2021/07/21 Menifee Land DV, LLC Agreement for the Construction of Water System Improvements Tract 31856 Drawing no. IP18-009UAGREEMENT
TRACT 31856 Drawing no. lPl8-009U
This Agreement for Construction of Water System lmprovements ("Agreement") is made and entered
into by and between the City of Menifee, State of California, hereinafter called City, and
Menifee Land, DV LLC hereinafter called Developer.
FIRST: Developer, as part of the City's consideration of the final map for that certain land division
known as TM 31856 hereby agrees, at Developer's own cost and expense, to furnish all labor, equipment and
materials necessary to perform and complele, within Seven Hundred and Thirtv Davs from the dale this
Agreement is executed, in a good and workmanlike manner, a water distribution system, complete with all
necessary pipes, valves, fire hydrants, connections and appurtenances necessary to the satisfactory operation
of said distribution system, and, further, to extend main or mains from the existing supply system maintained
with atl pipe laid at such a depth as to provide a fullythirty six inch (36") minimum cover from the top of the
pipe to street grade, unless otherwise specifled by the City Engineer, office of the City of Menifee Engineering
Department, and do all work incidental thereto in accordance with the standards set forth in Riverside County
Ordinance No.460 and City Standards and Specifications, as amended, or its successor, which are hereby
expressly made a part of this Agreement. At its sole discretion, City may extend the period of time for
completion of the work by providing written notice to Developer of said extension. To be effective such notice
must be provided by the City Engineer. Such notice may be provided as specified in Section Nineteenth or via
electronic mail to Developer at 26040 Acero Mission Viejo CA 92691. All the above required work shall be done
under the inspection of and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and shall not be deemed complete until
approved and accepted in writing as complete by the City Engineer and accepted by the above named agency
into ils sewer system. Developer further agrees to maintain the above required improvements for a period of
one year following acceptance by the City, and during this one year period to repair or replace, to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer, any defective work or labor done or defeclive materials furnished. Developer
further agrees that all underground improvements covered
paving of any roadway. The estimated cost of said work
Fortv-Two Thou sand and no/100,Dollars,$ 342,000.00
Developer shall, at its sole cost, expense, and liability
necessary and incidental notices required for the
Developer's obligations under this Agreement. Devel
regulations, rules, and other requirements contained in
nt shall be completed prior to the
ts is the sum of Three Hundred
). Prior to commencing any work,
, obtaln all necessary permits and licenses and give all
laMul construction of the work and performance of
oper shall conduct the work in full compliance with the
any permit or license issued to Developer.
by this Agreeme
and improvemen
("Estimated Cost"
SECOND: Developer agrees to pay to City the actual cost of such inspections of the work and
improvements as may be required by the City Engineer. Developer shall, at its sole cost, expense. and liability,
pay all fees, charges, and taxes arising out of construction of the work performed pursuant to this Agreement,
inciuOing, but not limited to fees for checking, filing, and processing of improvement plans and specifications
and for inspecting the construction of said work. These fees must be paid in full prior to approval of the final
map and improvement plans, unless such fees have not yet been assessed and are not yet due and payable.
The fees referred to the above are not necessarily the only City fees, charges, or other cost that have been or
will be imposed on the subdivision and its development, and this Agreement shall in no way exoneTate or
relieve Developer from paying such other applicable fees, charges and/or cost. Developer further agrees that,
rf suit is brought upon this Agreement or any bond guaranteeing the completion of the water distribution syslem
improvemenG, all costs and reasonable expenses and fees incurred by City in successfully enforcing such
obiigations shall be paid by Developer, including reasonable attorney's fees, and that, upon entry of ludgment,
all s-uch costs, expenses and fees shall be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. Developer,
not the City, shall be legalty responsibte for making any paymenl and/or taking any aclion required by any such
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
slrl6Lt iaqlo lle o] uotlppe ut aq lleqs uotlsas sr..ll ]o suorsr^ord 6uroOarol alil ]oaraql uotl-tod ,{ue to luaulaalEy
aql ut lsalalut
a^eLl {eut oqru sarued lle pue,{ue pue 'A1a-rns ,{ue pue .radolanag aq1 uodn a^lsnlcuoo
aq lleqs '^luol3elsrles palu.ro1iad uaaq lou a^eq lo 'palelol^ uaaq a^eq suotlec4tcads .lo luauaal6V aql io
sursl aql 1o ,{ue raqleq,u o1 se uor}sanb eq1 1o leeul6u3 AI3 aql ,iq uolleululalap allf llnetap Ll3ns }o asnesaq
anl3ie 1ayeaiaql q3lLlM lo 6urlsrxa uaql {1atns ,{ue .to -radolena6 lsute6e se {1t3 1o s1q6u ,{ue aleutuual
lo ]3a e lou lleqs uorleululal ptps lnq 'llne;ap qons io llnsar E se radola^a6 yo s1q6u ;1e aleutlua] o1 'taaut6u3
,{1r3 aq1 1o uor}epuauJurocar uo 'ra,uod eql a^eq 11eqs {r3 -rado;anag uodn peruas oq lleqs llnelap qsns
Jo ootlou pue luauaer6y sLll lo llnelap ur oq llErls radola,ra6 'suorletrllcads pue sueld aql;o suotstrotd aql
1o,{ue ri1r.rolce1sr1es u.Iopad o} slrel Jo 'sasn}oJ 's}col6au 'salelor^ jadola^ac 1t to ',(1r3 riq paluel6 uaaq a^eLl
qftqM aulll lo SUOlSuAlxa q3ns utqlt/l^ to'eurr1 parICads oql urqlr/ uotia;dr-uOC Sl! AlnSUa ol Se asuoolllp qf,ns
qlrm lrom aql alnlaso.Jd ol slEJ Jo 'sasnJel 'slfalbau 'seaAo;dtua lo slue6e slt 'jadole^ac ll :HINfnlS
'aues aql 6urpre6ar uotleEtlsa,rut ,{ue qltr* a1e:adooc
lleqs pue
llol ]o lauueuJ puB ssaioold aq1 o1 loadsat qlrM uorleurojul 11n1 6ututelqo JoJ sarlrlr3e] o] ssa3ce olqeuoseal
aeu6rsap srq ro raeurbul AlC aql apt.nord ;1eqs :ado;a,raq 4o,r,r ,(ue 6utuut6aq aJolaq slnoq (gt) tq6Ia
lseal 1e raaur6u3 ,i13 aq1 o1 acrlou uellu^^ enr6 lleqs 'saa^oldula pue slua6e sll 'ledola^ac :HIXIS
's.rnolap ro 'sraureq 's;eu6ts
ro su6rs fuo1elnEar 'subrs dols 'o1 palrutl 1ou 1nq '6utpnlcut 'spcqtau lorluor
3lge4 lol splepuels
pue suorleln6ar Mel alels qlraa acuerldruoc ur suorlrpuoo snora6uep ro snoplezeq qcns uor1 suostad 11e
lcayord ;leqs tado;ena6 eq1 lueLuarrordrur lo slJo/v\ aql Jo a3ueldacle lBUroJ pue uotla;dtuoc aql o1 dn soultl lle
1e luaua,rotdurr ]o slro^ aq] ]o uort3n4suo3 alll
paleorc ro pasnec uorllpuoc snorabuep ro snopJezeq fuana
pue qceo Jo rrlqnd 6urla,ter1 aq1 o1 Dururem pue actlou elenbape apl^old lleqs ladola^ac aql :Hl-lll
's1so3 uotlaldu-toC ptedun Iue
o1 genba lunoure all] ur rado;ana6 Aq paumo,{pado.rd (ue aq1 1o a3uelquncua aq1 6utpn;cur rnel ,{q paptno:d
,{paurar Iue alo^ur ol }116r.r aql 6uraeq,{I3 oql ur llnsar lleqs .laueu ,{;autt1 e ut s1so3 uotleldujoC aql }lulal
ol alnpel s1so3 suorla;dtroC qons Jo iadola^ao sa4nou ,{}r3 aq} letll alep aq} lo sAep (Oe)
uElll arou
ou ,!r3 aql ol slsoo uorlaldruoo qcns lluar lleqs Jedolo^a6 palaldu.roc sl luaulaaJ6v stql Iq paleldu:a1uoc
llo/t^ aql leql ouunsua qlr/'^ uorlsauuoo ur {}rc aql
porjnsur ("s}soc uoltalduoS,,) 0so3 uolleollll pue
saal ,slautope Burpngour) sea; pue'sallrpqerl 'slsotr 'sasuadxa ;1e pue Aue ro1 a;qtsuodsar aq lleqs lodola^ac
'sacuelsuncrc rlcns rapun ',{ttc aqt
pe}ueJ6 }oeJaql uorsua}xe Iue Jo poul3ads aull} oL.l} ulqllM IloM
palolduJoc seq rado;aneg leql ]ua^e aql ur oleururral 1leqs uorssrr.urad stql 'sluauenordtrr eq1 butlalduoc 1o
asodrnd aq1 rol uorsr^ip puel tcelqns oqt lo spuel aql uodn luesuo3 leuorlrppe
]noqlrM ralua ol uorssrulad
alqe3o^orr aql'^llC lo aaAoldLua Jo luo6e [ue -ro'{r3 o} s}uel6 Aqataq :ado;arra6 aqJ- :HIUnol
'sreelunlo^ ro 'sluooe 'soeloldt!e 'sJeslgo 'slEl3lJJo palcela
sI ,{1r3,(q pa^racor ',(ue 1r 'speeco.rd ecueJnsur ol palcu}sal aq lou lleqs pue 'luau.laal6v siq} lo uol}eululal lo
uortelrdxa aql enr^rns lleqs
ol uorle6rlqo s,rado;ana6 uotlctpsunl ]uoladuoc Jo Apoq uor]e.4stutulpe
Jo pnoc e
peulurJelap se X1r3 go lcnpuoosrtu lnlllrM ro acua6r;6eu eql
pesnec sr qaiLl/v\ 'qleap ln16uorr*
6urpn;cur 'suos:ad ro ,(yedo.rd ol'funlur ro 'aurg 'Aleuad 'eoeulep 'ssol ,{ltltqetl 'uot}ce Jo asneJ 'pueuep
'urrelc r{ue 1o uoryod qcns {;uo sapnlcxe uor}ecuruuepur srql LUeql 1o qcee (q pelJngu! lsoc pue 'sesuedxe
1e6e1 1;e rog stue6e rolpue 's.taelunlon 'saelolduJe 'sJacrlJo 'slerclgo p€]Jola sI i!t3 1o luauestnquiteJ eql pue
'sasuadxa ro slsoc pelelei pue 'seeJ,sleuro$e 'soorcep 'spre/v\e 'sluatlbpn[ 'sau[ 'sar]lEuad lle ]o lueul^ed
eql 'uorleluJl lnoqlr/v\ 'sapnlcur uo[eclJruLrJepul s1q1 lueurea.r6y srql ]o acueuJJo#ad jo '1uaueej6y s1q1
Japun peleldLlaluoc l.roM oLil Jo aJueualureur ro uorJ3nrlsuo3 ]o lno 6ursue ro Lllr/v\ uorJJeuuoc ur s.rolceJluoc
Jo 'slue6e 's€e^olduta ';euuosled slr 'radole^aC Jo lcnpuoosLx InlllrM Jo 'oaueOrl6au 'suorssluro 'slce
,{ue o1 lueprcur ro }o lno Dursue '^cua6e Jo
luetuuia^o6 lecol Jo '€te}s 'lerape1 (ue 1o uotlce e^rleJ}slur.xpe
'ssol ',(1r|rqer1 'uor]oe ,to sosnec 'spueuep 'suirelc pa66lle Jo lenlce lle pue rue uol] aalunlo^ pue
's1ua6e 'saa,i.o;dlxa 'srecglo 'sleroqJo pel.ela s11 '{1r3 ssagLu.req ploq pue ',lrutuapur 'pue}ap lleqs:edo;e,re6'radola^o6 ,(q paurnsse aJe sertrlrqerl pres Jo 1e pue '1loM aql lo ocueuJolad eql ut 'soaloldua lo slue6e
s1r '.radolaaeg Jo Suorsslxo lo slce aql Jo uoseeJ ,{q ro 'l.rorvr aq} }o arnleu eq} Jo uoseeJ
e6euep lo palnlut
,{uadord ro suosJad r{ue Jol elqerl aq 'Jooroql aa,{o;dure Jo Jacrgo [ue to,!t3 lleqs lou '1oetaq1 ecueldacce pue
uorlaldLuoc aLll ol Joud luaurearDy srql ur pa4rcads slrory\ eql o1 6ur::ncco ro Ourueddeq a6eurep ro 'funlul 'ssol
'tuapore (ue:o1 a;qrsuodsar ro alqell aq '(y3 1o aa,{o;dua ro roctgo,{ue lleqs Jou 'lou lleqs ,('!C :OUIHI
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
[q pa,ro-rdde pue ,{1r3 o1 fuoyceisqes ',{1r.incas ;etcueut] lo tuloj laq}oue }luqns lo spuoq lsod o1 aauOtsse aq1
6uutnba.l suorsrao.ld apnloul lleqs pue Aautopy,{13 aq} }o uol}3elsrles aq} ol aq lleqs Joisue.ll lo 'uollesaq}od^q
^uV ^lt3
o1 alqeldac:e Ilqeuoseet sr se ',{1arns qrns oututeluoc pue 'ulJo} e ut luatlaaloe
uagtim e
lapunalaq suorle6rlqo s,:ado;ana6 au:nsse ,{lssardxa lleqs aa./alsuer} ro 'ale3aq}odAq 'aau6tsse
'lu6LUUotsse ue Ll3ns ol 6urlrtr'r ur sluasuo3 ,{Il leq} }ua^6 aql u; .lueuraat6y stql lapun ,{ltltqtsuodsaj
lo Alnp Iue uol1 lado;aaag a6teqcsrp lo asealal ]ou lleqs laJSUer] ro 'uorleceqlod[q ']uaulu6tsse (ue 'luasuoc
uagurvr s,r(1r3 ut fuellu03 aql ol palels (llecgroads ssalun ra1sueil ro 'aletraqlod^q 'luar.uu6tsse paldlUaDe
Ll3ns ,o uoseai [q 1sa-ra1ur .ro 1q6r-r ou errnbce l1eqs aara1sueJ] ro 'alecaqlodAt1 'aeu6tsse lue pue 'pro^ puB
llnu aq lleqs os op o] ldulage
,{1r3 1o luasuoc uallu^ roud }noq}rM urereq 1sa:e1ut (ue to luaulaalDy stql
'Mel lo uorlerado ,{q ro ,{pca.rrp raq}ta !aJSUel} Jo 'alecaqlodr(q 'u6lsse }ou 11eqs:adoleaag :H.]-NflIill
'luauaa:6y srql,to suolsl^old aql ol punoq
ale olalaq satyed aq1 'luaulaal6y
srql 6urlncaxa os
'leql pue serped pies ]o lleqaq uo lueruaal6y slql aln3axa ol pazl.loqlne ,{lnp ale [aqi
leq) luere^ olaraq sarped aq) ]o lleqaq uo luau-raar6y slql 6urtntraxa suosrad aq1 :H-LNfflUn6l
'sarped qloq ,{q pau6ts luaun.llsur uoutJM
e ,{q sarped aql }o }uasuol lenlnru aq1 r(q atu4(ue1e papuatxe aq
luaulaaJoystql :9113319191
'sburpaacojd olelladde lle pue leul lB 'q]t^ alaql uoll3auuoc ut ,{ped 6utlte,rald
palnJUt sosuadxa raLllo puB lso3 uorlecrlqnd 'saa1 6urlU 'slsoJ Unoc 'seej .sle6aleled pue ,s^aulolle
alqeuosear aql olaraqt Aped -raqlo aql uor1lalooor ol pallllua aq lleqs ul€laLll
6ullle^oJd aq1 ',{qalaq
palelduraluoc suorl3esuerl eq1 ro 'luauaer6V sn.ll lo lno 6utstte 6utpaeco.td Jo uoll3P ,{ue u1 :p1113111
'Joalaq] "ra^rem 6urnurluoc e aq lteqs luauraa.rEy srql 1o uorlrpuo3 Jo rural Aue 1o ranle^ oN utataq
quol los sraueu oqt o1 se satped aq1 ;o 1uaLuaa.,r6v arlua aql suteluoc luauJaal6v slql :H-LN3nf"lf
'prle^ur oq o1 plaq uorsrnord.to u.l.tal'ued relnclped leql uteluot lou
prp luauraarOy aql Jr se paf,ro1u€ pue penJlsuoc eq lleqs sarped aql ,o suotle6tlqo pue slq6u aq] pue pal3aJle
aq lou llEqs suoruod 6urureuJol eql lo [Iprlen aq1 'pro^ pue Iny elun aq o] plaq sunof, eq1 ,(q st luauaaloy
srql 1o uorsrno.rd ro [xJ€l 'ued {ue 1r 1eq1 olaraq sarped eq1 ,(q paal6e pue pootsJepun sl ll :HIN:ll
'uraraql paluer6 aq Aeu-r se auJrt lo suolsuelxe,{ue Dutpnlcut
'1uar.raar6y slql lo surra] eql 6ur:np llaJla pue acJoj llnJ ur spuoq Jo puoq presalole aql utelureui o1 saar6e
laqUnJ ladola^ac spuoq q3ns uo sarlerns ro
eql asealar -ro luau:aer6y stql 1o ,{ltpr1en aq} }f,alle Aelv1
ou ur lleqs suorsuayo qcns pue 'radola^a6 1o lsanbar uodn ro'uotldo umo slr le raqlta ',{1r3 Aq 'oult} ol aull
r.uo.r1 '6ur1rrr.,r ur pelue-r6 eq ,(eu aurl jo suorsualxe '1uaulear6y srql rapun ouop aq ol palelduJaluoc )ilol aql
lo uorlalduroo Jo aurl eql pualxa ol fuessaaau paLueap sr lr ]ua^a aql ur 'leql 'luouJaal6y srql Duuncas spuoq
oql uo sarlarns:o [1e:ns aq1 6urpnlcur 'olaraq saped aql uaom]oq pue
paal6e raqUnJ st ]l :H-LNIN
'qloq ro spuoq oql Jo lunoue aq1 ro,{11rncas oq} Jo AcuerclJnsul
aql Jo Jadola^a6 parlrlou raaur6u3 ,{t!O arlt q3rq^ uo atep aq} io s,iep (66) Alautu urqlt,n pela;dutoo ate
slueure^oJdur parnbar lle sse;un luatreajov s!r..1] to ]lnelap ur aq llEqs Jadole^oc 'a3rlou pres qltM,tldtuoo o1
fuessacau sr se uorl3e qrns ele] o] slre1 redole^e6 I 'uraraq suorsr^oJd Jaqlo
Outpuelsqltr*loN 'luercuJnsut
ere slunoue ro sarJarns aql ]eql .reeur6uf AtrC eql ,(q pagrlou 6utaq JaUe sAep (0!) ual utqltm'qloq.lo 'spuoq
pres jo lunoure aql osearcul .lo sallains luerc1;4ns pue poo6 qltm spuoq lo puoq ptes fua,re pue qaee /,^auaJ
ol saai6e r€dole^ac erurolrlec lo olels aql lo apo3 lr^rc all] lo , uolsr^lc ]o 9 ued lo (0006 uollcas qll^
6urcueuuoc) t ellll u! apeLU sr aoualar€r rlcrq^\ ol srxrBlo aql arnoas ol papueute se 09, acueutpJO
^lunoCeprsJe^rE lo llnx alcruv [q peqr.rcserd ]unoue oql ur slErjaleui puE Joqel yo 1uau,{ed ro1 ,lunces luetcuns
pue poob pue 'luaureeJ6v srll Jo suorrpuoc pue stxJa] aql ]o ocuptxlo;lad 1n1q1te1 aq1 to; sluautanotdtut
pue IroM oql ]o slsoS paleurlsf aql ueql ssal lou ]unoue ue ur ,(11rnces lueuenordrur luor3uJns pue poo6
e qloq 'palnoaxo sr luauraa:oy srql leqt olEp eq1 o1 .ror.td 4!C ql,u a|r1 o1 seal6e redola^eo :H-LHelf
'luauae:6y srql (q
parnbeJ sluauro^oJdLur oq] jo uortalduoc r.uo.r1 ,{1arns ro radola^oc aq} a^arleJ lou lleqs uoq3ru}suoo e}alduoc
ro acueuruoo ol Jedola^ac aql Jo arnlrej aqf /v1p' aq1 ro luau.raer6y sltll rapun {t3 o1 elqeltene sarpottiar pue
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
.uotleotlqo io ]qOlJ
uolsse oi lped r{ue lo] uot}ezuotl}ne ue Se panllsuoc aq }ou lleqs uoucas srql
'suBrsse to 'sa4rleluasatdat ;euostad 's1laq 'slossac3ns lloql pue 'satyed aq1 jo Utauaq aLl] o] alnul
lleqs pue uo ourpurq aq lleqs suolllpuos pue slueua^oc oq] lo lle pue qceS .lsull-,\.lNf^ -L
lo leuotlualut oJB Suot]oe S,Ill3 laqlaq/v\ anl] aq lleqS 6Ulo6alo1 aqI ed^l JeltUrs lo au-les
aLl] ]o ralllaq/v\ 'luauaal6v SIql lapun suotleBtlqo sll lo Iue ]o Jadolana6 anallel ]ou llells ']uaulaa.l6v
slq],o tlceelq r{ue 1o tanrervr s,ArC.lo 'utaleq peprAord abap^ud lo iqBu
estf,lexa o} lo Juaulaal6V
srql lo uorsr^ord
qltM esuelldulo3 lcllls uodn lslsul o] alnlle] s,All3 :HtlllNlA l
t69z6 v3 'ofarn uorssry\
oraxv 0r092cll 'nc puel aalrualI
98926 VC 'aalua!\
peoE uneH ,1862
aalruan ]o
ta ola^ac RI5
aures aql palnsaxa pell sarued aq] ]o lle lr se ]cajJa aules eql e^eq pue Jeqlaool pen.llsuoc aq lleqs
suedrolunoc q3rq/s 'sl.]edJaiunoo ut sar]led aql Aq polncaxa oq
luaulaaloy stql :gt5133INfAfS
']uaulaal6V srrll Jo uJ.ral oql lnoqOnoJLll paurelureu lleqs steloJdde pue 'suotlec4tlenb 'sllulad
'sasuactl lle a^erl lleqs Aaql leql pue'uleql o1 pau6rsse pom aql [!Jo1-tad ol aouattadxa pue llt)s ]ual3li;ns
a^eq lleqs sJo]oelluo3 pue saa^oldLua slt lo lle leql slueJe,^ radolo^ec .4oM aq1 u.r-rolrad ol fuessocau butllea
;euorsselo:d eqt ul palltls aq lleqs s.roperluoc slr ro lr leq] surelureu pue sluasardar Jadolo^a6 eturoJlleC
lo elels aq1 ut aurldrcsrp autes eql ur sleuorsselo.rd Aq peAotdlua 6utaq se pezru0ocal lelauab splepuels
aql qllM ]uelstsuo3 pue 'Jouueut elrlueurlro/v\ pue Injllr)is e ut luauleal6y srql o1 luenslnd paulop€d +o^
lle lf,nllsuo3 o1 patrnbeL 1.tom 11e u.royed lleqs 'Iue Jr 'sJolcerluo3 sir pue Jadola^a6 sluaulellnbal lalllo pue
'sprepuels 'sapox 'suorleln6al 'sa3ueurpro 'smel le3ol pue 'alels 'lElape, elqecltdde lle se llam se 'ItlC aql qll/
alt] uo olaloqt sluaupuaue let3€ds pue 's6ugrvre.rp pJepuels 'suotlecgtceds 'sue1d 'suotttpuoc 'sdeL! p€Aoldde
lle q1/{ o3ueprocce ut luauaarby srtl} Aq p€}eldulaluoc IJo/v\ lle uJo!€d 11eqs ladole,re6 :H-LN3:llXlS
'poJJaJSuErl ro 'polecoqlodlq 'peublsse 1ou lueuaelOy stql ,(q peleroc l.lom aq] Jo (ue 1o ecueuloyad
aq] orn3as o1 uarrb s$urlepapun :o,{luncas
asealal lou lleqs ritlC leql 'Ja^amoq 'peplloid :pou6lssE
os luer.uaa:6y slql Aq peJa^o3 lJo/\^ aql elnces ol paisod lltlnces laqlo Jo spuoq {ue:ado;e,ra6 ol asealaJ
lleqs pue pau6rsse os suotleOt;qo slr txorJ Jadola^a6 asealal lleqs ,!r3 'uollces slql ur L{Uo} las se 'luauael6y
pele^oc lroM aql lo Jalsuetl to 'uorlecatllod,{q 'luauru6rsse poprurJed Aue 6urr*o11o1 uot}3nl}suoc Joj
oulElJ atxtl ltaql pue papruisuoo €q ol luouleeJ6v srql Aq pa-ranoc lJo/v\ peJtnbel eq1 1o su6tsse pue sJossasgns
Lxlolut ol slol pasodoJd aq] Jo q3ee ]sute6e pap.local aq llptls pue dey! leull aql ]o uorlepJocal oql all^lns
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
AUVTON AA OfeOltMONy3V f8 lsnW Ufdo.ISnfO lO SfUnrVNels
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer has affixed his name, address and seal.
Dated: ,2021 By: Menifee Land DV, LLC
Mohammad Kashani, Managing Partner
Daniel Padilla, City Engineer
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
July 21
A notary public or other officer completing this
certificate verifies only the identity of the individual
who signed the document to which this certificate is
attached, and not the truthfulness, accuTacy, or
validi of that document.
State of California
County of Orange
On )uly 13,2021 before me,Anadina Alvarez---------
(insert name and title of the officer)
personally appeared -------Mohammad Kashani---
who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+e
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelth€y executed the same in
his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the
person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing
paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.fr
Cor[.I 2207612
r€niY ru0uc . ottFofllia&axe colrn
Ir Corr. ErP. JltY 29. 202r
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193