2010/11/17 Eldorado Riverside Venture, LLP TR 31582 Road and Drainage Improvements (6)stu:)8D'srJJrll() Jqt puD.ilr.) ssrlLr.rfirl trloq puc 'puaJap 'l3alord ()l lllrrls JiU/\\O reu\\o
,iq parLrnsse aJp s.rlrlrqcrl prDs Jo llr': purl'I.ro^\ aqt lo JJLrDru.lo.l.ratl .lt1l u1 'sl:rloldtLr.r
.ro sluaie slrrau^\O-lo sLlorssrur().r() \lrn,)LIl.lo rrosn:.r (r; Jo'UoA\ arll.lo eJnluu arll lo
uosna: .(q pa.rnllr !.rado.rd:o sLros.rrtl (ur:.ro.; :;qur; :q loc.lJr.ll Ja{oldruJ Jo JaJrLJo f,uE.lo
,(tr.1 ;1eqs.rou ';oa:lqt :r:uuld:rrru pur: LrorlalcltuoJ arlt ol Joud 1u:rrLroar8y s^rrJ'l ur per+rJeds
s).ro^\ arll ot SrlJ.rllr)o.lo SLrrtrldtluq iipurpp.ro s:,^ol JLrapr:rre (uu .ro-; olqrsuodsa:
.ro olqDll eq '{1r-'1-;o n:r{oltlLur.ro.riJrllo .(uu 1;uqs rou 'lou llurls {t!.) :qUIIlJ
'uno.) rorJadns aprsrr^rll Jq llerls uortE;rtrl
qrns .(uc ro-l anua1 par.)pr.lir luiru;pnl (ue ur pcpnlcur puo slsoi sD perul eq ll€qs sJ-1-l
puu sasuadxa 'slsof, rlans lll') 'lrrlru;pnl.l() (.rlu:r uodn 'luql puu 'saa-l s,,(aurollo clqeuosua.r
iur pnlourJau,\\O (q prud lq 11uqs suorlu;-r1qo q3ns Surlro-lr.ri (1;rr.;ssrr:rns ur i1r.; iq
pa:rnrur sea-] pue sasuadr:r rlql.'uosui.r puu slsoJ lle'sluarurlordrur a;r?urr?.rp pue puoJ eql
1o uorla;duor aql SuroJlur.nrnt puoq ,iuc .ro luir.uJcJ;c srql ur)dn lrltnoiq sr Irns.lrtpql
s:al3e raqpnl::u.tr1; ra:ruriiu:; .itr.) lqt ,(q pclrnbu aq ,(uur :;u sluctu:no:du.rr pue 1.rtll
:t;1.yo snorlcaclsur r-lJns-lo lso. Iunlru ltrll (tr.l ot {ed ol seaJfrn.rar.r^\O:gNO.)'.lS
'(00'009's9z'ls):^.Irllr)0 l)r.rprrll \rs I)uusnr)rl.l. r.1r,t ,\f\rs l)J-rpurll 0.$J
u()rlJrl\J JU().lo LUns irlt \r \luirui \()r dLLrr l.rrnr 1-rtlt pnrs^-lo lsr)r palll.urlsi:rt;.; (r:lrltuit.r
.{ue-;o "out,tud:rr;l ol .ror.rd p;r;r;clrLro:r eq lluqs slrrelue^o.rdrtrr prrno.rS.r:rpun llu lcql
saarie iaqUn-l JaU\1O-parl\ruJnl slrLirlllrrr:\rlra.Japroruop.roqr)l .r(r l.r \\ rrrlr:r1;rp (r-rr
'reatttitt:l (UJ eql.lo u()rllul\rlt)\ :rr;l rtt ':r;rt1de::o:rr:dl: o1 pou:rd.tuc.( ctril srql iLrrrnlr
pur ' (1t.1 :q1 .iq arttqd;r:r: SLtr rro;1o 1 .rul i :ruo.1o por:::rcl u .ro; slrr:rtLr:r,ro.rdrtrr po: rtrbl.r
f,^oqe :rql urulultur ot s:r:r.rir: .rrqurr.y .rru rrg (tr.; :rql (q Jl.ldrrrot su paldetrf,u pun
pi,\o.rdde ;r1un a1a;duro: p:rru.lp iq lou lluLIs pue '.r:lur3u-l (1r.1 tqt.1o Ltolllu-lstlus lrll ol
puu-;o uorlo:dsur aql Japun JUop iq lluqs 1:orr pa:rnb:.r J^oqu rrll 11y lulrurru;-r srq1.;rt
IJL'd e JpDru (;ssa.rdx: ,iq::eq r.ru rllrrl\\ 'JossJJJns slr lo'pJpuiulD st':'09t'oN iJLlcrlp.t()
,(1uno3 apts.rlrry ur rll.rol tis sp.repur?ls aql qll^\ aluop.toaJu rl oleiir.Jl lrlrrapriLtr
lJo^\ lJe op puc'1u:rLu1-rucb11 3Lrr.r:r:ru riu'.1 JJ-]tuaL\ Jrll.jo rltl.lo.rll ut oltl uo:tlr? prnl
',noutFtt'-1 i1r3 cq1 {q pr,no:cklu nJtq i^llq qf,trl^\ uotsr^tp pur?l pnls.lol suul(l plloH csnrll
tllt,\\ cJuupro3Je t-rr slu:rur:r,ro.rtlurr ;rit:urelp ptru puot llt '.riuunLu JIlll-n;Lu)io,\\ ptru pooi
u urpalnlaxJ sr luJureJiii-u srrlt irlrll) lll ruo.r1 sqluortr !f rrrrllr,t 'a1a;duror pue [uoJ.racl
ol (.rcssJJiu slErJrlcur pLru lrrltudrnbr'.roqul JIll rlsLtJtr1 ol"csLrldxl pLrt'l lsol u{\o s,laLl\\o
lu 'siirfiu (q:Lrq 'f[!lJ:ifrTii[]-f55JIil7pu,.ra- sB r.r \\oul rrorsr^rp pur?l Lrrf]l.nr turll.lo
cirLu lcut; aql-lo (lr.) (q 1r; ro.rcldr: iql.l() uorltrcptsLrot ur puc.lol 'JaLt\\O :-LsUJ:l
'.,-rlrrr\\(),, p:lllt)r.tilluutt.tarl tlrqst:lLrl.rntl p:r1rLLrr1 .ltrlrqr-.r1 l)rtlrull i.u: \\ll.r1;
l,) "d-l l-l 'a.rntLtJA (rl)ts.l.i\r]l I,'|ri.r(,p1.Iptru'itr.1 pilllr).lJllout..tJrl 'DrU.ro.lrlD )-l()
illrls'ae.lruahl-lo (l!.):lLlt rr:r;r\t;'r.l l)Ur: iq rr)Ltr l).].t:1lU: l)Ur;rpr:rLr '1u:lufit:t.rir: srt;.;.
s.l.NU tljUAOU.t t\[ -1[ )\',N t\1 0/fl VOd JO NOI.I..)ll .l.SN().) it I t.t. ]tOrt
lr()tllt l-ll: 'l he Orlncr hcrctrl, grlnls to ( itr. or.an\ rgcnt or enrploycc ol'('itr'.
thc irrclocablc perntission to clltcr upot] thc lands ol the sLrbject land division lbr thc
PLtrPosc tll cottlplcting the ittlprovcmcnts. .l his l.rcrnrission shall lcrnrinate at strch tinrc as
Orr rrcr lras conrplcted u,ork l ilhin thc tinte spceilicd or anl ertension lhereol'sranlcd l)\
thc ( it\.
I IF I'l l: The Orvner shall provide adcrluate notice and \\'arning to the traveling
puhlic ol-cach and everv hazardous or dangcrous condition causcd or created bv the
eonslructiorl of the rvorks of inrproventcnt al all tinles up to thc completion and lirrnral
acccptance ol-the works of intproventent. 'l-hc Os ncr shall protect all pcrsons lionr suclr
hazartloLrs or dangerous condilions bl use ol'trallic rcqulatorv control rnethods-
including. but not limited to. stop signs. regulalor) siuns or signals, barriers. or dctours.
SIX I I{: Olvner. its agcnts and emplol.ccs. shall givc noticc to the C ity Hngincer
at lcast.l8 hours befbre beginning anv rvork and shall liu.nish said City ol'Menitce
linginccring all reasonable thcilitics tbr obtaining lirll infbrrnation with respcct to thc
1'lroglcss and ntanner ol'wolk.
SI:VIINTH: Il'Orvncr. ;ts aqcnts or crnltlovccs. ncglccts- rclLrscs- or tails to
l)rosccutc thc *,ork rvith srrch diligencc :rs to insurc its cornplction u ithin the spccilicd
tirnc. or rrithin such ertensions ol'timc trhich havc lrcen granted b1 Cill. or il'Orrner.
violates. ncglccts- relilses. ol lirils to pcrlirrm satislactorilr anr ofthe prttl isions ol'thc
plans and spccilications. L)r ner shall bc in dclhult ol'this aqreenrent and nttticc ol-sLrch
dclrrLrlt shallbc served upon Orrncr. ( ity shallhavc the pouer. on re'cornrnendation ol'thc( it1 l:nginccr. to tentlinate all rights ol ()rrncr bccausc ol'sLrch delault. lhe.
tlclerrnination by the City Ensineer ol'thc tlrrcstion as lo \\ltcther zln\ of the tcrrns ol'thc
irgrecrncnt or spccitications luve lreen vi()lated- or havc not bccn perlbrrned satisf'ack)ril\.
shall bc conclLrsivc Lrpon the Ouner. antl anr and all partics rrlro mar lrave anv interest irr
thc asrccnrcnt or ant. portion thereol. Ihc lirrceoing provisions ot'this section shall bc itr
add it ion to a ll other rights and remecl ie s availablc to ( itv under hl . l he th ilLrr.c ol' thc
O\\ncr to cornrrence constnlction shall not rclicve thc Orlncr or suretl- ti.onr cotnplction
of'thc inrprovcrrcnts reqLlirc.d by this agrcctncnt.
IiICHTH: Orvner agrccs to tllc \\.ith ('ity,. plior to thc dale this agree nrcnt is
cxccLrtcd. a good and sullicient intprovcntcnt sccLrlitl, in an antount not less than thc
cstimated cost ofthe uork and inrprovcrrcnts lbr thc fhithlirl perlonlance ofthc tclnts
and contlilions ofthis agrccntent. and good and sulllcient securitl fbr payrlcnt ol'latror
and materials in thc anrounl ptescribcd b) Aflicle XVII ol-Riverside Counll Ordinance
460 as amcndcd to secure lhe clainrs to llhich rclcrence is ntade in Titlc l5 (cornntencing
rrith Section i082) of Part.l of Division 3 ol'the C ivilCode oithe Srate ol'Calilbrnia.
Orr ncr agrees to reneu' each and cvery said bond or lronds rr itlr good and sutticient
atlil ctnplor ccs thereol'liont all loss. dirrnagc. liabilitr or clairn bccause ol. ol urising oul
ol tlrc ucts or ornissions of Orr ncr. its olllccrs. ngcnts and crrplot ces- in thc pcrl'or.rnancc
ol'this r\grccrncnl or arising out ol'thc usc ol anr patcnt or patcrrtcd article in the
pcr lorrnance o1-this n grecntcnt.
f ,tirxl ilr r r.trrt 1 1t t/' uo s a.m Dul t <' l
' l())-t.1tl I .tir \t t1 \\ ;r-Ul n tttt,rr
17 aq lluqs lui[raJJi:]-V slLll.lo Ltotlrl)U()).lo ur.rc1 (uu-1n l:,rru^\ oN .urJ.tirl q oJ tJs s.rJltl.]LLt:q1 t1 su scryed eql.]o ltraLu.irfrlr J.ltr.ri Jrll sLrrctuol lueLuaalfiV strl.l. :ll.l_l.Jrl1,\ L
o.ltdeqg ur,n.re14 ..lhJ :uoltuallV
6gLZt -l:l .lrr?d rolurrl
anua.ly uruu,rlistru.d N tZ6d'l"l l 'll dno:g s:rrycdo.r,; !lur]^V o/3'd l 'l l 'ernlua^ (aprsr.^rU ) opu.ropl l
.lir t I \\( )\ll,)
:s^\ollol sll p:sso.tppu 'prcda.rd cielsod .ssult ls.ll .lt1ll\ sJletqpallufl aql ur palrsodap uoq$ ,{1.rud t.qlo:rJt uo pa^.trs p.U.ti:)p.1q llr:tls rLt.-rtu.r.rriV srrli
ot trrunsJnd uc,rrB aq o1 pill!rruid.ro Pa:rnbc.r saf,ltou lo:l:ry.ru iuy :ll.l_N,tA,l.lA '
lrud:e1nor1:ed rurrl u*rluo) 1ru prp ruerurc.riu .r,r,'lf;::.ll]jl]i1,1',fl1]'$:'il;H
satlred aq13o su.r1r3r1c1o pu, slqi, iql p., pirra-[t?.q tnu 11irq. suorpod ..Lrruruurai ailt
.1o ,i1rpr1e,r aqt'pro^ pue lnl,\\lllun Jq ol plaq suno3 JLll (q ,-r
u aurco.r;:g srql.;o uorsr,ro:tl
.to ur:at J.rud,{ueJr leql ola:aq s:rryud cqt ,(q p:a:iu puu pootsJapun st tl :ll.l.Nil.l
'uralcql paluu_ri:rq (utrr su JLlll.lo sLtotstrJl\a (rrn.otrtpn;rLrr .tLt:lrLr:o.ril srr;l
.lo sr.r.rJal eqr 3ur:np 1ro.11c prr0 JJ.r()l llll ur spuoq.ro puoq p[]s.-r()lD Jr.lr rIl?l.,.l?LU ol r^aeitu
_ .l:qlJnJ JolJDJluo) spu()q rlJlls Uo sertJJns lo ,r1o.rns arll is0tli.l :o lLtcLuat.rir srql.Io,{1lpr1ur eqt 1::L;e ie,t ou ut Jlurls su()tsLrll\e rJJns pl. .1u,ro.lrfur.:.;9 sLrorltplot arll ul qt-roJlrs 5^p sluiura^oJdttr 1:r:rlbrtl i()l siLtnr.rr aurr arll .rarlll .([,* .tr rrr sLrorsucl\a pcls:rrhc.rlqt se 3u.1 os'rolf,rit,o.).lo lsrnh:.r u.dn.ro .uorlda Lr,\\o sI lu.rJqlri ,(tl,) iq .aLrrrt
ot cLUrl tuoJ.J 'paluu.ri:q (utrr lrur1.;o srrorsutlxe .lrelir,ril lqt.rit; ;u,ro.rdtlt.;o st,n,1,proa
aql.;o sutllst,rtl.rd ptill slLtatl:utnbeJ .srrr.ral itql rllt\\ itLll.lPJollu rrr [rerrpo.ri,-i; srqlJspUn euop aq ol Palcld LLt:rt rrr)a )Jo\\ arll.l(l uorlaldrrro:-;o Ju.ll :)tll prrrl\i ol (lussar.-rrr
p:rLui:p sr rr luilr etll urrrrlrluiruii.l;u srql iLrr:nres spuorl irll uo sirraJns.ro ilelns:)ql oaLtrpnlt,r 'oli.ttrl \Jtliud Jrl)
\\lJq pLre iq P::r.r;-'.r:rrll,,ll st ll :llt_NlN
'tlloq .ro spuoqaql.lo 'lunoutB .1r11 -to ilt-ln.tJ\ lt1t.1o (ruar:rr11nsut Jrll.lo.r:tu\\() p:rr;r1ou .returirrq (1r.1iql tlirll^\ Llo:lPp atJl.lo sitlp ({)6) illtttu Lttqlrl palo;tlLrror:r:u slLr:ruri,rordLur po.rrnSa,r i;uss:r1un luaLuac:3e srrll.lo rl.ulip .r .lq llllrls J.Lr\\o 'iJlorr p.)s rllr\\ ,(lrlrrror.1 i.rurs:,rausl su uolllc LlJns i)lll ol slllll .lJu \\O.lt 'Lllajirl sr.rotst,ro-ttl :lr;1o iur; 3Lrr;.rut-,1sr11r.llit11'luJtltllnsut a.nl slult()rUu.to sJttJjn\..:rql lDql .r:r:rrrriut; it!.);rrll (q ltallrt.,LrSttrlq rl4u s (up (01 ) uJl Lltllr\\ .rll(xl .t() .spuoq ptDs.lo lun()tuc Jrll Jsl.ti.ttrrr .to setli.lns
98 !a6 V.) 'rrlrrrel^
ProtJ unul Jfl/6a
lr:r1rul141.1o i1r 1
.r.-r:Lrr;-rrq i1r.1
:t.t.v.)t r(ilu.t_ NI c:t.t_n13x3 cNV
AUV.LON ,{B C:llxl:l'l,^AON).lV'Jfl .LSnl{ U3N,^dO rlO Srl}lll.l.VNOIS
l.l:)l.) ilr.) 'll:uLteB (rllll)
.\:LrJt)l'tv,\lr.)'pli-l rraru)jnaffi
,\)tol o-L sv (:ln olt(t(tv
.l\-e 1
.ro (u141 'rrr4rrir-pr1 ,,11 irullu,,\A
JI.llCINillll JO,\Il.)
turprsard arrrl 'o.rrduq5 'y1 ur,r.ru6tr : (g
QtoT-[1 7tff4wff :pawg
::rul.rucl 1e:rua3 aJos s1r 'rrorlr':.rod.roJ upt.tol..l c'11 uorle:od.ro.1 luoLuckr;:r,rl11 rluu,ry :.(B
.retlttrctu ptrc :afuutrtu Jlos s1r'drqs:lu1.rud
pclrrurJ ,{1rpqur1 pi)tunl r.ll\ulJq l?..d..1.-l -l 'll dnoJr) s:rrpedo:,1 rluu,ry :,(B
JauuBd le.lauaSalos s1r',(ueduroo,(1;11qe;1 prr1url1 are/\elag e.Jll .dD (aprs.ralrS) opeloplg :,(B
laLryr::d ;u:auai e;os s1r .drqslcuyed
palrurl ,(1rpqur1 peltull irn\\uliq r?'.d.-1.-l.l .1 115y (aprs:a,tU) opulopl3 :,(g
drqsl:ruuucl p:1r u.rrl
itr;rqur1 patrLurl ..r)\\rliq rr'.<1.-I.11 .UUtI.LN3A (-lClSUUnlU) ()OytIO(I-|:{
uu N,t\0
'lllJS ptlll ssJ.lPPrl 'JtullLI slLl pJNlJIu sl?rl .rJu\\O ':lO:lll:lll,/\\ SS:lN.l.l/1\ NI
on No.t,^b<t lX , 2olo , before me,S,,ro,l C. u-lr;lfirtl ,NOtary Public,
personally appeared Marvin M. Shapiro who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence
to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that
he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the
person, or the entity upon behalfofwhich the person acted, executed the instrument.
I certiff under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of .Hifiomia that the
foregoing paragraph is true and correct. f/6r ,,1o-,
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
,t ,-, t t)aul"t
N6tary Public in and fodtbesarc
of Florida
coMMrsstoN I EE22Z,2
EXPTRES AlrG 30 2014
B(Xo€D lln()lJcfl
tu HsrJllltrt cottP^r{Y
usADMtN 9231903 I
@I All-E tt8t^E on\FfrDl)\l!P-