2018/09/19 Local Government Commission (LGC) Active Transportation PlanPROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT
this i(tU,da
PROFE toN AL SERVICES AGREEMENT (''Agreement") is made and effective
yof ,2018 ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE,
a Califomia munici pa I corporation. C'city") and LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSIoN
(LtGC), a California Non-Profit Corporation ("Consultant"). City and Consultant may sometimes
herein be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall provide to
City the services described in the Scope ofServices, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated
herein by this reference (the "Services"). Consultant will perform subsequent task orders as
requested by the Contract Administrator (as defined below), in accordance with the Scope of
Services. In the event ofa conflict in or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and
Exhibit A, this Agreement shall prevail.
1.1 Term ofServices. The term ofthis Agreement shall begin on September 19,2018
and shall end on June 30, 2020 unless the term of this Agreement is otherwise terminated or
extended as provided for in Section 8. The time provided to Consultant to complete the Services
required by this Agreement shall not affect City's right to terminate this Agreement, as provided
lor in Section 8.
1.2 Standard of Pertbrmance. Consultant re presents and warrants that Consultant is a
provider offirst class work and services and Consultant is experienced in performing the Services
contemplated herein and, in tight of such status and experience, Consultant shall perform the
Services required pursuant to this Agreement in the manner and according to the standards
observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which Consultant is engaged in the
geographical area in which Consultant practices its profession and to the sole satisfaction of the
Contract Administrator.
1.3 Assignment ol Personnel. Consultant shall assi gn only competent personnel to
perlorm the Services pursuant to Agreement. In the event that City, in its sole discretion, at any
time during the term of this Agreement, desires the reassignment ofany such persons, Consultant
shall, immediately upon receiving notice lrom City ofsuch desire of City, reassign such person or
1.4 Time. Consultant shall devote such time to the performance of the Services
pursuant to this Agreement as may be reasonably necessary to satisfy Consultant's obligations
I .5 Authorization to Perform Services. Consultant is not authorized to perform any of
the Services or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of
authorization from the Contract Administrator.
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City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed THIRTY SIX.TWO
HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($36,200.00) notwithstanding uny dntrury
indications that may be contained in Consultant's proposal, for the Services to be performed and
reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this
Agreement and Exhibit A, regarding the amount of compensation, this Agreement shall prevail.
City shall pay Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in
the manner set forth herein. The payments specified below shall be the only payments from City
to Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall submit all
invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized in advance by
City, Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person.
2.1 Invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices monthly during the term of this
Agreement, based on the cost for the Services performed and reimbursable costs incurred prior to
the invoice date. Invoices shall contain the following information:
Serial identifications of progress bills; i.e., Progress Bill No. 1 for the firsta
invoice, etc.;
b. The beginning and ending dates ofthe billing periodl
c. A "Task Summary" containing the original contract amount, the amount of
prior billings, the total due this period, the balance available under this Agreement. and the
percentage of completion;
Receipts for expenses to be reimbursed;
Invoices shall be submitted to:
City of Menifee
Attn: Accounts Payable
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
2.2 Monthly Payment. Ci ty shall make monthly payments, based on invoices received,
for the Services satislactorily performed, and tbr authorized reimbursable costs incurred. City
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d. At City's option, for each item in each task, a copy ofthe applicable time
entries or time sheets shall be submitted showing the name of the person performing the
Services, the hours spent by each person, a brief description of the Services, and each
reimbursable expense;
e. The total number ol hours of work performed under this Agreement by
Consultant and each employee, agent, and subcontractor of Consultant perlorming the
Services hereunder necessary to complete the Services described in Exhibit A;
The Consultant Representative's signature.
shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt ofan invoice that complies with all ofthe requirements
above to pay Consultant.
2.3 Final Payment. Ci ty shall pay the last five percent (5%) of the total amount due
pursuant to this Agreement within sixty (60) days after completion of the Services and submittal
to City ofa final invoice, ifall of the Services required have been satisfactorily performed.
2.4 Total Payment. Ci ty shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost
whatsoever incurred by Consultant in rendering the Services pursuant to this Agreement. City
shall make no payment for any extra, further, or additional service pursuant to this Agreement.
2.5 Hourly Fees. Fees for the Services performed by Consultant on an hourly basis
shall not exceed the amounts shown on the fee schedule included with Exhibit A.
2.6 Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable expenses are included within the maximum
amount of this Agreement
2.7 Pavment of Taxes. Consultant is solel y responsible for the payment of employment
taxes incuned under this Agreement and any federal or state taxes.
2.8 Payment upon Termination. In the event that Ci ty or Consultant terminates this
Agreement pursuant to Section 8, City shall compensate Consultant for all outstanding costs and
reimbursable expenses incurred for Services satisfactorily completed and for reimbursable
expenses as of the date of written notice of termination. Consultant shall maintain adequate logs
and timesheets in order to verify costs and reimbursable expenses incurred to that date.
Except as otherwise provided, Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, provide all
facilities and equipment necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement. City shall
make available to Consultant only physical facilities such as desks, filing cabinets, and conference
space, as may be reasonably necessary for Consultant's use while consulting with City employees
and reviewing records and the information in possession of City. The location, quantity, and time
of fumishing those facilities shall be in the sole discretion of City. In no event shall City be
required to fumish any facility that may involve incurring any direct expense, including but not
limited to computer, long-distance telephone or other communication charges, vehicles, and
reproduction facilities.
Before beginning any work under this Agreement. Consultant, at its own cost and expense,
shall procure the types and amounts of insurance checked below and provide Certificates of
Insurance, indicating that Consultant has obtained or currently maintains insurance that meets the
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In no event shall Consultant submit any invoice for an amount in excess of the
maximum amount of compensation provided above either for a task or for the entirety of the
Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, unless this Agreement is modified in writing prior
to the submission of such an invoice.
requirements of this section and which is satisfactory, in all respects, to City. Consultant shall
maintain the insurance policies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement.
The cost of such insurance shall be included in Consultant's compensation. Consultant shall not
allow any subcontractor, consultant or other agent to commence work on any subcontract until
Consultant has obtained all insurance required herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided
evidence thereoito City. Verification olthe required insurance shall be submitted and made part
of this Agreement prior to execution. Consultant acknowledges the insurance policy must cover
inter-insured suits between City and other Insureds.
4.1 Workers' Compensation. Consultant shall , at its sole cost and expense, maintain
Statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance for any and all
persons employed directly or indirectly by Consultant pursuant to the provisions ofthe Califomia
Labor Code. Statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance
shall be provided with limits of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per
accident, ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($l,000,000.00) disease per employee, and ONE MILLION
DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) disease per policy. ln the altemative, Consultant may rely on a self-
insurance program to meet those requirements, but only ifthe program of selfl-insurance complies
fully with the provisions of the Califomia Labor Code. Determination olwhether a self-insurance
program meets the standards ofthe Califomia Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion ofthe
Contract Administrator. The insurer, if insurance is provided, or Consultant, if a program of self-
insurance is provided, shall waive all rights of subrogation against City and its officers, officials,
employees, and authorized volunteers for loss arising from the Services performed under this
a General requirements. Consultant , at its own cost and expense, shall
maintain commercial general and automobile liability insurance for the term olthis Agreement in
an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined
single limit coverage, for risks associated with the Services contemplated by this Agreement, TWO
MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate, and TWO MILLION
DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) products/completed operations aggregate. If a Commercial General
Liability Insurance or an Automobile Liability Insurance form or other lorm with a general
aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the Services to
be performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the
required occurrence limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to, protection
against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and
damage to property resulting from the Services contemplated under this Agreement, including the
use ofhired, owned, and non-owned automobiles.
b. Minimum scope of coverage. Commercial general coverage shall be at least
as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liabitity occurrence form CG 0001.
Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability
form CA 0001 Code 2, 8, and 9. No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage.
Additional requirements. Each of the followinc
insurance coverage or added as a certified endorsement to the policy:
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g shall be included in the
4.2 Commercial General and Automobile Liabilitv Insurance.
a. The insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident basis, and
not on a claims-made basis.
b. Any failure of Consultant to comply with reporting provisions of the
policy shall not affect coverage provided to City and its officers, employees, agents,
and volunteers.
4.3 Professional Li bility Insurance.
a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall
maintain lor the period covered by this Agreement professional liability insurance for licensed
professionals performing the Services pursuant to this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE
MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) covering the licensed professionals' errors and omissions.
Any deductible or self-insured retention shall be shown on the Certificate. If the deductible or
self-insured retention exceeds TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000), it must be
approved by City.
b. Claims-made limitations. The following provisions shall apply if the
professional liability coverage is written on a claims-made lorm:
a. The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be no
later than the commencement of the Services.
b. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be
provided for at least five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this
Agreement or completion of the Services, so long as commercially available at
reasonable rates.
d. A copy of the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to
City prior to the commencement of the Services under this Agreement.
a. Acceptabilitv of insurers. All insurance required by this Section is to be
placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII and admitted in Califomia.
c. If coverage is canceled or not renewed and it is not replaced with
another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the Effective
Date of this Agreement, Consultant must provide extended repo(ing coverage for
a minimum of five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement
or the completion ofthe Services. Such continuation coverage may be provided by
one ofthe following: (l) renewal ofthe existing policy; (2) an extended reporting
period endorsement; or (3) replacement insurance with a retroactive date no later
than the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. City shall have the
right to exercise, at Consultant's sole cost and expense, any extended reporting
provisions ofthe policy, if Consultant cancels or does not renew the coverage.
4.4 All Policies Requirements.
OF MENIFEE ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN 'fhe name and address for Additional
Notice of Reduction in or Cancellation of Coverage. Consultant shall
provide written notice to City within ten (10) working days if: (l) any ofthe required insurance
policies is terminated; (2) the limits ofany ofthe required polices are reduced; or (3) the deductible
or self insured retention is increased.
d. Additional insured;primary insurance. Ci ty and its officers, employees,
agents, and authorized volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to each of
the following: liability arising out of the Services performed by or on behall of Consultant,
including the insured's general supervision ol Consultant; products and completed operations of
Consultant, as applicable; premises owned, occupied, or used by Consultant; and automobiles
owned, leased, or used by Consultant in the course of providing the Services pursuant to this
Agreement. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope ofprotection afforded
to City or its officers, employees, agents, or authorized volunteers. The insurance provided to City
as an additional insured must apply on a primary and non-contributory basis with respect to any
insurance or self-insurance program maintained by City. Additional insured status shall continue
for one ( I ) year after the expiration or lermination ofthis Agreement or completion ofthe Services.
A certified endorsement must be attached to all policies stating that coverage is
primary insurance with respect to City and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, and
that no insurance or self-insurance maintained by City shall be called upon to contribute to a loss
under the coverage.
Deductibles and Self-insured Retentions . Consultant shall obtain the
written approval of City for the self-insured retentions and deductibles before beginning any ofthe
During the term of this Agreement, only upon the prior express written
authorization of the Contract Administrator, Consultant may increase such deductibles or self-
insured retentions with respect to City, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. The
Contract Administrator may condition approval of an increase in deductible or self-insured
retention levels with a requirement that Consultant procure a bond guaranteeing payment oflosses
and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses that is satisfactory in all
respects to each of them.
f. Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds
under its policies or shall fumish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each
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b. Verification of coveraqe. Prior to beginning the Services under this
Agreement, Consultant shall fumish City with Certificates of Insurance, additional insured
endorsement or policy language granting additional insured status complete certified copies ofall
policies, including complete certified copies of all endorsements. All copies ol policies and
certified endorsements shall show the signature of a person authorized by that insurer to bind
coverage on its behalf. The Certificate of Insurance must include the following reference: !![
Insured endorsements, Certificates of Insurance and Notice of Cancellation is: City of Menifee.
29714 Haur Road, Menifee. CA 92586. City must be endorsed as an additional insured for
liability arising out ofongoing and completed operations by or on behalf of Consultant.
All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated
Variation. The Contract Administrator may, but is not required to, approve
in writing a variation in the foregoing insurance requirements, upon a determination that the
coverage, scope, Iimits, and forms ofsuch insurance are either not commercially available, or that
City's interests are otherwise fully protected.
4.5 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies at law or equity City may have if
Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent
and within the time herein required. City may, at its sole option, exercise any of the following
remedies, which are alternatives to other remedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedy
for Consultant's breach:
a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums
for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement;
b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement or withhold any
payment that becomes due to Consultant hereunder, or both stop work and withhold any
payment, until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof; andior
c. Terminate this Agreement.
5-l Indemnification lor Professionat Liabilitv. Where the law establishes a
professional standard of care for performance of the Services, to the fullest extent permitted by
law, Consultant shall indemnifu, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless
City and any and all of its officers, employees, officials, volunteers, and agents from and against
any and all claims, losses, costs, damages, expenses, liabilities, liens, actions, causes of action
(whether in tort, contract, under statute, at [aw, in equity, or otherwise) charges, awards,
assessments, fines, or penalties of any kind (including reasonable consultant and expert fees and
expenses of investigation, costs of whatever kind and nature and, if Consultant fails to provide a
defense for City, the legal costs of counsel retained by City) and any judgment (collectively,
"Claims") to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error,
or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors (or any entity or
individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance ofprofessional
services under this Agreement.
5.2 Indemnification for Other than Professio nal Liabilitv.Other than in the
performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall
indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City, and any and
all of its officers, employees, officials, volunteers, and agents from and against any and all Claims,
where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in
part, the perlormance of this Agreement by Consultant or by any individual or entity for which
Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or
subcontractors of Consultant.
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5.3 Limitation of Indemnification. The provisions of this Section 5 do not apply to
claims occurring as a result of City's sole or active negligence. The provisions of this Section 5
shall not release City from liability arising from gross negligence or willful acts or omissions of
City or any and all of its officers, officials, employees, and agents acting in an official capacity.
6.1 Independent Contractor. At all times durin g the term of this Agreement, Consultant
shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of City. City shall have the right
to control Consultant only insofar as the results of the Services rendered pursuant to this
Agreement and assignment of personnel pursuant to Subparagraph 1.3;however, otherwise City
shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes the Services
rendered pursuant to this Agreement. The personnel performing the Services under this
Agreement on behalfof Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and
control. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers,
employees, or agents is in any manner officers, oflficials, employees, or agents of City. Consultant
shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City,
or bind City in any manner. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in this Agreement,
City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing the Services
hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for
injury or sickness arising out of performing the Services hereunder. Notwithstanding any other
City, state, or federal policy, rule, regulation, law, or ordinance to the contrary, Consultant and any
ol its employees, agents, and subcontractors providing services under this Agreement shall not
qualify for or become entitled to any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by
City, including but not limited to eligibility to enroll in the California Public Employees
Retirement System ("PERS") as an employee of City and entitlement to any contribution to be
paid by City for employer contributions and/or employee contributions ior PERS benefits.
7 .l Goveming Law. The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement.
7 .2 Comolian ce with Applicable Laws . Consultant and any subcontractor shall comply
with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to the performance of
the work hereunder. Consultant shall not hire or employ any person to perform work within City
or allow any person to perform the Services required under this Agreement unless such person is
properly documented and legally entitled to be employed within the United States. Any and all
work subject to prevailing wages, as determined by the Director oflndustrial Relations ofthe State
of Califomia, will be the minimum paid to all laborers, including Consultant's employee and
subcontractors. It is understood that it is the responsibility of Consultant to determine the conect
scale. The State Prevailing Wage Rates may be obtained from the Califomia Department of
Industrial Relations ('DIR') pursuant to Califomia Public Utilities Code, Sections 465,466, and
467 by calling 415-703-4774. Appropriate records demonstrating compliance with such
requirement shall be maintained in a safe and secure location at all times, and readily available at
City's request. Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold City and its elected and appointed
boards, members, officials, officers, agents, representatives, employees, and volunteers harmless
from and against any liability, loss. damage, cost or expenses (including but not limited to
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reasonable attomeys'fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and costs incurred related to any
inquiries or proceedings) arising from or related to (i) the noncompliance by Consultant or any
party performing the Services ofany applicable local, state, andior federal law, including, without
limitation, any applicable federal and/or state labor laws (including, without limitation, the
requirement to pay state prevailing wages and hire apprentices); (ii) the implementation ofSection
1781 of the Labor Code, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law;
andior (iii) failure by Consultant or any party performing the Services to provide any required
disclosure or identification as required by Labor Code Section l78l, as the same may be amended
from time to time, or any other similar law. It is agreed by the Parties that, in connection with
performance of the Services, including. without limitation, any and all public works (as defined
by applicable law), Consultant shall bear all risks olpayment or non-payment ofprevailing wages
under Califomia law and/or the implementation of Labor Code Section 178 I , as the same may be
amended from time to time, and/or any other similar [aw. Consultant acknowledges and agrees
that it shatl be independently responsible for reviewing the applicable laws and regulations and
effectuating compliance with such laws. Consultant shall require the same ofall subcontractors.
7.3 Licenses and Permits. Consultant re presents and warrants to City that Consultant
and its employees, agents, and any subcontraclors have all licenses, permits, qualifications, and
approvals of whatsoever nature that are legally required to practice their respective professions.
Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and
subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of
this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals that are legally required to practice their
respective professions. In addition to the foregoing, Consultant and any subcontractors shall obtain
and maintain during the term of this Agreement valid Business Licenses from City.
8. I Termination. Ci ty may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause upon
wfitten notification to Consultant.
8.2 Termination by Consultant Consultant may cancel this Agreement upon 30 days'
written notice to City.
8.3 Consequences of Termination. In the event of termination , Consultant shall be
entitled to compensation for the Services performed up to the date of termination; City, however,
may condition payment ol such compensation upon Consultant delivering to City any or all
documents, photographs, computer software, video and audio tapes, and other materials provided
to Consultant or prepared by or for Consultant or City in connection with this Agreement.
8.4 Extension. City may, in its sole and exclusive discretion, extend the end date of
this Agreement beyond that provided for in Subsection l.l. Any such extension shall require a
written amendment to this Agreement, as provided for herein. Consultant understands and agrees
that, il City grants such an extension, City shall have no obligation to provide Consultant with
compensation beyond the maximum amount provided lbr in this Agreement. Similarly, unless
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authorized by the Contract Administrator, City shall have no obligation to reimburse Consultant
for any otherwise reimbursable expenses incurred during the extension period.
8.5 Amendments. The Parties may amend this Agreement only by a writing signed by
all the Parties.
8.6 Assi ent and Subcontractin City and Consultant recognize and agree that this
Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and is based upon a determination
of Consultant's unique personal competence, experience, and specialized personal knowledge.
Moreover, a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agreement was and is the
professional reputation and competence of Consultant. Consultant may not assign this Agreement
or any interest therein without the prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. Consultant
shall not subcontract any portion of the performance contemplated and provided for herein, other
than to the subcontractors noted in Consultant's proposal, without prior written approval of the
Contract Administrator. In the event that key personnel leave Consultant's employ, Consultant
shall notifu City immediately.
8.7 Survival. All obli gations arising prior to the expiration or termination of this
Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating liability between City and Consultant
shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
8.8 Options up on Breach bv Consultant. If Consultant materiall y breaches any of the
terms of this Agreement, City's remedies shall include, but not be limited to, any or all of the
a. Immediately terminate this Agreement;
b. Retain the plans, specifications, drawings, reports, design documents, and
any other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement;
c. Retain a different consultant to complete lhe Services described in
Exhibit A; and/or
d. Charge Consultant the ditterence between the cost to complete the Services
described in Exhibit A that is unfinished at the time of breach and the amount that City
would have paid Consultant pursuant to Section 2 if Consultant had completed the
- l0-
9.1 Records Created as Part of Consultant's Performance. All reports, data, maps,
models, charts, studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda, plans, studies, specifications, records,
files, or any other documents or materials, in electronic or any other form that Consultant prepares
or obtains pursuant to this Agreement and that relate to the matters covered hereunder shall be the
property ofCity. Consultant hereby agrees to deliver those documents to City upon the expiration
or termination of this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the documents and other
materials, including but not limited to those described above, prepared pursuant to this Agreement
are prepared specifically for City and are not necessarily suitable for any future or other use. Any
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use of such documents for other projects by City shall be without liability to Consultant. City and
Consultant agree that, until final approval by City, all data, plans, specifications, reports, and other
documents are confidential and will not be released to third parties without prior written consent
olboth Parties unless required by law.
9.2 Licensins of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and
perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs,
rights of reproduction, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies,
drawings, estimates, test data, survey results, models, renderings, and other documents or works
of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical
drawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magnetically, or in any other medium, which
are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement ("Documents and
Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non-
exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents and Data the subcontractor prepares under this
Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any
and all Documents and Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to
Documents and Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or
provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents
and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this
Agreement shall be at City's sole risk.
9.3 Consultant's Books and Records. Consultant shall maintain an y and all ledgers.
books ofaccount, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, and other records or documents evidencing
or relating to charges for the Services or expenditures and disbursements charged to City under
this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, from
the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. All such records shall be maintained
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and
readily accessible.
9.4 Inspection and Audit of Records. An y records or documents that Section 9.3 of
this Agreement requires Consultant to maintain shall be made available for inspection, audit,
and/or copying at any time during regular business hours, upon oral or written request of City.
Under Califomia Govemment Code Section 8546.7, if the amount of public funds expended under
this Agreement exceeds TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00), this Agreement shall be
subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor, at the request of City or as part of any
audit of City, for a period ofthree (3) years after final payment under this Agreement.
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l0.l Attomeys' Fees. Ifeither Party to this Agreement brings any action, including an
action for declaratory relief, to enforce or interpret the provision of this Agreement, the prevailing
Party shall be entitled to reasonable attomeys' lees and expenses including costs, in addition to
any other relief to which that Party may be entitled; provided, however, that the attomeys' fees
awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the hourly rate paid by City for legal services
multiplied by the reasonable number of hours spent by the prevailing Party in the conduct olthe
litigation. The court may set such fees in the same action or in a separate action brought for that
10.2 Apolicable Law: Venue. The intemal laws of the State of California shall govem
the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. In the event that either Party brings any
action against the other under this Agreement, the Parties agree that trial of such action shall be
vested exclusively in Riverside County.
10.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of
this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and all other parts of this Agreement shall
nevertheless be in fult force and effect.
10.4 Sect He in n s. The seclion headi ngs and subheadings
contained in this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not limit or otherwise
aflect the terms of this Agreement.
10.5 No Implied Waiver of Breach. The waiver of any breach of a specific provision of
this Agreement does not constitute a waiver ofany other breach ofthat term or any other term of
this Agreement.
10.6 Successors and Assisns. The provisions ofthis Agreement shall inure to the benefit
ofand shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the Parties.
10.7 Consultant Representative. Al[ matters under this Agreement shall be handled for
Consultant by Tony Leonard, Project Manager ("Consultant's Representative"). The Consultant's
Representative shalt have full authority to represent and act on behalfofConsultant for all purposes
under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services,
using his best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques.
sequences, and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services
under this Agreement.
10.8 Citv Contract Administration. This Agreement shall be administered by a City
employee, Carlos Geronimo, Sr. Civil Engineer ("Contract Administrator"). All conespondence
shall be directed to or through the Contract Administrator or his designee. The Contract
Administrator shall have the power to act on behalf of City for all purposes under this Agreement.
Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from
any person other than the Contract Administrator or his designee.
10.9 Notices. Any written notice to Consultant shall be sent to:
Attn: Tony Leonard, Project Manager
980 9th Street, Ste 1700
Sacramento, CA 95814
Any written notice to City shall be sent to the Contract Administrator at:
City of Menifee
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Attn: Carlos Geronimo, Sr. Civil Engineer
761012l 2 a09/0{/18 -12-
with a copy to:
City Clerk
City of Menifee
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
10.10 Professional Seal Where applicable in the determination of the Contract
Administrator, the first page ola technical report, first page ofdesign specifications, and each page
of construction drawings shall be stamped/sealed and signed by the licensed professional
responsible for the report/design preparation. The stamp/seal shall be in a block entitled "Seal and
Signature of Registered Professional with report/design responsibility," as in the following
Seal and Signature ofRegistered Professional with
repor/design responsibility.
10. I I Riehts and Remedies. Exc ept with respect to rights and remedies expressly
declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies ofthe Parties are cumulative
and the exercise by either Party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the
exercise by it, at the same or diflerent times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default
or any other default by the other Party.
10.12 lnteeration. This Agreement, including the scope of services attached hereto and
incorporated herein as Exhibit A, represents the entire and integrated agreement between City and
Consultant and supersedes all prior negotiations. representations. or agreements. either written or
oral. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the
language used and shall not be construed for or against either Party by reason ofthe authorship of
this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply.
10.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of
which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one agreement.
10.14 Execution of Contract. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of each of
the Parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such Party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they
are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said Party, (iii) by so
executing this Agreement, such Party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and
(iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to
which said Party is bound.
10.15 Nondiscrimination. Consultant covenants that, byandforitself, itsheirs, executors,
assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that in the performance of this Agreement
there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group ol persons on
account of any impermissible classification including, but not limited to, race. color, creed.
religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry.
763041L2 a09/01/18 -13-
10.16 No Third Partv Beneficiaries. With the exception of the specific provisions set
forth in this Agreement, there are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and
no such other third parties shall have any rights or obligations hereunder.
10.17 Nonliabilitv of Citv Officers and Emnlovees. No officer, official, employee, agent,
representative, or volunteer of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in
interest, in the event ofany default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to
Consultant or to its successor, or for breach ofany obligation ofthe terms of this Agreement.
10.18 No Undue Influence. Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence or
pressure is used against or in concert with any olficer or employee of City in connection with the
award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method olcoercion. confidential
financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of City shall receive
compensation, directly or indirectly, from Consultant, or from any officer, employee, or agent ol
Consultant, in connection with the award ofthis Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result
of this Agreement.
76:10,12l 2 a09/04/ll -t4-
10.19 No Benefit to Arise to Citv Employees. No member, officer, or employee of City,
or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or has
responsibilities with respect to this Agreement during hisArer tenure or for one (1) year thereafler,
shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds
thereof, for the Services to be performed under this Agreement.
ISignatures on Following Page]
N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and entered into this
Agreement as of the Effective Date.
C iy Clerkahwanng.
Michele Warren, Associate Director,
Linda Cloud. Associate Director. F CS
fNote: 2 officer's signatures required if
Consultant is a corporation, unless provided
with a certificate of secretary in-lieu]
as to Form:
.I lching,Attomey
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PAGE I267tl011858-000t
7630{21.2 a09/01/ l8
City of Menifee
Agreer€nt NurtetT 4A1064
Attachrnent ll
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4. Project Management
A. Scope of Work
Citl'of Mcnifcc Actirc TrnnsJxlrtation Phn
I\1R()t)t ("t't()\
Thc Citl o[\lenifcc is lositcd in south$ {.'$tern Rilcrsidc L-ount1- approxirrrrtcll 30 mil--, souths'ast
ol rhe ('irv of Riverside. 'lte ('itv encompasses approximrtclr' 50 squcre miles and has a
population that has recentll' esecrcdcd 89.000 people. Thc Citv uas incorporirtcd in 2008 allcr
_vcars of dcvcloprncnt lluough Ri!c$idc ('ountr'.
To msct thc Cit-v'l goals and visirm ol provicling:r mullimotlal trinsporliltion s.\'slcm. lhc Cil]
proposcs to dcvclop an.\cti\! lmnsportation l)lan(l)lan). llrcl)hn$ill csscss th{,'nccd$. cvalurtc
current inlentor)'. identil\' and prioritize rcti\.e trJnsportation recornmenclations. and focus on
protiding improvcd trn[sportntion c[oiccs in thc disadlantaged neighborhoods and nc;rr lesirl
schools nithin thc (litl. 'lhc ('itl of \lcnit'cc's (icrrcral l)lan ('irculrtion l.llcrnr,rrt iflcludcs locrl
bikonal rcconrmondations md gtrals to provide complctc strscl, citrrritlu. .\clditionallr'. thc Citv
of \[cnif'ce has prqrared a cornprehenrivc Parks. Trails- Open Space:rnd Rrcrcition \Iastcr Plan
rrhich idcntilics in nrorc dctail thc chssitication and location olproposcd tr.il rout.s. p.rks .nd
othcr amcnitics. Thc .\ctirc Traneportotion Plan nill huild upon thc nctlork idcntificd in the
Gcneral Plan rnd \Iastcr Plan. intogratc pcdcstrixn and $ilt routcs t{r school rc,Jommcndltions.
rnd pri >ritizc l-acilitics eitrrlitlc.
11rc prir-rritized list ol'rccommcndrlions thal emerge liom thc Plan shall bc ticd to mcasur;rblo goals
cnd olrjcctir.cs that shcll hc dcvclopcd bascd ol both comrnuril! inlut rs ir cll rs tochnical cnall scs
throughout thc proccss. Ihc l)hn shall ptor.idc all thc ncccssar! intbnnation rnd anallsis rcquirul
hl the state guidelines for .\cti!e Tr:rnsportation Plans- The .\ctivc Transportrtion Plan rvill
includc all ofthe ruluircd componcnls as dctailcd b,v thc Calilbrni;r Transporlalion Commission
in Scction l ll-l of thc 2017 .\'l l' (iuidolinss. tlv priolitizinc impr(,\'cmunt!i. thc l)lcn shall guidc
tfie Citl of \lcnifcs to sccurc funding and rapirlll implcmcnt improlcmonts tr.r stvngthon tho
actil e lransporlitioll nchlort,
Thr;sc tirngihlo rcsults shlll ultirnltcll hclp to builcl momcntum lbr lonr-torm policl'changcs thal
shall guidc citrrvidc lirndirrg and proglorn rlccisions.
267 t/03 t858-000t
7610421 2 a09/0.{/18
'l hc Citl of \ Ieni-t'ce is ont' ol'thc listcst grorr inc citics in t cstcm Rir cnirlc Co un[-r and is forccast
to tcach l population of 161.000 rt builcl out. accordins to thc rnost rcc,--nt housing clcrncnt in thc
(icnclal l)lan..-\s thc ('it\, continuos to,qto\r'rnd c\pand its transponltion nctrtork. this phn uill
crcatu thc blLrcprint lbr thc t'uturc b1'supp<-rrting thc dclek-rpmcnt of mors sust!inllrlq. livablc. and
cl'ticicnt 1\rlkablc anrt biNclc-ti icnrll! comnrunilicr. 1hu Citf i; corrnritl,Il to hrittillg toerrthcr
thc locrl- rnd sofictinlos dispcrsod. nciqhborlroods in \lerrit'cc tlroush i not\r'o ( ol .ctile
lritnsportltion s1-'sturns. 'lhc I'l;rn sill itlcnlil.v thc kel linkagcs lhrl \\ill tiq lhe communitiqs
toecth$ rvith thc qorl of inclcrsirre tltc nurnhcr ofno -iuto oricntcd l ps cit\\'idc.
City of Menifee
AgreenEnt NunberT4Al064
Attachrnent ll
Page 2 of 16
'lhc projcct $ill uss rn opproach bnsod on ('rlrirns' Smrrt \lohilit\'[.'ranrcrlork (S\lI) $hich
applics plinciplcs ol'Ircation ellicicnel. r'cli.rblc nrobilitl. hcalth and sxt'ctl. snviro ncnt:ll
stcllrdship. social cquitr Jnd J robust cconom) to transporlalion chirllcng'.:s. l,and usc and
tr'. sportation clTons to improvu connccti!i11. Ibcus on lo$er incomc rcsidcnts ind crc!tc a nlorc
tr a lkitblc and bicl clc-li icntllr ('itl arc corrs islcrt x ith thc Smar I \ lobilitr li xnl urr ork (S\ Ili). ll'i
t'itl lill also usc i contcst-s!.lrsiliro approach thal mirroni thc S\ll."s onrphasis on placc tlpo
[]r'scokine to inrprolc mobilitr'. sallt1 and acccss lbr all nro<lcs ol'tr ansporlll bn. rnd cspcciallr'
rr:rlUng rnd bicl clirro. this plrrn rr ill hulp thc ('it\ betcr alisl its tnnsporlltion arrl rlcvclrpnrcrrl
pJtlcms $ith slatc and l'cdlTal trxnspodntion g<uls of improvin:r nrultirnodll m(rbilitr' lnd
rcccssibili(r' for rll pcoplc rnd l'ostsrinc litahlc. hcalthv and socialll cquitrhlc comnrunilics.
Sp,:citicrllr. thc plarr rr ill he\r thc ('ilr.nrucl thc r,.,duction i,r r chicls trilcs lt ar clctl ( \'\l l ) lxrgcts
inclutlcd in thc Southum ('llilirntil .\ssocia(ion ol'(;o\emmcnt's Sushinlhlc Communitiqs
Slratcqr Rcqir)rrrl 'lrensportrtion l)lln. dor ckrpcd pursuint lo St].175.'lhis plrrr rlso rcldrcsscs
thc rcquircrrcnts irt ,\li l35ll (('ulilirr:ria (i)mflctc Stlccts .\cl) thrt l(,crl.iurisdictiorrs plln lirr irll
uscrs ol'Ci(r s(rcets. l.'ltimrlqlr. this upprorch lill help thc rcsion tnd lhc stittc bcttcr mcct thc
qoals ofrcrlucirg grcdlh(,trsc !ris cnri\riionr intl ichic|i s ntorc suslltirtlblu dr.;r r:Lrl)tMrl pirltcrns.
'lhc (.it1 sill pertncl sith thc Rircrsidc (iruntr publi; hcirlth dcpirtnrcnl (Ritursidc ['ni\cniit\
lllnlth Slst"in lhhlic llc.rlth. Rt lllt-l'll) rml nith thc nonfroll l,lrcnl cotL,rnmcnt
(inrrrisstrn ll,C(l) to crqrlrc tIc rcsidcnts rnd busirrcsses ol'\lcnilcc il analrzilg thc challcnges
to \alkin-t and hicrcling aml intrrrn thc prcp:rrrtion ofthc .\clivc lrrnsportl(ion l)lln. 'lhc lllan
uill bc d.r'clopcd tltouqh i robusl puhlit cngigcnr.nt lroccss thlt rrill includc o scrics of
rorksholx and outrcnch 'lmp-up" clsnts that rr ill providc ruultiplc opllo u itics lilr rcsidcntt t()
participrtc and pror idc input. 'l hc oulcomc u ill hc an rction phn l ith dclrilctl rcr-ommuntktions
lbr dcsien chane$ k) ( 'it! strcch ,n(l proqritnrs thit suppofl ictil c trnnsnorlation. 'l hc plan $ ill
also idurtil.r' plrlccls thil car l)c undcrtnkcn at hrrr cost ancl in thc shorl-tcmr thnt \r ill builtl srrpp,rrt
;rnrl momcnttrm among comm trni[T ' nr crn hcrs.
I 'tSI'O\SIIlt,t,t I'.\l{', t.tS:
'l h,.; ('itr ol'\ Icnillc ir lhc prr rprrra I rpp licrnt rnrl rr ill lro thc elxlt lci]ipisnt. 'l hc ('itt rr ill lrarlnr-r'
rr ith tho thu Rilcrs id,r (.'ni\ ors ih I Icrlth S lst,"rn - - l\rblic [ [e al(h ( ltL'l I S-l'l I ) rnd rr ith thu Local
(io\.qnmunl Conrnrission (1,(i('). r 50l(i)3 non-prolit oreanizrttrn. Rt'llS-l,ll and L(i(- arc
irrcludcd as srrb-applicrrrl\ on thc srnnt fl,p()ral lr, :t\sirt 'rr ith nranagirrg thc projcct and s ith thc
puhlic cngiglrncnt procrss.
'l hc ('itl rlill clorrs. x tcclllionl consulhnt tcarl. tluough a conrpctitivc bid U occs]r. k, Itl,doco
thc plln. 1hc sclsctcd c<lrrsultJnt rrill hlrrc c\pdtisc in trJnsporlition plilnning. acti\c
transpodction. Complctc Strccts. anrl Yision Zcro. Ihc rolcs and rcsponsihilitics olthc (-it1.
Rt ll5-tIl. I-(i('rnrl thc conlrltant lcirrr lr! d.itlilcd bclo\r,
( itl rrl llcnifrt
'l ho ('it1 is thc lcarl irppliclnt rnd s ill hrr c otu r ll lcspr.rnsitrilitl lbr thc plojcct. l'hr.r C itr rr ill b,,r
thc qrunt rccipicnl. c\ocutc lhs llcstriatcd (irxnt ,\Srccnrcnt \r ith ('altrlns. ind cs\,\jutc conl[]cts
rrithsub-lpplicalt*RircrsiclcI nirersitr IlurltlrSlslcrnrntll,ocxl(iovcrr)nrcnt('(nnrrrirsiorr.'lhc
7610.121 2,09/0J/18
City of Menilee
Agreernent Number74A1064
Attachrn€nt ll
Page 3 of 16
('itr \r ill con([lc( l crnnl)clili\ c bi(l flrress k, $clqi:t it (luxlilicd c(rnsultilnt teottl \r ith multitll()ditl
tliusF)rlitirrn l)lnnning antl trullic urgirtcctirlg s\Pcdi\c. 'l hc ('it1 s ill plovidc strtling suppott to
nrcct tic I1.17 prccnt l,rcnl nrntch ill idditiofl to lr]c.lI Linsforlitio lilnds. ifndcdc(I. StalT$ill
proridc projcct maniscmcnl support. uill coordinf,tc sith proicct plrtncrs and rgorcics.
pirticipiltc in communitr $orkslrops. nttond mcetinlls. pror idu dJta and polic\. docunlcnl$. rsYic\\
consullrnt prorlucts. rnd dircct rcvisions. Strll'will rlso sccurc cll f'rcilitics t'or public nrcctings.
st:rkcholdo nrcetings and lciur ntcctings lnrl rrill c cutll,cr a l plo(hrction I'cc'r. tircilitl flcs or
othcr cosLs itssocirtcd rr ith pul,lic ouircaclt er cnts. I.llc Citl rr ill pror idc (i IS mapPing support to
supplcmcnt ths tcchnicrl anrlrsis conductcrl hl tho (l)nsultnnl including proriding anrlor
clcrcbpin,u (ilS m.rpping lJrlcls lirr uss on lhc Pfl,jccl. ('itv strll'uill pruprrc qurrlorlv invrriccs
and rL'pons to ('altrans. Shll' $ ill rlso coordin.tc rr ith padnct-'i to hclp puhlicizc thc projcct and
cnsurc public participation in all rspcctr ofthc conrmunitl planninc proccss.
l,oc l (;or(rnnrcnt ('onrnrission (1,(i(')
LGC rr ill lssist rr ith prqicct manrgcmqnt rnd c<xrrtlination ol thc projLlt. I'GC s ill organizc thc
communitr cngirgurn (nt c\ cnts. dcl clop puhlicit! mrtcrirls s ith locrl inpuL rnd d(){umcnt public
input lirr inclusion in thc rcsulting plln documcnt. LGC strlt'has cstcnsirc cxpcricnco in pul'lic
cn-qrgcnrort in pl.nning proc,risos- lrnd usc and trrrsporhtion Plrnning and dcsign. l,( i(' st.tI'hrs
rvrr tcd on or cr 7() crrrrt nt unitl dcsiun chilrtctlcs an(l thcir rtilll'conduct \trnlish()fs (, I)csigrring
lbr Pudcstriin Srl'ctr (li,r thc Fcdcrll Ilighrral' .\drninistrrtion). Sat'c lloutcs to School (lbr thc
\ationrl ('cntcr lbr Slt t li). rnd (lrrnplctc Strsots (lirr thc \ltionil ComPlctc Strccts ('oalition).
'lhc l.(i('h.rs staffthlt is llucnt irr Splnish Jnd c:rn conduct nrcctings and rrorlishops in linglish
and Sponish.
llitersirl c t'n ir crsitt l lcrlth S) slcrr - I'u blic I I crrlth (Itl'l ISII I)
'lhc Rircrsirlc lirir,,;rri11 Ilclllh 51st,.rn l\rblic Ilcalth sill assist lrith rnn a-{i g nnd
conducting outrcilch lirr this prrlccl. \rith n sP,Jcixl lbcus on r"ngaging schools- businqsscs !n(l
rcsidcnts. t(t.'lIS-t)lI has a long historl oIadrrrcrting lbr xnd supporting rs(itc trlnsportxtion i[
Rircsitlc (iruntr. (\cr thc lest tcn \clrs. Rt lIS-PII hrs prrtnorcd sith l7 citics :rnrl
unincorporitcd comnrunitius to nranago Srl'c Routcs to School tl.ojects. Rtlls-PII also lcads thc
llir cnidc Countl .\clirc'lianspo .ttion \ctrrrxk
( i,nsullxn I
'lhe sclcctcd consullint (or tc.nr ol'consult nts) sill hc rcsponsiblc lirr all tcchniral anrlrsis.
docunrcntation nrapping and o a luation lirr thc profcct. Thc consultr t \t ill anal]7c ird docunlLxt
lrlsclinc conrlitiorts lirr rrrlking rnd bicrclirru. rrill actitclr cnglgc in thc public prrrr:rs. sill
rlctclop tlcsigrt !(xrccfls ar(l rccortrtttcndations to itllPlovc s0l'ctt'thal lc\Ir)rld t{r iltptlt i'rlrn thr
c(nnnrunil\, and implctrtcttli e an(l rt\.crsulirg agcncics- antl lrcpa[c lhc plan d,rcurttcnt
ovt,:R.\t,t, Pllo.ll,:(''l ollll,i('1 1\'lis
'I hc proicct artd rcsulting prrxlrrcts rr ill rLltltess ir r irLictl olcotnnrunit] tiustrinnbilitl and lil ahilit\
ohjcctiti"x. including:
. I)ctclop a compr!'hcn$itri undcrstnnding ol pcdcstriln necds and issur.ri lor pcdcs(rilns ol'
all lges rnd ilrbilitics.
2671/0:l1858-000 t
7630421.2 a0r)/0,1/ l8 -4-
City of Menifes
Agre6ment NumberT 4A1064
Attachrn€nt ll
Page 4 of 16
llrioritizc arcas lbr pcdcstrian improvr'fircnt bascd on comprchcnsivc sct of critcria.
I'ocusinc on disadvantr-ccd ncichborhoods ind strcL{s surounding locrl schoots.
llngrgc anrl solicit irqrul flonr conrmunilv stirkcholdcrs ancl elcctc.tl rrllicials rcsardinc hieh
prioritr p!.dcstrian nccds.
ElJlultc the cxistins bicrclc nutsork rnd iduttili._tips in thc existing conditions rs trcll
as improtrimcntr idcntillcd in thc Gcnctll lllan Circulltion lilemr.rlt antl l rails \ [astcr I]lan.
ldcntil'\' porcntiol bicy:lc and pcdcstrian lradc scparatcrl crossings ovcr I-ZlJ cnd Solt
Crer.:k. uhic[ arc barrir"'rs thit hrvq nltulnlly dit.idctl tlt,,, ('itr.inkr I'our qtudrlnts.
I)clolop a prioritizcd list ol'krcal bikorlls,
Itlcntill linliascs liom local bikcuars to thc reqionrl bikor ar nct$orli l,stablisltcd bl.the
\\'cstcm llit crsitlc ('ouncil ol'(iovcrnmcnts ( \\'l{C( Xi). Rivcnido (iruntv rnd srlrrounding
Ito\ idc a t'Dlbo\ ofcctil c tr.rsporlition guidclincs tnd tru.tmut[,i.
l)ro!ir,lc rn o\,cr.\,isrr ofistivc trilnsportlltion lirrrding ollpor.tunitics.
llnco$rflqc dcmonslLation projsqts itld pr()s(.[ls tx!.gcting prioritizsd irqas.
Pror klc ln .-\'l'l)-eornpliant mlstcr phn lbr ilcti\ o trlnsportllion unpor crinl thc Citt to
puniuc opportunitics lirr inrplonrctrt:rtion lirnding.
Tasli l. C rant Arlrn in istratio n
'I ark lJ: ('altrans Kick Ofl' Ik'cting
'l hc Citv r ill schcdulc a projcct k ick <rll' nrccting rr ilh Caltr.ans to rcr icu lhc siopc of rr ork fi;r
thr) granL Consultant sclcction proccss. grnnt r.norlina rcquireirrcnts. inr.oicing rnd othsr clcnlents
ol'thc cr.nt rcquircmcnls.
R$pl'll\ihlc l'urti : ('ilv ol'\l!1ril'cc
'l irsk l.2: .\risomhlc l)r0jcct \lrnngcnlcnl 'l (]ttrl
'lhs t'itr'\\ ill dcsiqrrctc r stoll'nronrhcr as l)roi$t \lilnascr lirr projcct or.c$ieht and op,urations.('itr smll'uill prcprl'c sul)conlrncls \\ilh lhu Rir crsidu Iiircrsin llcalth Srrlcrl - t\rblic Ilc:rlth
(Rt llli-l'lI):rnd lh.; l.')cnl (iovcrxncll (ilnrrrisriol (l,(i('). thu 'uh-appliurnls on thir grint thxt
rrill assirl rrith pro.icct rlrrir_u!incnt nrd r)utrcach.
llt'sponsitrlc l>arl1 : ('it1 ol' \tr:nit'cc
'l:rsli IJ: ('rrnrluct l'rocur(.trr('nl frrr (irnsullart l'canr'lhc ('itr'. in coordinntion \\ ith thc sulr-nppliccnts. s ill prcplrc r R14ur:st I'rrr l)rrposals to solicit a
ttrnsl)(nlati(,r plnIl ins linn rr ilh cspcrlisu i xcti\ c lri s0(n lirtiorr lnd ('orllplel,: Stt.cc{\ thJl ca
267 t/031858-000t
?610421 2 a09/04/18
City of Menifee
Agreernent Number74A1064
Attachrnent ll
Page 5 of 16
providc thc nc,lsssarv tcchnic{l csplrtilic to d,.r'ul<.rp 0rc plan. 'thc Rljl) *ill lbllos thc ptoper
prncuroncnt procc<htrcs cstahlishcd bl Caltrans l'or thcsc projccts.
lks ponsiblc l'arlp : Citl of \ lcnil'cc and LGC
fufla[ Quartcrlr llcporting & lnroicing'lIc ('it1 will prcprlc quartcrlv rcpo s as rcquireil hl thc grant lbr subnittnl b ('altrals. 'l his task
includcs thc prL'prration of matcrials. documcnt coordinition $ ith thc sub-rpplicants and sclcctcd
('onsultant and thc sutrrninll ofqunnlrl] rcporls.
Ilsponsihlc Prrtr : Citr ol' \lcnil'cc
bLlil l.'iscal lhnag.mcDt
'l lrc ('it1 u ill br,.: r,,;riportsil, lc Iirr kceping all lhc n,,tcssirr.r' accountirg r!:c(lrdr lbl lhc projcct and
rr ill submit inloicus to Caltrrns l)is(ric( Stirlfhirsed on mil.Jstonc complction t lcn$t qu rtcrlt'.
but no morc licqucntll than nr on thlr. I h is trsk incluclus rcccir ing. rur ior ing. and prttcssing tltc
invoiccs ncccircd lhrnr thc suh-rpplicrnts and ('onsultant as rrcll as intcmrl adnlinistriti\c
rcsponsibilitics ruquir,:d to ptoccss and prv irrrricer.
llsponsiblc I'ur(1: Citl of \lcnil'cc
'l ask l)olilaruhk'
t.2 (-olt| of signc.l e9rccntcnlt
,/. -.('op| ofRFI'. l)^trihr bn litl. I);ec tt.l.'on\ lllnt.'onlr.tcl
() urtcrlr [1!lhrl.t
t.5 \lonlhlr lnv)icct
Task 2. Prrjcct Mnnagcmcnt
lnitial pnrjuct plannine anrl crnrrlinrlion cl'lb(s arc criti,:al in thc succcss o[- cnl prrjcct- ltc
I'r'ojcct 1'canr s ill undr.rtakc o nunrl'cr ol'ilitial lnrl ongoing proicct adrninisl.rilion acti\ ities tu
cnsurc thxl all prrjcct gorls and reluircmcnls rru mct, rrithin lho itlontilicd btrdgct and prricct
tinrel re.
llf!! I)rrrjt'ct Kick-ofl' \k'ttin g
'l hc ('it1 s ill (lclcl<ry aguttdl and mrtcri:r ls lirr :r kick<tll'mcolin!r $ ith thc ( i,nsulllnt- ltt 'l IS-Pl I
ir d l-(;('tr) discrNs thr: goals ofthc prrlcct anrl rolc ol'qch crtlitr'. .\rlmirtistralir.c ilcnrs u ill be
discusscd suiih ls communi*tion protocol. mcutin-s licquonc). Prograss rcporting. schuduling lnd
intoicing. and othcr rclcvrnt proicct inti)rnrstion. .\ sunlnlxn ol'thc nrcclinq shrll hc providcd
nith kcl action itcnts id,intillcd.
ll('!iIx'[sihlr l' rl! : ('it]
l:rsk 2J: l'rrrjrsl l'r.anr llcctings
\ft,nlhh t' )icct \lxllirg.imurt (l)\l) sl:lttls ttlcclittgr sltall occtll \ix lclcl]h{rllc (rrsing ('itl ol'
\lcnilw'- corrl'Lic cc clll PhrItc ntuttbct) tt) srlsulc tcuttlat and cotlsislclll contntunicatirn ort
upcominr lrsks. idcntil.r ing potentixl risks and chitllungcs to succr,ss. Padicipittion in the mon(hlr
nrcctings is xnticipitLd to inclurlc the t'itl llrr{ccl \hnrgcr. thc ('onsrll:rnt I'ro.icct \lrnrgcr and
7610.121.2 n09/0{/18 -6
City of Menifee
Agreernent Number74A1064
Attachrnent ll
Page 6 of 16
LGC Pt ojer:t l\lrnagcr, Othr,r' stntf will bs invitcd to pnrticipfltc 0s nc,,r(lc(I. Thc st tu$ rrcctings
shrll occur to ensure the pmject rqrrins on time and \r ithin budget- :rnd that expectations are bein(
Thc Consultant shall devclop the agenrJa and prcparc a summarl. of monthll. meeting rtotcs. Thc
meutirg notcs should not cxcccd 21gus. and t ill includr: r dctincd list ofdu:isions. rcliols. afld
rurponnihlc partr'.
Rcsponsiblc Plrlr': Consulllnt
'l ask I)elilerablc
P roic d k ick-olf mee ting noter
')).\lonthlr Propct -lcd nlcet,tE noler
Task 3. Communitl'Outt'c ch
l)urine this phase. the Pmjert lcxflr $ill 11ork to idcntifi. kcr. stakcholdcrs. rssemhlc a ltoject
De. el,rpm.ni Tcam. tlur clop an outrcach plan. rnd protlucc ani tlistrihutc outreach mrtsrials.
'l ask 3.1: l)erclop Stitkeholdcr l,irt
l,CC and RUIIS. sith supporl l'rom thc Cit-r- sill iuscmblu a staklholdi,r list of public o!ficials
and agcnct stall'- husincsscs. sclvicr,' orarnizrliors- qontmunitr organizrtions. ncighhorhood
lcrdcrs and rcridsnts. thc school dislricl propcrtl o$ncrs arld other intersit groups thit rctlect thc
tlcnroe.raphics ancl pcrripcctivcs of Citv rcsidcnts. Spccial cllbfis s'ill bc nradc to irlcrrtiti ngcncics
xnd organizations thilt \!ork rvith disrdvantaged conrmunities.
llcsponsiblc Parh: LGC and ltlillS-PII
'l ask 3.2: .\srcntblc Project .\dtisort l eanr
l,(i(' rnd Rt.'l lS. rvith support linm (:itv statf and thc ('onsultant. 11ill asscrnblc a l,r.oju:t Ad\isorr,
T$xm ( P.\T) to pro\ ide a r enuc lbr rliscussion olconccpts and solicit input on tho Plan. Thc P.\Tlill bc rsscrrrtrl;d throulrh inilntions to rgcnc\ stal'f and kcv cornrnunilv rncfirtrcrs. urins th!-
strkoholdcr list dcvclopcd dulilt l csk .i. I and a drlrhrsc of conticts li.orr thc Citi.. \\'RCOG and
Rivcrside (-ountr'. Identilication ol'communitv nrcmbcrs lbr involr.cnrcnt mav includ!' mcmbcrs
of'thc Citv o1'\l.lil'cr; Citizcns .\dlisolv Courrnittcc. \-outh Comruittsc. Scni,rr Comrnittcc.
r{rcsentrtivcs l'ronr the \lenitbe L'nion School I)istrict rnd loc.l .d\.ocrtcs intetested in Nrlking
nnd bicl'cling. lhe P,\T is c\f(,.ctcd to meet in pcrson -i-5 times throughout the project. \lcelings
rrill bc schcdulcd as oppropriatc to prolidc rcconmcrdltions and solicit input to euidc thc projcct.
ll.csponsiblc Purtlr I-GC ancl RI-IIISi-PII
'l ask 3-3r ('orduct P.\'l \leerings
11rc Plojcct.\dvison Tcim s.ill rrcct on at lcasl thrr.t occasions tlu ne thc coursc ofthis projur:t.. lhc tirst nrectinli Nill bc hcld in \lcniti.s r|ith larliciprtion tiom rhc ('it\.. L(;('. Rt HS-Pfl
and thc (.ons ulta nt 'l cam approrim ltcll 3-.1 monlhs hqlbrc thc urmmunilt engrr gcmcnt cvcnl\.'lhc kcv it'itrrs oD thc tglaldn uill ilcludct Kct issuui to iddfcss. problcrn lroas to sludt-
locations s ith thc !{reatest s;r['ct1' challenges. schccluling antl locaLion lbr outrcach cvents. kcr
stakr'lroldcni to invitc. arrrl statcuius firr otqacinl undcNcn.cd r.sidcnts. LGC rnd thc
7630.121 2 a09,0.1/18
('on:iultint lcrnr $ill tralcl to \lcnitlr: tbr this l).\'l mccting. I)urine this visiL [,(i('rndthc
('onsulhnt l c.m rrill also nrcct s itlr projcct piflnct-'t and sclcctcd stakcholdcrs. and rrill tour
and photocnph thc arca lo !sscss c\istine conditions.
. lhu sccrrrd I'.\'l ntccting uill hc hcld aPprosimrtclv l\ro nlonlhs bclirrc tftc L1r_ritgqncnt
r:rcrttr.'lltc irat,nd! lrill lircus orr odrcach and planning fbr thc !"\ cr[s. 'l]re l,(i('and thc
(i)nliullirnt lcxm \rill tri\cl t() \lcnil'er. lbr tlis ltojcct .\dvilion 'lcom mcL.tins.
o lhs third Proicst .\dvisorl Tcrnr nrcctin-q sill lt hcld approsinrctcll onc month aftcT tlrc
(bosult nt'lconr circulrtcs ths drJll phn loJls rnd objcctivcs ttrllo\ing thc an[iacmsnt
L'\'cnls. l.(i('stall'rnd thc (-onsullxnt 'l crnr $ill tra\'el to \lcnil'c{r to mLtt rrith thc ProiNt
,\dlison l crnr and othcr Icv stakcholdoni to dis.uss tlro outline. rcsolve anl issuex lhat nr ight
still bc pcnding lnd rclis$ proposcd $ncq)ls dc\eloped during and alicr the slqiqemcnt
. .\dditional nlcctinss ol'thc l).\'l u ill hc schcdulcd on 0n as-nccdcd brsis.
llcsponsihlc Purtr': ('itl and l.(;('
'I'nsk 3.{: Dcrrlrrp ('rrnrrrrunitl lingagenrcnl l)lan
l:ollou inc th c lirst l)rrlcct .\dlison' l canr mcctins. L( i(' and ltt.'l lS. l ith input lionl thc ('it\'-
t ill pt rltarc an L:nBlgcrlrr.rrt lllln thitt rr ill spr.'ll out thc nlcps that * ill hc takcl t(, rcxch oul tr) Jtrd
Lr{0rrc corttrn uttilI tnernbl.r s. 'llrc plan rr ill l,lrkc a corrrprch'rsi!c rPPrrrch to public cnuluerttunt.
l hc l'rrrjcct l cir nt sh all con s irlel tlarlitiona l artd dr narrt ic mcthods h cnua qc lhu conrrt un itr ,rr h ilc
cr rttsitLrirtc ittclus ir cncrr ol'rtltnt' undcrrcn ctl pottions ol thc ('il1 thatnral nrrt litllr unclclstlnr.l
(ltc lrrlc thal ('it\' ol' \llnil'co plins in qriding rrnd suplx,rling inrllr)r'Llncnts k) activc
ttJn\Fn1iltir[. ('ont ttturticalion rrith rrlious hcillth. sirl-,.,tr-. ualkabilitr. rnd othcr irrtcr,;t(er.l
adrocinct orranizations shall bc ongoing ari proereis is mndc to\r:lrd kcl ptl.jcct milcskrncs.'lhc
communitl cn!1lr!umcnt phn shlll incluclc suggestions to uniquclr entarc th!' communit.r'. such
as clipcricntirl rrt. dcrchping a luuth rrt clmpxign rchtcd to lalkinu and hiclcling. or
coordinatins rr ith thc ('itr to rlcvr';lop tlcrnonstrxtion c\-cnL\.
1hc plan rrill includc r schcdulc rrith timinu lbr rclcase- distribution and plrccrncnt ol'puhlicitl
itcrns rnd a lisl ol'pot,;nlirl co-sponsors and co.promotgl1i l.o !ssist $ ith outrcnch antl dcr clopmr;nt
ol' l'cstir.s lcti\ itiss (c.g. donltcd krcal lirod and ontdrtiinmfit) to mrsimizc parlicipalion and
positi\c input rt communit! c\.cntr.
llcsponsiblc I'urlr: l,C('
'l ask 3.5: l)roducc and l)istributc Outrcach llilcri:rls
l.( i(' rnd R( ll lS-l)l l n'ill s ork clorcll $ ith the ('it! to conduct publicit\' and ouircaJr throughout
thc counic ol'thc pro.icct. Spetilic tlsks u ill includc:
. [todu,:e \ h(crirls: l,(iC nntl ll.t.'t IS. in coordinrtion t ith thc Cilv. s ill producc ll\crs xnd
postcrs pulrlirizinl clcuts lor conrnrun i(r-u idr: distrihulion. \latcrirls rr ill hc produccd in
othcr llnguitgcs- its uccd,.'d. (-txtsistcnt trranrling and mcssaginrt shall hr; dcr clopcd lbr usc
in rlrious projc';l lrirunuss mgdiil (llwrs- hJnncni- lrcbpJgc- stc.).
. l)istrilrute \lrtcrixls: 'lhc ('it\'. schools. local busincxsss. rcligious rnd scnice
org.nizJtions. and nrajor cnrplolcrs s ill l)c rlikcd lo distributc lllcrs and inlonnxtion .hout
lhc Lng.qclucflt cvcnts throuch thcir net\lorks. Iilementarl' and \tiddle Junior lliqh
Schools krcatr.rl rrill bc rstcd to scnd llvcrs homc uilh thcir students. Thc Citl rrill
distributc lllcrs lhrouglr husircsscs. hcaltlr clinics. churchcs rnd othcr idcntil'icd clrrnncls.
lnli)mrition Jbout drc prrju:t rr ill bc circulrted lir so.ial nrcdir.
267 t/03 t85E-0001
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City of Menifee
Agreernent NumberT4Al 064
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AgreenEnt Number74A1064
AttachnEnt ll
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'l lsl I)clilcrable
-r. /
I.trt .tl Pr,)iL'JI .lilt'Ltt)rr T! nt mlmh!r.r
\/r.'rrr! i/:l!r,././{, I'rt'tt. tl'.tkt It\r, -\Jaatiir: nDtc.t
(' tmtu nr t y [i n,:it,.Ut c nt I I t n
_t. -t
('olits oJ'Jlvrr urul lxxttrs, l.ist of qltncrcs tgtni.itbns l6tt
ot te rh tn.ltt'ti.tlr. l'rcrs relLt;de:t
Trrsk {. Drrta Cirllt'ction/OpJxrltunitics und Constrnints Annll sis
bL-:L!. t'lan lnvcDlort
'l hc (irnsultirnl s ill rcr ior ('it1 ol \lcrril'cc planning d(,rumcnLs inrluding thc ('it!":t (icncral l)lan
('ircuhtion Iilenrsnt. \\R(\)G Non-\ftrtrrrizsd Transportation Plu. Riversidc (-<runtl and r)lhLT
rcgi()nrl .\ctitc'l rrDsport3ti(,n docunrcnts.
'lIq ti)nsultrnt rrill prcprrc ln invcnkrlt ol'csisting (or und-Jr prc1rrrrtion} rclilc trxnsF)rtrlion
plras. pudcstriJn phns. lnd or hikor:rv phns rr ilhin thc ('ountv that rr ould cithcr pr<x idc nctrr orl
conncctiTi(r lirr th,; ('itr ol' \ lunil-:c or u ould pror idc e hro:rd oYcn'icrr ol'bcs( pr;rctirca thst mr\
hc consitl.rctl rntl ot inlclrr:rtc(l into thc ('it)'s .\ctilc 'lr;rnsportation I'lan. lhc (irnsultrnt trill
;rko crxrrdinrlc \rith \\'ll('(x; to ul|dcnit:lnd thc l'uturc cxpcnditur"s spccilic trr eclirc
trxnsportrtir)n projc.ls lhitl .ould rllict lhc rccornrnundrlions lbr lhc ('it| ol'\lljniluc.
'[lrc ('onsuhrnt \1 illcoordinnl,.) ir ith thc SchoolI)islricl ind locilhealth orginizationli to documc t
cllnrcnlnr\'- tnid(ll! and high school sal'ctr'. crlucalion. anrl cniorrraccrncnl prorranrs implcmuntcd
at thq localschool lclclor dislrict-s irl,,:. Rt'llS-l'll rt:rlIs ill reach orl lo hcallh orgrnizll(ions lo
icluntil-r' currcn( hcllthl c onr nr trn it\' adttrcac r and cducatiorr progranrs alailablc to thc ru.ridcnls ol'
\lcnili! that nral bc intggrrtcd inlo ltlurc .\ctivc 'l'runsportrli(,n prolrruDrs.
'lhc Consullanl rrill idcntil'r csrmplcs ol'othr;r rclcYJnt strtc- rcqi(nrrl. rnd count\\id,: bicrclc
and podcstrian plrns ( not onll s ilhin llir crsidc (iruntr ) and idcntil'\'common thcmc$. :rpplicrtions
nnd lbrrnlls. lIc (irnsultlnt shrll rlso includc r conrp:rretivc rnaltsis ol' pcrl'<rmlncc
mc:rsurqs cvrlu:llirm critcrir and drta nccrls across th.: srmplc phns thet nr:r\, bc considcrcil in thc
dcvcl{,pmcnl ol'thc Cih's.\clilc lrrnsporlation l)lrn.'Ihc t-onsultant shall proridcr tcchnicrl
mcmorindunr sunrmlrizing thcsc plirns an<l no(cntirl mctriar Ibr Citl rctic$.
ll(!.ponrihlc l'ilrll : ('onrullnnl
.!.jgL!| l,irislin!r ( irn(litions
?ar10,lll I i09,r0J/ l8 -9-
o \lq,lia ()utrcach: .\nnourc,.,rtl,Jflts anrJ prcss rclcascs \rill bc distrit,utad to local mcdin.'lhc projcct partncrs $ill trod( on sclting up chrngcahlc mcssagc signs or bannds
rnnorrncing ctcnls. lnlirrrnation rrill hc postul orr thc ('it1 and School District \rcb sits.i
ond sr-rcial nrcdia plotlbnns arrl througlt th\iir ne$slcttlrs.
Rtspottriihlc I'arl1 : l,( i(' and Rt'l lS-l'l I
City of Menifee
Agreernent NumberT4Al 064
Attachrnent ll
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'I hc ( inrsullx t \rillds\.rlop rocio-d!'rnogrnphic nnnlrsis rclatcdto lhc ncctl. rlunrand. andpotcnlirl
lirr u alking and bicr cling ( c.g. r'chiclc ou ncrship. gcndcr. agc. ctc, ) rrsirrg ;l aillhlc cxisting d:rta.
Irr arklitior. thc Corsultant shall ur aluitc thc I'rrllorr in!r:
Il.cr iqr ol'Citr of \1..:nil'oo-ar aihblc GIS dltabasc lbr alirilitblc inli,rnltion. .\t thc
timc this rcport \r!s prcparcd. a tlctailcd rlltabrsc ol'csisting sitlqt\rlks. curb rumps.
strwt lightin,r.!- cross$irlks ind bic\clc lacilitics rrrs not arrilrhlc at tlc ('it1. 'lhc
Consultant $ill bc rssponsiblc lor dcvclopinr thcsc (ilS lalcn. lhc ('onsul(;rnt sill
rr ork clircctlr rr ith ('itr strll'l'rrr le r crinq rnd lirrmaltinq ol'(ilS larcn.
[..\'ilurtc c:(istine bicvclc rnd l^-d!'st|ixn trips usine tlrc Strn\r bicJ!lc rnd pc{urtrian
activitv drLl: Rcr iurr pctlcstrian and biclcle acti\itl'ditir rrrilablc liom thc Citr
including trall'ic rlatJ collc{.:tcd hl thr: Citv. Sal'tl Iloutcs to Schurl inlbrmation and
rr ril blq bic|clo d.ltu liom rccfltl\, complctcd studics or rcporl"s.
Iivalu:rtc collision drtr using rccoqniz.d strt$\ ide stxidirdizcd dcla to nrrp injurics
rnd l'rtrlilics to pcd$itriins ind hicYclisls in trrl)'ic collisions.
Idcntil'\'kcl dcstinotions such as schools. parks. m:fior cftplo!ficnt ccntcrs. transit
cuntcrs. t(,urist d.rtirtirtiorts. Ind othcT rcqionrl icti\itv crrlllcrs. lhc ('orrsultaflt shall
rrork $ith lhc ('itr kr i(lc til'r crrd-r,l'-trip tlcilitics. $a1linr.ling. nnd ndollc(l policic\
sqa ing lo rulp(rrt arld dlcotlrnuc lcti\ c tti sporlilio travcl.
'llrq (irnsultint ir ill prqrlrc lurc nrlps lbr rlcsign ard rnllyiis \rork lnd lbr usc bt rcsid!'lts it
cngagcmcnt acti|itics. l-hc (bnsultrnt shall prol.i<L a tcchrical nc orondurr summirizins thc
srrcio-cconom ic and <lirh rsf ius li rr Citl rctics . 'l lrc uapping lbr cxisting conrlitions annlvsis sill
rc!\l to bc consistcrt $ ith Stntc\r idc .\1 1' requirenrorts.
!lcsJxrnrihlc Partv: (irrrsultant
'l ask Delirerablt'
l'lan lnvnton ctn<.I 'l .'chnic;tl .\lenlor;tnchol
4.2 l,)utir..lnalysis. I L,chni.: l.\lttltort lehtl r.tn litist in:4 (.'onclit iont. lJasc.\krl't
Tnsk 5. Grmmuniq Engrtgcmcnt
.\s rr ith rnt comrnunitv pllnning or rler cl4rrrcnt pltcss. ths comuunit] i.:ngilgqrr.:rt slli)tl\ tbr
this pl(rject sill hclp to allirnr crnrmunil\' \'alous. ntr:ds and aspimtirrrs antl ultimatclt drirc thc
dcr clopmc'nt ofthc linrl plrn so thrt il rcllccts and advanc.cs tlrc communitl's r isitrn lirr thc l'uturc.
'l'r.r support this gorl. I.GC and RL'l lS-l'[ I rr ill u ork closcll s ith thc Cit] ol'\l\rnil'cc to condurt r
scrics ol'rctil itics to cngagc rur idunts. I )l using r parlicipatorv proccss. thc l)rojo;l 'l crm cun holp
brordun l.hc dilrloguu t ilh rcsitlunts rnrl busincssus rr ithin thc communitl- and stimulltc continucd
cngagcmr.rnl. 1his. in tum. rr ill strcngthcn socirl cnpitll rr ithin lhc Cit)' during Jnd lticr thc projcct
267 t /01 t E5E-000 t
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'lhc .i-dJ)- dcsisn chrrrcttc is thc ccntcrpiccc of tlris conrnrunitr.hrsed phnnin,u projcct. The
purposc ofthc charrcttc will bc to idcntitl'gorls. olrjcctilc and cuiding plinciplcs lbr thc .-\TP
utilc hccinnin-c to idcntil'r' proposcd dcsign solutions.
l)csi{n ch.rrcttgs consist ol'r scrics of clLrnts thf,t c.in in.ludc: highll intoructilc rrorkshops.
cscrciscs. rvrlkrbilitv rncl hicvclinr rudits. strkcholdcr mcctinu. dcsign tahlc cxlTciscs and othcr
rctivitics that ;rrovidc rcsid.:nts and licv strkcholtlcrs a dirett rolc in dcruloping. plin l'or lhe
lbturc. lhcpreinisc{Jf n chilncllc is lhxt lhc pgoplc uho lirq. rrorli lo lo school andshopirlr
c0lnfiru it! arc thc r\pclts llh,Jn it conrcs to u dcrst:Ddi g thc chillcnqus itl(l problcnls. []\'
c0 c!:fltrxling actilili.s o\!'r'a shorl pcrirxl ol'tinlc. chiflettcs ut hqlp q.lplors conrmunilt'
nlcnlbctl'0tlcfltion nn(l crc0lc n "buzz" lhirt dta$; nrlrrc irtcrcsl lionl tllc c(,ixnunit\ nd thg
nrcdi . 'l hc itultil.c pl,rccss uscd in a chnn r:ttc clsr r hc\ls dclcl.,p qrcllcr corltl unitt brrr -in and
suppon lbr thc rLriulting phn lnd it,r rer:onnnendltions.
'lhc lirrrction oftho l)rrlcct Icrnr thxl \ill frq)arc thc l)larr is t{, tlcililxlc ln(l list!:r tr) thc loral
rcri<lc.lls itnd stirkch<-rlders antl distill l cotnrtton vision rrt,.l su( oIrlerign solution$. ('hxl'rcttlli xl\o
hclp tllc crnrsultnnl tcrnt lrr r.;splrc thc chirllcnqcs thc cornrnunit\ l'accii in etrcirtcr (lq)lh sircc tcrnl
tleirl)crs rct to cspc|ioncc tlrr; crrrrctitiols liccrl br Lrcrrl rcsidcrrls (r'r'ct-tc\,c l dlr|rrhich rrllc.rr
rcsults in crcltir c solulions.
'l hc Local Gotcmnrclll ('ommission rr hich hrs orglniz-utl orcr 7() conmunitv tlcsign chatrcttcs
rcross (}lilbrni:r rr ill coortlinrtc rll chrrrcttc acti\ itics \\ ith assishncc liom ('it! Stalll lll'llS.
lhc ltrlcct .\dr isor'1 'l c:rm rnd lhc ('i)nrullxnl l canr.
'l'ask 5-l: .\gcnd:r Dctdopntcnt and Logistics
LG('. in coordination rr itl (hc Cilr. l)nrjcct -\dr isor.r' 'l'cam and consultilnt lcam $ ill dctclop a
tlctlilcrl rgcndr lix thc d,,sicn chincttc clcnts n d ;rctir.itics. 1le ('it1 lntl L(i('- sillr hclp I'rorrr
thc l)rr.jc',:t .\th is,rrr' l canr rnd c,r-slonsrrr. u ill arr;rngc l'acilitics anrl lixxl ( in accord u ith srant
luitlclincs lirr cliuiblc slack and rclicshmcnt c\pcnsc\). and othcr supporlinn punrrti,rnal ard
cclcbrlt,rl :rclititics.
Rcsponsibll: []artr: LGC rnd (-itr of \tr"rrilic
:bLL}. Com nru ni() l)('sign ('hnrr('tt('
'I h,,r LGC. RL'ttS. Citl lnd Consulknt Telnr lill orllni/.s n throc-rht Conrnrunitl D,;sign
('hulrctte. 'l hu drall schL'dulc o['aqtir ities s ill includu:
o .\pprorirnltull .1-i smrll rroul nrcclinus silh ke1 stakcholtlcrs (c.g.. 1lotcmmLrI
allcncics. conrmunilt scrticc prlvitlcrs. school di\trict. blrsincsscs. crncrucncl rcspondeni.
rnrrltil'arrrill- rcsitlcnl'r. clc.) trr g.tin r bcttcl unrlctstrnrlirg ol'lhc concc rs arrtl irisucs.
\lcctings alc llpica llr' 6{)-90 ntitutcs in lcnulh.
. Kick-oll communit.r rrorkshop. tlpicrlll on I lrce(tlll clcnin! ttl cnsurs broid
p:rrticipation. 'l h,: kicli-oll l orlislrop s ill providc pnrticipxnts s i(h rn ovcn isrr of the
projcct gools and objcctir cs aml rrill includs a r isionins prc$cntition. cxcrciscs and
actir itics to !athcr cr)mm unitJ input such as tlcsign tirhlc nraps in rr lr ich small eroups rr ork
tolcthcr lo \\ ritc tnd drt$ thsir idcJs on acrial maps
. \\'llkin! and biclclinl audits lsnrissmcnts. l\o-icct l'crnr rrcmhcG rrrflking lix ru\lail dn\s orr-sitc in i tc sc prxklction lo
rlcrclrying Ilcliuinrr\' (ccornrttefl dirli{,rrs rnr.l ilhtstrrtir e cnf hiss
2671/03 t85E{oor
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Agreenlent Number74A1064
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. .Vlcmoon or cvenins opcn studios to allon staksholdcrs to providc fccdback as thc
(lonsultant 'l cim is s orking
r Rctis$ ofconccpts rr ith Citv staff
Rsponsibh Partr': LGC aml Consultanl Tcam
'l ask 5.1: I)igil l\lc(li lnpul
'llre (irnsultant rr ill idcntil-r antl rr:cornrrrend diuit l rttqrlir olltiorrs kr solicit cunrrrunitr input or
brrricrs antl challcngcs- and to provide guidance on dcsircrl intpror',.nrents rnd concspts. 'lhc
conliultJnt- in colllboration $ilh Cit] slrll: rrill crcrtc a projcct uch sits in thc ('it1's olliciitl
scbpagc uilh onlrohg inlbrrration on thc tlclclrryrttctt of thc .\ctili,; 'l rrnspoflltion l)lon. 'lltc
r cb sitr: s ill alkrrr rcsidcnts to trlic ! short sun c1. providc g,.ncral commcnts and $ ill also includc
an inlcractirc map thrt thc) c.1n usc to prulidc dctrilul. location-spccilic commcnts.
llcspoDsiblc Parll : (-r)osultinl'l'canr
'l'rrsk 5.5: l)rrll I'rrrjrt't (ioals anrl Objtlclircs
lluscd on lhc input rcccil',Jd lionr thc r rrictl- ol'communitr cnrrgcmcnt cvcnts and thc \ cb silc.
thc (lonsultlnt 'l clm rr ill dcr clop drrll aclir,.: trlnsportrtion roirls and ohjcctivcs lbr krrrl a!r,"trcr'
nnd putrlic rcvior. Stlturrid,,, 0nrl rclri{, rl goals lbl snlctr'. sustailahilitr'. mobilitl ard
aeccssibilitl'- and cquitl. includinr thosc ir thc ('altrans Snrlrt \lobilitl 20l0 llrinciplcs. shall
pror idr; I strrting pr-rint rntl shrll hc supplcnrent,:d lo atldrcss locirl conlc\l and ar ailabilitr ot'rhtir.
l hc rusulls ofthis lrsk sh:rll hc uscd to tlilor ilcli\ q transportltion go;rls ;rnd ohjcctir cs lirr thr: (-i11
ol'\lcrrilie. lhc torls irnd olrjcclilcr shitll [r,.: ntcrsurohlc rnd shrll consiclcr tnctrits utilizcd bv
'lhc dllll golls rnrl otrjcctircs shnll lrc prcscntcrl to thc l)r'ojcct .\dvison lcrntasrrcll nstrlh,j
('it\. ol \lcnil'cc's ('itizcns .\dvison (\)nlnritt.c- \buth ('ofinrittN cnd Scnior ('onrnrittcc-
.\dditionlllr. thc (-rrnsultant slull prcsr,nt thc goals and objcctivcs kr comnrunitl strkchokll,n lirr
public input.
licsponsiblc Part1.: (.'onsultnnt'[crm
b!.jJL l'inrl Projcct (ioals and Ohjr.c'rilcs
Ihscd on input rcc,iir cd on tho drall rqtilc trlnsporhtion rroxls and ol{cctir cs. thc Consul(rnt slull
prcparc thc linrl uoals and olr.jcctir er thrt shall lrc rrsr:d l,r guidc lhc prcprraliort <)l'rmling srilcrin
Jscnct xn(l publia aonrtrrcnts rnd rcsponsus.
llcsporrsiblc l'art1: (-'onsultJnt 'l cxfir
7610421 2 a09,01/18 -12-
fu!,l[ I>op-l'p lJlcnls
Ilolbrc. durinr and aller thu chrrrcttc. Rl.'llS-t)ll stall'u ill nttcnd rnd cngigc thc communitl'lt up
lo tirc (5) svcnts irssocintcd nith cortuuunitl" li:rtilnls. fhrrncr''s nrilkcts. rnd othql svi.rntr.
.\ttcndancc it conrnlunit! cl'cntr nrrv bs licilititcd through dcnronstration c\-cnt\ kr illuslratc
tactical urhanisnr conccpts throuuh temporirt instrllrtions ol innr-l.rtir c solutions. Snrill pop-up
clLlrls at J communitl !\ cnt mil-\ pror idc a lirclicr mcthod to s(]licit input and cngrgc cvcnl
attcndccs. I).,|r-ul clcflt\ c:rn also bc orsinizcd oulsiclc schrrrrls. rt(,[cs rrr othcr locltiors rthcrc
rcsidonts nlav gillrer.
llcsponsihlc Partl: R[.I IS
l asli
5. t .-lgenda lbr (-tntnunitr Enp!ryLnrcnt (.-hote e
5.2 l'rc*:ilittron-t. .\'otli on ( onnlunilt- lnTwt drtitry livnt.t
j xt)lcr ott CutnLxlt.t tc:ct:ir'<d <lttriX Pr4rllp CtcUts
-i. J Inln reci:rted lhrrtrgh rnlinL vLth sile, qlL,stfu)ntvrt-t. mll,t
J.-i l)ruli Gouls qnd Obitcti\'.1.t
:.h ['- ut a I Ci od : u nd O b1.:cl i\'.tr, (' antnfl1t.\ 17.t.:.! i\'.t.1
City of Menifee
Agreernent NumberT4Al 064
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Tusk (r. Plun Rccommendettions lbr W{lking
fu![! l'trl cs(riln Priorilr .\rcu Itlentifi cation
lhc ('onsullant *ill prcparc an lnirllsis to idcntil\ priorih arcas lirr pcrleslrian improvcmcnts
lrithin lhc ('it).'l'hc ('onsultxnt sh:rll idunlil.r pe(lcstrixn prioritl lrclr using cralurtion crilcri;r
such as collisi,rn hislorr'. acccss to lrc:rl and rcgional rlcslirrltiors. currcllt 0n(l polqrtiill dcnlind.
<|uitv. public irput.:rntl lcgional cornccti\.itr'. l)ublic input sh:rll bc rcvic\cd rs r potcntirl
clit,;r'irrn. hascd on consideration ol'thc quantitv and r aluc rrl'input r'.r:cir ud. lhc rarrling critr.r'io
should hc bascrl on thc eoals and ob.jcctir'* dctclopod lbr thc l)lan.
'I hc (bnsultlnt s ill coordin;rtc u ith th,,, ('itr 's plirnnirg tlcplrtmsnt in ordcr to girthcr inlirrnrrlion
on conidor\. do$nto$D arsis. or arcos \r ith conccntratsd hnd uscs such as nclr a hospital-
cnlplolrrcnt ccntcrs. cilic ccntcrs. lrinsit.cntcr. or othcr nrljor rlcslinrtion thrt nri\'rrrrrinl
spccirl attuntion but rrhich nright uot hc rctculcd in thc ranking clitorir or nrotlclin!r. lhc ranking
critcril shrll hs utilizcd kr iclcntil\'up lo t$sntl (20) priorit)' rsJs \\hcrs impmvoncnls uould
tTcnclit futlr.:slrirn trar cl.
lllc (i)nsultinl shlll prcscrrt rirrking critlril ind dtlll napping of pcdcsfiirn nu'trrork
itnpr()\'snsnLs to thc I!.\'l rnd ('.\('to scc[. l'ccdback on loc;rtions. 'lhc (i)rsultJlt slilll crcats
maps to idcntil'v thc prioritl arcrs ltrr pcdcstrian-spccilic inrprotcnrcnts. 'llris scopc includcs thc
idcntilicrtion of proj,ict-specilic p.dcstrirn inlprovqncnts thrt strcngthcn .nd conrplctc tlrc
csistirrg url l'uturc pedcstriln nchr ork.
lltsprrnsiblc Iturtr: Consultant lclm
l!!.,1[} Ptrlcs(rirrn Inr pro't cnrcnts ('r,sl l,:stimnlcr
IIish-lu\.ul sos( cstimltvs shill hc dor uk4)od li)r tlpic{l pudcstri{n irnpro!cmenLs l(, position thc
Citl li)r potqntixl l'unding :rpplicrtions or incorporation irrto thc ('itr's luturc CII> progrrnr, 'llrc
('o sultint rhirll sort lith lhc l).\'l trr dcvclrp a localll lc|rq.icntilivc unit cort lin'trcatnrc ls.
lislinrllcs shouLl irclurls irrlirrrnrli(,rr about c:rpitil cost\ tr) illrplcmcnt pcrluslrian lrrrjccts as $ cll
Js rrxinlsrlr cc crrsts rclitcd l(, lu\onreflt $nrl laflclscafirlr upkl;cp. cnd m{intunarcc o[trillic
control dcviccs. striping. signs. rnd lighting shcrc applicahlc. (\rnsidcration of nrrintcnancc lix
pcdustrirn licilitics should includc rs\.i,]$ ol'.\nrericrn I)isehilitics .\ct (.\l),\) cons istsnc\' :rnd
guidrncc ll'uut rcvicrr ol'pavcnrcrrt qualitl to cnsur.: lcrcl surlircls. xnd ilddrcss drnrrgc rclatcd
to tlcri roots. cracking- and disphcod par crrtcnt.
llcsponsiblc l'irrt1: Consultrnt l u;rm
7610{21 2 a09/04/18 -13-
City of Menifee
Agreentent NumberT4Al064
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1'usk 63: Prdcslrian llcst Practiccs Toolkil
'lhe ('onsultant shall rcsearch cnd docunrent voriou,t bcst practicei rclated to dre 5 ll's of
Iiducation. Ilncouritgcmcnt. Engin.r.ring. Ilnlbrccmcnt and llvaluation. I},st prrcticr"r should
rcprcscrrl a di(crsc mngc ofpcrlcstrirn nlcthods kcilttncnts lo addr,Jss both inliaslrusturc irnd non.
inl'rastnrcturc nlrds. l'hc ('onsultant shall sork \rith \\'R('(X; and loccl rssncics in Rivcnidc
Countl to idcntilj s heru similrr prlcliccs xnd trcntmcnts ma1 alrr.udl bc cmplorcd to providc :t
local and acccssiblc uxarnplc. Thc toolkit shall considr"r oflbrts to prr.n idc inolusilcnuis in
pctlcstrirn pl;rrrnitg and sa['ct1 cl'lirrls to atklrcss ctluitl in trnnsporla{ion.
Rtsponsiblc l'arl\: ('(,nsultant l!anr
'l'ask l)clir rrablc
6.1 l)rull orul Rctiscd Pc.lcslri.n Ptoiccl Rcu)mmcnlldrbnt
6.2 l' alcs tr itn 1 mpftt'intr nt (- os t Es I inkt t!.t
6...'I' alc-,; ntun []it-t t P rctc t ictr.s'l'u tl k it
Tusk 7. Plan Rccommcntlutions for Bic] cling
'l'ask 7.L Local Ilikotal.- I'r,rjccl Idcn I il'icat iorr
'lhc ('onsultant rrill rrork uith tlru ,\pplicart and thc l),.\'l to dcrr:lop a list ol'hikusrv
rcconrnrcndations sta irrg rrith thu (-i(\"s Circulltiol lJlcmcnt and huildiug upon (hc
rccommlndntir)ns brscd upon inpul liom thc communil-t'. ,\rklitional bikcrrals nctrrork
rsc{)mnrLrrdatir) s shall bc dctsmrirrcd thtrrugh aqcncr str ll'coonliratiorl and tschnical anirllsis ol
gaps rnd opponunitics lbr connoctivit].
\lapping ol drali bikcrr rr nct*ork irrprolonlcnts sltall hu prcscrttud to thc 1,,\'l'and ('it\ t)l'
\lcnil'.r (-.\(' l'or rcvicu ancl conrntr:nt- ln rd(liti{)n- thc drrll ncts'ork improvcntcnls rvill hc
poslc(l lo thc (-itr's $ cbsilc lirr puhlic rcr icrr anrl comrr cnt. '[]lc (-oniiultant sha ll crcxtc mrls thrt
ilhrstrntc citr.rvidc and rclri()nal co ncc(i\it\ tothcbic]'clc nd$o|k.
R(\ponsiblc Pnrtr: ('onsultint'lcxnr
l!{L} Locul llikcrtal lhnking ('ritcria
'lle (irnriultrnl shall dcvclry r'ilking critcrir tr, evilu:rtc rnd priolitizc lirturc bikcrlns.
Ilvrluotion critcrin shoukl hc hoscd on ths cstihlishcd projcct goals and obicctilr.:s. llach critorion
shrll canl an assirnctl u cight anrl lru pruir,ntcd in mrtris lbnnrL kr uxhibit hol thel' rclatu kr thr.:
g('llr irn(l olr.jcc(ilur. l)rrtcntial tirrrkirrg ctitcria rrricht irrclrtd,j collisiort historl'. gap closuru.
conncrlivil\ to dcstinxtions. cost. public input. and projcctcd usaqc. l)ata alrd rncl!sis trxrls uscd
to dor clop tlrc ranking critcrir shall hc pror id,;d lo thr: .\ppliclnt nt projcct corrplction. 'l hc critcrir
shrll bc lrcscntctl conctrncrrtll rr ith rcconrttcnrlcrl irnpr,l-crttcnts lo l[c l'.\'l atrd ('itr ol'\lurrilcc
Rrsponriblc l'ar'(1': ('onsultrnt 'l clnr
f3$_!,! Ilikcrra-r's l'rojccl l'riorilirirli0n nnd Cost listintalcs
'l hc ('onsultJ[t shrll cllhratc and rink rNomnrcndcd lrikclrl projccts hasr,rl on thc c'strtrlishcd
critcril. Ihc (-onsulllnt shll dcvclop hi-lh-lr:r'cl co$l cstinitcs lor crch bikctrl'prcjoct to
7630.121 2 a09/0.1/ l8 -14-
fi)sition thc Cit) lbl potcntial l'undi g apflicatirnrs or incoqroration into lo,;al lirrxling progrirms.
'l hc Consulllnt shnll sork u i r thc P.\'l to duvclop a bcall,r rcprcscntativc unit cost lbl hcnhncnts.
lislinratcs should irrclurlc inlbnnation alx)ut clpital costr to inlllcnrcnl bikc$n) projccts as sell as
!laintenancc corL\ ! slalcd to pol etnLrt nrntcrinl. lanrlscapine upkcc?. and Inrinlcnance ol'trallic
control dcticcs. stripinu. siuns. rnd Iightinu rr herc applicablc.
.\n inrplcrncntation nratriri shrll bc dcvclopcd tbr tho list of bikcrrat improvcnrcnts. lhc linal
dclailcd anrllsis rncl rcsults shall hc pro!idcd to thc.\pplicrnt at projoct conlplction.
llr*porrsiblc Prrrtl: ('onsult:rnt lcanr
fuLZJ. Ilikctru! s llcsl l'ractittcs Toollit
'Ihc Crr sullnnt $ill prcprrc ir best pricticcs toolLil th0t irccotl ls I'or ctohirs lcqislatir) and
stxndinlizition ol' inlicstiuctu(c bcrttrcnt$ (bikc divursion tr0irring. bikc sientls. ercer print
usngc. Ctrss [\'bikurrur.s. ctc,). \\'h,rr,j arailrlrlc. rpplicrtirms $ithin Rir'csidc (i)untl ihrll bc
irlcntilicrl rnrl tL.icd as csnrrrplcs o[br,st prncticcs rt thc loc.l nlrgncr lcrcl. liryics irrclurlurl in thc
t(!)lkit should irtclttrlc ctginccrinn dcsigns. rrallindilg lnrl sisnagc. irs \\cll ns pto-srltntrratic
corcc}ls such as cducltion. cncournscnlcnt. cnlirrccncnt. irn(l cvaluiti{)n. 'lhc toolkit shnll
cottsidcr cllirrts lrr prolitlc inclusivcncss in bikcuars flanrins i d rnl'ct\ clli)fls io rdrlrcss equitr'
in trrnsporfulirrn.
Rcsponsihlc Pnrtr': (-onsultant Tcim
'l ark l)clit errhlc
-.t l.c,L:ul Brkcvut l)nicL:t l.rst onl .\lal't
I t ika\; a| ll,Jnhnl (- tite ,t
l'rioriti:cJ l.rxul lltkcta' I'roiu t.s ancl (' r x I l..lst inues .l I cnt turuhot
-.4 ll tkt:vttrs llc:t Pructii;c:t I'oolktl
Trrsk fi. Activt' Trlnsportlltion PLtn
Lsq!_[! l'unding Srrurcc \latrir
'l hc ('onsultant shrll dcr clop a compilcd matris ol' l'undinq sourcr:s l'or pursuit ol' lrrrts to plxn
and irnplcnrcnt ncti\c transportation improvcmcnts.'lhc lirnding sourccs could inclurlc loc:rl.
rcriqrJl. stxta. ilnd Icdcrrl sourccs. nd rould inclutl,; il vlri!'tl ol' lirntl tr,1lcs including
tr{nsportilion. rir qurlilr . rr rt,"r qurlitr'. hcllth- lnd sustrinrbililv sourccs. 'l hc liurdins list shall
irrclutlc putrlic rnd prir ilrtc sourccs and shlll inclutlc tlutlils on rrhat crch lirnding sorrrcc cln
rddrr.ris such ls lclsihilitv analvsis- cntironmcn(al rcr i,;rr. right.ol'-sir1 acquisition. linJl dcsi!n.
con\trualir)n, Jn(l nlJinturrrnac. 'lhc lirndinlr list shouLl rlr:rs upon cxlcnsir'c rrorL elrqdv
crrnrpilcd rrithin thc ll{.:qionrl l}iko$ers Stnrtc:rics- rrith updrlr:s Iirr rrlcrlnt ch;rnrr:s.
'Iltc ('onsultint shrll idcntil'r'thc nrost likclv ns:rr-tcnr liurclinq sourccs uhich considcrs lrcdcrrl.
Slnlu. tnd locil rcquircllcnts rs rrell as Iocrllr adoptcd policics {o dctcrnlinc "likcll.'I'unding
soutccs. l'hc hlirrrnltirxt shlll includc lh,j irnticilntcd schsdulc li)i calls. nnd k,;1 irrlirr:rratiorr
76304112 aO9tO4/1fl -l5-
City of Menifee
AgreerrEnt NumberT4Al 064
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Agreernent Number74A1064
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rclatcd kr nrelch rcquircnrr:nls. 1ho l'unding mltris shall bc dctclopcd to hclp guidc rnd position
dre Citv fi,r potcntirl l'unding opportunities.
Rcsponsiblc l' rt\': Cons ultont 'I canr
fulQ Dratt and Final Rcpor('ltc Con*ultlnt sha ll irrco4rorolc rcsults olpltrrtasks into the citrrr idc .\cti!s lirnsport{lim l)lx .
'l hc drirll rcport shall be madc ulailitblc lirr krcal agr,ncv lnd public ruvior. ('ommcnLs on th$ drilll
shnll ho arltlrr-sscd bv thc Consul(xnt tcaDr. 1'hc finrl rcprrrt shall hu publishcd onlinc rnd promotcd
throuah thc Citv of \lcnil'cc's various nrcdir outlcts.'lhc Consultant shrllprescnt. summxr\. of
thc rcport to tlre lbllo$ine groups:
r ('itr o[\tcnifr:c Plrnnin!r (irnrmissir)n:
r t'it\, of \tcnifcc Citizcns.\dYison ('onrnrittc,:
o ('itr Parks and Rccrcatirrn (\rnrnrission
o ('itl Council
('it.r stel'l's ill bc rusponsihle ftrr prcsonting the rcsulls ol'lho cl'li)rl tr) (-it\' (-ouncil.
Rtsponsihlr l'rrt1: Consullanl ltarn and Cilr
'l arli l)elir cra hlc
.\. /l)rali and I:irltl l.itt (rr7g S.rrrje .\ /i/ t/r.!
Drili aml l:hd .-l7l' Rqlrtrt
267tlot t8J8-000t
7610121 2 a09/0{/18 -16-
City of Menifee
Agreernent NumberT4Al 064
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Cllifomi. O€prtn.nl o, lr.nrponlion
Sultrinrbl. Tr.n.ponelon Plrnnlng Gr.rx.
Fisc.l Y.i 2018.mi9
City oi t lenrlee Aclrve Tra.spodalron Plan
r',r t O,n Aht$nnb.
r.rra O4cc,..n6.t6t6^'n
tr.r , Co,'@rearE.fl!
rt t, PLr. Faaxat*hrrd gtcE tto
tJrr, rcd{n Eo,rJr/d rrt
!!!il lilliltlttrtrll!rll
E lll tlllt!tI
EI trtt!!rtttttlt
illlttl!illltllltililt!!lll|!l![[l!Il!llllllllrrrrrrrrrrtrttttt ttllttt!
lll tt
ITiltll!Ilt ll
llllllllltllllIt!lltrlllttllrllllltlllllllll llllll!
!l!llilrIlIrIlrilttl!l llll[!
lllllllltllltttrlttlltllrlttttat!!trrrrtat lltllltllllllt
ItlflltilI!flillltilltillllllLattttlttltltlttttttttt!atttttlilflilrilrmilililliltlII!ITIITIITTTITIITIITITT ITIIITTTtrrllllIlr!IllIllllllllllllrrrrl
ttr!atatttttttttttttttat trrlrlll!tttttttttl!altrlrltlltrtrrrtttt[llllllllllllllllllllullrlllllr@@!r!r;rl
267 t/011858-0001
?630121 2 a09/01/ l8 -t7-
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