Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Rider TR36485-6IIT GUARANTEE" CONTTNUATION/VERIFICATION STATEMENT/RIDER BONDNO.: DATE OF BOND PR INCI PAL: OBLIGEE: SUM OF BOND: From $3,136,000.00 To: $784,000.00 EFFECTIVE: September 2d,2021 PLAN NAME: Audie Murphy Ranch - Tr 36485-6 Str€et lmprovements. The referenced Bond continues in force in the above amount subject to all terms and conditions ofsaid Bond. The aggegate liability shall not exceed the sum written above. EXECUTED BY SURETY THIS 20d' DAY OF September 2021 . The Guarantee ComDa nv of North America USA BY: NAME: Lora O'Brien TITLE: -Anomey-in-Fact STATE OF: MICHIGAN COUNTY OF: MACOMB The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 206 day of September, 2021, by Lora O'Brien, Attomey-in-Fact for The Guarantee Company of North America USA.. Notary Public, Debra atterson My commission expires: January 9,2023 Debra Watterson Notary Public, State of Michigan County of Macomb My Commission ExDires January 9, 2023 My Notary Registration Number: NOTE: Actino in the Countv of ADDITION OF DATES SPECINYING BOND Tf,,RMINATION OR EXPIRATION ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE 'ASSUMING 'TH'S C I AN APPROPRIAII,L TMs224837 January 7'h,2019 Sutter Mitland 01, LLC City of Menifee Tha Cu.rtnt.c Cootp.ny ot ilortn Atl.rlc., U8A Ono Totlne Square. Surle 1470, Southfteld. Ml USA 48076 2,a2a1fi28l I r rto 323 0507 2at ?00 0lls1 thlguanntacur.com I Ercallsnca. Erpertse, Exponsn@ Ewry tfiE The Guarantee Company of North America USA Southfield, Michigan POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE GUARAIrEE COMPANY Of NORTH AMERICA USA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws oflhe State of Michigan, having its principal office in Southfield, Michigan, does hereby constitute and appoint Debra WsttoEon, Edryrid G. Woods, Lora O'Bri9n, Edvrard Oev,ies, Dwiglt Tster, C..ey M. Strohauo., Klthlocn Runerhd, Krtie Coalsor, Montim Conrnce, OlgE Taaaelmycr, Jacqu€llne O. Diron, Rebecca J gsrskiy, Roselin Crnrrrillo its true and lawful attomey(slin-fact lo execule, sealand deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and allbonds and undenakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereol $rhich are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise. The execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance ofthese presents, shallbe as binding upon THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA as fully and ampl, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at the principaloffice. The Power of Attomey is executed and may be certified so, and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority ofArticle lX, Section 9.03 of the By'Laws adopted bythe Board of Dkecto.s of THE GUARAI{rEE COMPAI{Y OF NORTH AMERICA USAat a meeting held on the 3'1st day of Decemb€r,2003. The President, or any Vice President, acting with any Sec.etary or Assistam Secretary, shall have power and authority: 1. To appoint Attomey(s)-in-fact and to adhorize them to execute on behalf oflhe Company, and attach the Sealof the Company thereto, bonds and undenakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof; and 2. To .evoke, al any time, any such Attome}hinfact and revoke the autho.ity given. ercept as provided below 3. ln connection wilh obligalions in favor of the Florida Departmer{ of Transponation only, it is agreed that ttre power and authority hereby given to the Attomey- in-Fact includes any and allconsenls forthe release of retained percentages and/or finalestimates on engineering and construction contracts required bythe State of Florida Department of Transportation. lt is fully understood that conseming to the State of Florida Department of Trafl sportation making payment of the linalestimate to the Contractor and/or its assignee. shall not relievethis surety company of any of its obligations onder its bond. 4. ln connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Depanmenl of Highways only, it is agre€d ihat the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in- Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written pe.sonal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissione. - Departmen't of Highways of the Commonweahh of Kentucky at leasl rhirty (30) days prior to the modification or revocation. Furthe( this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by tacsimile pursuant to resolution ofthe Board of Direclors o, the Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th day of December 2011, of which the tollowing is a true excerpt: RESOLVEo thatthe signature of any aulhorized officer and the sealofthe Company may be afrixed by facsimileto any Power of Attorney or certification thereol authorizing the execotion and delivery of any bond, undertaking, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligalory in the naturethereof, and such signature and sealwhen so used shallhavelhe same force and effect as though manually affixed. lN WITNESS WHEREOF,THE GUARANrE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate sealto be afrixed by its aulhorized officer, this 26th day of May,2020. THE GUARANTEE COMPA Y OF NORTH AMERICA USA STATE OF MINNESOTA Plul J. BEhm, S.rlo. VicG Pr6ldc.rt Ch.d A. Ando6on, S€nlor Vict Presld€r Sp.ci.lty Honn€pln Cou.rty On this 26th day of May, 2O2O before me came the individuals who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and being by me duly sworn, said that each is the herein described and authorized oificer of The Guarantee Company of North Ametica USA that the seal affixed to said instrumeot is the Corporate Sealof said Company; that the Corpo.ate S€aland eact signature we.e duly affixed by order ofthe Board of Di.ectors of said Company. lN WITNESS wHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at The Guarantee Company of North America USA offices the day and year above written. *r*RANTEE' /,*rn/,r t, Chad A. Anderson, Senior Vice President of THE GUARAITEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorn€y executed by THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, r hich is still in full force and effect. tN W|TNESS WHEREOF, I have thereunto ser my hand and attached the seal of said Company this 2@ day of September . 2021, ffi) ALISO}I DWAN IIASH.IRNI xoTARY PUELIC . $tlxEsoT tlon ErPlr.t !1,2023 My Comm Jaaua l! Chad A. Andorson, Sonio. Vice P.€sid.it speclatty TEE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORT'H AMERICA USA frone Afilcc, Sordhfuld Mbhigan STATUTO RY BAI.ANCE S H E E T Decembr 31, 2019 ASSETS Cash and Short-Term Investments Marketable Securities Prcmium and Agents Balances (under 90 days) Reinsurance Receivable on paid losses Accrued Interest and Dividends Net Deftr€d Tax Ass€t Other Assets Total Admitted Assets LIABILMIES Reserve for f,ossc and l,ocs Adjustmont Exp€nses Uneamed Premium R€s€rve Accrued Expenses Ceded Reinsurancc Prcmiums Payable Taxcs, Licenses and Fees Payable Funds Held Other Liabilities Total Liabilities CAPITAL AND ST'RPLUS Common Stock and Paid-In Capital Surplus Total Policyholders' Surplus Total Liabilities, Capiul and Surplus Swom to bcfore m€ this 3lr day ofMarch 2020 $192,027,637 72,2E4,E97 62tE,90 1,288,257 406,739 1,996,697 2,125,U0 $275,368,987 $ 17,516,734 2sy'73,072 4,259,991 2,116,734 25s,260 r0,074,035 2.311,4E1 $ 62.027.309 S1,14,020,970 70.320.708 $214.341.678 $276,36E,9E7 St8& of MinnesoE Couoty of Hemcpin T. Michacl Mill6 bcitrg duly sworn, ssys: Tbat he is thc President ofThc Guarantee Company ofNodh America USA; thd said compslly is a oorporation duly organizcd, existing and cogagcd in busitress 8s I surcty by virtue ofthe laws of rhc Statc of MichiguL ad has duly oomplied wirh all tlic Equir@rcots of tho laws ofsaid stlt€ spplicablc to said company snd is duly qBalified to act as sursty urd€r such l8w$ thrl said company h8s a.lso complied with 8sd is duly qualificd to acl a3 surrty undo thc Ac of Coagrcss of July 30, 19.7, as ucndcd (6 U-S.C. Gl3); thal thc foregoing is a firll, tsue 8!d coEect sidsDettt ofthc fn ncis! condition ofs8id compony oo lbe 3lr day ofDcccmbcr 2019- LINDAKAYwlNG I{OTARY RB'C.I'iESOIAIyCo tclnEd!. JrEy3l.2@l Notary tu,"t T. Micha€l Mitl6, Presid€ot a.L L^tA