2019/05/30 Pyro Spectaculars, Inc. Production AgreementPyro Spectaculars, Irrc. P.O. Box 2329 Rialto, CA 92377'lel: 909-3,s5 S 120 :i:: Iax: 909-355-98 I 1 ('ity oI lUrtifcc l'rogrlnr A .rurre 29.2019 I)agc I of{ PRODU(''I'IoN AGREI]NI I,])iT .'' 11... r !(l\ .r I :. ,1. l'. I j[' incoln,lirl.rj hcldn by rhis rcltrcncs. usc, c,,n(rol. tJking rnd gcn.rxl 5nluty with r.specr to rhc publc, CLtENf p{-Nonnct irftl orherco rruclus. 2t525 l.r Pic.lrr Rd.. irlcnifc(. (1. Sir. ] I lgq CLIEN I nBrrcs n) pay PYRO l fc. ol !2&50q@tlsD {TI{ENTY TWO TIIO(ISAND Flvt: IIUNDRED DOI,I,ARS) ( "r,:c,') li,r rhc Producr ron cLIENT 5ha,l plly r,, PYRo S I 1.250.00us D {8l,EvEN T oUSAND Two ItUNDRED f t !'Ty DoLl,ARs) oI rhe [.c ph,s esrir) rrd Frlnir l0 wiih lhc liligarion, incluJilg. bLrr nol Inlitdl toanomeys l.es. I F.tr. lnttrclt. nnd [:\nc[sct oullrn(1l s Cl.lINT s rcs|]oosihility lo this Agrconrrnl nd Scopc oIWorl wrlhout lhc crDrL,ri.s wrl en ncn tssx,n ol-PYRo is plohabrr.\.1. hcyorid lhc rcas(,n!ble co,urol ol- PYRO lirilllrc. r\\ocirreJ wrrh tllC P,odnctrorl covr0nr)rc[ldl (lcan up ts v t-2. Pyro Sp(}rtaculars. IIlc- P.O. Box 2129 Rialto, Cr\ 92377 l el: 909-155-8120:::: Fax: 909-355-981l (. itt ot Nlc if{r I'r'ogrlrnl ,\ Jurc 2{). 2{l I q ['a..re i of .l (vrnvirctivit) rla uscpcnnitsoraov pc.nnrssion orpcunit rquir!.d byrny tocal, Retronrl. Smrc or FedurlCovonnncni. rcspcclivc operalions ard scrvic€s. pmvidcrr. or crnployccs ln no cvcnt shall cithcr p,llly hc liiblc lir tlrt ,:rrrrscqucnrial rlarnages Il rhe (nhcr f rly Il. l,imihlion olDtnrrsct for Ordlnrv Brctch - Erclfil ir thc crsr ol'borlily injurl ond propcrry darDarc rs lrovidcd anrheinsulnrcl: nd lu lo$ ofincrrnd. burin.\s or plofits tlpofl wlcn thc Prcdu(tion is.Enceled. yqrrunlcssPYROrgrcesthnlsrchres(hcd!lingNrllnorndv{rirlyillijo(nonnalbusrncssopcrnti,rsduri g thosc pc ,,d\ PYRO w'll'rllill Cl IENT. nccli tlle PrnJu(r'( r c\pr!$sly pruvi,led fix he'cin L(xu\rA!crtrr(.Rinlro.Crlrli,nrmq2lTT ('l IfNT (itroflrlcnltcr'.29?l.tttrnoRd.-trtcrilc{.(i1925t6 PS v l-.1. P1'r'o Sp( ctrrcullt r'\. Int. P.O. Box 2-129 Rialto. CA 92177 I cl: 909-155-8 120 t:XtCUl EO.s,)r rl'€dalc firsl wrirfl nhovc PYRO SPECTACTJ LARS. IN(' + lil SIIOW PRODTJCER .lrfi iun.titr fax: 9tl9-355-9tl lJ PlllCE FlRiu rhro"Eh Aprit 2, r019 EXIJCUI'I:D ACREEN4IJN'T MUST BE DELIVERED TO PYRO BY'TI Ils OATE Srr PRICE IrIRM conditions, pamgraph 20, abovc. Cily of Nlenitce Progranr A .runc 29.2019 Pagc 3 of .l Pn(rcs xckoowlcdgc lh(, havc kcciled i copy ofsaid wrillcn A8rcdrefll rnd r8rcc n) h€ hound by said lums ot'wrrltan Agrc.crnent only. lhis ASrcirncnl sltall bc !oid ( ily of lfunifcr Ay lrsl AR[/ANDO G. VILLA CIIY OF MENIFEE Approved as to form: Attest: I'S V r-:( LLu,i:.d/ ,"-'ll /'1 Py[o Spcctaculars, lnc. P.O. Bor 2-129 Rialro, cA 92377 Tctr 909-355-lil20:r:: fax: 909-155-9lJ ll City ol l\lenifee Program.4. .lllne 29, 2019 Page 4 of4 SCOPE OI.' WOI{K Pyl{() sPEC'r'ACULAlts, INC. (*pyRO") and City of Nlenife c("Cl.lENf *) l'yro shall pro!'ide the follou,ing goods a[d serviccs to Ct-IENT; . Onc Pyro Spcctaculars. Inc., Production on l!!gl2,2q!.2, t approxirnatcly 9:00 o.nr.. at llell Mol| tain Middlc School. Soc(rr l.it.l(1. 285:5 l ,l irrlr';t Iltl.. \lt,nifcc. ( .\ . All pyrotcchnic equipment, traincd pyroteclrnicians, shipping, and pyrotechnic product.. Application fbr specific pyrotechnic permits relating to thc Production.. Insurarcc covertrg thc Production as set forth in the Agrecment with the tbllowing linrirs: I n s n ru ncc Rctt u h'enrcnts ( iu11srcr4L ( i -e!"tr!rll.!.,d1i l'tf Business Auto Liabilitv- Owncd. Non-Owncd and llircd Autos Linits $5,000,000,00 $5.000,000.00 Cornbined Singlc Limit- Each Occurrcnce (Bodily Injury & Property Damage) Combined Single l.inrit- [ach Occurrcncc (Bodily Injury & Propcny Damage) Workcni'C Slatutory $ l,000,000l:nrnloycr Liatr ilitv Per Occurrence (ll,lIjNl'shall provide lo PYRO the lbllowing goods and serviccs:. All on-sitc labor costs, i[ any, not providcd or perlbnncd by PYRO personnel including. but not limited ro, local union rcquirements, oll Site sccurity. Policc and lire Dept. standby personncl, slagehands, eleotricians, audio and 0re control monitors, carpenters, plumbers. clcan-up crcw' AII thcsc additional perrcnncl and serv-iccs shall bc fully insured and thc sole rBsponsibiliry ofCLIENT. . Coordination and any applicablc non-pyrotrchnic permrtting with rhe local, state or fedcr{l govemmenr thal may hold auth(,rily within the Production. . Costs ofall pcnnits required for lhe prescntation of the Production and tlrc event as a whole.o Provision o I a Safcty Zone in accorclancc witlr applicable standalds and all requircments of lhe authoriti0s having jurisd iction throughout the entirc time that the pyrotcchnics are at the sile or the load site (if diflcrent) on the date of thc t,roduction aod all sct-up atd Ioad-oul dalcs, including water security to keep unauthorizcd peoplc, boats. etc. frorn cntcling the Satbty Zone.. Gencral Serviccs including, but nol linritcd 1o, Sile and audiencc security, fcncing, adcquatc work iight, dumpstcr accessibility. a sccurc office for PYRO pcrsonDel within the venuc, securc parking lbr PYIIO vchicles, acccss ro washrooms, lctrts. cquipmenl slorage, hazmat sloragc, clcctrical power, firc suppressior cquipment, access to worksitcs, necessary crcdcntialing. clc.. will bc rcquired as nccessary. l,\VIUc