restrooms 620-4555-58038 279,551.00 CIP 21-18: Permanent Park Restrooms Total 279,551.00 CS007: Park Amenity Enhancements 511-4555-58024 100,000.00 CS007: Park Amenity Enhancements Total 100,000.00 CIP Project Total 1,642,406.84 Multi-Year CIP Project CIP 13-03: Holland Road Overpass Project 105-4555-58021 2,167,663.00 310-4555-58021 552,000.00 320-4555-58021 1,912,250.61 415-4555-58021 6,788,647.00 509-4555-58021 2,055,744.00 510-4555-58021 241,797.00 526-4555-58021 1,723,638.00 527-4555-58021 485,941.00 CIP 13-03: Holland Road Overpass Project Total 15,927,680.61 CIP 13-04: Bradley Bridge Construction and Design 105-4555-58000 494,383.00 509-4555-58000 41,797.70 526-4555-58000 194,349.00 CIP 13-04: Bradley Bridge Construction and Design Total 730,529.70 CIP 15-08: Fire Station #7 508-4555-58033 13,699.87 CIP 15-08: Fire Station #7 Total 13,699.87 CIP 16-03: Trails Connectivity & Enhancements 512-4555-58036 127,796.24 CIP 16-03: Trails Connectivity & Enhancements Total 127,796.24 CIP 16-07: HSIP Traffic Signalization Grant Project 320-4555-58040 10,954.35 CIP 16-07: HSIP Traffic Signalization Grant Project Total 10,954.35 CIP 17-01: Evans Park Acquisition, Design and Construct 511-4555-58052 142,605.30 512-4555-58052 162,642.13 522-4555-58052 185,725.00 CIP 17-01: Evans Park Acquisition, Design and Construct Total 490,972.43 CIP 19-03: Antelope Road/Sunstream Median 105-4555-58094 58,401.80 CIP 19-03: Antelope Road/Sunstream Median Total 58,401.80 CIP 19-14: Sports Court Updates 490-4555-58081 24,981.91 CIP 19-14: Sports Court Updates Total 24,981.91 CIP 19-15: Central Park Amphitheatre 100-4555-58079 2,465,729.00 320-4555-58079 34,231.10 507-4555-58079 4,897.00 511-4555-58079 400,000.00 CIP 19-15: Central Park Amphitheatre Total 2,904,857.10 CIP 19-16: Lazy Creek Campus Improvements 320-4555-58082 36,232.56 507-4555-58082 109,263.80 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22ItemPageNumber:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 89 of 295 Attachment C: Budgets Rolled For Capital Projects (Other, CIP, and Multi-Year CIP Projects/Programs) (Fiscal Year 2021/22) Category Project Account Expenditures CIP 19-16: Lazy Creek Campus Improvements Total 145,496.36 CIP 20-01: Bundy Canyon/Scott Road Widening 310-4555-58083 25,403.00 410-4555-58083 351,845.00 CIP 20-01: Bundy Canyon/Scott Road Widening Total 377,248.00 CIP 20-04: Paloma Wash Trail Improvements 100-4555-58086 264,621.97 512-4555-58086 2,000.95 CIP 20-04: Paloma Wash Trail Improvements Total 266,622.92 CIP 20-05: Garbani Road/I-215 Interchange 320-4555-58087 130,397.00 410-4555-58087 662,189.00 CIP 20-05: Garbani Road/I-215 Interchange Total 792,586.00 CIP 20-13: Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge 320-4555-58098 500,000.00 507-4555-58098 200,000.00 512-4555-58098 277,450.00 520-4555-58098 117,000.00 CIP 20-13: Paloma Wash Pedestrian Bridge Total 1,094,450.00 CIP 21-03: Fire Station #68 Remodel 105-4555-58101 300,000.00 521-4555-58101 112,892.35 CIP 21-03: Fire Station #68 Remodel Total 412,892.35 CIP 21-04: New Fire Station #5 105-4555-58102 2,153,433.00 508-4555-58102 2,561,694.00 521-4555-58102 442,526.00 CIP 21-04: New Fire Station #5 Total 5,157,653.00 CIP 21-07: Menifee Rd/La Piedra Rd Traffic Signal 526-4555-58105 458,033.00 CIP 21-07: Menifee Rd/La Piedra Rd Traffic Signal Total 458,033.00 CIP 21-09: Murrieta Rd/Sun City Blvd. Traffic Signal 526-4555-58107 618,488.00 CIP 21-09: Murrieta Rd/Sun City Blvd. Traffic Signal Total 618,488.00 CIP 21-10: Murrieta Rd/Rouse Road Traffic Signal 526-4555-58108 460,533.00 CIP 21-10: Murrieta Rd/Rouse Road Traffic Signal Total 460,533.00 CIP 21-11: Menifee Rd/Garbani Raod Traffic Signal 526-4555-58109 175,691.00 CIP 21-11: Menifee Rd/Garbani Raod Traffic Signal Total 175,691.00 Multi-Year CIP Project Total 30,249,567.64 Grand Total $31,968,974.48 Item Title:10.5 Budget Carryovers to Fiscal Year 2021/22ItemPageNumber:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 90 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Vanessa Barrera, Emergency Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Robert Cardenas, Deputy Human Resources Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant in the amount of $12,946 and authorize staff to administer the funded program/project; and 2. Adopt a Resolution authorizing an increase in revenue and appropriation of expenditures in the amount of $12,946 to a project account as assigned by the Finance Department; and 3. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all necessary documents to implement the funded project/program. DISCUSSION The Homeland Security Grant Program, administered under the purview of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, provides dedicated funding focused on assisting state and local governments. One of the main program components is the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP). SHSP supports the implementation of State Homeland Security Strategies to address the identified planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercises needed to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events. Each year, the County of Riverside Emergency Management Department allocates available funding to the Riverside County jurisdictions for such activities. The City of Menifee proactively seeks to mitigate losses resulting from manmade or natural catastrophic events and has regularly applied for the County of Riverside’s SHSP funding to support its emergency preparedness efforts. Historically, the City has used funding from this program to assist with the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program trainings. The CERT program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills; such as, fire safety, light search Item Title:10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 91 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report FY20 SHSP Grant October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 6 7 6 and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. CERT offers a consistent, nationwide approach to volunteer training and organization that professional responders can rely on during disaster situations, which allows them to focus on more complex tasks. Under the Fiscal Year 2020 SHSP program, the City of Menifee has received $12,946 in funding. The City had submitted and been awarded this funding to conduct an estimated three CERT basic training classes during the grant performance period of August 6, 2021 to May 31, 2022. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Safe and Attractive Community FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact resulting from acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2020 SHSP will result in an increase of $12,946 in grant revenue in account #301-3833 and an appropriation in expenditures in account #301-4221-52421. ATTACHMENTS 1. FY 20 SHSP Award Letter 2. FY 20 SHSP Grant Summary Report 3. Budget Amendment Resolution FY 20-21 2020 SHSP 4. Resolution for FY 20 SHSP Grant Acceptance Item Title:10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 92 of 295 450 E ALESSANDRO BLVD. RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92508 T: 951.358.7100 ♦ F: 951.358.7105 ♦ WEB: WWW.RIVCOPHEPR.ORG ♦ TDD: 951.358.5124 Bruce Barton, Director Emergency Management Department 8/06/21 City of Menifee Armando G. Villa RE: FY20 State Homeland Security Program Grant (SHSP) Award - $12,946.00 Grant #2020-0095 CFDA#: 97.067 The California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) has approved Riverside County’s FY20 State Homeland Security Program Grant (SHSP) application and has authorized the commencement of reimbursement requests as of 8/6/2021. The grant cycle for this grant will end on May 31, 2022. All final reimbursement requests are due no later than June 10, 2022. Upon approval of pending paperwork this letter serves as authorization to begin spending and requesting reimbursement of your Anti-Terrorism Approval Authority (ATAA) approved projects. In an effort to ensure that all awarded funds are expended the State is requiring that reimbursement requests should be made at least every 6 months. Expenses for equipment should be completed within the first 8 months after receiving this award letter. Training must be completed or scheduled within the first year of this grant. Under extenuating circumstances some exceptions may be approved. Full Expenditure of the awarded funds is expected. Riverside County Operational Area may reduce, suspend, or terminate current and/or future grant funding, in whole or in part, or other measures may be imposed for any of the following reasons: • Failure to submit required reports. • Failure to expend a minimum of 90% of awarded funding. • Failure to expend funds in a timely manner consistent with the grant milestones, guidance, and assurances. • Failure to comply with the requirements or statutory progress toward the goals or objectives of federal or state law. • Failure to follow grant agreement requirements or special conditions. • False certification in the application or document. • Failure to adequately manage, monitor or direct the grant funding activities of their City/Agency. Riverside County EMD does require you to provide a signed FY20 Grant Assurance and completed and signed Workbook Face-Sheet as soon as possible. Modifications and Reimbursement Requests cannot be processed until we receive these documents. Please remember that changes to your grant will require the approval of the OA prior to incurring any costs. All modifications, EHP’s, sole source procurement, EOC and construction requests require additional approvals from CalOES through the OA prior to incurring any costs. By accepting this award, it is understood that you are agreeing to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local requirements of the grant as put forth in the FY20 Grant Assurances, federal and state guidances, and all provisions of 2 CFR 200 including part F- “Audit Requirements”. Any funds found owed as a result of a final review or audit must be refunded to the County within 15 days upon receipt of an invoice from Riverside County EMD. As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. I look forward to working with you and appreciate your cooperation and support. Regards, Joe Barron Administrative Services Analyst II Riverside County EMD Item Title:10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 93 of 295 Item Title:10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 94 of 295 RESOLUTION NO. 21-___ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2021/22 with Resolution No. 21-1033 on June 2nd , 2021; and WHEREAS, from time to time the City of Menifee receives unanticipated revenues, experiences unanticipated expenditures, and/or identifies alternative funding sources; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2021/22 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: Grant Fund Adopted FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $6,606,837 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT July 7, 2021 FY 20 EMPG – Emergency Management Performance Grant 301-3829 $21,654 July 21, 2021 (SB821) CIP 22-20: Sun City Community Project 301-3872 183,886 July 21, 2021 (SB821) CIP 22-21: Lazy Creek Pedestrian Project 301-3873 88,380.50 July 21, 2021 Local Roadway Safety Plan Grant 301-3874 90,000 August 4, 2021 PLHA Grant Program 301-3743 251,604 September 15, 2021 2020 SHSP Grant 301-3833 12,946 TOTAL:$648,470.50 Amended Grant Fund FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $7,255,307.50 Grant Fund Adopted FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $3,616,644 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT July 7, 2021 FY 20 EMPG – Emergency Management Performance Grant 301-4114-52427 $21,654 Item Title:10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 95 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Grant Fund Budget 2020 SHSP Grant 2 4 3 8 6 8 July 21, 2021 CIP 22-20: Sun City Community Project 301-4555-58137 183,886 July 21, 2021 CIP 22-21: Lazy Creek Pedestrian Project 301-4555-58138 88,380.50 July 21, 2021 Local Roadway Safety Plan Grant 301-4555-58139 90,000 August 4, 2021 PLHA Grant Program 301-4330-52843 251,604 September 15, 2021 Menifee PD: Micro UVC Disinfecting Robots 301-4221-52216 9,998.61 September 15, 2021 2020 SHSP Grant 301-4221-52421 12,946 TOTAL:$658,469.11 Amended Grant Fund FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $4,275,113.11 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT #AMOUNT TOTAL:0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual budget for the Grant Fund for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2021/22 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Revenues: 2020 SHSP Grant $12,946.00 Amended Grant Fund FY 2021/22 Budget $7,255,307.50 Expenditures: 2020 SHSP Grant $12,946.00 Amended Grant Fund FY 2021/22 Budget $4,275,113.11 Item Title:10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 96 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Grant Fund Budget 2020 SHSP Grant 3 4 3 8 6 8 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of September 2021. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 97 of 295 1 RESOLUTION NO. 21-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE OR DESIGNEE TO ACCEPT RIVERSIDE COUNTY’S FISCAL YEAR 2020 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF TWELVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY-SIX DOLLARS ($12,946.00), GRANT NO. 2020-0095, CDFA NO. 97.067 AND TO AUTHORIZE ALL DOCUMENTS IN THE FURTHERANCE THEREOF WHEREAS, the City of Menifee has applied for Riverside County’s Fiscal Year 2020 State Homeland Security Program (“SHSP”) Award in the Amount of Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Forty- Six Dollars ($12,946.00), Grant No. 2020-0095, CDFA No. 97.067, as made available through and administered by the County of Riverside Emergency Management Division (“EMD”) for fiscal year 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or designee to accept the aforementioned grant and to execute for and on behalf of the City of Menifee any document, including agreements, amendments, extensions, and grant award documents with EMD, or other responsible government agency, for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance provided by Riverside County’s Fiscal Year 2020 SHSP award in the Amount of Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-Six Dollars ($12,946.00), Grant No. 2020-0095, CDFA No. 97.067. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2.The City Council authorizes the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or designee to execute for and on behalf of the City of Menifee any document, including agreements, amendments, extensions, and grant award documents with EMD, or other responsible government agency, for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance provided by Riverside County’s Fiscal Year 2020 SHSP award in the Amount of Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-Six Dollars ($12,946.00), Grant No. 2020-0095, CDFA No. 97.067. Section 3.The City Council hereby authorizes, and does, accept Riverside County’s Fiscal Year 2020 SHSP award in the Amount of Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-Six Dollars ($12,946.00), Grant No. 2020-0095, CDFA No. 97.067. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Item Title:10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 98 of 295 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 2021. ___________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: ___________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.6 2020 State Homeland Security Program Grant Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 99 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Christine Booker, Budgets & Grants Analyst REVIEWED BY: Pat Walsh, Police Chief APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $9,535; and 2. Adopt a Budget Adjustment Resolution appropriating $9,535 in revenue and expenditures, for Police Department; and 3. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute all necessary agreements and other grant-related documents thereof to receive the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee, in a pass-through from the County of Riverside, was allocated $9,535 as part of the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Award. The solicitation for the grant set forth the following areas are the allowable uses: • Law enforcement programs • Prosecution and court programs • Prevention and education programs • Corrections and community corrections programs • Drug treatment and enforcement programs • Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs • Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation) • Mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs, including behavioral programs and crisis intervention teams The Menifee Police Department would allocate the fund towards the purchase of the Project Lifesaver Program. The Project Lifesaver Program creates a comprehensive solution including training, support, equipment, and consultation to assist first responders in the rapid recovery of Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 100 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report 2021 JAG Grant October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 7 0 0 at-risk missing individuals. These individuals would be identified through a review of previous calls for service, community outreach, and working with our local partners. The current population of the City of Menifee is 102,527 residents with 18% of them being 65 and older. This is the largest at-risk population that the department has identified. The program could also be utilized for juveniles with developmental disabilities. Earlier this year, the Menifee Police Department received a call for service of an at-risk missing person/silver alert regarding a female who had walked away from her home. After numerous searches by the department, community members and other agencies searching for more than a week and a half, the missing woman was sadly found deceased. Cases like this can be potentially avoided through the use of this program and the comprehensive efforts of the department, families, outside agencies and community by identifying those in need and providing the means to reduce this situation from arising in the future. The Project Lifesaver Program, funded through the JAG Grant, would allow the department to work with the families/caregivers of at-risk individuals in the community by making tracking and locating them much easier in the event that they wander away from their residence through the use of PLI 5000 5 Band Receivers and transmitters. These transmitters will be provided to the identified individuals at no cost, in the form of a wearable device (bracelet, ankle band, necklace). If the instance arises where the at-risk individual goes missing the department will activate the receiver to track the location of the missing person allowing for rapid recovery resulting in a higher likelihood of a safe return. This program would be managed by the department’s Problem Oriented Policing Unit who would work closely with the families of the selected participants to ensure proper use and maintenance of the system. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Safe and Attractive Community FISCAL IMPACT With the acceptance of the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant, Finance would record a budget amendment of $9,535 in grant revenue to account # 301-3745 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) and an appropriation in expenditures of $9,535 in account# 301-4911-52845 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). No match by the City is required. ATTACHMENTS 1. Interlocal Agreement- 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award 2. Grant Summary Report – 2021 Justice Assistance Grant 3. Budget Adjustment Resolution Grant Fund Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 101 of 295 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF BANNING. BEAUMONT, CATHEDRAL CITY, CORONA, DESERT HOT SPRINGS, HEMET, INDIO, JURUPA, LAKE ELSINORE, MENIFEE, MORENO VALLEY, PALM SPRINGS, PERRIS, TEMECULA, CITY OF RIVERSIDE AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CA CONCERNING DISTRIBUTION OF THE 2021 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT AWARD This Agreement is made and entered into this day of ,2021, by and between THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, acting by and through its goveming body, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors (hereinafter refierred to as "COUNTY"), and named CITIES (hereinafter refierred to as "CITIES"), acting by and through their respective go\«ming bodies, the City Councils, all of whom are situated within the County of Riverside, State of Califomia, as follows: WHEREAS, each goveming body, in performing govemmental functions or in paying for the performance of govemmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party; and WHEREAS, each goveming body finds that the performance of this Agreement is in the best interests of all parties, that the undertaking will benefit the public, and that the division of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the services or functions under this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY agrees to release to CITIES their respective grant allocation from the JAG Award, less ten percent (10%) re-allocated to COUNTY, as reflected on Appendix 1 here attached and hereby incorporated by reference as part of this agreement, on a reimbursement basis; and COUNTY agrees to provide the administration of COUNTY'S and CITIES' programs during the entire permissible duration of said programs; and additionally the COUNTY and CITIES each agree that it is their responsibility to ensure these funds are expended in accordance with JAG guidelines; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and CITIES believe it to be in their best interests to reallocate the JAG funds, NOW THEREFORE, the COUNTY and CITIES agree asfollows: Section 1. COUNTY agrees to release to CITIES up to their respective grant allocation from the JAG Award, less ten percent (10%) re-allocated to COUNTY, as reflected in Appendix 1 here attached and hereby incorporated by reference as part of this Agreement, on a reimbursement basis, from the JAG Award within (45) days upon receipt of fully documented reimbursement request, and; COUNTY agrees to provide the administration of COUNTY'S and CITIES' programs during the entire permissible duration of said programs. Section 2. COUNTY and CITIES each agree that it is their responsibility to ensure these funds are expended in accordance with JAG guidelines. MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page | 1 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 102 of 295 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 103 of 295 Appendix 1 Eligible Agencies in FY 2021 JAG Disparate Area To Fiscal Allocation Riverside County (Sheriffs . Agent Total BJA Formula NIBRS Less NIBRS Department) FA (Sheriffs Allocation Requirement Requirement Department) Riverside County 63,523 6,353 63,523 1,906 61,617 Banning 10,570 1,057 9,513 286 9,227 Beaumont 12,073 1,208 10,865 326 10,539 Cathedral City 11,347 1,135 10,212 307 9,905 Corona 19,463 1,947 17,516 526 16,990 Desert Hot Springs 21,441 2,145 19,296 579 18,717 Hemet 30,860 3,086 27,774 834 26,940 Indio 41,681 4,169 37,512 1,126 36,386 Jurupa 23,070 2,307 20,763 623 20,140 Lake Elsinore 12,800 1,280 11,520 346 11,174 Menifee 10,595 1,060 9,535 287 9,248 Moreno Valley 60,617 6,062 54,555 1,637 52,918 Palm Springs 20,815 2,082 18,733 562 18,171 Perris 16,732 1,674 15,058 452 14,606 Riverside City 126,269 12,627 155,481 4,665 150,816 Temecula 10,570 1,057 10,570 318 10,252 492,426 % To Fiscal Agent 10% $To FA 49,249 MOU -2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 3 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 104 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and -..oluntarily agree to all of the abo-.e terms. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE , CA Karen Spiegel Chair, County Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gregory P. Priamos County Counsel Deputy County Counsel MOU • 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 4 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 105 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. I CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Lea Deesing Assistant City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gary G. Geuss City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Pagel5 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 106 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF BANNING, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page 16 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 107 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page 17 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 108 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF CORONA, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 8 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 109 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 9 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 110 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF HEMET, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page 110 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 111 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF INDIO, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU -2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 11 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 112 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF MORENO VALLEY, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page 112 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 113 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF PALM SPRINGS, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 13 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 114 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF BEAUMONT, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page 114 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 115 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page 115 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 116 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF MENIFEE, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page 116 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 117 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF PERRIS, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page I 17 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 118 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF TEMECULA, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page 1 I8 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 119 of 295 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF JURUPA VALLEY, CA Rod B. Butler City Manager ATTEST: vlcd� Victoria Wasko, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: I -:,. IC p� City Attorney MOU -2021 Justice Assistance Grant Page 119 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 120 of 295 This report is to be completed for each approved grant and forwarded along with approved council agenda staff report to the Finance Department. FISCAL YEAR OF GRANT AWARD: _________________ DATE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED: ________________________ Grant Name: _____________________________________________ Granting Agency: __________________________ City Department: _________________________________________ City Grant Administrator: ____________________ Grant performance period: ________________ Type of Grant: ☐ State ☐ Federal ☐ Local ☐ Other: ________________ Grant Purpose/City Program: If Federal Grant: Federal Awarding Agency: ____________________ Federal CFDA Number: _____________________ If Pass-through Grant: Pass-through Agency: ____________________ Pass-through Number: _____________________ Grant ID Number: ____________________ Grant Funding Period: ____________________ Amended Through: _____________________ Amount from Granting Agency: ____________________ Method of Funding: ____________________ City Matching Funds: ____________________ Frequency of Funding: ____________________ Total Grant Amount: ____________________ If other, please describe: ____________________ City Expenditure Account No: ____________________ City Revenue Account No: ____________________ Reporting Requirements: Does the funding agency require a compliance audit? _____________________________________________ If yes, what kind of report? __________________________________________ Additional reporting required: ________________________________________ Does the funding agency require a copy of the Single Audit report? _____________________________________ Is this a federal grant (subject to Single Audit)? __________________________________________ Can grant funds be carried over to other fiscal years? __________________________________________ If yes, which years? __________________________________________ Is allocated interest a grant requirement? __________________________________________ CITY OF MENIFEE GRANT SUMMARY REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT 2021/22 10/06/2021 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award County of Riverside Menifee Police Department Christine Booker DOJ-BJA 16.738 County of Riverside N/A N/A 10/01/2021-09/30/2023 - $9,535 Reimbursement $0 - $9,535 - 301-4911-52845 301-3745 No N/A No No Yes Yes FY22/23 No 410/01/2021-09/30/2023 The use of the grant is limited to : Law enforcement programs, prosecution and court programs, prevention and education, correction and community corrections programs, drug treatment, planning, evaluation and tech improvement programs, crime victim and witness programs as well as mental health programs. Reimbursement requests, quarterly and annual financial and performance reports. 3% of the allocated award must be set aside for the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) compliance, unless the FBI has certified that the state is already NIBRS compliant. Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 121 of 295 RESOLUTION NO. 21-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2021/22 with Resolution No. 21-1033 on June 2nd , 2021; and WHEREAS, from time to time the City of Menifee receives unanticipated revenues, experiences unanticipated expenditures, and/or identifies alternative funding sources; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2021/22 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: Grant Fund Adopted FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $6,606,837 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT July 7, 2021 FY 20 EMPG – Emergency Management Performance Grant 301-3829 $21,654 July 21, 2021 (SB821) CIP 22-20: Sun City Community Project 301-3872 183,886 July 21, 2021 (SB821) CIP 22-21: Lazy Creek Pedestrian Project 301-3873 88,380.50 July 21, 2021 Local Roadway Safety Plan Grant 301-3874 90,000 August 4, 2021 PLHA Grant Program 301-3743 251,604 September 15, 2021 Clean Air Microgrant 301-3744 500 October 6, 2021 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) 301-3745 9,535 TOTAL:$645,559.50 Amended Grant Fund FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $7,252,396.50 Grant Fund Adopted FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $3,616,644 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT July 7, 2021 FY 20 EMPG – Emergency 301-4114-52427 $21,654 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:23 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 122 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Grant Fund Budget JAG Grant 2 4 3 6 8 6 Management Performance Grant July 21, 2021 CIP 22-20: Sun City Community Project 301-4555-58137 183,886 July 21, 2021 CIP 22-21: Lazy Creek Pedestrian Project 301-4555-58138 88,380.50 July 21, 2021 Local Roadway Safety Plan Grant 301-4555-58139 90,000 August 4, 2021 PLHA Grant Program 301-4330-52843 251,604 September 15, 2021 Menifee PD: Micro UVC Disinfecting Robots 301-4221-52216 9,998.61 September 15, 2021 Clean Air Microgrant 301-4661-52844 500 October 6, 2021 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) 301-4911-52845 9,535 TOTAL:$655,558.11 Amended Grant Fund FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $4,272,202.11 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT #AMOUNT TOTAL:0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual budget for the Grant Fund for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2021/22 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Revenues: Justice Assistance Grant $9,535 Amended Grant Fund FY 2021/22 Budget $7,252,396.50 Expenditures: Justice Assistance Grant $9,535 Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 123 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Grant Fund Budget JAG Grant 3 4 3 6 8 6 Amended Grant Fund FY 2021/22 Budget $4,272,202.11 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of October 2021. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.7 2021 Justice Assistance Grant Award for the Menifee Police Department Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 124 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Christine Booker, Budgets & Grants Analyst REVIEWED BY: Pat Walsh, Police Chief APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve a Budget Amendment Resolution authorizing the Menifee Police Department to appropriate asset forfeiture funds in the amount of $36,189. DISCUSSION In August of 2020 the County of Riverside transferred to the City of Menifee $88,653.07 in Asset Forfeiture funds. These funds were previously overseen by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. These funds are the Menifee Police Department’s portion of multiple state cases resulting in asset forfeiture funds being allocated through the Department of Justice (DOJ) Equitable Sharing Guidelines. These funds have been deposited into the City’s restricted Trust Fund (Account #350-2315) until needed for eligible uses. The Menifee Police Department has requested previous appropriations of the asset forfeiture funds at the October 7, 2020 and November 18, 2020 City Council meetings in the amounts of $11,112 and $10,000, respectively. Table 1 shows a summary of the use of these funds. Table 1. Funds Transferred From County 88,653.07$ City Council Approval Date:Use:Amount: October 7, 2020 Training (3,504.00)$ Materials & Supplies (1,164.00) Capital Outlays (6,444.00) November 18, 2020 Materials & Supplies (9,559.00) Capital Outlays (441.00) October 6, 2021 Professional Services (24,600.00) Furniture & Equipment (11,589.00) Remaining Balance Asset Forfeiture Funds:31,352.07$ Asset Forfeiture Fund Summary Item Title:10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 125 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 6 9 9 Part of he requested appropriations would be allocated to the professional services account in the amount of $24,600 to fund training within the department. The remaining amount of $11,589 would be allocated to the furniture and equipment account to purchase filming and editing equipment for the department media team. Following the recommended appropriation of $36,189 the remaining balance would be $31,352.07. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government FISCAL IMPACT The Finance Department would appropriate $36,189 to Account# 100-3468 (State Asset Forfeiture) by transferring from Account #350-2315 (restricted trust fund) and would appropriate corresponding expenditures to the following accounts: 100-4911-52800 Professional Services $24,600 100-4911-53150 Furniture & Equipment $11,589 There would be no fiscal impact to the General Fund with the appropriated revenue to Account # 100-3468 which would fully offset the planned expenditures. ATTACHMENTS 1. Budget Amendment Resolution- Asset Forfeiture Item Title:10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 126 of 295 RESOLUTION NO. 21-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2021/22 with resolution 21-1033 on June 2nd , 2021; and WHEREAS, from time to time the City of Menifee receives unanticipated revenues, experiences unanticipated expenditures, and/or identifies alternative funding sources; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2021/22 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: General Fund Adopted FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $59,885,280 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT October 6, 2021 State Asset Forfeiture 100-3468 $36,189 TOTAL:$36,189 Amended General Fund FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $59,921,469 General Fund Adopted FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $59,885,280 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT July 7, 2021 CEQA Services: Menifee Specific Plan 100-4330-52825 $55,440 July 7, 2021 CIP 20-04: Paloma Wash Trail Improvements 100-4555-58086 (95,527) July 21, 2021 CIP 22-20: Sun City Community Project 100-4555-58137 183,886 July 21, 2021 CIP 22-21: Lazy Creek Pedestrian Project 100-4555-58138 88,380.50 August 4, 2021 CEQA Services: Freedom Business Park 100-4330-52825 53,169 September 15, 2021 CIP 21-13: McCall Blvd Resurfacing Project 100-4555-58111 108,773.95 September 15, 2021 Fire Contract 100-4445-52800 368,502 October 6, 2021 Professional Services 100-4911-52800 24,600 Item Title:10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 127 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 General Fund Budget Asset Forfeiture 2 October 6, 2021 Furniture & Equipment 100-4911-53150 11,589 TOTAL:$798,813.45 Amended General Fund FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $60,684,093.45 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT #AMOUNT TOTAL:0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual budget for the General Fund for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2021/22 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Revenues: State Asset Forfeiture $36,189 Amended General Fund FY 2021/22 Budget $59,921,469 Expenditures: Professional Services $24,600 Furniture & Equipment 11,589 Amended General Fund FY 2021/22 Budget: $60,684,093.45 Item Title:10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 128 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 General Fund Budget Asset Forfeiture 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of October 2021. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.8 Asset Forfeiture Appropriation of Funds Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 129 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: FY2021-2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment Resolution MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Molly Binnall, Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Budget Amendment Resolution appropriating $2,000,000 from available fund balance to Account #100-4330-52846 Professional Services – Recoverable (CEQA) with an off-setting increase in revenues in Account #100-3425 CEQA Review Revenue. DISCUSSION At the City Council meeting held on September 15, 2021, Council adopted Resolution No. 21- 1073 to update the Environmental Review Guidelines. The Resolution also authorizes the City Manager to execute professional service agreements with approved environmental firms to provide environmental consulting services for privately funded development projects as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process. As a follow up to the September 15th meeting, a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) is required to establish the budget capacity necessary to issue purchase orders for the awarded environmental consultant agreements. With the current high volume of development projects, staff anticipates receiving multiple submittals for CEQA document preparation on projects for FY2021- 2022. Staff is requesting an expenditure budget amendment of $2,000,000 to support the anticipated agreement needs through June 30, 2022 with an off-setting increase in revenues of $2,000,000. It is important to note that all agreement costs for environmental consulting services related to private development are paid for through developer deposits, and that no agreements will be executed prior to receiving the appropriate deposit from the applicant. During the FY2021-2022 midyear budget review, staff will re-assess potential upcoming submittals and will return to Council should additional budget capacity be needed. Item Title:10.9 FY2021-2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment Resolution Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 130 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report FY21-22 On-Call Environmental Consultant Review BAR October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 7 1 5 STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Responsive and Transparent Community Government FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of the proposed action is $2,000,000 however the full amount of any expenditure of these funds for environmental consultant services will be offset by a fee deposited with the City by project applicants. The applicants will pay all contract and preparation costs plus an administrative fee of $5,000 or 15% of the contract value (whichever is less), per established procedure. Any budget remaining unappropriated at the end of FY2021-2022 will be returned to the General Fund. A Resolution authorizing a budget appropriation in the amount of $2,000,000 from available General Fund balance to Account# 100-4330-52846 Professional Services – Recoverable (CEQA) and a $2,000,000 increase in revenues to Account# 100-3425 CEQA Review Revenue is included for approval. ATTACHMENTS 1. Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) Item Title:10.9 FY2021-2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment Resolution Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 131 of 295 RESOLUTION NO. 21-____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, California adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2021/22 with resolution 21-1033 on June 2nd , 2021; and WHEREAS, from time to time the City of Menifee receives unanticipated revenues, experiences unanticipated expenditures, and/or identifies alternative funding sources; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Menifee to allocate budget resources to continue the operations of the City of Menifee; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee needs to amend the fiscal year 2021/22 budget as follows: AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTED BUDGET: General Fund Adopted FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $59,885,280 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT October 6, 2021 State Asset Forfeiture 100-3468 $36,189 October 6, 2021 CEQA Review Revenue 100-3425 2,000,000 TOTAL:$2,036,189 Amended General Fund FY 2021/22 Revenue Budget: $61,921,469 General Fund Adopted FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $59,885,280 2. Record Appropriation(s): CITY COUNCIL MEETING DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT #AMOUNT July 7, 2021 CEQA Services: Menifee Specific Plan 100-4330-52825 $55,440 July 7, 2021 CIP 20-04: Paloma Wash Trail Improvements 100-4555-58086 (95,527) July 21, 2021 CIP 22-20: Sun City Community Project 100-4555-58137 183,886 July 21, 2021 CIP 22-21: Lazy Creek Pedestrian Project 100-4555-58138 88,380.50 August 4, 2021 CEQA Services: Freedom Business Park 100-4330-52825 53,169 September 15, 2021 CIP 21-13: McCall Blvd Resurfacing Project 100-4555-58111 108,773.95 September 15, 2021 Fire Contract 100-4445-52800 368,502 Item Title:10.9 FY2021-2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment Resolution Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 132 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 General Fund Budget CEQA: Panattoni Island Project 2 4 3 9 7 5 October 6, 2021 Furniture & Equipment 100-4911-53150 11,589 October 6, 2021 Professional Services 100-4911-52800 24,600 October 6, 2021 Professional Services Recoverable (CEQA) 100-4330-52846 2,000,000 TOTAL:$2,798,813.45 Amended General Fund FY 2021/22 Expenditure Budget: $62,684,093.45 3. Record Transfer of Funds: FROM ACCOUNT #TO ACCOUNT #AMOUNT TOTAL:0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The annual budget for the General Fund for the City of Menifee for fiscal year 2021/22 is hereby increased and amended to reflect unanticipated revenues and expenditures as follows: Revenues: CEQA Professional Services $2,000,000 Amended General Fund FY 2021/22 Budget $61,921,469 Expenditures: Professional Services (Recoverable CEQA) $2,000,000 Amended General Fund FY 2021/22 Budget: $62,684,093.45 Item Title:10.9 FY2021-2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment Resolution Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 133 of 295 Amending the Fiscal Year 2021/22 General Fund Budget CEQA: Panattoni Island Project 3 4 3 9 7 5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of October 2021. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.9 FY2021-2022 Developer Funded CEQA Consultant Budget Amendment Resolution Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 134 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Yolanda Macalalad, Assistant City Engineer REVIEWED BY: Nick Fidler, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt a Resolution amending the applicable Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees. DISCUSSION The City of Menifee is a member jurisdiction of the Western Riverside Council of Governments (“WRCOG”), a joint powers agency comprised of the County of Riverside and eighteen cities located in West Riverside County. Acting in concert, in 2002-2003, WRCOG member jurisdictions developed a plan whereby the shortfall in funds needed to enlarge the capacity of the Regional System of Highways and Arterials due to new development in Western Riverside County could be made up in part by a Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (“TUMF”) on future residential, commercial, and industrial development. As a member jurisdiction of WRCOG and as a TUMF participating jurisdiction, the City participated in the preparation of a certain “Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Fee Nexus Study,” (“2002 Nexus Study”) later adopted by the WRCOG Executive Committee. Based on the 2002 Nexus Study, the City adopted and implemented an Ordinance authorizing the City’s participation in a TUMF Program. Pursuant to the Mitigation Fee Act (Gov. Code §§ 66000 et seq.), WRCOG prepared a new Nexus Study (“2016 Nexus Study”) to update the fees. On July 10, 2017, the WRCOG Executive Committee reviewed the 2016 Nexus Study and recommended TUMF participating jurisdictions update their fees by amending their applicable TUMF Ordinances to reflect changes in the TUMF Network and the cost of construction. On October 4, 2017, the City of Menifee adopted Ordinance No. 2017-229 to reflect the TUMF Network changes. Ordinance No. 2017-229 also provides the legal basis for a revised TUMF schedule and authorizes the City Council to set the related fees by Resolution. The City Council previously adopted Resolution No. 2017-644, and subsequently Resolution No. Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 135 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report TUMF Schedule Amendment October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 6 7 7 2020-877, establishing and updating the TUMF schedule. The current TUMF schedule, effective January 1, 2021 was established by Resolution No. 2020-877 as follows: (1) $9,810.00 per single family residential unit (2) $6,389.00 per multi-family residential unit (3) $1.81 per square foot of an industrial project (4) $7.50 per square foot of a retail commercial project (5) $4.75 per square foot of a service commercial project (6) $2.38 per square foot of a service Class A and B Office The proposed Resolution would amend the TUMF schedule to reflect future adjustments to fees for single-family residential, multi-family residential and non-residential projects. Effective January 1st, 2022, the fee schedule shall be as follows: (1) $10,104.00 per single family residential unit (2) $6,580.00 per multi-family residential unit (3) $1.86 per square foot of an industrial project (4) $7.72 per square foot of a retail commercial project (5) $4.89 per square foot of a service commercial project (6) $2.45 per square foot of a service Class A and B Office STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Accessible and Interconnected Community FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the City of Menifee. WRCOG administers the TUMF Program for Western Riverside County and collects all relevant program fee amounts on behalf of the City. Fees collected will be programmed to support future regional transportation projects. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution- TUMF Program Fee Schedule 2. Ordinance 2017-229 3. Resolution 2020-877 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 136 of 295 RESOLUTION NO._______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE AMENDING THE APPLICABLE TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE (TUMF) APPLICABLE TO ALL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CITY OF MENIFEE WHEREAS, the City of Menifee (“City”) is a member agency of the Western Riverside Council of Governments (“WRCOG”), a joint powers agency comprised of the County of Riverside and eighteen cities located in Western Riverside County; and WHEREAS, the member agencies of WRCOG recognized that there was insufficient funding to address the impacts of new development on the regional system of highways and arterials in Western Riverside County (the “Regional System”); and WHEREAS, in order to address this shortfall, the member agencies formulated a plan whereby a transportation mitigation fee would be assessed on new development and would be used to fund the necessary improvements for the Regional System; and WHEREAS, WRCOG, with the assistance of TUMF Program participating jurisdictions, has prepared an updated Nexus Study entitled “Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Nexus Study: 2016 Update” (“2016 Nexus Study”) pursuant to California Government Code sections 66000 et seq. (the Mitigation Fee Act), for the purpose of updating the fees. On July 10, 2017, the WRCOG Executive Committee reviewed the 2016 Nexus Study and TUMF Program and recommended TUMF participating jurisdictions amend their applicable TUMF ordinances to reflect changes in the TUMF network and the cost of construction in order to update the TUMF Program; and WHEREAS, consistent with its previous findings made in the adoption of Ordinance No. 2017-229, the City Council has been informed and advised, and hereby finds, that if the capacity of the Regional System is not enlarged and unless development contributes to the cost of improving the Regional System, the result will be substantial traffic congestion in all parts of Western Riverside County, with unacceptable Levels of Service. Furthermore, the failure to mitigate growing traffic impacts on the Regional System will substantially impair the ability of public safety services (police and fire) to respond and, thus, adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare. Therefore, continuation of a TUMF Program is essential; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that there is a reasonable and rational relationship between the use of the TUMF and the type of development projects on which the fees are imposed because the fees will be used to construct the transportation improvements that are necessary for the safety, health, and welfare of the residential and non- residential users of the development in which the TUMF will be levied; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that there is a reasonable and rational relationship between the need for the improvements to the Regional System and the type of development projects on which the TUMF is imposed because it will be necessary for the residential and non-residential users of such projects to have access to the Regional system. Such development will benefit from the Regional System improvements and the burden of such developments will be mitigated in part by payment of the TUMF; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the cost estimates set forth in the Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 137 of 295 new 2016 Nexus Study are reasonable cost estimates for constructing the Regional System improvements and the facilities that compromise the Regional System, and that the amount of the TUMF expected to be generated by new development will not exceed the total fair share cost to such development; and WHEREAS, the fees collected pursuant to the TUMF Ordinance shall be used to help pay for the design, planning, construction of and real property acquisition for the Regional System improvements and its facilities as identified in the 2016 Nexus Study. The need for the improvements and facilities is related to new development because such development results in additional traffic and creates the demand for the improvements; and WHEREAS, by notice duly given and published, the City Council set the time and place for a public hearing on the 2016 Nexus Study and the fees proposed thereunder and at least ten (10) days prior to this hearing, the City Council made the 2016 Nexus Study available to the public; and WHEREAS, at the time and place set for the hearing, the City Council duly considered data and information provided by the public relative to the cost of the improvements and facilities for which the fees are proposed and all other comments, whether written or oral, submitted prior to the conclusion of the hearing; and WHEREAS, section 4.C. of Ordinance 2017-229 authorizes periodic review and adjustment to the applicable TUMF schedule in accordance with any adjustments made by the WRCOG Executive Committee; and WHEREAS, the fees collected pursuant to this Resolution shall be used to finance the public facilities described or identified in the Nexus Study; and WHEREAS, the levying of TUMF has been reviewed by the City Council and staff in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) and the CEQA Guidelines and it has been determined that the adoption of this ordinance is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee does resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted as findings in support of this Resolution. In addition, the City Council re-adopts the findings contained in Section 2 of Ordinance 2017-229 in support of the adjusted TUMF contained herein. SECTION 2. TUMF Schedule. In accordance with Section 4.C. of Ordinance 2017- 229, the following fee schedule for the TUMF Program is hereby adopted, and shall replace the fee schedule set forth in Section 2 of Resolution No. 2020-877 in its entirety and shall become effective upon the Effective Date set forth in Section 4, below: A. The TUMF schedule set forth in Resolution No. 2020-877 shall remain in place until December 31, 2021, as follows: (1) $9,810.00 per single-family residential unit (2) $6,389.00 per multi-family residential unit (3) $1.81 per square foot of an industrial project Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 138 of 295 (4) $7.50 per square foot of a retail commercial project (5) $4.75 per square foot of a service commercial project (6) $2.38 per square foot of a service Class A and B Office B. Effective January 1, 2022 the fee schedule for single-family residential, multi- family residential, and non-residential projects, as set forth in Section 2.A. shall be as follows: (1) $10,104.00 per single family residential unit (2) $6,580.00 per multi-family residential unit (3) $1.86 per square foot of an industrial project (4) $7.72 per square foot of a retail commercial project (5) $4.89 per square foot of a service commercial project (6) $2.45 per square foot of a service Class A and B Office SECTION 3. CEQA Findings. The City Council hereby finds that in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) and the CEQA Guidelines the adoption of this Resolution is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3). SECTION 4. Effective Date. The resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of September 2021. _______________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor APPROVE AS TO FORM: Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney ATTEST: ________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 139 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 140 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 141 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 142 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 143 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 144 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 145 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 146 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 147 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 148 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 149 of 295 Item Title: 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentItem Page Number: 16Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 150 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 151 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 152 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:19 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 153 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:20 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 154 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:21 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 155 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:22 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 156 of 295 Item Title: 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentItem Page Number: 23Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 157 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:24 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 158 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:25 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 159 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:26 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 160 of 295 Item Title: 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentItem Page Number: 27Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 161 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:28 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 162 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:29 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 163 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:30 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 164 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:31 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 165 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:32 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 166 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:33 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 167 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:34 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 168 of 295 Item Title: 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentItem Page Number: 35Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 169 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:36 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 170 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:37 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 171 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:38 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 172 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:39 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 173 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:40 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 174 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:41 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 175 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:42 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 176 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:43 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 177 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:44 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 178 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:45 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 179 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:46 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 180 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:47 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 181 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:48 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 182 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:49 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 183 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:50 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 184 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:51 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 185 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:52 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 186 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:53 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 187 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:54 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 188 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:55 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 189 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:56 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 190 of 295 Item Title: 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentItem Page Number: 57Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 191 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:58 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 192 of 295 Item Title: 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentItem Page Number: 59Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 193 of 295 Item Title: 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentItem Page Number: 60Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 194 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:61 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 195 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:62 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 196 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:63 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 197 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:64 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 198 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:65 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 199 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:66 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 200 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:67 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 201 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:68 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 202 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:69 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 203 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:70 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 204 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:71 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 205 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:72 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 206 of 295 Item Title: 10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule AmendmentItem Page Number: 73Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 207 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:74 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 208 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:75 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 209 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:76 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 210 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:77 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 211 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:78 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 212 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:79 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 213 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:80 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 214 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:81 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 215 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:82 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 216 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:83 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 217 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:84 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 218 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:85 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 219 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:86 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 220 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:87 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 221 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:88 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 222 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:89 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 223 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:90 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 224 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:91 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 225 of 295 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:92 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 226 of 295 RESOLUTION NO._______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE AMENDING THE APPLICABLE TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE (TUMF) APPLICABLE TO ALL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CITY OF MENIFEE WHEREAS, the City of Menifee (“City”) is a member agency of the Western Riverside Council of Governments (“WRCOG”), a joint powers agency comprised of the County of Riverside and eighteen cities located in Western Riverside County (collectively, the “Participating Jurisdictions”); and WHEREAS, the member agencies of WRCOG recognized that there was insufficient funding to address the impacts of new development on the regional system of highways and arterials in Western Riverside County (the “Regional System”); and WHEREAS, in order to address this shortfall, the member agencies formulated a plan whereby a transportation mitigation fee would be assessed on new development and would be used to fund the necessary improvements for the Regional System; this program is known as the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program (“TUMF Program”); and WHEREAS, WRCOG, with the assistance of the Participating Jurisdictions, prepared an updated Nexus Study entitled “Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Nexus Study: 2016 Update” (“2016 Nexus Study”) pursuant to California Government Code sections 66000 et seq. (“Mitigation Fee Act”), for the purpose of updating the fees. On July 10, 2017, the WRCOG Executive Committee reviewed the 2016 Nexus Study and TUMF Program and recommended Participating Jurisdictions amend their applicable TUMF ordinances to reflect changes in the TUMF network and the cost of construction in order to update the TUMF Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee (“City Council”) took the action requested by the WRCOG Executive Committee when it updated its TUMF ordinance through the adoption of City of Menifee Ordinance No. 2017-229. WHEREAS, consistent with the findings made in Ordinance No. 2017-229, the City Council has been informed and advised, and hereby finds, that if the capacity of the Regional System is not enlarged and unless development contributes to the cost of improving the Regional System, the result will be substantial traffic congestion in all parts of Western Riverside County, with unacceptable levels of traffic congestion. Furthermore, the failure to mitigate growing traffic impacts on the Regional System will substantially impair the ability of public safety services (police and fire) to respond and, thus, adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare. Therefore, continuation of a TUMF Program is essential; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that there is a reasonable and rational relationship between the use of the TUMF Program fees and the type of development projects on which the fees are imposed because the fees will be used to construct the improvements to the Regional System that are necessary for the safety, health, and welfare of the residential and non-residential users of the developments on which the TUMF Program fees will be levied; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that there is a reasonable and DocuSign Envelope ID: EE6084F3-F06E-4DEB-911B-BDCEC4A2D674 20-877 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:93 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 227 of 295 rational relationship between the need for the improvements to the Regional System and the type of development projects on which the TUMF Program fees are mposed because they will be necessary for the residential and non-residential users of such projects to have access to the Regional System. Such development will benefit from the Regional System improvements and the burden of such developments will be mitigated in part by payment of the TUMF Program fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the cost estimates set forth in the new 2016 Nexus Study are reasonable cost estimates for constructing the Regional System improvements and the facilities that compromise the Regional System, and that the amount of the TUMF Program fees expected to be generated by new development will not exceed the total fair share cost to such development; and WHEREAS, the fees collected pursuant to Ordinance 2017-229 shall be used to help pay for the design, planning, construction of and real property acquisition for the Regional System improvements and its facilities as identified in the 2016 Nexus Study. The need for the improvements and facilities is related to new development because such development results in additional traffic and creates the demand for the improvements; WHEREAS, by notice duly given and published, the City Council set the time and place for a public hearing on the 2016 Nexus Study and the fees proposed thereunder and at least ten (10) days prior to this hearing, the City Council made the 2016 Nexus Study available to the public; and WHEREAS, at the time and place set for the hearing, the City Council duly considered data and information provided by the public relative to the cost of the improvements and facilities for which the fees are proposed and all other comments, whether written or oral, submitted prior to the conclusion of the hearing; and WHEREAS, Section 4.C of Ordinance 2017-229 authorizes periodic review and adjustment to the applicable TUMF Program fees in accordance with any adjustments made by the WRCOG Executive Committee; and WHEREAS, the fees collected pursuant to this Resolution shall be used to finance the public facilities described or identified in the 2016 Nexus Study; and WHEREAS, the levying of TUMF Program fees has been reviewed by the City Council and staff in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq., “CEQA”) and its implementing Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. Section 14000 et seq., “CEQA Guidelines”) and it has been determined that the adoption of this Resolution is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15061(b)(3). NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of City of Menifee does resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted as findings in support of this Resolution. In addition, the City Council re-adopts the findings contained in Section 2 of Ordinance 2017-229 in support of the adjusted TUMF Program fees contained herein. SECTION 2. TUMF Schedule. In accordance with Section 4.C of Ordinance 2017- 229, the following fee schedule for the TUMF Program is hereby adopted, and shall replace the DocuSign Envelope ID: EE6084F3-F06E-4DEB-911B-BDCEC4A2D674 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:94 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 228 of 295 fee schedule set forth in Sections 2 and 3 of Resolution No. 2017-644 in its entirety and shall go into effect upon the Effective Date set forth in Section 4, below: The schedule set forth in Ordinance 2017-229 shall remain in place until July 1, 2020, as follows: (1) $9,146.00 per single-family residential unit (2) $6,134.00 per multi-family residential unit (3) $1.77 per square foot of an industrial project (4) $7.50 per square foot of a retail commercial project (5) $4.56 per square foot of a service commercial project (6) $2.19 per square foot of a service Class A and B Office B. For single-family residential, multi-family residential, industrial, retail commercial, service commercial, and service Class A and B Office, the fees set forth in Section 2.A. shall be phased in as follows: From July 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020, the fee schedule shall be as follows: (1) $9,478.00 per single family residential unit (2) $6,389.00 per multi-family residential unit (3) $1.81 per square foot of an industrial project (4) $7.50 per square foot of a retail commercial project (5) $4.75 per square foot of a service commercial project (6) $2.38 per square foot of a service Class A and B Office From January 1, 2021 the fee schedule shall be as follows: (1) $9,810.00 per single family residential unit (2) $6,389.00 per multi-family residential unit (3) $1.81 per square foot of an industrial project (4) $7.50 per square foot of a retail commercial project (5) $4.75 per square foot of a service commercial project (6) $2.38 per square foot of a service Class A and B Office SECTION 3. CEQA Findings. The City Council hereby finds that the adoption of this Resolution is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15061(b)(3). SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. DocuSign Envelope ID: EE6084F3-F06E-4DEB-911B-BDCEC4A2D674 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:95 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 229 of 295 PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of April 2020. _____________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor APPROVE AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney ATTEST: _______________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: EE6084F3-F06E-4DEB-911B-BDCEC4A2D674 Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:96 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 230 of 295 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF MENIFEE ) I, Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 20- was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the 15th day of April 2020 by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstain: _______________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: EE6084F3-F06E-4DEB-911B-BDCEC4A2D674 None 877 None None August, Deines, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman Item Title:10.10 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Schedule Amendment Item Page Number:97 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 231 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Haile Ford, Senior Engineer REVIEWED BY: Nick Fidler, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Accept the improvements for the Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II, Capital Improvement Project No. 16-13 as complete; and 2. Authorize the City Clerk’s Office to file the Notice of Completion with the Riverside County Recorder’s Office. DISCUSSION The Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center (MOC) Phase II improvements included the construction of a covered debris enclosure area, materials storage area, paved pedestrian pathway to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, landscaping, exterior electrical conduits for yard lighting, and parking lot striping. Filing a Notice of Completion (NOC) protects the City from future claims against the project, by providing proper noticing to each contractor, subcontractor and material supplier that the project has been completed. The Payment Bond (Labor and Materials Bond) and Performance Bond will be released 30 days after the date of recording the attached Notice of Completion, provided no Stop Notices are filed preventing said releases. The Public Works and Engineering Department staff inspected the materials supplied, the quality of the materials, the construction methods, and workmanship, and determined that the improvements and related work performed by the contractor, All American Asphalt, has met the project requirements as specified in the contract documents. Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 232 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Acceptance of the MOC October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 7 0 3 On September 16, 2020 the City Council approved a construction budget of $331,586. The final cost of construction was $315,522.08 as outlined in the Table 1 below. Table 1 Expenditure Item Approved Budget Final Cost_ Construction Contract: $287,806.00 $287,806.00 Construction Contingency: $ 28,780.00 $ 21,483.08 Consultant Labor Compliance: $ 5,000.00 $ 6,233.00 Construction Management / Inspection: $ 10,000.00 $ 0.00 Total: $331,586.00 $315,522.08 There were four contract change orders (CCOs) for this project as shown in the CIP 16-13 MOC Change Order Summary and outlined in Table 2 below. Table 2 Description Total Cost CCO 1: Dispose of K-Rail and install electrical conduit and pull boxes $13,481.66 CCO 2: Relocate existing and install new backflow preventor $ 3,323.42 CCO 3: Revise the design of the trash enclosure $ 2,640.00 CCO 4: Sawcut and Layout made to the west building during construction $ 2,038.00 Total: $21,483.08 Funding for this project was as follows: Description Account Total Amount DIF 17 (Public Facilities)507-4555-58050 $336,592.00 STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Accessible and Interconnected Community FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. Project Location 2. Notice of Completion 3. Close out Documents 4. CIP 16-13 MOC Change Order Summary Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 233 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 234 of 295 Recording Requested By: CITY OF MENIFEE After Recording Mail To: CITY CLERK CITY OF MENIFEE 29844 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586 Record without fee subject to Govt. Code 6103 NOTICE OF COMPLETION (Public Works – Civil Code Sec. 9204) PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS CENTER (MOC) PHASE II, CIP 16-13 Notice is hereby given that: Work of improvements on the project herein described was accepted as complete on May 31, 2021. The work done was: construction of a covered debris enclosure area, materials storage area, paved pedestrian pathway to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, landscaping, exterior electrical conduits for yard lighting, and parking lot striping. The project was done in the city right-of-way between McCall Boulevard and Bradley Road in the community of Sun City in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California. 1. The full name of the Owner is: CITY OF MENIFEE 2. The full address of the Owner is: 29844 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA. 92586 3. The undersigned is a Corporate Officer of the Owner of the interest stated below in the property herein described: PUBLIC WORKS MOC 27860 BRADLEY ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586 4. The name of the contractor for such work of construction is: All American Asphalt, Inc. 400 E. Sixth St. Corona, CA 92879 5. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is within the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) Ss COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) I, Sarah A. Manwaring, hereby certify that I am the City Clerk of the City of Menifee, a municipal corporation, which is the owner of the properties described within this Notice of Completion, executed on behalf of the City; that I have read the notice and know the contents thereof and that the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California; that I make this verification on _________________, 20___ for and on behalf of the City. _____________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 235 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 236 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 237 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 238 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 239 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 240 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 241 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 242 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 243 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 244 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 245 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 246 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 247 of 295 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 248 of 295 Contract Change Order Summary Public Works Maintenance Operations Center Phase II (CIP 16-13) Original Contract Amount: $287,806.00 Total Change Order Amount: $21,483.08 Revised Contract Amount: $309,289.08 CCO # Description Amount % Additional Time Date Approved 1 REMOVE KRAIL/ INSTALL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND WIRE $13,481.66 4.68% 0 10/15/2020 2 PROVIDE AND INSTALL IRRIGATION BACKFLOW & ENCLOSURE $3,323.42 1.15% 0 1/11/2021 3 A NEW CANOPY DESIGN NEEDED TO BE IMPLEMENTD IN ORDER TO OMIT STRUCTUAL CONFLICT WITH TRASH CONTAINERS $2,640.00 0.92% 0 3/10/2021 4 SAWCUT & LAYOUT FOR WEST BUILDING NOT ON CONTRACT/ADDITIONAL COST FOR CANOPY CHANGE MISSED IN CO 3 $2,038.00 0.71% 0 5/20/2021 Totals $21,483.08 7.46% 0 Item Title:10.11 Public Works Maintenance and Operations Center Phase II Project Acceptance Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 249 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super Center MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Run Chen, Senior Engineer REVIEWED BY: Nick Fidler, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an Improvement Deferral Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co. requiring completion of future frontage improvements associated with Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 38005, located on the east side of Encanto Drive, south of McLaughlin Road; and 2. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Community Facilities District (CFD) Annexation Agreement with E.D.D. Investment Co., requiring completion of property annexation into a CFD for maintenance of the frontage improvements; and 3. Approve and authorize filing of the Final Map. DISCUSSION Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 38005, consisting of Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 331-120-063 and -065 covering a total area of 4.15 acres, is a proposal to map and subdivide the parcels into two lots for commercial use. The parcels owned by E.D.D. Investment Co., also known as KFC, includes a KFC restaurant located approximately 400 feet south of the intersection of McLaughlin Road and Encanto Drive as shown in the attached Project Map. The developer of TPM 38005 is RV Super Center, the owner of the parcel just north of the KFC site. RV Super Center is working with E.D.D. Investment Co. to process TPM 38005 which was approved by the City on April 15, 2021, subject to project conditions of approval. The developer and the owner are now requesting approval and filing of the final parcel map and associated agreements to meet certain project conditions of approval. The Improvement Deferral Agreement and the Community Facilities District (CFD) Annexation Agreement require the frontage improvements of the parcel map, and annexation for maintenance of the improvements be completed prior to the approval of future development for the parcels. Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 250 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Parcel Map 38005 Final Map and Agreements October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 7 0 7 Staff has reviewed the request and has determined the final map and associated agreements meet the requirements of the project conditions. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Safe and Attractive Community FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. Costs for construction of future frontage improvements will be borne by the developer. Future maintenance for frontage improvements will be supported through special assessments levied on the properties as established in the maintenance CFD. ATTACHMENTS 1. Parcel Map 38005 2. Project Map 3. Improvement Deferral Agreement 4. CFD Annexation Agreement Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 251 of 295 Item Title: 10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super CenterItem Page Number: 3Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 252 of 295 Item Title: 10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super CenterItem Page Number: 4Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 253 of 295 Item Title: 10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super CenterItem Page Number: 5Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 254 of 295 Item Title: 10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005, RV Super CenterItem Page Number: 6Menifee Mayor and City Council                                                                               October 6, 2021Page 255 of 295 26671 26683 26695 26707 26776 26719 26731 26743 26675 26678 26685 26688 26695 26698 26705 26708 26715 26718 26725 26728 2673826735 2674826745 26424 26660 26420 26515 26527 26539 26551 26563 26575 27152 26587 26599 26611 26623 26635 26647 26659 26422 2663827930 26648 2665827937 26668 City of Menifee Map Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community, City of Menifee, RCIT, Pictometry City Boundary Parcels Address Points Roads Freeways & Highways 9/16/2021, 8:55:47 AM 0 0.03 0.060.01 mi 0 0.05 0.10.03 km 1:2,257 City Staff Maxar | RCIT, Pictometry | City of Menifee | RCIT-GIS | City of Menifee; Riverside County | RCIT Geographical Solutions (GIS) | Riverside County Parcel Data; City of Menifee GIS | RCIT-GIS, LAFCO Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 256 of 295 882/031858-0003 16617196.5 a09/24/21 -1- 4 3 9 4 5 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF MENIFEE ATTN: CITY CLERK 29844 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586 Attention: City Clerk (SPACE ABOVE RESERVED FOR RECORDER’S USE) (Exempt from Recording Fee Pursuant to Government Code 27383) AGREEMENT FOR THE DEFERRAL OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 38005, A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT This AGREEMENT FOR THE DEFERRAL OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 38005, A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (“Agreement”) is entered into, effective as of , 2021, by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE, a California municipal corporation (“City”), and E.D.D. INVESTMENT CO., LLC, a California limited liability company (“Developer”). The City and Developer are herein referred to collectively as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party.” RECITALS A. Developer is the owner(s) in fee of certain real property located at Encanto Drive approximately 544 feet south of McLaughlin Road in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California, as more particularly described in Exhibit “A”, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the “Application Property”). B. Developer submitted to City for City approval, Parcel Map 38005 (“Final Map”), a map recordation instrument for a subdivision of the Application Property, which includes empty land and a KFC restaurant located on the southern portion of the Application Property, (the “Property”). The Property is more particularly described in Exhibit “B”, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. C. Pursuant to City’s General Plan, Encanto Drive fronting the Property is designated as a Major Road, and, as a result, the approval of a subdivision map for the Property must be conditioned on the applicant constructing all requisite “Roadway Frontage Improvements”, as required in City’s Subdivision Ordinance, for a Major Road. For purposes of this Agreement, “Roadway Frontage Improvements” shall mean all curb gutter street and pavement improvements required by City in the 14 foot strip of the property along Encanto Drive dedicated for public Right of Way, as depicted and described in the Final Parcel Map. Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 257 of 295 882/031858-0003 16617196.5 a09/24/21 -2- D.On April 15, 2021, the City’s Community Development Director approved the subdivision, subject to the Conditions of Approval issued in connection therewith (collectively, the “COA’s”). E. Pursuant to the COA’s, condition number 17, Developer is required to construct all Roadway Frontage Improvements along the portions of the Property fronting Encanto Drive, as required in City’s Subdivision Ordinance, for a Major Road. F. Section 7.80.030 of City’s Subdivision Ordinance authorizes the approving body to approve an applicant’s request for a deferral of road improvements if the applicant enters into deferred improvement agreement. G. Developer has requested a deferment of its obligation to construct the Roadway Frontage Improvements. Pursuant to Section 7.80.030 of City’s Subdivision Ordinance, City has agreed to approve such deferment, subject to the terms of this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and based upon the foregoing Recitals, and the terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Recitals Incorporated. The Recitals are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. 2. Completion of Property Roadway Improvements and Security. Developer shall provide written notice to City at such time as planning efforts commence for the development of the Property (the “City Notice”). Prior to the issuance of any permits on Application Property, Developer shall (i) commence design and development of the Property Roadway Improvements, and (ii) provide security that complies with Section 7.80.050 of City’s Subdivision Ordinance (with such security to be in place prior to commencement of any construction activities). Following commencement of development of the Property Roadway Improvements, Developer shall proceed diligently to complete development of the Property Roadway Improvements. Developer shall develop the Property Roadway Improvements, including without limitation all design and construction activities, in compliance with all applicable requirements of City’s Subdivision Ordinance. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 2, in the event Developer fails to timely complete the Roadway Frontage Improvements, City shall have the right, following the delivery of written notice to Developer, to elect to complete development of the Property Roadway Improvements, and in such event, Developer shall be obligated to pay to City, the costs City incurred to complete development the Roadway Frontage Improvements. 3. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law (including, without limitation, California Civil Code Sections 2782 and 2782.6), Developer shall defend (with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to City), indemnify, and hold free and harmless the City of Menifee and the City’s agents, officers, and employees, (each, an “Indemnitee”) from and against any and all claims, loss, cost, damage, injury, expense, and liability (including, without limitation, court costs, reasonable attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 258 of 295 882/031858-0003 16617196.5 a09/24/21 -3- consultants or expert witnesses actually incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, but excluding, punitive, special, exemplary, and consequential damages) that arise out of, pertain to, or relate to, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of Developer, any of the Developer entities, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone that they control, with regard to the actions described in this Agreement and will defend any action challenging the validity of this Agreement. The indemnification obligations of Developer pursuant to this Section 3 shall not apply to any such claims, losses, damages, injuries, expenses and liability to the extent caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of City. 4. Developer to Pay City Costs. Developer agrees to pay all costs incurred by the City for the drafting, implementation, and enforcement of this Agreement, including, without limitation all reasonable attorney's fees. 5. Covenants Running with the Land. This Agreement and the covenants and agreements established in this Agreement shall, without regard to technical classification and designation, be binding on Developer, its assigns, and any successors-in-interest to the Property, or any part thereof, for the benefit of and in favor of City, its successors and assigns, regardless of whether City owns or hold any interest in real property abutting or adjacent to the Property. 6. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written agreement executed by both Parties. No waiver of any of the terms of this Agreement shall be effective or binding unless in writing and executed by an authorized representative of the Party waiving its rights hereunder. 7. Attorney’s Fees. In the event any party to this Agreement brings an action to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs from the other party. 8. Waiver. The waiver by either party of any breach of any condition or covenant of this Agreement by the other party must be in writing. No waiver shall be deemed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other condition or covenant. 9. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, transferees, and assigns of the Parties. 10. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall, for all purposes, be deemed an original and all such counterparts, taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. 11. Execution of Agreement. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of each of the Parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such Party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said Party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such Party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said Party is bound. Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 259 of 295 882/031858-0003 16617196.5 a09/24/21 -4- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement to be effective as of the date first written above. Dated: _____ “CITY” CITY OF MENIFEE, a California Municipal Corporation By: Printed Name: Armando G. Villa Its: City Manager Attest: By: Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Dated: , 2021 “DEVELOPER” E.D.D. INVESTMENT CO., LLC, a California Limited Liability Company By: _ Printed Name: Donald P. Sheldrake Its: _Manager Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 260 of 295 882/031858-0003 16617196.5 a09/24/21 EXHIBIT “A” EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THE CITY OF MENIFEE, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PARCEL MAP NO. 38005 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 4698, RECORDED AUGUST 11, 2005 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2005-0653044 RECORDS OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, LYING WITHIN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, S. B. M. Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 261 of 295 882/031858-0003 16617196.5 a09/24/21 EXHIBIT “B” EXHIBIT “B” LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THE CITY OF MENIFEE, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PARCEL MAP NO. 38005 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 4698, RECORDED AUGUST 11, 2005 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2005-0653044 RECORDS OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, LYING WITHIN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, S. B. M. Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 262 of 295 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: The City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, California Attention: City Clerk EXEMPT FROM FILING FEES GOVERNMENT CODE  6103 (Space above for Recorder’s Use) AGREEMENT REGARDING A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE LAND FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM) NO. 20-0259/ 38005 between THE CITY OF MENIFEE a public agency and E.D.D. INVESTMENT CO., LLC as the Developer Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:14 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 263 of 295 1 AGREEMENT 1. Parties and Date. This Agreement is entered into as of this _____________, by and between the City of Menifee, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as ”City”) and, E.D.D., INVESTMENT CO., LLC with its principal place of business at 32235 Ano Crest Drive, Winchester, CA 92596 (hereinafter referred to as “Developer”). 2. Recitals. 2.1 Developer has submitted to the City for its approval, Tentative Parcel Map No. 20- 0259/ 38005, a proposed development on property comprised of two (2) commercial parcels comprising approximately 4.15 acres located on Encanto Drive, approximately 544 feet south of Mclaughlin Road in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (hereinafter collectively referred as the “Property”). All property is as legally described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2.2 On April 15, 2021, the City of Menifee Community Development Director (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) approved Tentative Parcel Map No. 38005 (hereinafter referred to as the “TPM” subject to satisfactory completion of the Conditions of Approval issued in connection with the TPM (hereinafter referred to as “COA’s”) for the development of the Property. 2.3 Developer and City desire to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of complying with Conditions of Approval No. 33. Although timing prevents the Developer from agreeing to the express terms of Conditions of Approval in Recital 2.2 above, it is willing to agree that all property located in Parcel A and Parcel B of Property will be included within an established and recorded Citywide Maintenance District prior to any sale, transfer or other conveyance of any kind of property located within Parcel A and Parcel B. 2.4 Developer has submitted an application to the City to annex the Property into the CFD, but the annexation has not yet been completed. To enable Developer to process and record the final map for the Property prior to completion of said annexation, the COA’s require Developer to enter into an annexation agreement with the City which obligates Developer and future owners of the Property to complete the annexation of the Property into the CFD. The annexation shall be completed prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy due to any development on Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 of the approved Tentative Parcel Map No. 20-0259/ 38005. 2.5 This Agreement is made in consideration of the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 20-0259/ 38005 as approved by the City on April 15, 2021. 3. Terms. 3.1 Petition. As owner of all property located within Parcel A and Parcel B, Developer shall sign a petition to annex Parcel A and Parcel B to an established and recorded Citywide Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:15 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 264 of 295 2 Maintenance District. Developer shall sign such petition upon the request of the City at no cost, expense or other obligation of the City. 3.2 Fair Share of Costs. Developer shall pay its fair share of all costs necessary for the annexation of Parcel A and Parcel B into the Citywide Maintenance District. Such costs shall include, but shall not be limited to, all administrative, publication, engineering and legal costs and fees of any kind related to the annexation of Parcel A and Parcel B into the Citywide Maintenance District. 3.3 Inclusion. Developer understands, acknowledges and agrees that it shall not be authorized to sell, transfer or in any other manner convey any of the property located within Parcel B prior to the inclusion of all property located in Parcel A and Parcel B in the Citywide Maintenance District which is currently in the process of formation pursuant to all requirements of state and local laws, rules and regulations. 3.4 Indemnification. Developer and the City shall mutually indemnify, defend and hold each other and their officials, officers, employees, agents and contractors free and harmless from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, fees (including attorney’s fees and costs), injuries to persons or property (including wrongful death) in any manner arising out of or incident to each other’s own negligent acts, omissions or willful misconduct relating to this Agreement. 3.5 Amendment. The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be altered, changed or amended only by written agreement of the parties hereto. 3.6 Notices. All notices to be given hereunder shall be in writing and may be made either by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Mailed notices shall be addressed to the parties at the addresses listed below, but each party may change the address by written notice in accordance with this paragraph. Notices delivered personally will be deemed communicated as of actual receipt; mailed notices will be deemed communicated as of two (2) days after mailing. City: Developer: City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, California 92586 Attn: City Clerk E.D.D. INVESTMENT CO., LLC 32235 Ano Crest Drive Winchester, CA 92596 Attn: Donald P. Sheldrake 3.7 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. 3.8 Recordation. City shall cause this Agreement to be recorded with the Riverside County Recorders Office. Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:16 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 265 of 295 3 3.9 Covenant Running With the Land. The parties intend that the benefits and burdens described herein constitute covenants running with Parcel A and Parcel B for the benefit of the Developer’s property located within Parcel A and Parcel B. 3.10 Attorney’s Fees. Should either party bring a legal action for the purpose of protecting or enforcing its rights and obligations under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled, in addition to other relief, to the recovery of its attorney’s fees, expenses and costs of suit. 3.11 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Riverside County. 3.12 Headings. Section headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not have an affect in the construction or interpretation of any provision. 3.13 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements, either written or oral, express or implied. The invalidity in whole or in part of any provision of this Agreement shall not void or affect the validity of any other provision. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties on the day and year first above written. CITY OF MENIFEE E.D.D. INVESTMENT CO., LLC a California limited liability company By:By: Armando G. Villa, City Manager Managing Member Donald P. Sheldrake Attest: __________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk By: ___________________________ Managing Member Approved as to Form: __________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:17 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 266 of 295 4 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL A AND PARCEL B IN THE CITY OF MENIFEE, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PARCEL MAP NO. 38005 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 4698, RECORDED AUGUST 11, 2005 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2005-0653044 RECORDS OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, LYING WITHIN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, S. B. M. Item Title:10.12 Final Map and Agreements for Parcel Map 38005,RV Super Center Item Page Number:18 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 267 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45-Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director REVIEWED BY: Cheryl Kitzerow, Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Adopt an urgency Ordinance imposing a 45-day moratorium on utility-scale battery storage uses with later options to extend moratorium for a total period of up to two years. DISCUSSION The Community Development Department has recently received an increased number of inquiries, and pre-applications for the establishment of utility-scale battery storage facilities in the areas adjacent to the Southern California Edison substation. These types of uses are currently not listed as a use in the City’s Development Code nor the Menifee North Specific Plan. When these regulatory documents were developed, this type of technology/use was not contemplated, and therefore not studied in meaningful detail. As a result, the wide-spread establishment of battery storage facilities in the City was not contemplated and/or integrated into the City’s vision for its future development. City staff is aware of the potential problems with utility-scale battery storage, including risk of catastrophic fire, such as the reports of: (i) a fire aboard the Conception, a commercial scuba diving vessel, that killed 34 of the 39 people onboard and was caused by a charging lithium-ion battery; (ii) an explosion at a 2-MW battery storage facility in Surprise, Arizona, which injured four firefighters; and (iii) a fire at a battery factory producing lithium-ion batteries in Richmond, Kentucky. These types of incidents raise significant questions regarding the safety of these facilities and, relatedly, the need to condition or limit the location of these facilities to minimize their potential threat to the public health, safety, and welfare. If action is not taken immediately, there is a potential that City staff will have to approve facilities without appropriate conditions or site limitations. Item Title:12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45-Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 268 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Battery Storage Urgency Ordinance October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 7 0 4 Accordingly, City staff recommends to impose a short-term moratorium on the approval of applications for battery storage facilities. Adoption of the Ordinance requires a four-fifths vote of the City Council and, if adopted, the Ordinance would take effect immediately. The initial term of the moratorium would be 45 days. At or near the end of that period, the City Council would have an option – following notice and a public hearing – to extend the moratorium for an additional 10 months and 15 days, and thereafter (following an additional public hearing) for an additional year. The total potential moratorium period, assuming all extensions are utilized, is two years. During the moratorium period, the City Council, City staff, and citizens of the City would have the opportunity to consider a comprehensive ordinance regulating utility-scale battery storage uses. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Livable and Economically Prosperous Community FISCAL IMPACT If the proposed urgency Ordinance is adopted, a comprehensive set of regulations for battery storage will be studied by existing City staff. There is no significant additional fiscal impact associated with this item. ATTACHMENTS 1. Urgency Ordinance of the City of Menifee, California Imposing a Moratorium on Certain Battery Storage Uses Item Title:12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45-Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 269 of 295 2671/031858-0001 16905897.1 a09/24/21 ORDINANCE NO. ____ URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON CERTAIN BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE USES WHEREAS, the City of Menifee wishes to protect and preserve the public safety, health, and welfare, the quality of the City’s residential, business, industrial development areas, and the economic development corridor areas, as well as the quality of life throughout the City, through effective land use and planning; and WHEREAS, the City is aware of the perils of certain battery storage, including risk of catastrophic fire, such as the reports of: (i) a fire aboard the Conception, a commercial scuba diving vessel, that killed 34 of the 39 people onboard and was caused by a charging lithium-ion battery; (ii) an explosion at a 2-MW battery storage facility in Surprise, Arizona, which injured four firefighters; and (iii) a fire at a battery factory producing lithium-ion batteries in Richmond, Kentucky; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded it is necessary to study potential regulations related to battery storage uses in the City; and. WHEREAS, the City, pursuant to Government Code Sections 36934, 36937 and 65858, may adopt an urgency ordinance to impose a moratorium as an interim measure for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety, and welfare, to prohibit any uses that may be in conflict with a contemplated zoning proposal that the legislative body is considering or intends to study within a reasonable time; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines, as it is not a “project” and has no potential to result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change to the environment because it is merely the formation of an organization. (14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15378(a).) Further, this Ordinance is exempt from CEQA because there is no possibility that this ordinance or its implementation would have a significant negative effect on the environment. (14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15061(b)(3).) The City Clerk shall cause a Notice of Exemption to be filed as authorized by CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee, State of California, does ordain as follows: Section 1. The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the City and its citizens by exercising the police power provided for in the California Constitution that underlies the City’s zoning powers, so that certain battery storage uses in the City are conducted in such a manner as to be compatible with existing and future uses. In order to accomplish this purpose, the City Council intends to impose a moratorium on certain battery storage uses in order to provide City staff, the City Council, and the citizens of the City sufficient time to consider a comprehensive ordinance regulating certain battery storage uses. The City finds and declares that there is a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare, and that the approval Item Title:12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45-Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 270 of 295 2671/031858-0001 16905897.1 a09/24/21 -2-4 3 9 2 7 of additional subdivisions, use permits, variances, building permits, or any other applicable entitlement for battery storage uses which is required in order to comply with a zoning ordinance would result in that threat to public health, safety, or welfare. Section 2. The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all public and private property, unless otherwise specified in the Ordinance, notwithstanding other existing Zoning Code, Municipal Code, and/or other regulations or processes of the City of Menifee. Section 3. Within all areas situated in the City of Menifee, State of California, there shall be a moratorium in effect, commencing on the effective date of this Ordinance, prohibiting utility scale battery energy storage facilities, except those described in Section 4, notwithstanding other existing Zoning Code, Municipal Code, and/or other regulations or processes of the City of Menifee. Section 4. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to individually owned single family residential battery storage, multifamily residential battery storage, or otherwise ancillary battery storage uses. Section 5. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional, without regard to whether any portion of the Ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 6. This Ordinance is adopted as an urgency measure pursuant to Government Code Sections 36934, 36937 and 65858. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify as to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in the manner required by law. Section 8. This Ordinance, as an urgency ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption by not less than a four-fifths vote pursuant to California Government Code Section 36937(b). Facts supporting urgency include the risk of catastrophic fire, carrying with it the potential loss of life and property. Section 9. This Ordinance will automatically sunset, and be of no further force and effect, forty- five (45) days from the date of its adoption, unless extended pursuant to Government Code Section 65858(a). Item Title:12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45-Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 271 of 295 2671/031858-0001 16905897.1 a09/24/21 -3-4 3 9 2 7 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 2021 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ___________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: ___________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:12.1 Urgency Ordinance Imposing 45-Day Moratorium on Battery Storage Uses Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 272 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: David Gutierrez, Police Captain REVIEWED BY: Pat Walsh, Police Chief APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Conduct a public hearing; and, 2. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for camping and storage of personal property in public areas. DISCUSSION Currently, the only regulatory camping City Ordinance is within Title 13 for Parks and Recreations facilities, 13.01.110. The Parks and Recreations Ordinance does not allow for any type of abatement or enforcement outside of the parks system. Between July 1, 2020, and August 16, 2021, Menifee PD officers have responded to 193 calls for service associated with illegal encampments. These calls are handled by patrol officers and our Problem Oriented Policing Unit. Encampment calls can be challenging to address in a timely manner due to individuals not being desirous of resources and a lack of available options to legally abate the encampments. The public parks, public streets and alleys, public parking lots, public rights-of-way, parkways, public sidewalks, recreational areas and other publicly owned or controlled property within the City (collectively “public property”) should be readily accessible and available to residents, businesses and the public at large for their intended purposes. The use of public property for camping purposes and/or for the storage of personal property interferes with the rights of others to use and enjoy these public areas as they are intended. Such activity can constitute a public health and safety hazard which adversely impacts neighborhoods and commercial areas. The purpose of this Ordinance is to maintain these public areas within the City in a clean, sanitary, safe, and accessible condition, to adequately protect the health, safety, environment and general Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 273 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Camping and Storage of Personal Property Ordinance October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 3 6 6 2 welfare of the community, and to ensure that public property is used for its intended purpose and remains accessible to all citizens, businesses and visitors in the City. Nothing in this Ordinance is intended to interfere with otherwise lawful and ordinary uses of public property. This Ordinance shall be interpreted in a manner that is consistent with applicable state and federal law to include the April, 2019, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in the case of Martin v. City of Boise, ID. On April 1, 2019, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision in the case of Martin v. City of Boise (Boise). This case involved multiple homeless individuals who had been cited for camping on public property or sleeping in public buildings or places, in violation of the city's ordinance. The court concluded that it is a violation of the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, for a municipality to criminalize the act of sleeping outside where no sleeping space is practically available in any shelter. As a result, ordinances completely prohibiting the act of sleeping on public property when an individual has no other option have been deemed unconstitutional, as are those that ban camping in public where there is not a clear distinction between the act of simply sleeping and the act of camping. The United States Supreme Court declined to hear the case in December 2019, making the Ninth Circuit’s opinion controlling law. Although the Boise decision limited how municipalities may regulate their own property as it relates to sleeping in public, the decision does not amount to a total ban on a city's right to regulate the acts of camping or sleeping in public. As noted in the concurring opinion, “[o]n the merits, the opinion holds only that municipal ordinances that criminalize sleeping, sitting, or lying in all public spaces, when no alternative sleeping space is available, violate the Eighth Amendment." The opinion does not require cities to allow camping or sleeping at any time and in every publicly owned location. The ordinance also prohibits the act of sitting or lying on public sidewalks in a manner to obstruct pedestrians or block vehicular traffic. The Ordinance will allow the City to abate unlawful encampments with 48 hours' notice, thereby minimizing risks to public health and safety and adverse impacts to protected habitat and other open spaces. Prior to abating an illegal encampment on public or private property, the enforcing authorized employee will offer the owner of the encampment facilities or paraphernalia, if any, an available shelter space or motel voucher if such a program is still operative. Furthermore, the ordinance contains detailed provisions pertaining to the notice required before an abatement is initiated, and how impounded property must be inventoried by city staff and recovered by the owner or disposed of. This will allow the City to regulate its property and other public or private property related to camping more effectively and within the confines of the law as announced in Boise. The Police Department currently partners with the Riverside University Health System (RUHS) for homeless outreach and resources. The Police Department’s Problem Oriented Policing team works closely with RUHS. Resources will always take priority over enforcement. This ordinance will enable the Police Department to abate public nuisance camping when the encampments are either unoccupied or involve person(s) who refuse offered resources. Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 274 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Camping and Storage of Personal Property Ordinance October 6, 2021 Page 3 of 3 6 6 2 STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Safe and Attractive Community. The proposed Ordinance would help maintain safety within the City by ensuring areas are being used for their intended purposes. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. Ordinance- Camping & Storage of Personal Property Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 275 of 295 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-___ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 11.21 TO TITLE 11 OF THE MENIFEE MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR CAMPING AND STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN PUBLIC AREAS WHEREAS, the City of Menifee desires to keep all public parks, public streets and alleys, public rights-of-way, parkways, public sidewalks, recreational areas, and other publicly owned or controlled property within the City readily accessible and available to the residents, businesses, and the public at large for their intended uses. WHEREAS, the use of public property for camping purposes and/or for the storage of personal property interferes with the rights of others to use and enjoy these public areas as they are intended and can constitute a public health and safety hazard which adversely impacts neighborhoods and commercial areas. WHEREAS, the City of Menifee wants to maintain all public areas within the City in a clean, sanitary, safe, and accessible condition to ensure public property is used for its intended purpose and remains accessible to citizens, businesses, and visitors in the City. WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt Chapter 11.21 within Title 11 of the Menifee Municipal Code, establishing regulations for camping and the storage of personal property including violations, penalties, and enforcement. WHEREAS, on September 15, 2021, the City Council held a duly noticed public meeting at which time members of the public had the opportunity to review the documents presented to the City Council and provide oral comments to the City Council concerning the proposed ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee, California does ordain as follows: Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas The new Chapter 11.21 is hereby added to Title 11 of the Menifee Municipal Code to read as follows: Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 276 of 295 Page 2 of 10 2 4 3 7 7 7 CHAPTER 11.21 CAMPING AND STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN PUBLIC AREAS CHAPTER 11.21 CAMPING AND STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN PUBLIC AREAS Sections: 11.21.010 Purpose and Intent 11.21.020 Definitions 11.21.030 Unlawful Camping 11.21.040 Permitted Camping 11.21.050 Unlawful Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas 11.21.060 Parking on Private or Public Property – Consent Required 11.21.070 Notice of Removal of Personal Property in Public Areas 11.21.080 Public Nuisance Declared 11.21.090 City Manager Administrative Authority 11.21.100 Violations, Penalties, and Enforcement Section § 11.21.010 PURPOSE AND INTENT. The public parks, public streets and alleys, public parking lots, public rights-of-way, parkways, public sidewalks, recreational areas and other publicly owned or controlled property within the City (collectively “public property”) should be readily accessible and available to residents, businesses and the public at large for their intended purposes. The use of public property for camping purposes and/or for the storage of personal property interferes with the rights of others to use and enjoy these public areas as they are intended. Such activity can constitute a public health and safety hazard which adversely impacts neighborhoods and commercial areas. The purpose of this Chapter is to maintain these public areas within the City in a clean, sanitary, safe, and accessible condition, to adequately protect the health, safety, environment and general welfare of the community, and to ensure that public property is used for its intended purpose and remains accessible to all citizens, businesses and visitors in the City. Nothing in this Chapter is intended to interfere with otherwise lawful and ordinary uses of public property. This Chapter shall be interpreted in a manner that is consistent with applicable state and federal law. §11.21.020 DEFINITIONS. (a) “Camp” or “Camping” means: (1) Residing in or using any public area or private property for living accommodation Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 277 of 295 Page 3 of 10 3 4 3 7 7 7 or habitation purposes with one’s personal property, or within one’s personal property (e.g., vehicle of any kind), or while storing one’s personal property (including unauthorized parking of any vehicle); and/or (2) Constructing, maintaining, occupying, inhabiting or using camping facilities and/or constructing, using or maintaining camping paraphernalia for living accommodation or habitation purposes, but is not limited to sitting, lying, or sleeping within such camp facilities and/or upon such camp paraphernalia for living accommodation or habitation purposes. For purposes of this Chapter, “Camping” shall not include merely sleeping outside in a City or Valley-Wide park or the use of a blanket, towel or mat in a park during the time the park is open to the public. (b) “Camping Facility” or “Camping Facilities” include, but are not limited to, tents, huts, or other temporary physical shelters. (c) “Camping Paraphernalia” includes, but is not limited to, tarpaulins, cots, beds, sleeping bags, bedrolls, bedding, luggage, hammocks, cooking equipment and/or other similar articles of equipment or items that are accessory to camping facilities. (d) “Public Area” means all property that is owned, managed or maintained by the City, and shall include, but not be limited to any public street, building, grounds, lot, parcel park, plaza or parking lot dedicated to the authorized use and enjoyment of the public, and any other public property owned, maintained or controlled by another government agency within the City where the City is authorized to enforce its police powers as described herein. (e) “Public street” means and includes but is not limited to any City right-of-way, street, road, highway, alley, sidewalk, parkway, bridge, culvert, drain, and all other facilities or areas necessary for the construction, improvement, and maintenance of streets and roads. (f) “Personal Property” means tangible personal belongings or possessions, which shall include any movable or tangible thing that is subject to ownership; property or chattels that can be seen, weighed, measured, felt, or touched, including, but not limited to, furniture, appliances, camping facilities, camping paraphernalia, money, books, vehicles of any kind and shopping carts. Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 278 of 295 Page 4 of 10 4 4 3 7 7 7 (g) ‘‘Sidewalk” means that portion of the public right-of-way provided for the primary use of pedestrians along or adjacent to a street. (h) ‘‘Store” or “storing” or “storage” means to put aside or accumulate for use when needed, to put for safekeeping, and/or to place or leave in a location; which does not include any personal property that clearly has been abandoned or discarded and which clearly has no value. (i) “Tent” means any tarp, cover, structure or shelter, made of any material that is not open on all sides and which hinders an unobstructed view behind or into the area surrounded by the tarp, cover, structure or shelter. (j) “Unattended Personal Property” means personal property that has been turned in to the City’s Police Department pursuant to Sections 11.21.050 and 11.21.070, and that has not been claimed within a period of ninety (90) days by its owner. §11.21.030 UNLAWFUL CAMPING. (a) Unlawful Camping. It shall be unlawful and a public nuisance for any person to camp, occupy camp facilities or use camp paraphernalia in the City, whether on public or private property, or in any public area, whether paved or unpaved, except as expressly permitted by this Chapter, or as mandated by applicable law. (b) Exceptions. (1) This section shall not apply to any person camping, occupying camp facilities or using camp paraphernalia, or to any person storing personal property, including camp facilities and camp paraphernalia, in any public area designated by the City for such purposes. The City Council may, by resolution or ordinance, establish specified public areas for such purposes. (2) Absent exigent circumstances relating to immediate threats to the public health, safety, or welfare, the provisions of this section will not be enforced against homeless persons sitting, lying, or sleeping on public property when no alternative shelter is available in accordance with the holding in Martin v. City of Boise 902 F.3d 1031 (9th Cir. 2018), and only during the timeframe that the case of Martin v. City of Boise 902 F.3d 1031 (9th Cir. 2018) is applicable law within the jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit, unless the following procedures are followed: (i) Definitions. For the purpose of this Section 11.21.030(b)(2), the following Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 279 of 295 Page 5 of 10 5 4 3 7 7 7 definitions apply: a. “O&E Personnel” shall include, but not be limited to, any organization that the City has contracted with for homeless outreach and engagement services (e.g., Riverside University Health System or “RUHS”). Outreach and Engagement Personnel may include City employees, homeless liaisons and police officers. (ii) Procedures. Prior to any citation or arrest for unlawfully camping, occupying camp facilities or using camp paraphernalia, storing personal property in public areas, a person shall be referred to O&E Personnel to determine potential shelter placement or available services. a. If the homeless person declines the offered placement, or available services, then this exception under Section 11.21.030(b)(2) shall not apply and the City may proceed with enforcement of this section after giving such person a warning and an opportunity to immediately leave the location where unauthorized camping is occurring, or an opportunity to voluntarily decide to relocate outside of the jurisdiction of the City, before engaging in citation and/or arrest. If such person relocates upon warning, he or she will not be cited or arrested for violating this section. If the homeless person fails to relocate as directed, then he or she may be issued a citation, or placed under custodial arrest for such violations. b. If any alleged violation arises from the homeless person’s presence in a City or Valley-Wide park outside of the established operational hours of the park and there is no appropriate and immediately available shelter placement for such person, then such person will be advised to move and referred to O&E personnel so that he or she may avoid citation or arrest for a violation of this section until an appropriate and immediately available bed is made available to such person. c. These procedures under Section 11.21.030(b)(2) are only mandatory Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 280 of 295 Page 6 of 10 6 4 3 7 7 7 during the timeframe that the case of Martin v. City of Boise 902 F.3d 1031 (9th Cir. 2018) is applicable law within the jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit. (iii) This exception shall not apply where a homeless person and/or their personal property obstructs and actually interferes with a public area or the intended use of the public area, provided that, absent exigent circumstances relating to immediate threats to the public health, safety, or welfare, the homeless person is first advised to cease the interference and/or to move the personal property causing the obstruction and they decline to do so. However, this Section 11.21.030(b)(2)(iii) shall not apply if such personal property is unattended. § 11.21.040 PERMITTED CAMPING. Camping is permitted in the City under the following circumstances: (a) On public property specifically set aside and clearly marked for public camping purposes as designated by the City Council. (b) In the rear or side yard of a residential structure with the consent of the owner or occupant, as long as the camping facility is separated from the street by a fence, hedge or other permanent obstruction, and is not visible from the public right-of-way. This subsection is not intended to allow the owner to give permission for someone to utilize the camping facility for living purposes, specifically for a period longer than 48 hours in any given 30-day period. (c) In conjunction with events authorized and expressly provided for in a special event or temporary use permit issued by the City. §11.21.050 UNLAWFUL STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN PUBLIC AREAS (a) Unlawful Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas. It shall be unlawful for any person to store or leave unattended personal property, including camp facilities and camp paraphernalia in any public area, unless such storage is expressly authorized and in conjunction with a permitted camping activity under this Chapter, or as mandated by applicable law. (b) City’s Police Department to Receive Stored/Unattended Personal Property. Except as provided in Section 11.21.070(d), the City’s Police Department shall make provisions for receiving and Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 281 of 295 Page 7 of 10 7 4 3 7 7 7 safekeeping of personal property found unattended in any public area and coming into their possession by an employee of the City in the course of employment pursuant to Section 11.21.070(a). The City’s Police Department shall notify the owner, if their identity is reasonably ascertainable, that it possesses the personal property and where it may be claimed. The City’s Police Department may require the owner to pay a reasonable charge to defray the costs of storage and care of the personal property. §11.21.060 PARKING ON PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PROPERTY – CONSENT REQUIRED. It is unlawful for any person to park or cause to be parked or to leave parked any vehicle upon private or public property, parking lot, or parking space without consent of the owner, the property manager, or person or tenant entitled to the possession thereof. §11.21.070 NOTICE AND REMOVAL OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN PUBLIC AREAS (a) Notice and Removal. In the event that personal property is found in the course of employment by an authorized employee of the City in any public area without authorization from the City (examples of “authorized employees” include, but are not limited to, City police officers, City code enforcement, employees or contractors of City Public Works Department, and other City employees properly trained to carry out this section), such employee shall leave notice with the owner of the personal property or in a prominent place and which notice shall contain all of the following information: (1) The personal property needs to be relocated. (2) The timeframe that the property owner has to relocate the personal property. Such timeframe shall not be less than 24 hours unless there is an immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare. Further, if the personal property obstructs and actually interferes with a public area or the intended use of the public area, then this timeframe may be shorter than 24 hours, provided that, if the property owner is present, they are first advised to cease the interference and/or to move the personal property causing the obstruction and they decline to do so. (3) A statement that, if the personal property is not removed within the timeframe, then the City will remove and store the personal property consistent with this section. This statement shall also provide the location that the personal property will be stored. Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 282 of 295 Page 8 of 10 8 4 3 7 7 7 (4) If applicable, the nature and purpose of the clean-up. (5) The date, time, and locations of the scheduled cleanup and/or removal of the personal property. (6) A citation to the applicable section of the Municipal Code or any other applicable law. (7) A statement of how the personal property may be reclaimed. (8) A statement that, if personal property is removed pursuant to this section, then such personal property may be subject to disposal by the City pursuant to this section after 90 days from the date of removal. (9) A phone number that the person may call for more information. (10) Any other additional information as determined by the City’s Police Department. (11) After the timeframe in the notice provided pursuant to Section 11.21.070(a), the personal property in the public area may be removed, inventoried, stored, and disposed of by the City pursuant to this Section. To the extent possible, the inventory list shall be provided to the property owner(s). For any personal property removed, a notice shall be provided in a prominent place in the removal area advising where the personal property is being kept and when it may be claimed by its rightful owner; containing the information pursuant to Sections 11.21.070(a)(1) - (9) and containing any other additional information as determined by the City’s Police Department. This notice shall include the date that the removed personal property will be disposed by the City pursuant to this section. (b) Additional Signage for Removal of Personal Property. The City may determine what, if any, areas of the City suffer from blight due to storage of personal property in any public area, and erect signs in those areas containing the applicable information specified in Sections 11.21.070(a)(1)-(10) so as to provide additional notice. (c) Holding and disposal of stored personal property. Except as provided in Section 11.21.070(a), found personal property shall be deposited and inventoried in a safe place for a period of at least 90 days and found money shall be deposited with the director of finance for a period of not less Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:11 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 283 of 295 Page 9 of 10 9 4 3 7 7 7 than 90 days, unless sooner claimed by the true owner. In the event the property or money is not claimed within 90 days, it shall be deemed to be unclaimed personal property and subject to disposal as provided in this section. Additionally, the City shall not be obligated to store personal property in excess of the City’s current overall storage capacity. (d) Trash, dangerous, or perishable personal property. Any personal property coming into the possession of the City’s Police Department may be immediately disposed without notice, in a manner that the City’s Police Department determines to be in the public interest, when such personal property is trash, perishable, contraband pursuant to state or federal law, or constitutes an immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare. (e) Applicability. To the extent known by the City or the City’s Police Department, the provisions of this Section 11.71.070 shall not apply to the following: 1. Real or personal property or money subject to confiscation pursuant to state or federal law. 2. Personal property that constitutes evidence in an ongoing criminal investigation and/or civil proceeding pursuant to state or federal law. 3. Personal property that has been abandoned by its owner. Abandoned personal property may be disposed of forthwith. §11.21.080 PUBLIC NUISANCE DECLARED. Any camping facility established in violation of this Chapter is declared to be a public nuisance, and the City is authorized to abate the nuisance and remove camp facilities and camp paraphernalia as authorized by law. §11.21.090 CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY. The City Manager or his/her designee may develop and adopt administrative regulations that are consistent with the terms and prohibitions of this Chapter. This shall include all policies and procedures for the abatement of unlawful camping, including the policies and procedures for ensuring safe and prompt removal of the nuisance while meeting procedural safeguards required by city, state or federal law. Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:12 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 284 of 295 Page 10 of 10 10 4 3 7 7 7 §11.21.100 VIOLATIONS, PENALTIES, AND ENFORCEMENT. Any person who violates this Chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 and/or imprisonment not to exceed six months. This Chapter may also be enforced via administrative or civil actions as authorized by the Municipal Code. Section 1.Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. Section 2. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional, without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3.Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage in a newspaper of general circulation and circulated within the City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933(a) or, cause this Ordinance to be published in a manner required by law using the alternative summary and posting procedure authorized under Government Code Section 36933(c). This Ordinance was introduced and read on the 15th day of September, 2021 and APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS ___ DAY of _______, 2021. ___________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: ___________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:12.2 Camping and Storage of Personal Property in Public Areas Ordinance Item Page Number:13 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 285 of 295 CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: Noise Regulations from Residential, Commercial, and Multi- Family Properties Ordinance MEETING DATE: October 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council PREPARED BY: David Gutierrez, Police Captain REVIEWED BY: Pat Walsh, Police Chief APPROVED BY: Armando G. Villa, City Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Introduce an Ordinance establishing regulations for noise from residential, commercial, and multi-family properties. DISCUSSION Currently, the City’s only regulatory noise Ordinance is within Title 9, Planning and Zoning, 9.215.060 (Noise Control Standards). Although Planning and Zoning Ordinance 9.215.060 makes reference to audio equipment operation between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., it does not address other noises typically associated with loud parties. The proposed Ordinance would be adopted as Title 11, Peace, Morals and Safety, Chapter 11.22 and would regulate any unreasonable or unnecessary noise from residential, commercial, and multi-family properties. The new Ordinance contains language that would allow the Police Department to hold individuals responsible criminally or administratively for repeat responses to calls for service involving unreasonable and unnecessary noise levels. Nothing within the proposed Ordinance conflicts with Title 9, Chapter and Section 9.215.060. Understandably, certain noise levels must be tolerated by all citizens in order for normal functions of urban life to continue. However, excessive, unnecessary, and/or annoying noise is subject to regulation. Between July 1, 2020, and August 18, 2021, Menifee PD officers have responded to 1,473 calls for service associated to unnecessary and unreasonable noise complaints. Of the 1,473 calls for service, 217 calls were at repeat locations. All noise calls are handled by patrol officers. The Menifee Police Department wishes to be proactive in minimizing loud noise complaint calls. The average time spent responding to and handling loud noise calls varies greatly. It is dependent Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:1 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 286 of 295 City of Menifee Staff Report Proposed Ordinance - Noise from Residential, Commercial, and Multi-Family Properties October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 6 8 2 upon the location and number of suspected individuals on scene. Often times, loud noise complaint calls involve alcohol, and some involve uncooperative individuals requiring several officers to respond. A minimum of two officers are required for all noise complaint calls. In addition to the fiscal impact, there is also lost officer productivity. The purpose of this Ordinance is designed to minimize unnecessary burden to police resources caused by an excessive amount of unreasonable and unnecessary noise complaint calls. This will be done through a documented warning followed by administrative citations if repeat calls for service occur within three years. The Multiple Response Fee would be $100 for the first violation, $200 for the second violation, and $500 for the third violation and any subsequent violations. The fee structure is consistent with Municipal Code § 1.03.050. Sound Level Standards Land Use Time Requirements Allowed Exterior Noise Level (dBA) Residential Properties 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 45 65 Commercial Properties 10:00 pm to 8:00 am 8:00 am to 10:00 pm 45 65 Multi-Family Residential 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 40 55 Based on Staff’s research, the above sound level standards are comparable to other surrounding jurisdictions. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Regular City Business FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1. Noise Ordinance Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:2 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 287 of 295 1 4 3 8 2 8 ORDINANCE NO. 2021- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 11.22 TO TITLE 11 OF THE MENIFEE MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR NOISE FROM RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, AND MULTI-FAMILY PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the City of Menifee desires the citizens of Menifee to be able to peaceably enjoy their residences, schools, businesses, and public places without the intrusion of loud, unnecessary noise; and WHEREAS, the City of Menifee believes a noise ordinance regulating noise from residential, commercial, and multi-family properties would be in the best interests of the citizens of Menifee and is important to the overall quality of life in the City; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Resolution to prohibit noise that is unnecessary from residential, commercial, and multi-family properties; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt Chapter 11.22 within Title 11 of the Menifee Municipal Code, establishing regulations for noise from residential, commercial, and multi-family properties; and WHEREAS, on September 15, 2021, the City Council held a duly noticed public meeting at which time members of the public had the opportunity to review the documents presented to the City Council and provide oral comments to the City Council concerning the proposed ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee, California does ordain as follows: Noise from Residential, Commercial, and Multi-Family Properties. The new Chapter 11.22 is hereby added to Title 11 of the Menifee Municipal Code to read as follows: Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:3 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 288 of 295 2 4 3 8 2 8 CHAPTER 11.22 NOISE FROM RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, AND MULTI-FAMILY PROPERTIES CHAPTER 11.22 NOISE FROM RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, AND MULTI-FAMILY PROPERTIES Sections: 11.22.010 Purpose 11.22.020 Definitions 11.22.030 General Exemptions 11.22.040 General Sound Level Standards 11.22.050 Sound Level Measurement Methodology 11.22.060 Special Sound Level Measurement Methodology 11.22.070 Multiple Police Responses 11.22.080 Public Nuisance Declared 11.22.090 City Manager Administrative Authority 11.22.100 Violations, Penalties, and Enforcement § 11.22.010 PURPOSE. The purpose of this Chapter is to promote and protect the health, safety and general welfare of City residents when certain levels of sound become noise that degrades their quality of life. This Chapter is intended to establish city-wide standards regulating noise coming from residential, commercial and multi-family properties. This Chapter is not intended to establish thresholds of significance for the purpose of any analysis required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and no such thresholds are hereby established. § 11.22.020 DEFINITIONS. As used in this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply. For purposes of this Chapter, these definitions shall supersede any conflicting definitions of the same terms elsewhere in this Code. AUDIO EQUIPMENT. A television, stereo, radio, tape player, compact disc player, MP3 player, i-Pod, music equipment/instrument or any other similar device. DECIBEL (DB). A unit for measuring the relative amplitude of sound equal approximately to the smallest difference normally detectable by the human ear, the range of which includes approximately one hundred thirty (130) decibels on a scale beginning with zero decibels for the faintest detectable sound. Decibels are measured with a sound level meter using different methodologies as defined below: Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:4 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 289 of 295 3 4 3 8 2 8 A-weighting (Dba) means the standard A-weighted frequency response of a sound level meter, which de-emphasizes low and high frequencies of sound in a manner similar to the human ear for moderate sounds. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. The United States, the State of California, Riverside County, the City of Menifee, the Menifee Police Department, any city within Riverside County, any special district within Riverside County or any combination of these agencies. LAND USE PERMIT. A discretionary permit issued by the City pursuant to the Menifee Municipal Code allowing a specific activity to be conducted on an individual property. MOTOR VEHICLE. A vehicle that is self-propelled by a motor or engine. MOTOR VEHICLE SOUND SYSTEM. A television, stereo, radio, tape player, compact disc player, MP3 player, i-Pod, music equipment/instrument or any other similar device attached to or installed within the vehicle. NOISE. Any loud, discordant or disagreeable sound. OCCUPIED PROPERTY. Property upon which a residence is located, or a commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing or storage activity is taking place. OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE. A motor vehicle as defined in Section 38006 of the California Vehicle Code including without limitation off-highway motorcycle, sand buggy, dune buggy, all- terrain vehicle, or jeep. PUBLIC PROPERTY. Property owned by a governmental agency or held open to the public, including, but not limited to, parks, streets, sidewalks, and alleys. PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SCHOOL. An institution conducting academic instruction at the preschool, elementary school, junior high school, high school, or college level. SENSITIVE RECEPTOR. A living organism or land use that is identified as sensitive to noise in the Noise Element of the City’s General Plan, including, but not limited to, residences, schools, hospitals, churches, rest homes, cemeteries or public libraries. SOUND LEVEL METER. An instrument meeting the standards of the American National Standards Institute for Type 1 or Type 2 sound level meters or an instrument that provides equivalent data. SOUND AMPLIFYING EQUIPMENT. Megaphone or similar device. SOUND GENERATING EQUIPMENT. Musical instrument U device, motor, generator or other mechanical equipment or device capable of generating sound not otherwise defined herein. § 11.22.030 GENERAL EXEMPTIONS. Sound emanating from the following sources are exempt from the provisions of this Chapter: (A)Facilities owned or operated by or for a governmental agency. (B)Capital improvement projects of a governmental agency. (C)The maintenance or repair of public properties. Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:5 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 290 of 295 4 4 3 8 2 8 (D)Public safety personnel in the course of executing their official duties, including, but not limited to, sworn peace officers, emergency personnel and public utility personnel. This exemption includes, without limitation, sound emanating from all equipment used by such personnel, whether stationary or mobile. (E)Public and private schools and school-sponsored activities. (F)Agricultural operations on land designated Agricultural in the City's General Plan, or land zoned AG (Agriculture), provided such operations are carried out in a manner consistent with accepted industry standards. This exemption includes, without limitation, sound emanating from all equipment used during such operations, whether stationary or mobile. (G)Wind energy conversion systems (WECS), provided such systems comply with the noise provisions of the Menifee Municipal Code. (H)Property maintenance, including, but not limited to, the operation of lawnmowers, leaf blowers, etc., provided such maintenance occurs between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (I)Motor vehicles (factory equipped), other than off-highway vehicles. This exemption does not include sound emanating from motor vehicle sound systems. (J)Heating and air conditioning equipment in proper repair. (K)Safety, warning and alarm devices, including, but not limited to, house and car alarms, and other warning devices that are designed to protect the public health, safety and welfare. (L)The discharge of firearms consistent with all state laws. (M)Bars, nightclubs, cocktail lounges, cabarets, billiards/pool halls, restaurants, drive-ins and eating establishments that have a Conditional Use Permit for on-site alcohol sales and live entertainment (interior noise). Outdoor patios and similar areas shall be subject to the requirements of this Chapter, unless conditioned otherwise under Conditional Use Permit review. § 11.22.040 GENERAL SOUND LEVEL STANDARDS. No person shall create any sound, or allow the creation of any sound on any property that causes the exterior and interior sound level on any occupied property to exceed the sound level standards set forth below: Land Use Time Requirements Allowed Exterior Noise Level (dBA) Residential Properties 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 45 65 Commercial Properties 10:00 pm to 8:00 am 8:00 am to 10:00 pm 45 65 Land Use Time Requirements Allowed Interior Noise Level (dBA) Multi-Family Residential 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 40 55 Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:6 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 291 of 295 5 4 3 8 2 8 § 11.22.050 SOUND LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHODOLOGY. Sound level measurements may be made anywhere within the boundaries of an occupied property. The actual location of a sound level measurement shall be at the discretion of the officer. Sound level measurements shall be made with a sound level meter. Immediately before a measurement is made, the sound level meter shall be calibrated utilizing an acoustical calibrator meeting the standards of the American National Standards Institute. Following a sound level measurement, the calibration of the sound level meter shall be re-verified. Sound level meters and calibration equipment shall be certified annually. § 11.22.060 SPECIAL SOUND LEVEL MEASUREMENT METHODOLOGY. The general sound level standards set forth in Section 11.22.040 apply to sound emanating from all sources, including the following special sound sources, and the person creating, or allowing the creation of, the sound is subject to the requirements of that Section. The following special sound sources are also subject to the following additional standards. Failure to comply with these standards constitutes separate violations of this Chapter. (A)Motor vehicles. 1. Off-highway vehicles. a. No person shall operate an off-highway vehicle unless it is equipped with a USDA-qualified spark arrester and a constantly operating and properly maintained muffler. A muffler is not considered constantly operating and properly maintained if it is equipped with a cutout, bypass or similar device. b. No person shall operate an off-highway vehicle unless the noise emitted by the vehicle is not more than 96 dBA if the vehicle was manufactured on or after January 1, 1986, or is not more than 101 dBA if the vehicle was manufactured before January 1, 1986. For purposes of this Section, emitted noise shall be measured at a distance of 20 inches from the vehicle tailpipe using test procedures established by the Society of Automotive Engineers under Standard J- 1287. 2. Sound systems. No person shall operate a motor vehicle sound system, whether affixed to the vehicle or not, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the following morning, such that the sound system is audible to the human ear inside any inhabited dwelling. No person shall operate a motor vehicle sound system, whether affixed to the vehicle or not, at any other time such that the sound system is audible to the human ear at a distance greater than 100 feet from the vehicle. (B)Power tools and equipment. No person shall operate any power tools or equipment, such that the power tools or equipment is audible to the human ear inside an inhabited dwelling other than a dwelling in which the power tools or equipment may be located. No person shall operate any power tools or equipment at any other time such that the power tools or equipment are audible to the human ear at a distance greater than 100 feet from the power tools or equipment. (C)Audio equipment. No person shall operate any audio equipment, whether portable or not, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the following morning such that the equipment is audible to the human ear inside an inhabited dwelling other than a dwelling in which the equipment may be located. No person shall operate any audio Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:7 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 292 of 295 6 4 3 8 2 8 equipment, whether portable or not, at any other time such that the equipment is audible to the human ear at a distance greater than 100 feet from the equipment. (D)Sound-amplifying equipment and live music. No person shall install, use or operate sound-amplifying equipment, or perform, or allow to be performed, live music unless such activities comply with the following requirements. To the extent that these requirements conflict with any conditions of approval attached to an underlying land use permit, these requirements shall control: 1. Sound-amplifying equipment or live music is prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the following morning on Sunday through Thursday and between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the following morning on Friday and Saturday. 2. Sound emanating from sound-amplifying equipment or live music at any other time shall not be audible to the human ear at a distance greater than 200 feet from the equipment or music. § 11.22.070 MULTIPLE POLICE RESPONSES. Multiple Police Responses. Large or tumultuous parties, domestic disturbances, gatherings, boisterous activities, or music, or any combination thereof, which interfere with the neighbors’ reasonable enjoyment of their property, constitute a threat to public peace, morals, and safety, and elicit numerous calls to the police department resulting in an unnecessary drain on resources. Manpower and resources generally allocated to regular duties or activities and normal services are necessarily shifted when the police must respond multiple times to the same event. With the rapid growth of the City’s population, the problems associated with available resources are exacerbated by this persistent and unbudgeted reallocation of resources. The City has developed a cost recovery mechanism for multiple responses by the police department to unreasonably boisterous events in an effort to deter such disturbances to public peace, morals and safety. (A)First Warning. Whenever an officer is called to a scene where a disturbance described in this Section is reported, the officer shall leave a written warning with the responsible person. The written warning shall identify the date, time, and location of the incident giving rise to the complaint and shall include an explanation of the violation and consequences of subsequent police responses. In addition to the persons described in this Section, the responsible person(s) may include the event planner or organizer. 1. In the event there is no responsible person who is an adult at the scene, the parents or legal guardians of the organizer shall be considered the responsible person(s). 2. In the event that the responsible person cannot be located, the officer shall post the written warning on the front door or primary entrance. If neither is present, the written warning shall be posted where it is visible from the street. 3. The written warning posted under this Section shall establish that there is probable cause of a violation of Penal Code Sections 415 or 416 and/or this Section for subsequent calls to the police department. 4. When written warning is given and the property owner does not reside on the same parcel, a copy of the warning will be mailed to the property owner's mailing address as determined by the Riverside County Assessor’s Office. (B)Police Multiple Response Fee. Police multiple response fees shall be as established by resolution of the Menifee City Council. A police multiple response fee shall be imposed when any member of the City's police department receives a subsequent service request to the same address or parcel within a three-year period. When there is a multiple Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:8 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 293 of 295 7 4 3 8 2 8 disturbance at an apartment complex or multi-family dwelling, each unit shall be considered a separate dwelling. This fee is in addition to the authority to regulate events, and shall supplement, and in no manner supplant, the exercise of any other available law, including, but not limited to, arrest or citation pursuant to the California Penal Code, or any other local law. The actual cost of the officer(s) time at the scene and any equipment and other expenses may be charged in addition to the police multiple response fee. 1. The fines for multiple police responses are cumulative for each parcel and shall not sunset. However, the following exceptions allow for the disturbance to be dismissed, as long as there are no outstanding fees or fines, and allows the property to return to the First Warning violation stage: a) The property changes owners and/or tenants. The City may request proof of such change in the tenancy or ownership before releasing the disturbance reports. b) The property has not had any responses in the past three years beginning on the date of their last response, and all outstanding fees are paid in full. c) Should a disturbance be recorded at any time during the three-year period, the property shall return to the response that was last recorded, and be subject to the fees established by resolution and the procedures set forth in this Chapter, and the three-year period shall start over. d) When a police multiple response fee is imposed and the property owner does not reside on the same parcel, a copy of the invoice and response notice will be mailed to the property owner's mailing address as determined by the Riverside County Assessor’s Office. §11.22.080 PUBLIC NUISANCE DECLARED. Any unreasonable noise established in violation of this Chapter is declared to be a public nuisance, and the City is authorized to abate the nuisance as authorized by law. §11.22.090 CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY. The City Manager or his/her designee may develop and adopt administrative regulations that are consistent with the terms and prohibitions of this Chapter. This shall include all policies and procedures for the abatement of unreasonable noise while meeting procedural safeguards required by city, state or federal law. §11.22.100 VIOLATIONS, PENALTIES, AND ENFORCEMENT. Any person who violates this Chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 and/or imprisonment not to exceed six months. This Chapter may also be enforced via administrative or civil actions as authorized by the Menifee Municipal Code. Section 1.Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:9 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 294 of 295 8 4 3 8 2 8 Section 2.Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional, without regard to whether any portion of the Ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3.Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage in a newspaper of general circulation and circulated within the City in accordance with Government Code Section 36933(a) or, cause this Ordinance to be published in a manner required by law using the alternative summary and posting procedure authorized under Government Code Section 36933(c). This Ordinance was introduced and read on the 6th day of September 2021 and APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS ___ DAY of ____, ________. ___________________________ Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Attest: ___________________________ Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Approved as to form: ___________________________ Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney Item Title:12.3 Noise Regulations from Residential,Commercial,and Multi-Family Properties Ordinance Item Page Number:10 Menifee Mayor and City Council October 6,2021 Page 295 of 295