2019/11/06 New Hub Properties, LLC Commercial Lease of PremisesThis is Amendment No. 5 to that certain AGREEMENT for Commercial Lease Agreement ("Agreement") made on October 1, 2018 by and between the City of Menifee ("City") and NEW HUB PROPERTIES, LLC ("Landlord") for lease of premises at29714 Haun Road, Menifee CA 92586 which Amendment is made and entered into ongobbei tl/ b /2019, to include Menifee Police Department Headquarters Tenant lmprovements to the Agieem6nt as indicated below: AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW HUB PROPERTIES, LLC AND THE CITY OF MENIFEE FOR COMMERCIAL LEASE OF PREMISES AT 29714 HAUN ROAD, MENIFEE CA 92586 1. Exhibit C, Menifee Police Department Headquarters Tenant lmprovements is incorporated into the lease to include necessary tenant improvements for the Police Headquarters Facility included within the attachment hereto labeled as "Exhibit C: Menifee Police Department Headquarters Tenant lmprovements (Amendment No. 5)". 2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. CJTY OF Afmando la, City LANDLORD L Gibson "//L Approved as to Fom: Melching J A. P.d6!ix!:l Sarvices Arnendment I'lo. 5 s/ith taer Hub Prop€rties, tlc 2 ol2 A tl ? ( Exhibit C: Menifee Police Department Headquarters Tenant lmprovements (Amendment No. 5) This amendment only includes the Tenant lmprovements through 10/342il9 as specifically listed below. Any additional improvements not explicitly listed below but required to be completed would be addressed in separate/subsequent contract amendments. Amount ($) Professional/Licensed Structural Engineering Services (Building A- 29714 Haun Road lVlenifee CA 92586), including but not limited to: 1. Evaluation of the existing structure based on current code of practice. 2. ldentifying the concerned portions/areas of the existing structure that need to be retrofitted to satisfy the current code requirements. 3. Check the adequacy of the building to be converted into police station. 4. Eatly design input to set the Structural system and to coordinate Architectural and/or Mechanical plans with Structural plans. 5. Complete design including seismic analysis based on 2016 CBC. 6. Complete structural drafting. 7. Building Department corrections as required by the applicable Building Department. 8. Coordination meetings. 9. Checking of shop drawings for structural steel elements as occurs. 10. Answering field questions during the construction phase. $21,562.50 Other Engineering (Building A)$6,720.34 Architectural Building Tl (Building A & B)$2,070.00 Supervision Shell & Tl (Building A & B)$34,500.00 Rental Equipment (Building A & B)$1 1,500.00 ProfessionalServices Amendment No. 5 with New Hub Propenies, LLC 2ot2 Tenant lm provements Description I I I $258.75 Special inspection conc. (Building A)$575.00 Brace Frame Footing (Building A)$40,919.30 Structural Steel & Roof Framing (Building A) $430,640.s0 Column Conc. Fill (Building A)$9,83s.08 Rough Electric (Building A & B)$28,731.54 Rough Plumbing (Building A & B)$1,1 20.49 Building Sprinklers Shell & Tl (Building A)$13,800.00 Roofing (Building A)$10,637.50 Mechanical (Building A & B)$2,875.00 Glazing - Single Glazed (Building A)$1,72s.00 Steel Stud Frmg & Drywall C.O. (Building B) $1 ,1 15.s0 Steel Stud Frmg & Drywall Tl. A (Building A) $40,192.50 Steel Stud Frmg & Drywall Tl. B (Building B) $39,778.s0 Steel Stud Frmg & D/W Cols. (Building A)$21,022.00 lnsulation replace est. (Building A)$12,477.50 T-Bar Demo (Building A & B):Remove all acoustical ceiling tiles and dispose into City supplied dumpsters (Approximately 10,600 Sq. Ft) All Employees to be Paid at Prevailing Wage $9,717.s0 T-Bar Tl Area w-Tile (Building B)$9,688.7s T-Bar Tl Area w-Tile (Building A)$5s,200.00 Tbar additional demo (Building A)$3,139.s0 Jordan Demo Labor $19,867.75 Paint lnterior Tl (Building A)$12,060.0s Paint lnterior Tl (Building B)$7,337.00 Professiona I Services Amend ment No. S with New Hub Propenies, LLC 2 ol2 Soils Testing Field Work (Building A) I Horizontal Boring (Building A & B)$5,430.88 Misc Materials (Building A & B)$4,500.00 Saw Cufting (Building A & B)$345.00 Cabinets Tl (Building A)$2,875.00 Floor Coverings (Building A & B)$67,800.80 Doors and Jambs material (Building B)$2,940.32 Timely Windows (Building B)$460.00 Granite Counters Tl $4,025.00 TOTAL:$937,544.55 Professional Services Amendment No. 5 wlth New Hub Properties, LLC 2of2 I