Hillcrest Contracting, Inc. Material and Labor Bond CIP20-04 7666122.iosseccns i(ue ro 'papuaue se '!8!e uoilsas apoC lrnrO eiu.roJlleC ul pau..lBU suotlelod-toc pue 'saruedlxo3 'suosrad 11e pue ,{ue }o ll;euaq aq} ol alnut lleqs puoq aql '].rno3 el{l ,iq paxg aq lleLls se saej s,,(eulo11e olqeuoseel qcns 'puoq slql uodn lqonorq sr )lns asec ut [ed l1eqs oslB pue qUol les anoqeuraraL.l lunouJe aql 6ulpaecxe )ou lunoule ue ol .lo ul aulEs aql ,{ed l1eqs i(1e]ng pres uaql 'olalaql Josseocns /{ue to'papueue se'epoC lt^lC etuJoJrleC aql Jo e uorsrArC lo v led lo gr ellll- lo I taldeqC lo suotstlold aql qltru petldr-uoc eneq lleqs alo1araql lueudrnba ro set;ddns pue )jro/v\ qloq setlddns oqm uosJad ,{ue to 'eues aql uodn ioqel ro lro^/\ suJJoled oqr',r uostad,{ue to 'auop aq o} IloM ptes o1 6ugnqr4uoc luaurdrnba ro sarlddns pres 6utqstutn; os 'uosted,iue )eql paprno-rd pue 'ioqEl pue lto/r^ qcns ol lcadsal ql/f, epoC ecue.rnsul luau,(olduau1 BrurolrleC aql lo OZOC! uotlces o] luensrnd s.rolce.rluoaqns pue ledtcuu6 pres 1o saaloldula 1o sa6erra aq) uoJl lueLrtpedag lueurdola^ac lueuAoldu.r3 aq] ol JaAo pted pue 'plaqqllM 'pelJnpap aq o1 pa:tnbar slunouJe {ue ro1 ro 'roqel Jo }rolv1 L.lJns ol }cadsat qll/'^ apoC e3ueJnsul luauu{o1duau1 eruroJrleC aq] Japun anp slunoure [ue ro; ro 'pur>1 [ue lo uoaJaql Joqel ]o )i.ro/v\ r{ue.ro1 .ro '}3e:luoc eq1 o1 alqecrldde ,{llcattp actruas auoqdalal ,ro 'aurlose6 '1to '1eaq '1qBr1 'tar'rrod 'seb'ralemlo Ued leq)'ol peltull lou ]nq'outpnlcut 'auop aq ol palselluos lJo/y\ eql Jo acueLuJoIad aql lnoqe ro rol 'uodn 'ur 'pesn puty ,{ue lo luau./dtnba.lo setlddns reLl}o to 'fueurqceur ro 's1uar"ua;durr 'sulpal palq ro pelueJ 'tapualold suorstnold 'slerJaleul ,{ue rol ,{ed o} lrel lleqs 'suOtsse to 'slossaocns 's.toleJlsrutt!pe 'sJo}n3axo 's.tteq s}t ro srq 'ledrcuu6 ples t! 1VHI HCnS St NOllve ttSO SlHl- lO NOII1CNOC f H.1 OOIBLA oA l paJpunq eeJq] pu esnoLll_ au_o-Alauru parpunq rno, uollllu.l auo ++sluese:d asaql i(q i(1u-rrr1 'r(llere,res pue tr11urol 'srossaccns 'srole.rlsrU ru.rpe 'srolncaxa 'S.lreq lno'sa^lesino pulq e/v\'epPLlJ aq o1 (1n:1 pue lla/v\ txnS qf,rq,^ ]o luau^ed eql .iol 'ecLrauJV lo salels pallun aql 1o ,(auou ln1rrre1 GZ"oa-t6tT$) srelloo r+ Iunouje eql lo (y066;) luacred peJpunq auo 1o uns leuad aq] ur ',ilrC elll pallec reueurereq 'ealluay! jo rltC aql olun punoq r(|ulr1 pue plaq are '{arng se puel^rey! lo ^uEorlroc lrsooao pue Alrloprl pue ledrcuud se aM ':UOI3U3HI 'MON :q!ol les raueurareq luaua eql ol aures eql Ied llrru puoq srql Jo ^laJns aql 'pull ,{ue 1o uoa.reql euop Joqel ro l.rorrr i{ue roj ro 'auop aq o} palceJlu03 IJom aql lo acueuroj.rad el{l lnoqe Jo'uodn'ur pesn ]ueLudrnba Jo sarlddns raqlo Jo 'Japua^ord 'suorsrnord s;eualeur {uero; ,ied ol lrel lleqs srolceJluocqns slr ro srq go ,{ue ro 'ledrcur.rd pres I leql 6urprnord lcerluoc ptes qym uorl3auuof, ur puoq e qsrurnJ ol parrnbar sr ledrouud p!es'SV3UfHM pue'oleretll seouBUeUndde qlrn raqla6ol lca[o.rd loaford sluaura^ordrxl le]l qseM euroled 'O-OZ dlCeql Jo uoqJnrlsuoa ro1 lcerluo3 e ,,'1edrcuu6,, aql se paleu6rsap ]a}JeUla]aqc-.]|6,.peIUo3lseE||l.,]olpapJe,^^eseq.Tzut4I-roNpesseduoll3ee}nUlU {q 'erurolr;e3 lo a}els 'aprsra^rg 1o ,!uno3 alll ur 'eayueyl Jo,(ttC aqt 'SVgUggnn t-vHJ. rsJ.N3S3Ud tslHl A8 Nf y\ "l"lv MON) (leualen pue.roqel to1 puog) ONOEI INSIAIAVd puoS a3uPuJJopad ur papnlsul :Llnruard zz t 999L# puoS suedJalunos aarql ut palncaxS l3rlOrqzgogr-939v'lgtr-.1102-09VO8OV6 iOl edoTa uj u6.Smoo lcel-u l-IauJollv / alelj .ra3 dg ,(s i!arng ledrcuug r(poq 6ururaao6 slt Jo lluoqtne ol luenslnd alqeluaseJdel pauDrsrapun sI i(q pauDrs r(1np sluasard aser.ll pue paxUJe olalaq 6uraq [yed elaodioc qcee Jo teas e1e:od.roc pue eueu eqt 'mZ '--------------6II-f- lo leptlltr- eq] uo 'funfrad 1o rlleuad.repun 'pau,eu utalaLl ^lelns pue ledrcuu6 aq1 ,(q palnoexe ^lnp uaaq e^eq 'roaJaql ;eur6uo ue peuJeap eq sasodlnd llE roJ lleqs rlcrq/yl Jo L{3ea 'luaun4sur srqy 1o spedrelunoo lecrluapt (e) aetqt 'lO3Uf HM SSjNI-lM Nl 96|,09 ll 'brnqurneqss ',AeM qcunz 66zL 'ecueLriv quoN qeunz o/cpueltuey! ]o AueouoS lrsodoc pue AlleptJ sse]ppe srql le i(1a.rn5 uodn pue ,ig 3u|'oulr5'rrrro.rssrsrrrEr'."90'3tg'ffi ,i,X?i:?,Joorf 8":H'?m Ioe.tluo3 aql Jo lueuraJrnbar ro 'uotleln6at '/v\el Jeqlo Aue riq to 'aJnpeoo1d ltArC jo apoC Jo Z ted )o , f alM ro 7 nldeqX ,(q pa.rrnba.r slueuJncop leLilo pue staded ,sac4o11 ']apuna.leql peu.ltolad eq ol lroiu lo lo sluau.lncoc lcplluoC aLll Jo uotlEcutpouj .ro 'uolleralle 'atxq lo uotsualxa 'a6ueqc q5ns lo ectlou anrerur Aqa:aq seop ll pue puoq srLll uo suorle6r;qo slr lcale ,(ean Iue ur lleqs Japunalaql paulopad eq ol IloM aLll Jo.lo slueurncoc l3e./luoC aql lo suorleclltpoul Jo 'uotle]elle 'eull lo uolsuglxa ,a6ueqc ou leql saa-r6e pue selelndrls ,(qa.raq 'penracat enlel JoJ 'Ilatng ples eql 'Uf HIUnJ uodn ]r-l6no.rq lrns Iue ur su6rsse rraql ro ureql ol uorloe Jo lqBu e anr6 ",.r "3f,:;ll puelfuey!1o,{u@ lalJOrqZS09r'elgV-jE|'.tt0Z.09VOgOV6 Ot adola^uf u6tSncoC A notary public or other officer completing this certilicate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certilicate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of orange ) on 6 /24121 before me, L6xie Sherwood , Notary Public, Dale ln!6rl Nalno ofNolEry 6x6c1ly BB il appesrs on lh6 olticialseal CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT personally appeared f" .i:i'.".1 .l! iloraRY PUBLTc*\ *+y/ oRANGE c\?irr Comm. Exo. Jurv-f./-\-rY_Y-fv-\.r, .cAUFoRNa 8OUNTY Witness my hand and official seal Signature Signaturo bllc e erwo LEXIE SHERWOOD coMM. # 2203287 LY 27,2021 Place Notary SealAbove OPT'ONAL Though the intormation below is not required by law, it may prove valuab,e to persons relying on lhe document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reaftechment of lhe form to anothei documenl. Deacription of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Dale:Number of Pages Signe(s) Olher Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name ! lndividual ! Partner ELimited E General ! Attomey in Fact E Trustee E Guardian or Conservator E Other: Signer is Representing Signer's Name D lndividual D Partner E Limited E ceneral ! Attomey in Fact fl Truslee E Guardian or Conservator E Other: Signer is Representing Top of humb here RIGHTTHUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Spencer Flake Nam.{6) ol sisn6(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidenc€ to be the person(s) whose name(s) iyare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged lo me thal he/she/they exscuted the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and thal by hiyher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALry OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and conecl. DcorporateoIficer-Title(s):-Ecorporateofficer-Title(s);- RIGHTTHUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top of thumb here ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Riverside ) On June 28, 2021 before me,A. Gutierrez, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Glenn l. Salsbury who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persoryF) whose name(fislare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in . his/her/thgir authorized capacity(jp6;, and that byaris/her/their signatureJ/) on the instrument the person(1, or the entity upon behalf of which the personl4 acted. executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and o lseal. @*, A. GUTIENNEI Not.ry Public - catifornta Rlverslde Countl/ Commissioo f 226i968 Comm. &ptr6 Nov B, 2022 , Signature (Seal) ZTIRICII AI\II]RICAT( INSTIRANCE COTIPANY COLONIAL A1\IERICAN CASIIALT'I' AND STIRE'I'\' CO}IPAN\ FIDEI,ITY AND DEPOSIl' COIIIPAN}' OF IIART'I-AND PO\!'f,R OF AT'I'ORNEY KNOW AI-L MEN BY THESE PRESENI Si Thar thc ZURICII AMERICAN INSURANCL COMPANY, a corporarion ol the Statc ol'New Yorlq thc COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. a corporation of tie State of Illinois. and the I'lDI-l-lTY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporation of thc Statc of Illinois (hcrcin collectively called lhe "( onrpanics"). by Robcrt D. Murray, Vice Pr€sident, in pursuaice ofauthoritv granted by Aniclc V, Section 8, ofthe B)-Laws ol said Conrpanics. rvhich are scl forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby cenified to bc in full force and effect on the date hereol', do hereb), nominatc. constitute, and appoinl Charlcs L. FLAXE, Spencer FLAKE, Devid L. CIILBIIRTSON, Lexic SIIER\\'OOD of Anahcim, Crlifornis, f,ACll, ils truc and Iawful agenl and Attomey-in-Fact, to make, cxccute, scal and delivcr. for. and on its behalfas surety. and as ils acl arid dccdr Bny end all bonds rnd undertakings, and the execution ofsuch bonds or unde(akings in puBuance ofthese present-s, shall be as bindiDg upon said Companies, as fully and amply, to all inlents and purposes. as ifthcy had been duly execuled and ackrowledted b)'the rcgularly elected officcrs of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its officc in New Yorlq Ne$ York., the regularly elcclcd officers of the COI,ONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY al its ollice in O\rings Mills, Marr-land.. and the regularly clccted officers of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at iG office in O\\'ings Mills, Marylard , in thcrr o\ n Froper persons. Thc said Vice President does hereby cenify thal tle exlracl srt forth on the rcverse side hereofis a lrue copy ofArticle V. Section 8, of thc By-Laws ofsaid Companies, and is now in force. IN \\'ITNESS WHEREOF. the said Vice-President has hereunlo subscribed his,fter namcs and aftired $e Corporate Scals of the said ZI.]RICII AIIIERICAN INSTIRANCE CONIP-{NT" COI-ONIAI. AIIERICAN CASTIALTI' AND SI.IRETY CoIIPAN\', ,Nd FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYt.A:{D. rhis llrh day of Junc. A.D. 2021. By. Robert D. Ilurray I'ice President A't-ltS',l : 7-tIRICII ANIf, RICAN INSIIRAN'E COMPANY COI,ONIAI, AMf,RICAN CASUALTY AND STIRCTY COMPANI' FIDEI-ITI' AN'D DEPOSIT COIUPANT' OT I RYI-AND C.-.."a. "^_a.. d,,*^J ,{ r 'a) 8y. Davn E. Brown Secretary Stalc of Mrrylsnd County of Brl(imore OnlhrslllhdayofJune,AD202l,betbrethesubscriber,aNotaryPubhcol-rhcStat€ofMaryland,dulycommissioncdandqualrlled,RobcrtD. Murmy, VIc. Prcsidenl ard Drwn f,. Brown, Sccrcte4 ofthc Conrpanies, 1o nc pcrsonally knorm to b€ the indivrduals and ollicers descnbcd in a|1d who execuled the precedrng rnslrument, and acknolvledged thc execution ofsame, and b€ing by me duiy swom. deposerh and saith, thal he/she rs the sard ofiicer of thc Company aforesaid, and that the seals allixed to lhe precedrng rnsrrunr€nr are thc Corporate Seals ofsaid Companies. and lhat rhe said Corporale Seals and lhc signalure as sLrch olllc€r were duly amxed and snbscribed 10 the said inrtrument by thc aurhorit_v and dlrection ofthe said Corporalrons lN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunb ser rny hand and anlxcd l]ly Omcral Seal rhe dav and y€ar 6rsr above wrnren Consknce A Dunn, Nolary Pub|c My Commissio. Exprres July 9. 2023 F ,4.uthenticiay ofthis bord can bc confirmed at lrondvalidator.zurichna,com or 410-559-8790 ."'Tllllii::. .-.-.$,."':''lir,tr;s