2019/04/03 Rick Engineering Company Amendment 1 - PW Maintenance & Operations Exterior Improvements ProjectAMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY AND THE CITY OF MENIFEE FOR PUBLIC WORK IUAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CENTER (MOC) EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT This is Amendment No. 1 to that certain AGREEMENT for Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") made on September 19,2018 by and between the City of Menifee ("City") and RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY ("Consultant") for design services for THE Clry OF MENIFEE PUBLIC WORKS MAINTE E&OPERATIONS CENTER (MOC) EXTERIOR 20'19, to increase the scope of work andIMPROVEMENTS PROJECT on compensation amount as indicat low: 1. Section 2, "Compensation" is amended to read as follows, increasing the contract amounl by: $6,900 (SlX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS) Sgggo!_a City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed $39,550 (THIRTY NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS) notwithstanding any contrary indications that may be contained in Consultant's proposal, for services to be performed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. ln the event of a conflict between this Agreemenl and Exhibit A, regarding the amount of compensation, this Agreement shall prevail. City shall pay Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth herein. The payments specifled below shall be the only payments from City to Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall submit all invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized in advance by City, Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person. 2. Exhiblt A, Scope of Services is amended to include the additional tasks included within the attached Exhibit A: AODITIONAL SCOPE OF WORK (Amendment No. 1). 3. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect '>4.A,x\-"L Bill zimmert,,], ii{/vor CITY OF MENIFEE Attest: nwann City lerk Approved as lo Form: Jeffrey T. Melching, City Attorney RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY Gibson, P v7,44)2,-,-- E- Prof€ssaonal Services Amendment No. 1 with Bick Entineerin8 2 ol2 /. Carson Edgihgton, Associate \ Cotrtrrct AddeDdum RICK Rick hgin.cring Company Job No. 18395-A Feb{uary 6, 2019 Addcndurn No. I Pa3c I of2 Sent vla enoll, carlo3 Geronimo City of Menifcc 29714 Mcnifcc Rold Mcnifcc, Califomia 925t6 JOB DESCRIPTIONT CITY OF MENItrEll ON-CALL SERVICF,S l. Proiccl Rcst& Coordinalc with City starf 10 rcslrn pmjccl dcv.hgmcnt of thc Public Works rnrintcnancc yard. This losk includes prcporing miscellencous exhibits nnd aneoding confcrencc calls with the City to discuss dcsign rl(cm8tives for perimcter wall mrterials and plsccflenq building and/or covered structu.c siz! End plscemcnt and power requiremenG ud routilg for on-sitr liShting, This lask dso includo providing schcduh updstcs to rcicfinc milcstonc submitrsls and roollocating staff to arsist wi$ rcvilcd projcct schcdulcs. (Fcc: Civil - $1,500.0Q Larulscapc - $1,000.00; Totll Fca: S2,5m.00) 2. Covarcd Structurc Rcscirch & Placemcnt Reslarch ond coordinate wifi prcma[ufacturcd blilding ard covctcd structurc supply rcprcscntltiv.s to dclermin. posgiblc structurc lyp.s, tizls rnd locatioo to align vith City's additiongl request for enclosed ltluclures ossociatcd with vchiclc lrd cquiPmcnt sloJagc Plus elevsled roof rlructurca for trash bin srss cover. This usk involvcs dcvcloping two olrcmativcs for each structure with specific placcment and orienlalion, h addition, upd8te the consuuction plans to includc linal product information and rcvisc thc projcct sp.cificltions to includc thc minimum product sclcction c.ilcrir end.stablish cootrsctor submittal tlquiremcnts snd shop drswing rcvicws. (Fcc: Civil - I1,20O.00; Landscapc - $ 1,600.00; Tot l Fce: S2,800.00) By signing bclow ar indicatcd, Rick Engincering Compsny is authoriz.d to cxp€nd an oddilionsl $6,900.00, bringing th! totll omount authorizcd qs of tlis dsto to t39,550'00, to pc.form work in conjunction whh our contnct datcd Junc 14, 2018, Addlrh..l S.opc of Worlc CPE !.XJob Fil6\l &l9r\A\Addd&\4.! I 2 ol2P rofess ional Servicer Amendment No. l with Rick €n8ineerinS Carlos ocronimo F.bruary 6, 2019 ?n9.2 ofz Anlhorlz.d hyl RICK RCE 765 t9 Appr0vcd by: CITY OF MENIFEE sigrsrurc:- Please titn ond rcton o copy to NCK ENGNEENIfr COMPINY 3. Elcctricd Conduit Lsyoul Coordinrt! with city st ll to dcvclop coDduit ti?s and .lignmcrE from lhd critting bullding point of conrrcction (POC) to . nlw ctrl.rlir.d sub{urficr pull hox to proviiL futut! powcr c$tEction lo thc Dm0oi.d building stnrctu.cs snd yrrd lidB. This :!sk includcs pLcing cooduiB sttd suppoding sructur.. on thc conslruction plans rnd ,lvisint th. ipocil'rc.tion5 lnd 6tirnst6 to includc Equirlmcntr rnd oginix ofprobrblc construclior cortt. (F!€: Civil- S1,100.00; t dscrF-t 500.0q Tool Fc.: S1,600.00) All oth.r Fovisiong oflfic origiDd cont oct rr. to Ern.ir unchugcd. D.t.r Frbru..y 6, 2019 Tirl€: Associsle Tirlcr--- P rofess io na I Services Amendment No. 1 with Rick En8ineerang 2 ol2