2019/04/04 NASPO ValuePoint FMVPrtneybowes b NASPO ValuePoint FMV Leaee Agreement (Option C) Agr6emenl Number Youl BuSiness lnfonnation Full L.g.l Nrmo ol Loslls I DBA il.m. ol 1.33.6 CITY OF MENIFEE Tar lO { (FElNfilN) 943439857 I I I I Sold-Tor AddlE s 29714 HAUN RD, SUN C'Ty. CA,92585-6t10, US Sold.To: Contact Name Sold-Tor Contacl Phono I (9s1) 4344676 0016660570 Bill-Tor Add.e3s 29714 FALN RD. SUN C|TY CA 92566-6540. LIS Blll.To: Cont ct Name Michelle Sark6sian Blll-To: ConLc! Phona , (951 ) 43tit676 Blll-To: Accountt @16660570 Blll-Io: Em.ll flEartl33€n@cq/of inennee us Shlp-To; AddrB!! 29714 HAUN RO SUN CITY. CA,92586,65r't0 US Shlp-To: Cont ct Name Ship-To: Conucl Phono I (951) 434-4676 0015660570 Your B usrness Needs otv Item Business Solution Description USPS Speoa Servrces Sollware 30 lb lnterface Weigh w/Edemal Orsplay Connecl+ /SendPro P SerEs Mete. 100 Dept Analy'rcs Color Graphics Pnniing SendPro P Senes Bas,c Labe Pr nler Pac SendPro P Shpping Fealure Access CONNECT+ 145 LPM SPEEO SendPro P Senes Mono Prnt Modu e Black Graphrcs upgrade eRerlm Recerpl subscnpton - P series SENDPROPSER ES 1FS1 APKE AZBA AZBE AZBG ERBI uB17.t$.a o2O17Pib.yBo{. hc. ^n nahi. r..n.n, 1 1 1 1 1 I I SendPro P Rec€Mng Fearurc SendPrc P1000 Senes 1 1 1 1 1 1 M9SS MSDl MT30 SBDS SJM 1 SIDSLA T6CS E-Cedfied/eRR Produclu(y Pact E Relum Recerpl Featlre Mailstrearn htellrlhk ServE€s 10" Color Touch Display PLATFORM SCALE 3OLBN2KG SendPro P Ser es Drop Siacker PostalShipping 50 UserAc.fsswih Bardware or M€ter Web Browser lnlegraton SendPrc P Series Meter hlegrallon Softcuard for SendPro Plo00 Slandard SLA-Equipment Seruic2 Agreemsnl (lor SendPro P Senes) Recervmg - Slandard Your Payment Plan lnitialTerm: 60 months lnitial Payment Amount: 60 'D6r ^ot r.w.0r .adt.rb t.t , !& o ptoe.rtt.t* 'fthwr b. tu wadr ( ) Tax Exempt Certifcate Attached ( ) Tax Erempt Certifcate Not Requrred (x) Purchase PoweP transaction fees rncluded ( ) Purchase Powep transaction fues extra Billed Qua.terly at' t 1,220-13 Monthly Amount 1406.6'! uslrata3r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 Your Signature Below condil ons of this coniract will govern lhis lEnsaction and be bindlng on us alter w€ have comp eted ou.credil snd documenlalion approval process and have sgned below NT .1RI\rANnn G VlllA CITY MANAGER CITY OF MENIFEE a ,lt Sal6s lntormation phlfp ward@pb com akfJ+. Va AlyAar si Pd.y Bo*.. r.mr 6ridi .1 'i "..