2019/01/01 Pacific Alarm Service, Inc. Commercial Purchase and Services AgreementAddendum To: l_ Commercial purchase and services Agreement
_ Commercial System and Services Agreement
_ ResidentialSale And Services Agreement
SUBSCRIBER/CUSTOMER City of Menitee- New Menifee City Hall
pAclFtc ALARM SERV|CE cLo I c28 I Ct6 506732
(95f ) 8a5-1666 o Fax: (951) 769-L230 www.pacificalarm.com
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Schedule of Equipment and services: ADDENDUM. The forowing rist of equipment and schedure ofworkis included as partofthe base agreement#9447 dated o7-ot-2018 attacleA. eff iermsand conditions of the base agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect.
Schedule: Fire Atarm Spflnkler Monitorrng with Etevalor Recall Functions:One Silenl Knight addressable fire alarm control panel
One Silent f\night addressabte remote keypaa irinuntation Oevice in main tobby.Four Sil€nt Knight addressable smoke deiectors with bases.
One Silent Knighl addressable heat detector wittr Uaseloielevator room controts.One Silent Knight addressable pull-station at spnnkler riserIwo Silent Knight addressabte mini inout, modules.for waterflow and prv monitonngFour silent Knighr addressabre reray contror modures for erevato,. .""i-,ti irnJion".Seven ceiting mounted norification devices f",' fi;i;;d-;;;;;;:i#;;:'Four ceiths. mounred strobe onry notifcatio" d";A; ;;;;i;;"vr i siiwqr'
An nre rated cabling and cab,e suDDons.
All electricat littings. boxes, and conduils included.urgrtal communication to Central Station with daily timer test via radio communicatorRental ofAES radio include.
Monitoring and required inspeciloos & testing per fire code NFPA72 :g99.OO MONTHLy
Signature "."-llb]o rf
ACO 99
p"1s 01-01-2019 _