2021/07/21 Menifee Land DV, LLC Agreement for the Construction of Road Improvements Tract 31856 Drawing nos. IP13-020S/SD and IP13-020SLAGREEMENT
TRACT 31 856 Drawing nos. lP13-020S/SD and lP13-020SL
This Agreement for Construction of Road and Drainage lmprovements ('Agreement") is made and
entered into by and between the City of Menifee, State of California, hereinafter called City, and
Menifee Land DV hereinafter called Developer
FIRST: Developer, as part of the City's consideration of the final map for that certain land division
known as TM 31856 hereby agrees, at Developer's own cost and expense, to furnish all labor, equipment and
materials necessary to perform and complete, within Seven Hundred and Thirtv Davs from the date this
Agreement is executed, in a good and workmanlike manner, all road and drainage improvements in
accordance with those Road Plans for said Iand division which have been approved by the City Engineer, a
copy of which are on file in the office of the City of Menifee Engineering Department, and do all work incidental
thereto in accordance with the standards set forth in Riverside County Ordinance No. 460 and City Standards
and Specifications, as amended, or its successor, whjch are hereby expressly made a part of this Agreement.
At its sole discretion, City may extend the period of time for completion of the work by providing written notice
to Developer of said extension. To be effective such notice must be provided by the City Engineer. Such notice
may be provided as specified in Section Nineteenth or via electronic mail to Developer at 26040 Acero Missron
Viejo CA 92691. All the above required work shall be done under the inspection of and to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted in writing as complete by the
City Engineer. Developer further agrees to maintain the above required improvements for a period of one year
following acceptance by the City, and during this one year period to repair or replace, to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer, any defective work or labor done or defective materials furnished. Developer further agrees that
all underground improvements covered by this Agreement shall be completed prior to the paving of any
roadway. The estimated cost of said work and imp rovements is the sum of Three Million Three Hundred
Eiqhtv-Four Thousand One Hundred and no/100, Dollars, $ 3.384,100.00, ("Estimated Cost"). Prior to
commencing any work, Developer shall, at its sole cost, expense, and liability, obtain all necessary permits and
licenses and give all necessary and incidental notices required for the lawful construction of the work and
performance of Developer's obligations under this Agreement. Developer shall conduct the work in full
compliance with the regulations, rules, and other requirements contained in any permit or license issued to
SECOND: Developer agrees to pay to City the actual cost of such inspections of the work and
improvements as may be required by the City Engineer. Developer shall, at ils sole cost, expense. and liability,
pay all fees, charges, and taxes arising out of construction of the work performed pursuant to this Agreement,
including, but not limited to fees for checking, filing, and processing of improvement plans and specifications
and for inspecting the construction of said work. These fees must be paid in full prior to approval of the flnal
nrap and improvement plans, unless such fees have not yet been assessed and are not yet due and payable.
The fees referred to the above are not necessarily the only City fees, charges, or other cost that have been or
will be imposed on the subdivision and its development, and this Agreement shall in no way exonerate or
relieve Developer from paying such other applicable fees, charges and/or cost. Developer further agrees that,
if suit is brought upon this Agreement or any bond guaranteeing the completion of the road and drainage
improvements, all costs and reasonable expenses and fees incurred by City in successfully enforcing such
obligations shall be paid by Developer, including reasonable attorney's fees, and that, upon entry of judgmenl,
all such costs, expenses and fees shall be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. Developer,
not the City, shall be legally responsible for making any payment and/or taking any action required by any such
THIRD: City shall not, nor shall any officer or employee of City, be liable or responsible for any accident,
loss, injury, or damage happening or occurring to the works specified in this Agreement prior to the completion
and acceptance thereof, nor shall City or any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
'luauraaJ0v srq]
^qpaJtnbel sluaula^oldrxt aq] lo uorlaldutoc rxoJj
]o radola^ac aql a^arlar lou llPqs uorlcnllsuos alaldulos
ro a3uoururoJ ol Jadola^ag aLll lo arnlreJ aql /v\El aq) ro luouaar6v slrll rapun ,(lrC o1 elqeltere sarpaurar pue
slqDr.r taqlo lle ol uorlrppe ur aq lleLls uorlras srql 1o suorsr,ro.rd 6uro6a:ol aq1'Jo6raql uorpod,{ue -ro luaurear6y
aql ur lsaialur ,(ue aneq ,{eur oqr,r sarued lle pue Iue pue',{1alns,{ue pue ledola^ac eq1 uodn a^lsn13uo:)
aq 11eqs ',{1r-ro1ce1st1es paulopad uaaq lou a^eq lo 'pa}elor^ uaaq a^Ell suorletrUrJads to luautaat6y aql 1o
sulla] aql 10 ,{ue taqlaq,an o1 se uorlsanb eq1 10 -raaut6u3 ,!r3 aq1 Aq uot}eulujalap aqf }lne}ap qcns }o asne3aq
ent:roe logea.raql qcrqr ro 6uqsrxa uaql [larns
ro radolala6 lsute6e se {y3 1o s1q6tt ,{ue aleutut:e1
lo l3alJe lou lleqs uorleulural pres )nq 'llnelap Llcns Jo llnsaj e se rodolo^ac 1o s1q6r.r lle aleurulal ol 'laaut6u3
aql ]o uorlepuauuro3al uo 'rer*od aql a^eq lleqs
.-radolaneg uodn parues aq lleqs ]lnelap qcns
Jo olrlou pue luaruaa:6y srrll lo llnelap ur aq lleqs radola^eg 'suorlef,!1rads pue sueld aql lo suotsl^old aql
1o ,{ue {1uo1ce1sqes tu-ropad ol sleJ ro 'sesnlar 's1ca16au 'sa}elor^ ladola^a6 }r ro 'A}rO i{q pa}uet6 uaaq e^Eq
qorq^ aur) ]o suorsuolxa qcns urqltm:o 'aurl parlrcads aq] urqlrm uotia;dLroc s)r oJnsua ol se a3ua6tltp q3ns
qlr^ rjroM eq1 alncasord ol slreJ ro 'sasnlaj 's')3al6eu 'saa,{o1dua to sluaoe slt 'Jadola^oc ll :H-LN3nfS
aues aql outprebar uotleotlsa,rut
qlrM aletadooc,{11n1 l1eqs pue
)JoM JoJauueu pue ssaroord aq1 o1 lcadsa-r qIM uorteurolur 11ng oururelqo roj sarlrltre] ol ssao3e alqEuosea.l
aeu6rsep srq.io raaur6u; ,4y3 aql aprrrord 11eqs radolana6 '1lort,{ue 6utuut6aq aJo}aq s.lnoq (8?) }q6'a-^Uol
1seal 1e -raaur0u3 {1r3 aq1 o1 ac,}ou ual}uM aar6 l1eqs 'soa^oldura pue slua6e s1t '"iado1a,tag :g1y15
's}so3 uorla;du.ro3 predun ,{ue
o] lenba lunoure aql ur :ado;ana6 Aq paurno {pado.rd
aq} lo ocuerqlxnoua aq1 6utpnlcut ll'e1 ,(q paptno:d
Apauar ,(ue alo^ur ol ]rl0u aql 6urneq,{1r3 eql ur llnsal lleqs.ia}leur r(1aur1 e ut s1so3 uoqalduo3 aq} lrtxaJ
ol a.rnpel s1so3 suorla;druoC q3ns lo radola^a6 sagrlou
aql leql alep eq1 1o s[ep (Oe)
ueql o]or1l
ou (y3 aq1 ol slsoC uouelduro3 q3ns lurer lleqs Jadola^a6 palalduloc st luatuear6y stql Aq paleldualuoc
lrom aql 1eq1 Ouunsua qlrM uorlleuuoc ur {1r3 aq1 Iq perncur (,,slsoC uorieldLuo3,,) (}soc uotleOrlrl pue
saal ,sAaurope 6urpn;cur) seal pue'sarlrlrqerl 's1soc'sasuedxa;1e pue Aue ro1 e;qtsuodsar aq lleqs radola,rag
'secuElsu.rncJlc r]cns rapun ,tI3 eqt Aq peluero Jooreql uorsualxa ,{ue ro peurceds eur} ell} urqlM lroM
peloldluoc seq radola^ag ]eql lua^o aql ur aleurural l1eqs uorssru-r-red srqf sluaura^oJdu.rr aq1 6ut1aldu-roc 1o
asodJnd ell]joJ uorsr^rp puel lcelqns aLi] ]o spuel eq1 uodn ]uasuoo lpuorlrppe ,{ue lnoqlrr* ralua o1 uorssrrrlad
elqe3onarJr aql
Jo aoAolduJe :o 1ua6e r{ue ro '[1r3 o1 sguer6 ,(qa:aq :edo;anag eq1 :HIUnOl
'sraalunlo^ Jo 'slue6e 'seaAoldrue 's.rocUJo 'slErcUJo palcela
s1r ',(1r3 ,{q pa^recer ',{ue ;r 'speaco-rd a3uernsur ol pelcrJ}sar aq lou lleqs pup 'luauraar6V s[ll Jo uorleururel ro
uorlelrdxa aql a^r^rns 1leqs ,{}ruLuapur ot uorle6rlqo s,redoqara6 uorlcrpsunI lueleduroc 1o,{poq uorlerlsrumpe
ro unoc e Iq paururJelep se r{1r3 1o }cnpuocsrrJr In}lpm ro acuabrl6eu eql Aq pesnea sr tlcrqM 'qgeep 1n16uola
Ourpn;cur 'suosJed ro
o1 'funlur ro 'aug ,{1euad 'ebeuep 'sso1 ',!rlrqer1 'uorlf,e Jo esne3 'pueu.rep
'ure1c ,{ue }o uoluod qcns r(;uo sapnl3xa uorlE3uruuJepur slql uloql }o qcea Aq par.lncur }soc pue 'sasuodxa
leba1 11e.ro1 s1ua6e ro/pue 'sraaiunlon 'sea[o;dure '$aou]o 'slerclJJo pa]cala s1 ',{1t3 1o luauastnquta.t aq} pue
'sasuedxa ro slsoc pelelar pue 'see1 ,s,(aurope 'saarcop 'sp:er"re 's1ueu:6pn[ 'seug 'sellleued 11e 1o lueu.rAed
eql 'uorlelruJrl lnoqlr/rr\ 'sapnl3ur uorlE3uuuJepur srql 'luauearov slLll io acuetu.roped to 'luautaat6y srql
repun pele;dtualuoc IJoM aLl] ro af,ueualuteu ro uorl3nrlsuoc ]o lno 6ursr.te lo qlr/v\ uoq3auuotr ur srolaerluoc
ro 's1ua6e 'saa^oldua 'lauuosled s1r 'redo1e,re6 lo lonpuoosru.r InJllr/!\ Jo 'acua6t16au 'suorssruro 'sloe
oi luaprcur ro jo ]no oursue '(cue6e Jo
lueuruJa,roo 1ecol io 'alEls 'lerepel (ue;o uo4ce enrle4srulLl]pe
'ssol Xlrlrqert 'uorlce ]o sasnec 'spuEuap 'sr.xlelo po6elle Jo lenlce lle pue ,,{ue uorl slaalunlo^ pue
's1ue6e 'sae{o1dL.ue 'sJecUJo 'slerou}o patcelo s1r ,(1r3 sse;ureq ploq pue
'puojep lleqs radolo^ec
peuJnsse are sarlrlrqeq pres lo lle pue ')iio/v\ aql ]o ocuEtxroled aql ut 'sea,{o1dua ro s1ua6e
s1r 'redo;e,reg Jo suolssrLuo ro s]3e eq] jo uosear ,(q ro ')irom eq] ]o eJnleu aql Jo uosee:
a6eupp ro pa.rn[ 'r
'srnolap ro'stettteq'sleuOts
.ro suOrs fuo1e1n6ar 'suBrs dols 'o) p€lnxrl 1ou 1nq'6urpn;cur 'spoqlau ;o.t1uoc fuo1e;nOeJ 3t1Je.tl lol splepuels
pue suorle;n6ar /nel alels q1r* acuer;du.roc ur suorlpuoc sno.ta6uep Jo snopJezeq q3ns tl.tor] suostad ;1e
lf,aloJd lleqs radola^ao aq1 1uaura,rojdu.fl Jo slJo/v\ aql1o acueldacce leuro] pue uotlaldu.toc aql ol dn saur] lle
1e lueLua,rordrur ]o slro^ aql lo uorl3nllsuoc aq1 [q paleerc ]o pasneo uorlrpuoa sno.rebuep Jo snop.rezeq fua^a
pue qoea 1o crlqnd 6ur1aner1 aq] ol Oururem pue a3rlou elenbape epraord ;leqs iadola^€C aq-L :HIfll
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
auleJl aultl ltaql pue palcnJlsuoc aq ol luaulaaJov Srqt
pala^Oc lloM pa.iinbal aql ]o SUOlSse pue Slossatrtrns
ulloJut ol slol pasodold aq} 1o Llsea ]sure6e paplosa.r oq lleqs pue de!\ leull aql ]o uollepJol€l aql o^l^lns
lleqs luauael6v aql .luaulaat6v srql Iq pela^ol llo/y\ aqt lo uotl3nllsuoa oaluelen6 ot '^aurollv AllS aql
Aq panotdde pue ,i1r3 o1
'AlUncas lercueurj lo r.lroj raqloue lrulqns ro spuoq lsod o1 eauotsse aq1
ouurnbal suorsr,ro.Ld apnlout lleLls pue ,(autopy [1r3 aq1 1o uoq3e]stles aq] o] aq lleqs lalsuel].to 'uot1eceq1od,{q
,lUautaatoe ,{uy .ri1r3 o1 alqeldacce ,{;qeuoseat sl sp 'Ilalns qf,ns outuleluoc pue ',uroJ e ur luaurearoe
uolltr/vl e Aq -rapunataq suoqebrlqo s,Jadola^a6 aunsse ,{lssardxa lleqs aeralsuer} lo 'aleoaq}odAq 'aau6tsse
,{ue 'luautuorsse ue qJns o} outtt:rvr ut s}uasuoc A!3 terlt lua^a aq} u1 lueulealby slql iapun A1t;tqtsuodsal
to ,{1np ,{ue utolg tadoleaa6 a6teqcsrp lo asealal lou lleqs iaJSUer} ro 'uor1ecaq1od,{q 'luautuBtsse Aue 'luasuoo
ualll.l/v\ s,AltC ur {tetluo: eq} ol pa}e}s A;lectltcads ssalun 'lalsuell lo 'e}ecaqlod,{q '1uau:u6tsse palduiape
q3ns ]o uoseal ,{q lselalur Jo lq0u ou atrnbce 11eqs aaralsuer} ro 'e}erall}odItl 'aau6tsse Iue pue 'plo^ pue
llnu aq lleqs os op ol 1du-ra11e Auy
lo luasuoc ua11r.r,r,r lot-td lnoqltm ulalaq lsatalut ,(ue lo iuauoeJ6v slql
'Mel ]o uorlerado {q ro
raL.l}lo 'lalsuE.ll .lo 'elecaqlodlq 'u6lsse ]ou lleqs J€dola^ac :HlNlfljll
'luauraa-rOy srq11o suotst,rold alll ol punoq ,{1;eulo1 ele o}aJaq saryed aql '1ueu.raal6y
srql 6u4ncaxa os {q '}eLl} pue sorued ples lo lleqeq uo }uauraar6V srq} aln3axa ol paztlot-l}ne {1np ele ,{aq1
leql luerem olaraq sarped aql lo jleqaq uo lueuraar6y stql Dutlncaxa suoslad aq1 :H-LNfflUnol
'sarlred tlloq,{q paubts luaunl}sur uaplln
e,{q serped aq} }o }uasuot len}nui oq},{q aut4 [ue le papuauJe aq (er.u luaLuaalov s!q1 :HINf fIUlHl
sourpaaoord alelladde lle pue leljt le 'qltMalaql uotlcauuoc ul
pallncut sasuadxe laLljo puB lsoc uorlecr;qnd 'saal 6urlg 'slsoc !noc 'saa; ,sle6ele.led pue ,sAaulope
alqeuospar alll olaraql ,{ued -raqlo aLl} tuorJ re^o3€r o} pal}tlua eq lleqs ulalaq}
6ullleleld aq1 ',{qalaq
pale;dualuoc suorl3esuerl aq1 ro 'luaruaa:6v sttll lo lno 6utst"re Outpaacold .to uotlce
ul :Hlllf1 l
']oaraql Ja^reM Ournurluoc e aq lieqs luauraarby srq1 1o uollrpuoo .to tuial Aue 1o te^te/y\ oN utalaLl
r]uol les sraueur aql ol se saruEd aq] Jo luauraaJ6v altlua eql suteluoJ luauaatDy slLll:HlNfnflf
'prle^ur aq o1 p;aq uotstnord ro ural'ped lelnolped lel{} ute}uo3 }ou
prp iuau-raarby aql Jr se pa:rolua pue panrlsuoc aq 1leqs sarped aql 1o suorleErlqo pue slqbrl eql pue palsa1le
aq lou lleqs suoruod 6urureurel oql ]o ,{lrprlen eql 'pro^ puE lny!\elun aq o} ploq sunoc aql ,{q sr luatlaal6y
srql 1o uorsr,rojd io Lural 'ped Aue 1r 1eq1 oleraq sarued atll f,q paaloe pue poolslapun sl ll :HINfI
'ureraql peluer6 aq ,{eu se aul} }o suorsuolxa
'lueuraar6y srql Jo sr.rtrel aq1 6ur-rnp lca1la pue a3Jol Ilnj ur spuoq lo puoq ptesarole aql uleluleu o1 sael6e
reqyn; -rado;aneg spuoq qcns uo sarlarns Jo
aql asealal -ro luaueer6y srql 1o ,{1rpr1en aq} }oalJe Ie^
ou ur lleqs suorsuolxa qcns puE lodola^ag 1o lsanba-r uodn.ro'uoqdo u/v\o slt ]e leqlta'IlrC
ol autl
uro.:j'6ugu,rrr ur paluer6 aq,{eu auq Jo suorsualxo '}uou]ael6v srql rapun auop aq o} paleldutaluoc ).lo/v\ eq}
lo uorlalduroo Jo at!!] eql pualxa ol fuessacau pelxaap sr lr lua^a eq] ur 'leql 'iueuaelOy srql 6uttnces spuoq
aql uo sarlajns ro
eq1 6urpnlcut 'olaraq salued aql uaa^llaq pue Aq pea:6e laql]nl sl tl :HlNlN
'qloq Jo spuoq eq] jo lunoute eq1 to Xluncas aql lo
^cualculnsuleql Jo radole^a6 pe4rlou Jaaur6ul ,{1O er.ll qctq/v\ uo alep eq} }o slep (06)
ult-llll palaldu.loc ale
sluaLue^ordur parnbar ;ge sselun luau:aa:6v slr-ll ,o llnelap ur aq ltEqs radolo^aG 'a3rlou pres qll/v\,{;du-toc o1
fuessacau sl se uotloe qcns ele] o1 s1re1 rado;erra6 lr 'ureJaq suorsrno:d reqlo
ourpuelsqltM.loN luorcuJnsul
aJe slunoure ro sarlarns eq1 1eq1 .raeur6u3 ,{1r3 aq1 ,(q pay}ou 6utaq leUE s^ep (0I) uel uttlltm 'q}oq lo 'spuoq
ptes lo lunouJe aql asearcur ro sarlerns luercrgns pue poo6 tllr/v\ spuoq Jo puoq prEs fue^e pue qceo MauoJ
o1 sea:6e Jadolo^e6 EiurolrlEC Jo elels aLll Jo epo3 p^tC aLlt Jo , uolst^t6 1o 9 ued Jo (0006 uollcas qllM
Ourcueuru-roo) t ell!1 ul apeur sl ocualala.i Ll3rq/v\ ol suJrels aq] alnces o] pepuotxE se 0gr ecueulplo t{1unoO
aprsra^ru Jo ll^x elcruv
paqucsard lunoure eql ur sleus]El.x pue .loqel 1o luau(ed lo]
pue poo6 pue 'luatuaa-r6y srql lo suorlrpuoc pue sural aLll Jo acueur.ropad 1n1qpe1 eqt JoJ sluau€^oldu:l
pue uoM aql ]o slsoc paleujrtsf aql uBl-ll ssel lou lunoue ue ut AIJnces luaurenordtrr luelsllJns pue poo6
e r]toq 'palncexa sr luauraarOy srql letll alep eql ol loud'&!C
a;t1 o1 saat6e Jodolo^ac :H.LHClf
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
'uorle6rlqo ro lrl6u
u6rsse o] Iped r{ue JoJ uotlezuoqlne ue sP pant}suo3 aq lou llPLls uollcas slql
'su6rsse Jo 'salrleluasardar leuosrad 'sJraLl 'slossatcns ttaql pue 'satped aq1 Jo ]l1auaq aq] ol alnul
lleqs pue uo 6urpurq aq lleqs suorlrpuo3 pue slueua^oe aq] lo lte puE qcef .lSUll-AINlA l
ro leuorlualur ore suorlce s,,{1r3 -raqleq,u anr} aq l1eqs 6uto6alo1 eq1 ed^l leltuts lo aues
eq] lo raqloqM 'luar-uaarby srql .rapun suorle6rqqo s1r 1o {ue 1o tado;ena6 anatlal }ou lleqs 'luauaat6y
srq] ]o qcearq ,{ue 1o ranrern s,r!r3.lo 'uraraq papr^ord a6a;tnud .lo 1q6u i(ue aslcjaxe o1 .to luau.Jaal6y
srq] ]o uolsr^ord {ue q1rr,a aouerldruoc 1cr-ris uodn }srsur o} arn;re1 s,fit3 :H-Lf llNlA 1
t6926 VJ 'olarn uorssryl
o.racv 0r092cll 'nc puel aa]ruay\
98926 V3 'oa}uanl
peou uneH tr86z
ealuayl 1o tr1t3
Jadolo/\aA Il!5
:sassarppE 6urmo11o1 aql le 'prederd a6elsod ';taut Aq
raqlo alll uo pa^l€s aq
1;eqs luauraa-r6y srql o1 luensrnd ua,l6 aq o1 peprurrad ro parrnbar saorlou ro acqou ,(uy :HtNfflf NIN
eruro1rleC lo alEls aql lo sr*e1 aq1 ,{q pau:aao6 eq o1 sr luauaar6v slql- :HIN:j-LHClf
aues oql paln3axa peq sarped oql ]o lle Jr se lceJJa aues eql a^eq pue :eqge6og panrlsuo3 eq lleqs
syedralunoo qcrqr* 'sped:alunoc ur serped aql ,{q palncaxa eq Aeur lueu.raar6y stql :9g1133-LNlnjS
'luaruaar6y srq11o urel aql lnoq6noJql paurElureu 11eqs slenordde pue 'suorleourlenb 'slrr"ured
'sosua3rl Ile a^eq lleqs,(aq1 1eq1 pue 'Luaql o1 peu6rsse lro/v\ aql ulroyad o1 ecueuadxa pue llr)s luarcrlJns
a^eq lleqs s-ro]3eiluof, pue sae,{oldr-ue sy lo lle leql slueJell redo;aneq }roM eql u.royed o1 fuessaceu 6ur;;ec
lEuorssalo./d oql ur p€llrls oq lleqs sro]oe4uoc slr .ro lr leql sulelureu pue sluesarda: redolo^ao erurolleC
lo alels aq1 ur eur;drcsrp eu.]es atll ur sleuorssalo.rd
pa^oldua 6uraq se pazruoocer ;eraua6 sp:epuels
aql q1!/\^ luelsrsuoc pue 'rauueur olrlueu)roM pue ln]llrIS e ul luauaor6v slql ol tuensJnd pauro#ad lJoa
lle l3n.tlsuoc ol pornboJ lroaa 11e Lr.ro;rad lleqs ',{ue Jr 's.rolcer}uoo s1r pue:adogane6 sluaurarrnber roqlo pue
'sp.repuels 'sapoc 'suorle;n6eJ 'sacueurpro 's^ el leool pue'alels '1erapel alqecrldde lle se lloM se ,{1r3 eq1 qlrr,rr
al4 uo olaraql sluaurpueue lEr3ads pue 's6unterp prepuels 'suorlecgrJads 'sueld 'suorypuoc 'sdel! paloJdde
llp qlrM acuep.rocce ur luaurear6v srql f,q peleldLualuo3 )jroM lle urolad llells Jadole^ec :H-LNfjlXlS
'peJrejsueJl Jo 'pe1eceq1od,{q 'pauorsse 1ou lueuaeroy srql
para^o3 )poM eq} Jo ,{ue 1o acueurjopad
eqJ aJncas o1 uanrB s6urleyapun ro Aluncas,tue asealar lou llEL1s
]elll 'Ja^amoq 'pepr,ro:d :peuOrsse
os yuauea:oy srql
para^oc lJo^\ eql arn3as ol polsod
Jaqlo ro spuoq Aue Jedola^ao ol aseale.l
lleqs pue pauOrsse os suorle6rlqo slr uro.{ redolala6 aseelal l1eqs r(1r3 'uorloas srql ur qUoJ }os se 'luatuaerOy
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Developer has affixed his name, address and seal.
Daled: _,2021 By: Menifee Land DV, LLC
Mohammad Kashani, Managing Partner
Daniel Padilla, City Engineer
Armando G. Villa, City Manager
Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk
Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193
July 21
A notary public or other officer completing this
certificate verifies only the identity of the individual
who signed the document to which this certificate is
attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or
validity of that document.
State of California
County of Orange )
on )uly 73,2021 before me,Anadina Alvarez---------
(insert name and title of the officer)
personally appeared --------_Mohammad Kashani---
who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personS whose name(+) is/a+e
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helsh€lth€y executed the same in
his/Mtheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/herAieir signalure$) on the instrument the
person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing
paragraph is true and correct.
corr.f 207512
{)niY r*lc.ct oill
orr&E Ca(rw
IY Call. Ert hY ,. ?011
Signature (Seal)
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F57ADCE-A4B5-4477-83A3-892230D1F193