2020/02/05 Rick Engineering Company Amendment 1 - Menifee Engineering Dept: Master Drain PlanAMENDMENT NO. 1 TO
This is Amendment No. 1 to that certain AGREEMENT for Professional Services
Agreement ("Agreement") made on September 18, 2019 by and between the City of Menifee
DEPARTMENT: MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN which Amendment is made and entered into
onFeb. f ,2020 to increase the scope of work and compensation amount as indicated below:
Section 2, "Compensation" is amended to read as follows, increasing the contrac{ amount
Section 2. C ity hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed $483,220.00
DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS) notwithstanding any contrary indications that may be
contained in Consultant's proposal, for services to be performed and reimbursable costs
incurred under this Agreement. ln the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Exhibil
A, regarding the amount of compensation, this Agreement shall prevail. City shall pay
Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner
set forth herein. The payments specified below shall be the only payments from City to
Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall submit all
invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized in advance
by City, Consultant shall not bill City Ior duplicate services performed by more than one
2. Section 3. Exhibit A, Scope of Services is supplemented to include Amendment No.
1 Scope of Work Additional Work, which supplement is attached as Exhibit A hereto.
-Amendment No. 'l Scope of Work Additional Work (Amendment No. 1)" is not
intended to replace the original Exhibit A to the Agreement, but instead to augment and
increase the scope of work listed in the original Exhibit A to the Agreement.
3. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.
Biil zi , Mayor
hA Ma , City
Approved as to Form:
T lching, City
vH-MOA.I l4l,bn
fifry,T Kevin Gibson
, Principal
?t;"cipn Lqqr ,,/,0/to
Professional services Amendment No. 1 with RtcK ENGTNEERING coMPANY
I \"I
Amendment No. I Scope of Work Additional Work
Professiona I Seruices Amend m€ nt No.1 with RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY
3. D"tril"d Work PIan & Tentative ProjectSchedule
Project Understanding
RIC( has a long history of providing clients with high quality design-ready master drainage plans, and has experience across multiple
software platforms and drainage design criteria. We understand that every client's goals and desired outcomes are unique, and we
work closely with the client to understand and address concerns and provide guidance on how to achieve the desired outcome in a
timelV and budget-conscious manner.
The City of Menifee is seekinB a highly-qualified professional consultant to develop a master drainage plan that will address both
existing drainage deficiencies and provide drainage and operational recommendat;ons to assist the City in proactively maintaining
their accelerated residential and commercial growth. RICK will provide the City with advanced 1-DimensionaU2-Dimensional models
of existing and recommended drainage and detention tacilities utilizing a non- proprietary platform the City can operate without
purchasing a license. The resultinB recommendations will be bundled and prioritized into CIP projects and provided to the City both
on a s-year and 2o-year implementation plan along with cost estimates to assist the City staff with budgetiog. The master drainage
plan will be summarized ;n a written report and the results will be available on a user-friendly GIS-based web"application for the City
staff to use without the need for additional software. The following outlines the scope of work and RICK'5 approach for workin8
alongside City staffto achieve their master drainage plan objectives.
A. Project Management
Coordinotion with City o, Menifee stoff will be key in developing o complete Moster Drainoge Plon to meet the City's project gools.
Meetings will be focused on delivery ol doto, and review by Aty stdff to stoy on schedule ond allow lor regular input on how the prcject
is developing. The RICK Team will ottend the following meetings with City stoff:
Kickoff Meeting
a Held ot prcject initiotion to discuss the City's project goals ond obtoin oll project doto needed lor the MDP thot is ovoiloble frcm the
City. This will olso be on opportunity for RICK stoff to identily key City stoff members to ensure thot there is open communication
between oll team membets. This will olso be on opportunity lor City stolf to shqre institutional knowledge about known flooding or
mointenonce problem areos, ond specific oreos of interest to be identilied ond addressed in the Mostet Droinoge Plsn.
Team Meetings
0 Review of missing storm drain data and surveying needs
0 Review of preliminary hydraulic modeling results & deficient systems
t Review o, Draft Master Drainage Plan report
Public Meetings
a R|CKstaff will prepare presentations and present at sp+s+,#€g!C public meetings
* Earh meeting is assumed to be up to two hours with two slaff from RIC(
RICK willprovide meetingagendas priortotheteam meetingsand meeting minules tothe Citywithin five {5)business days for review
and concurrence.
RICK willsubmit monthly progress memorandums, schedule updates, and invoices each month during which theTaskOrder is adive. The
progress report will include the reporting period, work completed in reporting period, work anticipated in upcoming reporting period,
expenditures and cumulative total, and relevant issues or problems encountered and how they were resolved.
RICK stoff will work closely with City stoff to ensure open communicstion during the durstion of the project. Weekly internol stalf
meetings will ensure thot project tosks ote proceeding os scheduled to meet the City's needs. Questions requiing City input will be
coordindted immedistely to mointain the project schedule. No out ofscope work willbe performed without ptior discussion and wtitten
opptovol lrcm City stoff.
a Meeting agendas and meetin8 minutes for up to 9 meetings
a Monthly progress memorandums
RICK ENGINIERING COMPANY City o, Menifee Master Drainage Plan (RFF No 2018 rs)II
B. Data Collection and Compilation
Existing Condition Review
RICK will review the prcvided Areq Droinoge Plans, Mastet
Droinage Plqns, ond supplemental doto, such as technical
studies,/repofts, DTM, digitol bose mop, FEMA
informotion/mops, City's Genercl Plan, ond avoilable os- built
dtoinage dtowings. This will olso include rcviewing this
informotion ond workinq with the City to determine likely
development locqtions ond pteviously planned or prcposed
i nf tast ructu re im ple mentotion.
Compile GIS Data
RICK will coordinate with the City to obtain the latest version
of all existing digital GIS data outlined in the RFP to supportthe
developmentof the Master0rainage Plan.
Other Data set5 that RICK willcompile include:
G15 Drainage Asset lnvertory
a USGS Hydrologic Soil Data available from SSURGo
a Vegetative Cover data for open space and undeveloped areas
a General Plan Land Use databases lrom neighboring City's / County
t Available Topographic oata & Master Drainage Plans from the ad,acent municipalities
I Assesso/s Parcel Boundaries & Ownership data
I Aerial lmagery
ldentify Critical Missing and lncorrect Data
RICK will review the data provided by the City and identi{y any critical missing data in the provided data sets, including size, material,
shape, and flowline elevations of pipes, culverts, and channels. Also critical is the storage and outlet rating curves for any regional
detention basins if applicable. This effott will locus on City owned ond maintoined droinoge infrostructure including pipes ranging in
size from 72 to 36-inch diometet (or lorge in specific situotions), box culvefts, ond open chonnels-
ldentify Missing lnfrastructure
ln recognizing that there are likely areas of existing storm drain that are not yet reflected in the storm drain inventory RICK is budgeting
for collection and modeling of approximately five (5) percent more storm drain facilities as part of this effort. RICK will visually identify
using the available aerial imagery and Google Street View missing infrastructure, including inlets, cleanouts, storm drains, and flowlines
to create o fully connected droinage netwotk t'rom the inlets to the outfalls olong the nojor FEMA mopped chonnels (i.e. Solt Creek ond
Son locinto River).
As-Built Die itization (Additional Effort)
Based on the initial efforts to veri fv and correct the GIS inventorv, it was identified that a significant amount oI the Citv storm drain
inventorv is not vet available in lS format (i.e. - much more than the 5% that had been assumed as oart of the orisinal scooe and
ln to ovide a com invento -wide the 5 rI
bv dieitizine the orovided as-builts fro m the c;tv and RCFC&WCD (where necessarv to reflect a Citvw ide svstem). The dieitization of as-
builts will include co r.ectine or creatins eeoreferenced GIS fe ures llines and ooints) to reoresent the exis ne storm drain
T o
Conduits {storm dr channels, €ulverts):
ulated with t fo l'l from the rovided ilt n
. TYPE: The tvoe of feature the line re reSen Le . channel. Flowline. Ditch. storm drain, Culve or Soillwav. channel confluence.tsl
RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY City of Menifee Master Dralnage Plan {8rP No 2018 19)T-
comments information:
manhole, headwall, inlet, connector, cleanout. outfall, outlet. unknown)
. xsEcTlON: Tvoe of cross section (Round, Box. Trapezoid)
. GEOMI: Diameter or Heieht in INCHES
. GEOM2: width lfor boxes and channels) in INCHES
. MATERIALi Material of infrastructure {RCP. CMP. Concrete. etc.)
. UPELEV: Uostream elevation
. DOWNELEV: Downstr€am elevation
. STATUS: Used to denote the edits made to the feature
Junctions (catch basins, cleanouts, outlets, detention basins, etc.);
. TYPE: The tvoe of feature the iunction reoresents {i.e. Channel conf uence, Combo lnlet Connector (when it's not obvious that
m nh nl lnl h h al en rn o nd of cu
. INVERELEV: lnvert elevation
. RIMELEV: Rim elevation
STATUS: Used to denote the edits made to the feature
. Drawins: As-built drawi ng number
AsBulltYear: vear of as built
. Last Edited User: To notate who edited or created the feature in G15
. Last Edited Date:To notate when the feature w created or I d in GIS
With the assumDtion that not everv as-built sheet orovided will have sto rmd tn data that needs to be dieitized. RICK is budPetinP to
dieitize uo to fiftv (50) oercent of the 2,847 as'built sheets prov ided rlonp with uo to six hundred (6001 additional sheets from
RCFC&WCD totaline up to 2,000 as'built sheets to be dieitized
Field Verification
Based on the previously identified missing and incorrect data and infrastructure RICK will perform automated gap- filling procedures
to interpolate missing elevations, size, or material as applicable based on consistency in upstream or downstream data. However, in
areas where data cannot reasonably be interpolated, field assessments may be required to determine needed in{ormation such as
location, size, material, and invert elevations. fhis can be done by measuring the depth to invert of the cleonouts and opplying tbe
offset to the cleonout using the ovoiloble 2074 DTM su.foce os the rim elevotion. The results of the field surveys will be incorporuted
into the Storm Drainoge lnfrustructure dotdbose for use in the development ofthe Moster Droinoge Plon.
Compile and Horizontally Correct GIS Data
Once all the available GIS databases are compiled, RIC( will generate the distinct composite datasets formatted for integration into a
Gls'based Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model for the City. Those data sets include:
I Storm Orainage lnfrastructure
I City's General Plan Land Use of final buildout condition/Vegetation
t Hydrologic Soil Type
a Facilities with tributary area Sreater than one square mile
I Existing City and RCFC&WCD flood control facilit,es
a Capacity analysis oI city owned detention and retention basans
a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (M54) elements throughout the City.
The most critical information lor each storm drain conduit is pipe diameter and material, since flowlines can be assumed at a certain
depth. A copy of these datasets will be submitted to the City for review and concurrence prior to initiation of hydrologic and hydraulic
t Updated GIS existing storm drain i.ventory
RIC( ENGINEERING COMPANY City oi Menitee Master Drainage Plan (RrpNo 2or8 1e)II
. AsBuiltYear: vear of as-built
. Last Edited User: To notat€ who edited or creaigd the feature in GIS
. Last Edited Date: To notate when the feature was created or last edited in GIS
C. Existing Condition Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis
Compile Hydrologic Oata and lnlet Delineations
RICK will utilize a semi-automated procets utilizing Gl' and PCSWMM to generate
sub-catchment delineations ror the City based on the available DTM surface to
existing drainage infrastructure. This process will result in delineations to existing
inlets {and other collection points, as applicable, including backbone systems where
localized inlet data is unavailable), as well as larger scale delineations for
contributing areas outside of the City. The delineations will include longest flow path,
width, and slope necessary for hydrologic calculations. For the scoping of this effort
it is assumed that the roughly thirty-thousand acres of the City will be subdivided into
(on average) 20 acre delineations resulting in up to 1,500 delineations within the City-
RICK will utilize GIS tools to intersect the General Plan Land Use Data for full
NOAA Atlas 14 Rain CaSe!
buildout condition, Vegetative Cover Data, and USGS Soils data, and will use automated procedures to calculate watershed specific
SWMM parameters for each watershed.
RICK will review the NOAA Atlas 14 data for the study area and develop a rainfall intensity-duration relationship for the 2-year, 10-
year, and 100-year 24-hour storm events. This rainfall intensity-duration relationship will be used to generate a rainfall hyetograph for
incorporation into the hydrologic modeling for the c;ty's Master Drainage Plan.
Existing Condition 1D/2D Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model
RICK will import the developed watersheds, rainfall hyetographs,
and GIS Storm Draina8e lnventory database into the hydrologic and
hydraulic (H&H) modeling softwore PCSWMM to develop o
dynamically coupled 7-Dimensionol/2- Dimensionol (1D/2D) H&,H
model- The models will b developed to model the druinoge orcos
conttibuting to the mojot FEMA mopped chdnnels (i.e.solt Creekand
Son Joclnto River) including the City, RCFC&WCD, ond other
jurisdictional orea ond conveyqnce infrustructure os ovoiloble. The
mojor FEMA channels will not be modeled ond the tailwotet
condition fot droinoge outfolls will rcly on FEMA woter sudoce
ekvotions. The addition of a 2-Dimensional surface mesh
will allow the model to provide surlace attenuation, model
split flow conditions, and provide visual limits of inundation
throughout the City. Because there are multiple dischar8e
locations within the City, multiple hydrologically isolated models may ope
Since this MDP includes providing drainage recommendations for future development, it is critical to start with the end in mind,
utilizing local knowledge and working closely with the City to determine potential future tie-ins for the areas most likely to be
developed in the near future and ensuring the existing €ondition models provide subcatchments to these potential tie-in locations
providing existing and future hydrolotic routing to these key locations.
The City is primarily within the Santa Ana River Watershed. This will be one of the major watersheds used for modeling and will be
subdivided into subwatersheds as follows:
I Regional Line A wilt be modeled from the offsite areas utilizing simplified 1D dual drainage into the City and using 1D/2D dual
drainage for the remaining system to the outfall of Regional Line A, at the confluence with the San Jacinto River (where the FEMA
WSE's will be utilized as the tailwater condilions for the models).
a Paloma Wash will be modeled utilizing 1D/2D dual drainage models until the outfall at the confluence with Salt Creek (where the
FEMA WSE's will be utilized as the tailwater conditions for the models).
a The remaininB Salt creek tributaries within the City will be sub divided into smaller subwatersheds and modeled as 1D/2D dual
drainage including the FEMA mapped areas up until their confluence with Salt Creek (where the FEMA WSE's will be utilized as
the tailwater conditions for these models).
I The remaining area of the City within the Santa Martarita Watershed will be modeled using 1D/2D dual drainage within the City
and a simpiified 1D dual d.ainage model for the offsite areas entering from outside of the City, These
models will be extended to a hydraulically appropriate location outside of the City's boundaries and use normal depth outfalls as
the tailwater conditions.
a H&H Modeling Results for existing conditions {2-year, 10-year, 100-year), Ior City review and concurrence
RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY City of Menifee Master Drairrage Plan {cFp No.2018 19)
2D H&H - lnundalion Mappint
"x';dt tl
D. Recommended lmprovements
ldentify Deficiencies
RICK will review and compile the results of th€ 2-year, 10- year, and
100-year model results to identify the ar€a's most frequently prone
to problematic flooding. The assessment will make the following
comparisons to aid rn the determination:
a Hydraulic grade line vs. ground elevation.
0 Calculat€d discharge vs. pipe capacity,
0 Pipe flow depth vs. pipe diameter, and
a Number ol structures inundoted
I Contributing areo to luture development locotions to
determine il odditional infrdstructure is required
These comparisons will be used by RIC( to identify which
pipes are surcharged, resulting in flooding at varying storm intervals and where additional infrastructure could alieviate problematic
surface floodint. Summaries oi the compiled results will be presented to the City for review and concur.ence on the desired design
storm for development of the recommended drainage improvements.
ldentify Required Sizes for Deficient and New Facilities
RICK will then provide rcquired pipe sizes ba5ed on the City's droinoge stondotd however. the.e msy be situotions whete the existing
deficiencies arc significont ond const.aints moke doing so impracticol ond in these circumstances RICK will +eview results with the City
to identify on occeptoble level of seNice. The preliminoru sizina fot deficient ond new focilities will be bosed on circulor storm droin:
however, eouivolent irreaulot shooed systems with simildr cross-sectionol oreo mdv be necessdN ond incorcoroted into subseauent
Drc I i m i hotv e n o i nPe rin o studies ond/or ClPleveldesian efforts i.e. - box culverts. ooen chonnels. etcl.
Recommended Condition 1D/2D Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model
The recommended Jocilities will be odded to the hydtologic ond hydraulic model ond run to determine their impocts on downstreonl
Jqcilities. Regionol opportunities identified for flood contrcl purposes will olso be incorporoted into the H&H model lor recommended
The results of these models will be reviewed and summorized in a similot foshion to the results of the existing condition models to
I Calculdted dischorge vs. pipe copacity, dnd
I Numbet oJ structures removed from inundotion, os wellos number ol structures remaining inundoted (if opplicoble)
Opinion of Probable Construction Cost
RICK will research available unit costs for p.ojed construction based on local bid history documents, and other readily available
sources. Unit costs will be provided to the City for review and concurrence prior to initiation of the recommended project cost
esumates. RICK will provide a generalized order of magnitude opinion of probable construction cost for each of the recommended
facilities to aid in the prioritization of projects. Frcm qn osset monogement perspective, tbis will help inform the City ol the copitol
costs needed City-wide for droiDage infrostructure, obove ond beyond the selected CIP prcjects.
Bundling and Prioritization of Recommended lmprovements
RICK will provide prioritization scores for each recommended Iacility to assist in ranking the benefit of each potential improvement.
This will be done using a prioritization matrix that will take into account modeling results (i.e. deficiency and surcharge) as well as
relevant fields from the existing GIS data {i.e., age of facility, location of facility, and relevance to inundation of structures).
To assist with potential project implementation through the City's Capital lmprovement Program, the individual facilities will be
"bundled" into relevant project areas. A mote detoiled ptesent-worth cost estimote will be genetoted lor up to 70 bundled projects
thot ore recommended within the five-yeor implementdtion period. Remoining bundled prcjects will be ossigned o 2o-yeor
implementotion ond ossigned a msstet plon levelcost estimote,
, Forreviewand concurrence, theresultsofthe bundlingand prioritization ofrecommended improyementwill besharedwiththe
City prior to preparing the present-worth cost estimates
a H&H Modeling Results for recommended conditions (2-year, 1o-year, 100-year), for City review and concurrence
a GIS storm drain inventory with recommendataons
Reaomnended lnfrastrucure 60r l{ew DevalopnEnt & Flood
RICK ENGIN[€RING COMPANY City of Menifee Master D.ainage Plan {RFp r,to.20t8-r9)I
E. ldentify Regional lmprovement Opportunities
RICK will coordinate with City statf to identi{y potential locations for regiona' improvements including regional detention basins and regional
water quality improvements, Currently planned regional projecls will be incorporated into the Master Drainage Plan. RICK will also leverage
GIS tools to identify additional potential opportunities for r€gional projects. The approach may includ€ investigating areas of public ownership
zoned for open space, park or other similar land use within sufficient proximity of storm drain infrastructure. A list, GIS Layer, and Map of
additional potential regional improvement proieds will be provided to the City.
Based on input from the City's O&M and NPDES groups and local knowledge, RICK will provide input and data on the existing
operational issuer requiring attention outside of capacity and additional infrastructure. This information will be provided within the
GIS-based web-application and report deliverables.
a Gl5 layer with project locations, contributing areas, and recommended project types
F. Develop Master Drainage Plan
Compile GIS Modeling Results
RICK will compile the GIS and modeling files developed through the Master Drainage Planning efforts into a GIS-based Web-Application
to be updated periodically throughout the project for the City to review milestone deliverables. A GIS geodatabase will be delivered
to the City upon project completion.
Draft Master Drainage Plan
RICK will develop a DRAFT Master Drainage Plan report document summarizing the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling methodology,
results, and deficiencies. The report will includ€ exhibits documenting hydrologic data, peak discharges, and deficient systems. The
DRAFT report will be submitted to the City for review and comment.
Final Master Drainage Plan
Upon receipt of the comments, RICK will generate the FINAL Master Drainage Plan report with updated exhibits, and with digita I copies
of all developed Gl5 data sets and hydrologic and hydraulic modeling files. This scope of work assumes that the reports and GIS data
will be delivered in a digital format, and that no hardcopies of the Master Drainage Plan report will be generated.
a GIS Web-Application (available for milestones and throughout to lacilitate City reference, review, and inputj updated tor
a DRAFT Master Drainage Plan Report for City review and comment
a FINAL Master Drainage Plan Report with final GIS datasets. Web App
RIC( ENGINEERING COMPANY City of Menifee Master Drainage Plan {RFp No 2or8.re)II
r.rr^. PEtcr xrDg.tEnr
' Allocation o, hou.s per po6(on ay vary stafl {n be b'rl6d at lha r5l€s as@6t€d rilh th6tr posi06. Prqect lill be billed ba*d 6 lne lotal costs id€nt ied abovs.
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