Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Faithful Performance TM31098 024245383I sd r F;'^t IEr McCall Mesa FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) Tract Map TN/3 ',l 09IFOR: Landscape lrrigation Construction '10% Contingency Total 024 Eao, Premium $ 840.00/annum Lennar Homes of California ,lnc. 980 Montecito Dr. Suite 02 Ref. No. Bond No P19-024L Surety Libertv M utual lnsurance Companv Principal AddressAddressBerke City/State Boston, MA Zip code Phone 02116 (617) 357-9500 City/State Corona, CAZip 92879Phone (951) 817-3500 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California,and Lennar Homes of Californ ia, lnc.(hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into. the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public improvements relating to Tract Map 31098 - lp19-024L , which agreement(sf is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the princ held and firmly bound unto the C Thousand and no/'|00 , Dollars, ipal and Libertv Mutual lnsurance Companv, as surety, are ity of Menifee in the penal sum of Two Hundred Ei qhty $ 280.000.00 lavuful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and huly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provlsions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; othenryise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. $ 94,000.00$ 81.500.00$ 79.000.00$ 25,500.00$ 280.000.00 175 Street McCall Mesa The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. When the work covered by the agreement is complete, the City of Menifee wlll accept the work and thereupon, the amount of the obligation of this bond is reduced by 90% with the remaining 10% held as security for the one-year maintenance period provided for in the agreements(s). lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named,on May 14,2020. AUTHORTZED STGNATU RE(S) By ((qame Title: 51N111qy\a f[Dtht (rF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: Libe Mutual lnsurance Com an My a Its Attorney-in-Fact Title (rF coRPoRAT|ON. AFFTX SE.CL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAI.. AND ATTORNEY.IN-FACT. iaENrFEq.; \:d, FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Lennar Homes of California. lnc.. a California corporation AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: A nota ry publ c or other officer completins lhIScertificateverifiesonlytheidentityoftheindividuawhosignedthedocumenttowhchthiscertificate isattachedandnotthetruthfunessaccuracyorVAofthatdocument ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of C County of On before me, (insert name title of offcer) personally appeared who proved to me on the basIS of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose namesubscdbed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that is/}e his/her/the ir authorized ca pacityilqs ), and that by his/hvth\,executed the same in person(st or the entity upon behalf of whlch the peGon(\) signature(i) on the instrument the acted, executed the instrument. ff#yd;f:H5:*9"5:=*.,uRY under the raws or the Srate or carirornia that the roresoins SETH SRUIEY Not.ry Public - Calltornla Rlyar!Ide County Cohmirron t 2147751 Lly Cornn. Erpit.i Jul 21, ZO2ZSignature(Seal) WITNESS my hand and official seal. @ CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this cortificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California ) )County of Oranoe On l.tAY 1 I' ?020 before me,Kath R Mair Notarv blic DATE lName of ltotary Public and TiUe't{otery Puuic'l personally appeared My Hua lName(s) ot Signe(s)l who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(e) whose name(€) is/a{e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/th€y executed the same in hie/her/th€i+ authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signaturee on the instrument the person(e), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(€) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and cprect. KAihY ti r,1;,,1 Notary Public - CaLfornia 0ranqe cou,Iy Commission # 2193966 WITNESS my hand and official seal z Comm ['r," U ay 22. 2021 Signature Notary Public OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date:Number of Pages: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name Mv Hua Signer's Name: Corporate Officer - Title(s) Partner-E Limited E Corporate Otficer - Title(s) Partner-E Limited flGeneral General lndividual X Attorney-in-Fact I Guardian or ConseNator lndividual fl Attomey-in-Fact ! Trustee ! trustee E Guardian or ConservatorD otner:E otner: Signer ls Representing:Signer is Reprea€nting: Ploca l,totary Seal Above Signe(s) Other Than Named Above: SURETY (No|VN ALL PERSONS 8Y THESE PRESENTS: That The ( unnrngham. Nlxnhr (n)n/irlc\ Nl This Power of Attorney limits lhe acls ofthose named herein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and tothe oxtent herein stated. Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company West American lnsuranc€ Company POWER OF ATTORNEY ohio Casually lnsurance Company is a corporaton duly Libcrty Mutudl,Cerlrf cale No: 8202349-024017 organized under the iaws ol the State ol New Hampshire that Libe{y Mutual lnsurance Company s a corporalion dlllyorganized undor the laws oflhe State o, Massaciusefls. and Wesl Amencan lnsurance Company is a corporation duly organized under lhe laws of he Slate of lndrana (herein colleclively c€lled the "Companies'), pursuantto and by auhority herein sel lorh, does hereby name, constilute and appoint, y Hua. Mechelle l-arkin. Kathy R Mar.. Joaquin Pcrez. Rcgrn,r Rangcl- Brcnda Wong allofhe cityof l.os AnBcles stale ol each rndividually il thers be more han one named its lru6 and lawful attorney-in{acl to make execute, seal, acknodedge-nd delw6iGiiiiii s behallas surely and as rls act and deed, any and al undertakrngs, bonds recognrzances and olher surety obligations, in purslance ol those presenb and shall bo as binding upon he Companies as il lhgy have been duly signed by the presdeot and atlested by the secretary of the Companies in thelr own proper pe6ons lN lVttt{ESS WHEREoF, b6 Pof,er of Attorney has been subscnbed by an authoflzed offcer or ofioal ol lh6 Companies and he coapomle se€ls of Ulo Companies have b€en affxBd lheroto his l4th day ol Ocbber 2019 Libe(y Mulual lnsurance Company The ohio Casualty lnslrance Company WeslAmeflcan nsurance Company By David lV. Carey, Assistant Secretary State of PENNSYLVANIA Co!nty ol [,l0NTG0[.lERY On his l4th day ol O(tob('r :019 be{ore me personally appeared oavid M. Carey, vJho acknowledged himselflo be heAssistanl Secretary ol Ljberty [,lulual lnsurance Cornpany, Tle Ohio Casualty Company, and West American lnsuran@ Company. and thal he, as such berng authorized so to do, eredte lhe loregoing instrumenl for lho purposes thstein contained bysigning ofl behalfofthe corporations by himselfas a duly auhorized offcer lN IVITN ESS WHEREoF, I havo hereunto subscribed my name and alfirod my notarial seal al King ol Prussia, Pennsylvania on the day and year lirst above written. COMMONWEALIH OF PEIINSYLVANIA NobnarS@r T.,esa Psterl3 Nolay Pubrc upp.. lvhMT*p.. Mdroomry c@nly My Cmmi$ion E&r€3 M..cn 28. m2l /-il/- eresa Pastella. Nolary Pubhc lnsulance Company, and West Ameacsn lnsurance Companywhich resdutionsarc now in fullforce and effecl rcading as follors: ARTICLE lV- OFFICERS: Section 12. Power of Atloney. Any offa€r or other offciai ol the Corporauon aulhoizod Ior lhat purpose in wdting by the Charrman or the Prosident, and subject to such limitaton as lhe Chairman or the have full poi4er to bind tho Corporaton by lheir signafure and oxecuton oI any such instrumenb and lo atlach thereto he seal of the Corpo[alion. When so execuled, such instrurnenb shall b€ as binding as if signed by the Presidenl and atlested lo by the Secrelar. Any po er or aulho.rty granted to any represenlative or attomey-injact unde. lhe provisions of his artde may be revoked at any tme by he Boa.d. $e Chairman. the Presidenl or by he offcer or offceG granltng sudt polor or aulhofity ARTICLE Xlll - Etocution of Contrrcls: Section 5 Surety Eoods and Undertakings. shall appoint such attomeys-in-fac1, as may be necessary to act in behall ol tie Company lo make, execule, seal, acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings Company by their signaturc and exedtion ol any such inskumenb and to attach lherelo the seal of thB Company. Irylen so ereculed slch instnrments shall be as binding as it signed by tho prosidonl and attested by he secretary. facl as may be necessary to acl on behalf of lhe Company to make erecule, seal, ad(nowledge and dolivs. as gurety any and all undertakings, bonds, recognizances and olhq sur€ly obligations. the same force and eflocl as lhough manually afrxed. l, Renee C Uewellyn, the undo6rgned, Assistant seJeldrv lhe Ohro Casuaq lnsFlnce Company. L6erty lMulual lnslrance Company, and West Amencan lnsurance Company do has nol been revoked lN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, lhavo horounto sot rny hild and afrixed the seale ol sald Cornpanies this t.lrh day ot May 2010 19191912 rNS E s E E E o FU)ul E E oo E N o <0 (.)i E F. q)q) o Nl (.): m (n oao o o.)(! 0) 0) E q) (n o) oo) coo o) oC q.)o) o)Eo E o o 19',|2I 199r2 By Renee C Llewellyn Assistant w 1,,.- sry r991 1919 LMS r2873 LMTCOCTC WA|C Molr Co 062018