2020/03/10 Pyro Spectaculars, Inc. Production AgreementPyro Spcctaculars, lnc.
P.O. Ror 2329
Rialto, CA 92177
Tel: 909-355-8120 :::: Fax: 909-355-9813
City of Nlenifce
Progranr A
.l$e 27,2020
Page I of4
This agrccmmr ("Agreement") is rnade this lD+t*r", (V\rfd4
2g2qby and berween P) ro speuecutars, tnc-. a catifomia
cor?or"tion. hcreinalier refer&d to as ('_PYRO"). and City ofMelifcc. hcrtina,ier referred lo as ('_CLIENT'). PYROand CLIENTare sometimcs rcfcncd toas
''Party" or coll!'ctively as "Pa(ies'hercin-
l. E!:g!gS4S!!!- CL]ENT hercby cngagcs PYRO to prcvide lo CLIENT one liewo*s p'l)duction ( Producli(ni ), and PYRO acceprs such cngaSenrcnt
ircorlonrlcd herciI by this reference.
Work ). atr ch(\] hcrero. incorpomred hcicin by rhis rcllrcncc, and nridc a pal1 ollhis Agrrdncnl as rlrcugh scl ldlh Iirlly hcrcin.
1.2 CLI ENT Duties - CLIENT shall provide lo PYRO a suitable sire ("Site') for thc Pmduction, secuily for tlle Site as sel fonh in Pamgraph
6 hcrmf, access to the Site, any pennission necessary to ulilizc the Sile forlhe Production, and lhc olher things on its pan to be perfonned as more
spccifically set fonh below in this Agreemcnt and in lhe Scope of Work. All Sile arrangernenls are subj&t lo PYRO s rcasonable approval as to
pyrotechnic safely, suitability. and security. All olher conditions ofthe Site shall be the responsibility ofCLIENT, including. bul not limited lo, access,
use. control, parking and general saf€ty wi(h rcspect lo the public, CLIENT personnel and other contmctors.
L I ESg- CLIENT agre€s ro pay PYRO t tce of $22.500.00USD (TWENTY TwO TIIOUSAND Fl VE H UNDRED DOLLARS) ("Fcc") Ibr
rhc Pll)ducrion. CLIENT shall pay to PYRO $IL2!!,]00USD (EI,EVEN THOUSAND TWO HtINDRED FIFIY DOLLARS) oflhc Fee plus cstimatcd pennit
and slandby tccs. spccilicd production costs, and olhcr rcgulalory costs approximaled at $qQ,lo! OR an amount to bc dctcrmincd, Ibr a lotal of5-!L25qqq, as a
?&!!29. Ct-IENT aurhorizes PYRO 1(l reccavc and vcrily crcdit and linancial inlbnnalion conccrring CLIENT lr n any agcncy. person or entily including but
).2 lllgIgll- ln the evenl lhat the Fce is not paid in a limcly mannlx CLIENT will bc rcsponsible lbr thc paymcnl of l-57o intercst per mon(h
wilh lhc liligation. including, bul not limitcd to allomcys' fccs.
outlincd s CI-lEN'f s rcsponsibility in this AgrccnrcDl {nd Soopc of work
wrrhour rhc ci(prcss wriucn pcnnission ofPYRO is prohibitcd.
5. $qt!! - PYRO and CLIENT shall oach cornply wth npplicablc fcdcral, narc and k'cal laws and rcgulalions and ernploy sal'ety pmgmms and measur!'s
bcyoDd thc rcasoDablc conirol of PYRO
lir.ilitics nss('cirlcd with the Prodnctilnr
:. Timc ard Placc - The Produciion shall takc plncc on Jrnc 2?. 2020. nt approxiDralcly 9:00 p.nr., at Rcll Nloulllain Iiddlc School Socccr Fiekl.
28525 Ln Picdra Rd.. Nlcrifec, Q\. Sitc.
t')\ innrnrcnttll el(:rn'rp.
PS V l'lc
3. l'ccs. Iptcrcst. rpd Expenses -
Pyro Spectaculars, Inc.
P.O. Box 2329
Rialto, CA 92377
Tcl: 909-355-8120 :::: Fax: 909-355-9813
City of Menifee
Program A
June 27, 2020
Page 2 of .l
rcspL'clivc opentions and scrvicos.
I0. lndemnification - PYRO rcp,oscnts nd wafl"nrs thal il is capableofIumishing thc nccessar] expeiencc. pcnjonncl, cquipment, materials, plovidcN,
and cxpc(is€ to produce the Production in a safe and p,ofessional mannor. Nolwithstanding anfhing in this Agrccmcnt to lhe contmry. PYRO shall indernnify,
hold hannless, and defend CLIENT and lhc additional insureds from and againsl any and all claims, aclions, damagcs, liabilitics and expenses, including but not
limitcd lo, a(omey and other profr'ssional lces and court costs, in conn(rtion with thc loss oflife, pe$onal inj!ry. and/or danuge to property, arising from or out
ofthc Prqhction and the prcsentation thercol to lhe extcnt such are occasioncd by any acl oromission ofPYRO,lheir officers, agmts, contractors, providen, or
cmployces- CLIENT shall indemnify, hold hannlcss, and defend PYRO fmm and against any and all claims, actions, darnages.liability and expcnscs. including
bu( not limitd lo, allomey and other profcssbnal f!\:s and coui costs in conncclion with lhc loss oflife. personal injury, and/or danage lo pmpeny, arising from
orout ol lhe Production and the prc:scntation thc&'ofto the cxtcnl slch areoccasioned by any act oromission ofCLlENT, ils omcers. agcnls, contmctors,
providers. oremployees. ln no cvcnl s[all cithcr pa[y be liablc for lhe consequentialdamagcs ofthc other parly.
ll. Limitalion of Damagcs for Ordinary Brcach - Excepl in rhe casc ol borlily injury and propeny damage as providcd in Ihc insurance and
l'or hss ofinco,ne. busin€ss or prolils.
12. Force Maieure - CLIENT agrccs 1() nssuntc the risks ofweather. strike, civil unrcst, teD:orism, military action, govemnrental action, and any othcr
causcs boyond the control of PYRO which may prcvcnt tlle Production from bcing safcly discharged on lhe scheduled datc, which may cause the cancellation ol
any cvcnl lbr which CLIENT has purchasld thc Pftxluelion, orwhich may.lTccl or dnmagc such ponion oflhe exhibits as must be placed and exposed a
rl(.ccssary timc beforc lhe Produclion. lf.lirranysuch reason. PYRO is not rcasonahly ablcto $fely discharge the Production on thc schcdulcd dalc, oral lhc
sch(lulcd time, or should any evcnl Iin which CLIENT has purhascd rhe Pmduclion bo cancclcd as a rcsult ofsuch causes, CLIENT may (i) resch€dule thc
Prcduction and pay PYRO such sums as provid!'d in Pame'nph 13. or (ii) canccl thc Production and pay PYRO such sums as prcvided in Paragraph 14. bascd
lpon when thc Production is cancelcd.
13. Rcschcdulinq OI fvcnt - ll Cl,lENT clL.cts to reschcdulc thc Production. PYRO shall bc paid lhc odgirj l Fcc plus all additional expenses n]trdc
ycar unluss PYRO agrcst thal such rlrichcdrling N ill nol rd\cr:cly rlTccl nonnrl husincss opcrati0ns dur ing those pcriods.
14. B!g!1_Iq_94!Sd CLIENfshallhavc tllcoplaon to unilatcnlly crncclth. Pmduclion priorlo dlo schcdulcd datc. IfCLIENT exercises this optiut,
CLIENT agrccs 1(l pay to PYRO. as liquidalcd drrraScs.lhe lbllowing porccntagcs ol-thc Fcc as sel fodh in Pamgraph 3.l. l) 50% ifcanccllation occuni 30lo 90
PYRO will sutler iiCLIENT canccls lhc Pnr&rcrion
cxfrrssly provided l'or hercin.
l,s V t-1.
l.('eurl ,\\cnuc. Rirlto. Caljli)rr)iir(ll:177 ( t.lliNl ( il\ ol llrt|jlic. 298J{ llar"r la(1.. i\Ic'rilic. (-,\ 91586
Pyro Spcctaculars, Inc.
P.O. Box 2329
Rialto, CA 92377
Tel: 909-355-8120 :::: Fax: 909-355-9813
City of Mcnifce
Progranr A
.lune 27,2020
Page 3 of .l
Itl Nlodificalion ofTcrnrs All lcnns ol rhc AgrccDrent rrc in witing and rnay only be rnodified by writlcn agrccrncnl ol-both Pa(ics hcrtt(!. Bolh
Pnrics ncknowlcdgc lhry havc ruccivcd a copy rr-said wilicn AgrcemoDl and agrec lo bc bound by said tcnns of writtcD Agreenrenl only
20- Price Firm - lfany changos or ahcnlions arc made by CLIENT to lhis Agre€ment or ifthis Agreemcnt is no! exerjuld by CLIENT and dcliver!\l m
PYRO on or bcforc lhe PRICE FIRM dale shown bclow, then the price, dale, and scope oflhe Pmduclion are subjoct to rcvicw aod acceptance by PYRO lbr a
pcriod of l5 days tollol',/ing dclivery to PYRO olrhc cx!'cutcd Agrc€ment. ln thqcvml il isnot accepld by PYRO. PYROshall giveCLlENT writt{:n nolicc,and
(his ABrocmcnl shall b€ void.
PRICE FIRM lIrough ttlsrch 6,2020
See PRICE FIRM conditions, paEgmph 20, above.
EXECU I'ED irs olthc date liIst wrillcn abovci
\\$.\4? /k *-l)
Pdnl Nrllnc
StIOW PRODUC ER: .lcfT Ilarrin
App e Fo
l . Melchin
City Attorney
Its: I'rcsidcn(
)L \-/Y
Pyro Spectaculars, Inc.
P.O. Box 2329
Rialto, CA 92377
Tel: 909-355-8120 :::; Fax: 909-355-9813
City of Nlenifce
Program A
Junc 27,2020
Page 4 of4
City of Menifce("CLIENT")
Pyro shall provide the following goods and services to CLIENT:
. One P)ro Spectaculars, Inc., Production on &!922,202.q, at approximately 9!q0_p:!!.:: at Eg!l_!4.gg43!4_!4!!.d!9_Sgl99!
Soccer Ficld 28525 La Piedrn Rd i\l enifee c.{.
All pyrotechnic equipment, trained py,rotechnicians, shipping, and p),rotechnic producl.
Application for specific pyrotechnic permits relating to the Production.
Insurance covering the Production as set forth in the AgreemeDt with the following linri(s
I n s u nt n c e lleq u i rcnr cn ts
Conrmercial General Lia bility
Business Auto Liabilily-
Owned. Non-Ouned and Hired Autos
Workers' Compensation
Emolover Liabilitv
Combined Single Linrit- Each Occurrence
(Bodily Injury & Property Damage)
Combined Single [.imit- Each Occurrence
(Bodily Injury & Properly Damage)
Per Occurrence
I': \' I t.
CLIENT shall provide to PYRO the following goods and services:
. All on-site labor costs, if any, not provided or performed by PYRO personnel including, but not limited to, local union
requirements, all Site security, Police and Fire Dept. standby personnel, stagehands, electricians, audio and fire control monitors,
carpcnters, plumbers, clean-up crew. All these additional personnel and services shall be lully insured and the sole responsibility
r Coordination and any applicable non-pyrotechnic permittilg with the local, state or f'ederal govemment that may hold
aulhority within lhe Production.
r Costs ofall permits required for the presentation ofthe Production and the event as a whole.
r Provision of a Safety Zone in accordance with applicable standards and all requirements ofthe authorities having jurisdiction
throughout the entire time that lhe p),rotechnics are at the Site or the load site (if different) on the date of the Production and all
set-up and load-out dates, including water security to keep unauthorized people, boats, etc. liom entering the Safety Zone.
. Geleral Services including, but not limited to, Site and audience security, fencing, adecluate work light, dumpster
accessibility, a secure office fbr PYRO personnel within the venue, secure parking fbr PYRO vehicles, access to washrooms,
tents. equipmcnt storage, hazmat storage, electrical power, [ire suppression equipment. access to rvorksites, necessary
credentialing, etc., will be required as necessary.