2019/01/01 Pacific Alarm Service, Inc. Commercial Purchase and Services AgreementAddendum To: l_ Commercial purchase and services Agreement _ Commercial System and Services Agreement _ ResidentialSale And Services Agreement SUBSCRIBER/CUSTOMER City of Menitee- New Menifee City Hall pAclFtc ALARM SERV|CE cLo I c28 I Ct6 506732 (95f ) 8a5-1666 o Fax: (951) 769-L230 www.pacificalarm.com ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT Page 1 of 1 Schedule of Equipment and services: ADDENDUM. The forowing rist of equipment and schedure ofworkis included as partofthe base agreement#9447 dated o7-ot-2018 attacleA. eff iermsand conditions of the base agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. SCHEOUTE OF DETECTION Schedule: Fire Atarm Spflnkler Monitorrng with Etevalor Recall Functions:One Silenl Knight addressable fire alarm control panel One Silent f\night addressabte remote keypaa irinuntation Oevice in main tobby.Four Sil€nt Knight addressable smoke deiectors with bases. -- One Silent Knighl addressable heat detector wittr Uaseloielevator room controts.One Silent Knight addressable pull-station at spnnkler riserIwo Silent Knight addressabte mini inout, modules.for waterflow and prv monitonngFour silent Knighr addressabre reray contror modures for erevato,. .""i-,ti irnJion".Seven ceiting mounted norification devices f",' fi;i;;d-;;;;;;:i#;;:'Four ceiths. mounred strobe onry notifcatio" d";A; ;;;;i;;"vr i siiwqr' An nre rated cabling and cab,e suDDons. All electricat littings. boxes, and conduils included.urgrtal communication to Central Station with daily timer test via radio communicatorRental ofAES radio include. $- Monitoring and required inspeciloos & testing per fire code NFPA72 :g99.OO MONTHLy Signature "."-llb]o rf ACO 99 p"1s 01-01-2019 _