2020/11/25 Agreement Water Quality Management - TR 3630311t25t2020 Batch 8325743 Confirmation DocuSign Envelope tD: D2FEACAT-E053-43E4-8FE1-EA6CC9B3AFA1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF MENIFEE AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO; CITY OF MENIFEE CITY CLERK 298,44 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586-6540 DOC # 2020-0591992 1112512020 10:46 AM Fees: $0.00 Page 1 of 7 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Peter Aldana Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder '*This document was electronically submitted to the County of Riverside for recording*" Receipted by: JACQUELTNE #2386 SPACE ABOVE THIS LI NE FOR RECORDER'S USE -- BCSTunteceuenr pn crtqFs opennirb to RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT PROJECT NAME:T 36303 MENt TOWN CE NTER DA.s PROPERTY OWNER NAME:LEN HOMES OF CALIFORNIA PROPERTY ADDRESS: ROADS APN 364.431{18 and 3il-432{09 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into in Me Ca|fornia. this 20th day of Novembe r 2O2a , by and between Lennar Homes of Ca lnc A ation herein after referred to as "owner'" and the CITY OF MENIFEE, a municipal corporatron, located rn thecounty of Riverside, state of california hereinafler referred to as .clw',: WHEREAS the City is a Co-Permittee for drscharging stormwater from its MS4 facilitrespursuant to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Controt Board Order r.ro na-ioro-ooss,MS4 NPDES Permit No CAS 618033 Under the terms of the permit the City is required toenforce the provisions of the permitGthin its jurisdiction. The rJqu,r"r"nt" contained in thisagreement are intended to achieve the goals of the MS4 permit; https ://gs.secure-recording. com/Batch/Confi rmation/9325743 1t4 11t25t2020 Batch 8325743 Confirmation DOC #2020-0591992 Page 2 ol 7 DocuSign Envelope lD: D2FEACAT-E053-43E4-8FE1-EA6CCgB3AFA1 WHEREAS. the Owner owns real property ("Property) in the City of Menifee. County of Riverside. State of California, more specifically descrrbed rn Exhibrt "A'and depicted in Exhibit "8", each of which exhibits is attached hereto and incorporated herein by thls reference; WHEREAS at the trme of initral approval of development prolect known as: Tract 36303 ifee Town Center DA-S within the Property described herein, the City required the pro.;ect to employ Best Management Practrces, hereinafter referred to as "BMPs." to minimize pollutants rn urban runoff WHEREAS the Owner has chosen to rnstall and/or implement BMPs as described in the Water Quality Management Plan, on file with the City hereinafter referred to as "WQMP' to minimize pollutants in urban runoff and to minimize other adverse impacts of urban runoff, WHEREAS, satd WQMP has been certified by the Owner and reviewed and accepted by the Crty, WHEREAS, said BMPs, with installation and/or implementation on private property and draining only private property are part of a private facility wrth all maintenance or replacement, therefore, the sole responsibility of the Owner in accordance wrth the terms of thrs Agreement, WHEREAS, the Owner ts aware that periodic and continuous maintenance, including, but not necessarily limited to, filter material replacement and sediment removal, is required to assure peak performance of all BMPs in the WQMP and that. furthermore, such maintenance activity will require compliance wrth all Local. State. or Federal laws and regulations, includrng those pertaining to confined space and waste drsposal methods, in effect at the time such marntenance occurs; NOW THEREFORE, it is mutually strpulated and agreed as follows Riqht of Access Owner hereby provides the Crty of Menifee desrgnee complete access, of any duration, to the BMPs and their immedrate vrcrnity at any time, upon reasonable notice, or rn the event of emergency, as determined by the City's Engrneer no advance notice, for the purpose of rnspectron, sampling. testing of the Devrce and in case of emergency to direct all necessary reparrs or other preventative measures at owner's expense in accordance with the procedures set forth rn paragraph 3 below City shall make every efiort at all times to minimize or avoid interference with Owner's use of the Property 2 Resoonsibilitv for Ooeration and Maintenance of BMPs Owner shall use its best efforts diligently to maintain all BMPs in a manner assuring peak performance at all times. All reasonable precautions shall be exercised by Owner and Owner's representative or contractor in the removal and extraction of any materral(s) from the BMPs and the ultimate disposal of the material(s) ln a manner consrstent with all relevant laws and regulations rn effect at the time As may be requested from time to time by the City, the Owner shall provrde the Crty with documentation rdentrfyrng the material(s) removed, the quantity, and drsposal destination Citv Maintenance at Owner's Expense: ln the event Owner or its successors or assigns, fails to accomplish the necessary maintenance contemplated by this 1 3 https ://gs.secure-record ing.com/Batch/Confirmation/8325743 2t4 DocuSign Envelope lD: D2FEACAT-E053-43E4-BFE1 -EA6CCgB3AFAI Agreement, the City may cause such maintenance to be conducted on Owner's Property at Owner's expense if Owner does not commence and diligently work to perform the maintenance within five (5) days of receiving written notice from the City, in accordance with paragraph 10 below. of Owner's failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement. The city may charge the entire cost and expense of any maintenance undertaken by the city, whether performed as a response to an emergency situation or following five (5) day written notice by the City, to the Owner or Owner's successors or assigns, including administrative costs, attorney's fees and interest thereon at the maximum rate authorized by the Civil Code from the Date of the notice of expense until paid in full. The Crty, at its sole election, may take these costs to be a lien upon the property that may be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes as provided in Government Code section 38773.5. Nothing in thrs section or this Agreement creates an obligation by the City to maintain or repair any BMP, nor does this section prohibit the City from pursuing other legal recourse against Owner. 4.Suretv Bond: The City may require the owner to post security in form and for a time period satisfactory to the City to guarantee the performance of the obligations stated herein. Should the Owner fail to perform the obligations under the Agreement, the City may, in the case of a cash bond, act for the Owner using the proceeds from it, or in the case of a surety bond, require the sureties to perform the obligations of the Agreement. As an additional remedy, the City's Engineer may withdraw any previous stormwater-related approval with respect to the property on which BMPs have been installed and/or implemented until such time as Owner repays to City its reasonable costs incurred in accordance with paragraph 3 above. Recordtnq: This agreement shall be recorded rn the Office of the Recorder of Riverside County, California, at the expense of the Owner and shall constitute notice to all successors and assigns of the title to said Property of the obligation herein set forth, and also a lien in such amount as will fully reimburse the City, including interest as herein above set forth, subject to foreclosure in event of default in payment. Attornev's Fees: ln event of legal action occasioned by any default or action of the Owner, or its successors or assigns, then the Owner and its successors or assigns agree(s) to pay all costs incurred by the City in enforcing the terms of this Agreement, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs, and that the same shall become a part of the lien against sard Property. Covenant: lt is the intent of the parties hereto that burdens and benefits herein undertaken shall constitute covenants that run with said Property and constitute a lien there against. Bindinq on Successors: The obligations herein undertaken shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto. The term "Owner" shall include not only the present Owner, but also its heirs, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns. Owner shall notify any successor to title of all or part of the Property about the existence of this Agreement. Owner shall provide such notice prior to such successor obtaining an interest in all or part of the Property. Owner shall provide a copy of such notice to the City at the same time such notice is provided to the successor. 5 b 7 B 9. Time of the Essence: Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. DocuSign Envelope lD. D2FEACAT-E053-43E4-8FE1 -EA6CC9B34FA1 10. Notice: Any notice to a party required or called for in this Agreement shall be served in person, or by deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address set forth below. Notice(s) shall be deemed effective upon receipt, or seventy-two (72) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, whichever is earlier. A party may change a notice address only by providing written notice thereof to the other party. lN UTITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures as of the date first written above. IF TO CITY: City of Menifee 298/4 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 IF TO OWNER: Lennar Homes of California, lnc 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 by:OWNER: By Smith City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORiI: Title: Vice President DocuSigned by: OWNER: ATTEST: Soyall 0, by: 1. ttdluu4t City Attorney By: NAME Title , City Clerk NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEiIIENTS ON FOLLOWING PAGE DocuSign Envelope lD: D2FEACAT-E053-43E4-8FE 1 -EA6CC9B3AFA1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or olher officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individuat who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or va of that document. State of California Svwvr)tCounty of On before me, name and of personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory to be the whose na i the same in on the instrument the the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. JOD IE ATHA WITNESS my hand and officialseal @ Not.(Y Public - California Rivorride CountY Commis!ion r 2230896 My Comm flt Fcb l1,2022 Signature (Seal) (1lh["' lt, ?'.m DocuSign Envelope I D: D2FEACAT-E053-43E4-8FE 1 -EA6CC9B34FA1 Exhibit A (Leqal Descriotionl Lots 157 and 159 ofTR 36303, as per Map Recorded in Map Book 470 Pages 77 through 87 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder, County of Riverside, State of California, lying within Section 3, Township 6 South, Range 3 West, S.B.M L HOLLAND ROAD -r BLOOT\NNG \4STA WAV uouNrAlNSiDE srrEei )I l i I j I I PI I ! 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