2018/02/13 Pest Options, Inc. FY17/18 On-Call Row Vegetation Abatememt ServicesCITY OF MENIFEE BID AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS
This Owner-Contractor Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into for the above
referenced Project by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE ("Agency"), and PEST OPTIONS.
INC. ("Contractor"), whose principal business address is 135 N. Manchester Ave Anaheim CA
92802 on the l3th dayoflFebruarv,20l8.
In consideration of the mutual covenants
Contractor have mutually agreed as follows:
and agreements set lorth herein, the Agency and
The Contractor agrees to do all the Work and fumish all the labor, services, materials and
equipment necessary to construct and complete the Project in accordance with the Contract
Documents (as hereinafter defined), including all work, labor, services, materials and equipment
described and reasonably inferable from documents enumerated in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference (such construction and fumishing of labor, service, materials and
equipment hereinafter referred to as the "Work") in a good worker-like and substantial manner and
to the satisfaction of the Agency, in connection '"vith the (FYl7/18 ON-CALL ROW
City of Menifee, Califomia. The term Contract Documents shall mean this Agreement, and all ol
the items enumerated in Exhibit "A" and all change orders or addenda issued by the Agency with
respect thereto. Agency must consent in writing to any changes in the scope of Work. Exhibit "A"
shall be deemed revised in accordance with any revisions for which Agency's consent has been
issued. Any revisions to the scope of Work for which Agency's consent has not been issued shall
be null and void.
Agency hereby agrees to pay and the Contractor agrees to accept as full compensation for all Work
performed in accordance with these Contract Documents the Contract Price as set forth in Exhibit
"B". Contract Price. attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Payments to the
Contractor shall be made in the manner described in the Special Provisions.
Time is of the essence in the performance of Work for this Agreement and all timing requirements
shall be strictly adhered to unless otherwise modified by the Agency in accordance with these Bid
and Contract Documents.
The Contractor shall complete the Work in every detail to the satisfaction ofthe Agency, exclusive
of maintenance periods, within the specified duration set forth in the Notice to Proceed.
r290/0t r858-0008
7645081.2 a02l13/18 Page I
See Section 6-6 of the Special Provisions.
Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.1, the Contractor and all subcontractors shall be registered
with the Department of Industrial Relations. Pursuant to Labor Code Section l77l .4, the Contractor
is hereby notified that this Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the
Department of Industrial Relations. [EFFECTIVE APRIL l,2015.]
In the perlormance ofthis Agreement, the Contractor sha[[ not refuse or fail to hire or employ any
qualified person, or bar or discharge from emplopnent any person, or discriminate against any
person. with respect to such person's compensation, terms. conditions or privileges of employment
because of such person's race, religious status, sex or age.
a) By my signature hereunder, as Contractor, I certify that I am aware ofthe provrstons
of Section 3700 ofthe Labor Code, which requires every employer to be insured against liability for
Workers' Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that
Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Work of
this Agreement.
b) The Contractor shall require each subcontractor to comply with the requirements of
Section 3700 of the Labor Code. Before commencing any Work, the Contractor shall cause each
subcontractor to execute the following certification:
"l am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, which
requires every employer to be insured against liability for worker's
compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the
provisions of that Code, and I wi[[ comply with such provisions before
commencing the performance of the Work of this Agreement."
The Contract Documents comprise the entire agreement between the Agency and the Contractor
with respect to the Wolk. In the event of conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the bid
of the Contractor, then this Agreement shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an
acceptance of the terms of the bid conflicting herewith.
Contractor shall maintain all books, documents, papers, employee time sheets, accounting records
and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and shall make such materials available at its office
at all reasonable times during the term of this Agreement and for three (3) years from the date o[
76:15681.2 a02/ll/18 Page 2
On behalf of the Agency, the City Engineer ofthe City of Menifee shall be the Agency's authorized
representative in the interpretation and enforcement of all Work performed in connection with this
Agreement. The City Engineer may delegate authority in connection with this Agreement to his/her
assigned designees.
final payment under this Agreement, for inspection by Agency and copies thereof shall be fumished
to Agency if requested.
At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall be an independent contractor and
shall not be an employee, agent, partner or joint venturer of the Agency. Agency shall have the
right to control Contractor insofar as the results of Contractor's services rendered pursuant to this
Agreement; however, Agency shall not have the right to control the means by which Contractor
accomplishes such services.
Contractor represents and declares to Agency that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications and
approvals of whatever nature which are legally required to practice its profession. Contractor
represents and warrants to Agency that Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect
at all times during the term of this Agreement, any licenses, permits, qualifications or approvals
which are legally required for Contractor to practice its profession.
This Agreement and the Contract Documents shall be construed under and in accordance with the
laws of the State of Califomia, and the appropriate venue for any action or proceeding arising from
this Agreement and/or the Contract Documents shall be had in the Superior Court of Riverside,
Temecula Branch
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall for all
purposes be deemed to be an original.
Contractor acknowledges that if a false claim is submitted to the Agency, it may be considered
fraud and Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. Contractor acknowledges that the
False Claims Act, Califomia Government Code sections 12650, et seq., provides for civil penalties
where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include within
their scope false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless
disregard of the truth or falsiry of the information. In the event the Agency seeks to recover
penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, including
attorneys' fees. Contractor hereby acknowledges that the filing of a false claim may the Contractor
to an administrative debarment proceeding wherein Contractor may be prevented from further
bidding on public contracts for a period ofup to five (5) years.
I have read and understood all ofthe provisions of this Section 15, above:
7645681.2 aol/ll/lE
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Page 3
This Agreement and the Contract Documents may not be modified orally or in any marmer other
than by an amendment in writing and signed by the Agency and the Contractor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement is executed as of the date first written above.
*-9 tae ,L/4/\<-9/-By,
Armando Villa, City Manager
Name: T Thom n
Its: P
Its :Secretarvu1By:
ATTEST:O 3c1e oS
tractor's City Business License No
Manw g, City Clerk
3z4tL" PesT(lewzpa- -7't-77Lt3 e -2-l
State Contractor License No. & Class
135 N. Manchester Ave
Street Address
Anaheim. CA 92802
City, State, Zip Code
[NOTE: In the event the Contractor is a Corporation, the signatures of two separate persons
holding different offices must be provided.l
7645681 2 502111/13 Page 4
Name: Brvan Thompson
Owner-Contractor Agreement
Bid Schedule
Special Provisions (Specifi cations)
Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and Regional Supplements
State Standard Specifications
State Standard Plans
Permits issued by jurisdictional regulatory agencies
Electric, gas, telephone, and cable television company specifications and standards
7645681.2 a02/ll/18 Page 5
The Contract Price for performing all Work described in the Contract Documents, including labor,
materials, services and equipment is the total amount of all lump sum items and of all unit price
sums, determined by multiplying the unit price for each item times the actual quantity of each such
items, as determined by the City.
The total contract amount is in the not-to- cxceed amount ol': $25.812.19 (Trventl Five Thousand
Eight Hundred Twelve Dollars and Nineteen Cents).
7645681.2 a02rll/18 Page 6
Pest Options, Inc.
February 5, 201 8
Proposal lbr Sprav Services Fiscal 2017-2018
lntent: The intent ofthis proposal is alter the weed abatement contract from a reactive contract to
a proactive service. The benefit is reduced man hours on roadsides, better year round app€arance,
and reduced cost. On the following page is the fee schedule for this new proactive service. Note
the service for spraying cracks in asphalt is a one time service (hiJighted in yellow).
Below is the proposed schedule:
Pre-emergent: Typically applied between October & December
Post emergent: Spring, prior to end of frscal
We suggest a post emergent in the late summer to manage any break throughs, not included in the
pricing on the following page
Therc may be some grolrth that rvill need to mechrnicall)' cut due to latc start
Services: Maintain areas on following page at 6 inches or less ofweed growth year-round.
Invoicing: Upon completion of each line item
The pricing offered is a 35% discount over l6-17 because all the mechanical work is not included
and will not need to be done because ofchemical control program. This expands the budget
Any areas that are added will be billed at l6-17 prices
{00139477 ) PCA #75368 QAL #98209
sPCB PR#4089 C27 #777703
PO Box 5827i Orange, CA 92863-5827
1 -888-790.7799 office 7 14-224-7383 lax
Email: info@pestoptions.com
Rudy Luna
City of Menifee
ROW Areas
Pest Options, lnc.
Start Stop 16'17 Rates 15-lTTotalt 17-18Rates 17-l8Totals
East Slde 5 0 225
s 1,600.06
S 0.145
S 1,040 04comwall5S 0.22s S 0.145
Chambers s 5 o.22s 5 0.145
Nodh Side Sherman 10 5 0 445
s 1,812.32
5 0.28s
S 1,178.01
North Side Sherman 10 5 0.445 5 0.289
North Side California Ranch Market 1st Street 10 s 0.445 S 0.28s
Nodh Side 1st Street 27666Hvty 74 5 5 o.22s S 0.146
Nodh Side 2nd St Build ng 10 S 0.44s s 0.289
North Side 10 s 0.445 S 0.289
North Side 5 5 0.22s S 0.146
North Side 4rh 10 s 0.445 $ 0.289
North Side 5 S 0.22s I 0.146
No.th Side Eller Park 10 5 0.445 S 0.289
North Side Eastern EdBe ofwall l0 s 0.445 s 0.289
Cracks Monk/5ta.k 5 5 0.22s 5 1,484.46 5 964.90
soLrth side 8e lamy Road 10 S 0.44s 5 636.3s 5 0.28s 5 413.53
20 5 0.900
S 2,3s8.7s
5 o.s8s
S 1,s33.19Park City 70 5 0.900 S o.s8s
Easl Side Park City Service Road 20 5 0.900 S o.s8s
East Side Park Cily 5€rvice Road 5 s 0.44s S 0.289
Mccall South Side HOA 20 s 0.900 S 821.1s 5 o.s8s s 533.7s
South Side Sherman HOA 10 S 0.445 S 0.289
crait Nodh Side Edse of Schoo Evans 10 S 0.445 s 240.15 5 0.289 S 1s6.49
East 5ide Craig B.iarlea 10 s 0.445 s 259.23 S 0.289 5 17s.oo
Scott Road Nonh Side 10 s 0.445 s s82.9s S 0.289 5 378.92
MrCall South Side Overpass Enc.nto 10 S 0.44s S 2,167.S 0.289 5 r,79s.14
McCall North Side OverpesJ Encanto 10 S 0.44s S 0.289
Scott Road 10 S 0.44s S 5,874.00 5 0.289 s 3,818.10
Mcc.ll McLaughlin 10 s 0.44s S 3,524.40 s 0.28e s 2,290.86
N/O Salt Creek Renaissance Circle 20 5 o.gm
5 7,L2.t5
s 0.s8s
s 4,622.90
N/OSaltCreek 2A S o.9oo S 0.58s
N/O Salt Creek Renaissance Circle 20 s 0.9m 5 o.s8s
N/O Salt Cree k Renaissance Circle 10 5 0.445 $ 0.289
N/O Salt Creek 5 5 A.225 5 0.145
South Side Bradley gortlebrush s 0.9m s 2,605.50 S o.s8s S 1,693.s8
South Side Bottiebrush 5 5 0 22s I 0.145
East S de Brandywine Chambers 5 s 0 22s S 280.13 5 0146 S 182.08
East Side Mccall cherry Hills 5 0.44s
5 1,140.95
s 0.289
S s,031.62
EastSide Cherry Hills RidBemoor 5 o.gm 5 o.s8s
East Side Cherry Hi ls S o 9oo 5 0.s85
HOA Sun City s 0.44s 5 0.289
Sun City Ridsemoor s 0.445 5 0289
Total s 39,711.06 s 25,812.19
{00139477 } PCA #75368 OALfS82o9
sPcB PR#4089 C27 #777703
PO Box 5827j Orange, CA 92863-5827
1 -888-790-7799 office 7 14-224-7383 f ax
Email: info@pestoptions.com
3rd St
Pest Options, lnc.
Total Annual Cost: $25,812.19
Discussed previously
Clean Out Areas:. Paloma Channel: $6,995. Normandy ROW at Salt Creek, 30 feet both sides: $6,425. Northeast corner of Goetz & Juanita, including ROW on Goetz $725
Notes: Pest Options (POl) will not schedule service without a signed contract and
Purchase Order. Our terms are net l0 due in 30 days. Dye will not be used. POI reserves
the right to reschedule in the event ofadverse weather conditions or any conditions
deemed to be unsafe by any company personnel.
Pest Options Inc., b'ill ptoride the boi,rcd personnel, specialized equipment ond apptopiate naterials
per the ubove pricing.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: All ,rratefials applied ore lowest toxicity a'ailobility.
Certificates of lnsuronce forwarded upon receipt of signed hid.
Thark you for your consideration,
Pest Options. [nc.
Ryan Thompson
FR # 46290, QAL # 126804, WE-9627 A
This is a good faith proposal based upon professional standards and knowledge.
{00139477 ) PCA #75368 OAL #98203
sPcB PR#408S C27 #777703
PO Aox 5827;Orange, CA S2863-s827
1.888-790-7799 office 7'14-224-7383 lax
Email: info@pestoptions.com
Accepted By: