2021/05/26 KB Home Coastal, Inc. PLN20-0283 Antelope Road HOA Slopes (POC1)This AGREEMENT FOR ON-SITE LANDSCApE IMpROVEMENTS (..Agreement") is made and enrered inro as ofthe 26th day of May 2021, by and betwJen the clryoF MENIFEE. a california municipal corporation. ("City") and KB HoME coASTAL lNC., a California Corporation ("Landowner"). AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS WITNESSETH wrrtllrg '[he estimated cost of the Work is TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-FIvE THO USAND EIGHTHUNDRED EIGHT DOLLARS AND SEVENTY SIX CENTS (s255.808.76). L Landowner agrees to pay to City the actual cost ofsuch inspections ofthe Work as may be required by city's community Development Director. Landowner and city further agree that if suit is brought upon this Agreement or any securitv guaranteeing the completion of the work. all reasonable costs. expenses. and fees incurred by city in successfully enlbrcing such obligations shall be paid by Landowner including reasonable attorneys' fees. and that upon entry ofjudgment. such costs, expenses. and fees shall be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. 3, To the tullest extent permitted by law (including. without limitation, California Civil Code Sections 2782 and 2782.6), Landowner shall defend (with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to City), indemnify. and hold free and hamrless City and City's agents, officers. and employees. (each. an "lndemnitee") from and against any and all claims, loss, cost. damage. injury (including. without limitation, injury to or death ofLandowner or any officers, agents, employees. representatives, or subcontractors of Landowner [collectively, the "Landowner Entities"]). L Landowner, for and in consideration of the approval of a minor plot plan for landscape and irrigation materials and installation ("work") on that certain deveiopmint plan known as P. .LN20-0283 - Antelooe Roatl HoA stooes (pocl), on-site landscaping and irrigarion plans (working drawings), located within "Underwood" north of Chambers Arinue. soith ol- Rouse Road. along the eastern side ofAntelope Road (ApN 333-070-037) (the "property"), agrees, at Landowner's own cost and expense, to fumish all labor, equipment, and material nl..r.iry toperfbrm and complete the Work and, as it relates to the landscape and irrigation improvements, Landowner also agrees that it shall maintain for a period of twelve (12) months after its Building Permit has been issued or as otherwise required by city's Community Development Direcror in agood and workmanlike manner. all those tandscape and irrigation improvements in accordance with those landscape and inigation plans for the development of said entitlement which have been approved by City's community Development Director. and are on file in the office of the city of Menifee Community Developmenl Department. and to do all work incidental thereto in accordancewith the standards set fbrth in Menifee Municipal code and Menifee Municipal code Chapter 15.04, which are expressly made a part of this Agreement. which are attached hereto as Exhibit t. to this Agreement. All of the work shall be done under the inspection of and, to the satisfaction of. city's community Development Director and shall not be deemed complete until approval of the final inspection is made by City's Community Development Director. Approvalof City's community Development Director of the work and of the final planting shail'be in 267tl0318J8-000r 8621088 2 r02rl72l expense. and liability of every kind, nature, and description (including, without limitation,incidental and consequential damages. court costs. allomeys' fees. litigation expenses. and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs ol investigation) that arise out of. pertain to, or relate to, directly or indirectly. in whole or in part. the negli"gence. recklessness. or willful misconduct ofLandowner, any ofthe Landowner Entiiies. anyone directlyor indirectly employed by either the Landowner or Landowner Entities. or anyone that the [-andowner or Landowner Entities conrrol (collectively, the "Liabilities"), in connettion with theimplementalion of this Agreement. Such obligation to defend. hold harmless, and indernnify any In.demnitee shall not apply to the extent that such Liabilities are caused by the sole negligence orwillful rnisconduct of such Indemnitee. 4- Landowner hereby grants to City. and to any agent or employee of City. the irrevocable permission to enter upon the property for the purpose of insplcting the work ordetermining compliance with this Agreement. This permission shall terminate in the event that Landowner has completed the Work within the time specified or any extension thereolgranted bycity's cornmunity Development Director, and upon the city's community Deielopment Director's final approval of the Work. t Landowner agrees at all times, up to the completion and wrilten approvar of thework by City's Community Development Director. to give good and adequate warning to thetraveling public ofeach and every dangerous condition caused by the wori<, and to pro-tect the traveling public from such defective or dangerous conditions. 6. Landowner, or its agents and emproyees, sha give notice to City's corrrnrunity Development Director at least forty-eight (48) hours before beginning the work. Furthermore, Landowner shall provide City's Community Development Director with any and all information or any other materials, deemed reasonably necessary by the community Development Director orits designee, to allow the city's community Development Director or its designee the ability to monitor, assess. and inspect the progress and manner ofthe Work, 7- Landowner shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to the performance ofthe work. Landowner shall not hire or employ any person to perform work within city or allow any person to perform the work required under this Agreement unless such person is properly documented and legally entitled to be employed within the United States. Any and all work subject to prevailing wages, as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California. will be the minimum paid to all laborers. including Landowner employees. contractors. and subcontractors. It is understood that it is the responsibility of Landowner to determine the correct scale. The State Prevailing wage Rates may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations ("DIR") pursuant to California Public Utilities Code. Sections 465, 466. and 467 by calling 415-703-4774. Appropriate records demonstrating compliance with such requirement shall be maintained in a safe and secure location at all times. and readily available at City's request. Landowner and all Landowner Entities shall obtain and maintain a City of Menifee business license. Landowner shall require the same of all contractors and subcontractors. & IfLandowner, or its agents or employees, neglects, refuses, or fails to prosecute the Work with such diligence as to insure its completion within the specified time, or within such 267li0l t8584001 862108E.2 a02/l7rt a -t-Ialrl/zoe z r80lz98 r000-8s8t€0/lr9a ',{11aa,ras pue ,(lturol qloq r.lJaa pue ;1e 'su8rsse.ro 'sJossaJcns .slolpJls r u urrpe 'srolnJaxe 'sJlaq slr pue Jau,ropu?'l uodn Surpurq aq Ileqs luoulaalSy srql T 'Jeu,\\opuel ol .{trl ,{q peurnlal Jo pasealeJ oq 11eqs,(luncss eqlJo lunoure eJrtua aql'JolJaJrq 1uaudo1a,ro6 .(lrunuulo3 s,,(l!J {q lrol\ eql 1o 1e,ro:dde uaDum pue uorlolduroc ,&o1ce3sr1es eql uodn Tf 'uoo:oq1 palue:8 oq ^Bur se euttJo suotsuatxa,(ue Surpn;cur 'tueuoar8y srqlJo tuJat aql Suunp IreJ.Je pue ecJoJ IInJ ur trpaJoJo slollol Jo sluarun:1sur ,{ue Jo ecuenssrcql Jo spuoq Jo puoq ptpsoloJe oqt uteluteur o1 saar8u:equn3 leu,ropuul .spuoq ptes uo sorlerns:o X1e.Ins aql asBoJeJ Jo luau.roar8y srq11o,(1rpr1en aqt 1ca31e rem ou ur llBrls suotsualxe qrns pue 'Jeu,ropuu1.;o lsanbor uodn :o uorldo :aq/st q 1e leqlta Jotca:r q luetudo;a,ro6 {trunuuo;1 s.X1r3 {q ,url ol atu!l ruo:3 paluer8 eq (eu aturl.1o suotsuotxa .lueursaliy srql lapun auop aq ot psleldu:a1uor 1;o,t oqlJo uotloldulooJo eurl aql puelxa ol Xrussacau pouoap sr tt lua^e aql ut lBrlt '1uou:aa.r3y srql SurJnsas lrpsJcJo sleuol Jo sluatunJlsur xueSo s;ensst aql Jo spuoq aq1 uo sarlarns ro ,{1s.tns aqt Surpnlcur 'oloraq sotuBd eql uoemtaq pue,(q paa:Be requnJ st ll TT- 'qloq ro spuoq erp Jo lunotup oql Jo sertalns aql jo ,{ruarcglnsur aql Jo Jau,\\opue'l saurlou rolcarrq luaurdola,taq ,{lrunturuoJ s,,(l!J qctq,\\ uo olep aql lo s,(ep (06) ,{louru ulqll^\ palsldtuoc sr Yo,tr pe:rnbor IIE ssolun luauaa:By srqr Jo rlneJrp ur aq Jleqs rau,^\opue.l 'eortou pres qlrm ,{ldruoc o1 ,(tussecau st sp uotlre qJns elel ol sJreJ Jeu,ropuB-l-}r'uroreq uorsr,to:d teqlo ,(ue Surpuulsqlt,rloN .luorrUJnsur oJp stunotup Jo satto:ns eql lgr{l JolJeJrC luaudolo,rag ,{lrunuuro3 s,,qll ,(q pagrlou Bureq.r:13e s,(ep (01) ual ulr{tl^{.qtoq ro,rpuoq p,r. Jo lunouB eql osutrtur Jo sarteJns luer3uJns pue poo8 qlt./\r spuoq lo puoq,4:a,ra pue qoea,\rouaJol sssr8e rau,/*opue.I 'luorJuJnsul seuroraq rolre:r6 luaudo;e,rsg ,{1iunuru.ro3 s.,{lr3lo uorurdoeqt ur spuoq ptBS Jo lunotue aql Jo puoq acuuur:o3:ad lnJqltBJ eql uo sotlaJns aqi Jl puu puoq e st,(1r:n:as aq13r 1eq1 seerSe.rsqpn3 reuaopuel .rolrelrfl Buipllng s,,(1r3 ,{q olqeldor* p.u,*r"1"p ., luale,rrnba slr lo qsucSo lrsodep e oq 11uqs ,{1r:ncas aql .ssel ro 00s,zs st IroM prBSJo tsos poteurls3aql usqM lBql ldacxa '1uouaa.r8y srqlJo suorlpuos pue suuel oqlJo acu€ruloJrad 1n;qtre3 aq1 .ro.1 IJoiA orltJo lsoJ prlprutlsa eql u?ql sseJ lou lunoue ,(uu ur apo3 luauule^oD aqtJo 66i99 uorlras 3o (u) uorsl,nlpqns Jo (e) pue,(Z),(l) suourosqns ur pepr,ro:d se ,(trrncai rr"icUJn.-frn poof{t!:) W!,tr a;g o1 saer8e roumopuu.l .polnraxe sr luaureor8y slql alep aql ot lotrd Z 'MEI lapun (llJ ot olqel!e,te satpaulu pue slq8r.r IIe ol uorlrppp ur aq IlBqsuortJOS s {lJo suorsr,r,o.rd Sulo8eroj eq1 .Fur1u,,rr u1 sq l1uqs llnejap ,(ue3o.ts,rre,r ,{uy ,"u^,ipur1 '{q uorssrtuo .ro rcs luenbasqns ,(uu o1 lcadser qt,* r1q'Br'.,i1,3 Jo relrB,r{ ro ruasuos u alnlrlsuosol peuaap aq lou lluqs :aurrropuel^,4q uorsstruo lo lre euoJo JeAreM JO lu:Suor s,{1r3 .::,nre,tr ? s? penrlsuor aq :o ,(pau.ror :o lq8r.r qcns :ledur 11eqs ,(1r3 ,(q ,(pous: .ro 1qBr.r ,{ue 1i osrc.rexooql ur uorssr.uo- Jo ,{e1op o51 .loaraql uoruod ,{ue lo lueuaoJ8y ,,qt ,, tr"ratri ^un "nn"q ,{r, uq*saryed 11e puB,{y? puE 'Jau,,t,ropup.l,uodn a,rrsnlcuoc aq 11eqs,{lr.rolcegsrles petu-ro1:ad uaaq tou a^Bqro palulor^ uaeq a^eq suorlecglcads puu sueld oql ro luauas:By srql Jo sruJel iqt jo {ru ,"q1r,1^ot sB uortsanb aql Jo JotJeJrq luerudolanaq igrunuuro3 s.,(tr3 1o uo,r"r,,_rrri ,qf litlr;"p qrns ot enp tau^ropu?.1Jo (tgzg_6zN.ld ,{q palue:E) slq8r.r 11e oleuruuat ot r"^od .qtlnrq ;1nq.:o1:a.llg luarudola,roq ,(1runuuo3 s.,(tlJ ':su.nopuel uodn pe,r.ros:q ,teur tlnegap qrnrSo Bul1,r*u! erllou pue luauaa.r8y srqtJo ]lnuJep ur aq lleqs reu,ropuBl .suo,lecgrisdi puu sueld eql3osu.rsr,ro.rd aql Jo ,{ue ,{;r:olcugsrles uuol,ad-ot siie;'.ro ,sasnJar .sica13au ..linloln ,.u^..,p;;i J! .,"'roloerc luaurdolo,raq f,unuuo3 s.,fir3,{q polue:B .aq ,(iu .ro ,uaaq onnq ir'r*,1go ,uo,rr"tr" lL With the exception olthe specific provisions set forth in this Agreement. there are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third panies shall have any rights or obligations hereunder. !4, lt is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that ifany part. term, or provision of this Agreement is held to be unlawful and void, the validity olthe remaining portions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enlorced as if this Agreement did not conlain the particular part, term, or provision held to be invalid. No waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement shall be a continuing waiver thereof. Il. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterpa(s, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one agreement. _16- Landowner shall not discriminate in any way, against any person on the basis of race. color. religious creed. national origin, ancestry, sex. age, physical handicap. medical condition or marital status in connection with or related to the performance of this Agreement. U- The laws of the State of Califomia shall govem this agreement. In the event of Iitigation between the parties, venue in state trial courts shall Iie exclusively in the Counly of Riverside, California. ln the event oflitigation in a U.S. District Court, venue shall lie exclusively in the Central District of Califomia, in Los Angeles. 1& The person(s) executing this Agreement on behalfofthe parties hereto warrant that (a) such party is duly organized and existing, (b) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said party, and (c) by so executing this Agreement, such party is lormally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. iq Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be served on the other party by mail. postage prepaid, at the following addresses: To City City of Menifee Community Development Department 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92584 To Landowner: KB Homes Coastal Inc. 36310 Inland Valley Drive Wildomar. CA 92595 Isignatures on following page] 2671/031E58.0001 8621088.2 !02/l7r l -4- IN wlrNESS WHEREOF, Landowner and City have executed this Agreemenr as of thedate and year first above written. KB Homes Coastal Inc. ("Landowner") Dated: May 26,2O21 By Dated By Signature [or President or other Category I Officer) Scott Hansen (Print Name) VP, Fonayard Planning (Title) (Signature for Secretary or other Category 2 Officer) (Print Name) (Title) CITY OF MENIFEE ("City") Dated (! Approved as to Form: . Melch By C Director City Attomey 26?r/0ll818-0001 841088 2 a02t17 t2t -5- CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document, to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Cali rn ta County of Riverside On 4a trla t before me,nnon Luebs, Notary Public, personally appeared Scott Hansen, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+e subscribedto the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the same in his/h€#their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/he#the.ir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. SHANI]ON LUEOS Nolary Publ( - CAliomra R,va,ic.Couity C0mri6!'oi ; 2209344 My Co.nft Exgre6Alg 10 2021 (SEAL) )hu,v,.rr**!,*), Shannon Luebs t-! EllrEr.lsli@!a!rE UNDERWOOD TR. 29835 - HOA SLOPES POC-1 trB!t-- VICINTTY MAP rlr\oNr\ o = lEtT[aTElTFr= ugltxrlElrBcrrt.- t4&!L rxr-:-";--l [*:=: l ] ffi\*""ffi- GENERAL NOTES . 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I I * rIrt! iial tl i o .nrar MATCHLINE. SEE BELOW LEFTuI {q ? t ! I ! il raata I tittIt ttt, It ! t MATCHL NE A SEE SHEEI L2 I I v \ E c I a E, H. n 1 Eiti iti ii! T'E tEr !ii lQi lit l:t lfi ,it ii!.ilai F I i I E a da Ii ;l i! at'c i! t ,,IEI' 6 :ri rtI:88 IE I 0 r rl!lt:!l iit;tiii'.. Sl Ni) q E : i[++] , a d 1 cl ilIiI rl\ ;E at u iI I iiiiiiiti :liili iiliiill! ,,Ei!l! !u // i '-'" I uirl! ;i m Ii i\ 'flil\ 1t ,rt1al E!IItiiiI t I I!I I 6 e E E t{l a:rai !85 .i \\ . \: ai EE EE !i x :r- Et8 EI't! Afi R.\ Ii irff4iiiii' ill i:I ;l'.' It - igiB ;:E i;r ;l tEr r "-. I!tr sl q i! 1{: :l lrYl lir: Er{ ili ii .r1l t!65i i4:: l{t: t o I ot : "i 'r t ltil liid g iI BT AI it?l.t j i! i| '!t I $iitii! ii ii;il! $ [:!tl liil!i! NE$:tli:ri!l!! l! 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