Forestar (USA) Real Estate Group, Inc. Material and Labor Bond PM13757 US00109946SU21A?t^ \:r' gEL, - FOR: Grading/Drainage g Erosion Control $WQMP $Total $ MATERIAL AND LABOR BONDCITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.2) 31 250.00 Parcel Map APN 364-070-034 PM13757 51 000.00 Other Project No. GP21-035 Bond No. USO01099465U21A 250.00 Premium premiu m lncluded on Performance Bond82 Surety XL oecialtv lnsurance Com Principal F restar SA I Esta rou cAddress Z Seavi Aven Address: 2221 E. Lamar Blvd Suite 790City/State Stamford CT City/State: Arlinqton. TXZipcode 06902 Zip:76006Phone (203 )e6 4-5200 Phone: (81 7) 769-1867 WHEREAS the City Councit of the City of Menifee State of California, and Forestar (U SA)Real Es teG u lnc.(hereinafter designated as ',principal") have entered into, or are aboutto enter into, the attache d agreement(s) whereby pnncrpa I agrees to install and complete theabove designated Gradi ng, Erosion Control & We MP relating to APN 364-070-034, PM 13757.EeItqw Site for TR36852 , which agreement(s), dated to and made a part hereof; and,, is/are hereby referred wHEREAS, under the terms.of .said agreement(s), principar is required, before entering uponthe performance of the work, to fire i good ani iufficient payment b""J *itn the city ofMenifee to secure the craims to which reference is made in ritte a d;;;;Jil *ith section9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the civir code of the state of carifornia; It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit ofany and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Ti e 3(commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code, so as to give a rightof action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; othenrise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. 9/8115 t NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as surety, are firmlybound unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, corporate subcontractors,laborers, materialsuppliers, and other persons employed tn the performance of the agreement(s) and referredto Title 3 (commencing with Section 9000) of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code in the sumof($82.250.00) formaterials furnished or labor thereon of any kind,or for amounts due under the Unemploymentlnsurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in anamount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is broughtupon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonableexpenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City of Menifee insuccessfu I ly enfo rci n g such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxedas costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, oraddition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the spJcifications accomfanying tne sameshall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notile of any suchchange, extension of time, alteration, or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2g45 ol the Civil Code arenot a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby *aiveo uy surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and suretyabove named, on May 26,2OZ1 . NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Forestar USA) Rea I Estate Grouo , Inc( AUTHORTZED STGNATURE(S): By N s D. Arr,rn ftn.nc,'^-l O(*i uf (rF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) e LW .f NAME OF SURETY: XL S ecialtv lnsurance Comoanv AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:ilr 4//r/- Noah William Pierce, lts Attorney-in-Fact (rF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN.FACT. 9/8/15 COUNTY OF Mecklenburo to wit: l, Catherine Thomoson, a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, do hereby certify that Noah William Pierce, whose name is signed to the foregoing bond this day personally, appeared before me in my said State and County aforesaid and acknowledged the same. Given under my hand this ?(k daV of llo/r ,2021 -*$:",1:,% =2- 3*,.'2 ii-"::9^ ''c ==:s ,, J'if,ilJI,Ii*'"'.", IC he 9th day of Aotil, 2022 STATE OF North Carolina z lo t e6ed zr008s llrgni rtvloN'uao€.p..rJ a)er9 's rrt(F.tt 'sart4ragrn 3p0oq l/ 3frt & llJaurn-rlsur oes p30qP arav, tr]e qeas lettt luar]n4sur lqEple acooep op 'rro\^s aql palDexe q)rq} :sao?durol prps 1o srolrro to speo€ at p ,tuollqnE pes€rojP 3qt ol Frue qees .qt tg\q lsauEdurol pes topaqun.p 'lNvdl4of, :DNydnSNI l-t-tvDlds -tx Jo lr.€psardor te€ lJo6ai! allEe Alqr6rad a! aJoFq '0zoz lequraoao p Aep wz uo4nP ouraq 'o{t^ /u^ oDt f----Yl v --:'2 rNlOISlld llt^ 'tpo€ ro6ar9 UlISlHl lO lll\rnol VINVA]/.SNNId tO I1VLS ,$ to qree leql pue raq Pue spuoq 'luduroo 4nrsxE ol Pauoqlne l€s aprod-o a1q ota$l1q tpeue poe Aarm-@c'r pszrd{tne st &&art ureql to lp€a rrn pse ro l,raJns u sr-o'le6lpo ro !re4u@ ,sArpielrapln pozrroqmp se preo€ aql & psluocl1p lqeraii arE 'spuoq lte pue lue ',tueduol a{ lo ,teqeq uo qrsirl,{ !r^Ol puE te€A,!o6arD /]]Eqno areLl D ,r.la 16 u Sl.qeo|qo rc spe4u@ iq AueduoC aqq to ,lslarres ll,elsEsv +( ,lNvdrlof, ttr vunsNl ll.lvl]:tds tx .0202 ,puz ,€q!$o s|l0 ee'Jo pa4roqne Anp $ & par6s { ot quasa,aeql ue 'pexlle cqunara.t .q ol tes EeIdj(D 5r pas.E req ANVdl4Of, lf,NYUrENI ll]vDtds .tx e{O ,lolllHll Ssti[r]t\ Nr ,pat)?tle i I qrq^ ot sralQo lI'M Aarns-@ Jo Aerns ur uqtEoltqo ro pe4uol '6$tqrapun 'puoq lue ol D€dsal qx/,. /tueturco alo uodn OrDuq pue prte^ raue6ra.]l .q leqs tea6 qruJlsacj .D sarnlEu6rs atrurlE qrm Elupeq al€ogqra ro lauJolle Jo ra^ od q:lrls /fue pup'qrursreJ & oraB{ 6u[eta] elEaJore lue ol ro /€uroIe lo srarqod |prE or pa(!paq l?ur rueduo) aql p PsE alerdr@ aqt pue $nrmpsar 6urpo.rJd an ur paleu sritruo Lp.rs Jo arnreuas el.q tp$ ,!lHltn! ,ol .tc6l! o l s$) V1 'lueducD eu io tees aterodnr aqq oraJao qrslre cq pue '/(;!olle Jo rauod qrls tue to lroqrEara aqq tse]]p ot pazuoqre &aaq s ura.ulueduol aqq to tuEeoos tusrstssy lue ,o ,lJsterras a{l tel1q pue ,eatlo q}a Aerm-o ro Aarns ur sSuqelapune{ to teq3q uo 'alnr6xa ot ,{aoo}p lo )aeod ua^6 a{l ur paupu lauroue a$ 6u4rre,rb lauroup to sra ^od&€raq q qre. l{rs]W u e, pue teo€ 4ro6.rD ,]Jeqno e'rew ,uepro! pruEg ,uqdry tue9 lErtt ,!tH_!dnl ,OlAtOslU lueduol aqq toqrrE Aue to (DryDaxe a\q tsallea{ teto puP s]3qlo qrM Aarns-or re^lap pue teas 'alnla)6 ,aleur o1 prueo ,uepe, tue9 rpql ,OlA]CtSlr prpoS aqt & pq@e smltnp6e! 6u ^qpl aqt ,o Amqqne ai.]l & pw pqeas pue luEdurol aql lo Il4aDeS pup papEerd a{ lq FEu66 erea souDiel]lpun pue spuoq qrns se .{ueduol p'es qrEa uodn bulPuq aq [ei]s pel u (s) launlrv Fesarte eqq & p.rDsx. 4np 'troz 4nr Jo,{ep qDZ a.q uo saueduof, a| }o Wee p sropalo }oJ3Brn qruxsej & p.ir6is sr pre Fa}rel6 e lalow to dqoJ a.ll tees sProdrotr qr qI se luetxa auiEs a.0 ol Ne lltr! uaqr^ '$uq4Epun pup spuoq lpis o.q rL4rA tg TlOtttA Z lq bttuqr 4ppzJ 7flt O.A q6t4 :uodde pup,ay\xlsuor ,a)arurou lqarat op , ,a0690 if ,Fuolues ,ara,iv 4a^€s5 0t le pal6q sauo qI6 Aueduor aruunsur yo aaN e ")uI eruauv auprnsula! rx pu€ 1!E6t vd ,uoyl "p{a Ma^qoel S05 tp patEcor sa)lllo r.]lr^ saruEdu]or aLrernsur ereaepo e /luedurol aruernsut ,{Ier)ad5 .tX leql :S.tfllstud lslHr Ag Nll,i |lv /!1oN) ol tLra^a lue ur slp'qa to auo cu lo uins Ipue pe slr sP pue 'Aains se ,neqaC qt uo rut srualv euerrurr! tx ,tuedurol aroernsul ll€lreds U &unDV lo r.aod '00 @0'000'oorl paarr,rot'1@]€lo arruar el]l ur sarD€!.pun Ore spoq [e pue /tue,paJnbe] arat^,paBpra^pp pue teas 1s3]e /auraG /als! ot pelul(s)leuonv InJAq pue erl4 $ qtree z I eazc I ,.qunu uqrqurutoc AoC'9 rtlrH 8.{610 uqrqultlJE ,(n Iufioa, rolmqC LLgttgl1X ]NUOIIV JO UfMOd O]TIWII U]BI4NN ONOE V 1ON SI SIH1 Oej r g30ggZ96-e6CV-t62FeV t O-rgCl0CZC rOt edoto^uf u6rSncoO rlvrjulls tNvrstssv'qxtrh|l{ u ^a) )-v _?[9!d IJqofl 'urorsr.e+, .otrg .s DocuSign Envelope lD: C2C0FC84-C1A8-4794-AC93-96788DE81F3D STATE OT PENNSYLVANTA COUNTY OT CHESTER l, Kevin M- t'liEch, Assistant S€aEtiry of xL SPECIALTY INSUR NcE COMPANY, a corcoration of U|€ State of Detaware, do hereby certifythat ttE abor'e and forgong E a full, true 6nd corect copy of a Flou,er of Attorney issu€d by ,atd Companir, and that I hav€ comp.rcd same wth d€ o.Ein l and thBt jt ls a dr€ct trdns.ri thecfrcm altd of ttle rlrole of ttl€ dqinat ar{ that dE said power cf AlrD.ne/ is still n full fo.re aft, e,ffed and ha5 not been l€rd(ed Iil - MII1ESS WHEREOF, I h.\it rsa,nto set my hand ard affred rhe seat of sai, Co.lErattn, at tE CiW of El(on, th6 ?4r day oIfut 'ltaL ' (r^^- r"t IN WITI{ESS WHEREOf, XL REINSURANCE AI4ERIC-A INC. has signed by [s duly authodzed ofliceG this 2nd day of December. 2020. STATE OF PENNSYLVANTA COUNTY OF CHESTER KEm M MrEh. ASSISTANT StCnEI nY €us€d its oorF.6te s€al to be heeunlo afflrcd, and Slese presenB to be xL REII{SUR r{CE A|{ERIC It{C. c) G€gory 8oaI, VICE PRESID€NT (r-,^^- t"t Kryin M Mrr'.h, ASSlSrAftT SECREIAiY On thE 2nd day of Dec€mber, 2020, before me p€lsonalv canE Grcgory Eoat io me knorrn, !rho, that he is vie President of xL RETNSURANCE AMERICa INC., descriH in and whEh o(ecut€d th€ seEl of sad Co.prati$; tllat tt|€ seal affiEd to th€ afcesad instruftEnt 6 such corDaate seat autho.'ty d the Eoard of Dir€.to.s of sad Corpd-dtioo, and that he exeord Rl€ sad rnstrurEnt by tte o.der. iadlar. and ras affixed thereto S, GTac€ FT€€d BTown, NOTARY PUBLIC belng duv swom, did abo/e insuun€n! that STATE Of PENNSYLVANIA cour{rY of CHESTER I. l(evn M. Mrrs.h, Assistant S€cEtary of XL REINSUR NCE AMERICT INC. a cDrco-ation of the SLrte of New Yo.t, do hercby cert{y Ulattlle person who o€€uted this Power of Attomey, with th€ rEhts, rcsp€cnve[ of xL REINS.IRAI'ICE AIIERICA tNC., cb hereby ceti/ Blat the abov€ and brgorng is a f!ll, trL€ and conect copy of a PoM€r of Attorney issu€d by said Co.po.ation, and that I have comparEd sar.ne with the onqnal and that t is a cor€ct transcnd theref.om and of ttE whol€ oriJinal and that sle saii Power of Attor€y rs nrtt in luti ffice ard effect and has not ben @.ked IN Wm{ESS WHEREOF, I have he€{nb set nV hand aM aflxed dE seal of sad CorFlatixr, at ttE C'ty of Eton, th6 6'^- ^^ ^"';-Q TIE Pov\s of Attorney Fay not b€ us€d to ercftte any bond w h an n eptd clate after r?2/2022 s80042 Page 2 of 2 Kevm M. llreh. ASSISTANT SECREIARY I Cfit D.rrEth ol pmitfiv. $a. tldtyEal S. c..ca Rcod-Arwn, ildry putfua Cha crcoullty My comml$bn axpL.s Halth O.2OA Comml1.lon runb.r 13220 t2 Z.frr//.zrra*- 'v 842 SZOZ-O]-ZO .r|rroc 7J;:)l{\a- tg l ta Z t 1.ol /r7t \!\rvrxs Ylr.rrvuvm Fl+.HAetaseg e1eluBo\\yz -r-\ (tv:s pue) ]UN1VNCIS lvls tvtcHlo oNV CNVH y\l SSlN-L|A '1C3UUOC ONV f nul St HdVUCVUVd gNtogfuol 3H1lVHt- SVXII JO 31V1S 3Hl_ lO SM\fl f H.J_ UIONn UnrU3d lo ltvNld ufoNn lt-LUlc I 1Nf WnUlSNt StHl Cf.LnCSXf 'OllCV (S)ttOSU=a f Hl- HctHM JO J-]VH38 NOdn It-Nl 3H.L UO '(S)trtOSU=a f H1 lNfNnUlSNt lHl- No (s)=untvruets ursHruSH/stH A8 -LVHI- ONV'(S3t)A].tCVdVC OfZtUOHI_nV utfHl/uf H/stH Nt fv\vs lH_L oflncfxf ,\f HlJf Hs/f H]_vHI f r! 01 0feoft^/\oNycv oNV iNf t/{nursNl NlHllM f Ht- 01 of gtuosgns f uv/st (s)=nvu lsoH^ (s)ttosu=a f HI 38 01 f 3Nfctnf Uol_cvJStlVs JO S|SVS f HI NO fy! Or OSnOUd OHM _ntlfl l,-vl"\rl?\JLj y,"m \rfr\U 'q s)\.^Fc cluv3ddv ttvNosufd 'cn8nd AUVION V \.7 'lv! fuoj38 -woZ'-/-f,WNO +\,5J-ro I JO AtNnO3t_ s\rxf-L lo f-LV.LS 1N]ANCOC IVHI JO,\.trollvn uo ,l.cvunccv 'sslNtniH].nur lH_L 10N ONV 'OSHCVnV Stflvctit_t-ulc slHI HSIHM 01 .LN3nnCOC f H1 03NgtS OHMrvncrn toNt 3H"t io -U-LNlot 3H-t A]NO SltitU3n lrvctJtJ-ufc stH]- cNt-Ltldlloc utcEJo uo 3E8nd ,\uvl-oN v r ( (