2020/02/11 Cal OES Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Financial Disclosure ActCal OES lD No 06s-46842 DUNS No 024831918 GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Public Law (PL) 109-282 Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, as amended by Section 6202(a) of the Government Funding Transparency Act of 2008 (PL 110-252), which is outlined in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency's Grant Program Directorate lnformation Bulletin No. 350, dated November 23,2010 www.fsrs OV Entity Name City of Menifee You are subject to FFATA Financial Disclosure and must complete the below table if you can answer YES to ALL of the below criteria:. Received 80% or more of annual gross revenues in U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements in the preceding calendar year . $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements. The public does not have access to information about the compensation of your senior executives. Armando Villa City Manager Title of Au(h orized ent Signature of uthorized Agent CaIOES Executive Name Title Annual Salary Annual Dollar Value of Benefits Total Compensation State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services FFATA Financial Disclosure (0412019) Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Financial Disclosure I I I f Not subject to FFATA Financial Disclosure. Printed Name of Authorized Agent af rr /roro Date S'IA'TI.: OI CAI,II]ORNIA COVERNOR'S OFTICE OF EMERCENCY SERVICES Crl OES E9 Disaster No: 443 I cat oES lD No: 065-46842 DU\S \o: 024831918 PROJECT ASSURAICES FOR FT]I)f RAL ASSISTANCE SUBRUCIPIUN'I'S NAME: City of Menifee ADDRIiSS: 29844 I laun Road CtTy: Menifee TET.EPHONE: 951-672-6777 AUTT.IORIZED ACENT: ATMANdO ViIIA EMAIL ADDRESs: avilla@cityofmenifee.us STATE: California Z rP coDE. 92586 FAX NUN4BERT 95l -679-3843 TITLE City Manager .\sst R.r\( t.s ( ()\st Rt (-t t()\ PRo(;R.\)ts Ccnain olthcsc assumnces ma! not be applicable to allotyour projects. lfyou hale queslions. please contact the Calilornia Covemor's Oflicc of Emergency Services. I unier. ccnain Gderal assistance awarding agencies may requirc applicants to cenify to additional assumnces. Ifsuch is the casc. you will bc notificd. As lhc duly aulhori,,cd rcprcscnlati\c ofthe applictut. I ccrtilj that thc subrccipicnl named abovc: llas the lcgal authority to apply for fcdcral assislancc. and thc instilulional. managerial and financial capability (including funds sufiicicnt to pay the non-lederal share ofproject costs) to cnsure proper planning. managemenl. and complction ofthc projcct dcscribed in this application. Will givc thc awarding agenc-y-. thc Complroller (icncral ol'thc IJnitcs Statcs, I:cdcral Office oflnspcclor (icncral 2 CI]R 200.336. and ilapprcpriate. thc s€1c, through any aulhorizcd rcprcscntalivc. acccss to and thc righl to cxaminc all rccords" books. papcrs. or documcnts related to thc assislancct and will cstablish a propcr accounting system in accordancc with gcncrally accepEd accounting standards or agcncy dircctivcs. Will not dispose oli modify thc use of. or chanBe thc tcrms ofthe real propcny title. or olhcr intcrcst in thc sitc and l'acilitics without permission and instructions lrom thc arvarding agcncy. Will record the federal intercst in the litlc olrcal propcrty in accordancc rvith awarding agency directives and rvill includc a covcnant in the title otreal property acquircd in wholc or in pan with federal assistancc funds to assurc nondiscrimination during thc useful lifc ofthe project. Will comply with lhe requirements ofthc assistance-awarding agcncy wilh rcgard to thc drafting, rcvicw and approval of construction plans and specifications. Will providc and mainlain compctent and adcqualc cngincering supervision at the conrtruction sitc to cnsurc that thc complcte \!'ork conforms with fic approvcd plans and spccifications and will fumish progress repons and such olhcr inlbrmalion as may be required by thc assistancc arvarding agcnc] or state. Will iniliaic and conlplctc the $ork within thc applicahlc Limc lramc allcr rcccipt olapproval oflhc a\rarding agcnc, Will cstablish salcBuards 10 prohibil cmplolees liom ulii0g thcir fx)silions lbr a purposc that constitulcs or prcscnts lhc appcarancc ol pcrsonal or organizalional conllict oIintcrcst. or pcrsonal gains. Willcomply wilh the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevcnthn Act (42 t,.S.C. tilj 4801 et scq.). which prohibits thc usc of lcad bascd pain in conslruction or rehabilitation ol-rcsidcncc structurcs. 2 J 5 7 8 CalOliS 89 ( R$.02/17)(Pa8c Iol l) Will comply with all fedcral statutcs rclaliflg to nondiscrimination. Itcsc include but are not limitcd to: (a) l itlc V l ol'thc Civil Rights Act of 1961 (P.l- 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on thc basis ofracc. color. or nalional origin; (b) 'litle lX olthe l-ducation Amcndments o f 1972. as amendcd (20 t.J.S.C $$ | 68l - 1683 and 1685 - I 686) which prohibils discrimination on thc basis ol sex; (c) Sectfun 504 ofthc rehabilitation Act ol | 973. as amendcd (29 U.S.C. $ 794) which prohibit discrimination on thc basis ofhandicapsi (d) the Age Discrimination Act o[ 1975. as amcnded (42 L].S.C. $li 6l0l- 6107) which prohibits discrimination on lhc basis ofage: (e) the l)rug Abuse Office and'lrcstment Act of 1972 (P.1,. 93- 255) as amended. rclaling to nondiscrimination on thc basis ofdrug abuse: (f) the Comprehcnsivc Alcohol Abusc and Alcoholism Prevention. I rcatment and Rchabilitation Act of 1970 (l'.1,. 9l -616) as amcndcd. rclating to nondiscrimination on the basis ofalcohol abusc or alcoholismr (g) $$ 523 and 527 ofthe Public I Icalth Scrvicc Act of l9l2 (42 Ll.S.C, 290 dd- 3 and 290 ee-3) as amended. rclating to conlidcntiality ofalcohol and drug abuse patienl rccordsr (h) Title VIII ofthc Civil Rights Act oll968 (42 (LS.C. { 3601 ct scq.). as amended. relating 10 nondiscrimination in thc salc. rcntal. or financing of housing; (i) any othcr nondiscrimination pro!isions in the spccific statulc(s) which may apply 1() the application. Will comply. or has alrcady complied. ltilh thc rcquircments of l illes ll and III ofthe (jniform Relocation Assistancc and Rcal Propcrty Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (l'.t-- 9l -646) rvhich pmvides for tair and cquitable Eeatment ofpcrsons displaccd or whosc propert) is acquired as a rcsult offcdcral and fcdcrall] assistcd programs. Ihese requiremcnts appll ro all inlcrests in real propcny acquircd lor projcct purposes regardless ol'l'cderal participation in purcha-ses. Will comply with the llood insurance purchase requircments ofSection 102(a) ofthc Flood l)isaster Protcction Act of l9?3 (P.1.- 93-234) which rcquires rccipients in a special 0ood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchasc flood insurancc ifthc total cosl ofinsurable construction and acquisition is $5.000 or morc- Will comply with cnvironmcntal standards which may be prescribed pursuant to lhc following: (a) institution of cnvironmental quality control measurcs undcr the National Ilnvirunmcnlal Policy Act o[ 1969 (P.O 9l -190) and l:xecutive Order (lio) I l5l4: (b) notification olviolating lacilities pursuant x) EO I I738; (c) protcction ofwcllands pursuant 10 [i(J I 1990: (d) evaluation of flood hazards in Iloodplains in accordance wilh liO I 1988; (e) assurancc ofprojcct consislcncy with the approved statc managcment program dcveloped under the Coastal Zone Managcmcnt Act of I972 ( l6 tl.S.C. $$ l45l et seq.)l (0 conl'ormity of fcderal actions to State (Clean Ai0 lmplcmentation Plans under Seclion 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955. as amcndcd (42 U.S.C. $ 7401 et seq.): (g) protcction ofunderground sourccs oldrinking water under lhe Sal'c l)rinking watcr Act ol'1974. as amcndcd. (P.1,. 93-521): and (h) protcction ofcndangcrcd species under thc llndanBcrcd Spccics Act ol'1973- as amcndcd (P.O. 93-205). Will comply with thc Wild and Sccnic Rivcrs Act ol1968 (16 U.S.C. $$ | 271 et scq.) rclalcd to protecling componcnls or potcnlial components ofthc nationalwild and sccnic rivers systcm. Will assist thc awarding agcncy in assuring compliance with Scction 106 of thc National istoric Preservation Act o l l966. as amcnded ( l6 U.S.C. 470). t:O I l59l (idcntilication ard prcservation ofhistoric propcnics). and thc Archcological and llisloric Preservation Act ol 197,1 ( l6 U.S.C. 469a- I et seq.). Will comply \r'ith Standardircd llmergcnc] Management (SElvlS) rcquiremcnts as statcd in the Calilomia t:mcrgcncy Scrviccs Ac1, Governmcnt Code. Chaptcr 7 ofl)ivision I of I'itlc 2. Ssction 8607.1(c) and CCR Title 19. Sections 2445. 2446.2441. and 2448. Subrccipients expending $750.000 or more in fcderal grant [unds annuall] arc rcquircd to sccurc an audit pursuant to OMB Unilorm Guidancc 2 CfR Pan 200. subpart f. will causc to bc pcrlormcd thc rcquircd linancialand compliancc audits in accordancc riith thc SinBlc Audit Acl ofl984 and the Singlc Audit Acl Amcndmcnts ol 1996. Will disclose in rlriling an) polcntial conflicr ofinterest to the I:cdcral arvarding agcncy or pass-lhrough entity in accordance with $200.1 12. Will comply with all applicable rEquiremcnls ofall other federal laws. []xcculivc Orders. rcgulations and policics govcming lhis program. llas rcquested through thc State olcalilornia- fcdcral financial assistance to be used to pcrform eligible work approvcd in thc subrecipient applicalion [or federal assistance. Will, aRer the reccipt offcdcral financial assistance. through thc Stote oa Calilomia, agrce to thc following: a. lhe state wafiant covcring lbderal financial assistance will bc deposited in a special and scparate accounl. and will bc used to pay only cligiblc costs for projccts described abovei b. -lb rerum to the Statc ofcalifomia such pa( olthe funds so reinrbursed pursuant to thc above numbcrcd applicalion, which a.e excess to thc approled actual cxpenditures as acceptcd by linal audit olthc lcdcral or statc govcmmcnt. c. ln the event thc approlcd amount ofthe above numbcrcd projccl application is reduced, the reimbunement applicable to thc amount ofthc rcduction will bc promptly refunded to thc State ofCalifomia. l0 II t2 ti l.l t5 t6. t7 t8 I9 Cal OllS E9 (Rev.02/17)(l'rgc: oll) 20.'Ihc non-[ederal entity for a Icdcral award must disclosc. in a timely manner. in \vriting lo thc l;edcral awardiog agency or pass-throuSh entity all violations ofFederal criminal la$ involving lraud. bribery. or graluily !iolations potentially atTecting lhc Iredcral award $200- I I3- Failure to makc requircd disclosures can result in any olthc rcmedics dcscribcd in $200.33E Remedies I'or noncompliance, including suspcnsion or dcbarmenl. 2l Will not makc any award or permit any award (subaward or contract) to any party which is debarred or suspended or is otherwise excludcd llom or ineligible for participation in licdcral assistance programs under l:xccutivc Order 12549 and I 2689.''Dcbarmqnt and Suspcnsion." "1. thc omcial named below. CI:R.llFY tINDF:R PENALTY Oli PIiRJURY that I am duly authorized by the above named subrccipient to cnter into this agrccmcnl for and on behalfoflhe said subrccipicn! and b) my signaturc do bind the subrecipient to the terms thereol" Armando Villa PRIN'TED NAMIi \ot;ORIIIiI) CI:R-TIHYINC OFIICIAI, City Manager a /u fio> o l t. ti l)\ll Cal Otis 89 (Rc\.02/17)( I'asc I ol l)