2021-09-01 City Council REGULAR MEETING - MinutesGity Council Chambers
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Bill Zimmerman, Mayor
Bob Kannin, District I
Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2
Lesa Sobek, District 3
Dean Deines, District 4
Menifee City Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 01 , 2021
6:00 PM Regular Meeting
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk
Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
Mayor Zimmerman asked for a moment of silence for the service men and women who lost
their lives in the Kabul terrorist attack on August 26,2021. Mayor Zimmerman read the names
of the fallen heroes.
. Staff Sergeant Ryan C. Knauss. Staff Sergeant Darin T. Hoover. Sergeant Johanny Rosario Prchardo. Sergeant Nicole L. Gee. Corporal Hunter Lopez. Corporal Daegan W. Pageo Corporal Humberto A. Sanchezo Lance Corporal David L. Espinozao Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitzo Lance Corporal Rylee J. McCollum. Lance Corporal Dylan R. Merolao Lance Corporal Kareem M. Nikoui. Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak
Present: Dean Deines, Bob Karwin, Matthew Liesemeyer, Lesa Sobek, Bill Zimmerman
Absent: None
Associate Pastor James Proxmire provided the invocation
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Julia Birch led the flag salute.
Menifee Mayor and City Council
5.1 Menifee Children's Choir Performance and Recognition
Mayor Zimmerman introduced the Menifee Children's Choir. The children performed a
song dedicated to the Menifee Police Department. The City Council presented them
with certificates of appreciation.
5.2 t\/enifee Bicycle Recognition and Appreciation
Julia Birch with the Boys and Girls Club thanked Craig Cooper with Menifee Bicycles
for the donations and support he has provided to the Boys and Girls Club.
Mayor Zimmerman and the City Council congratulated Menifee Bicycles as
being recognized as Assemblymember Kelly Seyarto's Small Business of the Year.
Mr. Cooper thanked the City and his family for all their support.
Menifee Police Detective Beare thanked Chief Pat Walsh and presented him with a framed
personalized jersey from the Menifee Police Offrcers Association and stating he is the
department's number one draft choice.
Councrlmember Karwin reported on the meetings and events he attended
. Senior Food Box Distribution at La Ladara Park. Candlelight Vigil for Karen Winteringham. Eastern Municipal Water District and Cherry Hills Golf Course Joint Meeting. Meeting with Assemblymember Kelly Seyarto's Staff Regarding Alarm Ordinances. Joyful Noise Coffee House Grand Opening. Paloma Valley High School Football Game
Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Administration and Finance
Committee Meeting
Menifee Police Department DUI Checkpoint
Councilmember Liesemeyer stated the Riverside State of the County would take place on
Octobet 2T ,2021 at Morogno Casino.
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Menifee Mayor and City Council
City Clerk Sarah Manwaring stated that there were amended minutes in front of them. The
agenda was approved with consensus.
Councilmember Liesemeyer reported on the meeting and event he attended.
Mayor Pro Tem Sobek reported on the meetings and events she attended
Mayor Zimmerman reported on the meetings and events he attended
o Zoom Meeting with the Office of the Governoro Menifee Chamber of Commerce's Board Meetingo SoCal Edison Government Advisory Panel Meeting. Candlelight Vigil for Karen Winteringham. Menifee Chamber's Wake-up Menifee at Archibald's. Joyful Noise Coffee House Grand Opening
The minutes were approved as modified,4-0-1, Karwin abstained, as he did not attend the
Mayor Pro Tem Sobek requested to pull ltem No. '10.2. Councilmember Liesemeyer requested
to pull ltem No. '10.3. Councilmember Karwin requested to pull ltem No. 10.4.
The balance of the Consent Calendar was approved by the following vote
MOVER: Bob Karwin
SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer
AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
'10.1 Waiver of Reading
1. Waived the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and
provided that they be read by title only.
10.2 T.Y. LIN lnternational Contract Amendment No. 4 for the Holland Road / l-215 Overpass
Project, CIP 13-03
Public Works Director Nick Fidler provided a presentation and reported on the
background; project standard details; additional wastewater component; project cost
reductions; and staff's recommendation.
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Menifee Mayor and City Council
. Menifee Library F ilm in gc Zoom Meeting with the Office of the Governor
. Menifee Chamber's Wake-up Menifee at Archibald's. Candlelight Vigil for Karen Winteringham. Joyful Noise Coffee House Grand Opening
9.1 August'18, 2021 City Council Minutes
The City Council asked questions of staff regarding the reasoning for delay, change in
Cal Trans standards and reduction in the scope ofwork, and reduction in costs.
1. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 4 to the
Professional Services Agreement with T.Y. LIN lnternational, for the Holland Road /
l-2'15 Overpass Project, CIP 13-03, providing funding for additional services in the
amount of $280,928.
MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer
SECONDER: Lesa Sobek
AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
Notice of Completion for the Audie Murphy Ranch Crack Seal Project
Councilmember Liesemeyer stated the process for the crack seal project and stated
the City would be doing a slurry seal in the Spring to finalize improvements.
'1. Accepted the lmprovements for the Audie Murphy Ranch Crack Seal Project, PW
21-02; and
2. Authorized the City Clerk's Office to file the Notice of Completion with the Riverside
County Recordeis Office.
AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
Notice of Completion for the Traffic Signal lnterconnect (West) Project, CIP 16-07
Councilmember Karwin inquired about the phases of installation and completion and
cost recovery from the design engineer consultant.
1. Accepted the lmprovements for the Citywide Traffic Signal lnterconnect (West)
Project, CIP 16-07; and
2. Authorized the City Clerk's office to file the Notice of Completion for Citywide
Traffic Signal lnterconnect (West) Prolect, CIP 16-07, with the Riverside County
Recorder's Office.
AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
Menifee Mayor and City Council
MOVER: Matthew Liesemeyer
SECONDER: Lesa Sobek
MOVER: Bob Karwin
SEGONDER: Lesa Sobek
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10.5 Release of the 10% Warrantee Bond and release of the Survey Monument Bond for
Tract Map 37102. Ridgemore lnvestment, LLC.
1. Approved the release of the 10% Warrantee Surety Rider for Public lmprovements,
2. Approved the Bond release for survey monument placemenl associated with Tract
Map 37102, a 21 single-family residential subdivision located north of Ridgemoor
Road and west of Valley Boulevard.
10.6 Bond Reduclion for Tract Map 36485-6, Audie Murphy Ranch by Sutter Mitland 01 , LLC
Approved a 75% bond reduction for onsite roads, drainage, water, and sewer
improvements associated with the development of Tract Map 36485-6, Audie Murphy
Ranch by Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, located at the southeast corner of Goetz Road
and Audie Murphy Road North.
Annexation No. 9, Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 37400, Sagewood by D.R. Horton Los
Angeles Holding Co., lnc.
Shane Spicer with Spicer Consulting provided a presentation and reported on the
Community Facilities District (CFD) and the annexation into the CFD maintenance
1 . Adopted Resolution No. 21 -'1059, calling the election
MOVER: Lesa Sobek
SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer
AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
2. Adopted Resolution No. 21-1060, declaring results of spectal landowner election
AYES: Deines, KaMin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
11 1
Ivlenifee Ma ecq.tsE90uRer September 1, 2021
Mayor Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 7.14 PM. City Clerk Sarah Manwaring
stated the public hearing was legally noticed and there was no public comments or
correspondence received. Ms. Manwaring also stated there are no persons registered
to vote in the territory of the district, per the Riverside County Registrar of Voters. The
City Clerk confirmed that the owners of the taxable property in the district have
consented to hold the special election, the ballot was received, and it was a yes vote.
Mayor Zimmerman closed the public hearing at 7:15 PM.
Ms. Manwaring introduced the Ordinance by title.
MOVER: Dean Deines
SECONDER: Lesa Sobek
3. lntroduced an Ordinance, amending Ordinance No. 2017-231 and levying and
apportioning the special tax in CFD No. 2017-1 (as it now exists and will exist in the
MOVER: Dean Deines
SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer
AYES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
12.1 lllegal Businesses and Land Use Business Registration Program
City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Police Chief Pat Walsh. Chief
Walsh provided a presentation and reported on the background; Land Use Business
Registration (LUBR) Applications; and Code Enforcement and fiscal impact.
There was a question from the audience regarding what was considered an illegal
business. Community Development Director Cheryl Kitzerow provided an
Councilmember Liesemeyer asked questions of staff regarding the registration
extension, the number of applications received, enforcement and outreach.
The City Council discussed the program and enforcement
12.2 Menifee City Flag Program
City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Community Services Manager
Mariana Mitchell. Ms. Mitchell reported on city flags of various cities; considerations
when creating a flag; and potential timeline.
Councilmember Deines inquired about process for acceptance of flag designs
Councilmember Karwin provided an explanation of intent for this future agenda item
request and stated that he would like to see submittals limited to Menifee residents or
businessowners. He also suggested to create categories such as grade school, high
school and college and the top from each could be submitted to the Council and
stated he was in favor of the Parks, Recreation, and Trail Commission vetting the
process. Councilmember Karwin also stated he would be in favor of letting residents
and businesses utilize the flag, and not limiting it to City functions.
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Menifee Mayor and City Council
Provided consensus to let the program continue through 2025.
Bill Seaton, resident, inquired about the process if not enough designs were
Mayor Pro Tem Sobek stated she was in favor of creating categories but would like to
see a 60 day submittal period and she was in favor of Parks, Recreation, and Trail
Commission vetting the process.
2019 Streetlight Financing Agreement with Banc of America Leasing & Capital
Ms. Preece reported on the history of the purchase of the streetlights and current
financing; refinancing rates; and taxable financing rates. Chief lnformation Officer Ron
Puccinelli reported on revenue generating products that could be added to the
streetlights and Public Works Director Nick Fidler reported on installation of small cell
on the streetlights. Ms. Preece continued with the fiscal impact; and the recommended
The City Council inquired about the Western Riverside Council of Governments
(WRCOG) relationship, budget savings, financing costs, refinancing costs, and leasing
options for generating revenue.
Adopted Resolution No. 21-1061, authonzing the execution and delivery of an
amended and restated Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement with Banc of
America Leasing & Capital, LLC and an amended and restated Paying Agent
Agreement; and authorizrng certain actions in connection therewith.
MOVER: Lesa Sobek
SECONDER: Matthew Liesemeyer
YES: Deines, Karwin, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Zimmerman
NAYS: None
12.4 Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Discussion
City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Management Analyst Molly
Binnall. Ms. Binnall provided a presentation and reported on the background of the
item and Riverside County Ordinance No. 760; Mobile Home Parks in the City; city
comparisons; and the recommended action.
The City Council asked questions of staff regarding outcome if the Ordinance was
repealed, California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
involvement, and the rent control fee.
Bill Seaton, resident, discussed legislation and spoke in favor of amending or
replacing the Ordinance, but not repealing it.
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lvlenifee Mayor and City Council
1. Discussed and provided direction to staff for implementation opportunities of a
Ittlenifee City Flag Program.
City Manager Armando Villa introduced the item and Deputy Finance Director Wendy
Preece. Ms. Preece stated there was an amended agreement provided to the Council.
Hobbie Burgess stated he agreed with Mr. Seaton's comments.
Nancy Burgess stated she agreed with Mr. Seaton's comments.
Jonell Hart stated she agreed with Mr. Seaton's comments.
Betty Robbins stated she agreed with Mr. Seaton's comments.
An email comment from City resident Char Blood was provided
to the City Council.
Councilmember Karwin spoke in favor of updating the Ordinance.
Mayor Pro Tem Sobek stated she would like to see more research and stated the City
may want to reach out to the County for further information.
Mayor Zimmerman stated he would like to continue the item to allow more time for
staff to do more research.
Councilmember Deines stated the item would need to be brought back with more
The City Council provided consensus to continue the item
Winteringham at 8:41 PM
h anwan M
y Clerk
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Menifee Mayor and City Council
City Manager Armando Villa stated there was a delay in receiving the audio/visual
equipment to upgrade the Council Chambers and the City Council should anticipate
having the October 6, 2021 Cily Council meeting.
Mr. Villa also stated the State Auditor Controller announced that the City of Menifee
was one of the top ranking, fiscally healthy cities in Southwest Riverside County and
thanked the City Council for their efforts.
Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting in honor and memory of Karen