2021-11-03 City Council Item No. 5.2 Redistricting Presentation REGULAR MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsRedistricting Process PUBLIC INPUT HEARINGS CITY OF MENIFEE Item 5.2 Why is Redistricting Important? How and where districts are drawn can shape communities' ability to elect the representatives of their choice. Districts must be made as equal in population as practicable so that communities have equal access to political representation. 2020 Census Presentation & Pre-Draft Public Hearing NOVEMBER Public Workshops & Hearings (2) Pre-Final Map Public Hearings JANUARY Presentation of Final District Map (1st Reading) MARCH Presentation of Final District Map (2nd Reading) What is the Timeline for the Redistricting Process? Public Workshops & Hearings (2) Equal Population Principle U.S. Constitution's Equal Protection Clause What are the Legal Criteria for Redistricting? Voting Rights Act of 1965 Traditional Redistricting Criteria Contiguity: all parts of a district should connect Compactness: districts should be geographically compact Existing Boundaries: districts should utilize boundaries such as geographic, street, and political boundaries and conform to school attendance zones Communities of Interest: districts should preserve neighborhoods and communities of people sharing common interests W h a t a r e t h e T r a d i t i o n a l R e d i s t r i c t i n g C r i t e r i a ? What does the current Menifee District Map look like? How can the Public Provide Input? Attend a Public Hearing or Workshop Submit a Public Comment Form Use the online mapping tool cityofmenifee.us/ redistricting cityofmenifee.us/ redistricting cityofmenifee.us/ redistricting Submit your Council District Map Draft smanwaring@cityofmenifee.us What streets, boundaries, or points of interest define your community? Does your community have major geographical boundaries? Is your community similar to other neighboring communities? What are your shared interests? What type of Public Input are we seeking from the community? Why is it Important to Protect Communities of Interest? To preserve communities that share common interests and should be included in a single district in order to have effective and fair representation. Language Housing patterns Examples of shared interests: Common culture Public Services Points of interests For the month of December and January Public Workshops Dates & Times TBD December 13 January 12 January 29 Sun City Library Menifee Library Kay Cisneros Senior Center Marion V. Ashley Community Center TBD 4 p.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. www.cityofmenifee.us Public Comment Form Online Mapping Tool Online Mapping Tool Online Mapping Tool Contact us smanwaring@cityofmenifee.us Email 951-723-3708 Phone Number www.cityofmenifee.us Website