2021/06/20 Diamond Brothers Five Partnership, LP PA No. 2019-017, CZ 2019-018, TTM 2019-007 (37671) PLN 20-0055 (37827) Menifee Village Specific PlanDocuSign Envelope lD: 5CE72330 D9D64F36-938E-89923DSFA373 June 2l .2021 DIAMOND BROTHERS, FIVE PARTNERSHIP 32OO GUASTI ROAD SUII'E IOO ONTARIO. CA 9II05 Re:Agreement lor the Deposit and Reimbursement of fees incurred by the City ofMenifee in Conducting and Processing Analysis undcr the Califomiaflnvironmental Quality Act of Planning Application No. 2019-017,Change ofZone No. 2019-018, Tentative Tract Map No.2019-007 (TTM J7671) ANDPLN20-0055 ('[TM 37E28X "MENIFEE VILLAGE SPECIFIC PLAN" Dear Mr. Sullivan DIAMOND BROTHERS, FIVE PARTNERSHIp (..Developer,,) has requested that the City of Menifee ("city") consider Planning Application No. 2019-01 7, change of 2one Np. 2019-0l8, Tentative Tract Map No. 2019-007 (TTM 37671) and pLN 20-0055 (TTM 37828)("MENIFEE VILLAGE SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT"), located northwest of Domenigoni Parkway and east ofLindenberger Road (APNs: 340-050-003, 140-050-014. 340-050-02t. 340- 040-030, 340-040-027), and which proposes the subdivision of 77 acres into commercial and residential lots. The subdivision also creates four (4) larger open spaces, two (2) water quality basins and streets for the overall project ("Project"). Tentative Tract Map No.2019-007 iTTM37671) proposes a subdivision of 64.0 gross acres into 182 single family residential lots ranging in size from 6,000 to 16,172 square feet. The subdivision also creates l5 lots for HoA landscape, a park and open space purposes with the landscape and open space encompassing 16.0 acres and the park having an overall arca of 2.9 acres. The subdivision as proposed will be recoded in two phases. PLN20-0055 (TTM 37E28) proposes a subdivision of I 8.1 7 gross acres into 94 lots with9l single family detached residential lots ranging in size from 2,720 to 4,819 square feer, a l.l acre parcel for future commercial purposes, a 4.7 acre parcel for future community facilities center and a 0.04 acre parcel for park purposes. The subdivision also creates 25 lots lor HOA and street purposes. To conduct its review and analysis ofthe Project, the city is required to conduct an environmental analysis ("CEQA Analysis") as required by the California Environmental eualityAct, Public Resources code section 21000 et seq., and its implementing guidelines found at T'itle l4 of the Califomia Code of Regulations section 15000 e, .req. The city will commence to take the steps necessary, at Developers sole expense so that the City wilt be able to conduct and complete the CEQA Analysis. Developer has indicated that it is 680/03lE5E-0003 l{59E1 l0 2 .06/2221 DocuSign Envelope lD: 5CE72330,D906-4F36-93EE-89923D8FA373 Mr. Ron Su llivan June 2l , 2021 Page 2 prepared to reimburse the city for all costs associated with the City's conduct, processing, and consideration of the CEQA Analysis including without limitation in-house staff rimi and resources, environmental consultant time and resources. City's legal counsel's time and resourscs, and other third party cost items. For example, the costs incurred by the city to engage an environmental review consultant, and any necessary sub-consultants or technicai consullanls. to conduct the CEQA Analysis shall be bome by Developer. This letter serves as an "Initial Deposit Agreement" by and between Developer and the City. To assist the city in undertaking their consideration of whether or not to approve the Project. Developer agrees to provide the city with an initial deposit in the amount oi sol,zso(''Initial Deposit"). The lnitial Deposit is Lhe estimaled full amount ofthe costs to be incurred by the city in or in connection with the conduct, processing, review, evaluation, and action taken on the cEQA Analysis ("Analysis costs"). The lnitial Deposit shall be deposited with the city, ro the attention ofthe Finance Director, on or before July S,2021 (..Effective Date,'). The lnitial Deposit shall be used to reimburse the Analysis costs. lf at any time the cityin its sole discretion determines that the Analysis Costs will exceed the amount of the Initial Deposit, then Developer shall, within ten ( l0) days of receipt of written demand l.rom the city, supplement the deposit amount so that the amount remaining on deposit with the city equals all remaining estimated Analysis Costs ("Deposit Supplement"). The City may from time to time repeat the process ofrevising the estimated Analysis Costs and requiring a revised deposit amountfrom Developer (upon ten (10) days written notice) (.,Further Deposit Supplement,'). If Developer fails to timely provide a Deposit Supplement or Further Deposit Supplement, the city may without further notice cease all work on the CEQA Analysis and order that all consultants, attomeys and third parties do the same ("Stop work order"). Developer understands and acknowledges that, even il the deposit is fully exhausted, it shall remain fully responsible for Analysis costs incurred by the city up to the date thar the city issues a Stop work oider. Developer understands and acknowledges that City shall exercise its sole and absolute discretion in selecting and providing direction to any consultants or other third parties in connection with the CEQA Analysis. It is anticipated that the CEQA Analysis will be presented to the Menifee City Council for consideration and potential action in the future. Developer and the City understand that the City is reserving the right to exercise its sole and absolute discretion as to all matters over which the City is, by law, entitled or required to exercise discretion. By executing this Initial Deposit Agreement, the city is not committing or agreeing to undertake any activity requiring the subsequent discretion of the city , or any department of the city. 'l'he City's execution oi this lnitial Deposit Agreement is merely an agreement to allow the necessary work to be completed, at Developer's expense, to bring the GEQA Analysis forward for city consideration. Nothing in this Initial Deposit Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a commitment by the City to appiove or 680/03tE5E-0003 14598t tO_2 a06t22t2t DocuSign Envelope lD: 5CE72330 D9D6-4F36-93EE-89923D8FA373 Mr. Ron Sullivan June 2l ,2021 Page 3 certify th€ cEQA Analysis, or a prejudgment of the matters required to be considered as part of the decision whelher or not to approve the Project. Please document Developer's concurrence with these terms and limitations by signing below and retuming the originally executed letter to me, along with the lnitial Deposit. Very truly yours, CITY OF MENIFEE Cheryl Kitzerow,unity Development Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: By,t Je lng,City Anomeyvc ACCEPTANCE OF INITIAL DEPOSIT AGREEMENT: DIAMOND BROTHERS, FIVE PARTNERSHIP By:Date: Mr. Ron Sullivan 680/0ll85E-0003 t4598r 10.2 a06/2221 DocuSign Envelope lD: 72D8CB2A-D5AO-48F1-BD3',5pC82EO8AEA2 Mr. Ron Sullivan June 21.2021 Page 3 lnitial Deposit Agreement is merely an agreement to allow the necessary work to be completed, at Developer's expense, to bring the CEQA Analysis forward forCity consideration. Nothing in this Initial Deposit Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a commitment by the City to approve or certiry the CEQA Analysis, or a prejudgment ofthe matters required to be considered as part of the decision whether or not to approve the Project. Please document Developer's concurence with these terms and limitations by signing below and returning the originally executed letter to me. along with the Initial Deposit. Very truly yours, CITY OF MENIFEE Cheryl Kitzerow. Community Development Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Jeffrey Melching, City Attomey ACCEPTANCE OF INITIAL DEPOSIT AGREEMENT: DIAMOND BROTHERS, FIVE PARTNERSHIP By:trunl) Su[;u"n Date:7 /15/202L Mr on 680/031858-0001 14J98110.2 a07/13/21 u tvan