2015/10/29 US Bank Equipment Fianance@bank""W 25lO Sot O.dq L.r. &{, Sl., 200 8tl LaL clly, 0r L110 Pi.r( ,or,ata.a2!o a.x al.t!l..tl2 1997505 EOU]PMENT FINANCE Lease Agrechre, Tho woidt l.3oeq you rd your rBbr lo Cualomar- Th6 $ord! Lo.!or, ri!, rr! lnd our rak lo t .S. Brn* Equlpm.nt nnroaa, a dlclrlo[ ol t ,8, 8rfit Ndlond &.oclrlo6 flJ A, B.nt EqulgDrt Fln.llc6')- City ol [1eiih6 29714 Haun Rd. CUSTOMER INFORMATION 92586 951672$777 s51-879-3843CA BIIlrlG MTTE $ OFFEREXT FRO ^!OVE) EOUIPUET{r toc,l,lolr trF DrfrEnENY TROH lsovtl EOUIPMENf DESCRIPTIAN lrlrcr oD[r,aa€ssoiras Kyoc€ra TASKafe 4651ci Color MFP wfth 1 ,000 sheet Finisi€r, 2/3 Hole Punch unil 18D5706194 Kyocere TASKatrB 4551ci Cobr MFP wilh 1,000 Sh€€t Finistur, 2J3 Ho/e Punch Unlt 18D5706201 Kyocars IASf\sfa 4551ci Cobr MFP with '1,000 Sh€.1 Finishor,?3 llol6 P!!qL!l!r!1805706275 Kyocara IASf\a[s 4551d Colo. MFP with 1,000 Sh66t Finl6hea. ,y3 Hole Punch unit |.30570ll221 (yocer6 TASKrlh 455lclCoior MFP t{ith 1,000 She6l FiniBhar, 2/3 }tol6 Punch Unit 10D5706162 Kyoc€r. TASKalh ,{551d Color MFP wilh 1 ,000 Shoei Fini6hor, 2y3 Hole Punch Vdt 1805706172 r.{i.t.*rr drhi.i t .q4arr dlr'n,.nd aa6tErF.r.dnr..5 r.lii.a0rsbra!r, ia arG.dr.,a.l'rl.r+Ldd.rv{dr ar\rrErEiG E a-L-*addal 36 P.ymib.d$_-_ll4!lE_ rr- r.ri.Grlna r+rrrao p.rali *rry,i,ri.i**i-rl*la crd.{ sc .dr.al, 05 t rrxrr. l/loern rddnol a.{ arro L..s *ll 5r.@ c tro!.m l(!.l!h ot!.r! 'rirl ll rr*... L 0..r.d lur mr ro,cr{ ',r.r! rdoa. tr.r ura p<.n .c{.icD.hf.Ilr4d\ralJ{.r?rv1 n66llrair.v.L.nn.c.qdr,hrhEtlrdM. E1)t6ralradr.rllrra.Et'rFrrarJi.fara,r.r\drt.,tr,l,2ltuaa,&.dFrcrln1.r!r..,haed,lElr.,.l{rl'lr! - crrdlrl{at E rl ruruor lqaFE r b.r.e,,arl.,llt!tlEr.i rrFr9.,l r - cu..trr,fi. Tmh 36 rbrlnt .hr.i{.r!idrt Lf, prid.d ox! d .d d uflrry*dM.@r drdniB nou.]l THIS IS A NONCANCELABLE, IRREVOCABLE ASREEMENTi THIE AGREEMENT CAXIIO' BE CANCELED OR TERMI}IATEO. u.S, 86ri Equlpmont Flcanco r-!9tS ., t'i! nh!i' F d.,, r.F.d fu d 4 F! b .r Lm 9. Cily ol llr8nlfge 0dm?n.&or df h Sttt t Clzy Cit{si.g€r END OF LEASE OPrIONS LESSOR ACCEPTAA'CE CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE Yrdt6n{6rr$,'MeMn'rdr Y. rirr,,r. r.r..i r:dd fr {r!r*r h6n. err-,.r4 yr,? -M t. rur.( r. M .rtrr., -rB Y*rr.odr,l4&rbdsF6.. City ol Menlleg z-3-/L Send A.count hE)hies ao: 1310 Na.Iic, Strc.t, Sui'r lot , tl.'shall, NN 56258 . Phoae: (8001 32a-g t 1 . Fox: (EOot 38-!rt92 Send Paynen,J @: ?O. Bot 190448 . 5t. Louis nO 63179.0448 TERM ANO PAYMENT SCHEOULE 94-3439857 ACCEPTANCE OF DELIVERY t. A6A&'rfr{rr Fd hdi{. n,'G ct, ,a ry!. b a!. ,6 s ui !d. o. r6i o .e. b iifE r.ril t6..a nid!.rd rtr. F}.od |rr" rltdr - tidnd [, r, ddt$&i'd uix!.tldv rl.!0, J ! d.tot dq p4.I dn. agc.,nl'l. rlrr., b tupdrDiri,M t Dblli. y@!eo.bddbird6d|olrorlltdhllnlqihilhs llcbrm,*ld'l|rnfilcmda{ld!oi)r!tuetu.gmml..crde!tElt lira,^t!firoil rd*trdr &F.dd rtFrdE dtl..crmt y.,.,u"ta. o *rd" m,r,*JiEclltsE{b.&4cr llldgb rnb.&..narr! b rd rrordl0.ll@. Iltroi.ulbEBrdd ]er alo& tr.r,d ftlcl Lr,!a. pq r.g.e/,. h.r" -'|., a*,q,r.-irl b h 6 ft,'l {d b r,inr or lr P.,rrr dncr.d br tr .ud. ot dlF !.rr.!. i.lcffild l&.ti !f, tr pnli.td,d-. rt ts.rnr ir'* i; unol, un(.t;;;';;;cnlri!rEryl'r-lIs6cbirdnlfllrrlidEtl,sikrDh.!.r..ianaloalrtt*nlIod.ti,trn)t,ad.|!r6,rtmrd[!,cdrdturtfit;h'd.d;;mht .d.h stj!ld.&\ alrdrpo{rlo.r rrd.h rM dirti tut raE !!d,-h ftd}nddol fida oaio z REXT, TAESAI0iE6!}: l(ratt a'. ft.'t' P',Dr (! nlle4{tin , rb.r i*& d&,l.,n !4.1t4. Ir !..inrrr a !..tltrr, lorcerrr l,r,o.dol{E (t}by ep b in b atdrr drg h tr.d!a &/c l r.i (ritrr dhhdDrra h..trro rr.r!- !16l Fr ll. Itr I od,rr rr rr r- ai,.* r,,,lir aro,r.a i iJ,olLlnFrrtlr.ttu'doLrp.ii,o{mt.'-r,ror{rb..nnr.6r-hdidr!!pq6.Fo(dli..E.;q-,.t,np.r6r",,o..,lii"rrAi.iir.i, lorrv dlE t tlcrrxt !t !'. u'5.i emrdi ed! Ncc} no0{r lrl!, $ul h. lrr d.tb.ra. t lrl d.rs 0r lrErPlrBd r dx, rfl q!. b r.r r. o,{tri. r". a rr* o, oiir,.id o,nd..rilr( bot? E k ddtcnEll.dl!*.hft lo r9Cr l ur rElyrd t'fi tor b qinr dlt r, oqd bo udr ll. rr/ndtir{ndd, ri.ynrd y"rcrr* rr or,,rl ro.eic.'nr. rd { tr 6. bd !h..t dll. ol lS (, iL!. !'.m.rrMdr, rbra tr|.. tY. rr/Dro.p,!td rr|{, rCt-dl! tntuu.'d d:dL!.. g"t" hiry*"r I lltllEN XCl l'd) LoCrI]Oi 0t tq.Pia i sEcunlly srERtslt & ,o, rp.i.., lqi { b L, i, Eqr@d I) h !@d .r.r. odrdd .d Et ! ornr, h o6d.q !lt| .pct .!.nrir&,!'|'.idrtlt&qrLt'dqEt-rn.lrd.tl'!rrclnqdl3ldtrlqrddErlmo.!al,rnroueqrdE'Mtlie[ryx,Ab,C.ro!h.;dD6S.*Irr rEb. dpra h Ftrtr I !t 5 !r 4t o'r c rFhdar d0r&i..nd. td, tFl do r.tfidlr.|!r Eqtt$.lqr rd ot n a !,1n(516 adtr e*ima na r nni ma,* aatrrn niSD flodr. bot! i rr.lr, trog s!..! i oC tr!i.d.6rk', iardd{ r{r d s*trFt, yo-.orr r*.rn r, '.at.tar! fiir,.!. titr E$+iit )o.durr lidnE !riotEn b hilcdf,, d*ddvd q a! dhrbh d rE y yor.rar!E iVh|.rthUr6qdF.dbF[,rE tro! s ud.. j, {|riri U!, a; )qr.runi.sbn.tu'C"a.tli i(JCclI Y@ llI ftld]u9. ,.u rlrb d oirdrds, b.{0n6 d brl.. rrdEulqBi&i /ao.stti id.! 5 l! na!.I* ir, Eid d tlh r me Wc-1, ytu; iod, ur lldli S d.r. rrqr r. .ldll]trlj.n ,*la d Lmht! r@r.nirtr r coLtAIEBA mOECIlOii !(lJR^rlcCriDE$mYi LOSSoRorlx]E: Yot O. blq4 L Eq'rrLi rl, h.rd {& '$ d b.. rn r. hd/. t B.rhnMlidt onh.dthaodu rLlcftdIlhld Y0! a! ry.. b odli1.tfra Frta [.a& tsE ftr.n rsn@r$., iri rdrlrD et. rrtJ b.aaEE b6tnbLd|d.6!r^rdl!.i tflrcd ct h F&, Yqf lMa.. Aoloy(4 rd ,nid. ,, 10 4y. .dvrr. dh iooo b I d ry md&rl6 d cr'od.rbr Y( i.r b F.!rb r dit|ob r o[|. rtid.r d hsf,rc.6r!tl. ba il F! lJ b.m* rn ti lrql,r'ril iib S dtr t ri. tLtoitt &r..n iaF! {ir b Ft. @$n rDFt llrt.r. udrF Cr.E.l o, A b.W oi h Eq{Flr{ 6d ... lotdordl.0t.n.t]dr'.v.doLc.rr. ftlr ti pos tlgri llr BirlisO.ct C6. tr tm 6b tou 9.rxrirr.. rdm tt qlt i tl*tt Fgr, 18 (ii]l! youAFc tor tloEl^r[i AI IxE nIE Cf r L()oE 0ruti !.. 18 Lrnrqd rB), tr nn l|l! !.h. od 6 !| rnid Eql+ut lir b rrdft {gHtO ll l}|g prF 6MIx sit! FEUEVE yo|., or RESPOiSqUIY F0( LUSJTY n6$ l6E Ol It EqiPtElit vv. rt rlol radd. b, rl rq! ry. b bld u hriit an '!&n l' t rn b &dt m q, b.l{ rdrL rit dtr h,rt too.drix ln{rrhlt rcr-dt 6l ry *.r ridibd.rvq. hd&&oror.*., dinh,8., ddton tit Cqr ntut, Drnal'e.ot!r tiiylr.r ydn|r!ot,,.|,trrli dlodhrtd.rubdr.dnn nt ENlinl You ryr b Frdr Eay 6 ndrr.{ntt.cdilre. trr E{!!dtdrrq.a.n}!li,o Et ti. - pOO l!a,mnJ a,' bur huiCt bdEot,tlar.*thqa{t'hnrrlnurrnorrrr[r.riidr-dFtdeEtdttE{i rilondi6rr( t!t+ rl!!!c.rrolirrEabt SD r.i oiD.i dq qb,, ltir.r l*c d6{., Yor.rl, Bb*.o F(bill rrt +ro&l ll r 'qr.lt|nt lthb.frh. h rtu,rnt r, rt{r6ddn q d.clr ld dt t br(dtr.a. b h ql!'.ir A ho;fs*i rdr tr rrt &i d b,rtudo. d fi rfii.nl 5 AECTEr: lOJrl vlXOiro{TTOtAllMllSaa&llsOl{ORgJSl.Ll1IEaUDlElfiORtl]l oEttaXT,rhtor,rb*t ornt titEr{FEit t€ktrorrr{ 6r r..rFir c,'q.- rr.!i r! r srr. a a. reraa Ft.l F, drlt lJ{rn r..t s. ![' t{...b\ d t* fi rgrri.n{&rob. Yqls. bdnil, dte 0.ttuLll.rOiEll.rLer.rftli|mtlt rdb.&ht$lr.red{!i.lhmbt l rtota!onh.br Y di. b*t sdE(i..alqhrvdrhil|t !r.r, oroit !l,dro/firird.girll|. YcJrlidcaar.*inIhllaqtuClryd@rfr{& ltrrdri+Lrdt,Eotr.lgDb6-.,yst-Cmnt ltrrAqIu{ !.didtre mrnhu!!hbdndn !r!Blx-.n trr.!.Fc0. !1lcer f! edqr 6 DErr{U rrlD ialoEl; lorli.h d.blt (.)yo{dorup.r., F!fiir cdrMd.br c riorrFhrr!.rd.q I}o,lxt rrorF, Far. h !t&6rrs rrotlr.Oi@l $tr 6 a.r dM ai.b r r,05a inffrriil 6y oas l.d.r, (D,ou i.r. d i.. r'ld. rt ra. t1rrd.nc,!rir iL&. b 6, icly@ c,r $rlne. fi., d..dr r rohr. rrisiEo, {d)L.n b-r. nrt, dlm drEh Frd.rtE!$d.lrrda, ut6(.old.rrE{d"cl.l rrrglEt'd.dr urb.t srtt r, !trt5-t r.rFtol. Prynit I rq.iE slhr. tdr Fr{inrq.bdE dlotolhP+urrradbl.ldlr.6.,i|r rMd-!.nf,dtlr IFJ n rhda.n r (odo, r 6 rorE!. it l{rlrr rn rqrh n. yo{ F, r!qdtlrEdrtlF-t dic.rlnr mn o.riol nr r rr.n.n6ra.dEdrFt.(lraqrimtoolotoirt| f,.irrwnht r.aonryuvJainrrItf,dol12t9r)a. o.sn'l'rtond!,rrinor&o@r,ryr!aolh.d il.r.n dllbl'rraid.. .neoln !.Ecrrrrotrb.r.rrrlqrlqulrlqr(t),*!i!rEqil,lbEb.kbni$.dr,rnGrM.dlrdr.b,ui!5yFLftr,rni,rnldibnsrrlhr.ariGttEdtf.,nrilEdiokco!:irh.,hxldt{drler,,d,oofth{t.br w rEl', hdrB ffir @lt Lr&r dtl!bF.,ilioici.rdu h rr rinlol.r arp.r. s ibEan ol llcll u{. rt r.'rrd c., dtn frEt, tqr 1,. b pn(i.o.&.er,r. ar 0drQ rthna *,.cdnr, d.rr.a c h.r r(t E dtl dd qinool.d!r olrfrr6a. |dtrte t'c.a.&r{.Er t trrmba!dr^lolhEelrn(ro,{6!Dlrdn0..t .&i.trro'it!,le..,npad.aa IndF6od0.rad!rE+9 tabddt.|litpn.{ici$tE t \ooAoaEE TMI llE ytlrl IOI t€ 84!20llgrI rc P Y tolJ A]{l @I€EQIXTUL lrDREcl oi fiOoENiALMrlT6ES FoRlxY oEAll lcl m o$Sllort EY T YOl€ rO a|!, c L,| b $6@ or rirrEu1d..r,*le.ffitll!F{Fr.{6hdf,io*trr.hibIrLL0r,lo!lqr.ilyru,lc!6rnMrd!,rrco6ri.a.ddilyt,|.rtlriitYaidy..llhh5r&Add.a{5@!ad0r L)cl 3h&r.rrclr! aorod.{ah.t r d o. mntiri a.tl nI { r. id !. rlal!.l b rt FdL- 7. l{&e6x){lArioiEPoir& Irar.rr.dd'(.r!,trlor.tl.tn,lolq.lllhlpir lnllloqJBrdllroba6, !i.r.b.n !r.}. rilh Idr! Jkurcdt ldr{ 6trri Eqr.ld hrmdh hrnra h ir, ldad* d..d' trrqdt nro..rt b d.ldr$. F,q, { &rdl o.dh rn a *tF ,ixro d tr rE i.r'. Ihr,iq Brc 0 ffid.q rdrid q u4.d -udffit* r (rd*r rdellhrtldr. !.Lq.lu( ! &Ldil C!6q ! rr!i.d{.16i b,.akErdCt{6 n !ql, d rr r tlrdd |[.r {)rtu tm dir.ni ,qr lEd tra.a, d 0l i.i.rrrrrrri{ tatrltrdd rtarhbydi aSd?t.ir rr qid nFd{ F!oq+ rrvra ira6t.ndl.l Hr bdn Frl(tt tfi to tr lic ti.t t . h coi9r.tn !ir' a h i.dl{ od rlEl rv (l.h o Gdc1 e!|ld iili| !, s u5 olr*. i.sd t l!..d! trlr ri r ia.u b a d{ b Fprn h M!,.E *ti 6'r'tt &dd elr! pLd*. d*ldliy 9C.d r.d $l iO rd er&4, t lni F, krda.ridlor.rt nd. ol q.rilc! b rr D.nd b iid r ,.lEr & FAGDoRsCNiEDooq,l€,lliIlcJ Yo {,.. b rEfll [. dthddrrqr-dtuatt Erhqn iirrr.cL.irlhdtol0t d].rE .ltfr.ab.ot trdoordr, tuyLa cEdE Iiuy!.c*d !'.ci6l rny.{si,.!r rtrb dttg n dnIr rr,6tt, d tu{ or.dd rr &i cEri@r(rarr&t hm Yo o.5.r.catr tr: dom!nr[r,lqrd5d"crhttrnF40..oriLrt ml rl rad!a!. l.dro.attE rm*r cdrirt cqr. b lr 4c.. Fb ttr.d iEn6e$ Agrmir$!$ o{lr.rha r r F! rry,qld. h uno r.n tm b ii. 9, F0ftio ., L$rrr Mr, lE, c h ln lrrri tr r ol ,rcr o(oi'..rnh drh, FJ .t .,p.rdr.dr.drrC b ralr,{ osn{ic&f,, .te.d.r d &r gfF.., d hr ohbr, hdlrlrls Un rd {Fltd to, Fe.qn.d 0. dl(d vot! 6a{. c{ lrl ogry. .d cab fid. t n dmrt d&e .r4n tdn o rd 0u .fr& ,B 4.8 TL.cirrntr-rEir,hcrl*t llolouF rd, I WrfinlrnDscrrllti& toi,r ldl! t'llr You N v! sE]"&rEo IxE arPPLEi t t0 E clt fifl 0f Eo(rErl t lE lFo{ YoJi qn ltro{lrr AtD ydJ ot&141lry RELATcEt oit ^xY SlAYllEr(It 0i iEPilSEM rloll! ruoc lY u& ,E Do or llxa i€6?or6a!IY FoR IIE mtTAL Ttlrl oR Paftnfll,tcE 0f IlE Eqrpmit, lltE &tptt[i E t€t tx AGIM a! p yErall lroEi n$ l6Ecter iloatDt-Elr (r lfr cL t (naolPt ,lT &{lrrp a,DmEi, uco.G 6 l^lilfrcrlRE,lxD rxy rlltlrE oF A aER!/tct rm$E r0 piovD€ &ftJta€tfu tlqt ExcuaE Youn ooto^rnl T0 {ra um€i rlaratEataai k fflxa rctfia{flE4. EIPRi!oR tPlrEo, ot ^)otait A@tulEly to Et&o{aJnl f,lo Roslo IltE EoljtPxEll, ltY AsloaaGo sGltfr,tE AxD lrlY nulcto tlEtit. l0 LAl, tFV ll^lv& Pri-. r6L.r r{ 6irr..b :i. tv [- ddih. rlr na rd- lta 6& [{ L n ih, d di d4 rd r. -rd l{ rr.r t h. !bl5 Bl r05.t.q b &!.d ct bt f,nn {l'ri d r.i t.ofl d lrtnlq, i'lr@-l.nt .a !r.n.d'xd h ei.E in trtsC. s. Y4 6rqr b lndor, rn 6x or rt rr. d ltdl6rl h llonEE ti rrr rrr djrr.a r6drn ldm Fd it d.i rd! dl !l a i-{ h lt ^o!fr! c tu tqffi( Yt l, a0 $r! wlNl Au EOIfiI TO A Iilrl fl J Y. 20379 PO2dt Fd troo/all Any ptovision in $e &rE€menl shtng that a default by you under any agreernent wih our affliabs or olhd lendeF shall be an el€ot ol default under Urc &reement is hereby amended and restated as ,ollows: "You wfll be in defajll if: (0 you do not pay any Payment or olher sum due to us und8r lhe AgEement wtBn due or il yol fail b psdom in *cordance wilh lh6 covenanb, toms and condilhns of this Ag6ement, (ji) you make or have made any falss s1at8m€nt or misrspEsentadon to ui, (iii) you dissolve, terminate your exislence or fle bankruptcy, or (iv) lhec has been a malerial adveEe change in your financial, busttss or operaling cofldition.' Any prcvision in lhe Agreement stating that you shall pay our attorneys' L6s is hereby amended and lestaled as follows: 'ln he eyent ol any dispule or enlorcement of rights under this AgEement or any related ag,eenen! you agrB€ to pay. to the eient pemitted by law and b he extenl ol lsgally availaue funds, our easonaue aturneys'lees (including any incuned before oI at lial, on epp€al or in any othsr procsedirE), actual court cosb and any otler colleclion cosb, induding any colleclion agency fee.' Any Fovisbn in fle Agreement requiring you lo pay amounb due under lhe Agre€mer upofl tlo occultBocs of a defaul( failurc to appropriate funds or lailure to Enew lhe Agreement is hereby amended to limit such requicm€nt to lh8 extsnt pemitted by lawand legaily availablo tunds. Any pmvision in fie Agre€ment stating hat the Agrs€ment is govemed by a panicuhr slale's laws and you coflsent to such jurisdiclion and venue ls horoby amended and restated as follows: 'This Agreemsnt will be gov€med by and conskuEd in accordance with the laws of he stale whele )ou are located. You cons€nt lo iudsdictjon and verue of any state or federal court in slrch sble and waiye $e defense of inconvenient forum.' By signing lhh Addondum, Customer acknowledges the above changes to the Agleemont and authodzes Lessor to make such changes. ln ail other respects, lhe tems and conditions ol the AgBeme{i remain in full force and ellect art rBmain binding on Cusloflter. U-S. B.nl Equipm.nt Finance iIEiIFEE Ctfi 0t Lessor Any provision in Ule AgrBemert statino that v/o may assign this Agrc€m€nl is herBby amended and restabd as lolo s: 1Ve may sell, assign, or lransfer lhig &reefiEnt wit]oul noti:e to or consent tom yoll, and you wdve any dght you may have to such notice or consent,' Any provbion in tlp Agreement sb[ng flat you grant us a security intoaesl in he Equipment to secure dlanounts oir€d to us under any agrcemenl b hercby amended and resabd as tollows: 'To hB extent permifled by law, you grant us a security interest jn the Equipmenl to secure all amounls you ou/e us under his Agreorn€nt, and you authorizo us to lile a l,lCC-1 fnancirE stetement or b€ namsd on he vehicls tille to show our inter6st.' Any prcvision in lhe Agreement staling that you shafi indemnify and hold us hamless is hepby amended and reslated as follows: 'You shall not be required to indemnify or hold us hamless agdnst liabiliti€s arisirc trom the Agreoment However, as beh,sen you and us, and to lhe €xtont peamilted by law and legally available funds, you shall bear fie isl of loss for, shall pay direcdy, and shdl defend againsl any and all claims, Iiabililjes. proceedings, e0ons, expenses, damages or losses arising under or related to the Equipment, including, but nol Iimiled to, the possession, own8rship, lsass, use or opoftrlion thgreof, excepl lhat you shall not bear lh€ dsk of loss 0f, nor pay for, any claims, liabilitios, proceedings, aclions, expenses, damages or losses lhat arbe direc0y frqn eyeflts occuning ater you have suflendelBd possession of the Equipment in rrodance with lhe terns ol the Agrcement to us or that ais€ dicclly ftom our gross negligence or willful misconduct.' Custrynar x Signature Signalure (tN tll 0_n LALa Tite 0ate ffi----T Date {OTE SICIiER OF TIIIS DOCIJi'ENT MUSI BE SAME AS ON THE AGREEMENI A f'CSIMILE OT THls D@UMENI WIIIi SIGI{AIUBE SHAIL BE CONSIDEREO TO 6E AIT ORIGINAL CAPITALIZEO IERM6 IN THIS OOCUMEMT AFE DEFINEO AS IN THE AOREEMEI{T UNLESS SPECIFICAILY STAT'O OTIIESWSE 10162 REV Or/ra Plga ? or 2 @bank.CALIFORNIA JUOICIAL REFERENCE AGREEMENT Ttis Caltaria Judkjd Rrlerence Ay€srsrl ('A€raam.nf) is erterld ir o in c$necion wih a1y .rstiflg fuamiq ('flnlncing')pra*r€d bt U.S Bant EquigrB Flnare, a dvi3idl oI U.S gr* Nalionat A!!6jalion ('USBEF) ('L..rods.. rd prty') to U ENIEEE CIIf OF fc6bm./) €vir.ic3d s€ored and,l, suppdted by o{r0 oa rnde loaas, loan 4r6me.lt9, not6, s€cuirty egaee.nBls, suppknstls, gteelEs aldor otEr d@ulEtts,logelher wih any ad ,l sdedutes U.S. Eadt Egul$nanl Finerlcs IIEI{IFEE CtrY OF L6aor6eqJred Pad, ad ih6 tEtb ard ery ad al di.. 4rarElb ffi]ld rt ddrvecd b, Gi3diar h cdmdho lrEtliur, b.iEDocufi a.' llelardlei ,e{errcd lo as $e 'Fln.nclng For !0od and vduttl€ coollderdon hr r€cslpt ,rd sufiicidlc, d $lid is hsrby aahorl€dgld, [16 pard.! h€rEb (coti6divdy. tho 'P..tn.] eree a! Idloxsj 1- Afiy and d dsFrt .. ddmt f(, cofltove.ier airi{ o.Jl ol ti€ FinadB ooqrr[d! c fi. lrJEdir!! drbnddrd Srdaby (rl.lrdrg. M nd tfu{d lo. adions alsino h cdltraal or t(,t and a0y clainB by a Peny againal L.aio/Saqrcd Pad, ,Eldad in dly wsy to fE Finrxjflg) (lndiyldusly, a 'oi$!le') thsl .rB holghl h€hlE . l..tm in rhh.h prBdhpita udv6B of ho .ighl lo llrd by iory ai! hval$ under appXcdb ler 3nal bo ,utid b ba Em of hls Ag,eme in lto ol ole iry tid f,afud! mrrile toviled in lie Fh.nciE tbqrmlnh. 2. Any and all 0isg.Jl63 shdl b€ heid by a lrldee and ,erolv6d by irdkid rotsrsrca ,uBll'It lo Calilools Clde ot Civll Pr@€dure SeailorE 638 ot !aq. 3. Tl'€ l*too Cldl bo a rctlrd C€l'krnh slde codl idge s r) ,{omey [.6|!€d to g'actrs lar m lhe $ae o, C&ia rfi d led t.n (lq yaa.!'e$cl.,Es rcddng colli€&iai ler. TIE P'te3 shd nol sel lo apd a l€kia hal msy be di!+Jfiad Fni/d{ h Cdbaria Code d gvil MJre S€addl 611 !r 611 .2 wjlurt fie pdor Britl€n cdrJdn ol all Pades. a. It fB Mt. a€ undle Io 4t€e upon r lt{cre6 rilhn l€n 00) cC€odr dry! dta. o.te hy 3.fier a rltbo notir d ln5 16 irtid refdfic. upql t1a olh€. Pafly or PErli.s, lhln he relona wil ba relocted b, th6 .qrn h eordarce wiih Catlornia Cods ol CM ftodu'. S€din 6,qb), 5. Tho d6it0 lhdl lgldar a rdn!'l staldldl( ol dedlol drd Jrd coiArcl Ur fo.adir$ h edfl1aa rib !t Cdihnia Co(b d qv Poaa(lr!, [lo &1.q d Coun fid C{(,ni. E*rance Co&, ar68d s! othlrai!. !p.dn Jy qtlad bt tl€ Pr{Ga ard ryotrd t fi. l! i.e. TI€ Eh.6Cr {aari{ d &&ioo rhslt 3d fut mi$ 0l ld and coocfulio$ of law The dcdsron d be rolgr6 lhdl b6 enlded a! a irdgrE h [r cqrn in edance lriti the pilviBion! o{ Cclbmb C.da ol Otl PtlaadulB Sdkro3 6L rd 0(5. TtE d.ciibi oa lha dsr6 ,ha{ be aDpelda to 0}e sarE orrefl ad h fE !.ie maner hd tlrdld.din tuid b6 eppaald. if cid6,rd by e judge o, lhe sup€r*y c0i/rt. 6. tJdhiB ln lli AglarEll shdi be deenEd h apdy to d [n fE fuhl of Leaod/S6c]Jred Pady {a) to 9lerh€ s€( hdD llna(b ludr 6! (but no( limited hl sladf. lb) lo lo,Edo6r ir$df o. nonid.jdf Bi]rl ay Isal o. perldat Eor.riy cotabrd. d to elltdr lr(Icht d nd&tdal poirr d Cc ngns, {c) to dlan i(rn a corn p.or{iond or a0d[.r] .€fied6 (lndudng, M rd trild b. hlundiw dirl a *nl o{ !o5s.!in, FdrdgnEi ,!dmer{, a Fotodiv! dd.r cI lha ,minlmerl ol a reeivar), or {d) lo pursuo rights againn r pany h , thirdrany Eoc€idlng in &I adlon b.ooghl a&hd t6sd/SeqnBd Psty (tnd{dng aclkns in bd'lnD;t co.,n} [r..s/Se.rEd Prg may e&rcba llr dghb st loiti m ha ldqdng da.,s.a (.)tnurgi (d).lndmva, !ab.a, dntng q afier ba prdeq o1 ,ry iudfid trk$ca p.oaao*p l\l.fur $. exsrcira d rdf Mp uredaa no. $e i*lulbn q mao9n'lc. o{ l a.{on khlld6nB d prori6idld d axiiry dJ(rl, b llqio tl}!mi..bn b iKllni deltocs f|o ll.fu of h. ohpd. oc.aioiB r€6dl lo $rh rrrEls!. No Foybbl in lhe Fin |dng lho.rrBnb rcgadi,B sub .rb lo jotuddjoo adb. vtloe in ,|y 611 6 inl€nd.d d sM[ b6 ccndru€d lo be h drogiln ol [l. povrddt6 h any Fr|lzrdrg DeurErl lo. ixki.lr*.arE d iry Dlspub. 7. a oirBtr indi&! m{irl6 ciaina, sdrE ol rhii o bund nd s{lj€d to t* &ie.med, tll6 P{lia! dld day !B gocaalrE! ol ia oi$n ! or gal ar panl hend nd lni b fis &re.ridi untl d odnr oiqJ&r o. pab [rd.d . r6dv.d h dd&l.r h nir &lE tr ll r1cr rr 0k dB bt d agan3t mi[de Ff€!, 3ofiE d yhl6 eI! nol su$cl b lli3 AgEqtBrl, lhe Paiie! shall s6r6r 0E t aFnaa rutlaci to fii Agr€mnl 9nd aaloi$ lhdi h acaordace dh ttls Ago€aisll 8 Drhg b€ p.ndaicl ol ary Dsp0ls rhi$ is s.&r*!d to i6dal €hE$.. h acco.daEe,tr irir fqe,iar( €adr ol [t. Prter lo rdr UlFra $d bs Eud rha.6s ol $e lei5 dagod and cost! iicunid b, ha r6ls,a€ ln pofuflijr1g 0r€ ldriEes daadiH h thk A0nfianl. Th6 cofipenaali$ ot he rdqrr sh,tt l|ol e@a6d lhe p.gvdlrrg rno t lte larvitr. Th. frvaili.g Party lhd be e.lulad lo @s6on&le cqJll co6i3 alld l.gal La3, indrdirg o.EE qy {olnerC l06i oqit sr'b63 ,6€a, pcf.gd lo.s, tle Laa d ll)c ,el€rle ald oJLr ,laaooabb cods and dlhjl! an6 dagad to ltr Pw by rl! cdrlld, h srci anornt s3 ia deBnninod ty th€ rsle{la. 9. h lha s'nnl o{ dt, d&8. b lla l{dty 0, sldaoetilty o, trb Ag€andl, h6 prErrlt! ht shd ba .rlli!6d lo llcqv( la aosb rrd crgits.s fdn fi6 noirllvdlirg Ptty, ind!&O eraoi$b adonays hes. i,uflBd b, it in coonodio. tlsr€witi. 10, IHIS AGNEEUENT CO'{STIUTES A 'REFEREI.ICE AGREEIENT BEIWEEN OR AUOTIG IHE PARTIES HTHIII THE MEAXING OF AND FOfi PURPOSES OF CAUFORIIA COOE OF CIVIL PROCED(RE SECTIOX @. lll rrlIfESS WHEnEof, L..sd/S.culrd Prly ad C{d(rrEr hrr6 o6dr car,ed this Callomia Judchl Relelalco &l!.lnanl lo ba drly €s6rLd a, ot _ A.Il. Cutlon.r x \^- S€nalur€ Titl6 IUe NOTE SlC ER cf, 'I}IIS OOCUMENT MUST 8E SAIIE AS ON THE FNANCNG OOCUMENTS A TO BE AN GIGINAL A595 REV tZ13 oF thts WIII SIGNA'UFE SNALI 8E COI{SIOEFED ,\ ir l' lrE{bank"STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNi/iENT ADOENDUM AGREEMENT # 1997505 EOUIPMENT FINANCE Addendum to Agreenent f 1997505, dated 122115, betweefl MENIFEE CII/ 0F, as Custorner and U.S Bank EquiprEnt Finance, a divisioo of U.S. Eank National Associatiofl, as Lessor The parties wish lo arnend lhe above'€,erenced Agreemenl by addirE the followin! languagei REPnESEIITAIIOIIS AND IyARRANTIES OF CUSTOIIER: You hereby ep.esenl and wananl to lls lhal: (a) you have beeo duly aulhorized by lhe Constitution and la{a of the applicable iudsdiclixl and by a resdulion of yo(r governirE body lo execub and deliver this Agreemenl and to crrry oul your obligalions hereunder; (b) all legal requirements have been rnel, and procedures have beeo follo!,€d, induding publb bidding, in ords to ensure the enforceabilily of this Agreemenl; (c) this Agreercnl is n comdiance with all layrs applEable to yoti, including aly debt limitalioos o{ lilritalirs on rnlerest rates or ,inance charges: (d) the Equipmmt will be used by you only for essential govemmental or proprieiary func,lions of you consislent wifi the scope of your authoily, will nol be used in a trade or business of any person or entity, by lhe federal govemment or for any persooat. lamily or household use. afld your need for the EquiprEnt is not expecled b diminish during the tenn ol this &reemnt: (e) yor have tuflds available to pay contccled Payfli€nls until the end of your cunent appropnation pe*i, and you iotend to Equest lunds to fliake conkc,ted Payrnenls in €ch appoprialiofl perild, frorn now until tlE end ol lhe lem of this Agreern€nt; and (0 your e)€ct legal name is as sel lorth on page one of this Agreemenl Loll.APPfoPRlAlIOil OR RENE:WAL; lf eilher suffcient lunds are not app{ofliated to make @ntracled Paymenls or any oth€r amounts due u.tder this Agreement or (to the extenl required by applrcable law)this Agr€ement is nol reoe$/ed, this A4reenEnl shall temlnate and you shall nol be obligated to male contraded Payrnenls under tie &reement beyond the then-qrrrenl fiscal year lor nhich funds have been apprcprialed. Upon such an event, yol shall. no later lhan ttrc end o, lhe fiscrl year for which contracled Payrn€nls have been approprialed, deliver possession o{ lhe Equip.nenl lo us. lf you fail lo deliver poss€ssion of the Equipment 1o us, the termination shall oeverthekss be efleclve bul you shall b€ responsible, to the extent pemitted by law and legally available funds, lor lhe paymeot of damages iit an amount equd to lhe poiion o{ cont acled Payments thereaier coning due that is atlribulable lo he number ol days after th€ lerminalion during wtich you fail to deliver possession ard for any oth€r loss suffered by !s as a resull of your failure to deliver possession as required. You shall noti, us in wiling wilhin seve0 days alter your failure lo appmpnate lunds suflicie0t for lhe paymeot of lhe confaded Payrnents or (to lhe extenl required by applicade law) lhb AgrEernent is nol reoewed, but failure lo p.ovire sudr nolic€ shall not operate lo exlend lhe Agreernent lerm or rcsult in any liabilily to you Im.E IO IHE EQUIPIIEIT: lf the s€lecled purchase oplbn for lhis &GerEnt is $1.m or t101.00, unl6s odErv/be required by law, upon your acceptance of the EquipoEnt, lille to tte Equipmeot shall be in your 0a.ne, subject 1o our interest under lhis Agreernenl. Tle partes wsh to amend tie above-referenced Ag.e€tnent by teslatrng the fdlowing anguage Ary provison in lhe Agreernent slating lhis Agreernenl sup€rsedes any invoice and/or pulchase ord€r is hercby amended and restaled as follows: "You agr€€ that lhe lerms aM conditions ol the Agreeme0l and any supdemeot o{ schedule lhereto and any related acceptance certilrcale conslilules th€ entire agrcem€nl rcgarding lhe financing or lease of lhe Equipment and sup€rsedes any porchase order, invoice, request for proposalor olher relaled document.' Any povision in the &reemenl statiog lhat lhe Agreemot shall aulo.mtirlly rerEw unless the Equiprnent is purchas€d, re,tumed or a notice requirement is satisfEd is hereby amended and rcstaled as ldlo'rls: 'Ihis Agreemenl will renew for month-tGmonth tenrB unless you purchase or relum lhe Equiprneni (according to the condilions herein) or send us $itten nolice at Ieasi 30 days (before tlE end of any te.m) lhat you do not wanl il reneu,ed." /, ,*rtilr AMENDMENT TO THE HP MANAGEO PRINT SERVICES AND SUPPORT SCHEDULE Septenber 19,2018 iti:S:q!!:rffi,xET,H:,ffil":ris:ilT,ql"Trilis".,#ii:1*#,H##"J,x""0Hff",,i"1"i1,,x,."rL;r,$:.*"#ffi{provision ol mansged-Pdnt and support servlces {lhe 'seruces'). Tlta m"no-enioniy "erves to modity lhe sciedule as tisted below. All oth€r lernsand condiliona ot the Schedule shall remain in full lorce and active. Thts Arnerdmenl does not extend ihi term of trE Schadula. THE SCHEDULE IS HEREBY TODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: :EEUlxtE!g!9! The term ol the schedule shallexlend lhrough December 3t, 2018. Atrerms and comations wi rcmain in ful force and aclivelhrouoh thlr &te. The auto renew ctause of the contlect wilt nol come inlo etfect snd wil be rcplaced with lhe terms above. HP and customet agree by application of lheir duly authorized repres€ntalive s rsspective signatur$ beiow thal lhis Anendment should becomeefiectlve 6 ol the Amendme.t E feclve Oale. AT,,lENDI\4ENT EFFECTIVE DATE HP INC,City of Menifee Signalure:w Prinled N LaGen Pdnted Name:OOG.V Title: Direclor US MPS Specialty Sates Title CITY OF MENIFEE Date:)o/ t Oate:to(ltlt? Address: t1311 Chinden Blvd MS 33s Boise.lD 83714 Addressr 297t4 Huan Rd. Merifee, CA 92586 Contact Name: Phtllip Perez Conlacl Name t4i \Sa.,r-F,, ss', cc1 Contacl Email I a c o( Contact Phone +1360212471a contect Phonei (qgt)723-371t # Version 1215 HP Confidential Page t Contact Emait: phitlip.perez@hp.com (tf, AMENDMENT TO THE HP MANAGEO PRINT SERVICES ANO SUPPORT SCHEDULE September ,l9,2018 Thas Amendment to the HP Managed Print Services and Support Schedute dated (the "Schedule") is made on the Amendment Effective Date specitied below between HP lnc. ("HP") and the customer named ('c er) and applies to Customer's purchases and HP's provision of managed print and support services (the Services") This Amendment only serves to modify the Schedule as listed below. A[ olher terms and condilions ofthe Schedule shall remain in full force and aclive This Amendment does not extend the term ofthe Schedule THE SCHEDULE IS HEREBY i/IOOIFIEO AS FOLLOWS TERM EXTE Sloll. The term of the Schedule shalledend lhrough December 31,2018. Allterms and conditions will remain in fulltorce and aclive lhrough this date. The auto renew clause of the contract will nol come into effect and will be reptaced with the terms above. HP and Customer agree by application oftheirduly authorized representative's respeclive signatures below that this Amendment should become effeclive as of the Amendment Elfective Oate. AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE HP INC.Clty of Monifes Signature Signature nU*1,-- Printed Namer Kelly Larsen Printed Name:ARMANDO G. VILT A Title: Director US l\,lPS Specialty Sales Tite:CITYMANAGER CIryOF MENIFFF Date Date: lo lst lt g Address: 11311 Chinden Blvd MS 335 Boise. lD 83714 Address: 29714 Huan Rd. lvlenifee CA 92586 Contact Name: Phillip Perez conracr Name: t{i c\e,\\e Sc^rrF., ss,cgr Contact Email: phillip perez@hp.com contacrEmair: msarr.iss', ", @ !.i11*r.* Contact Phone: +13602124718 contactPhone: [.t:1) 7 23- Z7-l g Version 1215 HP Confidential Page 1 glAlnq 10131120'18 2:35:21PM Page: 1 Title: LeasedEquipment Cash / lnv Code: Nominal / Real: Budgeted: Y Allotment: N Fiscal Year: 20'19 Debit / Credit: D Status Code: 0 JC Required: N Standard Acct: Y Comments: Account Class: Report Group 'l: Report Group 2: Account Type: Locked: N Budget Account: Year End Estimate: O.OO Budget Prcparation History Year Dept Request Proposed Council Adopted 2019 2018 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 47,000.00 0.00 95,000.00 47,000.00 0.00 Accounl History 95,000.00 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 47,000.00 44,700.00 Year Total Budget Expenditures Balance 2019 2018 2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 47,000.00 44,700.00 10,082.95 46,581.05 54,105.03 84,917.05 418.95 9,405.03- Period Total Budget Expenditures Balance 1 4 95,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 2.294.44 2,696.72 2,1'15.20 2,976.59 10,082.95 92,705.56 90,008.84 87,893.64 84,917.05 84,917.05Totals;95,000.00 0.00 Page:1 Account lnformation City of Menifee Account No: E 1004221-52502 City Manager Review Encumbrances Account Activity Encumbrances