D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. Cash Bond TR37400MENIFEE City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 951-723-3741 ,v lnvoice No.l lnvoice Date 430275 0711312021 Planning lnvoice RECORD INFORMATION Recod lD: Record Type: Property Address: Descdption of Work: Applicant: PLN21-0018 MPP Minor Plot Plan MENIFEE, CA MODEL LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR TRACT 37400 MHC PACKAGE DEAN PERNICONE 2280 WARDLOW CIRCLE #1OO coRoNA cA 92590 FEE DEIAIL Fee Oescription Porformance Bond / Security Deposit Ou.ntity 15,000 Account Number 100-2289 Fqe Amount $1s,000.00 $15,000.00 AA_lnvorce_Template.rpl Pnnl Oale 01n12021 Page 1 MENIFEE City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 951-723-3741 nt Receipt Number Payment Oate 550727 0711612021 Planning Receipt RECORD INFORMATION Record tD: PLN21-{1018 MPP Record Type: Minor Plot Plan Application Name: SAGEWOOD TR 37400 - MODEL HOME LANDSCAPING Property Address:ParcelNumber: 331-080-005,VAR|ES Description of work: i/loDEL LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR TRACT 37400 MHC PACKAGE Applicant: DEAN PERNICONE Owner: D.R HORTON 2280 WARDLOW CIRCLE #1OO 2280 WARDLOWCIRCLE #1OO CORONA, CA 92590 CORONA CA 92880 PAYMENT DETAIL Date payment Method 071'1612021 Check Cashier lD FCASHIER Comments Amount $15,000.00 FEE DETAIL Fee Descriotion Performance Bond / Security Deposit lnvoice # 430275 Fee Amount $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Current Paid $15,000.00 $15,000.00 P(iol Oale) 07 121 12021 Page 1