2019/10/15 Prudential Overall Supply Public Works UniformsG rudentlat9 oetullY uppla' PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY (PRUDENTIAL) agrees to fumish, clean, pick-up and deliver the following merchandise and CUST0N.4ER agrees to rent all merchandise listed below tor the initial account installation and any additional merchandise ordered from PRUDENTIAL. CUSTotulER agrees to a seNice minimum based on the initial account installation. Prices willvary lor other than weekly service. Wearing Apparel i Other Merchandise SERVICE RENTAL AGREEMENT Item By (Signature) Printed Name: Tite: Date: Rental Rate lnventory Total L Per Wearer Lr'rc. Y7 e.i x , wearerc I Re $ry _1 placement Value t Rate F;Item Frequency I Uni llnventory Replacement Value I gss trddEndurn A,B & C FIRST DELIVERY DATE: Service Rental Agreement is ellective the date signed by both parties. The term of Agreement is based on the installation date of each served location. GENERAL PURPOSE MERCHANDISE: lilerchandise rented by PRUDENTIAL is for general purpose only and is notforuse in areas of flammability risk or where contact with toxic or hazardous materials is possible. lf requested, CUSToI.4ER agrees to furnish Safety Data Sheets (S0S) to comply with all applicable laws. Merchandise rented by Prudential is also not considered ANSUISEA 107-1999 compliant. TERMS: Upon approval of CUSToMER'S credit, payment is due net 30 days from lnvoice date or upon receipt of monthly statement. All prices reflect credit for time ofl due to CUSToMER / employee vacation, holiday or sickness. REPLACEMENT: ln the event of damage to wearing apparel by CUSToMER, reasonable wear accepted, CUSToMER will pay PRUDENTIAL'S replacement value unless CUSToI\.4ER elects Budget Protection Program. CUSToI\.4ER will pay PRUDENTIAL'S cunent replacement value for lost merchandise. ln the event of damage to other merchandise or equipment by CUSToMER, CUSToI\4ER will pay 75% of PRUDENTIAL'S current replacement value, Budget Protection Program is a per piece rate that covers all damage related charges except gross misuse. RIGHT 0F CANCELLATIoN: Because it would be otherwise diflicult or impractical to fix the exact amount of damage to PRUDENTIAL, in the event CUSToMER cancels or breaches this agreement for any reason, CUSToMER will pay to PRUDENTIAL 50% of the average weekly dollar volume for the un-expired term based on the lhirteen week period preceding cancellation. CUSToMER wjll also pay unpaid invoices for prior services rendered and any lost or damage charges. ?1 ,^.to ^,i fts k! TERM 0F AGREEIIENT: ln consideration of the substantial investment by PRUDENTIAL in merchandise and equipment to provide service to CUSTOI\4ER, this agreement shall continue for eighty-fourlS+months from the first delivery date specified above and shall automatically renew for subsequent periods of the same length as the initial term, provided it is not terminated by either party by written notice to the other at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the initial term or any renewal term. ln the event of increased costs, PRUDENTIAL may, after each anniversary date of this agreement, increase its rates by the amount of the increase in the Consumer Price lndex - all areas for the previous twelve months, or six and nine-tenths percent. GENERAL: CUSToMER shall payall costs of collection and attomey's fees. PRU DENTIAL will not be liable for consequential damages resulting lrom its inability to perform its obligations under this agreement. CUSTOI/ER agrees to defend and indemnify PRUDENTIAL from any claims associated with the use of the merchandise, includlng any claims allegedly arising from defective merchandise. CUSTOI\.4ER agrees to pay a nonrefundable preparation fee for each garment placed in service after the original thirty (30) days installation. CUSToN.4ER also agrees to pay for any lettering that is requested, the environmental fee, a delivery charge, any inventory maintenance charge, sales and use taxes, or other similar standard recuning charges. Should CUST0I\.4ER'S business identified below be sold or transfened in any way, this agreement shall remain in full force and eflect and shall bind both the CUSTOMER and the purchaser. This Agreement is not binding on PRUDENTIAL until executed by the General Manager of PRUDENTIAL'S facility that will provide service to Customer. CUST0[.4ER warrants that it is not contractually obligated for any of the services represented under this agreement to any other person or concern. Cityll! I\/lgnilxe Public Works /PRU I NTIAL OVERALL SUPPLYl-.--auffi;aZoat Name t'!Jr.,' CITY i,tANAGFP /s^dsines,t I : l!--..." ' SSM lo'r<-(-i CITTIOF MENIFEE 29714 Haun Road Menifee cA 92586 For olfrc€ useonlyi Genera! ManagerApproval A (951)/672$777 ast Form: rey T. MelchJFoRM 10032A-8+SU REV 05i22l19 Address: Cily/Slatelzip: Phone: City Attorney By (Signalure): Printed Name: Its Duly Aulhodzedl T} Qwv Estlmated RentalCost Worksheet For City of Menifee Public Works GARMENTS $6.6033$0.20 $2.207344-16lndustrialPants $4.18 $29.26$0.38Hlvisibilitv Shirt - Proftssionalv Pr6sed $17.60$0.32 $3.52Dickies CaEo Po(ket Pants $0.416 $0.83 $5.8140.4'4-]6Twill Coveralls $2 78 $2.78$0.253n-7y1PAPolo Shirt $0.14 $3.36 $26.66BPP8Budqer Protedion Plan #oF EMPLOYEES TOTAL WEEKLY RENTAL ITEM FACILITY SERVICES\TOWELING\FLATGOODS $0 00 $0.m9741Laundry Bag Stard $0.m$0.00Laurdry Baqs 9714 WEEKLY UNIl RATEPOS CODE INVENTORY Total Weekly Rental $88.71 Delivery Fee $6.00 Estimatod weekly Total 994.71 " " Plus sales tax if applicable 7h,ls prrysal is Dased or, ffid,,6 wi,tb 3a da$d W 21, m19. o-t CLEAN GPEEN CONFIOENTIAL PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY i')"Outfitti ng Amer ica's fea m" PrudentialUniforms.com INVENTORY WEEKLY UNIT RATE WEEKLY COST PER EMPLOYEE POS CODE f 7&z8i&s2- I 73-4&1e7o IlsoII_---il-r r- 3 ITEM TOTAL WEEKLY RENTAL Pwv Estimated Rental Cost Worksheet For City of Menifee Public Works - Flats GARMENTS POS COOE # OF INVENTORY WEEKLY WEEKLY TOTAL EIIIPLOYEES UNIT COST PER WEEKLYRATE EMPLOYEE RENTAL -rE--- ITEM FACILITY SERVICES\TOWELING\FLATGOODS 3 x 4 ADp€arance Mat - Black 9034 0 $0.00 $0.004 X 6 Ap@arance Mat - Blacl $9.003 x 't 0 Appeardnce [,lat - Black 2 s4.50 $12.5016x16 Yello, Mic,ofiber Tq,lel (Cieneral Use / Cleanino) $0.25 $1.10 $3.30lnventory l\4aintenance (fTDMMP) $7.00'18x18 Sho9 To\ €1, purple $0.36 $1.80lnventory l\ilaintenance (TTDMMP) lTEfvl POS CODE INVENTORY WEEKLY UNIT RATE TOTAL WEEKLY RENTAL Total Weekly Rental $33.60 Delivery Fee $0.00 Estimated Weekly Total $33.60' " Plus sales tax if applicable This p/oposal is bas€d ofl a@danc, wiblk 30 days ol o{ip6ot 21 , m19. o-D CLEAN GNEEN CONFIOENTIAL PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY i<"O utfitti ng Am?rico's feom" PrudentialUn iforms.com 9044 | o e7s0Y | 50 I 97SGTm I 3I 9792 I 1oof-]--I &EZ 9074 I $2.80 I $3.75 Qwv Addendum "A" Price Structure For City of Menifee Public Works GARMENTS $24.10 $60.85Hi-Visibility Shirl - Professionally Prcssed Dickies Carao Po*et Pants 734&1G7Q $0.32 404446 s0.416Twill Coveralls 77-7tXX-PA $0.253Polo Shirt $0.14Budqer Proteclion Plan REPLACEIVIENT VALUEUNIT PRICEITEM FACIL]TY SERVICES\TOWELING\FLATGOODS $14.659741$0.00Laundry Bag Stand $0.00 $7.32Laundry Baqs REPLACEMENT VALUEPOS CODE UNIT PRICEITEM Additional lniomation: BPP ofiercd at $0.14 p€r garment o 'NO BPP - Names 01.00, Logo6 $'1.50, Flags $1.50 each gametrt Delivery - $6.00 Prudential Overal Sulply City of Monlbr Publlc Wgrk ,i,', 4 rl ltSignature: . ,*r- - i' Y I l{ame: Signature Name: Tifle: Date: -Llt ^t V ?-P'.e AA.,aJ 5g Y/\Tifle: Date: ARMANDO G, VILLA CIry MANAGFR l\-\-\3 lz -ITYOFMENIFEE Ap e as to Form: Jeffrey T. Me s City Attorney CLEAN GPEEN o-D CONFIOENTIAL PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY :<T " O u tf itti nt Am e r i cd's f e a m " PrudentialUniforms.com POS CODE 7344-16 I $0.20 7&78{&92 I $0.38 $27.62 $35.s4 BPP ___@E5______t I gztn Q- maenatal 9";#L Prudential Overall Supply lnitials Addendum "A" Price Structure (continued) For City of Menifee Public Works 'Sales tar not induded in price lhxlehld guaB,nl@s tftsh @o rrprs ,rrd dgosaD,€ grol/ss rp€to,orr, Dosdp/D4rcl, P,819 ot a qrarlw, 0.66 Piti,tg w t b hdaasFd or&.,.e.sd oasEdoa,,€/br corddo,s,rd l,D,c,,tY a,tt er..!.d',g q.€rt.r 4/t- CLEAN GNEEN CONSUMABLE PRODUCTS - ffir $53.29 Center Pull Elue Mechanics Tolrrels - 6 rolls/case, 300 ff./roll $62.15 Gym Wipes -Wpes - 2 rolls/case, 800/roll $89.79 9443 Hard Roll To'/rels - Eleached. 6 rolls/case, 8ooft/roll $46.35 9901 Jumbo Roll Tissue - 2 ply, '!2 rolls/case, 1000 fl./roll $43.26 9913 Single Bathroom Ti$ue Roll Toilet - 2 ply, 96 rolls,/case, 500 sheets,/roll Small Core Tissue - Two.Ply, 36 rolls/case, ,|000 shrroll s906w Wall Mount Dispenser - BlacUstainless Sleel 99068 Countertop Dispenser - Black 9906S Countenop Dispenser - Stainless Steel 9907 Multi-Folded Tor,\,els - Bleached.$31.81 9918 Kitchen Roll Tor.,rel - 8.8" x 11". 30 rollycase. 8ssheets/roll $52.17 9944 Facial Tissue - 8.8" x 11". 30 boxes,/case. 100/box $32.68 Toilet Seat Covers - 5000 sheetgcase $53.56 AIR FRESHENER PRODUCTS Kiv./i Graffiuil. Spiced Apple (12ltox)DooTFRESHn Deodorizer- Mango, Cucumber, Mdon,$38 02 DooTFRESH* Drone DbperEer - Charrqed ooce per monh (,.Ieekly charge)$1 03 9925 Grcenscents Urinal sqeem - VOC 1W., Scer{ed, 10 per box $27.33 9925A Urinal Mal - 6/case $84.71 Green Scerns Air FresheneE Cadridg€ - 1 m96 Reqydrble, Ch?rEed once d monh (,4/(v dlarce)$3.09 HAND CARE PROOUCTS Foam Hand Wash - Antibacleriai -500m1 cart.idge (weeklv charge) 9937 Non-Alcohol lnslant Foam - 500m1 canridge (weekly charge)$3.0e 9937A1 - 500m1 cartridgeAlcohol lnstanl Foam cha 9428 lndustrial Hand Soap - 2,125m1 (vre€kly charge)$5.67 4560 FoamFresh Sanitizer Cleanser - 1000M1 $5.15 4585 Foam Hand Wash - Dye Free - 1000ML (v/eekly )v12 DISPENSERS - No charge for stocl units No Charge TRASH CAN LINERS 9998 Hiqh Densitv 24 X 24 - (9.2 Net Weight) (6 lvlicron) Natural -1 000/case $18.57 9911 Weight) ('13 Micron) Natural- 500/caseHiqh Density 33 x 40 - (22.9 $41.99 9990 @utliron)Natural - 2so/case $37.61 9999 Hiqh Densilv 43 X 48 - (17.6 Net Weigltt) (,16 Mic.on)NatuEI - 200/case $32.29 Low Density 40 x 46 - (18.4 Net Weight) (1.50 Mil)Black - 100/case $30.33 GLOVES 9478 . No Poride. - Medium 0i 100 9479 Dis posable Vinyl Gloves, No PoMet - LaEe (1 0/1 00 packed/case) 9480 DisDosable Vinvl Gloves, No Po$der - x-Lame (10/100 )$44 64 Blue Nitrile Disposable Gloves, PF - Medium (l 0/'!00 packed/case)$77.33 Blue Nitrile Disposable Gloves, PF - Large (10/100 )$77.33 Blue Nitrile Oisposable Gloves, PF -10/100 $77.33 Black Nitrile Disposable Gloves, PF - Mediun (10/100 $92 40 94821 Black Nitrile sposable Gloves, PF - Lalge (10/100 packed/case) X-La!geBlack Nilrile ble Gloves, PF -0/100 packed/case) Latex Disposable Gloves, PF - Medium (10/100 $68.20 @too packed/case)$68.20-IffiSrspostbiEEiovea, PF - x{a (10/'100 packed/case) 9965 Polv Disposable Gloves, PF - Large (20/500 ) \-/ rc Customer lnitials 16{ CONFIDENTIAL PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY <T "ou tlitti nt Americo's f eom" PrudentialUn iforms.com COOE ITEM PRICE APEFI 99os I 9917 I 9,184 $60.77 $46.54 $42.53 $50.60 $60.38 l | 9914 I D9455x I D9456R h4-5- | 9e88 $1-05--.1 $3.09 I T 9490 I s14 64fEs4-----'l I- s4s 1t\rlB l9482LB t 9483xLB | 9481M f s483xLI c481 I 94a2 | 9483 --5510-$92.40 ----SEE7o-__-l $79.05 p Prud,enJtal oetu,ll SrryplA' Prudential Signature: Name: Title: Date: TLq €Bprt-V\A", ^r City of Monifee Public \ryork8 --AFtr*A:*e+6JYltt*-CITY t'4,.N;\GER t7 rl Ap ove as to Su aSt4 Signatur€ Name: Title: Date:t(-r-\1 Jeffrey T. City Attorn ln9 JACKET LEASE $41.19$1.25- Perma-Lined Panel Jacket - 65/35RED KAP $1.25 $37.95RED KAP - Slash Pocket Jacket - 65/35 $37.95$1.25RED xep* - Sotio Lined Team Jad(el - 65735 $1.25 $31.95RED KAP-- orined vedrineo - osns $72.56$2.75ngD xep* - Son Sne Performance Jacket - 92/8 ITEM oI]I CONFIDENTIAL PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY O "O utfitti ng Amer ico's Teo m" PrudentialUniforms.com LEASE RATE REPLACEMENT VALUE ( CLEAN GNEEN p PmdanJtal oerullStqply' l'PPtY rt Addendum "B" Service Guarantee For City of Menifee Public Works lf at any time the standard of quality for either servir- or merchandise does not meet industrial standards, City of Menifee Public Wotks will give PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY written notice to con€ct said deficiencies. lf, affer sixty (60) days from the date of written notice PRUDENTLqL OVERALL SUPPLY has not conected said deficiencies to meet industry standards, City of Menifee Public Works has the option to cancel the SeNice Renhl Agre€ment, afier paying all chaages for seNic€s rendered and any lost and/or damage charges. Prudential Overall City of Menifee Pu.blic Works Signature Name: Title: Date: |,\Ac\a( Signature: Name: Titb: Date: e c-era >5 r^ tt-t-tq t2 Je rey T. Mel City AttorneY stoFo CLEAN GNEEN \./ -D CONFIDENTIAL PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY €"OutIitting Ameticd s feam" PrudentialUniforms.com 6rmrn* Yftrypta'Addendum "C" Price Stsucfurc For Gity of Menifee Public Works - Flats GARMENTS ITEM - UNIT PRICE FACILITY SERVICES\TOWELINGIFLATGOODS $2.80 $54 103 x 4 Appearance Mat - Bhck 9044 $3.75 3 x 10 Appearance Mat - Black $1.3916x16 Yello , Mimfber To\,,€l (C.erEral Use / CleanirE) 9TSGTTD $1.10 $1.39lnvontory Maintenance CTrD/MMP) $0.36i8x18 ShoD To',/,rel, Durple 9792 $0.07 $0.36lnventory Maintenance (TTDMMP) REPLACEIlIENT VALUEUNIT PRICE Additional lnformation: TTD 506 Prudential Signature: Name: Title: Date: Supply e r-r",a IaASras Name: City ot lf,enifee Prrblic Vfrts - Fl96 Signature: ARMANDO G VIIIA CITYMANAGER CITYOF MENIFEE I g--,t"\TiUe: Date:lt'i-tr lt appr& as to Form: l y T. Mel City Attorney CLEAN GEEEN o-El CONFIDENTIAT PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY G)"O u tlitti ng Ame r ico's f e o m" PrudentialUniforms.com REPLACEIVIENT VALUEPOS CODE ITEM POS COOE s7e0Y I o.zs I-- r76rfr D--1------*36- l-TrTEpea,anceTat rBlqL I- so34 I $82.88 A^.^