2017/02/15 Pacific Alarm Service, Inc. Monitoring and Services Agreement (5)ACO 99 PACIFIC ALARM SERVICE 521 Wellwood Avenue Beaumont, California 92223 Voice: (951) 845-1666 . Fax: (951) 769-1230 www.pacif iCalar[r.com c10 / c28 / c16 506732 MONITORING AND SERVICES AGREEMENT Check allthat aoply: E] RESIDENTIAL B COMMERCIAT E HARD WIRE E wIREtEss E CELIUI.AR E RADIo tr INTERACTIVE sERVIcEs E INTRUSION MONITORING E HOID UP OR DURESS E VIDEO MONITORING E] WATER DETECTION E FIRE MoNIToRING E] FIRE TESTING AND INSPECTIoN E WATER FtoW VATVE SUPERVISIoN E Ut FIRE RUNNER CONTRACT# 7292 'I his Mruitoring and Serviccs Ag reemcnt is cntered into oD February 15 and between City of Menifee- Engineering/Building_ Dept (')ou." '1our"), and I'acific AIarnr Scrvice, a Calilornia corporation ("we," "us." '\rut.") l. 'l'erm. lhc original tcrn'r ol'this Agreonrcnt is onc yeor. und thc Agrecnlcnt autonratically rercws lor succcssivc onr-)cur Pcriods unlcss aithcr parly notifies the other in $riting of its in1cnl (o tcrminate no lcss tlran 60 days belorc the cxpirati()n ol'thc original or rcncwal pcriod. 2. MonitorirgServiccs;Communicator;Programming;vcl.irication. 2.1 Monitorilg, You chose the monitot ing scrvice. an,J aglcc ihut thc servicc mcets your needs. Adrlitional, diffcrent, or higher levels of protection and service were discussed with you and are available from us at an additional cost. 'l he signuls or imagcs. iIany. Iiom thc sccurity systam or thc signals l'rom thc firc systcm at the Prcmises ("Systenr") arc monitorcd at our monitoring ccntcr or an indcpcndent monitoring center ("Monibring Ccntcr") that we select. ll'thc System is rcnroved Ibr any rqason, wc arc not obligatcd to rcstore the Premiscs to its original condition or to redccorate the Premises. Ufon conncction or activation ol your sccurity alarnr system, we will thoroughly instruct you in tlrc proper use ofthe System. 2.2. Communicator. Wcwill install, cause to be insl.allcd. or program. whcther in person or remolely. a comnrunicator at your Prqmiscs to transmit Systcm signals or images, ifany. from your System to our Monitoring Centcr. All long-rangc radios, transccivers, and cellular or other communicators, and our yard signs and window stickcrs remain our propcrty at all times and mal bc rcmorcd by us. Whcn this Agreement expircs or is tcrminatcd. 1ou rrill imrncdiately allo$ us to rcmove or deactivatc. \tlrctlrcr rcnrotcly or o(hcrwisc. thc communicator. Until the communicator is deprogrammed, you are responsible for monitorir|g fecs. 2.3 Programi Visual, We may program thc Systenr rcmotcly. and you will allorv us access to do so. ll'your larv- cnl'orccmcnt or llrc dcpartmcnt requircs or later requires visual or othcr verilication procedures ofan emergcncy belbrc responding to a Systcm signal, you nrust conrply with the requirement and subscribc lbr that servioe ifprovidcd by us. Wc may chalgc an additiolral l'ec for that ssrvice. E l, you are using a traditional phone line or an internet-based transmission to our Monitoring center, you thoroughly discussed with us the availability of cellular or radio back-up transmission of alarm signals from the System to the Monitoring center, and that these servi€es are available at an additional cost. You do not want ba(k-up transmission of alarm signals and understand that, if your transmission service is interrupted or disconnected, no signal will be sent to the Monitoring Center, and emertency personnel will not be called, Your lnitials Services aod Paytrlent. 3.1 Services, We rvill provide the lollorving services and you will pa1 us as Ibllows I Monthly Monitorint of system as Part of servi.e E Monthly Monitoring of subscriber owned alarm system .2o 17 ,by J. Fire Monitoring Services: E Fire Monthly Basic Monitoring Services: E Fire Monitoring with UL Runner Servicesi E tire Monitoring with Ul- Certificate annuaumo: E Additional Fire Alarm Panelat Same Premises: lntrusion Monitoring Services: I Monthly Monitoring Services - Basic E Monthly Monitoring Services - with open/closing with supervision and notification by Monitoring Centen E Monthly Monitoring selvices - with open/closings E-mailed weekly to You: (E-mailAddress: s ss_ s 59.50 s s ) YOUR INFORMATION I Cell Phone E mail trun 05prrone:951- 6'12,G1 71 YOU / Contact Person Billing Address; premises Address: 29714 Haun Rd Menilee. CA 92586 Monitoring and Services Agreement - Please read all page5l cL 021L4 Your lnitials Page 1 of 6 transmissions You must pay all monthiy servicc charges connccting your premises kr our Monitoring center. Radio or cellular [11T:1tJ:[l["::l'ject to environmcntal conditions, inclurlin"g power faitures and etectricat iorms, th;. are torrly 8'3 lnterne' Tmt|smission' Using DSt,, BPl,, voice ovcr lnternea protocol (.,volp,,), or other internet-based scrvicemay interfcre with the signals sent by the system to the lllonitoring -€ntcr, signal transmission using t[ese seryices can besporadic. These services will not work without electrical pow"., "nit ^ny interfere with your ability to call 9l I or inaerferewith the tclephone line-seizure feature ofthe System. To make sure ttrat ttre syslem is operaaional and propertytransmitting signals, you mu,st immeditlefi' tesi your Systcm after instattation of any of these services, cellutar or ra(lioback-up is highly recommended if internet services are used. 9 Fllse Alarms' lfyoucarseancxccssivenunrberoflitlscalarmsthroughc0relessness,ormaliciousor.accirlental uscol.the syslcnr, or ifyou in any manne'misuse or ahu"e tlrc Sysrcr",1"r,,. ",rr.lr", ii, ".,or".;rt tr"n"t ,.,i"nntro"i. a6", giuing yuutcn-duys written notice, wc may at our option. in addition io alt ,,iher: l.gal-rcm",ties, (erminate this Agreement. you are solely ::-..T::lllt lbr all lolse alurm lines, penallies, or ltes. inclrrrltrrg chargei'li.,m r private guar.d service, il irny, whcther asscsscdagatnst you or us. 10. SeNice or Repair Services.l0.l (trll. (rll us irl thc nutnh(raho\ct,, requ(sl sc!.\ icc ()r rcnirir.10'11 service and Repair. lf we providei the sysi"m "s ;;rt of our service and the system does not operateproperly' we will upon your reQuest, mat<e alt repairs inJ repri&]arts wittrout cost to you white this Agreement rs rneffect' our service and reoair innrucres aI parts and r"0"l. r"i""p"i. ""cessilated by ordinary wear and tear,exctudins equipment not installeJ bt r!];[;;;;;;;1;;iUl"r"""", hard drives, srorase media, accesscontrol ca'ds, or other disposable items. service ana ,"p"li'0o". not "orer any maifrnctio-n or L#-age causeo uyaccident, misuse, acts of God. birds, rodenrs, or otrei anim'ais, o'r-inatrrrrtion or programming by anyone other than us.You must pav for excluded work or iier. "t ouitt'L, "riiuniiJtJ. io, prrt" "nd tabor, a one-hour minimum fee, andother service call lees Payment must ue maae upon co-mftli]in-ot tn" *o4 . lf anyone other than an authorizedi"-I:;fl,'i.T::[:Jlli#:]l[ [J;Ti:"iii"ii:;:]i:,:ii,^,li;:;,:,.,1:l;lllll;,;;,;;,;ilf,;i,";'1,"1i.i" ,n,. l0'2 ltepair; Ilours' Scrvice or repair is providcr.l ona rime-,nd-rnaterills basisatourthen current ratcs li)r purts and l.bor,a one-hotlr minimunr l'ce' and other service ""rr i""s. s"^ i""'i. ,rr,Jil p"rtr.r.a^^ .oon as reasonirbly p.ssible. Servicc .r rcp.ir.is proviJcd MondLrl rhr,,ugfi I-ri.lur. cxctuding hrll;,;r. i;.,,,;;',;;'h,lur., ur t,r,0 .,.,n. ,t rough 5:00 n.nr. n rcsp(nrliihlu ir(lulrnrusl hc irt lhc l,t.rnlis(\ irl lhc timc ol lhcjerrice eatt.'t,nr.rgcn.y,,.r"ia"'ir rralfrf,lc aL cllolher timcs irl nllr thcn cltrrcnlprenrium labor rate and sen.ice call fees. payment musl f"ir".i" ,,pr, "rrpletion of the work.10.3 Rcpair or Rcplrcei Remote Access. Wc may. i, ,,u, .,,,i" Jir""r"ti"n. eilher rencir or rrplac(, tht *rrt. JnJ tnx)sub\tiltrle nc\! rrr rccondilioned materirls of equrr qtraii;;il;;;;;";rrrcnrenr. I.rhe repair co:,rs cxcr:r.d rhc rcf r.ucnrcnr Iearures s rlrc c\isring ctluipmenr. ir "';"r"ur".;i i. i"ir;:;;,";*;;,;,rJ ,ra1. have a higheror rowcr seling priccrhan rhcoriginrl equipment y.tt have wemay prograrn, altcr, or rcpxir.1hc 'sys;c;r ;eon,tcly, and yourvill allorv us aciess ro .o s..l0'{ lJLsyslem service Hours; Runner servi(e. i,t. *1o",, r"r, i"" ,,r rcpair isproritred srvcn.r:rysl rrccr. Jr,s rJulspcr 1'clr. Runncr scn icc is pr.olidcd rr ithin the requirc.l ,.erp,,n.l ,inr. i" inr.rrigu* or rcpair the Sl srcm ar our lhen currcnttcgulur.r pretttiunt ralcs as lhe casc may be. Sen i.'e perlbmrcd v.rj,,f ii -rgn rri.lay. cxclurJing holidcys- hcrwecn the hr)lrrs ol8:(t0 a.m. lhrough 51)0 n.nl. is chrr!(d.u, "r,- ,t * "ui.",ri,l"g,,l,,. .,i."'i,. p".,, ,nJ lrhor. a one-hrrur rninimunr li.c. irnd \cr\ icc'all lics l'ntcrgcrrclserriccisavrtiiahlect,rr "irr., ii,l'ii',,, ,n", .,,r."i,, n*n,,.rm rchor rurc and serrieccc1 rccs.l0'5 l'iahilily' wc urt n.l responsihle li rr losr r,, J;,;,g.' t;i, ii.:;.:s) srcnl is ,ndcr ...nair or. is a rr air ing rrarrr. n n) rcp.ir.scrvic(. rcnlrccrn(nl. or irtlditirrn ol.etluipment hy us ahcr tlrc:ini,i,,f i"_,rif,r.ABr.emcni._in p.ni.rtu. i;".ogrrpt., , ,. Iu. on,l2:. rrhi,,h Iirnir.rr. li..'ilirr n or rimgrumming ol'lhc s)slcm is g,rrcrncrj hj this *,,,,,I[..ur, "1li::l;:'-:t:*" tvsrems' II'Ne rake o\ ",. u, pn,' i.l" '"'r, i.ilr,, rhe sysrem. \\ e cre nor riuhrlirr c,rmprrnenr,, rrr I l. l,imitarion of l,iabititv. l l l No cu..rantee' we and our dir isions or affiliales trc not insurers o[your rear or personar properry or (r{tn, orlhe Pcrsonal s{fety ofnnvone on }our-Premises. rrri.,tg"o",nuut'i. nninn rnsurance policy or a substilu(e for en insurflrcep.licy' You nru$t obtain all proD;rty, life, health, disabi;ity, ".lr"."lr"rr'i","r"[ption insurance. The payments required arclilfit.}..l|;lill,tfi;,*i""::t"":""1 or service, ard nor uu tr," 'ni,," nrvour rerr or personar prote.,y or dnta, or rhe;,";;;;,;i,;ii;;;';i;::::lil;ilfiliil.::,X:,Til:.11"-;'il11:::,::lJ,I,,,"?ji",,*1f,,*l**:::ll*,i,i. that lhe slstem or serr ice is desiened to rletect or avert. rt'i.',rir."",i"ri "r,r errremery difficurr ro derermine in rdvance(a) the value ofyour real or persinal property or data, or th; fi"p".,y "r"rr,.^ repl on rhe premises, that may be rost,stoler, or damaged if the system or serri"" d;", n;i ;;;t" ,i"rlrfri,lf ,* ,csponse time of rhe Moniloring (.cnter,emergency D(rsonncl, or puard service. ifanyi (c) whai portion,ifany. ofa loss, (lam{ge, perso.,al injury. or rlearh rouklbe l,roximatcly causcrl hyour failure_to p"#.,i "".r-"'""ji.:" ".njl'J,rl *r,,*encc; or(d) whethera canrern or acccsscontrol.syslent rroukl delec-t or prevenl unauthorized irlarusinn, o." n"ti"ili"a.r r.r Anount oI t.iability, lfrr :i:::y:t::._;;;.i*#i#it#ffi.,T;F#f.11,:T,|:?.T;J::,T:,fJ:::f"Hlxli;liTffilli,x1l:ilJ,;H"ll:"scrvlce in any manner' breach o[ warrantyt torl' or our acaive or pnssir e negligence, then our liabirily is limile(l to { rnmequar ro rhe rorar {nnuar monirorinq feer or rr," ii,n" orrri"'ir"ra"ii'r. il.so-0. '"hil;;; ;;;;:'rt* IT;, , r,enarry.This is your onry remetry regardresiofthe regar theory us",ii"ir,i ii"'nn*r,oring center or us liabre.I l'J More Protection' You may obtai, " higrr." riritoiin, "il'iriiii,y uy prying an addirionar charge. rfyou erect thisoltion, a rider will be flttached to this Agreemcntir"r,""if,"'i""r*, ""r,iitions, and amount ofthe limitea- liauitity anrl the11,,,,,".11lll ll"... avr n if a ri(tcr is Drovi(te(t to you. we arG not )r,rrr irsrrrcr.rltrerruDtton. susl)cnsion. or Cancellalion ofServicc. Warra,u,tlilhlelirr.rnldclayinnrrrnitrrringorscr!iccol.tltc origin. wc arc nor rc(rrireJ r,) p.", i.t. mnniiorrng .,; ;i;:; ;il*'i,i';,^i'i..i,,," ,n, ,,,.,,,"r. "auses erisr. 1 scir;qq5 ...suspcnJc'jI:'rlhcscrcsons'ruurn'\rcrnlinuc;nc)"r,i".,rr"i"rrrr',,1tn,,n*r"",n"nr. lr-rhcMonit,,ring(.enlcr.r).1r.I)remiscs or cquiprDCnr urc Jc\rr"vp'['1 rire or orhlr ccr.rs;,,;i;;.';;';,; t;;t;"rlix[] damagc,r rhal ir i\ im'rrcricar r. ci)nrinucscrvicc' or il lhc Monit.ring center.r rve are unable t. rentrcr s",rli"". tiii, ,ng.""."nt wiI be suspended without noticc. Monitoring and Seryices Agreement _ please,ead all pagesl cL 02/t4 sN Your initials Page 4 of 5 Svsacm or scrvice may r|ot be corllpromiscd or bylasscdi $ill detect or preverrt all burglaries. hold-upi, Dersonalcnlergtrcics! fires. smoke or lrater damagc! or othcrwise; or that it will in all cascs provirle lhc trro(cc(ion for which il was ills(nllc(l or itr(cndcd. \1'e or our agents or emplo]ces nlade no reDresentations or wart.attticst erDress or i plicdr as to an]maltcr lvhrlso€!er, incl|tding without linlitation, the conditioD of thc equipDrcnt, its lnerchalltability. its fit;ess for any lrarticular purposc, or noninfringenlcllt or title, You ditl not rcly on any rcpreseltatiol| or warranty, express or inrplied.Any itlforlllatioll lrrovided or promise does not crca(e an erpress warrantyt and will bc consideretl erpressions of personal {rlrillion olly. lfwe werc to have any liability greater (hall that agreed to by you in Paragralhs I t, 16, antl 22 ofthis Agrtclrcnt, we could not and would not provide the Syslem or services, alld we could not providc the System or serviccs atlhc r{tes contnincd herc. Thc w^rrerty provided in this Agrccment gives you spccific legal rights, a d you ntay have other rights that v{ry from sttrtc-to-state. We are not liable for slccial, conseque tial, or inci.lcnt{l damages. Some states do not flllow thc exclusiotl or thc limitation ofconsequ€ntial or incid€trtal damages, so the rlrov€ lirnitations or exclusions may not apply to yor. 6. Rcsponse to Signals. 6.1 lntrusion Signals. ll'rlereccivcan intrusion signal. rrc uill. Nithout \tarrunt). nrake rcasonablc cfli)rts to reach \ou or solllconc dl thc Prcnrises \Yho is on youl Call l,ist (scc l'aragraph l.l) and can verili whcthcl 0n alarnr is l-alse. ll-\vc are unable l() rcilch )ou or sonleonc at thc Premises, a sccoDd call attcmpt \!ill bc made to thc next pcrson on your Call l-ist. tjnless dirccted othcr\\ isc in \\riting br' 1ou. if \e are unahle to rcach thc lirst t\\o pc()plc on )'our Cull List or il'uc in ()ur solc discretion qucstion a rcsp(,nsc \\'c havc leceilcd. uc rvill. trithoul. \ldrrantJ,. notil) cntcrgcncy perconnel. 6.2 lloklup or Panic. ll-uc rcccivc a hold up. durcss. or panic signal. rve *ill. rlithoul uarrant). call enrcrBcnc) Pcrsonncl. and il rcquestcd in \\riting by you, notily you or your dcsignated rcprcsen(ative shown on )'our Call LisL.6.3 Video or lmages' Ifrve receivc vidco ot inragcs. il availa6lc. lio,n your Slstem. and wc rcasonably bclieve that thc imiutcs (i) /ro, indicatc an cnrerBcncy condil.ion, wc will. without warranty. nrakc rcasonahle clli)r(s to call )ou or someonc at thc l'rcnliscs who is on your Call List and can vcrily whcthcl an alarn is lalse. ll'wc arc unablc to rcaoh you or somconc at thc l'rcnriscs. a scctrnd call attcmpt will bc made to thc ncxt pcrson on your Call t,isl. but wc will rlr,rr nol.ily emcrgency pcrsonnel. Il' \rc_rcusonubly bclicvc that thc irnages do indicatc un crrclgcncy condition. we will. witlrout warran!.y. call enicrgency pcrsonnel. and il'rcqucstcd in uriting b1- you. call you or the dcsignatcd pcrson on )our Crll List.6.4 Mcdical Emcrgency Signals. Il \tc rccci\e a nredioal cmcrgency signal. wc \vill, without warranly, make reasonablc cllirds to rcach you t)r sontcone at thc l)rcnrises rvho is on your Call t,ist and can vcrity \rhcthcr dn cnrcrgcncy exists. Il'$c arc unablc to rcaoh you tlr someone at thc l'rcmiscs. a second oall attempt rvill be madc to thc ncrt pcrson on your Call List. Unlcss dircctcd olhcr\visc ilr rlriting b; you. if rvc arc unublc k) rcach ) iju or thc Dc\t person on your Call l,ist. \\e lvill. \\.ithout warranh. notili'cnrcr8cnc) pcrsonncl. Two-way voice commuricalion is not provided and, ifyorl pllsh the medical buttor or your alarm kcypad, you will need a aelephone ao aalk with someonc, Ihealarm sirclt uill not sound rvhcn the rncdical button is activatcd. 6.5 I'ire Signals; Carbon Nlonoride Siglals. ll'wc reccivc a firc alamr signal liont cdnnercidl ptcmises. rve u,ill, $ithou( wal.Iant). llotily cmcrgency pcrsonncl anrl notily ) ou or your dcsignatcd represcl]tativc by calling thc specificd tclcphonc numhcr(s) on your Call List. -l rouble or supcrvisory signals liom your lire Systcm are sent to y()ur designatcd r.cpresentative in thc rcach you or sonreonc at Lhe Prcmiscs lvho is on your Call List and can verily whethcr an alarm is lhtsc. ll'rvc are unablc to rcach you or thc ncxt pcrson on your Call List, rvc will. without rarranty, nolily cnrergency pcrsonncl.6.6 liorced Enlry. You understand that emergency personnel may forcilrly cnter tlle l,remises when they are toltl that we received a lire, medical emergency, or csrlron monoxide signal from your Premises. You consent to this, you undcrstand tha( danlagc to your property nlay occur and that )ou arc rcsponsiblc Ibr all cos(s rclrtcd to that damagc.6.1 Water Detection. If\re receivc a lvater dotcction signal. lve \\'ill. Nithout warr.rnt). nlakc rcasonablc cllbrts to call \ ou or somconc at tltc Prcmises rvho is on your ( ull l,ist and can verily rvhethcr a condition cxists. ll rrc are unablc to rcach )ou()l sonlconc at thc l)lenliscs. a sccond call attcDpt rvill bc madc [o the ne\t person on 1'our Call l,ist but rre rdill not notify cmcrgency personncl. l hc alarm sircn \\ill not sou[d rrhcn a \\atcr dctcction signal is activatcd.6.8 lnteractive Services; Two-Way Voice. ll'you sclected intcractitc scrvices. ),ou nlay rccci\c custonrized cnail antl(c\t nlcssagc alc s about Slstcm siSnals on )our conlputcr. tablet, smart phonc. or otlrer []obilc dcvicc as wcll. Certain $irelcss or intcractivc scr!iccs lcquirc a compatible conrputcr. tablct. cell phone. ol other devicc \\'ith intcrnct and cmail access. Not all dcviccs rvill work \tith thesc services and you nrust prolidc )()ur oNn devices at Iour sole c\pcnsc. You und-erstand that we havc no contl.()l ovcr [hcsc dcv iccs. or your internet or cnrail access. Ccllular data pmr iders nray chargc additional lees lbr accessirrg thc S) stctr on \!irelcss dcviocs. 'l'hese charges are your solc rcsponsibility. If you sclcctcd en]cr!.cnoy t\!o-way voice servicc. thet c is a risk that thc c(,nncction may bc inlcrruptcd or unublc to conncct. that thc call nray bc droppcd. and that the sound quality coming through thc Systcrlr nlay bc distortcd or intpossiblc to undcrstand or hear. 6.9 I'ermits; Consent. Cc ain larv-cnlirrccmcnt or emclgency agcncies rvill not rcspond kl an alarm signat unless yqu Itavc a valid alatnt Lrscr pcrrrit. rvhich you nrust krcp clrl.rcnt and rene\,\,cd as requircd. Sec Parugtaphs l].7 and 13.8 lor morc any pa(icular lbrnr ol'rcsponse. You conscnt to the rccording ol all telephone calls with thc Monitoring Centor.7. l'amilisrization Period. E,xcept wherc required by law, unless you reject the familiarization period by initialilg lhe checkbox sbove your siSnature, during a sevcn-day period (or aily period required by law) following completion of iDstf,llation rnd connection to the Monitori[g Center (snd during any applicable ertensio]ls), we have no obligatio[ to, and will [ot, respond to arly sccurity alarm signal from your Premises that is received by our luooitoring Center. Evet| if ar| aclual cntergcncy occurs during this pcriod, rve havc no obligation to, and will noa, notify cnlergcncy personncl, you, or your dcsigna(cd representative, or take any otlrcr action with rcga.d to a signal we reccivc.8. Alarm Signal Transmission Methods. 8.1 ]'elephone Lines. You nrust puy all chargcs nrade by tlre telephonc company ()r othcl utilities li)r installation or tctiv.ttion ol sor!ice conncctions. tclephone iacks. lcasing, and'scrvicc charges oftclcphonc lines connccting your l)rcmiscs to our lvlotlitu in8 ('cnlcr. All chargcs lbr thc installation and contiruity oltelephone service conncctions lor the Systcm are your solc rcsponsibility. Activation of the System will intcrrupt and disconnect ary telephone call ir progress. You will be unable to use th{( linc for 9l I or arty othcr emcrge cy selvice. For these rea-sons, we recommcnd a dcdicaled telephone li e for your Systcrn' tfyour tclephone service is out ofordcr. discollllected, ptalcd oo vflcation, or otherwisc interrupted, signals from your System rvill not be received by our Monitoring Center duritlg any interruption in telephonc service. lnterruptions will ot be knorryn to our llloniaoring Center or us, afld cmergency personn€l will not be callcd. You m st pay us lbr any costs incurrcd kr rcprrgratn the digital conrmuricator k) conlbnn to tclcphone company-initiated changcs in dialing procedures or arca codcs. (i)sts arc bascd on our then curren( standard service call chargc. We recommend lwo dedicaacd teleiihone Iilcs for your firc System. 8.2 Cellular or Radio Transmission. Il ccllular or radio scrvice is used as your prinrarv or sccorrdary transmission ntcthod. thc S)'stenr's conrmunicator is conncctcd to a ccllular ot radio nehlork. I hc usc ol mdio licr;ucncies is controlled bl thc l'cdcrnl ('(rnmunications Conrnrission ("F ( f "). 0nd changcs in lrCC rules. regulations. aDd policies trray nccessitatc discontinuing Monitoring and Services Agreement - Please read all pagesl cL02/14 Your lnitials Page 3 of 6 lrilnsmissiorls. Yotl nrust pa)' all monthl) scr!icc chorges connecting )'our Pr(]mises to our ]Vlonitoring ('cnter. Radio or cellular trtnsmissions {re suhject to environment:rl condilions, including power failurcs and clectricat slorms, ihaa arc aotally beyond our control. 8.J lnterlet'l'ransmission. tlsing DSl,, llPL, Voice over Internet Protocol ("VolP"), or other internet-based service [lay interfere with the signals sent by the System to the l\Ionitoring Center. Signtl transmission using ahese services can be spor:ldic. 'Ihese services will not work withoul elcctri(al power, ,tnd may interfere with your ability to call 9l I or interfere with thc telephon€ line-seizure feature of the System. To make sure that the System is operation{l and properly tr:rrsmitting signrls, yolu mllst innrclilrely test your System trfter installation of any of these scrviccs. Cellrlar or radio b:rck-up is highly recommended if internet s€rvices tre used. 9. False Alarms. Il you causc art exccssivc nunrbcr of f'alsc alarms through curclcssncss. ol ntalicious or accidental use ol the S) stcm. or il you in any manner misuse or abusc thc Syslcrn, your conduct is a tnateriol brcach ol coDtract. A lier gi\ ing ) (,u responsible lirl all lirlsc rlarm lincs. pcnallius. or lccs. incluclingchargcs lionr a prirate gulrd scn,icc, il any. \vhcther asscssed a8rinst \ou or us. 10. Scrvice or Rep&ir Serviccs. l0.l (.all. Call us at the nunlber abo\e t() re(lucsl scr.vice or rcpair. 10.11 Service and Repair. lf we provided the System as part of our service and the System does not operate properly, we will, upon your request, make all repairs and replace parts without cost to you while this Agreement is in effect, Our service and repair includes all parts and labor for repairs necessitated by ordinary wear andlear, excluding equipment not installed by us, batteries, security screens, hard drives, storage media, access control cards, or other disposable items. Service and repair does not cover any malfunction or damage caused by accident, misuse, acts of God, birds, rodents, or other animals, or installation or programming by anyonJother than us. You must pay for excluded work or items at our then current rates for parts and laboi, a one-hour minimum fee, and other service call fees. Payment must be mado upon completion of the work. lf anyone other than an authorized company representative attenlpls thc repair. servicc. p(rglunrming. or moditicati(]n ol tn) Dorlion ol'(hc S),stem. this Agrecnlcnt is tcrnrinatcd immediatel) lrd we nrry intntediutcly ren1ovc thc Syslcn]. 10.2 lle0air; llours. Service o[ rcpail is providecl on ir linre-and-materials hasis ilt our thcn curfent rates fi]r parts and labor. a onc_hour nlininrunl lee- and othel servicc c{ll lacs. Serlice is usuall)' fcrtbrmcd as soon as rcasonably possible. Scrr icc or rcpuir. is providcd Monday through Friday, cxcluding holidrys, bct\veen thc horrs ol 8:00 a.nr. rhrough 51)0 i.nr. A responsible udulr nlust hc at thc ['rcnises at the time ofthe scrvicc call. [inrcrgcncy sen ice is available at all otlrcr timcs at our then culrentpremiunr labor rotc and servicc call l'ees. payment must Dc maie upon compleaion of lhe work. . 10.3 Repair or Replace; Remote Access, u/c may, in our sole discretion, either rcplir or rrplirce the part, and may substitutc ncw or rccondilioncd nraterials ol equal (lullity nt the timc ofreplaccment. ll the rep ir costs cxce.:cl the replaccment cosl. we lnay leplace thc del'ective equipnlent with new or rcconditioned ecluipment suhstantially c(luivalent to or with comparable Icaturcs as tllc e\isting eqLliprncnt, ifavailable. lhe rcpltccnlcnt equipmcnl ntay havc a higher or. kirvcr sclling pricethan the original cquipnlcnt )ou have. we tnity progran). llltcr. or rcpail the Sjstem remotely, anrl y:ou $illallorv us cicss to clo so.10.4 tJl,System Service llours; RunnerService. Ul, Slstern scrvice or repair is providccl scvcn rlays a weck,3(r5 dlys per ycor. [iunner service is provided within thc rcquircd rcsponsc time to investigate or repoir thc S),slcnr al our then currcnt rcgulnr or prcmium rates as the case nlay he. SoF,,icc perlbrnred Monday through Friiiay, cxclurJing holidays, bctween the hours ol' l'l:(I) ll nl throtrgh5:00P.nr.ischargedatourthcncurrcntrcgularrateslbrpartsandlabor,aone-hirurnrinimuml-ee,andscrvicc c!ll lccs, lrllergenc)' scrvice is aYailablc at all othcr tinrcs al orlr lhen currcnt prctniunt lab(n.rnte and scrvicc call l'ees. .10'5 l-i{bility. we arc not responsiblc ii)r loss or diuogc rvh ile the Sl stcm is under rcpair or is a\r'oiling pans. A n} repir ir. seN'icq. rcplacenrcDt, or addition ol'cquipmcnt by us illicr lhe initial installatir)n or nrrgramnring rrl thc Slstern-is goYcrnetl h1 this Agrecnrcnt, in p dicular Paragraphs I l. 16. and 22. uhich lirrrit our liabilitt. 10.6 'l'akeover of Othe; Systems. ll-\ve takc olcr or flror iclc service to thc Slstcm, \vc arc not li hlc lbr comflonents (n. equipmcnt not installcd by us. I l. l,imitation of Liability. I l. I No Cuarantee. We ,nd our divisions or affiliates are not insnrers of your real or pcrsonal property or data, or tlte perconal safety ofanyone on your Premises. This Agreement is not an insurancc p(llicy oi a substiiute for arr insurance policy. Yotl must obtnin all property, life, health, disability, or business interruption insurancc. 'l'he payments requiretl are based solcly ulloll the value ofth€ System or scrvice, and not on the value ofyorrr rcal or personnl lroperty or data, or the Propcrty of otherc located itl or on your Premiscs. Wc make no guarantee or warranty. inclutling nrr implierl warranty ofnterchant{hility or fitness, that the Systcm rrr service will preverrt or avoirl occurrences or thc c.irrseqrr"nces of occu..enceslhat lhc System or sel'vitc is designed to dete{:t or averl. lt is impractical and ertremely diflirult to dctermine in advlnce(a) the value of your real or personal property or data, or the property of others kept on the I'remises, that may lre lost,stolen, or damaged if thf System or service does not opcrate prolerly; (b) thc responsc tinre of the Monitoring Ceoter, emergency personnel' or guard service, if any; (c) whtt portion, if any, of a loss, dnmage, personal injury, or death woukl lre prorim{lcly caused b} our failure to pcrform or our artive or passive negligence; or 1ri; whcthe" n "o-""" n. o"""..control syslem wollld detect or prevent uttaulhorized intrusions or activities.ll.2 Amount of l-irbility. I f we or our :rgents or employees are found liable for loss, danurge, or injury ofany kinlwhatsoever from ollr failure to perform any ofour obligations under this Agrccment, failure ofthe Syste-m, equipment, or service in any manner, brerth ofwrrrrntyt torar or our rctive or passive negligence, then ollr liability is limited to s sumequll to the total annual monitoring fees rt the time of the incident or g 1,500, whichevcr is grcnter. This is not a penrlty.'l his is your only remedy rcgardlcss of the legnl theory used to find the Monitoring cenrer or us liable.I1.3 More Protection. You may obtain a higher limitation of liability by pnying an ldditional charge. Ifyou elect thisoption, I rklcr rvill be attached to this Agreement stating the terms, conditions, t[d !rmouna of the Iimited liability at|d thcadditiontl charge. Even if a ridcr is pl.ovide(l to you, rye are not your insurer.12' lnterruption, Susllension, orCancellation ofservice. WeurcDot liablc lirr any dclLry in ntonit{n.ingorscr,"iccol lhe cxhlc. radio. Inlernet. or olhcr transnrission serviccsl acts ol Cod: or lbr an), other causc bc),onrl our contnrl- regardless ol.ci1usc ororiSin. Wc xrc not required to prt)vidc m,,Ditirring or olhcr :,cr\ icr-s k, \rlu irhile any ol thcic cluscs c\ist. lfscivices ar.e suspc'ndcd l-()r thesc rcasonS, yotl must colrtintrc lo pit) undcr thc tcrms o f this Agrecmcnt. I l'lhc l\'l(n] it)ring ( cnler o|. )1)urP'ctniscs or cqtlipnrcnl are destrolcd by lire or other catastrophc. are s subsrantially damaged that it is imiractical to continucscrvice. or il'lhc Monitoring Centcr or \\'e are unahlc t{) rendcr serrice- this n grecment \rill hc susncnded rii(hout notice. Monitoring and Services Agreement - please read all pagesl cL 02114 Your lnitials Page 4 of 6 13. Your Duties as to Use of Systemi llattery and Device Replacement; Monitoring or System Pcrmits.l3'l Test. lmmcdiatoly bclbr€ sccuring the ['remiscs. you or others using the Systcm n]ust carelillly and properly set lho sccurity S)stem. You must properl) lest th() System 4, /e.rJ/ monthly during the term ol'this Agrcemcnt. Ifthe System cloes not opcralc propclly ol il thcrc is a powcr lailure or othcr interruption at your Prenliscs. you must notily us inntccliately. 13.2 ltatteries. lfyour System uses rvirelcss battery-operated deviccs, you must replace the batteries whcn the System emits :r low-battery signal or .r/ /edsl every two years. You may also call us. We will repl.ce the batteries at your expense at our thcn currelrt ratcs for parts and Ialror, plus service call fees. lf you fail to replace the batteries, or if the batteries are low or dead, the System will not function properly. 13.3 Carbon Monoxide Detectors, lfyou have carbon monoxide detectors, you must replace thenr al /s.rJ/ cvery three years, lJ.4 Changes. You lrrust immediately notily us ol'any changes to the Premiscs or to any lixtutcs. I'unliture, ot cquipnrcnr. You must immediately notify us of sry changes to your teleplrone service, including the installatio of DSt,, BPL, Voice over lnternct Protocol ("Voll,"), or other in(ernet-based teleplonc service. 13.5 Power. You ltlustplovide 24-hour clcotrioal scrvice and clcotr.ioal out,ets tbrthc Systcm. 13.6 Environntent. You nrust ptovidc adequate lighting Ibr any camcla or video systcnl, and otherwise providc the propcr cnvirorllrctlt lbr thc Systcnr as reasonably lcqucstcd. You will plovidc and rnaintain all storagc nledia lbr the video system.13.7 Permits. Monitoring nray bc subject to pcrmit fbcs. ll'required, obtaining and maintaining an alarm pcrmit is your solc rcsponsibility. You are solell rcsponsible lor paying Ibr all r1]onituring. alarrn. or systcnt perlrlits. liccnses, or. ltcs imposcd by aulhotities ltnving iurisdiction nccessary lbr thc usc and operation ol th-c System. and all other chargcs oI lces intposed. you are solcly rcsponsiblc for determining whcthcr the city. oounty. or govenrnrental subrlivision in which the Prenrises are localed has or nay latcr havc stiltutcs or ordiDanccs rcquiring that you obtain aDd n'rainl.ain a liocnse o[ pcrn]it lbr tha Systcm. 13.8 Notification. tJnlcss you havc a valid alalm-uscr pelnrit ol liccnsc. which nrust bc kept cuncnt and acti\,c as lcquircd. ocrtain clncrgcncy personncl will not rcspond to an alarm signal. In order to request an emergcncy rcsponse. 1vc must knorv your. pcrfiit numbcr. [JIltil you obtain, at your expense, all necessary permits or licenses, and provide us with the license or permit nu ber, we nray not bc able to notify cmerg€lrcy personnel of alr alarm.lJ.9 lndcmnity. You must dcl'cnd and inderrrnili us fionr any clainr madc by anothcl atarn conlpany rcgarding its corltraot with you. l'l' Authorized Call List; Personnel. Youwill inrmediatcly givcusawrittcn listofnames. relationship. titlcs. and tclcphonc. r:cll, and pagcr nuntbcrs ol all pcrsons 1o be notified ifthere is an alarm and thc or<lcr in rvhich these persons arc to be callcd ("Call t,ist"). You rvill also give us and kccp cument a writtcn list ol the namcs, titlcs, and phone numbers ol'all persons authorizcd to entcl or rentairr on the Ilcmises ("Personnel l-ist''). II'you are a commercial custofier, you l1lust give us a daily and holiday opcning and closing schedulcs and all other inlbrmation that we may require. All changes to your.Call List or. I,cr.sonncl l,ist tnust bc given to us in ivriting onll and lrccornc el-[eclive only upon ,,ui acknowlcdgment il'rcccipt ofthc changes. lfyou choosc an intcractive service. you are solcly lcsponsible lbr crcating and updating your prolllc on any remotc scNicc website. 15. Change in Ownership of Premises. Moving liom your Premiscs does not rclieve you ol'youl obligations undcr this Agreemcnt. 16. Assignment; Rights of Subcontractors. Wc nray assign tlris Agreement to any person or entity without notice to yotr. without our prior written conscnl. yeu must not assign or lransltr this Agreenrent. we may subcontract any ofthe work or scrvices to be perlbrnrcd under l"his Agreement. including monitoring, without notice to you.'l'his Agleement, espacially l,aragraphs I I and 22. protcots thc Monitoring Ccntcr or our othcr subcontractors in the same way that the palagraphs protcct us. 17. Defaultilnleresl;Reac(ivation.l7'l Default. Any ofthc lbllowing constitute your dcl'ault under this Agreement: (a) l'ailure to pay any amount proviclcd in tlris Agrcomcnt within tcn days aftcr the same is duc; (b) l'ailulc to conrnrunicatc or cooperal.c with usi (o) I'ailure to p€rform any other obligations under this Agrcement within ten days altcr written lequcst; or (d) you beconre a debtor in atankruptc) prooceding. II'you dcl'ault, we may discontinuc all scrvices upon ten-days written notice to you. and aocelerato and recover all amounts to bcconrc duc undcr tlris Agreement, as wcll as all othel sums to which we are entitlcd. 17.2 Interest. ll'any paynent due is morc than tcn days late, )ou will pay simple intelcst on each past due pal mcnt in tlre anlount ol' l8olo pcr ycar calculated on a 360-day year lpcliodic lale ol' 1.57o pel month or the maxinrunr amount ailowed by law] until the balancc is paid in lirll. You r.vill pay a scrvice charge of$25 lbr cach r.eturncd check. 17.3 Reactivation. I1'rvc Ibr any rcason discontinue scrvice and you desire to rcactivate the service. reactivation is subiect l.o a Xi75 lbc and payntent ofall pasl. due amounts. lftha Systern cannot bc rcactivated rcmotely. and a service call is required, you rnust also pay us our then current rcgular ratcs 1br palts and labor. and servioe call ltcs. 18. Charge in Rates. l8.l lncrease. we n']ay incrcase the monitoring or servicc laes at a,ry time aller the expimtion ol'the initial tcrm ofthis Agreemcnt. but not more than once in any I 2-month peliod, and upon giv ing you rvritten notice 60 days in advance o f the cflective date ol'thc increasc. Ifyou do not \,vant to pay thc increascd chargc, you nray cancel the tlrcn unexpircd term ofthis Agrccnrent bynotilying us in wliting 30 days bcfolc the el'lective date ofthe incrcase. 18.2 Taxes, Charges, and Fees. We may at any tirne incteasc the monitoling or servioe l'ees [o lcllcct incr.eases in lcdcral, state. and local taxes. utility chargcs including telephonc con]pany charges. and rnunicipal I'ees anti charges.,,vhioh are inrposcd on us and which rclatc to the scrviccs provirJed undcr this Agreenrcnt. You must pay all incrcased monitorins lics. 19. Notices. Atl noticcs rcgarding this Agrceolent must be in writing and may bo servcd by pcrsonal dclivery; by a reputablc ovcrnight catrier with all dclivcry chalges providcd for; or by ccrtillcd mail, rcturn{eceipt requested, and regutar mail, tvith postage prepaid. to thc addresses sct forth in this Agrccmcnt or to any bther address providcd by onc party to the other from timc to timc in writing. 20. Information and I'rivacy, 20.1 Rccording. We may monikrr or eleotronically record video and audio related to ntonitorcd activit) at your l)remiscs. as well as convcrsations wilh you. emcrgeno; ;rcrsonnel in conncction \\,ith cmployee training. quality control. and the provision ol' services. You consent to this. I)rivac),cannot bc guarantecd on tclcplrone, cable, wireless, conrputer. and other systcms. We arc not liablc to you l'or any claims or darrrages that may result lrom a Iack ofprivacy experienced. 20'2 Consent. You conscnt to us (a) using infornral.ion about you and your tocation to administcr services, of-lcr you ncrv products or scrvices. enforce thc terms ofthis Agrccment, prevent lraud. and rcspond to regulatory and legal requircments; (b) providing inlbrmation, including inlbrnration containcd on your Call List and othcf pcrconal inlbrmation,lo cmergency pcrsonncl or our suboontractors or assignces lbr the purpose ofproviding services or in rcsponse to a subpocna or othcr lcgai proccss; and (c) Monitoring and Services Agreement - Please read all pagesl ct02/t4 Your lnitials Page 5 of 6 using and sharing aggregate customer inlormation and statistics that do not include inlbrmation that identilies you or anv individuals personally. We may contact you by telephone, t'acsimite, e-mail, or olher internct services, with respect to the Systcnt and services we provide undcr this Agreement, and new oll'crings ol systems or services we may make availahie in the tirture. 21. Network or SerYer Vrrlnerability; Liability. You are solely responsible fbr the integrity and sccurity ofyour data, soltware, devices, computer systcm, ne\vorks, servers, and other equipmenl. We are not liable fo; any loss or iamage arising outofor relaling to any unauthoriz€d or improper access to, or use ol'your System or data. Your System may be connccted to the internet. You understand that we do not operale or control thc internet, and that \riruses, worms, troian horses, and other malicious or undesirable data, code, soliware, or users may attempt to access or damage your data, devices, computers, and networks. We are not liable for such activitics. We do not guarantec thal the Systcm or servicc rvill meet your rcquirements, that the service will bc nninterrupted or ertor-liee, or that encryption algorithms, associated keys, and other security measures will be secure or cfi'ective. You nlust notily us immediately ilyou upgrade yout r)pemting system or make any changes to your lile mapping. or your System or dcvices are unable to access the internet or network servicc. 22, Third Party lndemnification; Subrogation. You must immediatcly def'end and indemnily us againsl all claims brought by others, including personal injury, tort, negligenoe, propeny damage, or death. This provision appiies tJalt claims regardtess ol' cause, including out ttr the System's perfotmance or lailure to perform; delects in products, design, installation, activation, or service; negligence; totl: warranty; contribution; indemni [ication; or strict product; liability. So i'ar as per.mitted by your. liability orproperty insurence policy, you rclease us ftom all olaims, whethcr the claims are made by or rhrough you, including your insur.ance company or other parties, and must detend and indemnify us liorn all claims. You must notily your insurance comliany ol'rhesc terms. 23. Time to Bring Suit; Venue; Coverning Law. Any laivsuit or other lcgal proceeiling arising oL( ol'or relating to this Agreement, whcther based upon contract, tort, negligence. or otherwise. must be brought no later than onc year atier the claim arises. .l'his Agrcement is made and entered into in Riverside County, California. Any-legal proceeding arising out ol'or relating tothis Agreement must be brought in Riverside County. Calilornia law applies to this Agreimcnt regardiess ol c"hoice-oFlaw rules. 24_. Entire Agreement This Agreement is the linal expression ofand sets lbrlh lhe cntire agreement betwcen the patties. No other agreements, representations, or warranties, express or implie<J, oral or written. have been ma-de by any parly to the other with respect to this Agreemenl. All prior and contemporaneous conversations, negotiations, and warranties are noi relied upon and arelvaived This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior oral or written agr:eements or understandings betwcen the parties, This is an inlegrated agreemenl. 'fhis Agrcement cannot bc changed oraliy, and ali changes must be in writin-g signed by authorized representatives ofboth parties lfthere is any conflict bctween this Agreement and your purchase ordJr oiother rlocument delivered to us. this Agreement governs whether the purchase order oi document is clelivered belbre or after this Agreement isIirlly signed. 25' Enforceability; Waiver. Ifany part ofthis Agteemcnt isvoid. the remaining pqrtions ol'thc Agreement rcmainenlilrceahle. No waiver ofa breach ofany term or condition o1'this Agrecment is a rvaiver olany succeeing breach. 26. lnterpretation; Construction. 'lhe captions are lbr con\'enience ot leicrence only and have no lirrce in thc inte$rctationor construction ofthis Agreement. l'he neuter includes the masculine or I'eminine geniler, and the singular includes the plLri.al wherever the context requires. Each tenn ol this Agreement is a condition to be fuily pertormed. Theiule ofconstruction thatambiguitics are resolved dgainst the draliing party docs not apply in interyreting this Agreement. fill power to entcr inlo this Agrccment, and make thc representations arril rvarranties set [bflh here. Dclivery ol thc executedABrecment by lacs im ile or other elech-on ic means is as binding as delivery of un originally -execured Agreemen t. This Agr.ccrnent and all documcnls arising out ofor relating to this Agreement m:y be stored or repr;duced by electron; or mechanical means. An electronic version ofthis Agleement is legally equivalent to the original fbr all puiposcs, inciuding litigation. 28. State Licenses' Alarm Company Operators ar€ licensed and regulated by the Bureau ofSecurity and Investigative SeNices, Department ofConsumer Alfairs, Sacramellto, California 95814. Contractol.s are required by law to be licenscd and regulated by the Conlractors' Stale l,icense lloard which has jurisdiction to investigate complaints ag;inst contractors il acomplaint reBarding a potent act or omission is liled within lour years ofthe date ofthe alleged violalion. A complaint regarcling a latcnt act or omission pertaining to structural defects must be filed rvithin ten years ofthe dare ofthe allcged violation. Anyquestions concerninB a contritctor may be referred to the Registrar. Contractors' State I-icense Board.l,.O. Rox 26000. Sactamcnto. Cali lornia 95{126. Monitoring and Services Agreement - please read all pagesl cL02/t4 Your lnitials Page 6 of5 ACO 99 pActFtc ATARM SERVTCE CLO lC28/ C76 606732 (951) 845-1666. Fax: (951) 769-1230 www.pacificalarm.com ATTACHMENT Page 1 of 1 Attachment To: _ Commercial Purchase and Services Agreement ]_ Commercial System and Services Agreement _ Residential Sale And Services Agreement _ Monitoring Services Agreement SUBSCRIBER/CUSTOMER City of l\ilenifee Engineering/Building Dept Schedule of Equipment and Services: ATTACHMENT. The following list of equipment and schedule of workis included as partofthe base agreement Sl!92 dated 02-15-2017 attached. All terms and conditions of the base agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. SCHEDUTE OF DETECTION Schedule: Burglar Alarm System with Central Station Multi-zone alarm control panel with entry/exit delay, siren cut-off, rechargeable standby battery and future expansion capabilities. Two digital on/off keypads with alpha-numeric display. One eight zone expansion conlrol module with power supply. One wall mounted dual element motion detector. Nine ceiling mounted dual element motion detectors. Contact four perimeter doors with recessed switches. Two interior sirens. One exterior siren in tamper proof enclosure. Digital communication to Central Station with daily test signal via cellular communicator. Equipment included as part of service. ,Ott)--r--