2019/09/18 I.E. General Engineering, Inc. CIP 18-05 Newport Road and McCall Blvd Sidewalk ImprovementsCITY OF MENIFEE BID AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS O\\'NER.CONTR{CTOR AGRI E}IE\T CIP 1E-05 NEWPORT ROAD.A,ND MCCALL BOTILEVAR-D SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Tbis Owner-Contractor Agreement ("Agreeme[t") is made and entered into for the above referenced Project by and between the City of Menifee ("Agency"). and I.E. General Engltreerlrg, INC ("Contmctor"). whose business address is 1.1{0 Beaumont Avenue, Ste A2-130, Beaumont, CA 92223 on dayof SedCmhor.2oli ln consideration of the mutual c and aereernents set forth herein. tbe Agency and Contractor have murually agreed as follorvs t. CONSTRUCTION The Contractor aErees to do all the Work and fumisb all the labor. services. materials and e4ripme[t necessary to coDstruct and complete the Prqect in accordance witb the Contract Documents (as hereinalter defined). including all work labor. services. materials and equipment described and reasonably inferable from docuneuts enumerated i[ Exhibit "A" aftached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (such coostructiorr and fumishing oflabor. service, materials and equipment hereinafter referred to as the "Work") in a good worker-like and substantial manner and to tbe satisfaction of the Agency. in connection with the CIP l&05 NEWPORT ROAD AND MCCALL BOULEVARD SIDf,WALK IMPROVf,MENTS to be constructed at the Newport Road and McCall Boulevard in the City of Menifee. Califomia. The term Conhact Documerts shall nrean this Agreement. and all of the items elumerated in Exhibit "A" and all change orders or addenda issued by the A,eetrcy with respect thereto. Agency must consenl in writing to atry clranges in the scope of Work. Exhibit "A" shall be deemed revised in accordance with any revrsions for which Agency's coNenl has been issued. AIy revisions to the scope of Work for wbich Agency's consent has not been issued shall be null and void. 2. CONTRACT PzuCE Agency hereby agees to pay and the Conhactor agrees to accept as full compensation for all work performed in accordance with these Contract Documents the Contract Price as set fo(lr in Exhibit "B". Contract Price, attached hereto and incorporated berein by reference. Payments to the Contractor shall be made in the manner described in the Special Provisions. 3. TIME FOR PERFORMANCE Time is ofthe essence in the performance ofWork for this Agreement and all timing requirements shall be strictly adhered to unless otherwise rnodified by the Agency in accordance with these Bid and Contract Documents. The Contractor sball complete the work in every detail to tbe satisfaction ofthe Agency, exclusive ofmaintenance periods. withir tbe specihed duration set forth in tlre Notice to Proceed. Page t 4. DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME See Section 6-6 of the Special Provisions. 5. LABOR CODE REQUIREMENTS Pursuant to Labor Code SectioD 1771. t. the Contnctor and all subcontractors shall be registered wrth the Department of Industrial Relations. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. the Contractor is hereby notified tbat this ProJect is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Iudustrial Relations. [EFFECTWE APRIL 1.2015.1 6. NON.DISCRIMINATION In the performance ofthis Ageemeot, the Cotrtractor shall not refuse or fail to hirc or employ any qualihed person, or bar or discharge from employment atry peBon, or discriminate against any person, with respect to such person's compensation. terms, conditions or privileges ofemPloyment because ofsuch person's race, religious status, sex or age. 7. AUTHORZEDAGENCYREPRESENIATryES On behalfofthe Agency. the City Engineer of the City of Menifee shall be the Agency's authorized representative in the interpretation atrd enforcement of all Work performed in connection with this Agreement. The City Engineer may delegate authority in connection with this Agreement to his/her assigned desigoees. 8. WORKERS'COMPENSATIONINSURANCE a) By my signature hereunder. as Contmctor. I ceniry that I am aware ofthe provisiom of Seclion 3700 of the Labor Code. whicb requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workers' Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisiors of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this A8reement. b) The Cotrtractor shall requte eacb subcontmctor to comply with the requtements of Section -1700 of the Labor Code. Before commencing any Work, the Contractor sball cause eaclr subcontractor to execute the following certilication: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, which requires every employer to be insured against liability for worker's comp€nsation or to undertake self-insumnce in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply wlth such provrsrons beibre comrnencing the performance of the Work of lbis Ag-reenent." ENTIRE AGREEMENT: CONFLICT The Contract Documents comprise the entire agreement between the AgeDcy and the Contractor with respect to tbe Work. In the event of conflict between the tems of this Agjeement and lhe bid of the Contractor. then this Agreement shall control ald nothing herein slrall be considered as an acceptarce ofthe terms ofthe bid conflicting herewith. 9 Page 2 IO. MAINTENANCE OF AGREEMENT DOCUMENTATION Contractor sball maintain all books, documents, papeB, eDployee time sheets. accounting records and other evidence pertaining to cosls incurred and shall make such materials available at its oflice at all reasonable times during tbe term of this Agreement and for thret (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. for inspection by Agency and copies thereof sball be fumished to Agency ifrequested. I t. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR At all times dudng the term oftbis Ageement, Conhactor shall be an independent corltactor and shall not be an employee. agent, partner orjoint ventuer ofthe Agency. Agency shall have the right to cootrol Contractor insofar as the results of Contractor's services rendered pursualt to this Agreementl borvever, Agency shall not have the right to control the means by which Contractor accomplishes such services. 12, LICENSES AND PERMMS Contractor represents and declares to Agetrcy that it has all licenses. permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever naturc which are legally required to practice its profession. Contractor represents and wanants to Agency that Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agre€ment. any licenses, permits, qualifications or approvals which are legally required for Contractor to practice its profession. 13. C'OVERNING LAW. VENUE This Agreement and the CoDtract Documents shall be comtrued under and in accordance with the laws oflhe State ofCalifomia. and the appropriate venue for any action or proceeding arising from this Agreement and/or the Contract Documents shall be had in the Superior Court of Riverside. Temecula Branch 14. COI.'NTERPARTS This ACreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall for all purposes be deemed to be an original. I5. FALSE CLAIMS Contractor acknowledges that if a false claim is submitted to lhe Agency. it may be considered fraud and Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. Contractor acknowledges that the False Claims Act, Califomia Government Code sections 12650, et seq., provides for civil penalties where a person knorvingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include within their scope false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information. In the event the Agency seek to recover peualties puEuant to the False Claims Act, it is entilled to recover its litigation costs. iucluding attomeys' fees. Contractor hereby acknowledges that the filing ofa false claim may the Contractor to an administrative debarment proceeding wherein Contractor may be prevented from fudher bidding ou public contracts for a period otup to five (5) years. I have read and understood all ofthe provisiom ofthis Section 15. above: Page 3 (lnilial)( [0ll ro l) 16. AGREEMENT MODI}'ICA'I ION This Agreement and the Cotrtract Documents may not be modified orally or in any manner other than by an amendmetrt in writing and signed by the Agency aod the Contractor- .SI WTINESS WHEREOF this Ageement is executed as of the date frst written aboye. AGENCY: CONTRACTOR: Citv of Menilbe I.E. G ENGINEERING. tN:' By:By \aulc G€ne Mathew Parker Brll Mayor Its: Presidenl APPROVED AS TO FORvr b_r Name: Gene MatheiY Parker By Its: Secretary ,ME A'TTEST: Contractor's City Business License No. .C tv Slate Cotrtractor License No. & Class I 440 Beaumont Avenue, Ste 42- I 30 Street Ad&ess Beaumont. CA 92223 City. State. Zip Code INOTE: In the evetrt the CoDtractor is a Corporatlon, the slgtratur€s of two separate persons holdhg dlffererl omces musl be provlded.l Page 4 ,t.----- fi:- ) E:(EIBIT A CONTRACT DOCI'MENTS Owner-Contractor Agreement Bid Schedule Addenda Plans Soecrai hovisions (Specificalions) Standard Speciircations for Public Works Construction and Regional SuPPlemeots State Standard Specilications State Standard Plaff Permits issued by jurisdictioml regulatory agencies Electric, grs, telephone, and cable television company specifications and standards 190 0l l8t$0003 Page 5 EXHIBIT B CONTR{CT PRICE Two Eundled Seventy Two Thousand Nltre Hundred Flve Dollars and Ze[o Cenls ($272,905.00) Tbe Contract Price for performing all Work described in tbe Cootract Documents, including labor. materials. services and equipment is the total amount ofall lump sum items and ofall unit price sums. detennined by multiplying tbe unit price for each item times the actual quatrtity ofeach sucb item, as determined by the Agency. Page 6 N.rpon Ro.d and M.{.ll Boulevard Sid.rrll Proic.t alDO[n'S tnOP(EAL l.ontl r.d) CrP No.18{S !tootR'5 PRoPosar. R!c.i9r is h€reby adnosLdged ol Add.nd.0 Ih. rr^dersl8n.d h.€by p.opos6 to fumlsh .ny ind all Lbor. matlrial!, .nd lqulpm.ot for $e LYLE MARSH PARX AtI INCIUSIVE pLAYGROUIIO, clP No. 17-O2,.nd .ppunen.nt wo* in ronn clbn ah.G*lh, !.id *o.l to b. doyE .'ld rn t.ri.h lo bc fumlrh.d in rarlct corformlty ttfi ffE !4a6, spacificallari, rl od[r ratersrcrd documants aod I cod6 and r.luLtha th. tl'i.!r droun or lhis frDpoaal. Tlr. und..do.d has aramin.d lh. lo(etbo of th. propored wodq .,ld is f.miliar with the pl.nt d rpadff(alans .,ld tha l@l condlions rt tha Caca tha sqi b to bc dooe, and ako urd6!t-rd5 dEt thc prDja.ct will ha coniplAdy conrtructcd io lurn-tq condltlon accaptahlc to lhr Ow?|rr bc tor lhe prlc! ol tha propoaal, lnctuding all fces and 3ala5 tat upoo any matarjalr ,o fumirhed. Ihe undcrritned hai alro carefully drecbd .ll of tb fitures dven and unaLrstrnds that &c Ornar wlll bc rBponalblc for any a.ro.s or oml5rlons on the part of the undcfiand i.| subrniitin! lhir IroDosal. Th. Contra€to. mnfirmi thal hli/h.r bld is subrlned yyith .lrglcct to thc chrnS.s to th. contracl includ.d in .lladd.n& lssfd h !h. Own r. Thc undc.sitn d h.r .r.minrd lhe qrrr.nt SLt. o, C.llfornl. sdr€dulc of prlvaillnS rrag€ r.t6 to. th" typei of wo'k to ba dorla on thii proiect afid a8r€€c to pay not l.l! lhan theae ret6, &m[rs PsoPo6at / Aoocnoa ^€firowuDfiaErrBrD SCHEIXTU FOfn (SCHEOUUI CERTI'ICA]E NEGARDIIIG COI{ITACTOI's UGI{SE uo sEcuftrY. ( st frs cxto( on !D ao o iloll{otllrsto aFE[uvrf c(,{TnacTo,rs lffrlfr{Cl rl5l oEstclt^Ttori oF slrtcor{rRlcroRs @ TRACTOR',S CERn'lClIE Of WOttEa'S CO pf ras^n()ll nsrrn^ Cf oE! tfltrl atlD st sPtllsro{ Cfmfrcanol{ cfitlFcaltolt of lloll-ols( Mtxanof, af,o AtEn atmt acTtol. coPY (x ca Dfsr of rr{ot sTRt I mulx)is (rxn) nEcEriano . AllSldd€R ere REQUIREDTo u!€unlt prlc.s\ 'hcru Indlcated and to completo thir sch€dule. All helns sh.ll be complet. and in plac€ pEr plans llf.ppll.2bLl rnd th.s! 8ld end Contfi.t L-2 Page 7 Newport Roadrnd MccallSoul.vard sid€w.lt Proiect S|OOEi'S PBO9IOSAI {.ontlnu.d) ClPt{o.18-05 Bto !ottouLE lrem Oercnpton Spec qtY.Unii Pric€tnencled Unit Mobiliz.tbn .nd D.rfloblll:.tlon {mt ro.tcccd 1t(m)9-3.4 LS I 15.O0 15.@O 2 Storm W.ler Polluton Conlrol 7.8.5 l.s 1 3.500 3,5m 3 Tr.ffic Control .nd st.tc Constructlon 601 L5 I 10.0m 10,0m Coo3lrudion slrrvay arrd nalinS 2.9 1 LS 1 9.500 9,500 5 O..rirf -d 6rubbin'. lrdudr' thr followirt item5: 300 I L5 I 20.000 20,000 a. v.c.totbn @d otlr! ,.^o@l e. R.tu ddl IX,,* ol AC o' a4* d. aoftat. tMt lc.ot. 6!tt.t)5f 55 . Adiltt to Fin6}Ed Gtod. I Ocm cMuw.tttoNW t! U I 50 1 t. c6ar. ,@t lcub a (rn.4 l5 6 Unclariifiad Er(avation 3@2 L5 I 20,m0 20.m0 7 Cotislnxr 8'Asphall Concra. t!v!m.nt lC2 9G7G1O) Coi D.Yirr 302-5 TON 700 m 1.26 8 CIa5s ll AA8reaal€ Base 301 2 CY 170 85.00 14.450 9 Constn d a' Thicl Con<rltc Crort Guttcr per City ot Meoif.. 9.od..d Pl.n 2m 303.5 5F 500 14.00 7,000 10 Connruct lyp.5 Concra. Curb & Guitlr per City o{ Mcnif€e Sl.nd.rd Plan 20O 303-5 1t 45 00 3,1S5 11 Constru.t 5' AC Eerm per Oty of M€nitee Standard Plan 2Ol 303-5 1,190 12 00 11.280 l2 tnnall 2x6 redwood header tF 1,450 E00 11.6100 t3 Connrud 3'Asphalt Concrrt! 9d.walk (C2 PG70,10)303-5 ION 150 41,250 14 Connrucr a'InH( PCC Sircrrll p.r Oty ot Mcnif.€ St nd.rd Pl.n {X)303.5 st 4,1tO 6m 2A 444 15 Constnd a'lhkt PICC Sid.rell tncn.ion pcr City of M.nifec Stand..d Pl.n rm and pcr PLns 30t 5 sf 650 4.290 1-3 :90 0 8!8 CO03 Page 8 Unit lu I T 6 LF 660 l8 Ne*porl Ro.d ind McCa[ Soule!..rd Srdesall Proj€ct BID(,ER'S PaCTPOSAI lco lnuld) crP llo. ${5 lwo hundred ninety five lhousand four hundr€d five dollal3 E zero cenlg L-4 h thc .aGrl o{ . y.rirllon b.twlcn ihc unh prk .rd crt nd.d tot.l, the unit Ort. wlll be u.€d .nd th. co.rtctcd lrlen.lon will b€ corBld.r.d .r thc .lnolnt bid. f th. bld l. llhtlblc .nd cannot b€ rltor*illd lt dll b. considercd noo-responslv! end will not b. codtidcred lor.wrtd. lhc lorcst .c.pooilv. blddfi rh.ll b. dclcntln.d by co.np.rlo! rum of th. b.t bid amount{3) rith thet oa il .itdthrc o. .h.rn thr. bldr llf .nyl d bldd.rs d.ctned bry !fi. Ownt' to bc rliponriva in Jl olhar alpccts. lt aqual lou b& arc rcc.lyad trom rcaponiuc .nd l!5poaBlve bid&.s th. scl.ctbn shall bc m.dc bry dr.willS ht , o, o$ar thll.r r.ndorn bllnd mahod 3.lrcl.d by lhc Ounli. only olr! Ta.ronsive bid i5 rrtch/ld frcm a respoilslu€ brddet the au.rd shall mt bc madc unha3 th! prlc! crn bc dlt mload to ba,talonablc b.srd oh an .n:lrsh by tha ornar. The oi,?rdr datarmination ar to thc raasonablana3t of any soch bid shall b€ ffn.|. 3.600 CdEtnlct a' ndd Co.rr.i. Mdt.r Ml, wlth 3' To a' krctr.i.d cobbh Rott, Plr clty o, Mlnlf.e stand.rd Pl.n 1315 303-5 5F 180 20m:5 20@ 1.2&Con$.'Jd Gnvlty idahltx Wall Typ. A p.. sDnSD C{B lX.2)to3-s 50l7 3,900to3-5 sf 110 30 00conslrud Gr.vity Ra.hirf, W.l rvp. E p.t SoRSD C{r (8.1') 303 5 5r 000 4,m019 conrtrud 4' Thicl PCC Sida alt wlth Monolithlc 8' rr[ B..k crrb p.r Oty o, Mciif.c Sl.nd.rd ,|.n aU) rd plr PLir 6,000303-5 EA 1 6,00020 Corrtirrct Ca5a A Grrb n nrp xidr Trunaatad Oom6.nd 12'Grryity Rlirlnlm Cu.b.t B.ct of i.mp p6 Oty ol Mcrlf€e St.nd..d Pl.n 405 .nd plar Plans 6.500303-9 1 6.5002l construat c.!. A CUA Ramp with Trun .tad oomer and E Curb pcr Cily of M.nlf.€ St.ndard Plan 4OS and plr Pl.n. 6 3.5m 21 0(n Conrtnrd Bars!.d Curb Ouda p.r Oty ot raer*L! Srmd..d Phn :Ol.nd pcr Phng {hclud6 cmn.cnons to trdittng or.ha8! ch.nncll 30t.t22 314 L5 I 20.(m23Tr.ffic SiBninS rnd Stripang 10ltrl --4frr-'l ltili.*.ld&OOlrlir.tbn 9-3.4 ts 1a' 1 3.5m 3.50023slorm weter Hlution..rtA- -e-601 LS 1 9,oflI-.lF nd StaSc Construclb.r TOTAT ML@ E Page 9 I 500 Ncwport Road and M.Call Eoulev.rd Sides.ll Projcct BIIDEi'S PnOeOS L (contl rdl oP No. 18.05 AI Hd. t.nrd rtai b. rldd.d dt .n .brtrxt lt.hrbtbn) of bfth, .nd th.n m.de .v.lLbh tor pdlh hsp.ctis!. Itc quahlilias lirt.d ln thc bld propor.l .r. p.orld.d lo Slvr . tE{r.r.l lndlc.tlon of th. rop€ of tlt. wort md lo. th" .oryrp..ton ol bld.. o w.r..nty b m.d.. cltlE ctp'rricd or lmCl.4 dEt dE -tual qurlttLa of uo.l to ha dona wlll cqr?spo , thrrdllh. llat numba6 folotx.d br '(Sl'.r. d"iitn.t.d .3.p.d.lty n.ms. 8y 'itnill3.nd iubminiq thir bid the Contracior confi.mt th.t they.re f.mili.r with th€ urort rita and allcrblinl co.nltion! lhat may afu thair worl end th:t thay hava raad and aSrec lo .ll th. tlfrns, condnirrr and rlqui.tfilol5 conl.l d oa rlfc€naad hraah and thit .ll tha etor..nmtion.d hrs b.!n lndud.d tn th. bld prk6 lH.d .bovr lncludlrt ltGmr ot wort lh.t m.y not h.v!. rp..in. pay li6. itcfi .nd th.t th.r. sh.ll ba no .ddltion.l costr to th. Own.r. WAaNnG: f m .dd..d(xl! or .dddrd. h.v! bc.n Ber.d bf the Own.t.nd l|or not.d .bo\r! .r b.hg r€c.ind by thc bldd.., thb Bld m.y b..qrclcd. 1-5 Page l0 Newpon Road and Mccall Bolloard Sid.w.lk Proiect crPNo.lE{5 SlooER'S PROPOSAI, (continucdl Cdngl"rc the lollorini: IE GENERAL ENGINEERING rn l .lEoldr!s.i,E coap 6nur Iypa Ica.po.nion, Prnnship, SoL P.op.illql GENE MATHEW PARXER PRES Lill ..d rlb o, rh oftr GEIIE XAT}IEYY PARXER SEC f,-r .d d. oa rc-d p.rlri d oaller l.!rc boerxnont ey€ d. A2-tg), b6rno.rl c. gXIl3 961-760{825 flir49e3749 GIO@IEGENERAL,COM trl.ddra otDnftrY.6r.d JENE UATHEV{ PARKER Slra{llE d fr@ C.rv.cL. GENE MAIHEW PARTER &1al19 8/14/19 arhlU.ratir. &hircrarhb llt. ,rt tffi4rd tr.dq.tu trprt@,.r.4.sqe 01fr6d. tuq,ttd, 1.6 Page I I A_ cEmfrclrE EGlrDtt{G @ ll^cmns trlE 1. contraclor 15 rcqulred to Doar6s one of $! lollorinS state contraclor's Ucenle: saaL ol celtfornl. cl.5s 'A and/d C-lr' Coilra<tor's Lkcni! 2. A hllur.lo po6!$ lhr rlquitd lic!nr!, . ta{ur. to ttu6fully ta forth lh. followiat inforarEilon, or a f?lk r to eraorta thls Cartliatc rlr{hrs tha ,ro0oral no Epoi5lvc and .equ,.6 lh. Oty to Ei..t t,|c Fopor!|. (&ltirE s .nd mstiont Codc scctloo 7028.15) 3. Contr.ctor d.d 6, undar pcnCty of parjuiy, lhat ha po$carat thc aequlrad cont..dor'i lla€nae(sl whLh: N:wpo:r Road and M.cnllSouleverd Sld€welk Project BlOoCn's PnO9OS ! (.ontinu.d) CIP No.18-05 r 8.rrs th. li(cns. nllmb.rhl:r015300 b. €tpire3on:6/30/20 8l11l1g 5llrnd. oa arln. Cd ctq GENE MATHEW PAR(ER PRES GENE MATHEW PARKER SEC ll th. Dt . cd.4tq b. tu,'1ntd16 tb.dM ot.qpotora 4frtu @ a@N.) ftir r.qui.!d lkens! daermln.tion h.i b..n rEd. by the Owner. A,iy contr..'to. holdi^8 . diftGrtit lkGnse rho faals ho ir qualifi€d to bld on thlr worl mun so .dvlrr the otncr al Las! r.aen l7l deY! pdor io th! bid op.nln8. A r€vie* ot the contemplated wo will be made and the Own€r's drcision as to th. r.quled lk.n3c rlllbcflnal. l-7 ?age 12 /y!,/ lr. B,risrs {*tu(ort nr-fdrtrrrr- o.t.