2019/01/01 Pacific Alarm Service, Inc. Commercial System and Services Agreement (3)ACO 99 PACIFIC AI.ARM SERVICE (951) 845-1066. Fax: (951) 769-1230 www.pacificalarm.com ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT cro / c28 / Ct6 606732 Page I of 1 p"1g 01-01-2019 Addendum To: _ Commercial purchase and 5ervices Agreement ]__ Commercial System and SeNices Agreement _ Residentialsale And Services Agreement SUBSCRIBER/CUSTOMER City of Menifee- New Menifee City Hall Signatu schedule of Equipment and services: ADDENDUM. The fo[owing rist of equipment and schedure ofwork is included as part of the base agreement fij!l_6r1"6 oz-ot-zotb """.n*. ;li;;;,and conditions of the base agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. SCHEDUI.E OF DETECTION Schedule: Leased Burglar Alarm System with Cenkst Station Monitorino: iri;J"'itr-"'f:[""9[conrror paneiwrth ent.vr"'-ri ii"i"vl'['t'lii-# '!"ha,g."ur. "t ndbv battery and Y-g9i9rlqt t"Vq"g" wirh atpha-numeric disptays. I hree addressablB 16 zone expansion modubs. I hree low voltage power suoolies Twenty ceiling mounted duaielement 661ion detectors in locations !\,ith perimeter windows and 2nd floor entry Doints.rhree industriar srade recess€d door conracts f;, ;ftili;;;Jii'ri'rJ'#irir"r", oooo.Fou. industriatsrade surface/recessed doo.-nira;i;r";;i;L"iii'iLiiL p"nr"r". uooo.Three Fronl @unter panic buttons. Four l2vdc 7ah rechargeable battenes. Seven 11ovadl6.5vac 50 va fansformer hardwired onto electrical ouflets.One intedor siren in ha wav One exterior siren on w€st iacing exterior wall. All materials and labor included - Digital communic€tion to Central Station with daity timer test via ce utar network. Monthly equipment rentar 24hr moniloring on ca, service and csrurar airtime:$160.50 monthry o^."11-7-tP