2010/11/17 Eldorado Riverside Venture, LLP TR 31582 Road and Drainage Improvements (5)A(; R L Ii lVl l!N't. troR l t.t ( ( )N s't'lit r('TtoN ot'tt()Al)/t)tt^tNA(;ti IMpttovEMEN.t.s l his agrccrrrcnl. ntadc and cntcred inlo lry and betr ccn the f ity ol'MenifLe. State ot ( alilbrnia. hercinalicr called t'ity. and l--ldorado ( llivcrsidc) Vcnture. L.t_.t..p.. a Dcla\\are lirnited liabilirl lirniled parlncrship. hcreinalicr called ,'O$ner,'. \\ I'I\ ESS I.]'I'I I: []lRS [: Olrrcr. lbr and in col']sidcmtion ol'thc approral b1 Citl of the Iinal map 01'th.rt certain land tlivision knoun as Tract/Parcel Map No.31582. hcrcbl, agrees. at c)rrner''s orrn cost and c\l)cnsc. to tirrnish all Iabor. cquipnrcnt and nraterials necessar) t() perlirnn and conlplelc. within 2;! rnonlhs li.orn the datc this i.tgreentent is cxecuted. in a good arrd rrolknrarrlikc rnarner. allroad antl dlainagc inrprovernents in accordance rvith those Roatl I)lans lirr said land division which ltave bccn approvctl b1,the City llnginecl.. and are on lllc in thc ollicc ol'the Menil'cc l-.ngineering I)cpzlrttrcnt. and do all rvork incidental lhcrclo in accordance *,ith the standards sct lbrlh in Iliverside County Ordinance No.4(r0. as arrended. or its successor. rvhich are hcrcbl.expressly lnade a part ofthis aqrcemcnl. All thc above reqLrired rrork shall bc donc undcr the inspection ofantl to thc satislirclion ol'the ( ilv [inginecr. and shall not be dcerrcd conrplete until approved and acceptctl as conlplctc b1 thc C'it1 . Orr ner lirrthcr agrecs t0 rnaintain thc above required irnprovcntcnts li)r a periud of'one I ear lirllo* ins acccptancc by the Cit1.-,. and dLrrinc this onc rcar pcriotl to rcpair or rcplacc. to tlte satislitction ol'the C itl tngincer. anr dellctivc rrork ur' labor tlorre or deti--ctir,c nl.ltcrials tirrnished. Orvner lirther agrecs tltal all Lrntlcrqrountl irnprovcnrents shall be contplctcd prior (o the paving ofany roacillar,. fhe estinutccl cost of'said rvork and inlpr()vcnlents is thc surn of Four I lu rrrlrul Screrrlr l,ir c 'l horrsanrl Scren Iluntlrtrl l)ollars (S{75.7(10.{10). SF.('OND: Or ncr agrces to pay. to City the aclual cost o1'such inspections of thc r"ork and irnprovemcnts as nray [.re rcquired b1,the CitY t:ngincct.. Orvner lurlher agrccs that- ifsuil is broLrsht Lrpon lhis agrecn'lent or anr hond guarantecing the contpletion ol' the road and dritinauc inrprovcntents. all costs and reasonatrlc crpcnses and fles incurlcd b1,('it1 in succcsslirlll enlbrcing such obliqations shall bc paid br Orvner. including rcasonablc attornc!'s ltcs. and that. upon entry ol'.iUdgntcnt. all such cosls. expenses and l'ces shall be tarcd as eosts and included in anr .judgrnent rcndcrcd. Vcnue tbr any such litigation shall bc Iliversidc Superior Courr. THlttt): ( ity shall not. nor shall an1 ol'llcer or cntplol,cc of Cit1. be liable or responsible lirr anl accidcnt. loss or dantage happening or occLrrring to thc works specilied in this Agrccrncnt prior to Ihe completion and ucceptancc thcrcol. nor shall C'itv or anr. olllcer ur cnrployec thcrcol. be liable lbr an\r pcrsons or propcfly in-jLlred b1 reasorr of the naturc ol'1hc rvork. or lry reason ol-tl]e acts ur ontissions of Owner. its agerrls or crnplorces. in thc perlirrntance ol'the \vork. antl all or said Iiabilitics are assumed by Ouner. Otncr shall to protcct. dcl'end. and hold harntless ( itl and thc otliccrs. agcnts a luf,rJrllns prru poo; qtti\ spuorl lo puoq prus :a,ra pue rlaea \\aual ol s^auil,,.tau\ro 'lll Lllo.lllll.).lo rlDls irll-lo )po.) Jr^t.) aqlJo I Ltotsr^tcJo I ul]d.lo (a80t uot]JJS qtt,\\ Sutcucururo:) S I ollr.l. ur Jpnur sr eruaJa-laJ qorq^\ ol sulcll aql JJnJJS ol papuJLrrn sp 09t. cluuurp.rO (1uno.1 lprslo,nry.lo IIAX el)ll.tV (q paqr.rrsa.rd lunotue iqt ut sluurluut puD .toc1u1.;o lullur(ed:r1 ilr:nrls lLrertrrllns pue poo; pue'luaulaatiu s!Lll.lo suorllpLtof, puu surJrl eql Jo :rlrrllur.rol::rd pllrlln)l .lll rtr-; sluaura,ro.rdur I pue )Jo\\ Jrll.Jo ls():) pJll.ru.lls:) aql uDtll s:-al l()r.l lunoruD rru rrr i1r:ncos ltFtua,lo:dtttr lustf,lljns pue ptloi lt'prlnli\3 sr 1r:rtu:r:r:ir srql Jlup :)ql ol :or.rd '(tr3 qlt \\ .lil ol sr::io:au,tg :ll.t.llt)l:l 'lueuraa.ro:E srql iq pairnbai sl ua r.r.ra.\oJd Lrr ! aql.lo ttotlcldtttrlr utrul ,(1:rns ro.riu \\() atll JAirJJ.r tou IIeq:- uorllnrlsuoi aluatuLr.ro:) ol .rJu \\o irLll.l() irlnl[:l irrl | \\r:l JiIun (1r.) rr1 :r;qu1;u1g \Jtp)ur.].1 pUn slll;'iU l)lllLr llr: rrt Ur)lltpln: ur :q llur,ls r.ronJis sLll.lo \-rrolsr^()id itrro;-t.ro1 tq.l. lo:.tarll Ltoluod .iuo lo lu..rtLr;r:l.r;-l] :lql ur lsi.lolrl ,(ttn;l,r,uq {r;rrr orlt s:rrl.rrrcl 11c puu ,(ue pue'Jau.\\O arlt trodlt crrsnlltror:lt1 1;cq:- ',(1ut1ru.1sr1es p:rur,rrl1.od r.rJiq lou:,\lltl.l()'pcttllolA u]JCl JAuLl suorlrtrrlrrads -rit 1rr:rrrr:r:r.rir; aqlJo srLrJit :rr;1.;o iuu Jirltirl\\ ol sr: uorlscnh lql.1o:ccuriuq i1r.1 -rr11 iq Lt()rtrutur.rilJll Jrl J. tlrrulip rllns.lo :rsnu.aq JaLt,\\C).lo slqn-tJ IID Jlcutu.uel og '.r::lLrrirrl i1r.; JIll.lo uorlt?puaLur.Lrorll u(,'.nlrod:rql :l^utlllnrls.(1r.1 'l:rLrlg uodn pa,rtas Jq llurls llnulap r.liris-lo iJrlou pur': lrnLul:r.riu strll.lo tlnplip ut Jq llEqs JJu^tO'sLlotll?)tlttlcls pul srrr:1cl :rql.1o sttorsr,lo.rcl rql.;o,(ur,.(;r.ro1l:;srlus Lu.ro.llad t1 slt0f -lo'sasnlaJ's1:rl;;-lu's;r1c;or,r J:r.t./rro-Jr.to'[tr..; r(q PilUlr.ln.. rrriq.r\l]Ll rlJLl\\ aU.Il.lo sLt(rt\rril\e rllns uttllt\\.t{)'au. l p:ltltteds atll urtilrA\ ttot1.r1tlrtr,,r \ll ;r.llsLl ()l su i:ruJilltp rlJls rl1r,\\ I.t()\\ atll llrr:rrso.rd ot slrEl .ro's:rsn;:r.r 's1:lr;iru 's:rt.(oldure:o sluaiu str '.rru,tr11.11 :ll.l.NrlA:lS 'IJo,rt.lo leLrullLu pul') s\a.tir)Jri aql 01 lJJdsJJ rl1^\ uorluuuolur lln-l Sururllqo lol salltltf,eJ alqeuoseeJ ;1u 3ur.rocurit-u:1 aaJrual .lo {1r"1 prus qstultll lluqs puc )lo,rr ,(ue Suruul"oaq Jro.}rq s.lnoq gf_, lsl?al lD :e:urf,u3 {lr,) lll ol orrlou::,rri ;;rqs'sl.r,(o;durr pue s1ua3e slt 'iau^\O :ll I.XIS 'sJnolip Jo's.ror.r.rrq 's;uu3rs.ro su:r-rs (.ro1e;nfra:'su8ts dols'ol p)tlull you 1nq 'irrrpnlcur 'spol-lliul ;r'r.tluor (rO1t':1tri:ri crl.lD.rlfo asn ,(q suorlrpuo:r snolr;-rrup.lo sn()PJcz[rl r.Jans r.uo{ suos.r:d 1;r tr:rrc.rd ;;r';qs Jau\\O:}rl.l luaura,ro.rdrur jo s).ro.\\ irlt-lo a:rLnttcla:lr luurJo-l pua uorlllduror .qt ol dn satuu Jlu l? luaura,ro:durr -1o s)Jo\\ aql.lo uotllrlJlsuo:) aql ,(q p)lu.r) Jo pisues uor)tpuoJ sno.r.rSucp.ro mopluTrq i::r,r: puu ql':a.;o :rr1t1nd 3ut1a,re:1 cql ol iuru.rut pue:lrrlou JIL'nbJpu apr,ro.rd ;1eqs Jau\\O Jrl I. :ll.l.:ll,l ' \t!.) itqt ,iq palun.ri j or.r:rrlt uolsLtil\e irrr:.ro p:rr1n:ds srutl arll Lltllr\\:1.rorr p:r1:r;cluro:t sutl .liu\\o st?:ttlll tlarls.' lc Jll?ur[r.rtl 1;nqs rrorssrrr :rcl srql sl rr: ura,ro:d ur r :rq1 iLrrl:r1cltrr(): -]o asodind atll ro.l uorsr^rp pLrnl 1ro[qns iql.l() \put;l ]rJt uodn letrre ol uotssLu.litl alqr:rora.r_rr :lr1l ',(tl.).lo ol,(oldure i() lrriSu (rn,:o 'i1r.1t1 stue:3 {qa:aq Jau\\O Jq-l :ll.l.Ui)o:l '1u:rrr::.riy sr q1.;tt :l:rrruLtr.rLrl-llrl rtlt ut alJrur) p:r1rro1ed.ro 1u:1r;d iur:-1o.sn JqlJo ]no Strrsr.rr:.ro 1tr;rru:ro.l;-y srql 1o :rouutu.tol:ed lql Lrs::r (o1dur:r ptrtt s1u:riu's.t:)tllo slt 'Jau,\\O.lo sLr()rsstut(t -t() sllll Jrll.lo 1no iursr.ru.ro'lo rsnt:liq trlul:r.ro i1r1rqtr1 'ainurlp'sso1 Jlu ruoJI.+oa.l:rrlIsla,(o1tlrrr:r ptru sureties or increasc lhe arnount ol'said borrds. or lroth. u ithin ten ( l0) da) s alier being notilled b,r thc ( ilr l:n{.lincer-that thc surelies or ant()unls are insLrlllcient. Not*ilhstanding ln\ r)thL.r provisions hcrcin. il'()nner tails to takc such action as is ncccssar\ lo conrpl) rr ith said noticc. O\\ ncr shall trc- in dclhult ol this agrconcnt unless all reqLrircd inrprol'cnrents are corrrplctcd rr ilhin nirrct_,,- (90) days ol thc datc on rvhich thc ['itr Enginecr notil'icd Orvnel ofthe insLrt'liciencr ol'the securitl or thc antount ofthe Lronds ol botlr. NlNl ll: lt is Iirrther agreed lry antl belrrccn thc partics hcrcto. itrclrrding the suret) or stlrclics on thc bonds securinl tlris agrecntcnt. thal- in thc cYcnt il is deented necessar\ 1o s\lend the tinre of'coIrPlelion ol'lhe rrork contertrplatctl to tre done Lrnder this agreerncnl in accordance \\ ith the tenlrs. rctlLrirentents and pror isions ol'the condititxs ot approval tirr tlre project. ertcnsions ol'lirne rnal be Ir ntetl. Iirrnt tirne to tirne- b1 C ity. cither at its o\\ n optiolt. or upon rcqLrcst ol'f ontractor. so lonq as the reqLrested crtcnsiorrs in no rvay altcr the linrc lianrcs fbr pro.ject inrprtrvcrncnts as set tbfih in thc contlitions ofapproval- and such cxtensions shall in no rlay all'ect the validity ofthis asreelnerrt or release the surety ol srtrc(ics on such bonds. ( ontract()r lilrther agrees to nrainlain t.he ahrresaid lrtrnd or borrds in lirll lbrcc and cllect tluring the teflns ol' this agreement. including an),extensions ol'tinte as rray be granted thcrein. TENTII: It is Lrnderstood and agreed b1 thc parties hcrcto thar il'any parl. term or provision ol'this asrecment is by thc courts hcld to bc unlarrtul antl void. thc validity of the renrainirrg portions shall not be allLcted and thelighrs and obligations of the parties shall be construcd antl enlbrced as il'thc agreerncnt did not contain that particular parl- ternr or provision heltl to be'invalid. Ill-t:Vl,N I Il: Anr noticc or noticcs let;rrirctl ol pcrrtritted to bc given pursltant to this Agrccnrcnt shall bc dccrrcd scrved orr tlrc otltcr pafir'trlren dcpositcd in the United States Mail. lirsl class. postage prcpaid. addrcssctl as litllorrs: ('in Olr ncr f itr Enginccr' Citl ol'Me nil.rc 29714 Harrrr Roatl Menil'ee. ('A 9251.l(r lrlclorado ( Rivers itlc ) Vcnturc, l.,l-. c/o Avanti Propertics (irorrp ll. L,l- 9?-1 N. Pennsy lvan ia A vcn rrc Winler Park. I"l- -l27ti9 Atte nli0n: Mr. Marvin Shapiro I,.P, I) TWIILI:I ll: 'l'his Agrccment contains the entire agrccmcnt ol'thc parties as to the mattcrs set t'trrth herein. No rvaivcr of anl lcrrn or condition ol'this Agreernent shall be a continu ing uaivcr thereol'. [,\ i gnut t r n,.t o tt.fttl l t nr i r tll pugc f lN WIT-NhSS WIlliltlrOli. Orrner has at'fixeil his narnc. address and scal OWNER ELDOIiAI)() (ltlVliRSll)E) VENTURE. 1,.t,.1..1'.. u I)e lauarc limitctl liabilitr linr ited partncrsh ip B): F-ldorado (Riverside) ASLI V. L.L.L.P.. a De larvarc limitcd liabilirv limitcd pannership. ils sole general partner B1 Hldorado (lliversitle) GP. LLC. a [)clauare linritcd liahilitl cornpanv. irs sole gcncfal pa[lncr By Avanli l)ropcrlics (irorrp II. 1..1.-1..1r.. a l)cllrrrar.r lirtritcd liahility lirnited partncrship. ils solc ntanascl itnd ntcrnbcr' ts) ' Avanti Devclopntent C'orpolalion ll. a [.lorida corltur.alion. its sole gencral partner Datetl t to Br: Marvin M. Shapiro- Vicc President ( l'l \ ot')tt.t\rrf r..r,l B1 U a"..-.-a-: Wallace W. F-dgcrton. Mayor A'fl'l:ST:AI'I'IIoVI I) AS 'I-() FORM lll /6")vu*Karcn []cld. ('it_,- Attorne]' Kathr Bennett, ( i11 ( lcrk SICINA'II-IRtis Ol: OWNER MUS'I BE ACKNOWI.I:txihl) UY NOTARY AND EXECUTED IN'f ITII'I-I('A'I'I1 -l ) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE on JVr,rr^l+h ,2010, before me,'.(osn^t C. tll,+fi.tl ,NOtary Public, personally appeared Marvin M. Shapiro who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certiff under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of €aliftrmia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. F/or, r{n, WITNESS my hand and official seal. /') t*1,-* C 'tt//r4"ll, NotfrFublic in and foffi State ofFlorida L/ (SEAL) SUSAN C WHITFIEI.D @MMtSStOt{ EE222:t2 D(nRES ArG 30 2014 IOIIOCD IHAoiJG}I ru rG{n x(t cot P ,.Y ACKNOWLEDGMENT @lt atta,Fl(rm^l-wP-