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2019/02/20 Polychrome Construction, Inc. Change of order
ECl CITYOF ENIFEE OEPART ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE OROER NO. OO, OATE: PROJECT DESCRIPTIOT: PROJECT NO: CONIRACIOR: 2at&'t9 MENIFEE WAIER lAliaK PROJECT (24831 Paradise ir6d s Ddv6. lldrilee CA 956) N/A PURCITASE OROER NO: Poly.hr6.n€ Con3liJclion lnc 01729 The Conlraclo. is hsrsby di€.Bd to mske rhe hereh d*crbed changes r.om lhe pkns and specf@tDns .nd/or pedorm th€ lotlowing desqrb6d rc nol i.clud€d n lho Plan5 and SpscifEums lor this pqect OESCRIPNON OF CHANGES AND/OR EXTRAWORX ITEM JUSNFrcANON Thi. (hcum sh.ll b.qr .6 .nE dmnl lo rlp cdrrE r .ni all p@r36s d nE cdrrE l rilr apgry h.Bto Thrr ch..!6 ordtr Msritures . @rpr.lo and l5n.l Gduton o, .ll clam3 ol h. cont..l lb. .ddit6al um d addron l mp.nstM Blal€d io d 8fi..i.d by ei( thd r! tE .utjet ol this ch.n!6 od, ou.n!u.s ot rleN oh* tr|an Lump suft ,. nor lo erc€€d rh. am!.c rndicll6d DESCRIPIION (Bo spocirc on @ch ilem Atach 6upporlins doclments as nees$ry) 1 Prcresr'ond Ini! Pdt Prc{dslnrcliixl A'rdo Vil€o Reco.dng r€qur€d to m6ot EMWo Po€{t submittaE 01.0@ 00 TOTAL ESNMA]ED PRICE FOR THIS CHANGE OROER:31,000.00 I Pre Conslruclon Audio Vidoo is 5dd6d ro rire scoD6 0l w!i( und€r lhls ao.66m6 as chanoo o.d.r *1 ro mel E MWO s subm it.! roqunomenls Tho pooosed chanoe od€r E wnhn |he allowsbl€ 10% No addnbnal Wod(mo Oavs w,ll b€ reou{ed 10 edom rh6 wo.t M \Flubrcw,h fte,frmi P!M. Wdr. frojd\sr{n adic wdk! PD,.duot 7i0 P.nd!. M.'dows wd rer Prq!.rccot -t- I I -------r------- tt tll tt I I trtt IE - t-------r------t tt t = fE?t^CIIY OF {ENIFEE OEPARTUE't|I OF PUBLIC t\ORKS Or0nel Contrscl Amount:$20 000 0o P.evioB Change O.der Amounls $0 00 Clr.€nt Chsnge Orde. Amount $1 000 00 R.vl3.d Conlracr Amount:321,000.00 AUTflORlaAIoN BY CITY: R.commnd.d tor rpprcv.l by: Oroin€l Compl€lon Dai6 Adddronal Tme (woft n9 DaF)0 R.!i36d Complotion Oatii il.rch 30,2019 E@nmc Devebpmenl D(sctor AL^,'%^.,2/srlg Fl€6t & Facid€s Manass CONTRACT CHANGE OROER NO, OO1 CONTRACT VARIANCE SI,M ARY &dor exlra wo( 6nd ho€by agr€€ thsr sail mlk )-+-11 ACCEPTANCE gY CONTRACTOR:(. W. lh€ und€r.igned Coil'a ror. hav6 givd @r€tu|@nsderatDn ro th6 abov€ ls a supplomenl to ula cqi€d arld all p.d6ions *al .ppry tEr.ro o^,2-2o-11 AW.-.t N, ts €-- ua{t tn< PAr*{e N\AS Qrrr-- Pleas prinl Mne and lille cco * 1 Thtd Panv Av R66drE $1.0@ o0 5 00%0 31 0m 00 5 00%o I M 'Abic wdr! DQed_Plbri.wdrLs ftoidE @. tu4 worr Pqdaorro - Prn(h. r..<,&r wdd rir l'otdlccc'ir - t-------- ------t _______________- t---------