SD Bell Faithful Performance Bond PM35625 37BSBIK5033nz0-0cd9 peJepuor luaur6pnr ^ue ul papnlcul pue slsoc se pexpl aq ol lle'uotleOllqo qcns 6utcloJua,i;lnlssaccns ul aalluey! 1o,{1t3 eql r(q pe:lncut 'saal s.i(eurolle alqeuoseal 6utpnlcut 'saal pue sasuadxa elqeuoseaJ pue slsoc pepnl3ul eq IlBqs eraql 'aroleralll pa!1cads lunoure asel eql o] uotltppe ul pue lqa.leLl palncas uotle6rlqo eq1 1o ped e sy 'lceJJa pue ecroJ llnl ur ureurar lleqs ll 'esl/v\leqlo :plo^ pue llnu aulocaq 11eqs uotle6rlqo srql uaql'palelndtls ura.Jaq] se 'sae,(oldue pue sluaoe 'sie3lgo sll 'eellua[/\ 1o I1t3 aq1 sseluleq a^es pue ^jluulapullleqs pue '6urueau pue lualur an4 Jrotll o1 6utp-tocce sl3adsel lle ul pue 'palltcads uleleql Jeuueul aql ur pue aurl oql le peuio!ad pue ldal eq o1 'ped Jteql lo stq uo 'paptnotd ulaJaql se apeur loeleql uorleJo]le [ue pue (s)lueuuaa.rEe pres eq] ut suotstno:d puP suotltpuoc 'slueuanoc aq1 uloped pue daal ,{1n.r1 pue llaM pue ',(q eprqe pue ol pue}s s6urq1 11e ur lleqs 'su6tssB ro srosseccns 'sJo}eJlstuttttpe 'srolncexa 'sraLl slr ro s l 'ledrcuud papuoq e^oqe aql l! lEql qcns st uotleot;qo sltll ]o uolltpuoo aql se' puE ledrcuud eqt aM ' jUOl ju:lHl- 'A ON :(s)luaLleeJ6e pres ]o egueu.rojJad lnlqle] eql roj (s)puoq qsruJnj ol (s)lueLuaar6e pres Jo suJal aql rapun parnbar st ledtcuud ples 'SV!U3HAA 'pue lJoaJaLl ped e epeu pue ol parale.r ,(qaraq areTsr 0zoz'rll8t Jaquo^oN pelEp'(s)lueuoel6e qctq,u'a8 ocel - 9299c (dey1 1acre6) ol peleler 'lcalord 6urper6 paleuBrsep enoqe aql alaldLuoc pue llelsur o1 saar6e ledrcuud ,{qaraqiu (s)lueureaJ6e poqcelle aql 'olur ralue ol lnoqe eJe Jo 'olur pa.ralua a^eq (,,ledrcuud,, se paleu6rsap .rageuraraq) a8 0s pue 'eruJollEC Jo atels 'eelueu\ 1o A1r3 eq1 1o lrcunoC ,(]rC eql 'SVf U:HAA 00 Ls-r89 (9 te)euoqd ooos-lre iogal *CZ.9ZZL9 SY e)!qclM e1e157,(1t3 00t-00€#N ls p,zz f 0018 sse.,ppv -iieE-ES-- ledtcuu4 00 069 -g Llnru.rard 00T09 dtz TOOOS9TST 15F,otueH euoqd epo3 drZ a1e1g7[1r3 ezetd p]otueH auo SSOIppv @,i1arng IJL lelo.l- dl/\toM lorluoc uotsolf a6eurerqT6urper g :CNIOVUC UOJ $ $ $ b oeogflBss/e oN PuoE 00 009 99 ,20-0zdc oN leelor6.teq19 00 000'0 t 92990 deyl 1acre4 00 000 gt (t 66199 uorlcas apo3 lueurura^o3) vtNaoinvs lo fl-v1s 'l3ltNf IAI lo,^.1tc sJ_N3l J3AOUdwr SdVCSONV'] HO'tourNoc NotsouS uo / oNV sl33roud 9Ntovu0 uojoNos 3cNVt^tuolu:td -lnlHItvl 33rtN3N F- 'sluasard asaqi Aq A1r-u:r1 'Allere,res pue,illurol 'stolellstu tulpe pue s.rolncexa 's.rossaccns 's.raq Jno 'so^lesrno purq oM 'apeL! eq ,{1n11 pue lllM Luns qclqM jo luauAed eq} Joj,sale}Spa}luneql;or(auoutlnp1elmo.0oEGzl[rslel|oC.@ aulN 7tu€^o-S- 1o uns leued eql ur aalrua4 1o A1t3 aql olun punoq ,(1t-urg pue plaq are ',{larns FA, ITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND OR/EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the work or to the specifications. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the orovisions of Section 2845 ol the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. When the work covered by the agreement(s) is complete, the City of Menifee will accept the work and thereupon, the amount of the obligation of this bond is be released. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on November 13th,2020. NAME OF PRINCIPAL:SD Bell AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By: Name:Q. l"(oouer Title: ?,asi"{c^* Name ol Surelyr Hartford Fire lnsurance Compa ny Authorized Signature Desiree E. Westmo y-in-Facl (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN-FACT. GP20-024 M EN IFEE 1,.-l-State of County of on th -5r6t*- before me,(date) personally appeared,).*l a. tt (not !aJ personal"Iy known to ne -- oR -- proved to ne on the basis name (s) islare subscribedthat he,/she,/ they execut edand that by his /her,/ t he irthe entity upon behaLf of (signers ) of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whoseto the within instrument and acknowledged to roethe same i-n his,/her/their authorized capacity(ies),signature(s) on the insErument the person(s) o!which the person(s) acted, executed the instrunent WITNESS ny hand and official seal (notary signature ) My Cornmission Explres : (seaf ) IAMARA BUGNER t,lolary pubtic - State of Kansas.1-r t,l Expires 3ltt luzz ry salldxS lddV ly\l vtAto'tv HVlUAti\l ' llqnd tueloN srlqnd FrPloN 'sr^r ll qur.r.ihl I Z/l l/l :seJldxa uorssru.rrxo3 (r! '^1pl ,{q Popr^ord rauueur 3ql ul paurEUaf,sE su slossE su poo.xe tou op uollErodrol prEs Jo sarlrlqpll oqt tErll pue iJ.p]o o)jrl Xq ola.raqt ouruu .raq pauirs aqs leql pue 'uotlerodroc pres 3o sroliarC Jo p.reog eqt 3o rapro ,(q paxUJs os se/n ll leqt :luas aterodroJ []Jns sr luoun.rlsul prus ol paxUJE lEes oql lerll'uorlelodlor presgo leos aql s^loul aqs lerll:luauinJlsur urqtr^\ aql palnJoxs qrrq^\ pue ur poqlJlsap uorlerodror Jql ',{upduoJ orue.rnsul erl pJoJusH Jo ltej-ur-{au:ope sr aqs luql:sDsuE) 'EtrqJr^ ur sJplscJ aqs lErll :s.{us pue sesodap 'u.ro,ns {1np au,{q Surrq 'oq^\ 'u,$oul Jur ol 'pueleroulsay'A A oarsa6 ouruc,{11uuos:ad atu aroJaq '0a02 'raqLuo^oNlo,(Bp qlgI srLll uO )JI,TCC3S JO A.LNNOJ SVSNV) JO 3.tV.tS Eg09fl8S8l.g puo8 tNat^t3 DC3'l,^[oN)lv l.tauns POWER OF ATTORNEY Di tect I nq u i ries/Clai ms to : THE HARTFORO BONO, T-t2 One Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connectlcul 06'1 55 call: 888.266-3488 ot faxr 860-757-5835 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Agency Name Agency Codei IMA INC 31-211459 Haatford Fire lnsurancg CompaIy, a eorpr)riltron dulv or-einrzcd undcr rhc laws ot rhe Sti e ofConnccIlcul HartfordCasualtylnsuranceCompanylrcorporrllondulYorranircdundcrlhclilrviol'th('Sttrcol'lndiflna Hartford Accident and lndemnity Company, corpoElion dul\ orranizcd nndcr thc lau's ol'thc Strrc ol (inrneclicnr Hartford lJnderwriters lnsuranc€ Company, a col',orxrion duly or8rnizcd nllder thc iaws oi'thc Stnrc ol ('onnccricut Twin City Firo lnsurancs Company, 0 corporalion dulv organizcd urxicr lhc Iflws ot'thc Strtc of Indiinn Hartlord lnsurance Company of llllnois, i comoralion duly organrTcd nrjder thc la\\,s oflhc Sralc ol lllinois Hartford lnsuranca Compary of tho Midwest, ;r corporotion dulv ortanizcd und('r rhc laws ofrhc Sralc oi lndi0n, Hartford lnsurance Company of th9 Soulheast, a corporalion rlull organizcd undcr the l0ws ol rhc Srirc ol Florida having their home otfice in Hartford, Connecticut, (hereinafter collectively refe(ed to as the "Companies") do hereby make. constitute and appoint up to lhe amount of Un I imi ted :Bret S. Burton, Tim H. Heffel, David B. McKinney, Todd Alan Rarnbo, Tj-mothy C. Sm,lth,Myriah A. VaIdlvia, Desiree E. Westmoreland of WICHIfA, Kansas thelr true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separale capacity if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surely(ies) only as delineated above by S, and to execule, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and olher writlen inslruments in lhe nature thereof, on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranleeing the fidel ty of persons, guaranteeing lhe performance of contracls and execuling or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. In Witness Whereof, and as aulhonzed by a Resolulion oF the Board of Directors of the Companies on May 6, 2015 the Companies have caused these presents to be signed by its Senior Vice President and its corpo.ate seals to be hereto afflxed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary. Further, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies, the Companies hereby unambiguously affirm that they are and will be bound by any mechanically applied signalures applied to this Power of Altorney. @ffi,ffiffi John Gray, Assistant Secrelary frM If M. Ross Fisher. Senior Vrce President ss. Hartford C OU NTY OF HARTFORD On this 5th day of January, 2018, before me personally came M. Ross Fisher. to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartford, Stale of Connecticut; that he is the Senior Vice Presidenl of the Companies, the corporations described in and which executed the above instrumenli that he knows the seals ol the said corporationsi that the seals aflixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed by authority of the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name lhereto by lke authority STATE OF CONNECTICU T t it r u *.:t- )rL,7 "-a-.d Kflhlccn T. Mdyn!'d Nolct Puhlic M\ Connnr$$n E\tr.s July l l. l02lCERT ICAIE l, the undersigned, Assistant Vice President of the Companies, DO BEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy ol the Power of Altorney executed by said Compa nies, which is still in lull lorce etfective as of November 'l 3, 2020 Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. 7!:4.\ ,, !:r,c'*"r., ; i'W7r/s! .l l9l t@(,@6uffi@ xevin Heckman, Assrslant Vice Presidenl