2021/10/02 Richland Planned Communities, Inc. Planning Application No. PLN21-0199 and PLN21-0201 (TTM 31194-4) (Golden Meadows Project)
October 21, 2021
14598110.2 a10/21/21
IRVINE, CA 92612
Re: Agreement for the Deposit and Reimbursement of fees incurred by the City of
Menifee in Conducting and Processing Analysis under the California
Environmental Quality Act of Planning Application No. PLN21-0199 & PLN21-
Dear Mr. Troutman:
RICHLAND PLANNED COMMUNITIES, INC (“Developer”) has requested that
the City of Menifee (“City”) consider Planning Application No. PLN21-0199 and PLN21-
0201(“GOLDEN MEADOWS PROJECT”) located north of Wickerd Road, south of Garbani
Road, west of Sherman Road and east of Evans Road in the City of Menifee, in Riverside County
(Assessor Parcel Numbers 360-300-002, -003, -004, -005, -006, and -009 and 360-350-001). The
project site is in an area with a land use designation of 2.1-5 du/ac Residential (2.1-5 R), and is
zone Planned Development District (PDO-5). Surrounding land uses include Rural Residential 5
ac min (RR5) to the north and east, Rural Residential 1 ac min (RR1) to the south, and 2.1-5 du/ac
Residential (2.1-5 R) to the west. The project (PLN21-0199) proposes the development of the 269
lots on approximately 86.06 total acres, which would include 260 residential lots. The residential
lots would be developed as 50’x80’ lots with a minimum lot size of 4,000 square feet, as well as
42’x90’ lots with a minimum lot size of 3,780 square feet. The average lot size for a 50’x80’ lot
would be approximately 4,738 square feet, and the average lot size for a 42’x90’ lot would be
approximately 4,657 square feet. Additionally, the project proposes nine lots that would include
three open space lots (41.3 acres), a park (2.95 acres), a recreation center (0.6 acre), an access road
and parking (0.15 acre), drainage easements (0.04 acre), a water quality basin (1.2 acres), and an
additional access road (0.11 acre). Access into the project site is provided from two points; primary
access would be from Wickerd Road and secondary access would be from Garbani Road. All
streets within this subdivision are proposed to be public. In addition, PLN21-0201 proposes
revisions to Section 9.155.030, Planned Development Districts, of the Menifee Municipal Code
for consistency with the Major Modification PLN21-0199 proposal. Golden Meadows was
previously identified as a Planned Development by Title 9 of the Municipal code (“Project”).
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BFBE314-0783-4FC0-BFB5-50E96C34D10ADocuSign Envelope ID: D65D1D94-441A-46A5-B3E2-9A6B02D95FCFDocuSign Envelope ID: C18FBE4C-316D-482E-AF98-B3AEA3B219D4
Mr. Trautman
October 20, 2021
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To conduct its review and analysis of the Project, the City is required to conduct an
environmental analysis (“CEQA Analysis”) as required by the California Environmental Quality
Act, Public Resources Code section 21000 et seq., and its implementing guidelines found at Title
14 of the California Code of Regulations section 15000 et seq.
The City will commence to take the steps necessary, at Developers sole expense so that the
City will be able to conduct and complete the CEQA Analysis. Developer is prepared to reimburse
the City for all costs associated with the City’s conduct, processing, and consideration of the
CEQA Analysis including without limitation in-house staff time and resources, environmental
consultant time and resources, City’s legal counsel’s time and resources, and other third party cost
items. For example, the costs incurred by the City to engage an environmental review consultant,
and any necessary sub-consultants or technical consultants, to conduct the CEQA Analysis shall
be borne by Developer. This letter serves as an “Initial Deposit Agreement” by and between
Developer and the City.
To assist the City in undertaking their consideration of whether or not to approve the
Project, Developer agrees to provide the City with an initial deposit, consisting of at least 50% of
the contract amount plus, an administrative cost of 15% of the professional services agreement or
$5,000, whichever is less, in the amount of $64,601.50 (“Initial Deposit”). The Initial Deposit
plus any remaining balance due of the total of the professional services agreement and
administrative cost is to be incurred by the City in connection with the conduct, processing, review,
evaluation, and action taken on the CEQA Analysis (“Analysis Costs”). The Initial Deposit shall
be deposited with the City, to the attention of the Finance Director, on or before October 29, 2021
(“Effective Date”), at least one (1) week in advance of the professional services agreement fully
executed by the City of Menifee with the selected consultant.
The remaining 50% or balance, if applicable, of the Analysis Costs (“Second Deposit
Payment”) shall be due at the halfway point of completion of the Analysis, but no later than prior
to public release of the CEQA documents. The Community Development Department shall notify
the Developer once the halfway point of completion of the Analysis has been reached. The Second
Deposit payment shall be deposited with the City, to the attention of the Finance Director, within
and no later than two (2) weeks, ten (10) business days, of receiving notification from the
Community Development Department. If Developer fails to timely provide a Second Deposit
Payment, the City may without further notice cease all work on the CEQA Analysis and order that
all consultants, attorneys and third parties do the same (“Stop Work Order”). Developer
understands and acknowledges that, even if the Second Deposit Payment has not yet been received,
it shall remain fully responsible for Analysis Costs incurred by the City up to the date that the City
issues a Stop Work Order.
The Initial Deposit and Second Deposit Payment shall be used to reimburse the Analysis
Costs. If at any time the City in its sole discretion determines that the Analysis Costs will exceed
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BFBE314-0783-4FC0-BFB5-50E96C34D10ADocuSign Envelope ID: D65D1D94-441A-46A5-B3E2-9A6B02D95FCFDocuSign Envelope ID: C18FBE4C-316D-482E-AF98-B3AEA3B219D4
Mr. Trautman
October 20, 2021
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the amount of the Initial Deposit and Second Deposit Payment, then Developer shall, within ten
(10) days of receipt of written demand from the City, supplement the deposit amount so that the
amount remaining on deposit with the City equals all remaining estimated Analysis Costs
(“Deposit Supplement”). The City may from time to time repeat the process of revising the
estimated Analysis Costs and requiring a revised deposit amount from Developer (upon ten (10)
days written notice) (“Further Deposit Supplement”). If Developer fails to timely provide a
Deposit Supplement or Further Deposit Supplement, the City may without further notice cease all
work on the CEQA Analysis and order that all consultants, attorneys and third parties do the same
and issue a Stop Work Order. Developer understands and acknowledges that, even if the deposit
is fully exhausted, it shall remain fully responsible for Analysis Costs incurred by the City up to
the date that the City issues a Stop Work Order.
Payment Description Amount Due Description Due Date
Initial Deposit At least 50% Analysis Costs
+ Lesser of 15% of Analysis
Costs OR $5,000
At least one (1) week before
Professional Services
Agreement Signed
Second Deposit 50% or balance Analysis
Within ten (10) business days
of Notification from
Community Development
Department of halfway point
of Analysis Completion
Deposit Supplement/
Further Deposit
TBD, if applicable, for
additional contract
amendment costs identified.
Within ten (10) business days
of Notification from
Community Development
Department of need for
Deposit Supplement.
Developer understands and acknowledges that City shall exercise its sole discretion in
selecting and providing direction to any consultants or other third parties in connection with the
CEQA Analysis.
It is anticipated that the CEQA Analysis will be presented to the Menifee City Council for
consideration and potential action in the future. Developer and the City understand that the City
is reserving the right to exercise its sole and absolute discretion as to all matters over which the
City is, by law, entitled or required to exercise discretion. By executing this Initial Deposit
Agreement, the City is not committing or agreeing to undertake any activity requiring the
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BFBE314-0783-4FC0-BFB5-50E96C34D10ADocuSign Envelope ID: D65D1D94-441A-46A5-B3E2-9A6B02D95FCFDocuSign Envelope ID: C18FBE4C-316D-482E-AF98-B3AEA3B219D4
Mr. Trautman
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subsequent discretion of the City, or any department of the City. The City’s execution of this
Initial Deposit Agreement is merely an agreement to allow the necessary work to be completed, at
Developer’s expense, to bring the CEQA Analysis forward for City consideration. Nothing in this
Initial Deposit Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a commitment by the City to approve or
certify the CEQA Analysis, or a prejudgment of the matters required to be considered as part of
the decision whether or not to approve the Project.
Please document Developer’s concurrence with these terms and limitations by signing
below and returning the originally executed letter to me, along with the Initial Deposit.
Very truly yours,
Cheryl Kitzerow, AICP
Community Development Director
Jeffrey Melching, City Attorney
By: Date:
Mr. Troutman, Vice President
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BFBE314-0783-4FC0-BFB5-50E96C34D10A
DocuSign Envelope ID: D65D1D94-441A-46A5-B3E2-9A6B02D95FCFDocuSign Envelope ID: C18FBE4C-316D-482E-AF98-B3AEA3B219D4