Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Faithful Performance TR37131 024255009Iry FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND / OR EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1 ) FOR GRADING: Grading Drainage Erosion Control Tota I 549 500.00 0.00 $ 501 000.00 $1,050,500.00 Surety Liberty Mutual lnsurance Com pany Address 175 Berketev et Parcel Map TR3713'1 Other Project No GP21-037 Bond No Premium 024255009 $2,626.00 / annum Rockport Ranch Principal Lennar Homos of California, lnc Address 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302 $ $ City/State Boston. MA zip code 02116 Zip 92879 Phone t617) 352-gsoo x a1177 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California, and, Lonnar Homes of catifornia. tnc.(hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated grading project, related to GP21-037, which agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s), NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and Libertv Mutuat tnsurance Companv , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee in the penal sum of One Million Fi Thousand Five Hundred and No/100, Oollars 1 050 500.00 lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and voidi otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. IP2 I -054 Faithful Performance City/State Corona, ca Phone (800) 509{979 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRAOING PROJECTS AND OR/EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. when the work covered by the agreement is complete, the city of Menifee will accept the work and thereupon, the amount of the obligation of this bond is reduced by 90% with the remaining 10% held as security until the california Regional water euality control Board issues a Notice of Termination. IN WITNESS W above named, o HEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety n Auoust 3l 2021 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) By Name Title: Smith ,dent' Gcoffrerr Vic" A.J" NAME OF SURETY (tF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) Liberty l'rutual lnsurance Company ll,nll,tu rrtt ti l,Ulll'tLlLAUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:Amanda Tufinan-AYina Its Attorney-in-Fact Titie (tF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEOGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. IP2 I -054 Iaithful Perlbrnlance '+tENtFEEI-ffi NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Lonnsr Homes of catitornia, tnc., a catifornia corporarion California All-Purpose Certificate of Acknowledgment crvrr coDE 1189 State of la ) )Countv of On before me,i personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personls'| whose name\s\ is/ite subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/She/ihoy executed the same in hishBr^hlir authorized capacityfu), and that by hishtdtltir signature|g on the instrument the persoi[g, or the entity upon behalf of which the person\ acted, executed the instrument. I certifu under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal.BTTH BRULEY Notary P!blic - Cdlifornl. Rivertide County Commlr!ion, 2247751 Lly Comm. txpir6 Jul 2,1, 2022 Signatu (Seal) A notary public or other officer completing this certilicate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF carifornia COUNTY OF on this 31st day Of August 2021 before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he/she resides in that he/she is the Of Lennar Homes of Califomia, lnc. that corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he/she knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affrxed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and he/she signed his/her narne thereto by like order. (SEAL) CALIFORNIA ALL. PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of rexas Cou of runls On before me, ly appeared who proved to me on the basis ofsatisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they execuled the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certiff under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and conect. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Publ ignalure (Nolary Public S.al) ) ) Mario Azamcndi, Notary Public To M lt o R z.EM DN oj.i tary b ic,teSta o x83 omc E re sp a8-24-2423 N lao D 3 30 34 530 M Commission ust 2023 ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT [fi!6 or doscnplirn ol atbchGd dcumont) (Tito or dEcriplior of albdr€d documnl conti8d) Number of Pages _ oocumenl Dale_ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM This folrn conplie' firh current Colilo io stdu,es ftgarding hotaD vonting ad. d rceded, sho d be conpleted ond onoched to th. docnrnt ,tc*aanledgncnts l.oi othet s,o,cs noy be conplete.l [or docntents being tenr b fiot ltote so loag a! the vordiry doet not rcquirc the Colilo ia notort to tiolate Colilornio notory . Sratc llrd County infofinalion must be the Stat. r,ld Cou y wh.rr lhe documcnt siSnc(s) plrsonrlly spp.srEd bcfoac thc notary public for lclnowlcdgmcnt.. Dsta of notcizltion muat bc thc dltc Ihlt Utc siFcr(s) pcrsoaarly appcsrcd \rhid must rlso bc thc ssnE d.L thc eclno*lcdtmcrl is complct.d. Thc notary public musl print hia or hcr nana as it rppcars pithin hts or hcr conunissiol followed by o clrnnu rrd lhcn you, titlc (nol!ry public).. Print th. ntmc(s) of doqrfircnt sigic(r) nho Frsonally lppc.r !t thc tima of . Indictra the corrcct 3inSular or plu6l foamr by crossitl8 off lncorlrct forms (i clish.ALrr- is /ro ) or circlin8 th. concct forms- Failurc to corcctly indicatc lhis infonnrtion may lcld to rliactioh ofdocumcnt Ecording. Thc noEr* scd iftprcssion murt ba clc6r rnd photolrlphicdly reproduciblc lmpr6sion must not corrr lcxt or lincs. lf scil inprc$ior smudtcs, ,t.scrl if ! sufficiant tta rannitq othanxi$ contplcta s diffcr.nt actnowl.dgmcnt fo]m. Sit,aur of tlic oolery public must mstdl thc siSrrtul. on filc rrith thc otrcc of th. county clcrlO Additionsl infom ion i! not acquirEd but could hclp to cnsurc thit lck^o*lcdgmcnt is not misll3ad or rtttrhrd to ! dilFaant docummt.+ lndic.te titlc or typ. of Enrch.d documcnt, numbcr of poges rnd dsE.+ lndicdc tllc capaaity clairnad by thc sitncr. If thc chimcd cspscity ts r corpor.t! offictr, indic.te lhc tidc (i.c. CEO, CFO, S.cra.ry).. Sccurcly atrldt dlis docimc to thc signcd docm. rlith r {spl.. tesr CAPACITY CTAIMED BY THE SIGNERD lndividual (s)D Corpo6te Oficer Cnfle) Parlner(s) Anom6y-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other !g D tr Libertv Mutuit. This PowerolAttorney limits theacts of those named herein, and lhey have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company West Arnerican lnsurance Company Cenilicate No: 8204866S U RETY POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN ALL PERSONS BYTHESE PRESET{TS: Tha The ohio C6ualty lnsulance Company is a corporalion duly oroanized under the ta$,s of the State of New Hanpshire, that Liberly l\rutual lnsurance Company is a corporaton duly organized unde, lie laws ol lhe Skte of Massachusetts and West Ame,ican tnsurance Company is a coeoration duty Liberty Mutual lnsirraace Company The ohro Casually lnsurance Company Wesl Amedcan lnsurance Coanpany Amanda Turman-Avinaa of the city of slate ol Texas each individlally if lhere be more lhan one nam6d, its kue and lawful anomey-in{act lo puBuance ol hese presenb and shall be as binding upon the Companies as iflhgy have been duly signe{, by tie preside0t and attest€d by lhe secrslary ol the Companies in their owa proper persons. lN MTNESS WHEREOF, t'is Power of Attomey has been subscnbed by an auhoaized ofricer or oflicraloflhe Companies and he corporats seats ol tie Companres have beeo afiied herelo this l5lh day of February, 2021. By q,Ic -g=O96,oc) d> EE-p BE aioXo)C(!gi, d' q) _96o:c:oo(E E>,(Ec zd David M Carey, Ass6tant Secretary STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF I\4ONTGOMERY ss Ay M.mb.r. P..n.y'v&. Arcd6 d Not na Teresa Paslelia Notary Public This Power of Atomey is madeand exealted pursuant toand by auhonty d the,olloring By-laws and Authonzalions of The Ohio Casualty lnsu/ance Cornpany, Libeo Mutlal lnsurance Company, and West Amedcan Insurance Company which resolulrons are now in tullforce and ellect reading as tollolys ARTICLE lV - 0FFICERS: Section 12. Power ol Attomey Any officer or other ofiicial ol the Corporation auhonzed lor that purpose in wnting by lie Chaiman or lhe President, and subjecl to such limitalion as he Chairman or lhe instruments shall be as binding as if signed by lhe President and atlesled to by the Secrelary Any po*er or auhonty granbd to any represenlative or attomey-inJact under the provisions ot this artcle may be revoked atanytime by lhe Board, he Chairman,lhe President or by the offcer or dfce6 granting such poser orauthority. ARTICLE Xlll - Ex.cution ot Cont rcts: Section 5. Surety Bonds and Undenakings Any oflcer d he Company aulhorized for hat purpose in waiing by the chajrman or he presidenl. ard subjecl lo such limitations as the chairman or lhe president may paescribe, shall appont such attomeysjn-fact, as may be necessary to act in behaff of ihe Carnpany lo make, execute seal, acknowledge and deliver as surcty any and ail undertakiogs, the Company by therr signalure and execulion ot any such insuumenls and lo attach thercto lhe sealofthe Company. When so ereauted such inituments shallbe as binding as ilsigned by the president and attested by lhe secrelary sLret) obligahons of the Company, whe.ever appeanng upon a cerlilied copy of any power ol atorney issued by the Company in conneclion widl surcly bonds, shall bo vr{d and Dinding upon lhe Company witi the same force and etfect as lio{gh manually arfixed l. Renee C Lle*elrn, the lndersigned Assislant Secrlar ol Libe.ty Mulual llsurance Company. The ohD Casualty lnsulance Company, and Wesl Ame.jon risuranc€ Company do hereby cedfy lhat his pow$ ot atomey executed by said Compan@s is in lullforce and ellect and has not been rcvoked. lN TESTI OI{Y WHEREoF, I have herelnto set rny hand and afrixed theseals of said Companies lhrs 31st day oi August On this 15th day ol February, 2021 b€tore me personally appeared David M. Carey, who ackno*ledged himseff lo be the Assishnt Secretary of Liberty Mutuallnsucnce Company, The Ohio Casualty Company, and West American lnslrance Company, and hat he, as such, being auhonzed so to do, etec{rte the forEoing instrument for the puryces therein contained by signing on behall of lhe co0oratjons by himself 6 a duly aulhorized officer. lN UTNESS |\IHEREoF,lhave hereunto subsa bed my name and atlired my notarialsealal King ol Ptussia, Pennsylvania on the day snd yea, filst above wdflen. CmmoMdlh of Ponnsylvrn€ - Nobry S.sTms Paiella, Norary Pubr. Mmhom&y Coonly My comm$ir arg.6 March 2E 2025 Colrfnisb. .umb{ ! 1260a4 ,t\ fl?/*", #"fr,/L ft&b 1912 s I 1919 tl1 1991t U;E.qQ'=: '-= Ed)>d r\a[(J --q6 <b :ssqONi3 E:: o!I 33.(o tr o, 19'12I 1919 199'l, \tls MaBh Msurety POA LMrC OCrC WA|C Mult, Co 022021 By Renee C. Llewellyn, Assrstant Secretary 2Q2" w ,/-zg \--:---l