2018/10/11 RISE Interpreting ASL InterpreterItiSE ASL Interpreter Request Form CN of McntFte to/rr /t</Today's Date: Requestor: First & Last Name Stclharrt- '?oo.^ Direct Phone: a f o Se evr € al1otrfi4t-vt tFee . u+-'Email: If Applicable PO or Auth # Case # or DOB MRN: Appointment Information natefs): 19[1-1[\( StarrTime: b,.a,Wn End rime: Y:oopt or larc-r Preferred lnterpreter(sl? Language or Service ASL Trilingual Tactile Other: xII Deaf Consumer Name(s):S (,on Number of lnterpreters o 2 Other:Note: lobs exceeding 90 min. may require a team. This depends on the noture of the job and amount of continuous interpreting. Male Female Dress: Business Casual Athletic Warehouse 0ther: Qr\-l Cu,rnc^\ €ur meehnqynt{ln+. r fcc-uested.l fi.rt mct+, 4sstslaY 'rrg I Or V Situation (General Description): Ex. Neurology Appt,lob Interview, StaffMeeting \Aechrq . Pesrcl-en+ hqg . ?esrdt$ VtNo{.,l^} nfi Sta Ac+{Mdn Oen b{ r..wrat\ed i (csd,e,nt hcrs s}ahed Wt'w,\\ \\ae to SpaL duvtnl ?ub\tc clxl^Yvu/lt (3 w'"nutc: *Please share relevant Prep Materials eg. Agenda, Schedule, Map, Website, Powerpoint, Script, etc. Details for the Interpreter: ti'#t:,' Mrvrr{<< C^u-1 \latt - C,^+V co.^nc^\ g,{aawrb'ers $6nrvr ?ct.'zq1\qStreet Address t'*' 1.Aen,F* ,rr, q>rry\n Bldg/Floor/Room: Street Structure Note:Meter Nameand nore $[(0h NrOn'^rOnn{/ Ca}Y Cl,err *on-Site phone #: q5l_ 265- bgZ5 (< rr ) *On-Site Contact: Extension Notable Hearing Consumer Name(sl: Ex. Dr.Smith, Professor fones, Social Worker Notes for RISE Office: c!. 6tltl7 Nlagnolia Avenuc Rivcrsidc. flA 92506 'li'l: 9-51.5(r5.,1422 l'ar: 9-< I .-lf 5.(Xl6zl lilnrail: inlir@ riseilrterpretirrg,c(,nr Wcbsitc: rr l r .riscintcrpreti ng.rllnr Customer: Name & ID# qb\ -124- 3rro Gender Preference @ Parking: qlf,jD Cost: N/A Pass?