2021/10/05 D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. TR 37400 Survey MonumentsAGREEMENT FOR THE PLACEUENT OF SURVEY MONUTENTS Tract Number 37400 This Agreement for oracemenl of survey Monuments (,,Agreement,,) is made and entered into by and """tffi:l;ff'il"",:X""#tffi58""J":#;;;;: ffi;,#'carea citv, "n,i o i. io,.to, r--os nngeres H5raini WlTNESSETH: FlRsr' Develope( "s- P-a-tt of the cily's consideration of the final map for that certain land divisionknown as Tract Number 37/o0, irereoy agiees, ,io"r"lop"r. own cost rn! "rp"n-"", to furnish a, rabor,equipment and materials necessary to set, within s"r"n xunoi"a "nJ iii#'i"Jl from the date thisAgreement is executed, in a good aia *orr,,i'"niir.e m=ffir, art survey monumenG-i-d tie points and furnrshto the city Surveyor tie notes for said tract in """oiornc" with standards ."i-rorr, ii niversioe countyordinance No' 461, or any successor thereto, and section 8771 et seq. ofthe Business and professions codeof the state of california At its sole disffetion, citv ,rv i-t"ro the period "t tir" r"i-."rpietron of the work byproviding writlen notice to Developer or saic extensiol. io-be effective such notice;;.{;" provided by thecity Engineer' such notice may -be provided "i .pu"lti"o in seclion Nineteenth or via eteclronic mail toDeveloper at dioernicone@dihqrton.com Th"--;;;-r";, further - agrees to pay. wrthin 30 days ofpresentation to Developer of tne rrnit urttrng;i"ny "r*"yoilr. "r,9ineer foiwork perfJrnieo'oy him as providedfor in Article g of chapter 4. Division i iiiili- t- -ii inu cor"rnr"nt code of the stare of catifornia(commencing with section 66495). Develop"r turtn", ag,e"" that if payment to the surveyor or engrneer is notmade within 30 days, the surveyor or engineer notifie-s city that he'has noi o""n-p"ij tr setting the rinalmonuments' and the city, pursuant to seciion 66a97 of the bovernment code, afler providing Developer withan opportunity to present evidence as to whether or not the surveyor or engineer has been paid, orders thalpayment be made by city to the engineer or.rr"yor. oevetoper wi[, ,pon J"rand, "no *itnort proof of rossby city' reimburse city for any iunds "o "rp"lrJ"o. - - -Notw hstanding any other provision herein, thedetermination of city as to whether the surveyoror "ngln""i i,". been paii ,njrr re "on-"iJrive on Devetoper,its surety' and all parties who may have an interesi ii ihi ngr"erent or any portion thereof. All the aboverequired work shall be done undeithe inspection oi"no ioin" satisfaction of the city Engineer, and sha notbe deemed comprete untir aoproved ,no'"cc"piJ i" *iitiig as comprete by the city Engineer. Deveroperfurther agrees to maintain the above requrreo-irIpiover""i.'t",. a period of ,i," v""iiir"l*i"g acceptance bythe city, and during this one yel.perioo ro repaii or rl'pLce, to lhe satistaaion -or ine'city rngtneer, anydefective work or labor done or defecliv" ."tuiiat" rrrn"["i Developer t rtn.ilrgi""r"tr,.t a1 undergroundrmprovements covered bv this, Agreement "hr[ i;.;;;;ted prroi to tte par",ng- oi any roaoway. ttreestimatedcostofsaldworkandimprovementsrstrrestrmlJffiffiffi,iEHnecessary and incidental notices required for the iaMul construction 'oi rr.,e *oir.- rnJ performance ofDeveloper's obligations under this Agreement. o"r"rop"isnrrr conduct lhe *"iL i" irrr ""ipliance with theregulations, rules, and other requhem-ents contained in Jnv purr,t or ricense;s"u"J to o"r"rop". ,-,, sEcgND' Developer agrees lo p-ay to city the actuat cost of such inspections of the work andImprovements as may be required by the City Enginier Developer sharr, ,rit. ""i" iori,-"rpunr". and liability,pay all fees, charges, and taxes arising out ot "oi"trraion or ti" *orr p"riorm"J-p-riJr"ai to tnis Agreement,including, but not l'mited to fee.s for chiecking, r,iing, "nJp."""sing of improvement plans and speciflcationsand for inspecting the construction of said *-o*. ir',"i" t[". must be paid in full prior to approval of the finatmap and improv€ment prans. unress such fees have not v"i.9.""1 "rr".."0 ,no ,1" ,"ili due and payabre.The fees referred to the above are not necessarily ttre on'iy crty fees, charges, or other cost that have been orwill be imposed on the suMivision and its oeveiopment, "nd thi. egru";,"nt-"h"ri;;;',r.y exonerate orrelieve oeveloper from paying such other applicable teei.'cnarges and/or cost. Developer further agrees that.if suit is brought upon this Agreement or any bond guaranteein! the completion or tne l'tacement of the surveymonuments and tie points, all costs and'reasonible expenses and fees incurred by city in successfully DocuSign Envelope ID: 300FB1D1-9AD6-4966-9B1F-B0874C7B9A0B enforcing such obligations shall be paid by Developer, includ_lng reasonable afiorney,s fees, and that, uponentry of judgmenr. alr such costs, eipense's il-d;'ilffi:. taxed as .o"t. ,na ,tiro-"J rn any judgmenrl?i;li'i"t;,,8i'3i'X^"1J115fi'J;it'iib; 6'iry ;#,1b," ,o,. ,"r,-,J'Lv'i"iiilll-"noro. takins any TH|RD: Crtv "n",, n:]:::j^.11 any officer or emproyee of ciry. be riabre or responsrbre for any accident,loss' injury' or damage happening or occurring to me wliis,spe.iri"i i"jni-. ng[",i"Jnl'prio, to the compretionand acceptance thereof. nor srrait city ",. ;;r".,ffil;;;,nproyee tnereoi, ue ri""or"'il, ",iy persons or properryinjured or damage bv reason of tnu n"tr.." o't irr"i"rt "r i, ;""ron oiir," ""iJi o'rill,on, of Deveroper, ,sagents or emplovees' in the performance ot irre *"*, lU arr or jaiu -lia'oirii"r-r[' "-."rr."0 by Developer.Deveroper shail defend, inoemnrfv, ,"on1ro" n""riiJrl 6,ty, its erecied ;#;: &;;, emproyees, agents,and vorunteers rrom anv ano 6ir actr"r o; ;il;ili;ir", o;;r"01,;;;.T;"".rion, riabir,y, ross,admrnisrrative action of anv federat, srate. ", td G;;r111 poy "i "!"i,"f1il;g"il of or incident to anyacts, omissrons, negrigence, or wilfur misconoJci oi oeveroper,. its personner, emproyees, agents, orcontractors in connection with or arising "rioi aorri*ti"n or maintenanc" oi t" *J* contemplated underthis Agreement, or performance of th'is Ag;e;;;i-tt,^1 inoemnrRcatro-n- ,"rrj"r,- iitn"rt rimitation, thepayment of aI penarties, fines, judgments J*"iJr, l"#"s, attorneys,r"u., "nJ-r"'r"t"o costs or expenses,and the reimbursement of city. its irecteJ otrrcil[, "il;L_"_proye6s voLntJe;r:;;;;, asents ror alt resatexpenses' and cost incurred by each of them- riiis 'in-aemnincatron excrudes onry such porlron of any craim,demand, cause of action. trabitity, r".", 'Jr."g",';;lit.l,,T,- :, injury, .to property or persons, rnctudinswrongful death' which is caused.6y It9 ""liig";"? ilil'lrut. misccnouct of city as determrned by a court oradministralion body of competent lurisoictlo"n " 6ev-erlpeit, ourig"tion t" i"J"rrirri "rr."ri-.r.,ru the expiration:[:::l':?[ili',jlll,f3':ffi#;:l'""r:ll*lni""',::?,T to ii,,,,n"" piol;l ;;;v: received by city. *s FOURTH: The Devetoper hereby grants to Citv. o ii'ffii"ffi:15;X'1",*if;*:L#rfif.#.,-.*iii&ffi:1if::1,,:,:1,::;'J"J,",',X1:terminate in in" ",uniin"i-o*"rJp"i n-*'iili:I"iffi..iIil,:,H:ff:iJS"Bl[,j;]li..,lij[:"Til".l,"lgranted by the city Under such circumstancJs] ou*iopo^.nar be.responsibre for any and aI expenses,costs' liabilities and fees /including atrorneys;iees--aif iii,g"tion cost) (.Compretio" co.L,.r incurred by thecitv in connection with enslring trti ir't*o#""^i"ri',I,Jli..b1 this Agreement rs compreted Deveroper sha,remit such completion costs to the city no .or" ii, irrrrty (so) -days "r tn"-o"i!'jirr the city notifiesDeveloper of such comDlelion costs riiui" i"ilrri'tne tompretion costs in a timery marter sharr resurt inff":l'[l'J*'",s"":',lil: H:i""TJ,5[*ilh:r.ru;;;;c;;fi;;:,i,'i',"""'." o,,n" ""v pi"p",.tv FIFTH: The Developer shall provide adequate notice. and warning to the travering pubric of each andevery hazardous or dangerous.. conoitlon crr""i 'oiii"rt"o uv tn" ""ix I#iiJ pi""|,n"", of rhe surveymonuments and tie points at ail,rimes up to ttre compiJir-n ,no rorr"i "";;p;;;";;ork. The Deveropershatt protecr ail persons from such hazard'ous ;r;-d;r;;""ditions in "";;[j;;;;iil'iiate raw resurations:,lffir1',*1"';::r traffrc resuratory "ont'or ,"moJ!. Ir.rriri, but nor timired to, stop sisns, resuratory sisns or srXTH: Deverop"r 'tr.:g:r:-:1d emproyees, shal give written notice to the citv Engineer at reastrortv-eight (48) hours berore beginning anv work. o.rerop"i"n"rr pio-rio';"il;d;;";jler or nis designeereasonable access to facilities f6r obt;ining rrlr ,r-rrii"I *rth respect to the progress and manner of workand shatt fulty cooperate wrtn any invesiitau-o, i"irijrg ,i" ,rr" SEVENTH: lf Develooer its agents or employees, negrecrs, refuses, or fairs to prosecute the work withsuch diligence as to ensure its completion wrthin the specrfi'eo rime. or within sucn extensions ot time whichhave been granted by citv or if Develop"i ,rli"G, -^"5L"i, .r"rr."", o, rrir. t" p",i"ir'ratrsfaclority any ofthe provisions of the plans and specficationr, o"ri,r"piiriifl be in defaurt of this Agreement and notice ofsuch default shall be served upon Developer.-iiiv ri"rr nrr".the power, on ,".o,r'r.*nort jon of the cityEngineer' to terminate all rights or oeveropelal , r.i.ii'"i.r.t' defautt, but said termination shal not affect or DocuSign Envelope ID: 300FB1D1-9AD6-4966-9B1F-B0874C7B9A0B terminate any rights of clty as agarnst Developer or any surety.then exrstrng or which thereafter accruebecause of such default rhe_deterirrnation ov t'Jcity gisinu",oitt" question a's io,nn"ii", "ny of the termsof this Agreement or specificatrons. have beln ;rt;iJ; ;; have- nol ;; ilil";'s=atistactoriry, shatt neconctusive upon the Deverooer -a1d any srrery, ano aly-and a, parties *i; ;;;;; any rnterest in theAgreement or anv porlion tnereot rhe rorego;d *r#,i. "r rn," "!a.n ,'n"lid"ii ;1,;"" to a, other righlsand remedies available to city.under tnis elreJnieni oi in" rr*. The faiture "i tt," o"r"j"i* to commence ori:T];t:"",:*u'ction shall not relieve rn"b"r"r"p.i"i'.-rr"tv rro, "irirJii",, "it"iJ'J,[rk required by this EIGHTH: Developer agrees lo file with city, prior to,the date that this Agreement is executed, both agood and sufficient improvemenl security in an a'm6uni n-ot less ttran the Esti;ated costs of the work andrmplovements for the faithful performance ot tne terns'anj conditions ;rin" eg..*r"-.'i] for the payment ofthe amount of the securitv ro city for tn" o.^"r,r oi "iy-"r."yo, or eng,neei who has not been paid byDeveloper' as provided roriv artlcL s tf ..;"-i"-i;i ;iti' Se.crion oolss) of chaprer 4 of Divrsion 2 of rjre 7 ofthe Government Code of thl State ot'Cafifom;: il;,;;materiars rn tne amount i,es-crioeo by Articre xvir "rhir",saTffflf'ilH"j:'Jtr.Jf j.,lffi[:: ,,fS:#: the claims to which referenc: is ,"d" in i,tl; i i;;r"""i^g with section gooo) of part 6 of Division 4 of thecivil code of the state of california. o"ruiop"r-"Ji"". i"o'r"";* """n ana every 'saia oinj or oonos with goodand sufiicient sureties or increase..the "ro,jrr Ji"iJu;;;, ", both, wrthin ten (ro) days after being notifiedby the city Engineer that the sureties or amounts "i" ir'*ma"nt Notwithstanding any ot'her provisions herein,if Developer fails to take such aclion ai ; ";;;".il iJ"Ji.ii,v with said norrce, Deveroper shal be in defaurtof lhis Agreement unless all required improver"nt. lru "#Jrered within ninety (90) days of the date on whichthe crty Engineer notified Deveioper of t'ne i"rri"i"*v "r ti5 security or the amounl of the bonds or both. NINTH: lt is further agreed by and between the partres hereto, incruding the surety or suretres on thebonds securng thrs Asreement, that; in the ur"ni it i. o!"r"0 n".."i"ry to i;"J;;iil" of compretion ofthe work contemplated to be done unae, tnis nJieeri"ii]"i"n"r*" ot time may be granted in writing, fromtrme to time, by city, either at rts. own "pti"r, oirpo"l"qr'Jst of Dereroper, and such extensrons sha, in noway affect the validity of this Agreemeni or releas'e-the-i-rr.ty or. sureties on sucn 6orijs- oeveloper runneragrees lo maintain the aforesaid bond or bonds in ruri rorce and efect drilti;; t"rr. or this Agreement,including any extensions of time as may be granted tnerein. -- TENTH; lt is understood.and agreed by the parties hereto.that if any part, term or provision of thisAgreement is by the courts held 19 ue ynrawrrir ."i -r"iil '" varrdity of the remaining portions sha not beaffected and the rights and obligations or tl'. p",ti"s s-rr-"ii'be construed and enforced as if the Agreement didnot contain that particular part, term or provision f,eiJ to O" ,r"fiO. ELEVENTH: This Aoreement contains the entire Agreement of the partres as to the matters set forlhherein No waiver of any teim or condition of this dr;;;;;i shal be a continuing waiver thereof. TWELFTH: ln any action or proceeding arising out of this Agreement, or the transacrions contemplatedhereby' the prevailing partv lherein sharr oe EniitreJio Llover from the other party thereto the reasonabteattorneys' and paralegals' fees, court cosls, firing fees, pulircation "o"t "nJ oihli &peises rncurreo oy tneprevailing party rn connection therewith, at trral ani "ri"p[Jr"t" proceedings. *.,,,"" Illffit"tn|l!;"*13fi"flil,,av be amended at anv time bv the mutuat consent or the parties by a FOURTEENTH The oersgnl. gxe.cuting this Agreemejt on behatf of the partres hereto warrant thatthey are duly authorlzed to execute this Agree-ment ori oenarr of said partres and tnat. by so executrng thisAgreemenl, the parties hereto are formarrv uirno to inu pi-ri.,on" of this Agreement. FIFTEENTH' DeveloDer shall nol.assign, hypothecate, or tfansler, either direc y or by operation of law,this Agreement or any interest herein without-prioi iiiit"n iJn.unt of city. Any attempt to do so shalr be nulland void, and any assignee, hypothecate, or'transferee silit acquire no right or interest by reason of such DocuSign Envelope ID: 300FB1D1-9AD6-4966-9B1F-B0874C7B9A0B attempted assignment, hypothecate,.or transfer. - Unless specifically staled to the conlrary in city,s writtenconsent, any assignment, hypothecation, or transfer shatt noi release or discharg; D;;ier from any duty orresponsibility under this Agreement. ln the event that city consents in writing- to sucn !n assignment, anyassignee' hypothecate. or transferee shall expressly -ssurie oevetoper's obligations hereunder by a writtenagreement in a form, and conlaining such iurety, as ii reasonabty acceptable to city. Any agreement,hypothecation, or transfer shall be to tie satisfactioi'oiin" c,ty attorn"y and shall inctuoe provislons requiringthe assrsnee to post bonds or submit anotrer toim "iri;il;;;;i; H#Iiilllt,|, ""0 approved bythe city Attorney, to guarantee construclion of the work covered by this Agreement. This Agreement shallsurvive the recordation of the Final Map and snatl oe recoraed against each of the proposed tots to informsuccessors and assigns of the required_ work covered by this Agreeirent to u" "on"ir*i"j'"-no tn"i, tir" t rr"for construction. Following any permitted as.ignreniitpothtcation, or tr"nrf"r-of t-n" irirk covered by thisAgreement' as set forth in this Seclion, city sh;ll ,ereas"'5ereroper from its obligations so assigned and shatlrelease to Developer anv bond3 or^other ie_curity p;;i;d t" secure lhe work covered by this Agreement soassigned; provided, however, that city snarr nof rltelie any security or undertakings given to secure theperformance of any of the work corered by this Agru"r"^i not assigned, hypothecated, or transferred. - slxrEENTH: Developer shall perform all work contemplated by this Agreemenl in accordance with allapproved maps, conditions, plans, specifications, standard Jrawings, and special amendments thereto on filewith the crty, as well as all applicable federal, staie,'ino tocJi raws, oralnances, regulations, codes, standards,and other requiremenls' Developer and its contractori li "nv, shall perform all work required to construct allwork performed pursuant to this Agreement in " sLllrlt Jnd workmanlike manner, and consistent with thestandards general recognized as bLing employed oy lroi"isionar" in tn" ""re lir",pri"" i" the state ofcalifornia' Developer represents ano iraintains tri'it'oiii. contractors shall be skilled in the professionalcalling necessary to perform the work. oeretoper winanii in"t "rr of its emproyees and contractors shal havesufficient skirr and experience ]9 p:d9rr. th"';"rk;.;i;;;d ro rhem and that they shar have a1 licenses,permits, qualifications, and approvals shall maintaineJ inr"ouliout tne term of this Agreement. SEVENTEENTH: This Agreement may be executed by lhe_parties in counterparts, which counterparts i*il,r3:","":"r,rred tosether and have the same ;ff;;i;'if ati of the pr,t,.e.- [;J-;;;cuted the same EIGHTEENTH: This Agreement is to be governed by the raws of the state of carifornia. NINETEENTH: Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shallbe served on the other parry by mair, postage prepaid, "tine totto*ing ao-oresses: --- ''- ' ' Srly City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 DeveloDer DR Horlon Los Angetes Holding Company, tnc2280 \A/ardlow Cir #1OO Corona, CA 92878 ^ TWENTIETH: City s failure to . insist upon strict compliance with any provision of thisAgreement or to exercise any right or privilege piovioeJ herein, or city's waiver of any breach of thisAgreement, shal not rerieve Deveropei ot ariy of its obrigations unoerinisRgi;;;, whether of thesalg oJ similar type. The foregoing shall be trui whether city's a;io;s aie tntentionat orunintentional TWENTY-FIRST: Each and all of the covenants and conditions shall be binding on and shallinure to the benefit of the parties, and their successors, heirs, personai opr"."niriir"r, or assigns. DocuSign Envelope ID: 300FB1D1-9AD6-4966-9B1F-B0874C7B9A0B This Section shall not be construed as an authorization for any party to assign any right or obligation. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, Developer has afiixed his name, address and seal Dated:2021 By: D.R. Horlon LosAngeles Hotding Company, lnc Jenn nt Secretary, Dated ,202'l CITY OF MENIFEE By Nicolas Fisher,Works Director CIry OF MENIFEE By Biil Zimmerman, Mayor ATTEST'APPROVEDAS TO FORM: By By.Sarah Manwaring, C rk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney SIGNATURES OF DEVELOPER MUST BEACKNOWLEDGED BY NOTARYAND EXECUTED IN TRIPLICATE DocuSign Envelope ID: 300FB1D1-9AD6-4966-9B1F-B0874C7B9A0B This Section shall not be construed as an authorization for any party to assign any right or obligation. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer has affixed his name, address and seal. Daled: _,2021 By: By Dated:,2021 CITY OF MENIFEE By Armando G. Villa, City Manager ATTEST: By CIIY OF MENIFEE Daniel Padilla, City Engineer APPROVED AS TO FORM By: Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, CityAttorney SIGNATURES OF DEVELOPER MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY NOTARY DocuSign Envelope ID: 300FB1D1-9AD6-4966-9B1F-B0874C7B9A0B 10/5/2021 GALIFORNIA NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (lNDtvlDUAL) A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accura , or validity of that document. State of California County Of Rve.side On Augusl s, 2021 before me,S,J, PARAD1SO NOTARY PUBLIC (insert name and title of the officeo, personally appeared Jennire,L. o'L€ary _, who proved to me on thebaSisofSatisfactoryevidencetob@suLscribedtothewithin instrument and acknowledged to me that k/she/|be executed the same in hidher/tboir authorized capacity(iffd, and that by lijdher/Uloix signature(g on the instrument the person(9, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s| acled, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal S, J.PlR,^DlS0 - C.liforni.Not.ry Public Riv.riid.CountYIComml!sion r 2279126 Sig nature (Seal)Conm. ErPi r.3 uar 7,2023 Copyright @ 2018 NotaryAcknowledgement.com. All Rights Reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 300FB1D1-9AD6-4966-9B1F-B0874C7B9A0B