PC21-555 (3)RESOLUTION NO. PC 21- 555 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF ZONE NO. PLN21-0021 ASSOCIATED WITH THE CITY OF MENIFEE 6T" CYCLE HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE WHEREAS, in June 2020, the City of Menifee initiated the City's 6'h Cycle (2021-2029) Housing Element Update Project which includes updates within multiple elements of the City of Menifee General Plan (Menifee GP) including the Housing Element, the Land Use Element, and Safety Element along with the addition of new Environmental Justice policies and programs; and WHEREAS, this Project includes applications for (1) the approval of a General Plan Amendment (PLN21-0022); and (2) the approval of a Change of Zone (PLN21-0021), (collectively, the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Housing Element Update (HEU) component proposes updates to the Menifee GP Housing Element in accordance with California Government Code (CGC) §§ 65580- 65589.8 which require the revision of housing elements every eight years; and WHEREAS, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) determines the City's regional housing needs allocation (RHNA) based on future estimates of housing unit need over the RHNA planning period (2021-2029); and WHEREAS, The City was allocated a total RHNA of 6,609 units from which this allocation is broken down into very low-, low-, moderate-, and above moderate -income categories based on the most current Median Family Income (MFI) for Riverside County (the County) as follows: • 1,761 very low-income housing units; ■ 1,051 low-income housing units; ■ 1,106 moderate -income housing units; • 2,691 above moderate -income units; and WHEREAS, To accommodate the City's RHNA allocation, the HEU identifies 69 candidate housing sites which could accommodate up to 8,696 additional housing units within the City. The identified candidate housing sites would accommodate units for a 32 percent buffer beyond the 6,609-unit RHNA requirement. Eleven of the candidate housing sites will require General Plan land use amendments and rezoning as follows: • Eight parcels (APNs 339-200-008, 333-060-014, 333-060-015, 333-060-002, 360-100- 016, 338-170-007, 338-170-020 and 372-050-043) totaling approximately 55.02 acres to be rezoned from Economic Development Corridor (EDC) zones (EDC-MB, EDC-NR & EDC-CC) to the High Density Residential (HDR) Zone. The Project also includes General Plan land use amendments for these sites from EDC to 20.1-24 du/ac Residential. • One approximately 9.27-acre parcel (APN 333-050-034) to be rezoned from the Economic Development Corridor -McCall Blvd. (EDC-MB) Zone to the Medium Density Residential (MDR) Zone. The Project also includes a General Plan land use amendment for this site from EDC to 8.1-14 du/ac Residential. • Two parcels (APNs 339-200-012 & 339-200-013) totaling 10.12 acres to be rezoned from the Economic Development Corridor Newport Road (EDC-NR) Zone to the Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) Zone. The Project also includes General Plan land use amendment for these sites from EDC to 5.1-8 dulac Residential; and WHEREAS, Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) review is required for this update since it involves amending general plan and zoning (legislative actions) that are applicable city-wide, and as such, includes areas within the March Air Reserve Base and Perris Valley Airport compatibility zones; and WHEREAS, on September 9, 2021, the Riverside County ALUC reviewed and determined that the proposed Housing, Land Use, Safety Element and Environmental Justice updates, including the proposed change of zone, to be consistent with the County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan; and WHEREAS, on November 10, 2021, the City of Menifee Planning Commission, held a public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for Change of Zone No. PLN21-0021, which hearing was publicly noticed by a publication in The Press Enterprise (a newspaper of general circulation), an agenda posting, and notice to property owners within 300 feet of the Project boundaries, and to persons requesting public notice; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee makes the following findings: Section 1. The proposed zones are consistent with the intent of the goals and policies of the General Plan. The proposed zones are consistent with the intent of the goals and policies of the General Plan, because they are necessary to accommodate the City 6T" Cycle RHNA allocation of the Housing Element Update and to meet state requirements for accommodating the City's housing need for the next eight -year (2021-2029) Housing Element cycle. The proposed zones specifically implement Housing Element Goal HE-1: "A diverse housing stock that offers a full range of housing opportunities for Menifee residents" and Housing Element Policy 1.1: Adequate Sites. "Provide adequate sites to accommodate project housing unit growth needs identified by the 2021- 2029 RHNA." The proposed zones also fulfill the following Housing Element Update implementation Program actions: Program Action 1: Adequate Sites to Accommodate the 2021-2029 RHNA Program Action 3: Rezone Program to Accommodate the Low and Very Low Income RHNA. Program Action 4: Rezone Program to Accommodate the Moderate Income RHNA Section 2. The proposed zone prescribes reasonable controls and standards to ensure compatibility with other established uses. The proposed zones prescribe reasonable controls and standards to ensure compatibility with other established uses because all sites proposed for a change of zone are generally infill sites that currently have Economic Development Corridor (EDC) zoning that allow for various commercial and mixed uses of similar intensity of urban development as the proposed zones. Future development under the proposed zoning will be required to meet City zoning, and design standards which further ensure compatibility with other established uses. Section 3. The proposed zone provides reasonable property development rights while protecting environmentally sensitive land uses and species. The proposed zone provides reasonable property development rights while protecting environmentally sensitive land uses and species, because the proposed zones are intended to facilitate residential development including single-family and multi -family residential densities to accommodate the City's housing needs. All sites proposed for a change of zone are generally infill sites that currently have Economic Development Corridor (EDC) zoning that allow for various commercial and mixed uses of similar intensity of urban development as the proposed zones. The sites are located along or near primary corridors in the City such as Newport Road, McCall Boulevard, and near the Menifee Towne Center away from more environmentally sensitive land uses and species. Future development of the rezone sites will be subject to CEQA and be required to mitigate any impacts to sensitive land uses and species. Section a. The proposed zone ensures protection of the general health, safety and welfare of the community. The proposed zones ensure the protection of the general health safety and welfare of the community in that they will accommodate the City's housing need as identified in the proposed 6th Cycle Housing Element update. In particular, the proposed higher density zoning is intended to provide more affordable housing options in the City with future multi -family residential development to address the shortage of housing, particularly affordable housing within the state and meet state requirements. Further, future development under the proposed zoning will be required to meet City zoning, building, engineering and fire standards to ensure the protection of the general health, safety and welfare of the community. Section 5: Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Processing and approval of the permit application comply with the requirements of CEQA as the City has prepared a Programmatic Environmental Impact Report for the Project in compliance with CEQA requirements. Based on data and analysis provided in the PEIR, the Project would not directly result in significant adverse environmental impacts. All potential impacts were determined to be less than significant without mitigation or can be reduced to a less than significant level with implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the PEIR. Additionally, no cumulative significant impacts were identified in the PEIR based on findings that the Project's contributions to such impacts are considered not to be cumulatively considerable. NOW THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee hereby recommends City Council approval of Change of Zone PLN21-0021 subject to the following: 1. That the City Council determine that the "Findings" set out above are true and correct. 2. That the City Council finds the facts presented within the public record and within this Planning Commission Resolution provide the basis to approve Change of Zone No. PLN21- 0021, as shown in the proposed zoning map changes attached as Exhibit "V to this Resolution, and that the City Council approve the Change of Zone." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10T" day of November 2021 enjami iederich. Chairman Attest: to anie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: V. Thai han, Assistant City Attorney /Id I Change of Zone Case No. PLN21-0021 MENIFEE Exhibit 1 A New. Better. Best. I Existing Zoning LDR-2 — — llap.udn Pess {:t LA CreekN HIy7•G•hRd,-poxGl•�� - of Q. u Irw.u, 3 �MDR Leei•duK.• MY -` a Proposed Zoning ; M—dance Way MDR -A EDC-NR I f . �.�8n7�t,•�or, a a� t'r 3�8•i7�•C�eD � Newport Rd MDR i HDR w Newport Rd — Zoning Designation = gal NUN Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) Agriculture (AG) _ High Density Residential (HDR) Rural Mountainous (RM) Commercial Retail (CR) Rural Residential, 5-acre minimum (11115) Commercial Office (CO) Rural Residential, 2-acre minimum (RR2) Heavy Industrial/Manufacturing (HI) Rural Residential, 1-acre minimum (RR1) 7 Business Park/Light Industrial (BP) Rural Residential, 1/2-acre minimum (RRI/2) Economic Development Corridor -Northern Gateway (EDC-NG) Low Density Residential-1 (LDR-1) [10,000 SF] Economic Development Corridor -McCall Boulevard (EDC-MB) Low Density Residential-2 (LDR-2) [7,200 SF] Economic Development Corridor -Community Core (EDC-CC) Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) ® Economic Development Corridor -Newport Road (EDC-NR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Economic Development Corridor -Southern Gateway (EDC-SG) Gncument PaIM1 G=Prniecl R.eufic Ma.aWlannin.\General Plan Eahibils\Chan...t 7one\Chan...1 Zone... Pose. De Roberto �d I Town 0 Auto Overlay (AO) Open Space -Conservation (OS-C) Open Space -Recreation (OS-R) Open Space -Water (OS-W) Public/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) Public Utility Corridor (PUC) - Rail (R)n Specific Plans (SP) Planned Development Overlay (PDO) 0 360 720 Feet RNA! �!I W 11111 A01v Change of Zone Case No. PLN21-0021 MENIFEE Exhibit 1 B New. Better. Best. - •� ) Mallnand Existing Zoning,,_- - _ w -_ Subject Site jE - Janney Dr Jura Cl > f� Lazy Creek Rd— ii E -- D-NR a — -- jj - - - PeonRd lyre 339-200.008 E- - Snow Crcek Or _ L 2 - �..., C1 — +� _/J'/: I�eIYa R.dpo in m yY Ed. Nf: %-- - Bea hs1 Nubs CI — I - Zoning Designation Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) I♦ Agriculture (AG) High Density Residential (HDR) Rural Mountainous (RM) Commercial Retail (CR) Rural Residential, 5-acre minimum (RR5) Commercial Office (CO) Rural Residential, 2-acre minimum (RR2) Heavy Industrial/Manufacturing (HI) Rural Residential, 1-acre minimum (RRi) Business Park/Light Industrial (BP) Rural Residential, 1/2-acre minimum (RR1/2) Economic Development Corridor -Northern Gateway (EDC-NG) Low Density Residential-1 (LDR-1) [10,000 SF] Economic Development Corridor -McCall Boulevard (EDC-MB) Low Density Residential-2 (LDR-2) [7,200 SF] ® Economic Development Corridor -Community Core (EDC-CC) Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) Q Economic Development Corridor -Newport Road (EDC-NR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Economic Development Corridor -Southern Gateway (EDC-SG) Deraim Pelh D- Ploiecl .1—fl. Mans\Planninn\(;eneral Plan Fvhibilc\Chanoe al 2ona\r..h.— n/ ]one an 0 Auto Overlay (AO) _ Open Space -Conservation (OS-C) _ Open Space-Recreadon (OS-R) Open Space -Water (OS-W) Public/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) Public Utility Corridor (PUC) Rail(RX) Specific Plans (SP) E; Planned Development Overlay (PDO) 0 260 520 Feet DaM: fl119/J1111 A ffr,#E Change of Zone Case No. PLN21-0021 MENIFE New. Better. Best. Exhibit 1 C Existing Zoning �FT� Subject Site U SnaJN Md L1�ID I � 1 1 I EDC- E .•14 Plaza del Sol SP PDO-2 it Zoning Designation Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) - Agriculture (AG) High Density Residential (HDR) Rural Mountainous (RM) Commercial Retail (CR) Rural Residential, 5-acre minimum (RR5) Commercial Office (CO) Rural Residential, 2-acre minimum (RR2) Heavy Industrial/Manufacturing (HI) Rural Residential, 1-acre minimum (RRI) Business Park/Light Industrial (BP) Rural Residential, 1/2-acre minimum (RRI/2) Economic Development Corridor -Northern Gateway (EDC-NG) Low Density Residential-1 (LDR-1) [10,000 SF] Economic Development Corridor -McCall Boulevard (EDC-MB) Low Density Residential-2 (LDR-2) [7,200 SF] Economic Development Corridor -Community Core (EDC-CC) Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) ® Economic Development Corridor -Newport Road (EDC-NR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) jK Economic Development Corridor -Southern Gateway (EDC-SG) Dnr11—Pa1k D V n P,.i- s.—i , Manx\Plannino\Gen A Plan Fvhihil­ha nF Znn han 0 2—an McCall Blvd Vorplop or 6461mor 0 Auto Overlay (AO) Open Space -Conservation (OS-C) Open Space -Recreation (OS-R) Open Space -Water (OS-W) - Public/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) Public Utility Corridor (PUC) Rail (RX) Specific Plans (SP) Planned Development Overlay (PDO) 0 260 520 Feet ru­.lk110/111f1 //i Change of Zone Case No. PLN21-0021 MENIFEE Exhibit 1 D New. Better. Best. Proposed Zoning t ! xom w C RR1 Georg..- Dr -- - Subject Site U 3 Le Pied. Rd 1 HOR 8 a:),- I1 0.016 Zoning Designation Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) Agriculture (AG) High Density Residential (HDR) Rural Mountainous (RM) commercial Retail (CR) Rural Residential, 5-acre minimum (RR5) Commercial Office (CO) Rural Residential, 2-acre minimum (RR2) Heavy Industrial/Manufacturing (HI) Rural Residential, 1-acre minimum (RRI) Business Park/Light Industrial (BP) Rural Residential, 1/2-acre minimum (11111/2) Economic Development Corridor -Northern Gateway (EDC-NG) Low Density Residentlal-1 (LDR-1) [10,000 SF] Economic Development Corridor -McCall Boulevard (EDC-MB) Low Density Residential-2 (LDR-2) [7,200 SF] Economic Development Corridor -Community Core (EDC-CC) Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) 0 Economic Development Corridor -Newport Road (EDC-NR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Economic Development Corridor -Southern Gateway (EDC-SG) 0--nl Palh D00 N.1- S—fin Mana\Planninn\General Plan F�hffih fhanen nl Jnne\Channa N ]one. — Town Center SP Auto Overlay (AO) Open Space-Conservatlon (OS-C) Open Space -Recreation (OS-R) Open Space-Water(OS-W) _ Public/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) Public Utility Corridor (PUC) - Rail (RX) Specific Plans (SP) Planned Development Overlay (PDO) 0 150 300 Feet naronncnmi /h Change of Zone Case No. PLN21-0021 MENIFEE Exhibit 1 E New. Better. Best. Existing Zoning L. .! GNoml II EDC-CC 372-050.042 - -_' „,ryL Le Subject Site Ti Mead—Vew 7R jR� 1, ' ¢ � Rouge Ln EickM1oil Dr EDC-SG Cantalena SP Zoning Designation Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) 0 Auto Overlay (AO) d Agriculture (AG) High Density Residential (HDR) Open Space -Conservation (OS-C) Rural Mountainous (RM) Commercial Retail (CR) Open Space -Recreation (OS-R) Rural Residential, 5-acre minimum (RR5) Commercial Office (CO) Open Space -Water (OS-W) Rural Residential, 2-acre minimum (RR2) Heavy Industrial/Manufacturing (HI) I♦ Public/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) Rural Residential, 1-acre minimum (RRI) Business Park/Light Industrial (BP) Public Utility Corridor (PUC) Rural Residential, 1/2-acre minimum (RRI/2) Economic Development Corridor -Northern Gateway (EDC-NG) = Rail (RX) Low Density Residential-1 (LDR-1) [10,000 SF] Economic Development Corridor -McCall Boulevard (EDC-MB) Specific Plans (SP) ] Low Density Residential-2 (LDR-2) [7,200 SF] Economic Development Corridor -Community Core (EDC-CC) i Planned Development Overlay (PDO) Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) Economic Development Corridor -Newport Road (EDC-NR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) [ Economic Development Corridor -Southern Gateway (EDC-SG) Document Palh'DV10 Proiecl Sor_rifir. Mans\Planninnlr;eneral Plan EvhihilclDhanee o! Znnr\fhanee of 7— anry 0 360 720 Feet AY���llg1]P]I A01v Change of Zone Case No. PLN21-0021 MENIFEE Exhibit IF New. Better. Best. Zoning Designation Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) Agriculture (AG) High Density Residential (HDR) Rural Mountainous (RM) Commercial Retail (CR) Rural Residential, 5-acre minimum (RR5) Commercial Office (CO) Rural Residential, 2-acre minimum (RR2) Heavy Industrial/Manufacturing (HI) Rural Residential, 1-acre minimum (RRI) Business Park/Light Industrial (BP) Rural Residential, 1/2-acre minimum (RR1/2) Economic Development Corridor -Northern Gateway (EDC-NG) Low Density Residential-1 (LDR-1) [10,000 SF] Economic Development Corridor -McCall Boulevard (EDC-MB) Low Density Residential-2 (LDR-2) [7,200 SF] Economic Development Corridor -Community Core (EDC-CC) Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) ® Economic Development Corridor -Newport Road (EDC-NR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) ® Economic Development Corridor -Southern Gateway (EDC-SG) flnnumenl Palh I] Vlfl Pr nierl Sner:ilir Mangy\Plrnninn[,eneral Plan Fv Mhilclr'hrnna_ nl ]nne\(:hannr_ nl Jnne anrr Ea Auto Overlay (AO) - Open Space -Conservation (OS-C) - Open Space -Recreation (OS-R) Open Space -Water (OS-W) - Public/quasi-Public Facilities (PF) Public Utility Corridor (PUC) - Rail (RX) Specific Plans (SP) Planned Development Overlay (PDO) 0 260 520 Feet rw. Iv�vnn-,s iie I Change of Zone Case No. PLN21-0021 MENIFEE Exhibit 1 G New. Better. Best. Existing Zoning Legado SP C�O.:Y s Toga Ln Carole B.M RR5 Subject Site Zoning Designation Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) - Agriculture (AG) High Density Residential (HDR) Rural Mountainous (RM) Commercial Retail (CR) Rural Residential, 5-acre minimum (RR5) Commercial Office (CO) Rural Residential, 2-acre minimum (RR2) Heavy Industrial/Manufacturing (HI) Rural Residential, 1-acre minimum (RRI) Business Park/Light Industrial (BP) Rural Residential, 1/2-acre minimum (RRI/2) Economic Development Corridor -Northern Gateway (EDC-NG) Low Density Residential-1 (LDR-1) [10,000 SF] Economic Development Corridor -McCall Boulevard (EDC-MB) Low Density Residential-2 (LDR-2) [7,200 SF] Economic Development Corridor -Community Core (EDC-CC) Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) © Economic Development Corridor -Newport Road (EDC-NR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Economic Development Corridor -Southern Gateway (EDC-SG) Dnuim PTlhn-P,6i 1 Soeulr. Mans 1P ninn\Cena 1 Plan EvhNI—h—, nl Z ,Ae .hn nl Znne an 0 Auto Overlay (AO) - Open Space -Conservation (OS-C) Open Space -Recreation (OS-R) Open Space-Water(OS-W) Public/Quasi-Public Facilities (PF) Public Utility Corridor (PUC) - Rail (RX) Specific Plans (SP) Planned Development Overlay (PDO) 1p®V� 0 260 520 Feet M1aM� A/1A/: G►tv a� ;MENIFEE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF MENIFEE ) I, Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the foregoing Planning Commission Resolution No. PC21-555 was duly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the 10 day of November 2021 by the following vote: Ayes: LaDue, Madrid, Thomas, White, Diederich Noes: None Absent: None Abstain. None 4t, Manie Roseen, CMC Deputy City Clerk