2017/04/24 Pyro Spectaculars, Inc. Production AgreementPyro Spectaculars, lnc, P.O. Box 2329 Rialto, CA 92377 Tel: 909-355-8 120 :::: Fax: 909-355-9813 City of Menifee Program A July 01, 2017 Page I of4 3.1 ESg- CLIENT agrs€s to pay PYRO a fcc of$!l!.!@.!!9 USD (liotilt'I}:l:N l l tOI rS,\Nl) DO|,|.,\ Rs) ("Fc.") for lhc Production. CLTENT sha pay 10 PYRO Sr.000.00 USD (!I)lllJl!]!dj!!!)l)!)!J:1!!!) ofrhe Fee pkrs esrimated p€rmit and slandby fces, sp€cified pmduction cosls, and othcr rcgulatory cosls approximarcd ar l!!ojq!OR sn .mor t to b. d.t.rmincd, for a rotsl of!l!!!!!U as. dcposit ("D!posh") upon the €xecotion ofthis ASreemenl by bo(h parti€s brrl rto latcrlhan :\|!!i!..11!L4!!f. Thc balaDce ofthe Fec shall bc paid no lalerlhan Jrlr 0J.:017. Ct,lENT authorizcs PYRO to rsoeive and verify crEdi( and linmcial i||formation concemin8, CLIENT from any agency, person or entily inchdingbut not limilcd to crcdh reporting ageocies. Thc "PRICE FIRM" dalc, lhe dat€ by which the €xcculed Agr€emcnl mus( be d€livered lo Pyro, is set foah in paragraph 20. 3.2 lfllcrcat - ln lhe svent tlal fie Fee is not paid in a limely mann€r, CLIENT lfill bc rcspoflsiblc for lhc paymcnl of L5% interest per monlh or l8% annually on lhe unpaid bals ce. lflitigarion lrisesoulolthis Agreem€nt, the prevailangpany shall be cntillcd to reasonable cosls incurrcd in con eclion wilh dre litigation, includinS, bul not limited to atlomeys' fe€s PRODUCTION AGREEMENT This agreemert ("Agreement") is made this )9* aay ot l7 by and between Pyro Sp€clstulnm, Inc., a California corpontion, hercinaffer refen€d lo !s ("PYRO"), and Cityof Mc iJca, herein "Party" or collectively as " Parties ' here rn. rcferred to as ("CLlENT"). PYRO a'rd CLIENT arc sornetinr€s referred (o as L ]:nE p.nrtt - CLIENT hcrcby elteagcs PYRO to protde lo CLIENT one ,irervo.ks production ("Production"], &d PyRO acc.pts such engagcntnl upo all of the promiscs, tenns ond condilio s heieinaner scl fonh. Thc Production shall be substanlially ss oullined in P.ognm ' 4", lltsclred h€reto and incomorrtcd hereii by lhas r€fcrcncc. l.l PYRO Duties - PYRO shallprovid€ allpyrotechnic equipm€nr, trained pyrolcchnicions, shippin8, pyrotechnic producls, applicalion for specific pyrot€chnic pcrmils (thc cost ofwhich, including standby fees, shall be paid by CLIENT) relaling lo the Production, insorance coverin8 lhe Prodoction ond thc other lhings on its part to be perfonned as nrore specifically set lonh below in this Agreement 0nd in the Scope of Work ("Scop. of Work"), allached hcreto, incorporatcd hcrein by this rclironce, and mad6 a part ofthis Agrecm€nt as (hough set fonh fully hereill 12 (l.lt:lillruticr-CLIENTshallprovidctoPYROasuitablesire("Site")forthcPrcduction,sccurilyforth€Sitcassctforthinl'aragraph 6 hcrcot acccss to lhc Sita, lny pcrmission ncccssary to utiliz! thc Si{e for lhc Produclion, and the olhcr thingJ on its patt to bc p€rformed as morc spccifically sct fodl bclow in $is Agrcemenl and in lh. Scopc of Work. All Sitc arangcmcnB arc subjcct to PYRO'S rcasonablc apprcval 83 lo pyrotechnic safely, suitability, and security. All othcr condilions oflhc Silc shsll b. thc rcspoisibilily ofCLIENT, including, bol nol linitcd to. acccss, use, control, parking and gcncrsl safcty wilh r€spect (o fte public. CLIENT pclsonncl and olhcr confadots. 2. Timc rnd Plrc. - Th. l,roducrion shall ralc placc on.hrlr 01. 2017, 6t appmximalely L@IE, sl llcll trkrunlnip lliddlc School: Socccr ficltl. :s5li I r I'i.rlrx Mcri[cc, Q!, Sir€ 3. !!sJ!9Js:L-r4E.!t1!rrsl- 3 3 EIDIIISI- PYRO shall pay all nomal expcnses directly relat€d lo the Productiofl including freighl, iosu.a ce as outlined, py.otechnic products, pyrotechnic equipnrert, experienced pyrotechnic personnel to set up and discharge lhe pyrotcchnics and (hose additioMl iltms .s oudined as PYRO's respo[sibility in lhe Scope ofWork. CLIENTsholl pay sllcosts related lo th6 Production nol supplied by PYRO includin& bul not limitcd to,lhose items oullined as CLIENT s respor$ibilily ill lhis Agreement and Scope ofwork 4 l'roorirtxrr lliqht\ - PYRO rcpresenls and wananls lh.l il ouns all copyriS.hts, including p€tfomance riEhls.lo lhis Ptoduclion, exc€pt thll PYRO docs not own CLIENT-o\r,ned mlterial or rhird-party-owlrcd orsterial thsl has been included in lhe Production, and as to such CLIENT'o\xned and $ird-pany- owned nralerial, CLIENT sssu les fnll responsibility therefore. Cl,lENT agrees tlBt PYRO shall rElain ownership of, and all copyrish(s and othc, riShts lo, lhe Production, excepr lhlt PYRO shrll nor acquire or rerai[ ony o\.vne6hip or olher rights in or lo CLIENT-owned nraterial and ftird-parly-own€d ntat€rial afld shall not be responsible in any way for such maleflal lf applicable, CLlENl consents to lha use of CLIEN T-owned materisl snd rEpresents lh st it has or will oblnin without tlrc express wrilten pcnrlissioll ofPYRO is prohibi(ed 5. SlLg - PYRO olld CLIENT shall c.ch conrply wifi applictble f€deral, stat€ and local laws and regulalions afld employ safety pro8.ams ,rnd rneasurcs consisle t wilh recogttizrd oppliaahlc iMustry srandards and praclic€s. At all limcs before snd durinS lhe Prduclion, it sh6lt bc wrlhin PYRO'S sole discrelion lo d€lermi[e whelher or oot tlrc Production may be sately dischsgad o.contir)ued lt sh.llnol conslilutc I bresch ofthis A8rcenlent by PYRO for fireworks to fail ot orrlfunclion, or lor PYRO to del€nnim that the Productp[ cannot be discharged or mntinued ss a rcsult ofany conditions ot circumstances affccting safety b€yond the rEasonable control ofPYRO. 6 !gs!d!! -CLIENT shall provrde adcqrate securiry persoonel, barricades, and Police Deprnmerrl services as lnay be [ecessoty to prechde individuals other than those aulhorizcd by IrYRO fronr entering an are, to bc dcsrg,raled by l,YIlO as lhe areo for the selup and dischargE oflhe Producliorr, includirg a lhcillies associated wirh rhe Prodoclion 7 G!S!I!!!, PYRO shall bc responsiblc for lhc rcnrcval ol allcquipnent provided by PYRO and clean np ol flry live pyrolechnic debris msde lrccessflry crlviroImental clean-rp PS V l-2c Pyro Spectaculars, lnc. P.O. Box 2329 Rialto, CA 92377 Tel: 909-355-8120 :::: Fax: 909-355-981 3 Locost Avcn c, Rialto, Califor City of Menifee Program A July 01, 2017 Page 2 of 4 8. !g!i$ - PYRO agrecs to apply for pernrits for rhr lirirg ofpyrotechnics only from rhe Rhcrrid. County Fi.c Deprrtmcrtt, FAA, aod USCC, if rcquircd CLIENTshallbe respor$iblc for any fees sssociated withthesepemils includirg standby fecs. CL|ENTshsll be rcsponsible lor obtainirg alry olher Decessary Fnnits, paying drocided fees, lnd maki gorha. rpprcpriate afiln8cm.ils fo. Police Depanments. other Fire Deponfielts, road closures, event/activity o, land use pslnits orlloy pemrission orpcmit..quir€d by any Local, ReEional, Stale o. Fedeml GovenrmEnt- 9. lnrurar(c - PYRO shall Et all tinres during the perfomrance ofsewices hcr€in ensure that the following insurance is mainlained in conneclion with Agreemeol; (2) automobile liability iDsurance, (3) worke6' comp€nsotion insuranca and employer liability insurance. S[ch insunnce is lo protec( CL]ENT frorn clailns for bodily i[jury, includillg death, persolal injur, snd from clains ofpropcny damage, which nray srise from PYRO s perfo.mance oflhis AgreeNenl, orly-'fhe(yp€ssndamoonlsofcovera8eshsllbcrssclfollhinthescopeofworl. Such insurarce shall not includ€ claims r|hich arise from CLIENT'S [egligerce or willf{l co duct or from faihrr€ ofCLIENT lo perform ils obligalions under this Agreenrenl, coverage for which shall be pmvided by CLIENT. Thc coverage oflhesa policies shall bc subject lo reasonable inspeclion by CLIEN'I. Cenificales oflnsunncc evidencing the required general Iiabilily coverage shall be furnished to CLIENT prior lo lhe rederi[g ofservices her€under snd shall iflclude that lhe follolrinB ore named as addiliouolly insured: CLIENT; Sponsors,l,andownerc, Barge O\rners, ifany;and Penritting Authorities, with respect to the operalions ofPYRO ol lhe Produclion Pyrolechnic s[bconlractom or providers, ifany, nol covered under policies of i[surance .equired her€by, shall s€cure, moinlsin and p.ovidc drcir own insunnce coverage with rcspaot lo their rcspective operations and servic€s. lO. lndc nili(stioll - PYRO rE?rasents and wanaols that it is capable offumishing tho necessary expcience, pcrsonnel, equipment, male.ials, providets, and expcrtisc lo producc the Prcductio[ i'l a safe and profcssional manner. Nohf,ithslandinB anything in lhis A8reement to thc contrsry, PYRO shall indemniry, bold haanlcss. and defcnd CLIENT ond lhc additioral insurcds fiom and ag5insl sny and ,ll claims, 6ctions, damages, lisbililies and expenses, including bul not linlited lo, otlorncy snd olher profcssional fees and court cosls, in connection wiih th. loss oflife, persoflal injury, 8nd/o. damage lo property, arising fiom or out ofthe Produclion and the presenlalion lhar€ofto the extent such arc occasioned by any act or omjssion ofPYRO, their oficers, ogenls, contraclors, providcas, or employees. CLIENT sh6ll indemniry, hold harmless, and defend PYRO from 0nd againsl any and all chims, actrcns, damagcs, liability and expenses, including but not limited to, stromey and olher professional fe.s and courl cosls in connecrion with thc loss oflifc, personol iojury, and/or doma8e to property, arising from or out oflhe Production snd lhc pEsenlation lhereof to lhc cxtcnt such are occasioned by any act or omission ofCLlENT, ils oflic€^i, agcnls, conrscbB, providers, or cmployees. In oo event shall citherpany bc lidblc for th€ consequcntial dsmagcs ofthc other p.ny. ll. l.i m it n tioll of Dll mn lcr for Ordi lrrn Br.ic h - Exccpt in lhc casc of bod ily injury and propcny damage as providcd in lhc insurance and indemniflcation provisions ofParagraphs 9 and 10, abovc, in lhc evcnt CLIENT clairns that PYRO hss hrcached this Agrcemenl or was othcrwisc ncgligcnt in perfoflning the Production provided for hcrcin, CLIENT shall nol be €nlitl€d to claim or rccovor monel.ry damagcs from PYRO beyond the amounl CLIENT has paid 10 PYRO undcrlhis Ag.eem€nl, and shail not be enlitlcd to clsim or rccovd any conscquentialdamagcs from PYRO illcludillg, without Iimilation, damag.s for loss ol inaome, business or prolils. 12. l!:ISll!|!if!Is - CLIENT a8.ccs to assumc lhc risks ofwcather, slrikc, civil onresl, terrorism, milit.ry 6ctio[, governrncntal action, and sny other causes boyond the contrcl ofPYRO which ntay pr.vcnr th€ Production from bcing safcly dischargcd on lhe scheduled dale, which m!y cause the canccllrlion of any cvcnt for which CLIENT has purchased the Production, or which may affcct or damaBc such portion ofrhe exhibits is must he placcd and €xposed 6 Decessary tilnc beforc th€ Production lf, for any such reason, PYRO is not rcasonably ablc to safcly dhchargc lhc Production on lhc schcduled datc, or al thc scheduled time, or should any.v.nl for which CLIENT has purchas€d thc Production be concclcd .s a rcsull ofsuch causcs, CLIENT nlay (i) rcschcdul. thc I,roduction and pay PYRO such sums as provided in ParaBraph 13, or (ii) cancel th€ Production and pay PYRO such sunls as provided in Paragraph 14, b8scd upon whcn lhc Production is cancelcd. ll. RcrchcdnlirrE (X trcnr - lICLIENT €lecrs to r.schcdule lhc Production, PYRO shall bc paid lhc o(iginal Fcc plus ell nddilional erpcnses madc ncccssary by resch€duling plus a l5% scrvice fe€ on s{rch addilional exp€ns€s- Said cxp€ns€s will be invoicrd sep6rately and plynrenl wi,lbedue it full wiihin 5 days ofreceipt. CI-IENT and PYRO shall agree upo[ lhe rescheduled datc raking into considcralion availability ofpermils, mstcriols, eguipnrenl,lrrnsponalion rescheduled to a dnte, or for an cyent, lhnt historically has involved a fireworks produclion Thc Productio.! shall not be rcschedtled bctwcen Junc l5th and.luly l5thun'essrhcori8insldatcwas.luly4lhoflharsanreyear,orbelwcEnDecornbcrl5lhandJaruarylSlhunlessth€originaldalewasDcccmber3lsloftheearlicr year unless PYRO agrees thal such rrsch€duling \rill not sdvcBcly afect normal bu3iness operBlions doring lho* periods. 14. ltir tt r I o ( x rccl - C LIENT shs ll hsve the oplion lo uni lalerally canccl thc Produclion prior ro the scheduled dalc lf CLI8NT exerciscs lhis oplion, CLIENT agrees lo pay lo PYRO, ss liquidarcd dsmflgcs, the following percenlrges oflhe Fee as set foflh in ParaSraph 3 I l) 50% ifc€ncellation ocqrrs 30 to90 days prior to th€ gcheduled dare,2) 75% ifcBocellaliolt occu6 I 5 to 29 days prior lo the schedu led d ale, 3) 100% lltreaner ltr lhe even{ CLIENT canctls lhe l'YRO will suffcr ifCLIENI cancels the Production l5 I!.!4!!-!!!l!I! - lt is agreed, nothing in this Agrc.mcnt or i, PYRO'S p€rfo,mance oflho Producrion shall be consrrued as fonning a panlership o, joint venrorc b.lweer CLIENT and PYRO PYRO shall be ard is ,n indepcndcnt conracror wilh CLIENT and nor an employee ofCl-IENT Thc Psnies here(o shall be severally responsible for llrcia owr scparale debts and obligations fld neilher Parly sh.l l bc held .csponsible for any a8rccrncnts or obli8rlio s nol express ly prov ided for hcrein I6 \rrrli(xhl! L,rr - This A greenrent ard rhc righls and obligarions oflhe Pani€s hereu der shull be consinred iD accordarrcc wilh the laws ofCalifonlia cnforceable posl.gc prcpoid, 6rsl class. address€d es lbllows: PYRO Pyro Spectacular, Iltc. P O Box 2]29, Riallo, Calitbnria.92377 or lbrov€aright delivery to ll96 N lS V l-2e nia92i7, CLIENT ( ih (rl \lrtrift,ri:97lllln n latl.. \l(trrt.r. ( \ rr15$6 Pyro Spectrculsrs, Inc. P.O. Box 2329 Rialto, CA 92377 Tel: 909-355-8120 :::: Fax: 909-355-9813 Cily of Menifee Progrsm A July 01,20t7 Page 3 of4 l8 U.9!!E!-{.a!_S[-Iq!! - All temN ofllrc Agre.rnent rre in*ririrgand m8yonly be modified by writlen agreement of bolh Parties hereto Bodr Parties acknowledg€ thay have received 0 @py ofsaid written A8r.enent and agree lo be bou d by said lcrms of*.iltcn Ag.eenlcDl o,rly. 19. !Sfgq!i!!! - lflherc is more lhal| one CLIENT, lhcy shsll bcjointly and severally rcsponsiblc lo pcrform CLIENT'S obligalions under this Agrecmenl. This A8reement shall bccomc eff€ctlve aftcr it is orcculed snd ac{epted by CLIENT ond nner it is executed and accepled by PYRO 0l PYItO's ofiices in Rialto, Califomia. This A8reem€rl may bc execuled in several counterp8rts, including faxed and cnrailld copies, eEch one ofwhich shall bc daerned an originel againsl lhc Pany ereculing srmc. This Agreement shall b€ bindinE, upon the P6(ies hereto ond upon lheir h€irs, succe$oB, executors, adminislrators and assrgns. 20 l'ric. Hrn - lfat|y chsn8es or altrralions are nude by CLIEN'I_ lo lhis Ageemcnt or ifthis Agrccmcot is not cxccutcd by CLIENT and dclivcrcd to PYRO on or befor€ thc PRICE FIRM date shown bclow, then the price, datq ond scope of lhc Production arc subjccl to rcyicw and scccplance b, PYRO for a period of 15 day, following dclivcry to PYROofthe ciecutcd Agrcement. ln rftc cvcnt it isnotacccptcdby PYRO, PYRO shall give CLIENT wriflcn ooticc, and this Agr€cment shsll bc void. PRICE trlRM rhrough April M,201, EXECUTED ACREEMENT MUST BE DELIVERED TO PYRO BY THIS DATE. Scc PRICE FIRM conditions, paraSraph 20, Bbove. EXTCUTED !s oflhc date firsl written abova: I'YRO SPECTACULARS, INC Cily of Mcnifee l i'\ trrr. , tlt (r ,fr,Jr:-, Ils Qr rn H faft€*t_I.p.,u.-tr+----- E, l SHOW PRODUCER: JcfTMrrtin C l,s v r ,2e Itsr Pr€sident ,,1o-,4< cfl Pyro Spectaculars, Inc. P.O- Box 2329 Rialto, CA 92377 Tel: 909-355-8120 :::: Fax: 909-3-55-9813 City of Menifee Program A July 01,2017 Page 4 of 4 SCOPE OT'WORK PYRO SPECTACULARS, INC. ("PYRO") and City of Menifee("CLIf,NT") Pyro shall provide the following goods and services to CLIENT: All pyrotechnic equipment, trained pyrotechnicians, shipping, and pyrot€chnic product. Application for specific pyrotechnic permits relating to the Production. Insurance covering the Production as set forth in the Agreement with the following limits Intn nuca R uttt i rauurlt Limits $5,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 ('orttntcrcial ( itncral l.iitbilit\ Ilusincss,,\ut(, l,i b ilir \ - Owncd. Non-Owncd and ired Autus Worke rs' ComDcnsation Statutory s 1,000,000Iinroloycr l. ialil_!1y Per Occurrence CLIENT shall provide to PYRO the following goods and services:. All on-site labor costs, if any, not provided or performed by PYRO personnel including, but not limited to, Iocal union requirements, all Site security, Police and Fire Dept. standby personnel, stagehands, electricians, audio and fire control monitors, carpenters, plumbers, clean-up crew. All these additional personnel and serviccs shall be fully insured and thc sole responsibility ofCLIENT. . Coordination and any applicable non-pyrotcchnic permiuing with the local, state or federal govemment that may hold authority within the Production. . Costs ofall permits required for the presentation ofthe Production and the event as a whole. . Provision ofa Safety Zone in accordance with applicable standards and all requirements ofthe authorities having jurisdiction throughout the entire time that thc pyrotechnics are at the Site or the load site (if different) on the date of the Production and all set-up and load-out dates, including water security to keep unauthorized people, boats, etc. from entering the Safety Zone.. General Services including, but not Iimited to, Site and audience security, fencing, adequate work light, dumpster accessibility, a secure office for PYRO personnel within the venue, securc parking for PYRO vehicles, acceis to washrooms, lents, equipment storage, hazmat storage, electrical power, fire suppression equipment, access to worksites, necessary credentialing, etc., will be required as necessary. Combined Single Limit- Each Occuffence (Bodily Injury & Property Damagc) Combined Single Limit- Each Occurrence (Bodily Injury & Property Damage) PS V l-2c . One Pyro Spectaculars, Inc., Production on Jldtlll_,31!f, at approximately llll0_.08 at llell Mountain Mirkllc School: Soccer Ficld.28525 La Piedr{ lld,. Mcnifcc. CA. DRAYTON INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. 2'OO CENTER POINT ROAD, SUITE 301 BTRMINGHAM, AIABAMA 35215 TELEPHONE: (205) 85+58{X POST OFFICE BOX 9406? BIRMINGIIAM, AI,IIBAII{A 35220 FAX: (205) 854.5899 CERTIFTCATE OT INSURANCE No. 713038 We certify that insurance is afforded as stated below. This Certificate does not affirmatively ornegatively amend. extend or alter the coverage afforded hy the insurancc policy and lhe insurance afforded is subject to all the terms, €xclusions and conditions ofthe policy- INSURER Admiral Insumnce Company POLTCY NO. CAm0002?7 r,l r NAMED INSURED POLICY TERM COVERAGE LMIT OF LIABILTTY January 13, 2Ol7 to January ll, 2018; Both Days l2:01 A.M. Standard Time Commercial General Liability S Occurrence Basis E Claims Made Basis $5,000,000 each occunence, $ l0,mO,00O general aggregate, $5,000,m0 productycomplctcd opcrations aggrcgatc The limit ofliability shall not be increased by the inclusion of more than one insurqi or additional insured. INSUR.ED OPERATIONS Public fireworks display and sp€cial efferts contractor It is certilied that, if named below, this policy includes as Additiooal Insoreds l) the sponsor(s), promoter(s), organizer(s) (including other entities having similar interests), ofinsured pyrotechnic events andor 2) the owne(s) of real propeny (or barges) at which insurcd pyrotechnic events are held and"/or l) the owne(s), manager(s). tenant(s), mongagee(s) (including other entities having similar interests), ofbuildings, stadiums. ar€nas and similar facilitics at which insurcd pyrolechnic events are held ard/or 4) the licensing or permitting authority, or olher authority having jurisdiction, issuing licensevpermias for insured pyrotechnic events and/or 5) any otherentity for which tie insu.aoce is requircd to be afforded under written contract. Coverage applies only as rcspects the legal liability of such Addiaional lNured(s) for bodily injury and propeny darnage caused by the op€rations of thc Narned Insured. The insurance afforded any Additionsl Insured does not include coverage for any hdily inju.y or property damage arising from th€ failure ofsuch Additional lnsured to fiilfill its obligations sp€cified in its contract with the Named Insured. NAME & ADDRESS OF INSURED SPIONSORS, PROPERTY OWNERS, LICENSORS City of Menife e 29714 Haun Rd, Menifee, CA 92586 ADDITIoNAL INSURED(s): City of Menifee, Valley Wide Recreation and Park District, Bell Mountain Middle School, Menifee Union School District, Riverside County, Riverside County Fire Department, State of California, and their officers, agents, and employees when acting in their official capacity as such. It is agreed and understood that the State of California shall not be held liable for any premiums or assessments on this policy. Py.o Sp€claculals, Inc. Pyro Events, Inc. Plro Spectacu lars Pmduclions, lnc P.o. Box2329 Rialto, Califomia 92377 Py.o Spcctlculrrs by Souza ryro Sp€ctocular lndusiries, Inc. Nonh American Firewod(s Co.. Inc. (NAICO) San Dicgo Fircwo*s DISPI,AY DATE(S) July l, 2017 DISPLAY I,OCATION Bell Mountain Middle School Menifee, CA It is certified that this policy requires a 30 day mutual notice ofcancellation betwern the lnsure. and the Named tnsured. In the event ofsuch cancellation we will endeavor to mail l0 days written notice to the Additional Insu.€d(s), whose narne and addrcss is shown hereon, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability ofany kind upon the insurer and/or the undersigned. DRAYTON INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. Fehruarv 28.2017 DATE OF ISSUE . STRINGER, PRI|SI THIS ENDORSI,MENT CHAIIGES THE POLICY, PLEASE Rf,AD IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDII'IONAL INSURED This endotsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCI,AL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERACE FORM COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM lt is hcreby declared and agrced that Ore followingentities are included a.s Additional Insured(s) hereuuder: l) Sponso(s), protnote(s). oganize(s) (including other entities having similar interests), of insured pyrotecluric events, ?) Owuer(s) ofreal prcperty (or barges) at wltich iaeured pyrotcchtric eyents ar€ held. 3) Owner(s), unnage{s), tenant(s), Dortgagee(s) (iucluding other entities having similar in tcr,ests), ofbuildings, stadiums, arenas and similar facilities at which irsured pyrotechnic cvents are held. 4) The tice.nsing or pendtting authority. or other authority havingjurisdiction, issuing li censeVpermits for insurcd pyrotechdc eveats. 5) Any other entity for which tbe Named Insured is ontracaually obligated to provide insur- ance such as is afforded by the terms ofthis policy. but only if such eotities are listed as additional iusured(s) in a cerificate ofiosurance iEsued under the teflns ofthis cndorsenrent and always subject to thc limitations or conditions set out in such certilicate ofiosumnce. The coverage affcrded such Additional lusured(s) does not app [y to iujury or damage arisilg from thc failure of any such Additional Insrued to fulfitl iB obligations specified in its contractwirh the Named Insued. Policy Number:QtrO000 02 77L - 3 1 AI 08 76 02 03 Effective Deter r|'t / 1 1, / ) n1 '7 At 08 76 02 03 Page I ofl tr