2017/02/15 Pacific Alarm Service, Inc. Monitoring and Services Agreementaco 99 cLo I cza I c$ 606732 MONITORING AND SERVICES A6REEMENT Check all that applV: E RESIDENTIAT E COMMERCIAL EI HARD WIRE E wIREtEss tr CEI-TUIAR E RADIo E INTERACTIVE sERVIcEs E INTRUSIoN MoNIToRING tr HoTD UP oR oUREss E] VIDEo MoNIToRING E] WATER DETECTIoN E FIRE MONITORING E FIRE TESTING AND INSPECTION T] WATER FLOW VALVE SUPERVISION EI Ut FIRE RUNNER CONTRACTfl 7846 t his Monitoring and Scn iccs Agrccntent is cntcrcd into on Februa 't5 20 17 , by and bctween Menifee City HaI (')ou,"'roua'). and Pacific Alarm Service, a California corporation (.'we,'. '.us,.' '.our,') .b5 l. Term. 1'hc original tcrm ol'this Agrccmcnt is one year, and Lhe Agreement automatically relcws li)r succcssivc onc-J'car periods unless eithcr party notifics the other in writing olits intent to tcnninatc no lcss than 60 days bctorc thc expiration ofthe original or rener-r'al period. 2. MonitoringSen'ices;Communicrtor;Programming;Verification. 2.1 Monitoring. You chosc the monitoring service. ard agrcc that thc scrvice nlects your needs. Additio[al, differenl, orhighcr levets of protection and service were discussed with you and are svailalrlc from us al an additional cost. 'l he signals or inrages' il-an). liom the securi(y systcnr or tlre signals lionr thc firc systcnr at thc I'rcnliscs ("S)'stqu") arc nronitorcd ut our nronitoring ccnter or an indepenrlcnt nroniloring ccntcr ("M(uitoring ('cntcr") thal $e sclcct. ll-thc Systctn is rcmotcd lor an] rcasoll. rrc arc not obligated to rcstorc the l'rentiscs to its original conrlitiun ur to rcdccorate thc ltrcnriscs. IJpon c(ntncction or activation ol your sccurit)' alarm systcm, rvc will tholoughll instruct lou in thc propcr usc ol'thc slstcm.2.2. Communicalor. wc \!ill install. cause to bc itrstalled. ur progranr. \\hcthcr in pcrson or rcnrotcly. a conrmonicator at )ouI Prcnrises to transmit S) stenr signals or itnagcs. il-any. lionr ]our S]stcnr to our Monit(,ri g ( cntcr. All long-range radios. transccivers- and cellular or othct' comntunicators. and our yard signs and windorv stickers rcnrain our propcrty at all times antl may bc rcmovcd by us. Whcn this Agreerlcnt c)ipires or is ternrinatcd. you will inrnrcdiatcly allotv us to renlivc t)r deactivatc. whether rcmotcly or othcr\vise. thc colnmunicutor. tJntil ahc communicator is delrrogr{Itlmed, you are responsilrle for rnonitoring fees. 2.3 Program; Visual. We ntay progtanr thc Systcnr rcmotcly. und you rvill allorv us acccss 10 do so. llyour lu\\- to a Systcm signal. you must comply with thc requir(jl]rcnt und subsclibc lr)r that scrvica ifprovidcd try us. Wc [rav chnrgc an additional lbc lbr that scrvicc. E lf you are using a traditional phone line or an internet-based traismission to our Monitoring Center, you thoroughly discussed with us the availability ot cellular or radio back-up transmission of alarm signals from the syst€m to the Monitoring center, and that these services are available at an additional cost. You do not want back-up transmission of alarm signals and understand that, iI your transmission service is interrupted or disconnected, no signalwill be sent to the Monitoring Center, and emergency personnelwill not be called. - your lnitials 3. Serviccs and lrnymcnt. J.l Scrviccs. Wcrvill providcthclirllorvingsct.rioesandlourlillpu;usaslirllorrs: E Monthly Monitoring of System as Paft of Service E Monthly Monitoring of Subscriber owned alarm system lntrusion Monitoring Services: E Monthly Monitoring Services - Basic E Monthly Monitoring Services - with open/closing with supervision and notification by Monitoring Center E Monthly Monitoring S€rvices - with open/closings E-mailed Weekly to You: (E-mailAddress: s s 80.00 s_ s ) YOUR INFORMATION u00 ru{F ntEmail() ltti o \fi66fiuf{YOU / Contact Person Billing Address Phone Q,St''rit-|,tt premisesAddress: 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Monitoring and Services Agreement Please read all pagesl cL 02114 Your lnitialr Page 1 of 6 PACIFIC ATARM SERVICE S2l Wellwood Avenue Beaumont, Calilornia 92223 Voice: (951) 845-1556. Fax; (951) 769-1230 www.pacif icalarm,€om Cell Phone: ^ Fire Monitoring Services: E Fire Monthly Basic Monitoring Servicesi E Fire Monitoring with UL Runner Services: E Fire Monitoring with UL Certiflcate annuaumo: E Additlonal Fire Alarm panel at Same premisesi s_s_ + Additional Services per Month: Other Services Payment Optionsi O Monthly - S tr Quanerly - S 240 00 E fire lnspection and Testint per attached Scope ol Work,whrch rs a part of thas Atreement: TOTAL AMOUNT FOR OR|GINAL TERM: S 80 00 E Cellular Transmission of signals E Radio Transmission of Signals: E Other Service: 80 00 s S INCL $ s 480 00 960 00E Semi-Annually - S E Annually-$(paid in same month as above) . 3'2 Paymena. YoumustPay thc Proraled t'ees lbrthemonlh in which monibring scrvices bcgin. payments arc payable inadvancc' on the liIst day ol'the month, commercing on the datc sl)t lbnh abovc. Your payments shown ahove <Io not includc an1applicable tax. Ifany taxes are due, you mllst pay the tax in addition to your monthly paymenls. No linonce chargc or cosa olcredit is associaaed with ahis Agrcement. ACCEPTANCE The prices, spe.ifications, and conditions in this Agreement are satisfactory. you understand, approve, and a.cept thisABreement, in particular Paratraphs 11, 16, and 22, which set forth our maximum liability ifthere is a;y loss or damage to youor any third party' You understand that you may obtain a hi8her liability limit by paying an additional charge. you received acompleted copy of this Agreement and, if you are a residential customer, two copies of the Notice of Right to Cancel. you wereadvised that there are additional, different, or higher levels of protection and service available. The slrvices provided arebased upon your specific aequest, approval, and cost conlideraiions, for which you must hold us harmlers, {language must beir 10-point boldl For out resideotial customers only - You, the buy€r, mav can.elthis transaction at any time before midnitht ofthe thirdbusiness day after the date of this transaction. See the attached Notice ol Right to cancelform for an explanation ofthis right. E rmalulntzltroN pERtoD REtEcTED WARNING: various system components or products may conlain lead or other .hemicals known to the state of california tocause cancer, bifth defects, or other reproductive harm. our.o, )/,5|t 7 lit tkff M*i"4lo ,J,J"00^- M YOU E Corporatio Your Sitnature ltNrus Drl'.u Print Your Name / Tatle nE E Partnership E Sole Owner * *Se important terms on other pates** PACIFIC ALARM SERVIC€ Aut rized Company Representative Salesperson Name and No Dated unless we either (1) approve it in writing by an authorized company representative, or (2) begin servi(es, this Agreement isnot binding upon us. lf we do not approve the agreement, our sole liability is to refund the amount paid to us when yousigned the Agreement. Not receiving a copy signed by us does not make this Agreement unenforceabre. 4. Fire lnlpection anrl I eslinA.4'l 'l'est alld Repori. You lnust inslect an(l test your lire systetn accor(ling to lhe applicthle codc Ind the h.equencyspecified ll'you seltctcd lire tcstinS and inspcction. wurrilllcst nnd inspcct your syrtcnr ac,"i,r.ding tq thc upplicable codc. conditions or characteristics Ibr thc Slstfln.r thc.lxlri.n ol thL.S):,lctn h(ing tcstcd or inspccted, irrclucling pancls and other delivcry o1'our \\,t.ilten lcpot t. access. While \\'c are on the prenriscs, you rvill providc cr:ntinur)us eleclrlcil scrvicc. You u'ill pal us a cancellalion ,cc ol sl00 pcr sche(lLrlcd inspcclion ,irr cxncellations not reccivcd on a lirlcly l.rasis.5. Disclaimer ofWarrantiesi l-ialrility; Conscq eniirl Dorrr,g".. C)ur olrlign(itrn to provillc the Svstem or a[y othcrservices arises solely out of this Agreemerrt antl not t_hrorrgh any otirer rrclns. We do not rcpresent or warrn t th t the Monitoring and Services Agreement - please read all pa6es! cL 02/74 Your lnitials Page 2 of 6 Srslcnl or service may Dot lre compromised or lry-passed; rvill de(ect or prevetrt all lrurghries, hold-ups! personal cmergcncics, lircst smoke or $a(er d{magc, or otherwisc; or lh{t it will ill a ll cases provide thc protcction for rvhictr it was instnllcd or inlended. \\'c or our age[ts or employccs mnde l|o representations or tvarrantics, erpress or inlptiedr as to an] |naltcr rih{tsocvcr, including $ithout litnitation, thc condition ofthe equipnrent, its tncrcha|ltahility, its fitncss for any parti(ular purpose, or noninfringement or title. \'ou did not rely on aDy represeltation (rr \darraltly, erpress or implied. Any illfortrl{(ion provided or pronisc does nol cretlc nrr express warranty, and will be cotrsidcred exprcssio[s of personat opinion only. lfue were to have an) liability grcatcr than that agreed to by you in Paragrrlrhs I l, 16, and 22 ofthis Agrec lcllt, tve could not and would not provi{lc the System or services, and we could llot provide the system or serviccs nt thc rall]s contailled here. The rvarranty provided in this Agrecment gives you spccific legnl rights, alld you may have other rights thlll vflry fronl state-to-state. Wc are not liulrlc for special, consequcnti:rl, or inckle tal (lamtgcs. Some states do not allow thc crclusion or the limitation ofconscquellirl or incidental damages, so thc abovc limitatiol|s or exclusio s nray llot aplly to yoo. 6. Rcsponse to Signals. 6.1 lntrusion Signals. II'\\'e rcccivq un intrusion signal. rre *ill. r,ritlrout rvarrantr. nrakc rcasonublc ellbrts to reach you or s(,lllconc at lhc Prcmiscs who is on your Call l,ist (scc Pamgraplr l4) and can verily whcthcr an alarnr is lblse. lfwe are unable to reach )r)u or sonlconc at the Premises, a sccond call attetnpt will be made to thc Dext person on your Call List. Unless directcd othenvisc in rvritirg by 1-ou. if $c arc uratrlc to rcach thc lirst t\ro people otr ) our Call Lisl or il'$c in our solc discrction qucstion a rcsporrsc rrc havc rcceivcd- rrcTvill. rvithoul. uarrant). notily emcrgency personnel. 6,2 lloldup or Panic, Ifwg reccivc a hold up. durcss. or panic signal. rvc lvill. \lithout r!arrant). call enrcrgcncy Pcrsonncl. and il rcqucsted in rvriting b1 )ou. [otili ) ou or ) our designated rcprescntativc sho\\n on \1)ur (]all l,ist.6'J Vidco or lmages. Ilrvc rcceive vidco ol irnotscs, il availablc. liom your Systenr. and rvc lcasonably belicvc that thc inragcs /o ttrrl indicatc an emcrgcncy condition. uc will. without warranty. nlakc rcasonablc clli)rts to oall you ot somcone at thc I'lcnriscs who is orl your Call List and can vcrily whcther an alarnr is I'alse, ll-we arc unable to rcach you ot somcone at the l'tottliscs. a scoond call attempt will bc nradc to thc next pcrson on your Call List but we will ,.rl notily cmergcncy personnel. ll' wc rctsonably bclicvc that the imagcs do indicatc an cnrcrgcnoy condition, wc rvill, without warranty, call cmclgency personncl. and il'rcqucstcd in rvriting by you. call you or thc dcsignated pcrson on your Call List,6..1 Mcdical Emerg€ncy Sig[als. ll \\c rcccivc d mcdical etncrgency signal. rvc $ill. rvithout waffanty, make rcasonablc cll'(rtts 1(r reiluh you or somcone at the I'renriscs $ho is or1 )'our Call t,ist and can vcrily rvhetlrcr an cnrcrgenc) cxists. Ifrve arc unlblc k) rcach you or somcone at the llremiscs. a sccond cull attcnrpt will be madc to thc rcxt person on )our Call t,ist. Unless dircctcd othcr\lise in rvriting b), you. if wc are unablc to rcach )ou or thc Dext pcrson on your Call [,ist. \te will. \ritlrout \varrant\.. notili cntcrgcncl pcrsorrncl. Two-rvay voice comrtrunicaiion is Irot provided and, ifyou push thc mcdical buttor on your xlarm keypad, you will need a telephone to aalkwith someone. l hc alarnr siren lvill not sound uhcn thc mcdical button is activatcd. 6.5 l"ire Signals; Carbon illonoxide Signals. ll'w,c receive a lirc alarm signal lirlrrt connetcidl ptctniscs. rve will. \!ithottt warratl(). notily cDcrgency pelsonnel and notily you (n your designated rcprescntativc by callirrg the specilicd tclcphonc nunlbcr(s)on your Call Lisl.'lroublc or supcn,isory signals liom your lire Systcm arc sent [o your dcsignatcd rcpresentative in thc nranncr dircctcd. Ifwc rcccivc a firc alarn signal IIom residet ialprcitises. rve rvill. without warranty. nrakc reasonablc cllinls to tcach you or sonreonc at the I'rcrniscs who is on your Call l,ist and can veril) whether an alu n is lalsc. Il'wc ale unable to reaclr you or thc ncxt pcrson on your Call I-ist. wc will, without warranty. notily emcrgency pcrsonncl. 6.6 Forccd Entry. You understand that enctgency personnel may forcibly enter the ltremises when they are told thst wc rcceivcd c fire, medical emergency, or carlron monoxide signal from your Premises. You conselrt to this. You undcrsta[d that damage to your property may occur and that you are responsiblc for all costs rclatcd to that dan]age.6.7 Water Detcction. Il'wc rcocivc a watcr dctcction signill. wc will. without warranty. nrakc rcasonable cllbrts to call ) ou or $rnrconc at thc Prenlises r.r'ho is on your Call l,ist aod can vcrili whethcr a condition crists. ll \\c arc unablc to reach You or solllconq ut thc ['rcnriscs. a second call attcmpt $ill bcmadctothcnextpersonon)our(]all l,istbutwewillnot otify cmcrgcncy pcrsonncl. 'l hc alarm sircn $'ill not sound uhcn a \\,ater dctcction signul is acti\atcd.6.tl lfiteractive Services; Two-way voice. ll]ou sclccted interactive sen,iccs. Jou nray rcccirc custonrizcd enrail and tc\t nrcssugc alcrts about System signals on )'our computcr'. tablct. snrart phonc. or othcr nrobilc tlclicc as rvell. Ccrtain rviretcss ur intcracli!c scr!iccs rcquirc a compatiblc conlputcr. tablcl. cell phonc, or other dcvicc \\'ith intcrnct and cnrail access. Not all dcviccs rlill wolk with thcse scrvices and you nrust providc your orvn dcvices at ]' our solc cxpcnse. You understand that rve Sava no contrcl ovcr these devices. or your intcrnet or cnrail access. Ccllular dala providcrs may chargc additional lles lbr accessing the SYstcnr on wircless deviccs. 'lhcsc ohargcs arc your solc lcsponsibility. lfyou selectcd cnrcrgcnay t\vo-lvoy voice scrvicc. tlrcrc is a risk thot thc conncction may be intcruptcd or unablc lo conncct, that thc call may be droppcd. unr! th.rt thc sound quality conring through thc Systcnl nray be distoltcd or impossiblc 1o undcrstand or hea[. 6.9 Pcrmitsi Consent. Ccrtain law-cnli)rcerncnt or cmergenoy agcncies will not responLl to an olarnt signal unless you havc u lalid alarm uscr pertrit, rvhich you nrust kccp cuflent arld rener,ved as rcquircd. Scc Palagraphs 13.7 and 13.8 lirr.mor.c inlirrtnation rcgarding alarm pcrmits. Ifrcquircd (o do so bl any governmental authority or insurancc intercst. we may disconl.inuc any purticular Ibrnr ol'rcsponse. You cons(]nt to tha rccording ol-all tclcphone calls with thc Monitoring Ccntcr.7. l'amiliarizsaion Period. Except where required by larv, unless you .cject the famili{rization period by initialing the chcckbox above your si8nature, during a sevcn-day period (or any period required by lew) tollowing completion of illstallation and co]|ncction to ahe Monitorilg Center (flnd du]ing any applicable extensions), we have no obligation to, and $ill rloa. respond to any security alarm signal from your Premisesllraa is received lry our Monitoring Centcr. Even ifrn actual emergency occurs during this period, we have no obligation to, and will not, notify emergency personlrel, yout or your dcsignatcd representative, or lakc any other action with regard to a signal we receive. 8. Alarm Sigral Transmission Metlrods. 8.1 Telephone l"ines. You nlust pay all chargcs mudc by thc telephone company or othcr rrtilitics li)r'installation or acliv0lion olscrvicc connoctions. tclephone.iacks. Icasing. anrj servicc chargcs oftelephone lincs connccting your l,remises to our. lvl(,nitoring Ccntcr. All charges fol the installation and continuity oftelephone scrvicc connections lbr Lhc System are your solc responsibility. Activation of the System will illtcrrupt ard disconn€ct any telephone call in progrcss. You will be unable to usc that linc for 9l I or any other cmcrgcncy scrvicc. F-or thesc reasols, we recommer(l a dcdicato(l lelelhone linc for yout. S)saem. lfyourtclcphoneserviceisoutofordcr,discolrnected,placedonvrcatio,orothcrwiscintcrrupted,signalsfrom your System will not be received by our Nlonitoring Center during any irterruption in tclephone service. Interruptions will not bc klorvn to our lllonitoring Center or us, and emergency personnel will not be called. You nrust pay us lbr an]-. costs incurrcd trt rephrgratn (hc digital communicator t(t conli)rnr to tclephone company-initiatcd changes in dialing procedures or arca codcs. (i)sts arc bascd on our then current standard scrvicc call chargc. We recommend trdo dedic{tcd telephone lines for your firc Sysaem. 8.2 Ccllular or Radio Transmission. ll ccllular trr radio service is uscd as lour prinrary or secondary transmissi{rn tltethod. thc S)'stcm's conrnrunicator is conncctcr..l to a ccllular or radio nct\\ork. 'l hc use ofradio li'cquencics is oontrolled by thc Iicdcral (i)mnrunications Conrnrission ("liCC"). aDd chflngcs in FCC rules. regulations. and policics nray ncccssitate discontilruing MonitorinS and Services Agreement- Please read all pagesl cL o2/r4 Yorrr lnitials Page 3 of 6 tlansmissions. YoU nlust pay all monthly servicc chargcs connectinS, your Prcmiscs lo our Moniloring Ccnter. lladio or cellular transr|rissions are snbject lo environmental con(litions, inclrrding power failurcs nnd electrical slorms, thrt ffre totally beyond our co[trol, 8.3 Inaerl|et Transmissiol. llsing DSL, BPl,, Voice over lrterrct Protocol ("Vo I P"), or other internet-based service mny interfere with the signals sent by the System (o the Monitoring Celrter. Signnl transmission ltsing lhese services can be sporadic. These services will not work without electrical power, and may interf€re with your ability to call 9ll or interfere with the telephon€ line-seizure feature ofthe System. To make_sure that the System is operational !rnd properly tnrnsmittingsignrls , yon rnt.st immediarelj, test your System after installation of nny of these scrviccs. Ccllular or radio back-up is highly recommended if interlet services are used. 9. l-alse Alarms. lfyoucauseancxccssivent|mhcrol',hlsealarn)sthroughcarelcssncss,ormalicit)usoraccidental useol' thc Syslcnr, or il'you in any ntanner misusc or abusc thc Systct]l, your conduct is a ruaterial hreachol'contract.Aliergi\ing)(ttl len-days rvrittcn noticc. \\'c may al our option. in urllilion to all other lcgal lemedies, tcrmin.tte this ASrcemcnt. You are solely responsible lirr.all talsc alarm llncs. lenalties. or lccs. inclucling charges fiom a pri!rte gtlard servicc. il-any, rvhcther asscssed againsl you or us. 10. Sen'ice or Repflir Services. l0.l ( ll. ('tlll us at the numbcr abovc k) rcqtlcst scrr icc or repair. .lO.l.l Service and Repair. lf we provided the System as part of our service and the System does not operate properly, we will, upon your request, make all repairs and replace parts without cost to you while this Agreemenl is in eftect. Our service and repair includes all parts and labor for repairs necessitated by ordinary wear and tear, excluding equipment not installed by us, batteries, security screens, hard drives, storage media, access control c;rds, or other disposable items. Service and repair does not cover any malfunction or damage caused by accident, misuse, acts of God, birds, rodents, or other animals, or installation or programming by anyone other than us You must pay for excluded work or items at our then current rates for parts and labor, a one-hour minimum fee, and other servicscall fees. Payment must be made upon completion of the work. lf anyone other than an authorized company repreSentatiVe allcnrpls th! rcprrir'. scrvicc. prngrlrnnring, oI modilicalion ol any portion ol'the System, this Agrccrnent is lcrminated i6nrcdiatcly and we nrny iInlnqdiiltcly rcmovc tlre Systenr. 10.2 Rcpair; Hours. Servicc or repair is providcd on a time-and-materials basis at our then current rates for parts and labor, a one-hour miointum l'ee, and other service call lics. Scrvice is usually perlormed as soon as reasonahly possiblc. Servicc or lcpair is providcd Monday through lrriday, excluding holidays, hctwecn the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 P.m. A responsible adult nrust bc at thc Premises at thc time ot'the service call. llmergcncf service is available at all other times at (ur then current prcmiunr labor rate and servicc call l'ees. Payme[t must be made upon complelion of the work. 10,3 Repair or Replacc; Remotc Acccss. Wc may, in our sole discretion, eithcr repair or replace thc part. and may suhstitute new or reconditioned materials ofequal quality at thc time oi replacement. lI the repair costs excccd the replacement cost, we may replace the defectivc equipment with nelv or rcconditioned equipment substantially cquivalent to or with comparahlc lcaturcs as the existing equipment, ifavailablc. l'hc lcplaccment equipment may have a higher or lowcr selling price than the original cquipment you have. Wc may plogram, alter, or rcpair the System rcmotcly, and you uill allow us acccss to do so. 10.,1 UL System Service I'lours; Run[er Servicc. IJL System service or rcpair is ptovidcd seven days a weck, 365 days pcr ycar. Runner service is provided within tlre required responsc timc to investigate or repuir the System at our then current regular or premium rates as the case may lre. Servicc perlirrmcd Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours ol' 8:{)0 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. is charged at our thcn current regular rates lbr parts and labor, a one-hour minimum fee, and service call lces. limergency service is available at all othcr timcs at our thcn current premium labor rotc and service call I'ees. t0.5 Liability. We are not rcsponsible lirr krss or danragc \\'hilc the System is under repair or is awaiting par(s. Any repair, scrvice. rcplaccnrent, or addition ol-equipment by us alier lhc ilritial installation or programming ol thc System is governed by this ASrcemcnt, in particular Paragraphs I l. 16, and 22. rrhich limit our liabilit). t0,6 Takeover ofOther Systems- lfwc takc over or providc service to lhe Systcm. \re are not liahle tirr components or cquipmcnt not installcd by us- I l. Limitation of Liability. I l.l No (;uilrant€e. We and our divisions or lrffili{tcs are not insrrers of your real or personal property or data, or (he pcrsolal safety ofanJone on yol|r Premises.'l his Agreemcnt is not an insurance policy or { sulrstitute for an insurance policy. You must obtain all property, life, health, disahility, or husiness interruption insurance. Th€ payments requircd are base(l solely upon the vfllue ofthe System or servicc, {nd llot on the vrlue ofyour real or perso[al propefty or data, or th€ lrropcrty ol others located in or on yonr Premises, Wc make lro grrtrrantee or warrnnty, inclurling an implied warranty of merch{ntahility or fitness, thrt the Systefir or scrvicc will l}revcllI or N'oid occurrences or (hc conse<luences ofoccurrences tlrirt the Systent or service is designed to detect or nvert. lt is-inrDrac(icil an(l extremrly difficult to detcrmine in advance (a) the value of your real or personal property or d{ta, or lhe property of otlrers kept on the Prcrlrises, that may be lost, stolell, or damaged ifth€ System or service does not operate properly; (b) the resDonse time oftlre Monitoring Center, emcrgency penonnel, or guard service, if any; (c) what portion, if arry, of a loss, damage, personal iniury, or death would bc proximatcly caused by our frilure lo Derform or our active or passivc negligencei or (rl) whether a canrerA or access conarol system woukl detect or prevcnt unruahorized inarusions or aclivities. ll.2 Amolnt of l,iability. Ifweoroul.agcntsorcmployeesarcfound linbl€ for loss, damage, or injury of{ny kind whaasoever arom orrr failure to perform any of olr obligations under lhis Agrccmen(, failure ol the System, equipment' oJ service ilt any manner, breach of warrrnty, tort, or our nctive or passive neglige c€, then our lirhility is limited to a sum equnl to the total anrual monitoring fees lrt ahe time ofthe incident or $1,500, whichever is greater. This is not a peralty. This isyouronly remedy regardless ofthe legal thcory used to findthe Monitori g Centcr or us liflbl€. ll.3 More Protection. You may obtain a higher limitation of liability by payingan additional charge. Ifyouelectthis option, o rider will be nttached to this Agrcement stlrting the terms, conditions, an(l rmollnt of the limited liability and the a(l(litio[al ch rge. I]vcn if a rider is l]rovidcil k, you, we are not yotlr insurcr. 12. lnterruption, Suspension, or Cancellation of Srrvicc. We ore not !iahlc lirl any clclay in nronito|ing or seNice ol thc ceblc. rodi(). Intcrnel, or olher transmission serviccsl |cts ol'(io(i; or li)r an) other cause beyond our cont()1, regardlcss ol causc or origin. Wc arc not required to providc monitoring or othcr ser\ ices to you rvhile any ol thcsc causcs crist. li services are suspcndcd li)r thcsc rcasons, you must continue to pil)' undcr thc lernrs oftlris Agreement. ll-thc Monitoring Centcr or )'our l'rcmises or equipment ore destroyed by lire or other calaslrophe. are so substrnriall} darnagcd tha( it is imprrctical to L-ontinue servicc. or il'the Monitoring Center or \\'e arc unable l() rendcr scn,icc. this Agrcemcnt \\'ill hc suspended \vithout notice- Monitoring and Services Agreement - Please read all pagesl cL 02/14 $Nrou, ,nn,",, Pase 4 or 5 lJ. Your Duties as lo []se of Syslem; Batlery and Device Rcplacement; luonitoring or Systcm Permits.lJ.l Test. lmnlediatcl)' beli)rc sccuring the Premiscs. you ot othcrs using the Systeir n)ust carelirlly aDJ propcrly set the sccuril)' Systcm. You n]ust propcrly tcst thc Syste al /eas, nronthly during thc tcrm ofthis Agracnlcnl.. Il the System does not opcratc Propcrly or il-thcrc is a powcr liilttte or other intcrruption irt your Prcmiscs, you must notily us irrtncdiately. 13.2 Batteries. Ifyour System uscs wircless lrattery-operated dcvic€s, you must rcplace tlte lratteries whcn the System cmils a bw-battery signtrl or.r, /".ru every two years. You nray also call us. We will replace the bstteries at your expense at our ther current rates for Iarts and labor, plus service call fees, lf you fail to replace the battcrics, or if the bataeries are low or dead, the System will not functiort properly. lJ.3 Carbon Monoxide Detectors. lfyou have carbotr monoxide d€tectors, you must replxce them ,r/ led$, every thrce years. 13.4 Changes. You must inrmcdia(ely notil)' us ol any changcs to thq l'rciriscs or to any Iixturcs. l'ufniture. or cquipnrcnt. l'ou nrust immediately notity us of any changes to your aelephone service, including the installaaion of DSL, BPL, Voice over lnternet Pro(ocol ("VolP"). or otler ioternet-based lelephone scrvicc. 13,5 Powcr. You must providc 24-hour elcctrical scrvice and qlcctrical outlets lor thc Systcn]. 13.6 Dnvironmelrt. You must providc adcquate lighting li any canrcra or vidco systcm. and othcrlvisc providc the propcr cnvironnlcnt lbr thc Systcm as rcas(rrably requested. You will providc and nraintain all stolagc nrcdia lbl the vidao systcm. 13.7 Pcrmits. Monitoring nray bc subicct to perrnit l'ecs. II'rcquircd. obtaining and nraintaining an alarm permit is your sole rcsponsihility. You arc solcly rcsponsihlc lbr paying for all nronitrlring. alarnr. or slstcm pcnlrits, liccnscs. oI Iccs inrposcd by authotitics hav ing.iurisdiction ncccssary li)r thc usc and opcration ol tlrt System. and all othcr chargcs oI lbes imposcd. You arc solcly rtsponsible lor dctcrnrining rvhcthcr the aity. county, or govcrnnrcnt-al subdivision in rvhich thc l,relrriscs are locatcd has or nra) latcr have sta(utes or ordinanccs rcquiring that )ou obtain ond maintain a license or pernrit li)r thc Systcrn. 13.8 Notilication- Urlcss you have a valid alarnr-uscr perrnit or liccrsc. rvhiclr must bc kept currcn( and activc as requircd. ccdain cnrergcnc) personncl rvill not respond to an alarnr signal. ln ordcr to rcqucst an cnlergcnc) tcsporsc. e nrust kno\\ \our ;trnrit numbcr. Until you obtai[, at your expense, all necessary permits or liceoses, and provide us with ale license or pcrmil number, we may not lre alrle to notify emergency pcrso[nel ofsIr alarm. lJ,9 lndemDity. You must dcli'll{l aniJ indemnify us fionr any clainr nrade by another alarnr conrpany regarding its contract with vou. l.l. Authorizcd Call Listi Pclsollnel, You rvill immcdiatcly givc us a rvritten list ol'nanrcs, [elationship. titles, and tclcphono. cell. and pagcr numbcrs gl'all pcrsons to be notificd ifthcrc is an alarrn and thc ordcr in rvhich thcsc persons arc to bc callcd ("Call l-ist"). You u,ill also givc us and keep currcnt a writtcn list oIthc names, titlcs, and phonc numbers ol'all persons authorized to cntcr or rcnlain on tha Premiscs ("Personnel l-ist"). ll )ou arc a commercial customc., you nrust give us a daily and holirJal opcning and closing schcdulcs and all other inlbrmation that $e may rcquire. All changcs k, your Call List or l'crsonncl List must bc gi!cn to us in rrriting only and bccomc ell'ccti\c onl) upon our acknowledgmcnt ofreccipt ofthe changes. lf;'ou ch(x)sc an intcractivc service. )1)u rt: solcly lcsponsiblc lbr crcating and updating ) our pft)li le on any rcmotc ser\ice \rebsite. 15. Change in Ownership of Prenises, Moving liom your l'rcmiscs docs not rclievc you ol your obligrtions undcr this Agrccnrcnt. 16. Assignment; Rights of Sqb Without our prior writtcn conscnt, !o tr) hc pcrlormcd undcr this Agrccrn(n 22. pn)tccts thc Monitoring Ccntcr or coltractors. Wc may assig[ this Agrccnrcnt to any pers(m or entity without nolice to you. u n'rust not assign or translar this Agrcement. Wc may subcurtract any ol-the work or serviccs t. including monitoring, without noticc to you. This Agreemcnt. cspecially I'aragraphs ll and our other subcontractors in the samc way that the paragraphs protcct us. 17. Defaula;lnterest;Reacaivation. l7.l Default. An) ol'thc lirllo\ving constitute your dclault undcr this Agreemcnt: (a) l'ailurc to pay any amount providcd in tlris Agrccnrctrt within ten dals allcr the sanle is duc; (b) I'ailure to communicatc or cooperate rviLlr us: (c) I'ailurc to pcrform any othcr obligations unrlcr this AErccnrcnt within ten days aller writtcn rcquest; or (d) you become a dcbtor in atankruptcy plocccrJing. ll you rjclirult. rrc nray lliscontinue all services upon tcn-days wlitten rotioe to you, and accclcrate and rccovcr all amounts to bccomc duc undcr this {Brecment, as well as all othcr sunrs to which we are entitled. 17.2 Interest. Il'an) paynrcll dua is more than terl days latc. you will pay simple intercst on c ch past due payment in the ittln,unt ol' I 8o/o per year calculatcJ irr a 3(r0-day ycar [periodic ratc ol' 1.57o pcr monlh or thc maxinrum anrount allowcd by law l until thc balonce is paid in lull. You rrill pay a sewicc chargc ol $25 li,r each rcturned check. 17.3 Reactivation. Il uc lin any reason discontinue senicc and you desirc to reactivatc the scrvicc. rcactivation is slbjcct to a Xi75 lce and payment ol'all past duo amounts. II'the S)'stern cannot be rcactivatcd rcmotcly, and a scrvicc call is requircd, you nrust also pa) us our lhen currcnt rcgular ratcs lbr parts anrl labor. rnd service call li'es. 18. Charge in Rates. l8.l lncrease. We nral incrcasc llre monitoring or servicc l'ccs at all) time after the expiration ol thc initial term ofthis Agrccnrcnt, but not more than once in any | 2 -month period. and upon giving you rvritten notice 60 days in advance of thc cll'ectivc Jatc ol'thc increase. If)uu do not qanl lo pay the increased chargc, you nray cancel the then unexpircd tcnn ol'this Agrccmcnt by n()tilyiog us in wriling 30 dcys hcli{rc thc cffccri\e datc oflhe increirsc. 18.2 'Iexes, Charges, and lr+es. We may at any timc increasc the lronitoring or scrvicc lbcs to lctlect inoeases in lbderal. st01c, and locirl tu\es. utility churgcf inoluding tclcphonc company chargcs, and municipal lees and chargcs. which arc imposcd orr us anJ \!hich relatc to the srr!iccs irrovidcd under this Agreerncnt. You must pay all increascd nrcnitoring ltcs. 19. Notices, All notices rc8ariling this Agreemcnt must be inuritingand may be sen'ed by pcrsonal dclivcr); by a rcputable olcrnight carricr rvith all delivcry charges provided lbr: or by certilied mail, return-receipt requestcd. and regular mail. with postagc prepaid, to thc addrcsscs scl lbrth in this Agrecment or to anyirther arldress providcd by one party to the other lrom timc to time in writing. 20, lnformation and Privacy. 20.1 Recording, We rnay nroni{or or clcctronically lccord vidco and audio related to monitorcd acti\it} aLyour l'r€miscs. irs scll as corrversations uith 1ou. cnrlrgcncy pcrsonnel in connection with cmployce tlaining, quality controt,.rnd the provision ol' scrviccs. Yt,u conscnt tr) this. l'rivufy cannot be guaranteed on tclcphonc. cable. lvirelcss. conrputcr. and othcr systems. We are no1 liablc to you fbr any claims or damlgcs that may result frotn a lack ol plivacy experienced. 20.2 Consent. You conscnt io us (a) using information about you and your location to administcr scniaes. of-ter you ncw prlrducts or scrviccs. cnlbrcc thc teims oIthis Agreemcnt, prcvcnt liaud. and respond to rcgulatory and lcgal rcquirenrents: (b) pror id ing in formation. including infornration coDtained on your C ll l,ist and othcr pcrsonal in lbnnati(nr. to cnrcrgency pclsonncl or our subcontractors or assignees lbr the purposc ofproviding scrviccs or in response to a subpocna or othcr legal proccss: and (c) Monitoring and Services Agreement - cL 02114 ease read all paBes! Your lnitials Page 5 of 6 using und sharing aggregate customcr inlitrnration and statistic-i thdt do not inchrde inlbrmation that identilics you or anyindividuals personally we m y contact you by telephone, lacsimile, crnail, orother intcrnet serviccs, with respect to the systcmand services rve prttvide under this Agreement, and nerv ollerings of syslem.s or services we may make availabl'e in the liture. 2l' Network or server vulnerability; Liability. Yo! ore solely responsible fbr the intcgrity and sccurity ofyogr dota,soliware, devices' computer systcm, nctworks, server;, ancl other equiprncnt. we are not liable 1br any loss or damage arising outol'or relating to any unauthorizcd or improper access to. ol usc ol'youi System or data. your System may be connected to theinternct You understand that \\'e do not operate or control the intclnet, and that viru.".,,r.,..., tr,rlon horses, and other maliciousor undesirable data, code, sollware' or users may attempt to access or clamage l,our data. deviccs, cilmputcrs, and networks. wc arenot liable lbr suclr acti*ities. we do nor gurrantce that ihe systenr or servicJwill meet your r.equircmc'nts, tlaiihe service rvitt trcuninterrupted or error-liec, or lhar cncryption algorithms. associatcd keys. anrj other security measures rvill be secure or etlictivc.You nrulit notiiy us immcdiatcly iI you upgrade yoLrr operating system ;r make ary "trung". to ynui iil" .nupping, o, you, syr,.,,or dcvices are unable k) acccss thc internet or network servicc. 22' Third P'rty lndemnifitstioni subrogation. You must immcdiately dcf'end and intiemnify us against all claims broughrby otherc,.including pcrsonal iniury, tort,. negligcnce, property domrge, or death. This provision applies to all claims regardless olcause, including our or the system's perfblmance or lhilurc to pcrfoim; defects in products, design, installation, activation, orservicel ncgligencci tort; warrlntyi conlribution; indemnificalion; or sriict products liatrilty. so iirr as fi,rri,i"i t y y",,. tiability orpropcrty insurance policy, yotl t clcase Lrs liom all claims. \a,hcthcr the claims are made by ir through you, includiig y6ur insur.ncccompany or other plrtics, and must del'end cnd indemnily us lionr all claims. You must notity youi insuronce "n.pany nr-t5.."terms. 23' Timeto Bring suiti venue; Goverring Law. Any lawsuit orothcr legal proceeding arising out sf or relating to th isAgrecmenl' whether based upon contract, lort, negligence, oi othcrrvise, must be-brought nn lale, tha,i.rn" y"ui "t.. r. "rui,arises 'lhis Agreement is made and cnlered int. ii R-iv-erside county, iaiiin.nia- any legal procecding arising out of or relating rothis Agreement must be brouBht in Riverside county- cellt,*i-a r^ti "ffii.. to rhis Agreemenr regrrdless ol.choice-.1-larv rules. 21' Entire Agreement l his Aqrecment is (he linat exprcssion ol'and sets fdrth the entirc agr.ecment bctwecn the partics. Noothcr lgleenlents, rcprescntations. or wa.rantics, express or impiial, ,rr"i", *.iu"r, have bcen madc by any p.rty to the olhcr withrcspect torltis ngrcemcnl All priorand conlemp.,run"nu..nri".*"ti,rnr. ncg.,tiations. rnd warrunlics a.c not rclied up,rn anrJ crctvai\cJ lhis Agreenrent superscdcs anrJrcplaccs.all prior.ral r""riit"" ag;""."r,, or unrJcrsranciings hrl\!een lhe pa,1ics. I hi\ isxninlegraleJaSrcement'lhisAgR'ementcannotbet:hangedorutll.,n,inti"tong.,musrhein\\ritingsigncdhyauthorizeJ rcprcscnlalivcs ofhoth parlies ll rlrcrc is any conllict hetireen tr,ii n!r"a.,*r *o your purchsc ordcr.r other document l;',';:[XJ:.'" *'t ngrcement gttvcms rvh.,r'"r tr'. pu,.r,"t. ,,rl.r.i i."r.*, i. aelivercd betbrc.r att.r',t i, agr"...n, i, 25' Enforceability; waiver' Il'ilny parl ofthis Agreement is void, the remaining porlions ol'thc Agrccment renrainenlitrceable No rvaiver ol a brcach ol'any term or conclition ol this Agreement is a waiver ol'any succcctJing breach. 26' lnterpretatioli construction' 'lhe captions are lirr convcnicnce ol'retrence only and havc no lbrce in the interprcta(i(nlor construction ofthis Agrecmcnt 'l'hc neuter includes the nrasculine oL tbminine gender, irnd tlre singular includes the pluralwherever Ihe context requires. Itaclr term ol this Agreemenr is a ",i"aiii", ,i, u" rruy perfbrmed. rhe rulc oiconstruction tlratambiguities are resolvcd against the dra,ling party -does not apply inini"rp."tlng *,i, Agrecment. 21' Authorized signatories: Dlplicate. I'he.individuals crcculing this Agrecment arc authorized sigratories rnd havc thclirll powcr to enterinto this Agrecmeni. and make the represenlr,iun. on'o \rlorrun,i", ser ronh here. Dclivcry ot.the e\ccutedAgrccment by lacsimile rir olher clectronic means is as binding .rs dclivery ofan originally -crecuted Agrcemcnt. .fhis Agleemcntand all documents arising out ol or relating to this Agreement;ay be stured or reproduced by electronic or rnechanical mcans. Anclcctronic version ofthis Agreernent is rega y equivirent ro thc r,'riginri rir, ^rr pu.por"", in"iuJing'ir,i;;,i;,,. * *" 28' . state Licenses' Alarlu company operators are liccnsErl arrd rcgulated hy thc Ilurcau ol'sccurity and Investigativcser""iccs' Deprrtment ol consunrcr Allairs, sacramento, calilbrnia t)5lll-4. conffactors are rcquirerl by law to be licensed andlcgulated by the corrt.act(ns' statc l,icense Board which has.iulistliction to investigate compLiints ag,ii,,r, a,,niroa,no lincomplaint regarding a patenl act or omission is filed rvithin four years oithe'date ofthe alleged violnrion. A complaint regarding alatent act or onrission pcrtaining to structural del'ects must be liled within tcn years ofthe dste ol'the allcged violation. Anyqucsti()ns co'lcerning a contrucl()r milv he retcrred to thc Legistlar. tirnr,a.lors. state [-icense Rourd. I,.o. Ro\ 26000.Sacranrcnto, Cali lb.nia 951126. Monitorin8 and Services Agreement_ please read all pages! ct 02/14 Your lnitials Page 6 of 6 ACO 99 pAcrFrc ATARM SERVTCE CLO IC28 ICt6606732 (951) 845-1666. Fax: (951) 769-1230www.pacificalarm.com ATTACHMENT Page I of 1 Attachment To: _ Commercial Purchase and Servicqs Agreement l_ Commercial System and Services Agreement _ Residential Sale And Services Agreement _ Monitoring Services Agreement SUBSCRIBER/CUSTOMER Menifee City Hall Schedule of Equipment and Services: ATTACHMENT. The following list of equipment and schedule of work is included as part of the base ag reement$7846 d319402-01-2017 attached.Allterms and conditions of the base agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect SCHEDUTE OF DETECTION SCHEDULE: Leased Burglar Alarm System with Central Station Monitoring Multi-zone alarm conkol panel with entry/exit delay zones, siren cut-off, area partitioning, zone expansion capability and rechargeable standby power. Three digital on/off keypads with alpha-numeric display, panic and bypass functions. Contact nine perimeter doors Conlact one roof hatch. Nine wall mounted dual detection devices - interior detection. Three 360 degree ceiling mounted dual detectors. lnterior siren. Exterior siren in tamper proof enclosure. Long range Cellular/Radio transmitter for alarm and trouble signals lo Central Station in the event phone lines are not functioning or disabled. Digital communication to Central Station with daily test signal. Equipment included as part of service. '*Subscriber may cancel contract with written 30 day notice ^w