Pulte Home Company, LLC Material and Labor TR366586 SU1176066MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) FOR: Grading / Drainage 199,500 TracUParcel TR-36658-6 Erosion Control $ t 21,000 Other Project No WQIMP $ 126 .500 Bond No. SUI176066 $ 447,000 Premium $ 3,353.00 Su rety Arch Insurance Company Princip6; Pulte Horne Company, LLC Address Harborside 3 210 Hudson St., Suite 300 Address 27401 Los Altos, Suite 400 City/State lersey City, NI Mission Vie () Zip 07311-1107 Zip 9269 t Phone WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California,and Pulte Home Companv, LLC (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public improvements relating fe TR 36658-6 , which agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required, before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Menifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are held firmly unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material per$ons and other persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in lhe sum of r'lr,rirunrkr r:'..vsckn rhi'usnr Dollars,$ 447,000.00 for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitles to full claims underTitle 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; otheruvise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. 9/8/15 \# Total City/State Phone due under the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. IN WITNESS WH above named, on EREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety Septernber 8th 2021 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Pulte Home (to Ilt any, LLCl) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) By: ame:D.B ce Langen Title: VP & Treasurer (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: Arch Insurance Compan Peter S" Forker, Attorney ln Fact (rF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIALACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. 918115 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:/t Atc 0000350461 Thit Powt of Atu.ncy linia the octs olthose naned hercin, and ther haee no authorir! to bind the Conpanf *cep, irr the nanner and ,o the e.rr€nt hcrein srotert.Not validlor Notc, Loor,, Lefle, ol C,edit, Cunerrcy Rnte,Inte,.st Rare o, Resin.",iat t/atu. Guoruntees- POWER OF ATTORNEYKno* All Persons By These Present: That the Arch Insurancc Company, a corporatioD organized and cxisting undcr the laws ofthc Statc ofMissouri, having irs principal administrarivc officc in Jersey Cily, NcwJ€rsey (hcrcinaftcr rcferred to as ihe "Company") does h€reby appoinr: Col€ P. Hilleslr4 Darls R. Canley, Mrry E. Corley, P€ter S. Forl(er, Reb€cca Johlie, Stephrnie C, And€rson, Trmmy L. Whickcr rnd Wi iam C. Behnkc of Rolling Me.dow3, IL (EACH) hs truc and lawtul Altorncy(s)in-Fac( to makc, crccurc, scal, and dclivcr from the datc ofissuancc ofthis powcr for and on its bchalfas surcry. and as its act and dccdiAny and all bonds, undertakings, rccognizanccs and othcr surcty obligations, in thc pcnal sum noi cxcccding Ninclv Million Dollars ($ This authority docs noi pcrmi thc sanc obligation lo bc split into two or more bonds In ord.r ro bring e3ch su€h bond within thc dollar limil ofaurhority as s€t foflh Thc execulion of such bonds, undcnakings, rc€oSnizances !nd olhcr surcty obligations in pursuance ofthese prcscms shall bc as b;nding upon thc said Company astully and amply to all intcnts and purposcs. as if thc samc had bccn duly cxcculcd and acknowlcdgcd by irs rcgularly clcctcd offrccrs ar irs principal administrativcolfice in Joscy City, NcwJcrsey. This Power of Attorney is executed by aurhority of resolutions adopted by unanimous consenr of rhe Board of Direcrors ofrhe Company on Dcccmbcr 10, 2020, true and accuralc copics ofuhich are hcrcinafier sct fonh and arc hcrcby ccrtificd ro by rhe undersigncd S€crerary as being in full force and cffccr:''VOTED. Ihat the Chairman of thc Board. thc Prcsidenl. or thc Exccutivc Vice Prcsidcnf or soy Scnior Vicc Prcsidcnr. of thc Surety Busincss Division, or rhcir appointees designalcd in writing and filcd with thc Secrekry, or the S.cretary shall havc thc powcr and aurhoriry to appoint agcnts and anorncys-in-facr, and toauthorizc thcnr subjcct to thc limitations scl fo(h in thcir respcctivc powcrs of atomey. to cxccure on behalf ofrhc Company, and atra€h ihc scai ofthe Company thcrcto, bonds, undcrtakings, recognizanccs and othcr surcty obligat,ons obligatory in thc nalurc thcrcot and any such officcrs oflhc Compsny may sppoinr agcnts for acceptance of process.' This Powcr ofAnorncy is signcd, scalcd and ccdi6cd by facsinrilc uDdcr and by authority ofrhc following resolulion adopted by rhc unanimous conscnt oftbe Board ofDircclors ofthc Company on Dcccmbcr I0,2020: VOTED, Tlut thc signature of the Chairman of lhe Board, thc Prcsidcnt. or the Exccutivc Vicc Prcsidcnt. or any Scnior Vice Presidcnt, of rhc Surcty BusinessDivision, or ficir appointccs dcsignatcd in writing and filed wirh rhc S&rcrary, and the signarure ofthe Secretary, rhc scal ofthe Company, and certifications by rhc Sc€rctary. may bc allxcd by facsimile on any powcr ofattorncy or bond executed pursuant ro rhe rcsolurion adopl€d by ahc Board ofDirectors on Deccmber 10,2020, ing 1{) which it is anachcd. shall continuc to bc vrrlid and binding upon thc nd its corporate seal to be affircd by their authorizcd officcrs, this 251 drv Altesred |rnd (lrrrified .\rch Itrsurance Conlpan\ and any such powcr so cxccuted, sealcd and ccrtiicd wirh respcct to any bond or undcrtak Company. In Testlmony Whereof. lhc Company has causcd rhis i,rsrruorA!s!sj,202!. ffilr&/,^- Slcphen C. Ruschak, Exccutivo Vicc Presidcnt STTTTf, OF PI':NNSYI,VANIA SS COUNTY OF PHIt,ADEI,PHIA SS I, Michelc Tripodi. a Notary Public, do hercby ccrliry that Rcgan A. Shulmsn and Stephcn C. Ruschak personally krown to me ro be lhe sanre persons whose nam€s ar€ rcsPectively as Secret ry and Execulivc Vicc Prcsidcnt of thc Arch Insumncc Company, a Corpomiion organizcd and existing under Ue laws of the Slate of Rcgan Shulnun, Sccrctary Missouri, subscribcd to thc foregoing instume$t. appeared beforc mc fiis day in pcrson and scvcrally acknowlcdgcd rhar rhcy bcing rhcrcunlo du scaled with thc corporatc scal and dclivcrcd thc said iostlrmcnt as thc ftee and volunkry act ofsaid corporarion afld as thet own liec and voluntary purposes thcrcin scl tbrlh EqfiErdln tta{ytdd,tfitu mxxr,Itrry hJHk CqlrtyflrC6mndqil!,AE Mic podi. N ly authorized signed. acts for thc uscs and .J; My commission cxpircs 07/3l/2025 CERTiFICAT]ON I. Regrr A. Sholmrn. SccrcBr) of thc Arch lnsurance Conrpany. do hcrcby ccnify rhal tlrc allachcd Poner of Attorney 25. 2021 on bchalf of thc A. Shulman, Secrctry This Power of Altoroey limits the acts oflhosc namcd thcrcin ro rhc bonds and uDdertakings spccilicrlly namcd rhcrcin and thcy y to bind thc Company p€rson(s) as lislcd abovc is a truc and corrcd copy and thal the same has been in full force and cffccr sincc rhc darc rhcrcofand is in full forcc and cffect on ihe dare of this ccrtificatc; and I do further cenii, that ihc said Stcphen C. Ruschak, who cxccuted rhe Powcr ofA(omey as Execurive Vice Presidenl. was on rhc dr1e ofexecution ofthc attachcd Powcr ofAttorney the duly clected Executivc Vicc Prcsidcnt ofrhe Arch lnsurancc Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havc hcrcunto subscribed n)y nanrc and affixcd thc corporalc scal ofrhe AJch20LL.rnsurancc company on 1r,r..Ea,y "r&&ab<r /h- A Rffi cxccpt in thc manncr and to thc extent hcrein stalcd. PLEASE SEND ALL CLAIM INQUIRIES RELATINC TO THIS BOND TO THE FOLT,OWINC ADDRESS Arch Insurrrce - Surcty Divlsion 3 Parkway, Suite 1500 Philsdelphir, PA 19102 fo ve fy the duthenticity ol thls ltowet of Attoney, pleose contoct Atch lnsuronce Cofipony ot Surety Pleose relet to the obove ndmed Attomeyln-Fdct dnd the detalls ofthe bond to whlch the powet is dttdched. nsuranae.com tt^tlt.l Ibroud ttAtItn Ibroud C€ AtcPoA040120 Printed in U.S.A A.g)t .^* ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY SURETY \tCounty of Lake On this 8th day of appeared Peter s. Forker September 2021 , before me personally , known to, me to be the Attorney-in-Fact of Arch lnsurance Compan v , the corporation that executed lhe within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office in the aforesaid County, the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public tate of lllinois County of L OFFICIAL SEAr REBECCA T JOHUE NOIARY PU8I.IC, STATE OF ILI.IIIOIS My Commission Exptes 9n2n4 s-0230/GE 10/S9 XDP STATE OF IIIinoiS STATE OF GEORGTA) ) ss. couNTY oF FULTON) This record was acknowledged before me on September 8,2021 , appeared D. Bryce Langen, VP & Treasurer of Pulte Home Company, LLC, who provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me and is personally known to me. WITNESS my hand official seal. &*Z,A"zU SHI[iLE t HUTCH JNSDlatySGoo,9ticl), E 2a22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY PRINCIPAL Shirley E. Hutchins Notary Public State of Georgia My Commission Expires: March 18, 2022