2018/06/20 L.C. Paving and Sealing, Inc. CIP 18-04 Sun City Blvd ADA ImprovmentsCITY OF MENIFEE BID AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS
This Owner-Contractor Agreement ("Agecmcnt") is made and entercd into for thc abovc
referenced Projcct by and between thc City of Menifee ("City"),and LC Paving & Sealins Inc
("Contractor"). whose principal busincss addrcss is
92069 on rhc ?O# dayofJune.20l8.
30 Ranchcros Dr Ste 20lt San Marcos CA
ln consideration ofthc mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the City and Contractor
havc mutually agrccd as follows:
City owns thc land and thc building(s) known as Sun City Boulcvard, located in the community of
Sun City in Mcnifcc, Calilornia (hercinafter refened to as the "Properfy"). City participatcs in thc
Community Dcvclopment Block Grant (*CDBG") program administered by the Unitcd Statcs
Dcpartmcnt of Housing and Urban Development (*HUD) under Title I of thc Housing and
Community Dcvclopmcnt Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. $$ 5301 et seq.') as amcndcd from timc to timc,
and thc rcgulations promulgatcd thcreunder (24 C.F'.R. $$ 570 et seq.). Pursuant to thc CDBG
program, City rcccives funds frorn HUD ("CDBG Funds") to bc uscd for thc support of community
devclopment activitics that mcct at least one of the three national objectives of the program: (i)
bcncfiting Iow and modcratc incomc persons, (ii) preventing and eliminating slums and blight, and
(iii) addrcssing a community developmcnt nccd having a particular urgcncy. City intends to use
CDBG Funds for thc rcpair and/or rehabilitation ofthe Propcrty (the "Project"). Thc purposc of
this Agrccment is to obligatc Contractor to complcte the Project utilizing thc financial assistance
and in accordancc with thc requircmcnts of the CDBG program.
The Contractor agrccs to do all the Work and fumish all the labor, services, matcrials and
cquipment necessary to construct and completc the Project in accordance with the Contract
Documcnts (as hcreinaftcr dcfincd), including all work, labor, services, materials and equipmcnt
described and reasonably infcrable fiom documents enumerated in Exhibit "A" aftached hereto
and incorporated herein by rcfcrcnce (such construction and fumishing of labor, servicc, matcrials
and cquipment hcrcinaftcr referred to as thc "Work") in a good workcr-like and substantial manncr
and to thc satisfaction of the City, in conncction with the Sun City Boulevard ADA
lmprovements, Cl P l8-04 to bc constructcd in the City of Menifee, California. The tcrm Contract
Documcnts shall mcan this Agreement, and all of the items enumerated in Exhibit "A" and all
change ordcrs or addenda issucd by the City with respect thercto. City must consent in writing to
any changcs in the scopc of Work. Exhibit "A" shall be dcemed revised in accordance with any
revisions for which City's conscnt has been issued. Any revisions to the scopc of Work for which
City's conscnt has not bcen issucd shall bc null and void.
City hcrcby agrccs to pay and the Contractor agrees to accept as full compcnsation for all Work
pcrformcd in accordancc with these Contract Documents the Contract Price as sct forth in
Exhibit "B", Contract Price, attachcd hcrcto and incorporated hcrein by refcrencc. Pa).rnents to
thc Contractor shall be made in the manncr dcscribed in the Special Provisions.
Time is of the csscncc in the pcrformance of Work for this Agrccmcnt and all timing rcquircmcnts
shall be strictly adhcrcd to unlcss othcrwisc moditicd by thc City in accordancc with thcsc Bid and
Contract Documents.
Thc Contractor shall complctc thc Work in cvcry dctail to thc satisl'action of thc City. cxclusive of
maintenance pcriods, within the specified duration sct forth in thc Noticc to Proceed.
See Section 6-6 ofthe Special Provisions.
Pursuant to Labor Codc Section I 771 . I , the Contractor and all subcontractors shall be registcrcd
with the Department of lndustrial Relations. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4, the
Contractor is hereby notified that this Projcct is subjcct to compliance monitoring and cnforccment
by thc Dcpartment of lndustrial Relations. IEFFECTIVE APRIL I , 201 5.1
Pursuant to Labor Code scction 1771.4, each contractor and subcontractor must fumish electronic
certified payroll records specified in Labor Code section 1776 dircctly to the Labor Commissioner
at least monthly.
ln the performance ofthis Agrccmcnt, the Contractor shall not rcfuse or fail to hirc or employ any
qualified person, or bar or discharge from employ,rncnt any person, or discriminate against any
pcrson, with respect to such pcrson's compensation, terms, conditions or privilcges ofemployment
because of such person's racc, religious status, sex or age.
On bchalf of thc City, the City Enginccr of thc City of Mcnif'cc shall bc thc City's authorizcd
rcpresentative in thc intcrprclation and cnlorccmcnt ofall Work pcrformcd in conncction with this
Agreement. 'Ihc City Enginecr may dclcgatc authority in conncction with this Agrccmcnl to
his./her assigncd dcsignccs.
a) By my signaturc hercundcr, as Contractor, I ccrtiry that I am awarc ofthc provisions
of Section 3700 of thc Labor Code, which rcquires evcry cmploycr lo bc insurcd against liability
for Workers'. Compensation or to undcrtakc sclf-insurancc in accordancg with thc provisions of
that Code, and I will comply with such provisions bcforc commencing thc performance of thc
Work of this Agrecmcnt.
b) The Contractor shall rcquirc each subcontractor to comply with thc rcquirements
of Scction 3700 of the Labor Codc. Bcfore commencing any Work, the Contractor shall causc
cach subcontractor to executc the following ccrtification:
"l am aware of thc provisions of Scction 3700 of thc Labor Codc, which
rcquires evcry employcr to bc insurcd against liability for worker's
compcnsation or to undcrtake sclf'-insurancc in accordancc with thc
provisions of that Codc, and I will comply with such provisions before
commcncing thc pcrformancc of the Work of this Agrccmcnt."
Thc Contract Documcnts comprisc thc cntirc agrccmcnt betwccn thc City and thc Contractor with
respcct to thc Work. In the cvcnt ofconflict bctwccn the tcrms of this Agrccmcnt and thc bid of
the Contractor, thcn this Agrccment shall control and nothing hcrcin shall be considered as an
acceptance ofthe tcrms ofthe bid conflicting hcrcwith.
Contractor shall maintain all books, documcnts, papers, employee time sheets, accounting records
and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and shall make such matcrials available at its office
at all reasonable times during the term of this Agreement and for five (5) years from the date of
final payment under this Agreement, for inspection by City and copies thereof shall be fumished
to City if requested.
Under Califomia Govemment Code Section 8546.7, ifthc amount ofpublic funds cxpended under
this Agrccmcnt exceeds TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00), this Agrccment shall be
subject to the examination and audit ofthe Statc Auditor, at the requcst of City or as pan ofany
audit of City, for a pcriod ofthree (3) years after final paymcnt under this Agreemcnt.
Contractor shall perform thc Work in conformity with all applicablc fcderal, state, and local laws,
rcgulations, and rules of govemmcntal agcncies having jurisdiction, including without Iimitation,
the CDBG Rcquircmcnts (except that (l) Contractor does not assumc thc cnvironmcntal
rcsponsibilities described in 24 C.F.R. $ 570.604, and (2) Contractor does not assume the
responsibility for initiating thc review process undcr thc provisions of24 C.F.R. Part 52), thc lcgal
rcquircmgnts sct forth in Exhibil C attached to this Agrccmcnt and thc statutcs rcfcrenccd therein,
all provisions of thc Municipal Codc of the City of Mcnifee, and all fcdcral and statc fair labor
standards, including the paymcnt ofprcvailing wagcs and compliancc with the Davis-Bacon Act.
"CDBG Requirements" shall collcctively rcfcr to the rcquircmcnts of Titlc I ofthc Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. ${ 5301 el seq.) as amcndcd from timc to timc,
and the implemcnting rcgulations set forth in 24 C.F.R. S{ 570 el seq. as amcndcd from time to
time, and the requiremcnls sct forth and rcfcrrcd to in Exhibit C attachcd to lhis Agrccmcnt. [n
the case of any conflict between the CDBC Rcquircmcnts and this Agrccment, the CDBG
Requirements shall control; it bcing understood, howcvcr, that in ordcr to bc in compliance with
this Agrccment and the CDBG Rcquircmcnts, Contractor shall, to the cxtcnt possiblc, comply with
thc most restrictive provisions in this Agrccmcnt and thc CDBG Rcquirements. Contractor shall
not hire or employ any pcrson to pcrform work within City or allow any pcrson to perform the
Work rcquircd undcr this Agrecment unless such pcrson is propcrly documcnted and legally
entitled to be employcd within thc United Statcs. Contractor acknowlcdgcs and agrces that it shall
be and remain, and shall cause Contractor personnel to bc and rcmain, fully knowledgeable and
appriscd of all local, state and fcderal laws, rules, and rcgulations in any manncr affecting thc
performance under this Agrccmcnt, including the CDBG Rcquiremcnts. The statutory pcnalties
for failurc to pay prcvailing wagc or to comply with Statc wage and hour laws will be enforccd.
ln accordancc with the provisions of Labor Code Sections l8l0 et s eq., eight (8) hours is the Iegal
working day. Contractor must forfeit to City TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00) per day for
each workcr who works in cxccss ofthe minimum working hours whcn Contractor does not pay
overtime. Contractor shall indcmnify, protcct, defend, and hold harmless City and its officials,
officcrs, cmployecs, and agcnts, with counsel reasonably acceptable to City, from and against any
and all loss, liability, damagc, claim, cost, expense and/or "incrcased costs" (including reasonablc
attomcys' fccs, court and litigation costs, and fccs ofexpert witnesses) that results or arises in any
way from any of the following: (a) the noncompliancc by Contractor ofany applicablc local, stalc
and./or fedcral law, including. without limitation, any applicable federal and/or statc labor laws
(including, without limitation, if applicable, the requirement to pay statc or federal prevailing
wages and hire apprcnticcs); (b) thc implcmentation of Section I78l ofthc Labor Code, as thc
samc may be amcndcd from time to time, or any othcr similar law; and/or (c) failurc by Contractor
to providc any rcquircd disclosurc or identification as requircd by Labor Code Section 1781. as
the samc may bc amcndcd from time to time, or any other similar law. The foregoing indemnity
shall survivc tcrmination or cxpiration ofthis Agreement. lt is agrced by the parties that Contractor
shall bcar all risks ofpaymcnt or nonpa).ment ofprevailing wages undcr federal law and Califomia
law and,/or thc implcmcntation of Labor Code Scction 1781, as the same may be amendcd from
time to timc, and,/or any othcr similar law. "lncreased costs," as used in this Section, shall havc
thc meaning ascribcd to it in Labor Code Section 1781, as thc same maybe amended from time to
At all timcs during thc tcrm of this Agreement, Contractor shall bc an independent contractor and
shall not be an cmploycc, agent, partner orjoint vcnturer of the City. City shall have thc right to
control Contractor insothr as the results of Contractor's services rendered pursuant to this
Agrccmcnt; howcvcr, City shall not have the right to control the mcans by which Contractor
accomplishes such services.
Contractor represents and declares to City that it has all liccnscs, permits, qualifications and
approvals of whatevcr nature which are legally rcquired to practice its profession. Contractor
represcnts and wanants to City that Contractor shall, at its sole cost and cxpense, keep in effect at
all timcs during thc tcrm of this Agreement, any liccnscs, permits, qualifications or approvals
which are lcgally rcquircd for Contractor to practice its profession.
This Agreemcnt and the Contract Documents shall be construed under and in accordance with thc
laws ofthc Statc of Califomia, and the appropriate vcnue for any action or proceeding arising from
this Agrccmcnt and/or thc Contract Documents shall be had in the Superior Court of Riverside,
Temecula Branch
This Agrcemcnt may bc cxcculcd in any number of counterparts, each of which shall for all
purposcs bc dccmcd to bc an original.
Contractor acknowledgcs that if a false claim is submittcd to thc City. it may be considcred fraud
and Contractor may be subject to criminal prosccution. Contractor acknowlcdges that the False
Claims Act, California Government Codc scctions 12650, et seq., provides for civil penalties
whcrc a pcrson knowingly subfirits a false claim to a public entity. Thcsc provisions include within
thcir scopc false claims made with dclibcrate ignorance of thc falsc information or in reckless
disregard ofthe truth or falsity ofthe information. ln thc cvent the City seeks to rccovcr pcnaltics
pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recovcr its Iitigation costs, including attomcys'
fccs. Contractor hereby acknowlcdgcs that the filing of a false claim may the Contractor to an
administrativc debarment proceeding whcrcin Contractor may be preventcd from further bidding
on public contracts for a period ofup to fivc (5) ycars.
I have read and undcrstood all of the provisions of this I 7, above
This Agreement and the Contract Documents may not be modified orally or in any manncr other
than by an amendment in writing and signed by the City and the Contractor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agrecment is executed as of the date first written above.
Citv of Menifee LC Pa
( Initial)
S&cK,Ma yor fo lr,-rn
Jc T. Melching. City
ah waring, City Contractor's City Business License No
62610 A- B- Cl2
Pr,<t Atn4
0q Aob<
Statc Contractor Liccnsc No. & Class
330 Rancheros D nve Suitc 208
Street Addrcss
San Marcos. CA 92 609
City, State, Zip Codc
INOTE: ln the event the Contractor is a Corporation, the signatures of two separate
persons holding different offices must be provided.l
Owner-Contractor Agreement
Bid Schedule
Special Provisions (Specifications)
Special Federal Provisions including Community Development Block Grant Program
Requirements and Disbursement lnstructions
Standard Specifications for Public Works Constmction and Regional Supplements
State Standard Specifi cations
State Standard Plans
Permits issued by jurisdictional regulatory agencies
Electric, gas, telephone, and cable television company specifications and standards
Thc Contract Pricc for pcrforming all Work describcd in the Contract Documcnts, including labor.
materials, scrvices and equipmcnt is thc total amount of all lump sum itcms and of all unit pricc
sums, dctcrmincd by multiplying thc unit pricc for cach itcm timcs the ac[lal quanlity ofcach such
item, as detcrmincd by thc City.
The total contract amount is in thc not-to-cxcccd amount of $63.276,05 (Sixtv-Three Thousand
Two Hundred Seventv-Six Dollars and Five Cents),
CIP 18 04 5un City Boulevard ADA lmprovements
The undersrgned hereby p.oposes to furnish any and all labor, materials, and equapment for the
5un City Soulevard ADA lmprovements, clP 18-04 and appurtenant work in connection
therewith, said work to be done and materials to be furnished io strict conformitv with the
plan5, specifi€atrons, all other referenced documents and all codes and regulations the prices
shown on th is proposal
The undersrgned has examrned the locatiofl of the proposed work, and i5 familiar with the plans
and specrfications and the local conditroni at the place the work is to be done, and also
understands that the project will be completely constructed in turn.key condition acceptable to
the owner be for the price of the proposal, including ail fees and sales tax upon any materials
so furnshed. The undersigned has also carefully checked all of the figures given and
understand5 that the owner will be responsible for any errors or omissrons on the part of the
undersigned in submittinB this proposal.
The Contra.tor confirms that his/her bid rs submitted with respect to the changes to the
contract included in alladdenda issued by the Owner
Receipt is hereby acknowledBed of Addenda No {s)U/$t-
The underirgned ha5 examrned the current State of California schedule of prevailing wage rates
for the types of work to be done on this proiect and aBrees to pay not less than these rates.
Sun City Boulevard ADA lmprovements
crP 18-04
No 0tsaR Pl lor
Pubic Not icatron
ct'o t{
0b c'O16"
18 Clear and 6rub SF \q Dt)
t Include all u,ork and labor n6ce6sary to remove and dEpose of all exEhng concrete or oltier matedal. Exiating
concrele will be gawcut at lho termious of a complat€ panel or,ornt to the sat6facton of the Engrneer The area
to be removed may need lo extond beyond the dia engons shown in the Contract Documents or rellerence
drawng(s) to provde onough transition area so all r'€w work placed ls ADA compliant. Contractor thall
rnvestrgate each localion and en3ure all necessary work rncluding the lransitrons ateas are rncluded rn lhe cost ot
the bd item Bid orn also hcludes up lo 5,m of expon ancl/or 6pon Brd (em also rncludes the cultrng back o{
Tttn toUcc tY)
\qcl NI lL(t') fr
Traffir Control L5
Iempora.y Construclron BMP 5
'L5U 0{'
\ a'lD. ac
LF 131 155
Sawcul ExrstinBAC and PCC
Remove SiBnlng and StriprnS h5?.ac1 lltD 0c)
Remove 6 Curb and Gutter
rnstallb" curb dnd 6utter
Remove PCC and AC
lnstall 6' Concrete Curb
Replace Full depth AC section (11 )
t4101 M
5c 0L'1-Bg t'l
c NtaLr )-00
L'1 0c)51to'> Nt
>c{1-5. t)o
lbqs oO
t5 l
tA 6
i *.to.NivgL)
l stall 4" PCC for pedeetrlan ramps
lnstall 0etectable War.rng Syslenr
lnstall6" Pcc Pavement
LF 15
Striping and srgnage
lnstall 4" PCC Srdewall(
Remove and replace I" PVC PLpe
11b. bt)LED fu
, l*sZl.tl XSZt.o0
any rools The Contraclor shall provrde lhe City wrlh 48 hours advance notce in Mitng Frlor to any rool
tr,mmrng to confirm the limils $rlh Crly Slafl Unn cost also ncludes removal, replacement. relocation, and/or
adlustmont to 9rac,6 of any publLc and,ror private rmprovements dunng demolitixr and/or constructon as
necessary to complete lhe wo.l. including bul not Imited to asphall (including cold milling). survey markers of
any krnd. posts. and sqns
sun City Boulevard ADA lmprovements
crP 18-04
BIDDER'S PROPOSAI. {continued)
r' The clntraclor shall be r€sponsrble for ensuring any nesly constructod vrork is ADA co.npllant whrch may
nclude modifrcatiorc to 3tandad drawings to addless srte/locahon specific issues. lf any ol the work imtalled is
not ADA complianl at the sob discretion of lhc Engineer, saad work shall be immealrately removed and roplaced
at no charge lo the City.
Lb,1)v .or
0ollars and frre-Cents
Contractor's ln
ln the even en the unit price and extended total- the unit price will be ured
and the co I be considered a! the amount bid. lf the bid ls illeSible and
cannot be reconciled it wrll be consrdered non responsive and will not be considered for award.
The lowest responsrve brdder 5hall be determined by comparing sum of the base bid amo!nt(s)
with that of all additive or alternative bids {if any) of bidders deemed by the Owner to be
respohsive rn all other aspects. lf equal low bids are recerved from responsible and responsive
bidders the selection 5hall be made by drawing lot5, or othpr similar random blind method
5elected by thc Owner. lf onlV one responsrve bid is recerved from a responsible bidder the
award shallnot be made unless the price can be determined to be reasonable based on an
an.lysis by the Owner. The Owner's determinatron as to the reasonableness of any such brd
shallbe final.
t of a/ariahon betwe
rrected extension wil
All bids received shall be rerorded on an abstract (tabulation) of bid5, and then made available
for public inspection.
The quantities listed in the brd proposal are provided to give a teneral rndication of the rcope of
the work and for the comparison of badi. No warranty is made, erther expressed or implaed,
that the actual quantilies o[ work to be done wall correrpond therewith. ttem numbers
followed by "{S)" are designated as specialty items
Bv signing and submrttrng lhrs brd the Contractor confirms that they 3re familiar with the work
site and allexigting condrtrons lhat may affect their work and that theV have read and agree to
all the terms, condrlrons and requrements contained or reterenced herern and that all the
Sun City Boulevard ADA lmprovements
crP 18,04
aforement,oned has been rncluded rn the brd prices lrsted ebove iocluding items oI work tha!
may not have a tpecific pay lne item and that there shall be no additaonal costs to the Owner
WARNING: lf dn addendum or addenda have been issued by the Owner and not noted above
a5 berng recerved by the bidder, this 8id may be rejecled
Complete the followrng:
Su Ivpe{Corporation. P.finPlshrp. 50lePropr'etor)
of r€cond oa(ner or ollicer
(7 60\ 75?-174?,
ma risatOlrn:vino artm
r,""it ",ra*i.i pl^".v ."^ijii
urww lrnarrinn romc";;;;;;Fd,t;-
oate 5,gnat!re of Pnhe Conuac:o,
lose Salinas - President, VP, Secrelary, Treasurer
Prinr ne(r€ end rifle Prinr name and tit e
lIthe P,ei. Connocbt it o cotoototlantwo tenotu.er Dl .a.potote olfic?ttote teaa.pd.)
Sun CJty Boulevard A0A lmprovements
crP 18-04
BIDDER'5 PROPOSAT {continued)
1 Contractor is required to possess one of the following State Contractor's license
State cf Californra Clas5 "A and/or C-8" Contractor's License
2 A failure to possess the required license, a failure to truthfully 5et forth the tollowint
information, or a failure to execute this Certificate rendeas the proposal nonresponsive and
requrres the City to reiect the proposal. (Busrness and Profe5sions Code Section 7028.151
3. Contractor declares, under penalty of periury, that he possesses the required
Contractor's license(5) which:
a Bears the license number(5)€,) 161n
b. Exp ires oni nR/?1/7O1R
ure oi Pri,nc corrtractor Date Signdtu.e of Primc Contlactor
Print rrrrne and !itle
([ the Prime Contraclo. iso co.porclan two signotu.et of cotpo.ote ofiiteq ote requted-)
Thrs required licen5e determinatiod has been made by the Owner. Any Contractor holding a
different license who feets he i5 qualified to bid on this work must so advise the ollner at least
seven (7) days prior to the bid opening. A review of the contemplated work will be made and
the Owner's decision ar to the required license will be final.
Print n.!xe aod tltlE
ln addition to the requirements sct tbrth in other provisions ofthc Agreemcnt, Contractor
shall comply, and shall cause all of Contractor's pcrsonncl to comply, with thc following
regulations and rcquirements insofar as they are applicable to thc pcrformance ofthc Agrccmcnt.l
l t)qual Opportunity and Nondiscrimination.
a. Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, including Public
Law 88-352 implemented in 24 C.F,R, Part l. This law providcs in part that no pcrson shall, on
the grounds of racc, color, or national origin be cxcludcd from participation in, be dcnied the
bcncfits of. or bc subjected to discrimination under any program or activity rccciving fcdcral
financial assistancc. ln regard to the salc or lease ofpropcrty, Contractor shall causc or rcquire a
covenant running with thc land to bc inscrtcd in thc dccd and lcases prohibiting discrimination
undcr this Titlc, and providing that City and thc United Statcs arc bcncficiarics of and entitled to
enforce such covcnants. Contractor shall cnforcc such covcnant and shall not itsclf so
b. Fair Housing Act, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as
amended, including Public Law 90-234. The Fair Housing Act provides in part that thcrc shall
be no discrimination in housing practiccs on the basis of race, color, religion, scx, and national
origin. Thc Fair Housing Act was amcnded in 1988 to providc protections from discrimination in
any aspect ofthc salc or rental ofhousing for familics with childrcn and persons with disabilities.
The Fair Housing Act also establishes rcquircmcnts for thc dcsign and construction of ncw rental
or for-salc multi-f'amily housing to ensurc a minimum lcvcl of accessibility for pcrsons with
c. Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act
of 1974, as amended, including 42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq., 42 U.S.C. 6l0l et. seq., Lnd 29 U.S.C.
794. This law providcs in part that no person on the grounds of racc, color, national origin, scx,
or religion shall bc cxcluded from participation in, bc dcnicd thc bcnefits of or othcrwisc bc subject
to discrimination undcr any activity fundcd in wholc or part with funds under this Titlc.
d. Section 104(b) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development
Act of 1974, as amended, including 42 U.S.C. 5301 et. seq. This law provides in part that any
grant under Scction 106 shall be madc only if the grantec ccnifies to the satisfaction of the
Secretary of HUD that thc grantcc will, among othcr things. affirmatively furthcr fair housing.
I This exhibit is a list and summary of some of the applicablc legal requirements and is not a
complctc list of all requirements. The description set forth ncxt to a statute or regulation is a
summary of ccnain provisions in the statute or regulation and is in no way intendcd to be a
complete dcscription or summary of thc statutc or regulation. h thc cvcnt ofany conflict between
this summary and thc requirements imposed by applicable laws, rcgulations, and requircmcnts, the
applicable laws, rcgulations, and rcquircmcnts shall apply.
e. Executive Order I1246, as amended. l'his ordcr includcs a rcquircmcnt
that grantccs and subrccipicnts and thcir contractors and subcontractors not discriminatc against
any employee or applicant for cmplo),mcnt bccausc of racc. color, rcligion, scx, or national origin.
g. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. This Act
specifics in part that no otherwise qualificd individual shall solcly by rcason ofhis or hcr disability
or handicap be cxcludcd from participation (including employmcnt), dcnicd program benefits, or
subjectcd to discrimination under any program or activity rccciving fcdcral assistancc.
i. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended. This law provides in
part that no person shall bc excludcd from participation in, be denied program bencfits, or
subjected to discrimination on the basis of agc undcr any program or activity receiving fcderal
j. EEO/AA Statement. Contractor shall, in all solicitations or advertisements
for employees placcd by or on behalf of Contractor, statc that it is an Equal Opportunity or
Affi rmative Action cmployer.
k. Minority/Women Business Enterprise. Contractor will usc its bcst cfforts
to afford small businesscs and minority and women-owncd busincss cntcrpriscs the maximum
practicablc oppom-rnity to participatc in thc pcrformancc of thc Agrccmcnt. As uscd in the
Agreement, the term "small business" mcans a busincss that mccts thc crilcria sct forth in Scction
3(a) of the Small Busincss Act, as amcnded (15 U.S.C. 632), and "minority and womcn-owncd
busincss enterprise" mcans a busincss al lcast fifty-one perccnt (5 l%) owncd and controlled by
minority group mcmbcrs or womcn. For thc purposc of this dcfinition, "minority group mcmbers"
are Afro-Americans, Spanish-speaking, Spanish-sumamcd or Spanish-hcritagc Americans, Asian-
Amcricans, and American Indians. Contractor may rely on writtcn represcntations by busincsses
rcgarding their status as minority and femalc busincss cntcrpriscs in licu of an independcnt
2, Environmental.
f. Executive Order I1063, as amended, including 24 C.F.R. Part 107, This
order and its implcmcnting rcgulations includc rcquircmcnts that all actions ncccssary bc taken to
prcvcnt discrimination bccausc of racc. color. rcligion, scx, or national origin in thc usc,
occupancy, salc, leasing, rental, or othcr disposition of propcrty assisted with fbderal loans,
advanccs, grants, or contributions.
h. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended. This
Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in cmploymcnt by state and local
govemments and in placcs of public accommodation and commercial facilitics. Thc ADA also
requires that facilities that are newly constructed or altered, by, on behalfof, or for use ofa public
entity, be designed and constructcd in a manncr that makes the facility readily accessiblc to and
usable by persons with disabilitics. Thc Act dcfincs thc rangc of conditions that qualifo as
disabilities and the reasonablc accommodations that must bc made to assure equality of
opporunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for pcrsons with
a. Air and Water, Contractor shall comply with thc following rcgulations
insofar as they apply to thc pcrformancc of thc Agrcement: Clcan Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401. et seq.;
Fcdcral Watcr Pollution Control Act, as amcndcd, 33 U.S.C. 1251. et seq.. as amcnded, l3l8
relating to inspcction, monitoring. cntry, reports, and information, as well as othcr rcquircments
spccificd in said Section I l4 and Scction 308, and all regulations and guidclincs issucd thercundcrl
and thc U.S. Environmental Protection regulations pursuant to 40 C.F.R, Part 50, as amended.
b. Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. Contractor shall assurc that for
activitics located in an area identificd by FEMA as having spccial flood hazards, tlood insurancc
under thc National l'lood lnsurancc Program is obtaincd and maintaincd.
c. Lead-Based Paint. Contractor shall comply with the Lead-Based Paint
Regulations rcfercnccd in 24 C.F.R. { 570.608, including 24 C.F.R. Part 35, er. a/.
d. Historic Preservation. Contractor shall comply with the historic
preservation requirements set forth in the National Historic Prescrvation Act of 1966, as amended
(16 U.S.C.470) and the procedurcs set forth in 36 C.F.R. Part 800, Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation Proccdurcs for Protcction of Historic Properties and related laws and Exccutivc
Orders, insofar as they apply to the pcrformancc of thc Agrccmcnt. ln general, this requires
concurrence from the State Historic Preservation Officcr for all rchabilitation and dcmolition of
historic propcrtics that arc fifty years old or older or that arc includcd on a fcdcral. state, or local
historic property list.
e. Limitation on Activities Pending Clearance. In accordancc with 24
C.F.R. S 58.22 entitled "Limitations on activitics pending clearance," neithcr a rccipicnt nor any
participant in thc devclopment process, including public or private nonprofit or for-profit entities,
or any of their contractors, may commit HUD assistancc undcr a program listcd in 24 C.F.R.
$ 58. I (b) on an activity or projcct until H U D or the statc has approved thc rccipicnt's Rcqucst for
Relcase of Funds (RROF) and thc relatcd ccrtifications havc becn approved. Neither a recipient
nor any participant in the development process may commit non-HUD funds or undcrtake an
activity or projcct that would have an adverse environmcntal impact or limit thc choice of
rcasonable altematives. Upon completion of cnvironmcntal rcview or receipt of cnvironmcntal
clearance, City shall notiry Contractor. HUD funds shall not bc utilizcd beforc this rcquirement is
satisficd. The environmental review or violation of thc provisions may rcsult in approval,
modification ofcancellation of the Agrecment. If a projcct or activity is cxcmpt undcr 24 C.F.R-
$ 58.34, or is categorically excluded (except in cxtraordinary circumstanccs) undcr 24 C.F.R.
$ 58.35(b), no RROF is requircd and thc rccipicnt may undertake the activity immcdiatcly aftcr
the City has documcntcd its dctermination that cach activily or projcct is cxcmpt and meets the
conditions specified for such exemption undcr this section by issuing a Noticc to Proceed.
3. Uniform Administrative Requirements. Thc uniform administrativc
rcquircments described in 24 C.F.R. $ 570,502.
4. Other Program Requirements. Contractor shall carry out each activity under the
Agreement in accordancc with all applicablc fcdcral laws and rcgulations dcscribed in Subpan K
of24 C.F.R. $ 570 cxcept for City's cnvironmcntal rcsponsibilitics undcr 24 C.F.R. g 570.604 and
City's responsibility for initiating the rcvicw process undcr thc provisions of24 C.F.R. Part 52.
5. Reversion of Assets. In all contracts through which the City providcs CDBC
Funds prior to pcrformancc ofscrvice or work rather than as payment for services or work already
rctcndcred, Contractor shall transfer to City 1a) any and all remaining, unspent CDBG Funds upon
complction of thc Projcct and (b) any accounts receivable attributable to the use ofCDBG Funds.
ln all cases in which equipment acquired, in whole or in part, with funds under the Agreement is
sold, thc procccds shall bc program income (prorated to reflect the extent to that funds receivcd
under the Agreemcnt wcrc uscd lo acquirc the equipment). Equipment not nceded by Contractor
for activities undcr thc Agrccmcnt shall at thc election of City either be (a) transfcrred to City for
the CDBG program, or (b) retained by Contractor after compensating City an amount cqual to thc
current fair markct valuc ofthc cquipment less the percentage ofnon-CDBG funds used to acquirc
the equipmcnt.
6. Relocation. City shall not be responsiblc for rclocating any occupants from any
property. If requircd, Contractor shall havc thc sole and exclusive responsibility for providing
rclocation assistancc and paying all relocation costs rcquired to comply with all applicablc fcdcral
and statc laws, rulcs, and rcgulations, including the Uniform Rclocation Assistance and Rcal
Propcrty Acquisition Policics Act of 1970, 42 U.S.C. 94601 e/ seg., as amcnded, and
implcmcnting rcgulations, and HUD Handbook 1378. Contractor shall indcmnify, dcfend, and
hold City harmlcss tiom and against any claims, liabilitics, damages. or losses madc against it by
tcnants or occupants ofany propcrty, including without limitation claims for relocation assistancc,
invcrsc condcmnation, and claims othcrwisc arising from any act or omission of Contractor
pursuanl to thc prt.rvision ofrclocation assistance.
7. Allowable Costs and Audits. Contractor shall comply with and administcr thc
Projcct in accordancc with OMB Circular No. A- 122 "Cost Principlcs for Non Profit
Organizations" or OMB Circular No. A-21 "Cost Principlcs for Educational lnstitutions", as
applicablc. If Contractor isa govemmental or quasi-govemmental agency, thc applicablc scctions
OMB Circular A-87 "Cost Principles for State, Local, and lndian Tribal Govcmments" shall apply.
Contractor shall have an annual audit conductcd in accordance with OMB Circular No. A- I 33.
"Audits of Statcs, Local Govcrnmcnts, and Non-Protit Organizations."
E. Records and Reports. Contractor shall provide to City and shall cause each of its
contractors, subcontractors, and subrecipients to providc to City all records and reports relating to
the Project that may bc rcasonably requcsted by City in order to enable it to perform its record
keeping and reporting obligations pursuant to thc CDBG Requirements, including but not Iimited
to thosc dcscribcd in the Agrccment and 24 C.F.R. $ 570.506.
9. Religious Organizations. If Contractor is a religious organization as defined by
the CDBG Requirements, Contractor shall comply with all conditions prescribed by HUD for the
use of CDBG Funds by religious organizations, including the First Amendment of the United
States Constitution rcgarding church/state principles and the applicable constitutional prohibitions
set forth in 24 C.F.R. $ 570.200(i).
10. Conflict of lnterest. Contractor will comply with 24 C.F,R. 570.61 I regarding thc
avoidancc ofconflict of intcrcst, which provisions includc (but are not limited to) thc following:
i. Contractor shall maintain a wriltcn code or standards of conduct that shall
govcm thc pcrformancc of its officers, employccs or agents engaged in the award and
administration ofcontracts supported by fcderal funds.
ii. No employec, officer or agent of thc Contractor shall participatc in thc
selcction, or in the award, or administration of, a contract supportcd by federal funds if a conflict
of intcrcst, rcal or apparent, would bc involvcd.
iii. No covered persons who exercisc or have exercised any functions or
responsibilities with respect to CDBG-assisted activitics, or who arc in a position to parlicipatc in
a decision-making process or gain inside information with rcgard to such activities, may obtain a
financial intcrest in any contract, or have a financial intcrcst in any contract, subcontract, or
agrccmcnt with respcct to thc CDBG-assistcd activity, or with rcspcct to the procccds from the
CDBG-assisted activity, eithcr for thcmselvcs or those with whom they havc busincss or
immcdiate family tics, during their tenurc or for a period of onc ( I ) ycar thereafter. For purposcs
of this paragraph, a "covcrcd person" includes any pcrson who is an employee, agent, consultant,
officer, or clcctcd or appointed official ofthe City, the Contractor, or any designatcd public agency-
It. Political Activity (24 C.F.R. $ 570.207(a)(3)). Contractor is prohibitcd from
using CDBG Funds to finance the usc offacilities or equipmcnt for political purposes or to cngage
in other partisan political activities, such as sponsoring candidatc forums, distributing brochurcs,
voter transponation, or volcr rcgistration.
12. Anti-Lobbying Certilication. By its execution of the Agreement, Contractor
hereby ccrtifies that:
i. No federal appropriatcd funds havc bccn paid or will be paid, by or on
bchalfofit, to any pcrson for influencing or attcmpting to influcncc an officcr or cmployec ofany
agency, a Mcmbcr ofCongrcss, an officcr or cmployee ofCongrcss, or an employcc ofa Mcmbcr
of Congress in conncction with thc awarding of any fcdcral contract, the making of any federal
$ant, the making of any federal loan, thc cntering into of any cooperative agreement, and thc
extension, continuation, renewal, amcndment, or modification ofany federal contract, grant, loan,
or cooperativc agrccmcnt.
ii. lfany funds othcr than fcdcral appropriatcd funds havc bccn paid or will be
paid to any pcrson for influencing or attcmpting to influence an officcr or cmployee ofany agcncy,
a Mcmbcr of Congrcss, an officcr or cmploycc of Congrcss, or an employcc of a Mcmber of
Congrcss in connection with this fcdcral contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agrccmcnt, it will
complcte and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Rcport Lobbying," in accordancc
with its instructions.
iii. lt will require that thc language ofthis ccrtification be included in thc award
documents for all subawards at all ticrs (including subcontracts, subgmnts, and contracts undcr
grants, loans, and cooperative agrccmcnts) and that all subrecipients shall ccrtify and disclose
This ccrtification is a material rcprcscntation of fact upon which reliance was placcd when
this transaction was madc or entcred into. This certification is a prercquisite for making or entering
into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S.C. Any person who fails to filc the
required certification shall be subjcct to a civil penalty ofnot lcss than $10,000 and not morc than
$100,000 for cach such failure. At the request of City, Contractor shall execute a separate
document that contains thc certifications set forth above.
13. Drug-Free Workplace Requirements. Contractor shall comply with and bc
subject to thc rcquircmcnts of thc fcdcral drug-free workplacc rcquircments, which include the
following actions bc takcn:
i. Publishing a statcment notirying employees that the unlawful manufacture,
distribution, dispcnsing, possession, or use ofa controllcd substance is prohibitcd in the workplace
and specifying thc actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition.
ii. Establishing an ongoing drug-free awarcness program to inform cmployees
about: (a) thc dangcrs of drug abusc in thc work place; (b) the cmployer's policy of maintaining
a drug-frec workplacet (c) any availablc drug counseling, rehabilitation, and cmploycc
assistance programs; and (d) the penaltics that may be imposcd upon cmployecs for drug abuse
violations occurring in the workplacc.
iii. Making it a rcquircmcnt that each cmployee to bc cngagcd in the
performancc ofthc grant be given a copy of the statement rcquircd by paragraph (i).
iv. Noti8/ing the cmployee in the statement rcquired by paragraph (i) that, as a
condition of cmployment undcr thc grant, the employec will: (a) abide by the terms of the
statement; and (b) notify the employcr in writing of his or hcr conviction for a violation of a
criminal drug statute occurring in thc workplace no later than fivc (5) calendar days aftcr such
v. Notifying City in writing, within tcn (10) calendar days aftcr receiving
notice under sub-paragraph (iv)(b) lrom an cmployee or othcrwisc rcceiving actual noticc of such
conviction. Employers of convictcd cmployees must provide notice, including position titlc, to
every grant officcr or other designee on whosc grant activity thc convictcd employce was working,
unless the fcderal agency has designatcd a central point for thc rcccipt of such notices. Notice
shall includc thc idcntification numbcr(s) ofeach affected grant.
vi. Taking onc of the following actions, within thirty (30) calendar days of
receiving noticc undcr subparagraph (iv)(b), with respect to any cmployee who is so convicted: (a)
taking appropriatc pcrsonncl action against such an cmployce, up to and including tcrmination,
consistcnt with the requirements of thc Rchabilitation Act of I 973, as amended; or (b) rcquiring
such employce to participate satisfactorily in a drug abusc assistance or rehabilitation program
approvcd for such purposes by a fcdcral, state or local health, law enflorcement, or othcr appropriate
vii. Making a good faith cffort to continue to maintain a drug-frec workplace
tbrough implemcntation ofparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), and (vi).
14, Procurement. Contractor will comply with thc procurcment standards under 2
C.F.R. $$ 200.317 -200.326. Contractor shall comply with all cxisting and future City policies
concerning thc purchase of equipment.
15. l,abor Provisions.
a. Section 3 ofthe Housing and Community Development Act of 1968.
Contractor shall comply with and causc its contractors and subcontractors to comply with the
rcquircmcnts ofScction 3 ofthe Housing and Urban Dcvclopmcnt Act of 1968 ( l2 U.S.C.
$ l70lu), thc HUD regulations issucd pursuant thcrcto at 24 C.F.R. Part 135, and any applicablc
rulcs and orders of HUD issued thereundcr. Thc Scction 3 clause, set forth in 24 C.F.R g 135.38
i. The work to bc pcrformcd undcr this contract is subject to the rcquircmcnts
ofSection 3 ofthe Housing and Urban Dcvclopment Act of 1968, as amended, l2 U.S.C. $ l70lu
("Scction 3"). The purpose of Section 3 is to ensurc that cmploymcnt and othcr cconomic
opportunitics gencratcd by HUD assistancc or HUD-assisted projects covered by Section 3, shall,
to thc grcatcst extent feasible, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly
pcrsons who arc rccipicnts of HUD assistancc for housing.
ii. The parties to this contract agrec to comply with HUD's rcgulations in 24
C.F.R. Part 135, which implement Section 3. As cvidenccd by their execution ofthis contract, thc
partics to this contract certiry that they are undcr no contractual or other impediment that would
prcvcnt thcm from complying with the Part 135 rcgulations.
iii. Thc contractor agrccs to scnd to cach labor organization or rcprcscntativc
ofworkcrs with which the contractor has a collcctivc bargaining agreement or other understanding
if any, a notice advising the labor organization or workcrs' representative of the contractor's
commitmcnts under this Section 3 clause, and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous placcs
at thc work site whcre both employees and applicants for training and cmployment positions can
scc thc notice. The notice shall dcscribe thc Scctron 3 prcfcrcnce, shall set forth minimum numbcr
andjob titlcs subjcct to hire, availability of apprcnticcship and training positions, the qualifications
for cach; and thc name and location ofthc person(s) taking applications for each ofthe positions;
and thc anticipated date the work shall begin.
iv. The contractor agrees to includc this Section 3 clause in every subcontract
subject to compliance with regulations in 24 C.F.R. Part 135, and agrecs to take appropriate action,
as providcd in an applicable provision ofthc subcontract or in this Section 3 clause, upon a finding
that the subcontractor is in violation oflhe regulations in 24 C.F.R. Part 135. The contractor will
not subcontract with any subcontractor wherc ths contractor has notice or knowledge that thc
subcontractor has been found in violation ofthe rcgulations in 24 C-F.R. Part 135.
v. The contractor will certiff that any vacant employment positions, including
training positions, that are filled (l) after thc contractor is sclected but before the contract is
cxccutcd, and (2) with pcrsons othcr than thosc to whom the regulations of24 C.F.R. Part 135
rcquirc cmploymcnt opportunitics to be dircctcd, were not filled to circumvent the contractor's
obligations undcr 24 C.F.R. Part 135,
' vi. Noncompliance with tt U D's regulations in 24 C.F.R Part I 35 may result in
sanctions, tcrmination of this contract for dcfault, and debarment or suspension from futurc HUD
assistcd contracts.
Contractor shall abide by thc Scction 3 clausc sct forth abovc and will also cause this
Section 3 clause to be insened in all contracts rclating to thc Projcct, if applicablc.
b, Labor Standards. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of 24 C.F.R.
$ 570.603 and related requirements. Contractor shall include in all applicablc construction
contracts the provisions of federal law imposing labor standards on fcderally assistcd contracts.
Contractor shall comply with the requiremcnts ofthc Secrctary of Labor in accordancc with the
Davis-Bacon Act as amended (40 U.S.C.3l4l through 3148). thc provisions of Contract Work
Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327 et seq. and implcmcnting regulations), thc
Copeland Anti-Kick Back Act (40 U.S.C. 276c and l8 U.S.C. 874 er seg.), the implcmenting
regulations of thc U.S. Department of Labor including 29 C.F.R. Parts l, 3, 5, 6 and 7, and all
other applicablc fcdcral, state and local laws and regulations pcrtaining to labor standards insofar
as those acts apply to the performancc ofthe Agreement. Contractor shall maintain documcntation
that demonstrates compliance with these provisions and such documentation shall bc made
available to City and HUD for review upon rcquest. Contractor shall cause or rcquirc to bc inserted
in full, in all such contracts subject to such rcgulations, provisions meeting the requiremcnts of
this paragraph.
c. HUD Form 4010. Contractor shall comply and cause Contractor pcrsonnel to
comply with thc provisions of HUD Form 4010 attached hcrcto. HUD Form 4010 must be
included in thc bid packct and construction contract and subcontracts for the Projcct.
Federal Labor Standards Provisions 1,.s. Drp!nm.nt ot Housing
and lJrban Oavalopmant
Oflice ct Lallor Relatrcns
(ll The rorr lo D6 oeriormed by the cle3srtrcetron
requesleo r5 not perlormed ry a classirrcalion ra lie yage
oelermrnal.on: and
12) Ine clalsrllcrtron is ulrl':ed ro lhe area by the
coflslruclrcn rn0uslry and
{31 The grooosed wage rate includrng eny Sona lde
irnge benetrls oeers . reasonabre relalronshrp to lhe
wage rales con:aloec 'n lhe wags delermrnelron
(b) rf tie conlaactor and tie laborers ano meahanics to be
emoloyed rn !ie crassrficelron |l known) or lherr
reoreseolalrveg and HUD or its desrgnoe agre€ on tho
classilic.lron and *.ge rate (includrnq lhe amount
designated lor lflnqe beneils where aporoorlale). a re9on
ol the acllon taken shall be senl by HIJD or it3 06si9ne€ to
rne Admrnr3tralor ol lhe Wage and tour oryrsron.
Emptoym6nt stendards Administratron lJ S. De9ari6en! ol
Labor Washrnglon D C 20210 The Aomlnr3ttalot. or an
autnofi:eo fepresentalive. *rll approYe nodrty o.
drsapprov€ €v6rl aodllronal crassrfrcatron acllon wtnin 30
days oI recolpl and so edvise HUD or ils desilngg or *ill
no$fy FIJD or rls d*rgnee wltnrn tne 30,day 9€floo thet
addrlronal lrmg rs nec€ssary (Approved Dy lhe Ollrce of
Managemenl and Eudgsl under oMB control number 1215-
0140 )
(cl ln the evenl !he conraclor. lhe laborers or m€chanrcs
io be employed 1n lhe classiticalion or !herr
reDres€nlzlrves. and HUO or its desrgnee do not aqree on
jhe orooogeo clelslication and *age rale (rncruoing the
amounl de3rgnated lor frinqe benelits. f,here aporooriater,
HllD or ils delronoe shall reter rhe quesllons. lncludrno
ine vrews ol all rnleresteo oarles and the fecommendarron
ol HUD or rls d6sron€e. to the Admlnrltralor tor
determrnallon The Adminislrator. or en aulhoftzed
reoresenlatrve. fi[ rlsue. delermrnalron wrlnin 30 days oI
receiqt and so rdvise HUo or rls designee or w|ll nolrfy
HUD or lts desrgn€6 ylihin ihe 30-day perlod thJt
addrlronal lrme rs nscessary. lAoproyed 0, the Oftrce ot
Uanagemanl :nd Budgel under OMB Control Number
t215-0140. t
ld) The waEe rale (includrnq tnnqe benetrls where
.ppropflate) determrned pursuant lo sutperagr:9hs
(l)lri)tb) or (c) ol thrs paragr.ph, siall be 9ard to all
worters 96rlormin9 worl( in lhe classitacatron under tirs
conlrart lrom lhe firrt day oo which wo.rl rs oerlormed in
lh€ classrtrcalion
(iii) wnsnev€r the mrnrmum wrge rate prescnb€d rn lhe
conlracl tor a clals ol laoorers or mechenrcs includes a
ffinge benellt shlah rs not expressed as an hourly rale the
aontractor shail erther pay lne Deneln as sleled ln lhe
waqe d9termrnalron or shall pay anolher oona lide lnnqe
Denetrt or an hourly cash equrvalenl lhereol
lrv, lf the rontraclor does nol male paymenls lo 3 lrustee
or oiner lhrad 9eBon. :ne conlracior may consrdcr .3 part
rel liardlcok 1]. l
Th€ Pro,ect or PtoqraF tc whrch the consirucl'on f,ork
.overeo 0y thi3 contracl 96rlains rs berno as!|l3leo by tha
unrted states ol Ameflca and ihe lollo*iog Federal Labor
Slandards Provrsrons are ncluded rD tnrs Conlract
oursuanl to the orovrsrons :pplrcable :o such Feoertl
A. '1. li) llinlmum Wagr!, All laborors .nd mechanlcs
employed or worlting upon ihe srle ol:he rort w'rl be pard
unconditronslry ano nol less often lhan once a vreel, and
'*rlhoul subsequenl deduction or rebate on any accounl
lercept srrch payroll deduclions as ,re csrmrtled by
regulaton3 rlsued hy ih6 sec.etary ol Labor unoer lh6
copeland Acl (29 cFR Pall 3) lhe fulr amoun! ol waoes
:nd bona fide krnge oonolits (or cash eqoryalsnls $ereof)
due at trne ol payment compuled el rale3 noi less than
lhose conrainod in the *age delermrnanon of tne
secret.ry ot Labor which rs .tt.ched hereto and mado a
oa( hereol reoardlegs of any contraclurr relelooshro
whr.h may he allegoo lo erar bei*een lhg conltaclo. and
such Ieborers and machanrcs. conlllbutions made or
costs reasonahly anlrcl9ai6d lor bona lrde frnge Denofirs
under Seclron l(Di(2) ol tte Davrs-Bacon Act on behali of
laborers or 0rechanrct ars considered waqe3 paid to suah
laborers or mechanras subtecr to lne provrsions ol 29 cFR
551a)i1){rvli arso, reqular contfiDutions made or co!:3
rncsrred lor moro lian: weerly period rbul nol iels onen
lhan quar!€rly) uodea olans, lunds. o. proorams rhrch
cover lhe oarirclrar feeil/ oer'od rre dsemed l0 D€
ronslruclively made or incurred during sucn reehly penod
Such laoorers end m6chanrcs snall be 9aid lhe appropnale
wago rale and frlnoe benefils on $e wag€ o€terminalion
for lhe classilrcalon ol wort( actu:lly perlor ed, wrthou!
req.rd io sklrl. excepl .s provided in 29 CFR 5 5iair4)
faDorers or mechanlcs performrng worl( in more lhtn one
classrfrcelron may be compentated al the rate S9ecllied for
each classlticatron ror the tme acllall/ worleo lhsrein
Provrded, Thal lhe €mDloyer's payroll records acauralelY
sei rorth tne l,me 39ent rn eaci clzssilcalron in $,hrch
wort r3 perlorm€d Tne wage determination tlncludrn9 any
zdditaonal classrlrcalron and wrge retes conlormed undor
29 CFR 5 5/arrl)(r ) and lhe Deyrs-Bacon Doslar (WH-
l32l ) snall b€ 9olted at ali limes by tie conlrrctoa :nd its
subcontraclors rl lhe irl6 ol lhe work rn z promlne.l aod
:ccessrble, place *nete il c2n be easrly seen by tne
lll) {r} Any class ol laborers or mecnanias which r! not
lrsled in lhe vra9a del6.mrnation anO whrch rs lo be
employed und€r lhe conlrecl shall be ala3srlled rn
conformance flln the r.ge determrnalron litrO shall
:pprore en addrtronal classiticaton and *ag6 rrle and
lringe beneflts lher€lor only lhen the lollo9rng c lena
ol !ha wage3 ol any iaborer or mechanrc the amounl of any
cosl5 reasonably anlicrpaled ln provrdrno bona fi00 lringe
can€ti3 und€r a plan or orogram. orovid6d That lne
secrelrry ol labor has found upon lhe rriton requesl cf
lhe contracior lhat tne apolic.bte standa.ds ol lne Oavrg-
Becon Act have Deen met The Secretery ol taDor mey
require lie connactor to sel isrde rn a separale accounl
a3s€is lor lhe meerng ol oblrgalrons und€r lhe olan or
0rogram tAporoved b, ihe Olfrce of Manaqement and
Eudger under OME conrror fiumDer 1215-0r40 r
2. Walhholdin0. HUO o. its 0eirgnee sh:ll upon ris own
aclron or uDon wntten .equest ol an authorized
represent:nve ol the Deoar:meni ol !ibor rtthhold or
cause !o De Jiithhercl lrom lhe con!raclo. under lhl5
conlracl or f,ny clher Federalcontracl srlh:he game oflm€
conltaclor, or any oiher Federaily-e3srsled contrac:
3uhtecl lo Davrs-Bacon orevarlrng rage tequfgmenrs
uhrch is held br lhe same Dfime conlraclor so much ol tie
accrued paymenls or rdyances .s mey oe consrdered
necessary :c pay raborers aoo mechanrc3. Including
aporentices tr.rnees ano heloers employed by lhe
conrraclor or any subcontreclor lne lurl amount ol *ag€s
reqllred Dy lhe conlracl ln tne evenl ot lailure lo Day any
laDorer or orechaorc, rndudin0 any aporrnl!(6 trarnee or
helpor employed or worlrng on lhe s(e ol tho worl alr or
oafl ol the wrges required by lhe cooiracl, HlJo or rl9
des,gnee m;y, atter sr'!te. nolrc6 to lhe cofllrecto.
sDonsor aDplicanl, or ofner lale such rctlon as may oe
necessaly lo cause lhe suspsnsaoo ol any ludher
oayment, ad\,ance, or gu.r.ntee o, lunds unlrl such
vro'alrons h.ve ceased HUO o. il3 delrgn8e may all6r
srlllen nolice lo ih9 contractor disbu136 3uch amount3
wllhneld lor and on accoud ot the contIactor or
subcontracto. to the resoeclrve em9loye€g lo whom tiey
ara due The comptroller Generar snall male 3uch
draDu6€menrs rrr rrte case of oirecl Davis-8acorl Ac:
l. Ii) Payrolh rnd Disic rccords. Payrotls and baatc
records reralang lhsreto sndl De marntained by tne
conrraclor during ihe course ol tn€ ,ort ore3arved tor a
00(0d ot tiree yeers thereaier lor all laborgrs and
mechanics wortrng al lhe site ot tlre work Sucn reaord3
shall conlarn lne oame adore3s. and loclal Sgcu ty
number ot each sucn worxer hls or hot corracl
crassrlrcerron houny rales ol wages pard (lncluoing rales
ot conlrbutions or cosls aoticrpaled lor oona irde lringe
Denelrts or cash equrv?lenls theraof ot the tyoos descfibed
rn Seclion l(DX2)(B) ol li€ Oavrs'bacon Acl). d.ily.nd
aeelly number ol hours f,orl(ed. deduclrons made and
actual wagss pard Whenever lhe Secr6tary ol Labor has
lound ondor 29 CFR 5 5 (a)ll)(rv) lnal lne ,a0e3 of.ny
laDorer or mecianrc rnclud€ lhe amolnl ol any co3l3
reaaonably anlicroaled rn proridrng D6nel(3 und6r a plan
or program oescnbed tn sectlon r(bx2)rB) ot lhe Davrs-
Bacon Act. rhe contreclor sharr rxarntain records thrclr
rhow thal lhe commilmeni lo provrde such Denerrts is
enlofceaD'e. ttat lhe olan of orogram is frnancraily
respongible, and lhet the pran or orogrem h.3 oeen
communicaled n wriling !o the labore13 or mecianacs
atlected, and recoads whrch !how !h€ rosrs anticrpateo or
lhe aciual cosl incurreo r. grovidinq such benafits
Coniraclors emptoying aoprentrces fi lralnees under
aDproved Dro9r.m5 shari marn!arn rriit€n evidence ol lhe
registriron ot a9prenlao9hi0 Dro0rams eod coflfraation of
rainee orogfams, lh6 r69rsralron ol lhe aporennces and
lrainees. znd lhe ratros and \rag6 r.les p.escribed in lhe
aDplicabte oroqrams. (ADproved by the otlice of
Menagenenl and Budoot uno€r oMg conlrol ilumbers
'1215-014C.nd t 2 r 5.0017 l
lii) lal The contrlctor 3iall iubmrt f,eetly ror eacn $eel
rn $nicn any conlracl work l9 oerlormed a copy ol arl
p:yrorls to HUo or it3 de3rgoee i, the agency is a pariy lo
ihe conlracl. but rl lhe agoncy rs not sl]ch a ,any lhe
conlracicr lltll submrl lhe payrolls to the atplicant
sponsol ot o*nea. as :re case may De lo, ransmiss'o^ :o
HLrD or rrs desrqnee The payrolls submrlted shalr sel out
,ccurarely and comprelely all ol tne rnrorft.tion requrred
io be marnlarned under 29 CFR 5 5la)t3lt') ercept thai rulr
socrar se.urly numbers and nome add.esses snall nol be
rncluded on *eelly ransirlllals rn!tead lhe payrolls shall
only need lo include en io0iv'dually r0enlilying numbe. lor
each emDloyee {e g. lhe las: ,our dlglls of ths enrployee s
socrar securaly numDerl The requlred fe€lly payroll
rnlororalron may be sucmitt€0 in any lornr clesired.
Optional Form ' H-347 rs avallabls lor lhis purpose lrom
lne ll/age .nd Hour orvrsion ,/voo site at
hlip /istrw tlol aot/e,alwhclllotns/th3tTtnstr ntn ot tls
successor sile Tie onme conlaaclor is resoonsible lor
lhe suDmissron ol cOpreS Ol payrollS by all suoconlraclors
Conlraclor3 and subcontraalors shall marnlaan lne lulr
socrsl securily nufiber and current address ol each
corered f,orler. ano shall prolrde lhem upon requesl lo
HUO or its designee rl iha agency is a oany lo the
conlrall bu! i, lhe aoency r! nol such . o.rty. the
conlractor flll submrl tlie pey,olls lo lhe eoplicant
sDonsor, or of,ner. as lhe c:s€ may be loa :ransmissroo lo
HUD or rl3 designee lhe contractof. or lhe wage and Hour
Doisron ot iie Depaatm€nt of tator lor gurooses of an
rnveslrganon or audrl ol complrrnc0 wilh prevailing *age
requrrements ll is nol a violalio. ol lhrs suboaraqrap[ tor
: orime contfaclor lo require a suoconlfeclo, to provrde
sddresses and socrar secunty numbers to the prime
conlractor aor rls osn records wrlhoul *eekly submissron
io HtrD or ils desrgnee tApproved Dy the Office ol
M:naqemsnl aflo 8udgel under OMB Conlrol Number
1215-0149 )
(bl Each peyroll subm'tred 3hall De accomp.nied by a
"Stetement of Complrance.' srgnsd 0y the conlraclor or
sUbCOnlraclor or h13 or her:gBnt *ho Days or supervrses
lhe oayment or me 00r5ont employed under th€ contr3ct
and sh.rr cerrrly tho folloring
Itl That lhe payroll lor lhe payroll oerlod conlerns llra
inlormaion required to lre proyided under 29 CFR 5 5
lat(3)(rr) the appropria:e rnlormalron r3 baing maintained
under 29 CFR 5 5l.X3r(.) and lhat such inforrx.lron rs
cor.ect rnd comprele.
ronn HUD-Iloi0 rolil2tEct
d F$dboor L14,1.1Pere : cT 5
(2) Tnat each raUorer or mechanrc trncrudlnO each herper
apprentice ,nd lraln€q) employed on the coollaal (hring
the tayroll p€riod has boen paid :h0 lurl weelly regos
earned. witllout rebate. e(her dtreclly or Indllectly and
that no deduclrons have been mada eithef direclly o.
lndlrectl./ lrom lhe tulr *ages o3roed, olher lhan
oe.mrssrble deduclrons as set lonh r. 29 9FR Pan l
13) That eacn laborer o. mect.,ric has be6n oard nol r€ss
then lno appllcaDle waga ral€s and lnn0e c€n€lil3 or cesh
equivrlenls lor rhe classilicelron of wort perlormed as
specrfred n lhe applrcaile wage oelermrn:lion
rncorporaled inlo the conlracl
lcl The weelly sulrmission ol a Drooe.ly ersculed
cerlilicalron rel lofth on lhe reverse srde of oolonal Form
wH,347 thall salrsly the a€qurremenl lor submrslion ot lho
'slalement ot co,nDlanco" required b/ subparagraon
A 3 ni)(b r.
ldl The tats"rcalron ol any of lhe above ce(ilic:tron9 may
sutlle€l rne conkacror or subco.lractor to crvrl or cimrnal
oroseculon unoer seation ,001 or Title 18 and section
231 al Trtle 3l ol th€ UnrleC Staies Code
Iiia) The contaclor or s'rbconlractor shall mai(e ihe
refords requifed under suboaragraph A.3.rr) avarlable fo,
rnspeclron copyLn9, or lranscriolron b, :ulhonzed
representanve! ol H!10 or its desrgnee or lhe oepanment
ol Labor end shall oermri such reo.esentalrvog lo
rnlorvios emoloyoos durrng *orlino hour3 on lho /oD ll
the cont:ctor or subcontraclor larls to submrl lie requlred
records or lo mrle ihom .varlable. FIJD or rls desrgne€
ma1. atter lrrllen nonce to !he conlfaclor. soonsor
applrra.l or own6r, take Such aclron as may be necessaty
to c;ruse lhe iusDonsron of zny tunher pzymen:. advance
or queranlee ol lunds Furlhermore- larlure lo su$mrt lhe
requifed recoros uoon request or lo male surh records
avarlable may be groun0s tor debermenl action pursua^l to
29 CFR 5 12
,1, Apprentic6r and Tralnees.
lil apprenticcr, Appronric€s wll be permlrted lo worl .i
less than rho 0redgtormined rale lor lio *ori llrsy
oerlorm€d *hen th€y ar6 emoloyed Dursuanl to and
rndivrdually regrsle.ed 'n e bona lide apDronticoshrp
paogram regi3t€red *ilh tne u s. De9artm€nt ol lrDor
Employmenl and Trainrng Adrninisrrtron. olirce of
Aoprentrceshrp Trainrng. Employe. and Labor Servrces or
wih a slale Ap9renlic*hrp Agency reco9nr:ed lry lh€
Offrce. or rl a per3on rs omolored rn nis or ner lirsl 90
days of rrobanonrry employmenl as an aporanllce ln !uch
an apprenlrce3hip program. who rs not indrvidually
regrstgred ln lho Iroolam. but sho i.s b6en ceflri€d Dy
the Oflrce of Aporsntlce3hrp Trainin0, EmDloyor end Labor
SeNrcss or a Slate Apprenltceshio Aoenay (whe16
appropriate) to be elrgrbl€ Ior probalronary enploymenl as
an appfentrce The allowable ratio of a9Drenlrces lo
louroeymen on lhe tob 3ilo In any crall dassrtrcation snall
not De gre.ter ihan lhe rano permilled to the conlrrctor as
to the enlre work lorce und€r llre reqrstered p.ograrn Any
ro.k€r lrsled on a oayroll at an rporsnlice 9a9e rale. who
rs not fegrslered o. olherwise err9loyed as slaleo aDove
shal, be pald not less than th€ appricebte wag6 rate on the
wage determrnalon lor the classificatron ol work actually
pertormed ln a0drlon, any apprentrce psrlormrng worl on
tne lob srle in ercoss ol lhe raho D€rmrlred u^der the
re!islered Drogram shalr 5e.rKl nol ress lhan th€
aoplicabre wag€ rate on lhe reagc delsrmrnation lor ihe
*orl ac:uarry pertormed ]!h€re a conlr.ctor rs oerlormrng
conslruc:ron on a grotecl in a localrty olher lhan tnal rn
ynicn ils proqram is regrslered tne r:lios and *rge r::es
(e:pressed rn o€rcenlagas ot lne iourneyman s hourly
ratei snoolied rn llle contraclor's or subconlractor s
registered pro9ram shrll be oDserved Every aporentlc6
musl De pald at nol l63s lhan lhe rate specrtroo rn tie
registe.ed program lor tne aop.ennce s levsl ol pro9ress,
ertressed as a percenlage of lhe tourneymen nourry rate
specitied rn lhe apDlrc.ble wage celermrnation
Aporentrces shell be p.rd lrinqe benetrls rn accordanre
wllh tie proyr3ron3 of rne aopren:rceghrp program It lhe
apprenlicernio Irogram does not specil, lin9e benerils.
eDprenliceg musl 0e paid the lull amount ot lnnge benelits
listed on tha wage delermnalion lor lh6 applrcable
clasriliaatron ll tho Adriinislralo. oeieflllrnes tiai a
drtlerent praclace prevarls for the aDplrcable ep9renlice
class(icalron lrlng€s Shall be prid rn rccordanae srli lhet
delermhnton ln lh6 event the Ollice oi App.entrc€snip
Trarnrng EmDloyer and Labor Servrces. or a State
Aporenticeshrp Agency recogni:ed 0y lhe otlice.
w(hdraws aoprovel ol en epprenliceshrp oro{ram, lhe
.onlEctor rrll no ronqer be permilled lo ulrlize
apprenlic* al le35 than lne applrceble predelermined rale
for tne work perlormod untir :n acceplabro 9rogram rs
{il) Tr6lneet. E\ceot as orovided rn 29 CFR 516,
ir:in€es sill nol lr€ termrtled to worl al l€ss Inan the
predetermrned ralo lor lhe wort perlormed !nle3s tney are
employed pursuanl
and indr{idually.eqrglered in,
program whrch har roceivod pflor approval evr60nced Dy
formal cenrfrcatron hy lhe u s Depanmanl o1 Labor.
Emproyment and Trainlng Admrnrstration. Th6 ratro ol
tralnees to lourneymoo on lne job site 3h.ll nol bg greater
lnan o6rmltled under the plan approved by tne
Emproymenl and Trainrng Admrnrslralion Ev€fy trainoe
musl be 9ald at nol l€ss than the rat€ s9ecrlred In lhe
approved oro9ram lor lhe lrainee's lever ol progress
erpresseo es i p€rcenlage ol lhe lourneyman hourly rate
specrlied rn lne ao9lrcaole *age determinalion frainees
shall be oai0 tinoe benelils rn accordanae wrlh the
provisrons ol the lrarne€ proqram l, the Iraln€e 9ro9r2m
does not m€fitron Irng€ benerrls, lrarnees tharl be p.rd
ihe lull amoonl ol lflnge benelits llsl6d on ih€ *aqe
delermrnalron unloss the Admrnislralor ol lhe wago and
Hour Drvl3ron dotermlnos lhal ln6re i3 an apprenrceshl0
program assoclaled $ln tie correspondrng,ourngyman
wage r;le on lhe rage determinalaoo which orovides for
less lh3n lull lftn!6 beneirs for a9Drenllcas Any
emoloyee hsl6d 0n lne payrolr al a lrarnee rale rno ls ool
registereo end oa crp:linq in a r.inrng plan aoproved b,
lorr HUD-1010 ,0'?CCO '€l ha'tbool I ]t4 1PaF3of!
ihe Employmenl end Traini^g Adminrslralror sntll tle rard.ol ress lhan lhe applicaDre rage rale of! the f,age
delerminriroo tor the rort actually oerlo.med ln add( on
any lrarnee perlormrng wort on ih€ lob sile,n ercgss ol
lhe ralo oernnlled u.der tne regisle.ed progra.) sharl ,e
Dsrd not ess lh3, :he apolic.ble *age rale on the wage
0616rminrlion lor ine wo.k actually perlormed ln the
evefil lhe Emplormeot and rrarnrng Admrnrslratron
aiihdraws apqrovar cl J lrarnrng progta , the contractor
vrrl no longer be permilted tc ulrliie lrarnees el ress lhan
lhe applicebla predetermrned .ate lor ine aork Derlormed
unlll an:cceqtable Frooram is a!oro!ed
lirl Equal employmenl opporlunily. The ulrlrialroo ol
aporenllces trarnees and journ€ymen undor 29 CFR Pait 5
snall De rn conforaiaiy wltll the equal employment
opooiunrty requrremenls ot Erecuirye ord€r 11248 as
imsnded and 29 cFR Parl 30
5. ComDlarnce wilh CoDelrnd Act reouirementr. Tne
conirrclo. shall comoly f,ilh the requlremonls ol 23 cFR
Part 3 rnrcn ere ncorporaled by relerence rn:nrs ccntracl
6. Subcontr.clr. Tne conlraclor of subcon:raclor rrll
rnserl 'n 3ny subconlrrcls :h6 clausas conialned rn
Suuoa.agrephs 1 rhrough 11 rn lhts laragraon A and such
other claures as HUD or (s desrgoee may by aooroprat€
rnslruations requlre and a copy ol lh6 ap9licahl€
Dreyarlrnq waqe decis'on and also a clause requiang lhe
subcontraclors :o rnclude these cleuses rn any lower lrsr
lulJconlracts. Tne onme conlractor shall lre resDonsable
lor in6 comDliance by any subronraclor or lower lrer
subconrraclor wln all lhe conlracl al2uses ln lhls
7. Conlract tcrmi[ation: dcbarmant, A breach ol the
conrracl clauses ,n 29 CFR 5 5 may be grounds lor
terminalion cl lhe cootr.ct:nd lor debaament aS e
conrraclor.nd. ssbcont.rclor as Drovrded r.29 cFR
8. Cool0li ce wiln DwirX*o.r id Reh.d Ad R{urraoiantl.
All rulnqs and Inle.!relations ol tho Oavll-Bacon and
Rerated Acts contaioed rn 29 cFR Pang t. 3. ano 5 are
herein rncorporaled 5y relerence ia lnis conlracl
9. oirputes concerning labor aitndardr, Olsput€s
rfisrn9 oui ol lne lrbor slandards provrsron9 0l lnis
conlracl sh:ll .ol lle subiecl lo th€ g€neral drsputes
craus€ ol rhis contra such drs9ules shall be resolved In
accordance wtlh the procedures ol the oeparlmonl ol
Iabo. se! lorth ro 29 CFR Parts 5. 6 and 7 Drsputes
,ilhtn lh€ meanlng of this crause include dli9utes oetsoefi
lhe contractor ior any ol rts subconractor!) tnd FIJD or
rls oesrgflee, lhe u s oe9a(menl o, Labor or lhe
amploy€es or lherr represenlatrve3
10. (il certiiicrtion ol Elicibillly. By 6ntoing Inro rhis
conlrecl tbe contrac:or cedrtrgs liat nerlher rt rnor he or
sie) nor ro} De.son or llfm who has an rnt6resl ln rna
conlractor s irm rs a person or lrrm rnelgrbla lo be
aserdod Government conlaacts by vr(ue ol S€ctron 3ta) ol
the Oavis-Bacon Acl or 29 CFR 512(att1i or to 0€
awerleo qlJD conlracts or parlrc'gele tfl lrJD oroErams
gursuani lo 24 CFR rarl:l
(ii) No pa:t o! lh E ccnlratt aharl lle subconrracteC to aoy
,ersrn or firry1 ixeiqrSle for award ot a Governrient
conrracl b, vir:uo ol ssclion 3(ai ct lhe oavrs-Bacon Act
or 29 CFR 5 12rat(r) or lo 5e e*:,ded HLD contrarts or
parlrcipeie In lr.JD Drog.ams prir3uarl to 2! cFR Parl 24
(iii) The penerty lor m.ik,ng l.rs6 staremeots ls prescribed
rn rhe J S. Crflnnal Code 13 lr.S C. 1C01. Add'troneily.
J.S. Crimrnal Code. Secrron 1 01 0, T,!re 18 iJ.S c.
"Fede.al Fousin9 A0mrnrslratron trans.rclrons" 0rcvrdes in
oeft -'.lhoever, lor lhg gutpose ol rnlluencrng Ln .ny
*ay ine action ot such admrnlslralron m3*es. uners or
prbrish€s an, slatemell lnoflng lh€ same io b€ tarse.
slrall ae lned not more !nan 15,310 or amor,soned rot
.I]Ore inan lwg yearg or Doln "
l'1. Compl.rnt!. Proceedrngs. or Ie3limony by
Employeea. No laborer or mecnanlc !o whon th€ wrge.
$l:ry or other raDor standards proyrs'ons ol lhrs contfacl
:re apprrcabre shilr be dl3charged or 'n any orher hanner
d sarinrrnalec agarnst Dy lhe conlrac:or of an,
subcontraclor becruse 3uch omployee has frled any
comolarnl of rnstrtuled or ca!sed lo be inslrtuleo any
troceedrno or has leslilied or i3 aboul lo teslily in any
proreedrnq uoder or 16rallnq lo lhe lebor standrrds
aopricabre under this conlrect ic his eNployer
B, cootroct wtrt Horr! and Saloty St8ndirds Act. The
trov:sitrrE c, fils Drarapn B ne mlic-le wlE e li€ rrE nr ol he
p.mp colJln.l exceeG Slmom. as [66d h fis qaraq-+n, up
ielrE ldror€.s_ and t|€cJEh|6'lnclude x/atchmen ,nd qu3rds
(1) Oyerlime requi.emenla, ib cq1rad.o. c. siacortaior
cont-aclmg frr ay ri ol ll€ cmrad Fal *ldr m3y rcqlre oa
a,\dve trle
ol Lb6€G d mecr€fts snal f€g.te s
oe.rn rr, srcn r&.e, d icatranc n ary wkEi o *nch tE
m(lticu E eopb)/€d qt slrrh lE( b mrl n €tcess ol40 hous in
sucn {E hel ul€6s srrh r&lea tr rEchrrc rccslles
unpe{Eain al a rrle .u le63 !r-t orE d ons+af tln€s t1e b$ic
,ae ol By fo. dl rul! Eted i\ ercaaa d !0 llous o $ch
(21 v,ol.tronr li.bilrry lor unp.id ,.9e3: liquad.red
d!maga3, rn ihe elent ol ai, flolalron ol lhe clause sel
forlh ,n sulrDrraoraph l1) ol lhls oaragraoh. the contractor
and any sub.onlraclor re9ponsrble lherelor shall b€ llable
for the unperd *agas ln aodrlon Buch cooiraclo. and
subconlractor 5haI be lra0lo lo iho uniled stales (io lhe
case of *orl done under contraci lor the Oislricl ol
Columbra or r terrnory, to such DlsJrct or to soch
!errlory) lor liquldalod damages such ltquidated
dama9es shall be comouled ruilh respecl to each individirel
raborer or mech:nrc rncluolng ralchmen end guards.
emoloyed rn vrolation ot the clause sel loth rn
subparagraph (1) ol thrs garaoraph, ln tie $m olll0 td e*h
*tdr &y cll *icn socn irfi4dral wias r€qred o pefimed Io
Et h erc8s ol tle sladIo sofiEe* d 40 ho,s 'xrltDd Byrn€flt
ol rle ov€.Erp rE90a requrred Dy lio claus€ 5e! lorth rn sub
oaragraoh rl)oI ihi3 paaaoreoh
rofi] Huo-4010 iG.?oc€)
rel Pa.rlbod 134.1 1
(3, Withholdin0 ,or unpaid wrges !nd lrqurdalod
dama0es, HUD or rts 0e3l9nee shall r/pon its orln sclion
or upon rrr;lten request ol an aulnofi:ed represenlitlve ol
the DeDarlmenl of Labor wrtnhold or cause to be wfhheld
lrom rny moaeys payabra on account ol {ork performed by
lhe coniractor or subcontraclor under:ny such contracl or
rny otner Feoeral contrsct wilh iie Same prlme conlracl.
or any olner Federalir-as3lsteo aonlraal suDject to tn€
Coolrrcl /Vori lours ano Stfely Slandards Aci which is
held 5y tte same Drlme conltaciot such sums as may De
d€le.mined lo be neceS3ary IO Seirst) .ny lrabil'lre3 ol
auch conlraclor or subcontraclor lor unpard *eges and
lrquidaled damales as Drovideo an the clause sel forth n
suhparrgraoh (21 ol th 3 9ataoraph
la) suoconlrrcts. The aon:racto. or subcontraclor sha l
rnsert in any sulrcontlacls lie clJuses se! lorlh rn
subparagraoh (1)lhroogh (4)ol this paragraph and also a
clause tequiring lhe subconlr:clors to lnclude these
cleuses rn any lowar lrer subconlrscts The pr.me
conlraclor shall be responsiDle for compliance b, any
suhcontrector or lo*er lrer Subco^l12ctor with lie clauses
set tonh in subparaoraohs (l) ihrorrgh l4i of inls
C. He.lth rnd Saf€ry. TIE D(o^/6L.ls d frs p-gIh C re
4plrcaue lll€re
xlE l ol r€ qnp cdlE-et ercccds t1(n 0m
{l) No labofer or mechaorc shall be requr.ed lo sorl rn
suroundrngs or un09r worting coodrlrong whrch ar€
unsanrtary, na:ardous, o. dangerous to hs herl:h a.d
salety as determrned under conslruclion selety end health
standards promuigated Dy thB Secrelary ol LaDor by
12) Tne Contraator 5hetl coDply srtn alt reoulations
tssued by tlre secretary o, Lrbor pursuanl to tnle 29 Parl
'1926 and tarlure to conply may resull in imqosltion ol
sanc!ons pursulnl to lhe contracl yYork Hours and salely
Stanoards acl (Pubrrc Lar gl-54 83 Sr.t 96r 4!_!Sg
f,701 er seo.
l3) The conlraclor shall rnclude tte provrsions ol lnas
oarzqraplr in every Subconlracl so lhar luch proyisron5 yll
be bindrng on eacn 3ubconlractor. The conlractor shall
take such aclion lrrln resD€cl lo any suDcontraclor as lhe
secretrry of Housin9 and Urban Deyelopment or lh€
Socretary of Labol shall orect as a means ol enlorclnq
i-,1,:E,t : r!.1,. e,rcmr ttuD-1010 106120091
re, FinoDcoN r l4r 1