2017/02/15 Pacific Alarm Service, Inc. Monitoring and Services Agreement (4)ACO 99 PACIIIC ATARM SERVICE
52l Wellwood Avenue
Beaumont, Calitotnia 92223
Voice:1951) 845-1665. Fax: (951) 769-1230
cro I c2a I cr6 6067x2
www.pacific alaJm.com
Check allthat applyi -
l'his Monitoring and Services Agrcemen t is entered into on February 15 20 17 ,by and bctween Menifee City Hall
('Jou,"')our"). and Pacillc Alarm Servicc, a Calilirrnia corporation ("wc." "us." "our")
l. Term. -l-hc original term ofthis Agreement isoncycar, and thc Agreemcnt automatically rcncws lbrsucccssivc one-ycar
periods unlcss cither pa(y notifics the othcr in writing ol'its intcnt to tcnrrinate no less than 60 days bel'orc the cxpiration ol (hc
original or rcnewal period.
2. MonitoringServicesiCommunicator;ProgranmingiVerification.
2.1 Monitoring. You clrosc Lhc monitoring servicc, and agrcc tlrat tlrc scrvicc nrccts your nccds. Additioral, differenl, or
highcr levels of protection and service were discussed with you and are avrilablc fronr us at an addiaional cost. 1 hc signals
or images. il'any, from the sccurity system or thc siSnals liom the lirc systcm at the l>rcrliscs ("Systcnr") arc monitored at our
lnonitoring ccntcr or an independent monitoring ccnter ("Monitoring Centcr") that wc sclect. ll-the Systcnr is rcnro\,ed lbr any
teason. we atc not obligatcd to rcstore thc Prcnriscs to its original condition (n to rcdccorate thc l)rcmiscs. []pon conncction or
activation oflour sccurity alann systcnr. \!e uill tho(,ughly instruct you in thc propcr usc ofthc Systcnr.
2.2. Communicator. Wc rvill install, aausc to be installcd. or progranl. rvhcthcr in pcfs(nr or rcmotcly, a conrnrunicabr a(
your Prenrises to transmit System signals or inrages, ifany. liom your Systcm to our Molritoring Ccntor. All long-rangc radios,
transceivers. and ccllular or other communicators. and our yard signs and windorv stickors renrain our property at all times and
nral bc tctnoved b1 us, Whcn this A8rccnrent cxpircs or is tcfrrinatcd.;ou rvill imn]cdiatcl] ullow us to rcn'lovc or dcactivate.
't\ hcthcr rcnrotcl) or other\risc. thc cornmunicat(n . U ntil the com municator is deprogram med, you are resSronsible for
monitoring fees.
2.3 Program; Visual. Wc may program tlre Systctr rcnrotcly. and 1ou rlill allorv us acccss ttr do so. ll your larv-
cntirrcenrcnt or lirc dcpartnrcnt requircs or latcr requircs visual or othcr vcrilicati(n proccdures ofan crncrgcnoy bclirr.c r.csponding
to a S)stem sigrirl. you nrust comply with tha rcquircmcnt and subscribc lbr that scrvicc il'providcd by us. We nray otrargc an
additional lire lbr tha( scrvicc.
E lf you are using a traditional phone line or an internet-based transmission to our Monitoring Center, you thoroughly
discussed with us the availability of cellular or radio back-up transmission of alarm signals from the System to the Monitoring
center, and that these services are available at an additional cost. You do not want back-up transmission of alarm sitnals and
understand that, if your transmission service is interrupted or discoinected, no signal will be sent to the Monitoring Center,
and emergency personnel will not be called. your lnitials
Services alld Payment.
J.l Services. We will plovide the lollowing services and you will pay us as lbllows:
E Monthly Monitoring of System as Part of Service
Il Monthly Monitoring of Subsffiber owned alarm system
Fire Monitoring Services:
E Fire Monthly Basic Monitoring Servicesi
E Fire Monitoring with uL Runner Services:
E Flre Monltorlng with Ul- Certiticate annuaumo:
E Additional Fire Alarm Panelat Same Premises:
lntrusion Monitoring Services:
E Monthly MonitorinB Services - Basic
E Monthly Monitoring Services - with open/closing
with supervision and notification by Monitoring Center;
E Monthly Monitoring Services - with open/closings
E-mailed Weekly to You:
s 80.00
a0Emaapt'on", t6l- (vl f -0 1-n
Billing Address
Premises Address: 2971
YOU / Contact Person:
aun Road Menifee, CA 92586
Monitoring and Services Agreement - Please read all paSes!
ct 02114 Your lnitials
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Cell Phone: __
Additional Services per Monthi
Other Services:
E Cellular Transmission of Sitnals:
E Radio Transmission of signals:
E other service:
80 00
Payment optiors: O fraonthty - g 80 00
E qr".t"rly- 5
24o oo E Semi-Annually - 480 00-5 E lnnu"tty - 5
960 oo
month as above)
(paid in same
J'2 Paymenl' You m(sl pay thc pror ted fees for the nronth in which monitoring scrviccs begin. l,ayments arc payable inffii'ffi:l,Ii*',,XI jl;'illltl;,""'*encins on the dare set rbnia'tx,r,e. your payments shiwn uri," aoini in"r,a" uny
"".ait i. u..o"irr".i'*;il;;,.";;il:fl:st pav rhe tax in addition to vtttrr monlhly p"i.*". x" nr"r1" i#r" o" "o., o,
The prices' specifications' and conditions in this Agreement are satisfactory. you understand, approve, and accept thisASreement' in particular Paratraphs 11, le, and:2, whicf set r*i or. r**rum liability ilthere is any lors or damaSe to youor any third party' You understand thar you may obtain a hiBhe, t,"u,tity [.it oy p"ying an additionar charge. you re€eived acompleted copy of this Agreement an4-if you u* u ,"r,auri'Ji .uri#.'r,'i*. .o0,", of the Notice o, Right to cancer. you wereadvised that there are additional' different, o, higher levers or prot".iion-"na ,"-ice avairabre, The service, provided are
ril'":?r11',.",:i*"cific request, approval, and cost consider"i,on,,-to'r'u,in,, yo, must hotd us harmtess. Itansuare must be
Fot our residential custome,s onlv - You, the buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time before midnight of the thirdbusiness day aft€r the date of this transaction' s€e the aita{h"o rrroii." or nlgrr,,o cancel form for an expLnation ofthis right.
E rerutuentzlrtoN pERtoD REIEcTED
wARNINGI Various system components or products may co-ntain lead or other chemicals known to the state of california totause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
E corporation
Your Signature:
Print Your Name / Title tr
tr c Partnership E Owner
mportant terms on er pages*r
rized Company Representative
Salesperson Name and No.
drurFp /hfi
DtU)Dated *[.
unless we either (1) approve It in writint by aniuthorized company representative, or (2) begrn services, this Atreement isnot binding upon us lf we do not approve the Agreement, .r. ,or" ii"ilrii, i, ,o retund the amou nt paid to us when yousigned the Agreement. Not receiving a copy signed by us doe, not ,.t" iii, ngr"ement unenforceable.
.1. Fire lnspection and Testins
'l'l restanri nqt;t v* n.t"i'in-spect a nd tcst you r fire systenr nccor(rin g to rhe aDplicfl hrc co(rc n n d the frcq ucncyspecitied. Il l.u sct...rud ttrc r..ri,1i,.,"i i,,',p".ii,,r.,*.'.,;li il.;;"J];l,i::.:, ,..,rur Slsrcm Iucrrr.rling r,, rt)( .rrlr)ti(Jhtc c,,J(.
mnJitions r)r chxrautcristics lLr.thc Slsrcm,,r:rie p,,r.ri,,n,,t.tlie i;r,";;;:;;S)s'|crn'Jericer.rcrr''n'"'ni,*i.,,'ui,",r r'"'.iirp,,,,i,i",,';iiiii:il,iirii,::iIirII::'il;,]llir:llri"r'lHl:r:il'ill;i,,,,,,.
4.2..Access. y(tu \rill p(.t.rnil lt\ 1,, cntcr lhe I,remi\c\ Io scr\ i(c. insncrl
4'J ( ancellation Y'ttt r'illnrrrriJctrsanrininrrrrn,'t lq-n,,rrrs n,ri..,,, aona"rrrti,,. rrr x \(JrcdrlcJ inspc(li.n r,rrL.\lir!Y''.\illnc)uscclrrcellrtiont.c(r,1.$l{x).n(.r\(hcJrl*f i"+".il,,,,li,r..ru.l"tt,rri,,,,rn,,r...""i\c(l r)nirlin)cl) h.sis.5 Discra imer or \r'a rran r ies: r ja birirvr ( ons".pf;l,;i ;;;;;g;;. ;r. orrrigation r o provide r hc sysr enr or any or herservices arises solel) out oflhis Agrcemenl nntl nol tirrotrgh any n,i"a nr"unr. lVe do not reprc\cnt or rrrtrrant thtl lhe
Monitoring and Servjces Agreement_ please read allpaBeslct 02/14
Your lnitials
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;r'H:l:'B"T3Lilloot:tJLllil""'hed scope or work,
Systcm or selvice lrtay noa be compromised or bylrassed; will detcct or prevent all lrurglaries, hold-ups, pcrsonal
emergcncies, fires, smoke or water damage, or otherwisc; orthat iardill i all cases providc the proaeclion for rdhich itwes
installed or intended. We or our agents or employees nrade no reprcseltations or warranties! express or inrplicd, as ro any
ma(lcr whalsocvcr, includilrg without limitation, the condilion ofthe equiDment, its merchantabilily, its litness for any
particular purDose, or noniofringement or title. You did not rely on any rcpresenaaaiolt or warranty, cxpress or implied.
Any information provided or promise does not creaae an express warranty! and will be considered expressions of personal
opinior only' lfwc rvere to have any liability grcater than that agreed to by you in Paragraphs I l, 16, and 22 ofthis
Agrccment, we could not and would t|ot providc the System or services, and we could not provide the System or services at
the r{tes cont{incd hcr..'l'he wffrranty provided ir this Agreemcnt gives you specific legal rights, and you may hcve othcr
rights that vary from state-to-state. We are rlot liable for slecial, consequential, or incidental damages. Sonre statcs do not
allow the crclusion or the limitatiotl of consequential or ircid€ntrl damages, so lhe abovc limitations or exclusions m{y not
apl)ly to you,
6, llesponse to Signals.
6.1 lntrusion Signals. Il we rcccivc an intrusiun signal, rvc rvill. without warranty, make retrsonable cllbrts to lcach you
ors(nnconc ot thc l'tctniscs rvho ison yourCall List(see I'ufagaph l4) and can vcrily \rhe(hcr an alalnr is fa-Lse. ll-rrycarcunablc
to rcach you or somconc at the l'rcmises, a sccoud call attempt $ill bc nladc to thc ncx( pcrson on your Catl List. Unlcss dircctcd
olhcrwisc in rrriting by you. ifrle are unablc to rcach the llrst t\\o pcoplc on lour (-'all l.ist or il'\vc in our s()lc discrction (l[esti(nr
a rcsponsc tvc have rcccivcd. rve rvill, r!itlrout rvarrant). notily cnlctgcncy pcrsonnel.
6,2 llolduD or Panic. ll wc rcccive a hold up. durcss. <rr panic signal. rvc uill. without rvarranty. call cnrergcncl
pcrsonncl. and il rcqucstcd in rvriting by you, notily you or your dcsignatcd reprcscntati\c sllo\ln on )our Call List.6.J video or lnages. ll wc receive video or imagcs. il availablc, liun )'our systcrr. atrd $,c reasonabl) bcliclc that thc
irrragcs r/o rtol indicatc an enlcrgcncy condition. uc rrill. rvitht)ut \\arranty. makc rcasonable ellons to call you or soDconc at the
l'rcrniscs rvho is on your Ctll l-ist and can leril-v lvhcther an alarnr is lirlsc. ll wc arc unable to reach you or somconc at the
l)rcnriscs. a sccond call attcnlpt will bc made to the nsx( pcrson on your Call t,ist but we will ,or notily emergency pcrsonnel. ll-
rvc rcasonahly helicvc that thc images do indicate an enrergency condition, rrc r!ill. rvithout rvafianty- call emergency pcrsonncl.
and il'rcqucstcd in rrriting by r ou. call )ou or thc dcsignated pcrson on \ our (tall t,isl.6..1 Nctlical Emergency Signals. ll$c rcccive a mcdical cnrcrgcncy signal, we rvill. without !r,anant). makc rcasonublc
clli)rts to rcach you r)r somcorc at the Premises who is on your Call l,ist und can 'rcrily whethcf an emergency arists. ll wc are
unahlc to rcach you t)r sorneotlc at (hc Prcmises, a sccond call attcmpt will bc madc to the Dcxt person on your Call List. tlnlcss
dircctcd othcrwisc in rvliting by you, i1-rvc are unahlc to rcuch you or thc ncxt person on your Call List" uc will. withoul warrtnty.
n()tily clllcrgctrc) l)crsonllcl. l wo-way voice communicatiolr is not providcd and, ifyou push the medical lrutton orl your
alalm kcyPrd, you will nced a tclephone to talk with solrreorre. 'l hc alarm sircn will not sound when the mcdical butk)n is
6.5 l"irc Signals; Carbon Monoride Signals. II wc reccivc a lire.rliunl signal liorn conmercial premiscs. rrc rvill.
wilhout warrurl(y. notily cnlctgcncy pcrsonnel and notil) you or your designatcd represcntativc by calling thc spccilicd telcphonc
numbcr(s)on your Call t,ist, l'r'ouble or supervisory signals lirrm your.lirc Systcm arc scnt to your designatcd reprcsentati!c in thc
nrirnncr dirccted. Il'rvc receive a fir'e alarm signal liom residentiol prcuriscs. rvc rvill. wi(hout warranty. nlakc rcasunable cllirrts kr
lcach rtru or somconc at thc Prcntiscs rvlro is on )'our Call t,ist and can \crily \lhcthcr an alarm is l'alse. lf\ve arc unablc to rcach
)ou or thc nclt pcrson on your Call t-ist, rve will, without warranty. no(il). cmcrgcncy personncl.
6.6 l-orced Eniry. You undcrstand thaa emergcncy personnel may forcibly cnter the Premises when they are (old
thaa we receivcd a ,ire, medical emergency, or carbon monoride signal from your Premises. You consena to lhis. You
undcrstund thal d rlitgc to )ouf propcrt) nrav occur and tlr t )rru arc rcsponsitrlc l'or all costs rclatcd to that dantagc.6.7 Wetcr Delcclion, ll-lvc reccive a \\'atcr detcction signal. \\c \\ill. \rith(,u|. \\arranty. nrakc rcasonable cllbrls to call
)'ou or sonrconc at thc l)rcmises \!ho is on your Call List and can vcril.v rrhctlrer a condition exists. Ifrre are unatllc k) lcach ]ou
or sonleonc at thq I'rcntiscs. a second call attcmpt will bc nrade to thc ncxt pcrson on your Call List but we will flot trotify
emcrgency personncl. 'l he illarm sircn Nill not sound rrhen a wa(cr dclccti(nr signal is activated.6.8 lntcractive Services; Two-Way Voice. Il'you sclcctcd intcractivc scrviccs. you may reccivc customizcd cnrail and
tcxt nrcssaBc alcfls about Systcm signals (nr your computcr. loblct. snurt phonc. or othcr mobile deyicc as rvell- Ccrtain trirclcss or
intcmctiva scrvioas rcquirc a compatible computer. tablet. ccll phonc, or'other dcvicc \\,itlr interncl and email acocss. Not all
dcvices r.vill work with thcse serviccs and you must providc your or,'n dcviccs at your solc cxpense. You undersl.and that lvc havc
no contol ovcr thcsc devices. ot yout internet or cmail access. Ccllular data providols may charge additional lics lirr acccssing thc
Sys(cnr on wirclcss deviccs.-l'hcsc chargcs are yout sole rcsponsibility. ll you sclectcd emcrgcncy two-way voice scrvicc, thcrc is
a risk that thc connecti(nr ulay be interruptcd or unablc b conncct. that (hc cull nray bc dfopped. and that the sound quali(y conling
through thc Systcnr nray bc distortcd or impossible to undcrstand or hcar.6.9 Pcrmitsi Consent. Certain law-enforccrncnt or cmcrgcncy agcncics will not respond to an alarm signal unlcss you
harc a ralid allrtn user pcrnrit. which you nrust kccp currc[t and rcnclvcd as rcquircd. Sec Paragraphs 13.7 and 13.8 l'rrr rrror.c
any panicular lbrm ol rcsponse. You consent to the recording ofall tqlcphonc calls with thc Monitoring Centcr.7. FamiliariTation Period. Except whcre required by law, unlessyou reject thc familisrizaaion pcriod by initiating
tle checklror alrove your signature, during a seven-day period (or any period required by law) followirg complction of
insaallation alld connection to lhe l\lonitoring Center (and during iry aDplicalrlc exlensions), we h{ve no obligotion to, and
will not, rcspo[d lo any sccurity alarnr signal fronr your l'renriscs lhat is reccived by our luonitoring Center. Even if an
actual emergeocy occurs durirlg this pcriod, we have no obligation to, and will not, notify emergency persolnel, you, or
your desigllfltcd rcprcsentative, or take any other actiotl with rcgard lo a signalwe receive,
8. Alarm Signal Transmission lllethods.
8,1 'l elephone Lines. You Il)ust pay all charges madc by the tclcphone company or other utilitics l-or installation or
activ.rtion ol'scrvicc connections. telephone -iacks. Ieasing. and servicc chargcs ol'tclephonc lines connccting your Prenrises to our
Monitu ing (lcntcr. All chargcs lbr thc installation and continuity oftclcphonc scrvice conncctions Ibr thc Systctn arc your solc
tcsponsiltility. Activation of(he System will interrulrt and (lisconrrcct nny telephore call in progress. You will lre unnblc (o
usc that line for 9l I or flny other emergency service, For these reasons. we rccommend a dedicated tclephone line for your
Systcm. lfyour tclcphone scrvice is out oforde!', discoDnected, placcd on v{cation, or otherwise interruDted, sig[als from
your System will rot lre receivcd by our Nlonitoring Centcr duriog any interruption i telephone service. lnterruDtions will
not be known to our lllonitoring Center or us, and emerge cy personnel will not lrc called. You nrust pay us li)r any costs
incurtcd to rcprograrn thc digital communicator to confi)rnr to tclcphonc conrpanl,-initiated changcs in dialing procedurcs or arca
codcs. Cos(s alc bascd on our then current standard scrvicc call chargc. We recomme[d two dedicflted telephonc lines for your
fire System,
8.2 Cellular or Radio Transmission. lfcellular or radio scrvicc is uscd as your prirnary or secondary transnrission
llrcthod. thc Systcni's conrtl]unicator is conncctcd to a celtular or rarlio nct$'ork- -l he usc oIradio frequcncics is contnrllcd by (lrc
Iicdcral Conlnl!nications Conrmission ("FCC"). and changcs in l;C(l rulcs. reSulations. and policies nray nccessitate discontinuirg
MonitorinS and Services ABreemeot- Please read all pagesl
ct o2114 Your lnitials
PaBe 3 of 6
tlansnrissions. You must pay all monthly service charges connecting )ou. Prcnriscs to ou. Monitoring Center. Radio or ccllular
lransmissions are subject to environmenarl conditioos, incl[ding power faihres and electrical siorms, that are aotrlly
beyold our control.8.J lnternea 'l'ransmission. Using DSL, BPl,, Voice ovcr lnternel Prolocol (..VoIP-), or other inaertret-based service
may interfere wiah the signals scnt by ahe System to the Monitoring Center. Signal lransmission using these services can be
sporadic. Thcse services will trot work without electrical power, and may interfere with your ability lo call 9l I or intcrferewith the lelephone lioe-seizttre feature ofthc Systcm. To makc snre that ahe Systcm is operational and properly
transmiating signals, yon mu,sl imme.liorer), test your Syst€trtsaftGr instrllation of any of these services. Ccllular or radio
back-up is highly recommended if i[ternet services are used.
9. lislse Alarms. lfyou causc an excessive number ol lalse alarms through carelessness, or malicious or accidental use ol
the Systcm, or ifyou in any manner misuse or abuse the systcm, youI conduct is a matcrial breach ol contract. Allcr giving ](,trten-d ys written noticc, we mcy at our option, in addition to all other lcgal rcficdics, tsrminate this,^grcemeDt. you are solely
responsible lilr all litlsc alarrn fines, penalties, or 1'ecs, including clrulgcs Ilom a private guard service. il any. rvhether asscsscd
aguinst you or us.
10. Service or Repair Services.l0.l Call. C.tll us at the numbcr above k) requesl scrvice or rcpuir.'l0.ll Service and Repair. lf we provided th6 Systsm as part of our service and the System does not operateproperly, we will, upon your request, make all repairs and replace parts without cost to you while this Agreement is ineffect -Our service and repair includes all parts and labor foi repaiis necessitated by ordinary wear and"tear,excluding equipment not installed by us, bafteries, security screens, hard dri;es, sto;ge media;accesscontrol cards, or other disposable items. Service and repaiidoes not cover any malfunctio-n or damige caused byaccident, misuse, acts of God, birds, rodents, or olher animals, or installation or piogramming by anyon; other than usYou must pay for excluded work or items al our then cunent rates for parts and laboi, a one-6our minimum fee, andother service call fees. Payment must be made upon completion oi the work- lf anyone otnei tnin in aurnorizeocompany represenlative attcmpts the repair. seruicc. pnrgrrmming, or moilificatiorr oiany portion ol'the Systcnr, rhisAgrecment is tcrminatcd immcdiately and we may immcdiitely rcmirve the System.
l0'2 ReDair; Hours. Servicc or repair is provided on a tinle-and-materials basis at our thcn current rates lbr prrts and lobor,
a one-hour minimum ILc. and other sewice call.tees. Service is usually perl'ormed as soon as reasonably possiblc. Service or rcpliris pr.ovided iMonday tlrrrugh lritlay, excluding holidays, betwcen thc iriurs o1'8:00 a.rr, through 5:00 i.rir. A rcsponsihle adultmust he at (he l'rcnrises at the lime ofthe service call. Emergeney service is available at all other timei at our then currentpremium labor ratc and seryice call f'ces. payment must be mad'e upon complction of the work.
- 103 Repairor Replace; Remote Access. we may. in oursoic discretlon, cither repair or replace the pan, and ma)substitute ncw or reconditioncd tnatcriats ofequal quality at thc timc ol replacr:nrcnt. lfthe rcpair costs exceed the rcplacementcost. we may rcplacc lhc delirctive equipment u'ith new or reconditioned equipmcnt substanti;lly equivalent to or wiih comparablcl'eaturcs as lhc cxisting equipment, il'available. fhe replaccment equipmcnt nray have a higher or lower sclling pricc than thcoriginal equipment you have. We may program, alter. or rcpair thc systcm rcnlotely, and you rvill allorv us acless to <lo so.l0'4 Ul' System Service Hours; Runner Servicc. Lll- System scn,icc or repair is provi<lcd seven days n rveck, 365 daysper ycar. Runncr service is provided rvithin the requircd responsi timc to investigat or repai, tt e iyst". ailr. ,iiJn "ro"n,regular or premium rates as the case may be. Service perlirrmetl Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, betrveen the hours ol'8:00 a.rn. rlrough 5:00 p.rn. is clrarged at our then cuncnt regular rutes i'trr parts and latxrr. a one-hirur minimum lec, and scrr icecall lLes lincrgency scn'ice is available at all other limcs atilrr then currcnr premium labor rate and servicc call l'ees.
.10'5 Liability. we arc not responsible lbr loss or danragc rlhilc the 51 stem is under repair or is aruoiiing punr. n ni ,."poir.sen'ice, replacement, or addilion ol'equipment by us alier thc initial installation or programming olthe Systeriis governcd hy thisAgreemcnt, in particular Paragraphs I l, 16, and 22, which limit our liahilit),.
l0'6 'fakeover ofother systems. lfwe take over or provirlc scrvice to the System, we are not Iiable lbr components orequipnrcnl not installed by us.
I l. Limiaation of Li bitity.ll'l No Guaraltee. We antl our d ivisions or affiliates a re not insurcrs of your real or personn I propedy or d{ta, orlhc-persollnl safcty ofanyone on your Premises. This Agreement is not an insurance policy or a sunsfiiutJ ior an insurrn(epolicy' Y-ou must ob(air}flll property, life, health, disability, or business interruption insuiance. The payments requirc(l arellased solely upolt the value of thc System or service, and not on the value of your real or personal property or rlatn, or theprope{y ofollers localed in or on your Premises. wc rnake no guarantec or warr{rty! including an implied warrnnly ofnerch{ntal,ility or fitness, that thc System or servire will prevcril or. nvoirl occurrcnces or the c,r_nseqrer"es of occurrenc".thnt-the systen! or service is designed to detect or avert. l a is-ilnpractica I alrd ertremely difficult to determine in arlvance(')lhe value ofyour real or personal property or dala, or the property ofothers kept on the premiscs, thaa may be losl,stoler, or damaged if the sysaem or service does not operate p"opertyi 1t1 th"
"esponse time of the Moniaoring center,emergency Personoel. or gu:lrd service, ifany; (c) what porlion, ifanyr oIa loss, damage, personal injury, or decah wo11ldbe prorimately cause(l by our failure to perform or our active or pasiive negligence; oi 1rt1 whethe" " ""."", ,rr r"""..control system would detect or prevcnt unauahorized intrusions oi acaivities.
- ll'2 Amount ofLiability. lfwcorouragents or employees are founrl lia blc for loss, damage, or inju ry orany kin(lwhalsoever from our failure to perform any ofollr obligations under this Agreement, failure of t-he SystJm,iquipmcnt, orservice in any nrantrer, breach of warranty, torl, or our active or passive negligence, then our liability is limited to u sume.qual to ahe totrl annual monitoring fees at the time ofthc incirlent or $1,500, whichever is grcater.,ihis is not a penalty.'l'his_is yourl)rly remedy regardless of the legal theory used to tind the Ntonitoring Center or us liable.ll'J More Protection. You may obtain a higher limitation of lilbility by pay-ing an adtlitionaicharge. Ityouclectthisoptiolr, r ridcr will be lrtt:rchcd to this Agrcement stnting tIe tcrms, con(lilions, and nmount ofthe limite; liahility dnd thc:rdditio[al ch{rge. l]ven if a ri.ler is provide<l to yorr, we ar.e llot your instlrcr.l2' Intcrruption, Suspension, or Cancellation ofscrvice. Wc iuc not liable lor any dclay in moniloring or scr\ icc ol thc
origin wc arc not rcqu ired ttt provitle monitoring or othcr serv iccs to you rvh ile any o l tlrcsc causes exist. liseivice,urcsuspendcd lbr thesc rcasons. you must continue to pay under lhc terni ol'1h is Aglccment. lf the Monitoring Ccnter. or yourPrcmises or equipmcnt are deslroyed by tlre or other cataslrophc, arc so suhstunially damaged that it is imf,ractical to corrinucser\' icc. or il the Molrit(n ing (lcnter or we are unablc to rendcr seNicc. this Agrccment rvillle suspcnded rvithout .otice.
Monitorlng and Services Agreement - please read all pages!
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13. Ydur Duties as to Use ofSystem; B.ttery and Device Replacement; luonitoring or Systcm Pcrmits.t3.l Tesl. lmrncdiatel.v" belbrc sccurinB Lhe l)rcmises. )'ou or others using tlre Systenr must carclLlly and properly set thc
sccurity Systcnr. You nrust properly test tlrc Slstcnr (r, /c.rs, m,nthly during the term ol this Agrccnlcnt. ll'the System docs not
opcrate propcrly or il'there is a porver failurc or othcr interruption at your Prenrises. )ou must notily us immcdiatcly.
13.2 llatterics. lfyour System uses wireless battery-opersted dcvices, you must rcplace the batteries when the System
emits a low-lratlery signal or d, /€.rsl every two ycars. You may also call us, Wc will replace the batteries at your cxpense at
our then current rntes for p.rts and lalror, plus service call fees, lf you fail to replace the lratteriesr or if the batteries are
low or dcad, the System will not function proDerly,
l3.J Carbon Monoride Detectors. Ifyou have cflrlron monoxide detectors, you must repl$ce them ,rl /ec,t/ every three
l3'4 Changes. You must immediatcly notily us ol'any ohanges to thc Prcmises or to any fixturcs. Iurniture, or equipment.
You mtst immediately notify us of any changes to your telephone service, ircluding the instrllstion of DSL, BPL, Voice
over lnternet Protocol ("VoIP"), or other intern€t-based telephone service.
lJ.5 Power, You ntust providij 24-hour clcctrical scrvice and clectriaal outlcts for the Systcm.
13.6 Environment. You must provide adcquate lighting lirr aDy camem or vidco systcnr, and otlrcrwisc provide the proper
cnvironmcnt lbr thc System as rcasonably requcstcd. You will providc and maintain all storagc nrcdia li)r the video system.l3'7 Permits. Monitoring may bc subject b pgnnit I'ccs. lf roquired. obtaining and maintaining an alarm permit is your mle
rcsponsibility. You arc solely responsiblc for paying lir all nronitoring.alarm. or systcnr pcnrrits. licenscs. or fees inrposed by
autlroritics hav ing j urisdiction necessary [or thc usc and opcratiolr ofthe Systcnr. anrJ all othcr chargcs or I'ces imposed. You are
solcly tcsponsiblc lilr determining r-l,lrcther thc city. coullty. or govcmmental subdivision in which the lrrcnrises arc Iocated has or
nray Iatcr havc statules or ordinanccs rcquiring that you obtain and nlaintain a liccnsc ot pcrnlit lbr the Systcnl.
13.8 Notilication. Unlcss you have a valid alarm-uscr pelmit or licerrse- rvhich rrrust bc kcpt currcnt and aclive as rcquircd.
0cltoin ctllcrBcncy pcrsornel will not respond to an alorm signal. ln order to rcquest an enrcrgcncy rcsponsc. wc must knolv your
pcrntit nuntbcr. t,lltil you obtain' at your expense, all necessary permits or licenses, snd provide us with the lice[se or
permit number, we may not be able to notify emergeocy Dersonnel of an alarm.
13.9 lndemnity. You must defend and inclenrnily us lrom any claim made by another alarnr company regarding its contract
with you.
14. Authorized Call List; Persornel. You will imnrediately give us a witten list of namcs. relationship. titlcs, and
tclephonc. ccll, and pager numbers ofall percons to bc notificd ifthcre is an alann and the ordcr in which thcse persons are to be
called ("Call List"). You will also give us and keep current a writtcn list oIthe names, titles, and phonc numbers ofall persons
authoriT-cd to entcr or remain on the Premises ("Personnel List"). lfyou are a commcrcial customqr, you must give us a daily and
holiday opcning and closing schedules and all othcr information that we may require. All changes to your Call List or Personncl
Lisl. must be givcn to us in rvriling only and bccomc elleotivc only upon our acknowledgment ol'receipt ol'thc changes. If you
choose ar inlcracl.ivc selvicc. you are solely rcsponsiblc for crcating and updating your profilc on any lemote service websitc.
15. Change in Owncrship ofPremises, Moving lionl your l'remises does nol. relicve you ol'your obligations under this
l(r. AssiSnmenti llights of Sulrcoltractors. Wc miry ussign this Agrccnlcnt to any pcrsoll ot cntity without notioc to you.
Without our ptior rvritten conscnt, you nrust Dot assign or transler this Agreemerrt. We nruy subcontrac( any ol thc work or serviccs
to bc pcrli)rmcd undcr this Agreement. including nlonitu ing. without notice to you.'l his Agrccmcnt, cspccially Paragraphs I I and
22. Prolccts thc lvlonitoring Ccntcr or our othcr sutlcontroct(n's in thc slme [iry that thc paragraphs prolcct us.
17. Dcfaula;lnterest;Reactivation.
l7'l Dcfault. Anyolthc following constitute your del'ault undcr this Agreenrent: (a) lailurcto pay any amount provided in
this A8rccnrc[t uithin ten days after thc same is duci (b) l'ailure to communicate or cooperate with us; (c) failure to perlbrm any
othcr obligations under this Agrecment uithin ten days aller written rcqucst: or (d) you bccomc a dcbtor in a bankruptcy
pmcccding. ll'you del'ault, we may discontinuc all scrvices upon ten-days uritten notice to you, and accclcrate and recover all
amourts to bccome due undcr this Agreement. as well as all otlrcr sums to whiclr we are entitlcd.
17.2 lntcrest. Il'any payment due is morc than ten days late, you rvitl pay simple intcr!'st on cach past due payment in the
anlount of I 87o per y€ar calculatcd on a 360-day ycar [periodic ratc of 1.57o per month or thc maximum amount allowed by law]
uDtil thc balance is paid in full. You will pay a servicc charge ol $25 ior each returncd check.
l7'3 Reactivation. ll'we for any reason discontinue service and you desirc to reactivatc thc scrvice. reactivation is subjecl.
to a $75 Ibc and payrnent o[all past duc amounts. ll thc Systcm cannot bc rcactivated remolely. and a servicc call is requir.crj, you
must also pay us our then curen[ rcgular rates ft)r parts and lahor. and scrvicc qall ftcs.
18. Ch{ngc in Rates.
l8.l lncrease. We may inarease the monitoring or scrvice lbcs at any time after thc cxpiration ot'the initial term ofthis
Agrecment, but not more than once in any l2-month period, and upon giving you written noticc 60 days in advance ofthe elTective
datc ol thc increase. lf) ou do not want to pay thc incrcased charge. you may canccl the then uncxpircd term ofthis Agrcement by
notilying us in \yriting 30 days belorc the eflcctivc datc ofthe incrcase.
18.2 Taxes, Charges, and l'ees. Wc may at any tinre increase the nronitoring or scrvics lccs to rcllcct increascs in lbdcral,
statc. and local taxcs. utility charges including tclcphone conrpany charges, and municipal fecs and chargcs. rvhich are imposcd on
us and u'ltich rclate to thc scrviccs providcd under this Agrccflent. You must pay all increascd monitoring l'ces.
19. Notices. All notices rcgarding this Agrccmcnt nrust bc in writing and may be scrvcd by pcrsonal dclivery; by a rcputublc
ovcrnight carricr with all delivery charges provided ftrt or by certifierlmail, rcturn-reccipt rcqucstcd. and regular mail, with
postagc prcPaid. to tha addrcsscs sct lbrth in this Aglecnlent or to any other addrcss providcd hy onc p0rty to the othcr fiom tirnc
t(, tinrc in writing.
20. lnformltion and Privacy.
20.1 Recording. We may monitor or electronically record video and audio related to moni(orcd activity at your Prcmises. as
well as convcrsations with you, emergcncy pcrsonnel in connection lvith cmployee training. quulity control. and thc provision ol'
sgrvicss. You consent to this. Privacy cannot be guarantqed on telcphone, cable, wireless. computer. and other systems. we arc not
liablc to you lbr any claims or damagcs that may result lrom a lack ofprivacy experienced.
20.2 Consent. You consent to us (a) using inlbrmation about you and your location to administer services, offcr you nerv
pR)ducts or scrviccs, enlbrcc the terms ofthis Agrccmcnt. plevent fraud, and respond to regulatory and legal rcquirements; (b)
providing inforrnation. including inlbrmation containcd on )our Call l-ist and other pcrsonat inlbrmation. to emcrgency personnel
or our subcontractots or assignees for tlre purpose ol'providing services or in response k) a subpocna or otlrer legal proccss: and (c)
Monitoring and Services Agreement - Please read all pages!
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using and sharing aggregate customer information and statistics that do not include intbrmation that idcntifies you or any
individuals personally. we may contact you by telephone, facsimile, e-mail, or other internet services, with re;pect to the System
and serviccs rte provide rrnder this Agreement, flnd nerry ollbrings ofsystems or seryices we may makc availabie in the future.
21. Network or Server Vulrerability; Linbility, You are solely responsible tbr the integrity and securiry ofyour data.
sotlrvare, devices, computer system, networks, servers, and other equipment. we are not liahl; tbr any loss or damage arising out
ol or relating to any unauthorized or improper access to, or use ofyour System or data. Your System may bc connected to the
intemct. You understand that we do not oper[te or control th(r internet, and that viruses, wt rms, trojan horses, and other malicious
or undesiral)le data, code, soliware, or users nray attempt to access or damage your da1a, devices, compulers, and networks. We are
not liable li)r such activities. we do not guarantcc thet the Systcm or servicc witl meet your requiremcnts, that the service rvill be
uninterruptcd or error-fiee, or that encryption algorithms, assnciatcd keys, and other security measures wilt be secure or effective.
You must notify us immediately ifyou upgrade your operating system or make any changes to your llle mapping, or your systcm
or devices arc unable to aocess the inlernet or nctwork servicc.
22. Third Party Indemrilication; Subrogaaion, You must immediately delend and indcmnify us against all claims br()ught
hy othcrs, including personal injury, tort, negligcncc, properry damagc, or deith. This provision appiies tciall claims regardless ot'
cause, including oul'or the System's perfblmance or failure to perform; defects in products, design, installatioD, activation, or
service; neSliSencei tott: warranty; contribution; indemnilicarion; or strict prcducts liabiliry. So iar as permille; by your liabitity orplope.ly iDsurance policy, you release us liom all claims. rvhcther the claims are madc by or through you, inclu4ing your insuranceqompany orolher parties, and must del'end and indemnily us liom all claimi. You must notify youi insurance comiany ofthese
23. Timeto Bringsuit; venu€i Coverning l,aw. Any lawsuitorother legal proceecling arising oLrt of or relating to this
Agreement, whether based upon contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, must be brought no laler tharione year atler the claimarises.'l his Agreement is made and entered into in Riverside County, Calilornia. Anylegal procceding arising out ofor relating tothis Agreement must be Erought in Riverside county. califomia law applies to this Agreiment regardiess oi tiroice-of-law rules.
21.' Entire Agreement. 'l his Agreement is the linal expression of and sets fodh the entire agreement between the pa ies. Noother agreements, representations, or warranties, express or implied, oral or written, have heen ma'dc by any party to the other \\'ithrespcct to tlris Agreement- All prior and contemporaneous conversations, negotiations, an<l warranties arc not relied upon and arervaived. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior oral or written agrlments or understandings hetween the parties. 'l'his isan integrated agreement. This Agreement cannot be changcd orally, and alfchanges must be in writir;g signed by authorized
reprcsenlativcs of both parties. lithere is any conllict betwecn thii Agreement and your purchasc orlJr oi orher-documentdelivcred to us, this AS.eement govcrns whelher (he purchase order or document is <lelivered helbre or alter this Agreement islirlly signcd.
25. Enforceability; Waiver. II'any part ol'this Agreement isvoid, the remaining portk)ns ol'the Agreement remain
enlbrceable. No waiver ofa breach ol any term or condition of this Agreemcnt is a rva'iver ol.any succeed"ing breach.
26' Interpretation; Construction. 'l-he captions are tor convenience ofrelerence only and have no tbrce in the interpretationor construction ofthis Agreement. 'l'he neutcr includcs (he masculine or feminine gender, and the singular.inclutles the pluial
wherever the context requires. Each term ol this Agreement is a condition to be lirlly perlbrmed. The-rule ofconstruction thatamhiguitics arc rcsolvcd against the draiiing party does not apply in interpreting this Agreenrent.
2.1: Authorized Signatories; Duplicatc Thc individuals exccuting this Agreemenr arc authorized signatorics and have (5ellll power to entcr into this Agrcement, and make thc represcnlations and rvarranties set lo(h herc. Deliveiy ol'the executedAgreement by I'acsimile or other electronic means is as binding as delivery ofan originally-exccutcd Agreement. This Agreemcnt
and oll docllments arising out ol'or relating to this Agrcement may be store<I or reproduced by elcctronii or mechanical means. Anelect()nic version ol'this Agreement is legally equivalent to the original for all puiposes, incLding litigation.
28. Stale Licerses.-Alarm Company Opcrators are licensed and regulated by the Bureau ofsecurity and Investigative
Servioes, Department ofConsumer Afl'airs, Sacramcnto, Calitbmia 95814. Contractors ar€ required by law to be licensed andregulated hy thc Contractors' state t,icense Roard which hasjurisdiction to investigatc complaints ag;inst contractors ifacomplaint regarding a patent act or omission is liled within tbur ycars ofthe date oi'the allegcd viola-tion. A complaint regarding alatcnt act or offission pertaining to structural defects must be filed within ten years olthc d;c ol the alleged violation. anyquestions conceming a contractor may he lclcrred to thc [tegistlar. Contractors' State Liccnsc Board. 1,,d. Box 26000.Socrxmenl(,. Cali,irrnia q58f 6.
Monitoring and Services Agreement - ptease read allpaBes!
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ACO 99 pAcrFrc AIARM SERVICE CtO lCZS l Ct6 606732
(951) 845-1666 . Fax: (951) 759-1230 www.pacificalarm.com
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Attachment To; I Commercial Purchase and Services Agreement
_ Commercial System and Services Agreement
_ ResidentialSale And Services Agreement
_ Monitoring Services Agreement
suBscRrEER/CUSTOMER Menifee City Hall
Schedule of Equipment and Services: ATTACHMENT. The following list of equipment and schedule of
work is included as part of the base agreement # 7847 6s1sd 02-15-2017 attached. AII terms
and conditions of the base agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect.
Schedule Subsariber Owned Fire Alarm System with Central Station Monitoring
lncludes UL certificate. Service and maintenance provided as needed by Paciric Alarm Service (billed in addition and
Central Station Monitoring of subscriber-owned fire alarm system.
lnspection and testing of system per NFPA72 guidelines.
Subscriber may terminate agreement with 30 day written notice with no penalty.