2019/01/01 Pacific Alarm Service, Inc. Commercial System and Services AgreementACO 99 PACIFIC ATARM SERVICE Page 1 of 1 grlg 01{1-2019 Addendum To: _ Commercial purchase and Services Agreement ! Commercial system and Services Agreement _ ResidentialSale And Services Agreement SUBSCRIBER/CUSTOM ER City of Menifee- New Menifee c ity Hall : I sign"tur" Schedule of Equipment and services: ADDENDUM. The forowing rist ofequipment and schedure ofwork is included as part of the base agreement #jf!_6r1"6 ozor-zota ,ttr.nuA. eiLi"r*and conditions ofthe base agreement remain unchanged and in fullforce and effect. SCHEDUTE OF DEfECTION Schedule: Leased BurglarAlarm System wilh Central Station Monttonnol fllllyJil"TJ:flilI"corrtrotnaneiwittr end,;l;;ii ;i[nili-#,"3,',,s"aor" standby bart.ry and Tw-o digital k€ypads with alpha_numeric displays I hree addressable 16 zone expanson modules. r nree bw voltage power suoplies. Twenty ceiling mounted duiietement motion deleclors in rocationB with perimeter v/indows and 2nd floor enry points.rhree industiat grade recessed door cont""t.iii .ri ii"gt" "ii;;;il';Hil.",",. ooo*Four industrial grade gurface/recesse. fnree f.oni "oiniJr_o-rl**r_ -wsw(l d0or @ntads for a[ singte and doubte perimeter doors. Four 12vdc 7ah rechargeable batteries.seven 11Ovac/l6.svac 50 va transformer hardwired onto etedrical outlets-One interior siren in hallwav One exterior siren on west'facing exterior walt.Ar matenats and labor included. Digital communication to Central Station with daily timer test via cellular network. lnstallation/Rentat:$A99S_OO 20%DEPOStT REeUtRED;$i 799.OO o^u hlz /r I (951) 845-1666. Fax: (951) 769_1230 www. pacificala rm.com ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT cto / c28 / Ct6 606732 f