2021-11-17 City Council Item 12.3 Red Lined Staff Report REGULAR MEETING - Additional Meeting MaterialsRed Folder ltem 12.3 - See U pdates/Revisions in Red CITY OF MENIFEE SUBJECT: MEETING DATE: TO: PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: Congressional District Boundaries Draft Visualization Maps November 17,2021 Mayor and City Council lmelda Huerta, Senior Management Analyst Rochelle Clayton, Assistant City Manager Armando G. Villa, City Manager 1 . Discuss Congressional District Boundaries Draft Visualization Maps; and 2. Provide direction to staff as appropriate. DtscussroN Following each federal census, the State of California must re-establish the boundaries of its Congressional districts (as well as State Senate, State Assembly, and State Board of Equalization districts) to reflect the new population data. Under the Voters First Act, adopted in November 2008, the redistricting process is administered by the lndependent Citizens Redistricting Commission (Commission). The goal of the Voters First Act was (and is) to give power to California citizens to ensure that new and fair political boundaries are drawn without undue influences. During the first week of November, the Commission released draft "visualization" maps, which include congressional district boundaries. Two congressional draft visualization maps for the localareawereSubmitted.@ThefirStmapincludedSmostofthecities in Riverside County along the l-15. The second map includeQs a district that encompasselLs Menifee and stretched across the desert and into San Bernardino County to include cities such as Twentynine Palms. The visualizations tvpicallv may change as the Commission takes public feedback and refines its maps. Official first draft maps were due by November 15 and final versions will be adopted by the end of the year. On November 17. staff was notified of an uodaled draft mao and validated the updated map with our Conqressman's office. The new proposed mao shows Menifee within the same district as neiqhbori nq cities, Wildomar and Lake Elsinore, and is attached to this report California residents may submit feedback on the proposed maps through December 27 via online to their website at Com n F n (hftos://airtable.mm/shrQDD2ta2emnSzzO) or via their e-mail to votersfirstact@crc.ca.gov. MENIFEE -; c RECOMMENDED ACTION City of Menifee Staff Report Congressional District Boundaries Draft Visualization Maps November 17 , 2021 Page 2 ot 2 Staff is requesting direction from City Council as to: (1) whether the City will have an official position on the noted maps (or on congressional redistricting generally), (2) what that position is, and (3) how the City will go about expressing that opinion to the Commission. STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVE Regular City Business FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS 1 . 4-Proposed Con g ressional District Boundaries Era#+isua+izatie+Map 2. Roadmap to Final Maps (Timeline)s Name CD SWRIV DRAFT Attachment 1 t (HY Effiry 5pring = f\^ ,",f^o{*^,., sr D rDesert S.9. EffiE trJ -1_q-( CO_SOCOAST-DRAFT{.58% OCSBLA ORAFT 4.710/; CD SOCI{SO DRAFT-0.56% CO-BEAVICAL ORAFT.0.76t6 CD RIVMORPER ORAFT- .0.59% - Deviation % Deviation Total Population %LatinoCVAP %BlackCVAP %AsianCVAP %lndigenousCVAP %WhiteCVAP -1,243 -0.'16% 758,823 23.540/0 3 90% 9.93% 1.28% 59.92% I =I q e 1 -^68 Deviation % Deviation Total Population %LatinoCVAP %BlackCVAP %AsianCVAP %lndigenousCVAP %WhiteCVAp -5,803 -0.76% 754,263 3034yo 5.94% 7.910k 1 03% 53.U% {lle@ns.. Jw tu\a\*-i"T'* co socr{so oRAFT{.56"f AST-ORAFT ,65% CD BEAVICAL ORAFT.0.76% CO OCSBLA DRAFT- 4.77* CD-RIVIIORPER-DRAFT{.59% CD SECA ORAFT0.08% _PO ONTFON-ORAFT -0.G87. 70 Name CD-BEAVICAL-DRAFT ,!r(. \. er Attachment 1 (different view) '1 J1^ , ?"r{^*,1i 7 I In Attachment 2 California Citizens Redistricting Commission October 2L- 23,2O2L Public presentotion of district mops October 27 - 29,2O2L Review of visuoLizotions November 2 - 4,2O2L Review of visuolizotions November 7 - 9,202L Review of visuotizotions/[ine drowing November LO,2O2L Live [ine drowing/torget droft mop releose November L7 -20,202L Pubtic input of droft mops November 22 - 23,2O2L Pubtic input on droft mops November 30 - December 2,,2O2L Review of pubtic input/tlne drowing December 6- 8,2OZl Review of visuoLizot ions/tine drowing December L2-L9,202L Live Line drowing December 20 - 23,2O2L Finol Report Meetings December 27,202L Certify f inol mops ond deliver report WE DRAW LINES c J .\JIt t t A I re a, fioadmap to Final Maps I tott www.WeDrowTheLi nesCA.org I -'t Attachment 2 WE DRAW LINES California Citizens Redistricting Commission Parllcipaling in m8 Process The Commission has dedicated october and November to reviewing geographic areas for potential district ideas, also known as visualizations. Your input is vital to this process as we visualize community groupings for potential congressional, State Senate, Assembly and Board of Equalization maps. Draft Maps were released November 10th, earlier than the mandated November 15th deadline. Final maps are due no later than December 27 ,2021. Through this entire process, we welcome your input, which will help shape the draft and finalmaps.Provideimmediatefeedbackhere:h[@ 0mer uays lo Partlclpalc . on Our Website: www.WeDrawThelinescA.org/contact . By Mail: California Citizens Redistricting Commission, 721 Capitol Mall, Suite 260, Sacramento, CA 95814 . VisualizationsrDraft Map Feedback Form: hll@ 0ra[, Your llun tlap Through Draw My CA Districts, users can create district maps throughout the state of California and submit those maps directly to the Commission. hfi psldrcwmyealiformaorg/d rawmycaellsldels,html Roadmap lo tinal Maps D www.WeDrowTheLi nesCA.org