2019/10/21 DHS Consulting, Inc. CIP 16-08 Traffic Signal Communication (East)1-4 Time. consurtant shall devote such time to the performance of the Services
r:::11j" this Agreemenr as may be reasonably necessary to sarisfy consurtanr's obligationsnereunoer.
?630176 2 a09/03/19
THIS PROFESST.NAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (..Agreement,') is made and effectivelf.J4- dav 9f \lo!L , 20r9 ('Effectiv_e o"i.r u/"ia between the crry oF MENTFEE, acalifornia municipal corporation, ("city") and nn"s coNsulrngc. txc., " C"rir"-i" s_Corporation(..Consultanf,).CityandConsultunt.ffiLatoinaiuia,aty
as a "Party" and collectively as the ..parties."
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall provide tocity the services described in the Scope ofservices, attached-hereto as Exhibit A unJ inJo.p-a"aherein by this reference (the "serviies"). consultant will perform .rur"qr"r,t
ord.r, usrequested by the contract Administrator (as defined below), in accordance with the Scope ofServices' In the event ofa conflict in.or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement andExhibit A, this Agreement shall prevail.
l,l Term of Servicgs- _ Th€ term of this Agreement shall begin on October 2,2019 andshall end on october 31,2020 unless the term oithis Agreement is otherwise terminated orextended as provided for in Section 8. The time provided to-consultant to "orpt"t"1rr. servicesyquired by this Agreement shall nor affecr city'; righr ro terminar" tni, egie"ieni, aJp.oviaeafor in Section 8.
Standard of Peformance. Consultanr represents and warrants that Consultant is aprovider offirst class work and services and consurtant is experienced in perro..injit e servicescontemplated herein and, in light of such status and experience. c"rJ;;i ;;ii f"rro.. ,rr"Services required pursuant to this Agreement in rhe manner and according to tti- sianaarasobserved.by. a competent practitioner of the profession in which Consultant is
in tn"geographical area in which consultant practicls its profession and to the sole satisEcf;on ortleContract Administrator.
^ 1.3 Assisrunent of personnel. consultant shall assign onry competent personnel toperform the Services pursuant to Agreement. In the event that City, in it, soi" air".'.ii*, ut unytime during the term of this Agreement, desires the reassignment oiany such p..ronr, con.rltuntshall, immediately upon receiving notice from city ofsuci desi.e or city, ,"as'sigr .u"r, i"..on o,persons.
_ 1.5 Authorization to perform Services. Consultant is
the Services or incur any costs *huts*ue. under the terms of
authorization from the Contract Administrator.
not authorized to perform any of
this Agreement until receipt of
invoice, etc.;
Serial identifications of progress bills; i.e.. progress Bill No. I for the first
City of Menifee
Attn: Accounts Payable
city hereby agrees to pay consultanr a sum not to exceed NINTy EIGHT THousANDEIGHTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND TwENTy FIVE cENTs ($98,088.25) nor withstandingany conlrary indications that may be contained in consultant's proposal, for the Services to beperformed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. In the event of a conflictbetween this Agreement and Exhibit A, regarding the amount of compensation, this Agreementstrall.prevail- city shall pay consultant foi the Services rendered pu.rrunt to trris e,gre-ement atthe time and in the manner set forth herein. The payments .p""ifi"d berow shall 6e the onlypayments from city to consultant for the Servicei .ende.ed pursuant ,o ,rri. ag.."..n,.consultant shall submit all invoices to.city in the manner specifiedierein. rr""piur's-p.".in"uttyauthorized in advance by City, consultani sha[ not bill ciiy ror duplicate *"*i"i, p".io*"a uymore than one person.
2.1 Invoices. consultant shall submit invoices monthly during the term of thisAgreement, based on the cost for the Services performed and reimbursabl"
"olt, in"rrr"J p.io, rothe invoice date. Invoices shall contain the foliowing information:
b. The beginning and ending dates ofrhe billing period;
c. A "Task Summary,, containing the original contract amount, the amount ofprior billings, the total due this period, the balance ava'ilable under this Agreement, andthepercentage of completion;
. d. AI City's option, for each item in each task, a copy ofthe applicable timeentries or time sheets shall be submitted showing the name of thi pe.son p'".r".drg ih"Services, the hours spent by each person, a brief description of the Services. and eachreimbursable expenset
e. The totar number of hours of work performed under this Asreement bvConsultant and each employee, agent, and subcontiactor of Consultani-p.;'i;;;;;:
Services hereunder necessary to complete the Services described in Exhibii A:
f. Receipts for expenses to be reimbursed;
g. TheConsultantRepresentative,ssignature.
Invoices shall be submitted to:
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?630176 2 a09/03/19 1
2.2 Monthlv pavment. City shall make monthry payments, based on invoices received,for the Services satisfactorily pirformed, una ro. urtt o.irid
"ort. in"r,."a. cityshall have thirty (30) days from rhe receipi of an in"oi"" tf,ut complies with all of the requirementsabove to pay Consultant.
2'3 . .
Final Pavment' .city.shalr pay the last ten percent (r0%) of the total amount duepursuant to this Agreement within_ sixty (60) days after completion of the Services and submittalto city of a final invoice, if all of the Sirvices required have ieen satisracroriiy fe;;;.
. 2.4 Total pavment.
, City. shall _not pay any additional sum for any expense or costwhatsoever incurred by consultant in- rendering ttr" s"*i"", pursuant to this Agreement. cityshall make no payment for any exlra, fi.uttrer, oiadditionuir"*i"" p*.u*t ro tt ir-egr".."nt.
In no event shall consultant submit any invoice for an amount in excess of themaximum amount.of compensation provided above either for a task ". i"i ii.- ""ti..ty "r trr"Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, unless this Agreement is modifiea in *.iting prio.lo the submission ol such an invoice.
2'5 Hourlv Fees. Fees for the S-ervices performed by consultant on an hourry basisshall not exceed the amounts shown on the r"e r"n"a'"t" ir"ruded with Exhibit A.
2'6 - - Reimbursable Exnenses. Reimbursable expenses are included within the maximumamount of this Agreement.
. 2'7 - Pavment of raxes. consultant is solely responsible for the payment of employmenttaxes incurred under this Agreement and any federal o. state taxes.
. 2'8 Pavment upon Termination. In the event that city or consultant terminates thisAgreement pursuant to section t, city shatt compensate consurtant fo. all outstanding;ort. *areimbursable expenses incurred foi Services satisfactorily completed and for reimbursableexpenses as of the date of written notice of termination. consultani rr,ar rnuintuin ffir"u," Iog.and timesheets in order to verify costs and reimbursabre expenses incurred to that date.
^ ... . E**.p, as otherwise provided. consurlant shalr, at its sole cost and expense, provide allfacilities and equipment necessary to perform the services required uy trrrs agrJemeri.'Citv .nutmake available to consurtanr only physicar facilities such as disks, niing cauil"ts, an;.;iir:#space. as may be reasonably necessary lor consultant's use while consu'iting *itr,'city
",,ploy"",and reviewing records and the information in possession of city. The r."",i"r, qr"riirr, u'na,in,"of fumishing rhose facirities shail be in the sole discretion or city. In ,o ;r;;i ;ilir b;ty u"required to fumish any facirity that may invorve inc,rring any direct "rp"n.", ir.rrJirg urt "",limited to corqurer. rong-distance teliphone or other iommunication charges, vehicles, andreproduction facilities.
29844 Haun Road
Menifbe. CA 92586
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Before beginning any work under this Agreement, consultant, at its own cost and expense,
shall procure the types and amounts of insurance checked below and provide Certificates of
Insurance, indicating that Consultanl has obtained or currently maintains insurance that meets the
requirements of this section and which is satisfactory, in all respects, to city. consultant shall
maintain the insurance policies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement.
The cost of such insurance shall be inctuded in Consultant's compensation. Consultant shall notallow any subcontractor, consultant or other agent to commence work on any subcontract until
Consultant has obtained all insurance required herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided
evidence thereofto City. Verification of the required insurance shall be submitted and made part
of this Agreement prior to execution. Consultant acknowledges the insurance policy must cover
inter-insured suits between City and other Insureds.
program meets the standards ofthe Catifomia Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion ofthe
Contract Administrator. The insurer, if insurance is provided, or Consultant, ifa program of self'-
insurance is provided, shall waive all rights of subrogation against City and its oificJrs, officials,
employees, and authorized volunteers for loss arising from the Services performed under this
4.1 orkers'nsatr Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain
Statutory Workers' C ompensation Insurance and Employer's Liabi lity Insurance for any and all
persons emp loyed directly or indirectly by Consultant pursuant to the provisions of the Califomia
Labor Code Statutory Workers'Compensation Insurance and Employer,s Liability Insurance
shall be provided with limits of n ot less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00)per
accident, ONE MILLION DOLLA RS ($ I ,000,000.00) disease per employee, and ONE MILLI oN
DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) di sease per policy. In the altemative, Consultant may rel y on a self-
insurance program to meet tho se requlrem ents, but only if the program of self-insurance compliesfully with the provisions of the Califomia Labor Code. Determination ofwhether a self-insurance
4.2 Commerci al General and Automobil e Lia bilitv I urance
a. General requirements. consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall
maintain commercial general and automobile liability insurance for the term of this Aireement in
an amount not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) p". o""u.r"n."l combined
single limit coverage, for risks associated with the Services contemplated by this Agreement, TwoMILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate, and TWb MILLIONDoLLARS ($2,000,000.00) products/completed operationi aggregate. If a commercial GeneralLiability Insurance or an Automobile Liability Insurance fo.m or other form with a general
aggregate limit is used. either the general aggregale limit shall apply separately to the Services tobe performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the
required occurrence limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to, protection
against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting rherefrom, and
damage.to lroperty resulting from the Services contemplated undir this AgreemJnt, including the
use ofhired, owned, and non-owned automobiles.
b. Minimum scooe ofcoverage. Commercial general coverage shall be at least
as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability o."u.."n"-" form CG 0001.
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Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services olfice Automobile Liabilitylorm cA 0001 code 2, 8, and 9. No endorsem"*.i"rl t" ut,u"hed limiting the coverage.
, "' Additional reouirements. Each of the fo,owing sha, be included in thelnsurance coverage or added as a certified endorsement to the policy:
a. The insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident basis, andnot on a claims_made basis.
b. Any failure of Consultant to comply with reporting provisions of thepolicy sha not affect coverage provided to ciry
"*".,r,and volunteers.
4.3 professional Liabilitvlnsurance.
a. General Ieguir.efnents. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shallmaintain for the period
"ou.r"d bylhirG""."ri p."r"irionar tiability insurance for ricensedpr-o-tr:i"-iuLr q"rforming the services purstim, ;iil.:A;;;"rent in an amount not less than oNEMILL.IoN DOLLARS ($1,000.000) covering ,n. ii".r!.J pr"fessionals, errors and omissions.Any deductible or self-insured retention .rruii u" ,rro*n on the certificate. If the deductible orself-insured retention exceeds TWENTY_FIVE ffiOUiaNO DOLLARS ($25,000), ir must beapproved by City.
professional liabili
tml tons
ty coverage is written on a clai
C tms-ade The foll-owing provisions shall apply if the
ms-made form:
a. The relroactive dale of the policy must be shown and must be nolater than the commencement of the Services.
b. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be
lr:-r^t^1.-l P, ar leasr five 15) years after the
"*pi.uiion o. rermination of thisAgreemext or compretion of the Services, so long as commercially ava able atreasonable rates.
If coverage is canceled or not renewed and it is not replaced withanother c.laims-made poricy form with a retrou"tiu" a"i. tr,it precedes the EffectiveDate of this Agreement. Consultant ,,,rrt prouiJ" ert"ii.i'."porting coverage fora minimumof.five (5) years after the
"*pirutio, o, i"rri*tion of this Agreementor the completion ofrhe Services. Such conrinuari"";;;;;;g. may be provided byone ofthe following: (l) renewal of the existing pofi.V; iZ] an extended reportingperiod endorsement: or (3) repracement ;nrrr*".J *liil'u l.trou.tru. date no raterthan the commencement of thi Services under this eg....."r. city shall have theright to exercise, al Consultant,s sole cost _and e-#;r;;;y extended reportingprovisions of the policy, if consurtant can""l. o, d;;;;;;ew the coverage.
.d' A copy of the claim reporting requiremenrs must be submitted tocity prior to the commencement of the Servirer una., it i, ag."...r,.
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4.4 All Policies Req urrementS.
- b. Verification of coveraqe. prior to beginning the Services under thisAgreement, Consultant shall fumish City with Certificates ol Insurance, additional insuredendorsement orpolicv language granring aiditional insured starus .;;ph";;i;;Ifries orartpolicies, including comprete certified copies of all endorsements. All copies of poiicies andcertified endorsements shall show-the signature of a person authorized byihat insurer to bindcoverage on its behalf. The Certificate of Insurance must include the folllwing ,"i"r"n"", crpI6-08 CITYWIDE TRAFFIC SIGNAL COMMUNICATION (EAST): COiSrNUirrOr.,IMANAGEMENT SERVICES. The name and address for Additional insured endorsements,certificates of Insurance and Notice of cancellation is: city of Menifee, zss+a iuu; noua,Menifee, cA 92586. city must be endorsed as an additional lnsured for riuuiiiiy uriffi ort orongoing and completed operations by or on behalf of Consultant.
Accentabilitv of insurers. A[ insurance required by this Section is to beplaced with insurers wirh a Bests' .ating oinoTess than A:vIl and idmrtted in califomia.
.. . Consultant shallprovide written norice ro city.*ithir-t"n@ r"ffij'ii'.u.*""policies is termin ated; (2) the limits ofany ofthe requiied iorices aie reiuced; o. til ir," a"au.tiur.or self-insured retention is increased.
A certified endorsement must be attached to a, poricies stating that coverage isprimary. insurance with respect to city and irs officers, officials, emproy."r, urid ,oir.t".o, unathat no insurance or self-insurance maintained by City shall be callei upon to contributelo a lossunder the coverage.
. e. Deductibres and self-insured Retentions. Consurtant shalt obtain the
annroval of city for the ,"lf-inrur"d ,"GntiorilidEdtur", u"ror" u.ginring"a"ny of theDervlces-
During the term of this Agreement, only upon the prior express writtenauthorization of the contract Administrator, consultant may increase su;h dedu;;bil or self_insured retentions with respect to city, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. TheContract Administrator may condition approval of an increase in deductible or self-insured
d. Additional i4sqre.d: primarv insurance. City and its officers, employees,agents, and authorized volunteers thull b. iou.red u. udditi*al iniureds *itn respetiio'each ofthe tollowing: Iiability arising out of the services performed by or on behalf li consultant,including the insured's generar supervision_ of consuitant; producis and completed op"iution, orconsu.ltant, as applicable; premises owned, occupied, or used by consultant; and iutomobilesowned, leased, or used by consultanl in the couise of providing the Services f*.uuni ,o tt i.Agreement. The coverage shafl contain no speciar limitations on ii-r" ,"op. orp.oLction urrora"ato City or.its officers, emproyees, agents, or authorized vorunteers. The insurance provided to cityas an additional insured must apply on a primary and non-contributory basis *iti r"rp".t to unyinsurance.or self-insurance program mainiained ty city. Additional insured status .t ujicontiruefor one ( I ) year after the expiration or termination ofthis egreement or completion ofthe Services.
7630376 2 a09/0:t/19 6-
retention levels with a requirement that consurtant procure a bond guaranteeing payment oflossesand related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses that is satisfactory in allrespects to each of them.
f' Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insuredsunder its policies or shall fumish separate certificates and certified "ndor."."rt, for eachsubcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to utt of tne,"qri.l."nts statedherein.
g. Variation. The Contract Administrator may, but is not required to, approvein writing a variation in the foregoing insurance requirements, upon a determination that thecoverage, scope, limits, and forms ofsuch insurance ari either not commercially available, or thatCity's interests are otherwise fully protected.
^ -4'5 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies at raw or equity city may have ifconsultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsimenis to tlhe extentand within the time herein required, city may, ar iti sore option, exercise any of the fo owingremedies, which are altematives to other iemedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedyfor Consultant' s breach :
a. obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiumsfor such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement;
b. order consurtant to stop work under this Agreement or withhold anypayment that becomes due to Consultant hererurder, or both slop work and *itr,t ota *ypayment, until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereoi ana/or
c. Terminate this Agreement.
5.1 ifi 0n Pro nal ili Where the law establishes aprofessional standard of care for performance of the Services, to the fullest extent permitted bylaw. Consultant shal I indemnifu, protect, defend (with counsel selected b y City), and hold harmlessCity and any and all of its officers, employees. officials, volunteers.and agents from and againstany and all claims, I osses, costs, damages, expenses, liabilities, li ens, actions, causes of action(whether in tort. c ontract, under statute.at law, in equity,or otherwise) charges, awards,assessments, fines, or penalti es of any kind (includi ng reasonable consultant and ex pert fees andexpenses of investigation, costs of whatever ki nd and nature and, if Consultant fails to provide adefense for City, the legal costs of counsel retained by City)and any judgmenr (collectively."Claims") to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by an y negligent or wrongful act, error,or omission of Consultant its officers.agents, employees,or subcontractors (or any enti ty orindividual that Consultant shalt bear the I egal liability thereo 1)int he performance of professionalservtcesunder this Agreement
5.2 nd cation for er Pro onal bili Other than in thelaperlormance of professional services and to th e f,ull extent permitted by law. Consultant shallindemnifu, protect, defend (with counsel selec ted by City), and hold harmless City, and any and
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all of its officers, employees, officiats, vorunteers, and agents from and against any and all Claims,where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or arJin any way attributable to. in whore or inpart, the performance of this Agreement by consurtant or by any'indiviarri ".-."iiiy i". *rri"r,consultant is legally riable, including but not timited io offi.".., ug"ntr, "#ploi"", o.subcontractors ol Consultant.
. .5.3 Notwithsranding anyprovision of this Section 5 ro rhe .ontrury,.".[nJiGrionul.Frequired ,o a"i"no *aindemnifu city only to the exrent permitted by clvii coae Section 2782.i. The term ..design
professional" as defined in Section 2782.8, is ii.it"d to licensed architects, licensed landscapearchitects, registered professional engineers, professional land surveyors, and'trre businesllntitiesthat offer such services in accordance with ihe applicable provisions of the Califomia Businessand Professions Code.
5.4 Limitation of rrrdgm.nification. The provisions of this Section 5 do not apply toclaims occurring as a result of City's sole oiactive negligence. The provisions of this Section 5shall not release City from tiability arising from gros-r.Iglig"n.. or willful acts or'omissions ofcity or any and all of its officers, officials, employees, *i ug"rt, acting in an officiar capacity.
. Independent contractor. At all times during the term ofthis Agreement, consultantshall be an independent contractor and shall not be un "-iloy"" of city. city shall have the rightto control consultant only insofar as the results of tire Services rendeied pu...-i to trri,Agreement and assignment of personner pursuant to Subparagraph 1.3; however, otherwise cityshall not have the right to control the means by whictr Consuitant accomplish.. in" s.*i".,rendered pursuant to this Agreement. The personnel performing the iervices unaer ttrisAgreement on behalf of Consuttant shall at all times be under Consultai-rt,s exclusive direction andcontrol. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers,employee.s, or agents is in any manner officers, officials, employees, or ug"nt, oiEity. Corrultuntshall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or riabilit-y whatevei against city,or bind city in any manner. Except for the fees paid to ionsuriant as p.ouial in 1,iffi""r"n,,city shall n^ot pay salaries, wages. or other compinsation to Consurtanifor performing tt iserui"",hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to consultant fbrinjury or sickness arising out of performing the Services hereunder. Notwithstandint uny ottercity, state,.or federal policy, rule, reguration-, law, or ordinance to the contrary, consultant and anyof its-employees' agents, and.subcontractors providing services under tnir'egr""m"r,r siul ,otqualify for or become entitled to any compensation, benefit, or any incident if emptoyment bycity, including bur not limited to erigibility to enro[ in the ialifornia euu6c' einptoyeesRe1l1mgnt System ("PERS") a.s an employee of city and entitlemenr to any contribution ro bepaid by city for employer contributions and,/or employee contributions ror pgRs benefits.
7.1 G The laws of the State of Califomia shall govem this Agreement.
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oveminu Law
7 '2 comnriance with Apprigable Laws. Consultant and any subcontractor shalr complywith all applicabl" lo.ur, .tut.,iniEi i-G :*J."gri",i*,
appricable to rhe performance ofthe work hereunder. consuhant sha not hire or emplo-y u],y p..ron to perform work within cityor allow any person lo perform.the Services ..qui..d u,ia.rihis Rgreemeni un1.rr"rr.t 'p..ron i,properly documented and legafly entitled to u"'".pioy"J*ithin the United States. Any and allwork subject to prevailing wages, as determined by iilbi;..;;;ri;l;;;iR#ililrin" ,,u,"of califomia, will be the minimum.paid t"
L[".*r,-including conrrrt-i]. ",,itoy". unasubcontraclors. Il is understood that ii is rhe r.rp"*iuiri,v "ic;;;;'il;;;i#l;: *"*,scale. The stare prevairinc wage Rates .ry'u. "u"iri.d from the c"rir".i" 'o.p*,,"*
"iIndusrrial R.elations {"DIR"J pu.ru-t to calirirnia pubtic Utilities code, Sections 465,466, and,467 by calling 4r5-703-47j4. Appropriate ,""ora.
compliance with suchrequirement shall be maintained in a iafe and secure to"*lon u, all times, and readily available atcity's requesr. consurtant sh^a indemnify, a"r"ra,
"rJ'r,"ra city and its erected and appointedboards' members' officiars, officers, ug"ntr, ."pr.r"ntuiir"r,
".proyaes, and vorunteers harmressfrom and against any liability, Io..,.-dan,ug., "o.i o.'.*p"n."s (including but not limited tof:.::i:t: *:-ev;' fe.es, expert wirness lees, court .o.ir, una costs ini'red ."tutJ to unylnqurrles or proceedings) arising from or. related to (i) the noncompliance uy con*tturi ,. unyparty performing the services of any applicable ro"ut, ,tutl, and/or federai r"r,i, ir"ir?,ru, *itt ""tIimitation, any applicable federar-and/or rtut" r;b;;i;;. (incruding, without limitation, the
:-ltlireLent-to pay state prevailing wages and hire uppr"nii.Lrl; (ii) the implementation ofSectionl78l of the Labor code, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar law;and/or (iii) failure by consultant or any pany performing the services to provide any requireddisclosure or identification as required by LaborCoa. i".iio, l 7g l, as the same may be amendedfrom time to time, or any orher.in,iru.iu* rt ir ;;;J';; rhe parries rhat, in connecrion withperlormance of the Services, including, *ittort tin,iiJoni'any und aI pubric works (as definedby applicable Iaw), Consurtant shallbe-ar all .irr.. "ip"v,n"", or non-paymenr ofprevailing wagesunder California law and/or the implementation "f fiU". 6"a" Section I 7g I , u, it " .uo,.Luy u"amended from time to time, and/or any other similar law. consultant acknowledges and agreesthat it shall be indeoendentrv responsitle fbr reviewing the appricabre raws and reguralions andeffectuaring compriance *i,r,.u.fiiu*r.' co-nili.',hiErire rhe same oraI subconrractors.
7'3 - Licenses and pgrmits. consultant represents and warrants to city that Consultantand its employees, agents, and any subconou.,or, [ur" uii licenses, permits, qualifications, andapprovals of whatsoever nature that are legally .equi.ed io practice tireir ,".pJ.,iu"^p.oi"r.ionr.consultant represents and warrants to city ihat consultant and its employees, agents, andsubcontracrors shall, at their sole cosr and expense, r.""f i. "n".r ^r "ll ri;;i;;;gli" i... orthis Agreement any licenses, permits, -a ,irp.."rir if,ai a.e regally required to practice theirrespective professions' In addition.to the foregoing, consutiant und uny subcontractors shall obtainand maintain during the term of this AgreemJnt,,Iiia sr.;"., Licenses from City.
8 l Termination. city may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause uponwritten notification to Consultant.
8.2 Terminati
wntten notice to City.
Consultant may cancel this Agreement upon 30 days,
26? | rot I E58"000 t
1630376 2 a09n1tt9
on bv onsul t
ences of rnation In the event of termination, Consultant shall beentitled to compensation for the Services perfo rmed up to the date of termination; City, however,
may condition payment of such compensation upon Consultant delivering to Ci ty any or all
documents. photographs, compu ter software , video and audio tapes, and other materials provided
to Consultant or prepared by or for C onsultant or City in connection with this Agreement.
8.6 ent d Subcon City and Consultant recognize and agree that this
Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and is based upon a determinationof Consultant's unique personal conrpetence,expenence,and specialized personal knowledge.
Moreover, a substantial inducement to Ci t5, for entering lrlto this Agreement was and is the
professional reputation and competenc e of Consultant. Consultant may not assign this Agreement
or any interest therein without the prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. Consultant
shall not subcontract any portion of th e performance contemplated and provided for herein, other
than to the subcontractors noted in C onsu Itant's proposal, without prior written approval of the
Contract Administrator. In the event that key personnel leave Consultant's employ, Consultant
shall notify City immediately
8.3 Co
8.4 Extension. city may, in its sole and exclusive discretion, extend the end date of
this Agreement beyond that provided for in Subsection 1.1. Any such extension shall require awritten amendment 10 this Agreement, as provided for herein. Consultant understands and igrees
that, if City grants such an extension, City shall have no obligation to provide Consultant with
compensation beyond the maximum amount provided for in this Agreernent. Similarly, unless
authorized by the Contract Administrator, City shatl have no obligat'ion to reimburse Consultant
for any otherwise reimbursable expenses incurred during the exteniion period.
8.5 Amendments. The Parties may amend this Agreement only by a writing signed byall the Parties.
8.7 Survival. All obligations arising prior to the expiration or termination of this
Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating liability between City and Consultant
shall survive the expiration or termination ofthis Agreement.
q 8 Options upon Breach b.v Consultant. If Consultant materially breaches any of the
terms of this Agreement, city's remedies shall include, but not be limited to, any or all of the
a. Immediately terminate this Agreement;
b. Retain the plans, specifications, drawings, reports, design documents, and
any other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement;
c. Retain a different consultant to complete the Services described in
Exhibit A; and/or
- d. Charge Consultant the difference between the cost to complete the Services
described in Exhibit A that is unfinished at the time of breach and the amount that Citywould have paid consultant pursuant to Section 2 if consultant had completed the
2671/0t 1858-0001
?610376.2 a09/03/19 - 10-
9.1 C AS art of Co tant's o ce. All reports, data, maps,
9:? Licensins of Intellectual pr.opefi. This Agreement creates a non-exclusive andperpetual license for City to copy, use, modi$r, re-use, or subi""nr" -y unO utf ."pyrigir,., a*m,rights of reproduction, and other intellectuai p.op".ty
".iodied in plans, specifications, studies,drawings, estimates, test data, survey results, models, renderingr, ui;;J;;;ro,""r,
", *o.t,of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of "*p."..ior, in"i-uiing urfr* rin,ii"i'i","ptrysicatdrawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magneticalry, or in any other medium, whichare prepared or caused to be. prepared by Consuitant -under thls ag.""."ni t"O".r..*. *aData"). consultant shall require a subcontractors to agree in writini that ciiy i.-gr-,.a u nor_exclusive and perpetuar license for any Documents and 6ata the *u"Jnt..*to. i..plr.. .ra.. ,r,i.Agreemcnt consultant represents and warrants that consultant has the legal riglit to license anyand all Documents and Data. consurtant makes no such representation and warranty in regard toDocuments and Data which lvere prepared by design professionars other than consultant orprovided to consurtant by the city. City shalr not te tiiiteo in any way in its ur" oi,ro oo.urn"n,,and Data at- any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by thisAgreement shall be at City's sole risk.
models, charts, studies, surve ys, photographs, memoranda, plans,studies, specifi cations. records,files, or any other documents or materials. in electronic or an y oth er fbrm that Consultant preparesor obtains pursuant to this Agreem ent and that relate to the matt ers covered hereunder shall be theproperty of City. Consultant here by agrees to deliver those documents to City upon the expirationor termination of this Agreement. II is understood and agreed that the documents and othermaterials, including but not limited to those described above, prepared pursuant to this A greementare prepared specifically for City and are no t necessarily suitable for any future or other use. Anvuse of such documents for other proJ ects bvci ty shall be without liability to Consultant.City andConsultant agree that. until final approval by City, all data, plans, specifications, re ports, and otherdocuments are confidential and will not be released to third parties without prior written consentof both Parties unless required by law.
9'3 consultant's Books and Records. consultant shall maintain any and alr ledgers,books ofaccount, invoices, uou"herrJ*c"Gdih""kr, unJ othe. ,ecords or documeni. "uio"r"irgor. relating to charges for the Services or expenditures and disbursemenr, ;hil;;;; city uno".this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) y"-., o. ror any tonger p".iod.";;; ;y-tu*, f.o-the date offinal payment to consultant _undeithis Agr".."ni. All such records shall be maintainedin accordance.with generally accepted accounting"principi". ana shal be crearif io"riin"a ".areadily accessible.
9'4 Insoection and A.udit of Records. Any records or documents that Section g.3 0fthis Agreement requires co.trulturtlo ,niiiiiln snait be made available ro. in.p".tion, uuoit,and/or copying at any time during regular business hours. upon oral or written request of City.Under califomia covemment Code Section g546.7, if the amount of pubric trnas expenJea unaerthis Agreement exceeds rEN. THousAND oor-Lans tsro,ooo.ob;, rhi. &;;;;i-rtuil u"subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor, at the request "i ciri ". ", p"n "r -yaudit of city, fbr a period ofthree (3) years after final payment undir this Agreemenr. '
-l l-
26?t/0t 1858400 t
?630376 2 a09/0:l/t9
267tl03IE 8400I
76:10l?6 2 a09/03/19 -12-
. -10.1 Attomevs' Fqes. If either party to this Agreement brings any action, including anaction for declaratory relief. to enforce or interpret the privision of thiJAgri"."r,,-ir," p."raringParty shall be entitled to reasonable attomeys; fees and expenses including costs, in uidition toany other relief to which that.party may be entitled; provided, however, ttiat the attomeys, teesawarded pursuant to this section shall not exceed thehourry rate paid bi Cl;y i;;i;;;i ,".ri"e,multiplied by the reasonable number of hours spent by the prevailing party in the coiduct ofthelitigation' The court may set such fees in the ,urn" u"iion oi in u r"p**ut" uction brought for thatpurpose.
l0'2 Applicable Law: Venue. The intemal laws of the State of California shall govemthe interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. In the event that either eu.ty u.ing, uryaction against the other under this Agreemeni, the Parties agree that trial of such action shall bevested exclusively in Riverside County.
10.3 Severabilitv. Ifany provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder ofthis Agreement shall not be affected thereby and ill oth", parts of this'Agreement shallnevertheless be in full force and effect.
10 4 Section Headines. aqd .subheadines. The section headings and subheadingscontained in this Agreement are included for conrnenience only and shall nit limit or otherwiseaffect the terms of this Agreement.
I 0.5 No Imolied waiver of Breach. The waiver of any breach or a specific provision ofthis Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other breach of that term o, -y oirr". t".,n otthis Agreement.
. 1
05 Successors and Assisns. The provisions ofthis Agreemenl shall inure to the benefitofand shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns ofthe parties.
- .10.7 Consultant Representative. All matters under this Agreement shall be handled forconsultant by Melanie Estes ("consultant's Representative,,). The- Consultant,s Representativeshall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of Consultant for all purposei under thisAgreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct ttre'Sei,rices, usmg frisbest skill and attention, and shall be responsible for ali means, methods, techniques, ,"qr"r."r,and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of.the S".ri"e, under thisAgreement.
_ 10.8 citv contract administlatiqn. This Agreement shal be administered by a cityemployee, carlos Geronimo, principal Engineer ("contract Administrator,,;- ari"o.."rplna"r."shall be directed to or through the contract Administrator or his designee. The contractAdministrator shall have the power to act on behalf of City for all purposes rinder this Agreement.Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall noiaccept direction or oriers fiomany person other than the Contract Administrator or his designee.
10.9 Notices. Any written notice to Consultant shall be sent to:
_ . 10.10 Professional Seal. where applicable in the determination of the contractAdministrator, the first page ofa.technical r"po.t, fi.st puge ofdesign specifications, and each pageol conslruction drawings shall be stamped/sealed
signeJ by the licensed pro[ssional
responsible for the report/design preparation. The stamp/seal shall be in a block entitled ..Seal andSignature ol Registered Professional with report/deiign responsibility,,, as in the following
Attn: Melanie Estes
Any written notice to City shall be sent to the Contract Administrator at:
City of Menifee
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Attn: Carlos Geronimo, principal Engineer
with a copy to:
City Clerk
City of Menifee
29844 Haun Road
Menifee. CA 92586
Seal and Signature of Registered professional with
rt/desi re nsibili
10.11 Riqhts and Remgdies. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly
declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative
and the exercise by either Party-of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude theexercise by it, at the same or different times, ofany other rights or remedies for the same default
or any other default by the other party.
. 10.12 Intesration. This Agreement, including the scope of services attached hereto andincorporated herein as Exhibit A, represents the entire and integrated agreement between City andConsultant and supersedes all prior negotiations, representatiois, or ag-reements, either written ororal. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordanc-e with the meaning of the
language used and shall not be construed for or against either Party by reason ofthe authorship ofthis Agreement or any other rule ofconstruction which might otherwise apply.
. 10.13 countemarts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each ofwhich shall be an original and arl of which together sha constitute or" ug."",n.nt. '
76103?6 2 a09,03/19 -13-
l0' l4 Execution of Cqntract. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of each ofthe Parties herero represent and warrant.thai (i).such party isiuty o.[anizeJ
""a "-iriirg,iiil ,r,"vare duly authorized to execute and deliver tiris Agreement on t"t'utr of ,uid p;t, iiii; uy .oexecuting this Agreement, such party is formafly bJund to the provisions or tr,i"agi""ir"rt, una(iv) that entering.into this Agreement does not ,iorut. *y provision of any other'agr."L.nt ,owhich said Party is bound.
. 10. l5 Nondiscrimination. Consurtant covenants that, by and for itserf, its heirs, executors,assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that in it
"i,t,i, egr.",,n"",there shall be no discrimination .against or selregation of, any person or group of persons onaccount of any impermissible classification including, but not
limited tol race, *io., ..""a,religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, nationaiorigin, or ancestry.
^ . . 19:16 No Third Partv Beneficiaries. with the exception of the specific provisions setforth in this Agreement, thereare no intended third-party beneficiaries und;r rhis d;;;;;nt andno such other third parties shall have any rights o. obligution. hereunder.
interest. in the
Consultant or t
N liabili of Ci Offic and Em Io No officer, official, employee, agent,or volunteer of City shall be personally liabl e to Consultant, or any successor inevent ofany defauh or breach by City or for any amount which may become due too lts successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement.
l0'18 No Undue Influence. Consultant declares and wanants that no undue influence orpressure is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of city in .onn".tion *ltn tr,"award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidentialfinancial arrangement, or financial induiement. No offic'er oi employee of city ;haii receivecompensation, directly or indirectry, from consultant, or from uny offi"..,
"o,ptoy"", o. agent ofConsultant, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a resultof this Agreement.
. . l0'19 No Benefit to Arise to citv Emplovees. No member, officer, or employee of city,or their_ designees or agents, and no pubric offrciar who exercises authority o"ue. or hasresponsibilities with respect to this. Agreement during his,/her tenure or for one ( I ) year thereafter,shall have any interest, direct or-indirect, in any a[reement or sub-agreement,'* th. p.o"""d,thereof, for the Services to be performed unde. this .Lg.""rn.nt.
ISignatures on Following page]
7610176 2 a09/03/19 -14-
IN wlrNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and entered into thisAgreement as of the Effective Date.
BIIIZ , Mayor
S r Damle, President
Melanie Estes,
Vice President
[Corporation must have two signatures]
City Clerk
A to Form:
elching. CJ
7630376 2 a09/01/ls -15-
),4 I
Consultant shall provide comprehensive Construction Management Services, as further detailed inthe following pages. for CIP l6--0&_C_itywide Traffic Signal Communications (eu.tf e.o;".t in tt "amount not to exceed NINTY EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHTY EIGHT DoLLms ,tNoTWENTY FM CENTS ($98,088.2s).
2671/03 t858-0001
76:10376.2 a09/03/11)EXHIBIT A
loc.l Arri .rr. Proc.du.o Mrlrurt 1:!(H[I I lO-r{t
Corr Propo.al
ExHrBrr l0-Hl Cosr pR()t(xi^r, p"r. r,,r I
lrar!^r ('.r.r.Fr r$-trrrnn xr'! oR IJU!II.!( FtiM Fr\tiD p&rcD) (.on.tt,|(r:,
( DlSrcN. Er{<iOiLHr\(i A\D ENvltovMa\T^t STUDES)
Notc M.rtq. lrt Not Altoyld El pdm. Conrult.nt tr SuU".r*uti"nr
( onsohent I)ll tta
Pnlicct NoP 't6-08 Conrlad No
.) Subrotd DiEct Lrbo. (:orrs
b) Anticip.Gd Stlrry locrEr€i (s€c p.gc 2 tur c.t,juhtiotr)
h) Ccrrr.l llrj Admtniirrriv. (R.lc: %)
s) TOTAL DIRECT I-ABOR COSTS l(r) (h)l $02.20
.) lolrl l.ringc B.o.rirs l(c) r td)l g
g) Ortrhc.d l({) x (01 S .30
s lt xol
il Gcn & Admrr l(c) r th)l t 000
j) ToTal. tNDtRltcTcoSTS l(c) l (s) i (i;s -3E..10-1
TIXED FT]E k) TOTAL FTXED FEE [tc) + (i)] x tixcd fcc toei,l s 7.1t0
( (r\sl rt,'t..t\'l-s ot ll]:R DtRS(.7 - rTEi\I7j:it
Vchiclc Costs
U!h Urir ( osr 'l uI!l
Months sl-:m.fi)sl 6{xr rx,
s I
lr 1(rTAl- ()THFX DlRncT( (rs?s s -1.4
,rrst'B( ()^sl l'J ltlS'( (rsn; (Add.ddttlonrt p.g.r It'Dr\r I
\,\l lt tr0
s,'ilt()r AI StrBCo\st l.Ta\T.S.
n)ToT.tr.0THERD|RE(-TCOSTSINCLUDTI(;suBcoNsL-I1^NTSl(t)I(mtl s 17.572.20
TOTAL C(rST lrc) I tlt t&t , IntlS
All drr( ft[r .orpl] s,'rh d(. todf,t co.t FrEirt6. Srhrrutltnls *, Fotid. th.r .m dld ,.rDo..t,nr. dr !.qrEd fim.r 'h,, lr,r bc rErdG, rriiEd cr,r rn6 .h@rd r,. ,.*d _ ",,*ri;;; r ;;il;(@ ,ns Fhqtrd.n.blirhd brr Nlhi/-t rgorror..cqx.d hr Crtuu.Atrri.itursl r.h,, hd.Ei .rtcorrr;ira 1p1g3 2; m614666p11y
I lour!Arrll.1llolrly Rrt.Ioirl
rRcsidcd Entirkcr)
(Omcc l:nSincfrl
lFi!ld lairrcctor)
Lucs$ R6rhc- Pl:
I 1)O
$I 4.t7 ?0
s l7 l6ir .(llr
7630176 2 a09/01/19
Pttt I ol9
d) Fringc ttencfirs (R.rlc:_.6)
D Or$hta.rl RlrErt to,m%)
Delc 9/5/19
$ 50.00
s 62 00
l.n{nl \r{ilt!n(( I'ro(tdur(i \tionrt 1r\ll ll I t0-llt
Co$ Propolrt
ExtrBlT l0-ll I CosT pRotorsrl. r.s r oi,
Arat u. C(a-Fft 19tr l\rp ].Ef otr tr!j!1, suia (Ftlrl tsrtro platcr) (.oi\ a{(-l sll)isx^ tnffis,.^*^.*ffilmt]:':};H"".di:iHfil.|E2.r|.icrsubconsUlianl
coriulrrnr Dynamic Engineoring Servlcas
It('i.tl No. clP 16{8 conrocr No Drre 0g/0tzri9
( lx\rificrla(lfi I itt(
H ou'\,l(rurl llourh tartr I Dl!l
{Sr. ( ivil t:n'linccrt
ll:n!ir. Sricnlist I
tQa r t o..r r,,,,o,.. t.,,1 John Kannor 92
S 60
s 5,520.00
l)l.( I t.{R
r 5.520.00
.1T()T\Ll)lkt;( r l.tR()k(.()sIs t.rr rrrri r 5,52000IIiOIRECT COSISd, liirg(. ttcnstir. rR!r!. 0 ii)()v.rhci( (lt. (r '2r te .,i)cl lirrl liin8c tl.1'ctirs llc) \ (d,10
[(.r r (0i t, r.,,
l,r (,.n.,,iliht .\,tr,:,\r, ,\;lR.,r! 0 ,,r ,r<i,:,r&,\d,,rml(e,\ttl)l j. O
J' lOl tl l\trlla[(-t (.()s.tS rtLr r!r . lrrl
[1\1:D ]t I k,I()t ]t\t.t) ].1r lrer . rtr r rircit rr.t 10 ..1
LABota cost s
!) Snht(&rl l)!(.ct I hbor (hsl\
l', Anlrflpatcd SalJry l'rrqars (r.c pnSc 2 for crtc titiont
( (lt\51 I I \\ t's ()l I ]-t t)ll|t ( 'l I\- ll 1r\IZF
, 7,114 73
s 1 ,263.47
l) l()t At OIH
llx StiE( OtSt I 1 AN t S. ( OS.l S I rdd lddtttonrt prle. if rrcdrrrt)Sob.oxrultrot I
nr'lo'l r1.5t B(O\St Lt t\tS.( (r\ts
:rddilio ir
lrR Dl|a] cT ( os.l s
,,r lo l tl 0t HlR tIIat( r ( ()SIS I\( t t tlt\(; St BCO\S[.l i.\\ ts lrt),rr! I 00
Nor|..t TOTAI, COST r.) + U) , t|() - r,,,lS 14,072.20
: Klyt's!,ntr.|&u!b.nEl.{ riri..rtr.,hr I. ",,ii*,,..o,iiir:i ^ilil1;il;il;i.;i#,.fl]}..i:li,i;i1:ill[iil:1.1iil:tJ],iH:t]::t[J[ll2 lh(!o\rrhnoirl n{ tur.tr,ttnu tr rmr,t..i tnrttrahBr r.t(,,l,.tr l,( !Fld:.J s rn.nnuthsh h r(.oht.n(c *,dr rh., ..$ltr r'!.nrhl:ta.ounrins Frril Dd.{$tr,hrl r,r.,"r",,,.,,r-.1.. *;,il;;i:;iliI
^nr,!q{r'J rl,t 'ft'..b (..rul.:,un tpr!<:, DU, a(r{nrd}
!I'latrShcctr \lc.t
267 I /03 I 858-000 I
7 630316 2 a09l13ll9 -3-
PrE. I oI9
J!nu:n zlll lt
t rnir
l.ocrl {rri$.rc! I'roc.du16 !t.nurt 1IlltAt I t0. t
l. lhc urldl.rsi8ncd. L.(nrti li, thc b!st of rny knon{cdgc lrnd hclicf that rll dircct co\ts idcntiliad on lhc costpropoial(5) rn rhrs coorra(l srs rrctusl. rL?s;nabt", atti.rrt t.. und'"ii;"if.
",,u.]..rr,*" * ,ccordancc r.irh thccolltr.rl tcrms end thc li)llowing rcqnrrcmenls:
l. Ccncrslly Acccrrcd Acc(runtint principlcs (GAAP)
2. l crms and cooditions o[thc cohtract3 1 lllc r-t t h €d Srntc!(.qlc Sccnor I I l - I cltint of Cont]a.ts4. 48 ( .xk of Fcdclsl R.'lltlldioor prn j l - C.onrract Cost pnncrplcs ond proc.durcs5 il+i&+ffdgl+r8{llllrlu-El0_lz - t,,,elrorrnr. Managcmcnr, ind Adminiru{rirxr ot.hngrnccrint rnd frcsitn Rclrrad Scft,rccn ($tcn lJrplrcablc)
Allcosqr mtlst bc nppltcd consiucrllv snd l-arrly to rll(ontrnEls. All doculEn! lon of(omplialcc nrujl barcrrincd i,, rh. pruiccr ritcs and hc iniomnrirn; ;i; ;;;i;;;;1" ;Jff;;ff;i;,,.","". coqs rha, r,c
ly:Tl1lT,_"'::l ,h" f.tcnt and sare ri;urrmcol! rrc nor ctiSiblc for Einrburscmol.
i}l'**rt,""'it"'" "t rtslxmsiblc for tpplling ooly cognizant igcncy eppruu.,t oi irrr.ons sccqrrcd tndr.c.r
Corl Proporrt
E\firBrt l0-H l (l)s.t pRop()sAt r.,r.,n,r
( (rlificrtion pf l)ir.'( Costr:
I'rilltr (.,osult:rnt or Sub.onrnk.llt (-enifrln!:
..,,,," Melanie Estes
Srgn turc D.le of Crnilicstton (mrn/d&yfry,08/15/1 9
t,,),,, melanie.estes@d hsco NSU Iting.com
t,r,,,nc \u,nbL., 619_565-5362
2525 Camino Del Rio South , Suite 305, San Di ego, cA 92108
consull.rnt rs rrlr undrr thc
Conslruction Management. Field lnspection & Electrical lnspection
'An lndrl iduarcr'c(urivc or financrar o'iccr of rhc cdrluh.rnr'5 0r sub,ionsurr.nr.s organr/nrion a rcvcrno k)wc' rhao i vicc
or I ChrEt r.rrr.rr iiiii*i, ,,,."q;;il;;" ilil..riry ro rrprcs(nrthc tinan.idl rntbm*ri('n uhtz{d rr) cirahtr\h rt," ..,, pr;;;;i ;o',:;;iunil.i. -" '-
267 I /03 I 85E.{00 I
7610376 2 a0903r19 -4-
lhn( :l of 9
Jrourrr !0lt
r,,r. . Exg9ytiy9 Viee prespent
@0,|ts 1820 E. I'Street, Suite 410.gntaAna. CA 92705
phone: 71a.270.1135, rar: 714.276.1134
DHS Conlulllnt, Ll.C, . ri,holly-owned subsidiary of Ansar Adviiory, LLC, ii ptc.s€d to submil tha lncloied quatific.tioni to provideconrtrucrion M.na8ement servic.s torthe clywide Traffic sisnat;mmui;;;i;;;;;;* *. DHs T.im b rh..i!hr t..h tornrn'a? thir proi'cr bcc.ure our team ir rredi..td-to proje.t-rucc".:; -""i.gl *.ri.ilri', p.i"".
rime. and wrthan budger, th.rovercohes challangeJ and m€Etj ellerp€.tations ofthc City.
rh€ DHs re'm is hiShli8hted bY Projed Manarer and Resadent tnginccr, L!..r R.rh.. p€, who har dlmonstrated ,u<(6! on p.rr cityol Me6ite. proi.'ctr ov.r th. pan s yearr. t-uc6 h.r lror"n t i, Iuttv to f""p-ii.lriiJ*", ,*., p-Gct dcadtines, dc,iver top_notch qurlitv'
ansut' lebor complience Th. oHs rc.m wltt p.ovid; tu[-r.;".lriiruian ."n.3.rr*m fo, thc city .nd wi1 b.the point of contact lor the contr.ctor. DHs willov€r see ttat rti rope of reJ."trbtJ J-s.aon rrr.a of thi, RFp are met. rnsp€ctaoncrA' suppon lryice! wifl b. done by oBt lut].co.lsurt.ntr oyna,n& EnSin€.r,ng sa.ria.r, r],i rors,r. otsr h.s rrp.riefta workinS rn* fl]""J,ffil'nT'Jil ctltranr ro*l arsist.nce prqeas. contacr iniormaiJn ror rrri suuconsurtants and th€ir rotei on th! pr+ci
Carlos [. Geronimo
S€nlor CivilEngineer
City ol Menif.e - Engin€erint Oeparlment
29714 H.un Ro.d
Menifee, CA 92S,85
S€plember 5,2019
nE: otv ot M.nltc. ' crryflDt rtarrc sr6rAr, co*Muxrcar.xs (tast) captrat r,piovE,El{r pR.,gcr M). r6"oaf cDtn^] pRo.rtcr o. Hstpt.siur{ooal
Dear Mr. Geronimo,
Dynaml. Englncertn8
Servic.r, tilc (oBEl Conrtructabitity Review
Field lnsp€ction
DHS it in rc..ipt ot .ll pl.ni .nd rpccific.tions lo, projcat Ctp 16{8. m Add.nd. h., bccn Glc.rr(t by the City
This rcrc p.orros.r 3harr rem.in lI.rk to. . period of not ra$ rhan 90 d.yr from th. d3t. or ,ubmanar.
lucas Rathe willba theconteat persoo for thG ramaander of the rllcction proccss. Shoutd you havc anyqueriion!, plaasa do nothesitate to contact him at:2S25 Camino D€tRao South,Suile 305, Sen Dieto, CA 92108 | Or(619)501.9184; C: 15191 755-9596 |@dhtconeul
As an oftic.r of the comp.ny, tam authorhed to btnd OHS ConrulrinS, tLC to the tarmrof th. proporal.
-zz- *
Melallie Erter. pE
Vice Pr.lld.nr
s'ction v'' "con'ict or rnterelt Discraimof I section vr, "acrnowr.dtam.nt or rnsurance Requiremenr!, Iconrutt.nt propos.t osE commitment tErhtbjr lo.ort t s..,;on x, orr.ioir.";;i;;;;il;ir",* C"hibit to-a,,, Is.ction Xl, Co3t Proposat (Exhibit tO.Hl).,
Chi.{hlW.n& pt
27935 Echo C.nyon Court
Corone CA 92883
lg!117 r,8ax)
QA ElectriGl lnrp€ction
Sukonrult.nt Projcct Function
7630:176 2 a09/03/t9 -5-
DHS Consultlng, LLC, a wtro y owned subsidia
PM/CM frm th.t hes $own r.pldly iincc its
recognlzed by oo, allcnts. After leven yerrs,
lnclude C-.ltrans DhtrlcB 5, 8,9. lO and
Tr.nsport.tion Autho.ity (S8CTA); County of
Metro; South€rn C.lifomi. Ediron; County
Gorlrnmrnt (SAltDA6l; and otiers.
Ralcvant Prorcct ExpGricnc.
Firm Exp.dcft., qu.lm<atorE, .rd Xry p.Bonnal
ly corporation of Anser Advisory, U-C, h . tull_servi.e
inccption in 2012 through thc continuous.xccpuonal PC Ormancc
the compeny employs over 250 team membeR Orr aurrent clients
11; Gllfurnla Hlgh Speed Rall Authority; San Bern.rdino Cou
Riverride T.an+ort.tion Depi rtment ( RCTDIi port ot tonS 8e.ch; tAof San Diep; San OieSo G.5 & Elecbic; San Diego Association of
oHs consultlnt s,Eciarrze! in prohasionar construatron Managernent and Engne€irng suppro,rt services br pubricagcncics in routh'rn Gribrni' orr pubric works and cartrins-rcrated arlrma. pr-,ia.. u! with a strongworlint lnowledSe of.nd p.oficien.y in local .gency, C.ltr.nr, .nd ea.ofiy frniro -ntr.ct lantu.te, as wellas proficicncy in adminBt ,int p.oj.cts d6itncd .nd conrtruct d to caria^,-rnwa, FTA and G,ccnboottt'ndrrd! and rprcificrtimi o,I pcrronnar hr!! wg*int rngvrr.dta of tha t a.iarrirt naa p.oaaaurcs Mrnuar(|APM), calrr.nr con*rrdon Minuat, Tr.fftc MenuaL Brtdtc i..orii iiJ pro..arrei M.nu.t, st ndardSpccific.tbni,St.nd.rd pl.n3.nd.ll loc.l i.tety r.tul.tions.
orr Proicct M'n'g!r, Luc" R.thr, h.!. r.rte prlslncc withintheGty o, Mcnifr! ovcr thc past 5 yc..3 m.nadntth. coGtructbn of tfic OV3 Nawpoat Ro.d Rarurfaaint proja<t, Ncsport ^_i fnar!,.,. prolcct, Saott Roedlnterch.nt Proi.ct.nd provklint l.bo, @rn li.n.. on th. Fke St.b; No. 7 proi.ct. Dl,. Coniulrint st fl h.sexpericnce in a wide vrri.ty o, p,oi.ct via othlr .tcncy proFca, iuci u p*,i-io*a"y., ,o.dw.y widcnin&int rchan6e., utility rclo@tions, lrike paths, sidlw.lls. AOA .",np ,pg."i"r,
"nJ cu,,ert repairr. Our erpertisespan5 ' vrriety ofindustries in(rudinS transportation, buirdin$, and en-ergy. our rocarpresence p,ovides trre Gtyof Menlfee a team dedicated to improvlnt the communiti8 in whirti we ltve. Table 1., on the hext pagesummarizrs th' DHs ream's cxparicnc. worrin' 0n proiects of simirar scoF and compro(ity, and ar90 indicrieswhcra lcy taam m.lnbers prop6cd h.v€ participatcd.
ld.nti6c.tion ot Sut(ontr.ctorr
ln-Noverllb€r 2018, DHS Consulting gradu.H from the Dis.dvantated Burines, Enterprare program. As a p.stD8t, we appreaiated the opportuniti$ tiven by our laGer prines. r{ow that the rores ere aeverled, u/e loo*forward to p'oviding thc same opportuniti* to our D8E partncr, Dynamic systcms Engineering rNc wc wi mectthc.DSE to'l ot 8 9E% .3 steted fot tte prorec! through utiliz.tion o, DEsl br con;tructabitity revi.r,6 .nd eAfield i.rp.ction. B.low th. coot ct inlormalaon .nd .olc o, OESI on th. proiccL
ld?nt,6c.t on of Xcy pcrronn.l
[ues 8athe, P.t. 06D, ccM. project Manater/Resident tnSineer, will lead the DHs consultin8 Team. lucar hasov"r 13 ycarr ofconrt uction and conrkuction men:gcmcnt expcrienaa. tti, praUor, arpar,cncc a, a contractortautht him how to assernbre a sorid proiect sahedure and man.te cr.ws to derivcr a prolect on time, within budgctand to the s'fety
quarity the crient axpecta, Now ar a construction Manrgcr, t,car uses his rnowrcdte ofconst'u'tion in '[ 'sp€cts of conltruction man.tem.nt: construct.birity rcvicws, ralorution of fiard desi,
(1ty(XM.nrt- pMp
Dynrmlc endrncrlrg
S.Mc.i, txc (o!t)I or.<ru w-[ rE-
279rS Eaho C.nyoi Cotrrt
Co.on CA 92883
OA El.ctri.,l Cor6truct bility R.vicu/
Fl.ld lnspacticn
5ub(onruhant Cont.ci P.ojcct tun<rion ioler
267 I /03 I 85E400 r
7630376 2 a09/03/19
sflHs (lttor rt il- Pit,l 16.!
Flrm Erp.rlcrrc, q.€llfk.Uonr,.nd Kcy p.Eonn l
conflicts, s.hadule accovc.y, ard most importantry v,orkar rnd pubric aafrty. lucas curcntry menatei cont act
tcams fo. sANDAG, city ol chur. viit., Gty of Mchif.., Rivc.sid. county Transport tion commision .nd
Ravcrride county Tr.n3port tion Dcp..tmcnt. r.uc.3 wifl pro/i& qu.rity servkc to th. Gty throu8hout the
duration ot tha project and an$lla .n on tiiri and on brrdSat complatioi.
ldcntifi..tion ol P.oi.ct Support
[uc.r will b. supportrd by Dcret A:ro (OHS) tnd John X.nno. (DtSl] to.neurc complhnc! to all proixt r.l.ted
itamg, Eacaurc the natu.c of ttE worl does not .equi.c fufl.tima inrpcction, Derck wilr iupport tucas in a dual.ol. .. office.nginc., .nd ficrd rr.pector. Dc..r will bc r6pomibrc [o, .r offic. .n6in..ri,'g duti6 such.. p.y6tin.t s, wc.lty repo.tin& sch.during..nd othcr Fojcct..cord lcrpin8. Whilc an th. fiGld, D.rct *illrupporttic p.oi'ct bv tracling rrbor, rcportin8 o.r uorr comprata, .rd ansurin8 trarftc contror .nd pubric sahty.
John (.nnor of oE5l will pro/idc elcctric.l QA in3pcction of.ll in3t lled componeotr. ,ohn willieport to sitc r.i€rlly
to io3p.ct.nd whncas rll cornpreted ior fioar rc.rpt nc. to th. city. bhn wifl arso worl with the GV3 d.sitncrto ensura timin8 plani and control str6trtl6 rac implemcnted pcr the plan. John will also pa,Io,rm a
conttruatability aavlcw a3 pa.t of hii j.opa.
Rrsurrrs hr Lu<.t D.rct .nd .bhn will bc rttached on th. blbwing p.g.s.
76101?6 2 a09/03/19
s[H$Lucas Rathe , P.8., CCM, QSD
Rcsldcnt Enginccr
Mr. Rathe b o aot s?ruaia monogement prolespnol wtt.}'e erwicme loaole, onthe .orBttvctioo ol h@vy civit ond nechonicol prqecB. Mr_ i*t" *"ri, iiquolity .onstructjoo nrolr,gement p.octker to t"oiru" "i i"r{ri"i-,"'ri*otos ol troospttotion, utiliry c@rdintion, rrotr. ond wostewoter, ond p"*";; ;;
los.*O.1 "" y*, .very osnct ol th. coat uctbn ,eqaoc.: do;, ,;;,prqcct solety plots, contmct moh.rqr.rrrcnt, c.tonge ,esohrtion, t ;;";;;t;;lstl...uol, m.chorrkol ond cleafuoi), WeC, comnitsioting ;r;-;;;;;:';;Rothe
-b o Colilqnio civit prolessiorct ingineer ,,a Aali"a sGii it6r'ii,axpericncc itt constwctioa ood commirriooit g oWrg wiUt nis *r,gn iio,*nOollows,,him. to sotve proj*t ctnttenges elltinay itn ;;;;;-;*;;t;;;;ow.oll Projeat.
Additiono y, Mr. Rothe is veBed in the Cottronsmethodology ol monogit g projectsond is lomilior irith th. Coltmns notdords ot r.Iarenccs (NoiLtbh to monoge oProjqt ,rofi Ne-construction to doseout. A,o lorfier engirreet workitry lor o lorgeCivil Conttuctor, Lucos is lomiliot with the meons dnd methods ovoiloble toconstructwot* ond is oble to communicote ond solve issues with the contaocto, thot hos o psitive el|ect to the projec(ssolety,
.quolity oN tctrpdule. lftos', expedence in constntction morbgemeot, ond ;ommissioning ollqtdestgn,
unique i$ight into coch project. Lucos &lieves th ot monaging o succerslul p.(iect stortt with o tolidc ot ttr uctobil lty reviaw
Nepor.d with th. t@ls
lolbwed by tolid exautioh in the lield by the entirc teom Ltros enaut$ his tcom isto enlorce the controct ond *eep public talety os prio ty n
Scott Ro.d tnErth.rllc prolcct, Mlnlt c, CA _ RtvcElde County Tr.ntport don Dlp.rtnlm GCID)y:l'l!.c1o'r:i-,-!:,/-D"pury R6ident [nrineer I 11/2017 _ p.e,;"t iS;i;;Lu(at rs the Utitity Coordinator and DeDuty_Resident Entineer br ihe recoistruaion of the cristinS Scott Roaddi.mond interchante into. pa rtia l clover le. f inter change-configura tio", ,r*.,, L**,0,",rr overseeint critic.lreto('tions bv so,thern Gri6ornia rarson, rMwD andiroi#;;i;:;;;rtor can compretc thcir stagedryork without d'rey to th' proi.ct ichcdure,luc.as ures his past rchtJ.ri'i'*,,r, in. o,o"., prann.rs..d firdru"'rviiorr to coordinat' thc rerocation worr ri-"rv Lu*r io--rniii*io lrr"),""*, *n,, th. coht.ctor to.nE.te th.m In th. worl .nd to wort toE.ther to .void d.l.ys to the 0,"*i '-*
t{.wport Ro.d lnt rch.nt! ptolcct Mcnlf.., CA__filv-r]tl.L Cou y Tnnrportdlor Dcp.turunt (RCID)Utiflty coordinaroy'Depuly Resident Entineer I ol2o14 _6/2017 iSni".- ---'
xccontvu'tio. 0l th' exrstinS t'rcwport Road. diamond interchan6e into a ptrtiar crovcrrcef rntard'nga(onfrturatioh' The deitn of the interchante incrudes bridte ,u"onrtr"u.tion
ruenrn& concrete Jravcmrnt,,atainlnt walls and ovar l30,06 Cy of lmport rn.tcrial.
r'uc'3was the Deputy R6ident tngrneer ror the re(onsrruction.of the existing Newport Ro.d dia.hond inr€rchanternto ' p'rti'r
'k'vcrrr'fint'rch'nR' conti4ur.tion. r.u... wat the prorcct. #ry cJntct ana ruca63fury ovcB.wthe reloGtbn ot 9 iep.rate utilitv f.cilitie5 without any impact to tie ,-oi,,, i**r". tuc.s wa5 .espoBiblelor hrdint r tcei! or Inrpc'tori to 'n*re. the pubric satetv, olrqcl i"-fir".-iltr compri.nce .nd ., oth.ifucets of th. Projc.t spccit.itions .rr m.t by th. cont.""tor. ro i"f,ri't"e ii.
"onriru"oon or,n,r."rtr.ni [oc.rAisist nc. Proj.cr, th. Contractor h.d to britd thc work within ugiii;l,;-d; ;";. r"8*. tucas,r primrry roteto tha proj.ct w.s.onst nt coo.din.tbn .nd .".rnrrr,..tion Jiring't. .fr., "i,n" **k to the cont...tor,stel'holders end rh" pubric in order for the p.oject to be butt rafery rJ -iJi]..--p"or,o rhe.ommunity.
76103762 a09t}3/)9 8-
l'osc I ol 3
Lucas Rathe, PE, CCM, eSD I Rcsrdent engrnccr
R.ncho S.n Otclo pump Strto4 S.n Olcrq CA _ County of S.n Dl.to
Resident tnsineer | 04/2018 - 09/2OfS I gl.SM
a! nesident En8in*,. tucas ovcrsew a[ ospccts 0f thc con5t uction of thc lidcD pu,np st tion incrudin& 5iteE din& Asphalt concrete p.vcm.nt, horizontir chopp.r purp in.urr.ii-, r,,rii.hd switchgcar a*taration,machankal pipin& aornmissioninS and t6rin& r-ucas adminhtcred tt e -ntra.i undar thc sah Diato countyRcsid.nt €ngin.lr m.nurland was responsible for all.spccts ofirb p.ogr;,;f!ty, qu.ltty, punchlirt, rnd irbreportint [uca3 .veBaw a group of Inspecto^ and coordrnatcd mat"rtr tuaiing -a ite survey utirizihg theCounty'i 6orars,
RCID, @96 CotEtnrtrblllty RGvlGw br V.n Burcn Blvd lmprovcmlnb proicct _ Rlv! rHG, CAConstruct t ility Reviewer I lf/20t6 - 1U2016 | St0M
Rlvcrridc-county Tr.nrpo,t oon Dcp..un.nt (RcrD) rirrgnad tha @t( coosEuctabiflty fi.vrcw ofthe.Vin &rren Eoulevard Widenint.nd knprovements oject to Mr. n"if* ", ii r""a,.riewer. This p.oie(t is
'nticip't'd to con apptoxim.tely s10 Million. Mr. Rather iirtso revi"*lng dri
"itkip"ted .onitrucrion lcheduleto determine wcrlinS shifts .nd numb€r oI wfflin8 daF to accomplist tie *orf , ge i, aer.lopint a rc*ule of
'ctivitic! to ide'tify ,'ot onry over., durdtioh out tt,. iieat timc oiyc", to fio.,n trr. ** in conlideration oIgrhool traffi c and holid.y satsons.
C.drb.d Dcr.lin tirh p.ojcct C..tb.d, CA - po..ilon Rltourl.rPumpSt.tbn Coostru.tton Manater I OSl2Ot3 _ Or72O74 | SSOOM Erc
Lucat lcd a team of dciitn cntincer, field gupcrinteod.nt and construction laboa th.outhout tha d6ign .ndconstru(don of th€ lm MGD rntale pump station. ourin8 thr d..rgn phase, the team was abre to redu.e initralco*truction ro.. by 51S0,@O by v.lu. cngincering thc riructurc rid ch.lb;ging d.rtgn .rium pto*, Th. tcamworled ioiury- hee and exce€ded the p.oiect cpM schedure. constru.tiln--3*gement decisions incroded,Scqucncint of Wo.l *hcdulc, Operation .rcview' to imp,ovc cocts, SpecifiJion rqvicws ,o, quality .ndconstru€tabirity, rnstaflation of go'xgo'r50 sheet pire shorint system, coordinated subcont,ctors, oversaw thedesitn a'd const r.tion ot . 25ort x 72" Jack ind aore ripcrir*, 'ocrig;
ic-mporary construction devices(cohcrcte formwort .nd [.lsrnorl), and lnetalletion of concrcte iuu"tu-..r, i."fr"ni..t tRp pipint. and Skvverticel turbina pulnps.
M.Eh t ndlng G.n.r.d[ St on, Ando.h, CA _ NRG En .!yAssBtintst .t-Up Manat . I O5l2011 -05/2013 | S49OM Ert
P.ovided start up r6*i.cr to the proiect from design throuthout commbsionint. tucas ,eviewed p&rD andelectric'lone linedr'win* durint the d6ign phasc to identifytnflics in the systim whcrc oper.tion corrrd becompromiled due to imp.op€r plpe ioutint or wiring. Whlle on slte, Lucas lcd a team of entlneeB andinit'um'nt'don, cr.Gtrir.r, controb.nd mcchanrc.r cintrrctors,o -iriiiion t. pt"nt *rt. -r.lnt"iniig
pT.lerr s'hedure end cost tucas dev.roped w,itten procedur* to ard the 3ta.t-up team and clent to ensu.e aqurlity and reli'ble s*tcm. Thcic p.occdu,c! wcrc dcvcropca ursca on perb;rncc crrtc,r. rct fonh by theoient' Du.ring the commissionint process [uc.s insp€cted the mectranicat aJ erectric.r checkout per thed.velop€d procrdures. lnip.ction included vibr.tbn t.5tin& rotation ;rii"";.;, met8e. & hi-pot electricalchecks, voltage and amperate checrout, transiormer, breakir and swit"rrg.". .r,""rort. Finaly, luaas ensuredthe commisrbnint data and t6tint rasurts were propaiy documcntrd and-org"nial b, tu-*cr to the crient.
7630376 2 a09/03/t9 -9
l'.rsr 3 ol 3
Lucas Rathe, pE, CCM, eSD I Resrdent Engrneer
Gr!!r Llnt St don R.h.Hllt tbn prclcrt _ 9n Dlclo Trcllcy tric. (MIS)
Rerident [ntincer I ltl2017-09/2018 | g2M
Ai R6-id'nl Ehdnarr, tuca!,rant8cd the conhact ard gupcrvisad inepcctirn ottha in tallation ofg bu, shaltarsand 23 tro',ey 3hcrtc,' 0t s 3t.tbns aront thc Grcco Lini. Lucas .arninisJJ tr,. Job order contr.ct (Joc) an.ccordan.! to th. SaNDAG/Mrs construction manuar. Lucas rer.iewed ,ru"LL,
p.ogr..s p.ym.nt,rEgotj.tcd ccoi .nd m.n 8cd . te.m ot in.p.ctors during th. -n"t ,;l ilmens inctudcd, crDH pilcs,itructural stecl shop inspectio*, e.edion of,t el, ,o"fint "; ,ini.her, eb.;;liED tightin& coordin tion withMTS f.cilitht R.it Ro.d tuttint.nd pubtk..f!ty.
Eio.dtxay tt F .nd OrlnF Unc M.lntu.ncc projc€t - SAI{DA6R6ident lntineer I O4lm17 - pre!€nr I S3.9MIhc Work con3i'ts, in garEr.l, of, up*r.ding ponbns of thc Ov.rh..d Otanary Syit.m (G) on th. Srn Dicgorrollev, tnc r.itht Rair Trans (tRT) svstem, ihe ocs *"rr i" r;;;r;; --ol"'n'g"
"na o..un tines horn r 2th& lmp.riel to Santec and lrom thc Broedway WrTe to Mirsion San Diego.;;,-,t ..t"tt_nrirf ln g.h.ral, of thcbllowinS: ocs work: f,ePLcin8 .aina fibeJslais.strain insulators with_ porcelain nny ea1 insulators, resettintbal6ncc wcitht heithB p'r dE r'ttint chart, adding catch cabres to bai".* ,,,r.Jii"*..uri.., scrtion i*Urator
'$embrics' fixed
aalambriaJ, mid_pdnt anchor asscmbriec, eJ,"ap". alr"ao""' *ro worr.rro ao*istrof
'hedtnt the
of .xisang barance weight purevs, rcgreasiif irr" l.rffi *'*. p.rsrbrgand repracrngworn pullays.
[uca' admrnrste,cd the contract under rhe SANDAG construction Manuar and ov.naw contract iahedure andbudt.! rnonthly qu.htiti6, r.n e/rcHy proF.t m.ctinF, rcviercd ,ru.r;*ir ."a RFL, coordin.tld workbetween MTS and SAI{DAG, periormed constructabnity rJvtewr, aJi"""g.a
" 6."rp .f I"specto* and off.e!t ff to .dmlnirtcr thr proJcct.
NcwFon Rod Rch.Uttuilon prorcct Mcdfcc, CA _ Chy of Mcntfcc
Deputy Resident fntineer | 1t/2016 - 03n017 | SSSTX
DHS Conrurtint we! contr.ctcd by the city_of Mcnifor 60r c-nstruction ManaSement s.rvicer for e tcdcra,yFunded, Gltr'ns r-oc r Asesta nce overiight projcct r.sponsibre to. ,errauititrtin-g;tut r,o mires of an undividedartcri.l road. Th. projcct Scncrally con3ist.d of.a y-2,,cdte grina and;Jlay *,ith 2,, rubb.rired .sph.ltconcretc. crrcl fillin& rtripin& dct.ction loop rcplacement, initailati.:n of nc*, Otcy.fe foop a.tcc,ion, .a;ri ingcxistint manhole5 and varvc5 to Sradc and ,c_itripin& concrete rapair wort witt iict'uae loa ramp rcpracements,curb repairr, and cror5 gutta, raplaccmantj,
lucas adminigtered the .ntTact under the cartra,E [oaar Assistan.€ proaedurca Manuar. Matc.iarr teatint fu.HMA/RHMAwar doncin a.cord.nce with thrst ndard eA procBs of tf,. C"L-.i"aara Sp*ific.tioB, scction39. OHS w.s also rspon3ibte lor ensurinB p.op€r toffft control was m"int"ineJ auring th" project, prepartngmonthly p.y crrimrt.r, writtng CCol. CpM Schcduling Rcvicwr, wrifyi;6;;;;;.n..
:oTfy W_ldc Asplllhconc'trc ol.ldry p.olcct 9n Dlqo, C _ Coutty of S.n Dtcro
A5 Rrsid'nt Endnecr, tucar wa! re5ponsibrc br rhe conrract rnanagament and i*pcction overritht or this countyot San Diego arphelt conaaete .6urtacin!;; ;;;; ffi ;; ;;:il;"J;':,Trffi i;li:.J*:fr :iffi,il,;llt"ffIff;I r,f; ilH...llJasphalti. emukion iot s€alin& .diust mrnholc .ni.urr.y ._.ilr"ni"*..., ,ilif" ,n,p, p.int tr.rfic skipin&therhoprrstic pivcment marringi.nd conc.re wo.r. Thi! proj.ct quarificd br the car.REcyctt t anr fundihtp.ogr.m which requi.ed Lucas to .nsur. th.t thc Cont.ctor- p.*ia.O .fl iufporfing do.um.ntation andcontormed to all thc requiremlnts of the protrarn.
l'r8e 2 ol 3
1630376 2 a0910lrl9 -10-
sflHs Derek f . Aaro
Construction Inspector
Mt. Aoto it o NolesgloM monaget with 22 ,rJo9 ol cor6tauctioa monogement
expetbme in positiors with i.tct osi.,g responsibitities. Hi, erpe.ience imt-ud* 16y.d$ in th. lpovycivil ood gchctot .,1{Iir.Gring hdurtri$ wo*ing lot t1!. prin
cootrottof, ond 6leors ol prqect fionqcment cxperienca wo*ing lor on orchitea in
the educotioa industry. Mr. Aoto ho, thorot4h kmwtdge d tni Colttr,nJ Stondord
S,.c ifkotiort ond bnstrun io., Mo nuo l.
ttortcl uPt tr{ct
Courty o, Riyrltld. T..rEportrdon DGFrtmGnt On<.all, Slutry Slal proJcct br FyItl19 . Rhreltdc, CA
tirld lBp.cto. | 1V2018-Cur,cnt ISSM
Employe.: DHS Consultin& LtC
Mr. A.ro L curcndy paovidint inrFction *rvker br va.iorr, ,o.d improvefientprojccts in R wrtid. Counry_ n.sponsiHlitbi inclu&: lnspcrtion oI Sluny ital Typc l,ll, lll vylth Pohmer Modtfied CO6-1h .3phalr emobton, Ulcrosurhcing fyp; [,submitt b, ob6.N.tion oI pCC minor concret! .emov.l/g.din&/b.m /i.itinirni3trip, t.fft .!ntrol, .horht r.mov.l, b.clfill of p,r.3qrrir.d rcwer linc end dailydiarlcs. Thls p/oject conlktr of 75 mllegol roadway and 12,mObns ofllurry.
County ot S.n Dhto, Fy l/18 Ro.d Mrhtn ncc piorcct p.vlmant Sad !8, _ $n Dtctq CAFhld lmp(l.to, I O8/2O18 -12/2OtB I gtt milbn
Employc.: OHS CoEultin& LLc
Providcd rnrpcction s.rvicar br afl arpccts of projcct which incrudcd roadway prcprr.tbn, digouts, g,indrngopcrations, curb.nd tutter .cpl.crm.nt, p.v.m.nt .crr.i.!, Type ll Slurry Sral, S(rub S..1, Chip Seat, ana itripinglPr+ct e.tivitiB v.ri.d from day to day end tool y'ace throughout San Diego County, r.quarint coo.dinationmultiplc tim6. d.y with thc R$ident Endn.rr, Contnctor. rnJothcr ncH rtjff.
Mr' Aaro',s roh on the blowrng p,oiects incruded: iubmrttars / RFrs, pre-p6t pr.n acavati*, faclrtate t€ekryme'lint', Pro8,6t p.Ymantr, warlly m.Gtint atend.r, rubcontr.ctor schcdulc coordin:tion, wcckly/monthlycPM r'hcdurc updrtcs, ah.nta o.dar pricint-nd tr.ckin& Swppp i*pcctionr, approw.nd .dminist.r Fb,afctyanalysis for p'e_prannrnt activrtha, stalrn& rane crorrrc, & underground sarv arert pcrmit rcquests, inspectfield activities br s.fety, progre'r rnd contiact compliance and othlr required poject rel.tcd t ski.
Crh..nt Dlttrlct lq Htdlw.y gg/McdLn B.rrlcr.nd Wld.nln! _ Sto.kton, CAProie€t Manat r Io6l2m6-OG/20O7 IS1OM
Empbylr: R&L &or.m.r, lnc.
Proi.ct Constn ction [nd Dat (y..r onh, if .pplicablc): 207
This sl0M cont.a(t with cartrans congrst(d o, wrdenint shourde.s, HMA pracemeflt and conrtr,ct concrete baTricralont Hithw.y 99,
C.hr.ni Dlrtulct 3, l{O Conldor . Talch., CA
Prorect Manager I 06/2m6 - O6l2m7 | S33M
Employ.r: R&t 8.G.mcr, lnc.
Proiect Const.uction End Det (yc.r only, if .pplicrble): 2@7
This s33M project consist.d or pcc pavcmentrnd dr.in.t. r.h.biritation. Hithrith* ircrudcd repra.ing dowers incxlittnS slabg, ghourda, wrdcnrng and Alph.rt ov.rriy. lhc prolcct rrro coirticd of conrtrucdon of concr.tbarrier'
)etr r ti r ,1,!!ar! lat !,,-1e1 '!
267 I /03 I 858-000 I
7630316.2 a09tO3tt9 -l l-
Ruri.ll John Xrnnor El€<tric.l CsEEuction I nrpector
EESDyn.mi.tntho..lat S.wt .r, t;
Rivcr,ldc Co.nmqity ColL8., €la<trontc
M,. (annor ha5 nroac th.n 3 I ycarr of lnhartrttture €onstriE-Uo.l
erp€dances on fra€u,ay and pLblic r*oak corE udion p(iecB. Mr
Xanno. h.r bcco invollrad ln .ll phar., of conrB(rdqr angln.a.loSindLdint.orEt.uctio rn n r.m.,nt ccr|t .Gt.dminirrltion, fiGldlndnaarlng $h!dda and aubmlttat rartaw, q u.lity .rsoranca
inlp.ction, .nd coitr.ct ch.rE od.r c6t.n.tysir. Hir iF.i.tty
Inipactlon and m.intlrElr! of tsaf{ic ,tgn.l .cLtad aquipmlnLritr[l timin& tr.fiic c@.din.tih. tr.tfic corfio], tr.ffic cont ot.,i$iry and atdrrE roadw.y hrpa(lb'! htrhway/arr.Gt llhtr!!3yrt lnr.nd tr.ffic monito.inlrWtrm. l.C hrs rlro pcrformcJ
sp.cific. tions .nd thc 5t rd..d sF.ific.tions for publicwo.k
construatabillty ravlawand d6l!n a$irtanc.. Mr. l(rnrE
f.mili.r with FHWA R.quir.mGnts. Ctttr.rE St nd.rd pt.n
Co|!3trucd,on "GREEN BOO(".
l-15 C.hl(o Ro.d ht r.h.nt prohd, Coronr, ca
I t F Th improi IPI Ca Ro.d finti.brid -tsa brn8 idSe ali 8nme t the xi tin bs idSe tidi the brid 8elnclutlideshndidekthrhIhboundlinStiedndaalfi8uistiwillsbn8lisnedIhe!,thn8 nd ill bifi!d th.Ro.d trc.j fIi I lttbndC.jal tRoad fii Th entt I incr th of lh brcity aodidge to
i is sib Con trCo.'itinv !i IS.et R€v au a n5pecti tilU it ocatiRel CoordliMntS{n3 Cont c Eva Inae taor to.nd Pot.nti.lCt.im Ev.tu. ti,oo.
Co.t S39M, P.rIo6.i.. p.rlod: O9l2O17 t6 pr.Ent
IlO.Llt rlon 9?..t tlrtl7th.rlr lmpror.n.d prorftr, tndlo, C,2018
l)rtu.Dl&rDr(of dr&,
ngioecr/eklonlIe t T hit tprojec eplace the exittint Skee ett rdidteI8oun8inEl.6e .etn!d Int dTh,ttht jdt Irf,nouthl!Str Thc d6E t9ilura.8 Provadlng ,3ign6 io.nd K.is r.3Pdlslbla c Contr actSsfeQ!.1 I El.I Sitn.1,Bndt€Iltht in&inB Opti taSy:U!n3pcct0r1 lity Coord lititinak.'&Cha Ord lutv6nBe Cost N egoti!cI lr E tta
Co!t:3 itS4 P.rrod s@lzol 03l20
19 ntLMitI PAOItcll
llsof,tt( PeoPoSaD roRtxE co TRE
267tl03 t858400r
7630316 2 a09t01/19
. 32 Ycar!orCo.tsfuctlon Marlagemrnt Erpertanca
on Mlxlicipat. tocetAg.ncyand pubtic Worfs
. Ext€miva ErFriencls with c.hrarE Standardr,
Policias, Pr6edur.s & Co6truction G uld.tin r. F.mitiar wlth Standard Spacjfication!Seation 86 tc
. C.rdficd |MSA Lev.t 3 ]€(hrict n & €t..rrici.n. lrerius Vdeo D€!ecrim Syiem Trained
l'10 Pepp.r AvEnlc tnterch.rf,c tlnprov!,rrrt proiftt, Colton, CA 2018
I Thi anSe bri nddte orhacomplatcd.ti bcnabridge trt rculrt I buiircridcntr,arlors thcarowheadMedic.Centerne8lonal .I}E
lnrer(haPepper providesoge a(cett I a nd lro borh mercirerd€nrial islr lhe I d M€dReBlon CenrerXannortfoCon5lrrrctresponsibleioContonislralSafrtylirQuat Irc.llnspect
T t,SiSna B.dge hrtig tnE.tinBOp
itLh Relocal ndiry Coord evail PBWage Sdedt leitoring Revi ndroiect Conl5,chrucl ,]n8etOrderlu!t io M Cost t nd PotPntiaNegotia Cla Ivaluar rd in.tion it h leholders
Cost:S33 Pcrlod 5I lo0l/20 05/2018
I'lO ilpp...noc lni.rah.flr hp.qrmcnt ?nojcct, ph.rc ll, Lorna Und., CA
s.Ilty R.vics, Qrr.lity futur.nca losr.ctirn. S$rppp Ravi.w
Mmltorang. Prda6 Schadric Rorhw and An.ty'i5, Cootract
Cl,.im tvrhr.taon.
Colt S€OM: 9.rlbrirrncc pcrtod I O3/201S to 1olrc18
ngine.trt TiRerETh,s rl560 lro I d aroj€cl provide dd[iona l.i S.B.sr R.nd'8ou t tflterchaaton8eded5ttundfor10nonhbothndhbound!tr Illtc.t8r€a mprovlnSlrflThrt.10 t mb i t ti Iv.tin8 C+n1thetle.dinS San rd,B€rna x,Cqrnty bl Con!truction Co acl .rlnitlr
lrlUt,Coo.di linS
c ohan8e Eval I Cortnd iatNegot ntral
l-19 R.nchero Ro.d lntcrch.nse plDiec! Hesp€ria, CA
Coordination, Prevailing Wage Monatoring. proFct khedu
ilegotialion.nd Poremial Claim tvalu.tion.
Con: S32M, Pcrtorm.n.c p.rtod: OV2O14 to I2l2015
E,ryineet/Electricot This is 3projen8e9a Rd-pha proiecr
direct c(est RoadRan€hero de ots a andHerperi Oak H lls XaM r5 lererpoosibCootContr.sl aua iliur rio
nda Conl Chactalysis,Order aIvaln8e Co!1nd
which inalude roadway, drainnge sy emt traffi( rj8na
pa\rement delineation, dgnlng . safery and Swppp: he
ord€r <o3l . nalysts .nd recom mendatlon 9,
Con: 529M, i.dor.n.nce pcrbd: O3/2OO7to 12n012
Lr Sierra tntcrr nGa lmprowmcnt P,6lcct,
Ektriaol Thi5 rnptrojrclrapl!cad rn8 91SR ENSfandoveraro3litl8 rordRril iitrrcl;n8elalMrRCilyliryinspectiofl
I I ffilraiBhr!ys(ems,rn8 I fiilorinS ol
ai |)lovided si bitprojectrucla nd Jtr acl han ge
5R-91 V Buran Blyrlr
Crnv Ho, rr l(sniE.dl
76301?6 2 a00/00/00 EXHIBII'A
( .\t.It()R\l.t L.\B()tt (,()t)!: (.()\lpt.t.t\(.1: (t.{bor
(idtgI l72ll.,r r.,.r.. 1813. 1860. tt{rt.J7tXt)
Il'this .\greeil!.nt cnlls lbr scyvi!-es thilt. irr $hrrle rn irr parl. corrslilutc -pul)lic rrorks nr ddli !d a|l theCalifomia I ahorCodc. thcn
l. 'I}lis .\greerre[l is suhj.!.1 k)
((.omnlcncing \.irh Se!.rion 1720) of
th€ provisiolls ol Di\.ision
lhc Calilomio lrhor Code rclat
L Pa,I 7, ChaJrtr'r I
ing to public u.od$ and drea\rarding plhlic agencr (-Cit\r') irnd (.o suhant agr!'cs lr) hc borrnd hr all lhd pro\ision\ thercr)|.Ll rhough s!'t forth iil full h!-r!,iD
Consuhanl sh{ll be regislcrcd ri.ilh tltc D.p.flnlcnl rrl ln(luslrial Relaliol|s (,.1)llt..)
accordnnce rrilh Calilonria Iat$r (\rdd Sr-ctio[ l]25.5.
3. Corsultanl !gr!'cs lo !.ompl! rrith tlr(,provisions ol ('alilbmi:r lnbo. Cod!. S.clions1771. 1771 nnd 1775 concr,mi,rg the parment of pretailing mlc\ ol r\ngcs lo \\orlc^ itnd lhept'ttaltir.s lbr lhilun ro pa1 p^-rail rurg lragcr. I}c applicablc prr,railing lrrgc dcl{flnination(s)rlril\ be oblai cd nt
l:uhlic rrrrrl drrrrc und!'r rhi\ .\sr{c rcnt
$ork or cran in \hich th\'\\ork!T i$ cnrplo).ld lbr an\b\ ('o sullnrl or h\ nll\'subcorlra(.tor.
Pursua to Califonria l-ahor Cod(. Sr(,tion l77l_4. Consultanr.s s!_n.ic(,s ar!, srDj!^ct to!-on!plian(-e -moniroring and enlbrccnrenr bt rhe Dcp{amcnr ot'Inclu.ariai Rclations. consulranrshnll ;xlll job sild ndiccs ar prescrihed hr. l)lR regularitms.
5 _- _connrltant agrecs ro compr' rvirh the pro.isions or'('lrirbmia I abor ('odc scctiorrlnl.8 rhilh rcquir!.s thc pa\rncnt ol'lr&\.cl und suhsist.,ne-- piirml,nts h cac.h rr orl!,r nt!.d!d toe\e.ul.lhe \\oll to lhe .$eDt required [rv ln1r.
Cottsuhant agr..s lo cornpl\ $ith thr, prorisions o,' Calilbmi& lahor Codc SecIio 1776 \rhich.anrong o tr'r $ings. ncquirr,. Consultalll and cach subcontrallor to (11 iccp a(.curatt pr\roll
I::11:. ,?, ""nit) ."1d i$" :"-:-h pnrrol rccords nr.nitahtc tbr i*p."ii",, * pror.ided h1.
:^.-.Y-1111 111,
(l)-nrlonD ('it\.ot thc tocaliol ot thc records t.onsutranl i* resporr*ihteror r.o,Ipt raDcc $ tth sq;tim I 776 h\ itsclf ard all of its sut\.ontra!.lors.
.('orsuhrml ngrces lo uorrplr .,ith th" pr,r.,srrlrs ol.Cnlilbnrin l;tbor (.ode Section
I /,/ /.: !-on!-cnlitrg lltu cnlplo\.t)tcDt ol'apprctticcs on puhlic $orlis projccts. ald fudh!,r
t. l)r Iill ). are ott lile\ilh ('il\. nnd arc atai lablc lo anr intcrcslcd partr upoo rc(llr!.s1. (bnsuhnnl rhall.itr apctrall\ lo Cirt.. lirrl'rir nol nDr.. lha[ tlro-hun(hld dollnrs (S2(r0) li)r rach culcndur dn\,. orporliu! lhcrcol. lbr each sorkcr l:lt d less lharl lhe pr.!.{ilitre rnles as detenni[cd b\ theI)irc.ctor of Lrdustrial Rclations fot lhc
267t/03185E{00 t
7630176 2 a00100r00
agrees thar ('onsulranr is rcsgrnsibre ftrr c.mpriance uirh secrion r 777 5 by irserf and alr or'irssubcontraclors
consultant agrees to, compry i{irh rhe pro'isions of carifomia Labor code s€ction rgr.iconcaming penallies for u,orkcrs Mto *,ork cxccss hours Consulta stra . as a pcnatty to Cit"-.forfeil-lweflty-,ivc dqllrrs (525) for each uorkcr cmployed in ttre erecuriJi'of tti, ,tgr"e.cnr bvConsultanl or br- any subconlrackx lirr^each catcndar iay auring;fri"f, lirr.f, *n*", is rcquircdor permittcd to work.nrore thrn cighl (8) hours in any on"
""lcn'da, duy
tonr- llOy hoirs inany one calendar week in violarion of the prorisions j Dirision :, nan i. Ctraprer I. Anicle I ol.the Calilornia Labor Code
Califomia Labor C(te Sections lg60 and .1?00 provide that ever) conlraclo. r.!ill berequired to securc lhe payment ol'conpensarion rn iis employees li accordancc ,*ith theprovisions of('alifonria Lahor ('(rde Section l86 t. Consulranl heieUy cenin". a, fntt,rr.
"l am arvare of the provisirrns o[ Section .]7OO of lhe Labo, C(rrle $hichrequire erery enrplolcr lo be insured against liability for workers. conrpcnsationor lo undenalc scl[-insurancc in accordancc rvith thc provisirrrs of thal cod.. andI rrill cornply uith such provisions bcforc commcncing thc pcrformance of lhework ofthis contracl "
l)ard september 5. 2019 Srgrraturu
167 t /01 I 858{00 I
7610376 2 a00r00/00
The undersrgned
( ()\ t. t.t( "t ()t. tN't t.Rt.s].t)ts(.t.,\ttu]:R
lUelallie Estes
der;lares rhar(Prnr or Tvpc Name)
l)llS ( ons[ltrng. ll ('
(\a re of l'trnl)
not have (cross one out)
'rrcr!\l rr\rncrshrp r,r ,.tci\cs.r a,rrcrprlcs recciving.rcnl,ncrdlron ofany lype f^nn the manufacrurcars).suppfter(s), or dtnnbuto(s) rfirch nra! be reconrrnended on the projecr. as ltr#Ltorv
lrntr l'roduct
Sirnature of ltesr
Orrncr or Rcprcscntalir c
September 5.2019
l'irt er
267 t/011858{001
7630376.2 a00/00/00 -4-
r( \\0.)Llrl; r).(;)r t \t ()l I\st R.rN(.r. Rf ()r;I Rr.\t r.\.r s.r\r) ( t R'l [.:tf..rl.to\ o[. ta .t.t.\. t.o ptto\Irr1.
covt'R{cFS SPr-Ct F.t rtl
L i\lclanic Iislcs rhc Vica Prcsidcnl
(Prcsidcnt. S(.crctery.O$ cr or Rcprcscnlati\c)
ol l)llS (\nrrultin!. I l.(
(c ompanv \ame or Corpomtion. or Orrncr)
lnsurancc Reluiremcnts rcl fonh in
lhal oor insurancc corrrpanl(ics)
ceni,\ rhat lhe
har,c trccn rcrd rnd undcrsttx.rd
(\amc(s) of insurancc companllic,
i:narc ablc l(, providc lhc co\,!f&gcs spccified
Signsturc of Prcsi Sccrc'tsry. Parlnct
Ouner or Represenlati
September 5. 20t g
7610376.2 a00/00/00 -5-
ll\nrBll l{t-()l (tr\sl t.t,\\t pR()p(rstt, l)ll}:(t)\rIUrtr:\t
2 Cc.rt.d OgE C!o.l 808*
Constructir Enginooring E tnGpctbn ServiE Cirywi<b Traffr Siignel Conyrunicatbns (Eas0
5 Cdrrstc ! Nrm. DHS Conluhno !LC 6 pni. c.rl t.d oBE o
7 O...a .n arwct &fl/t. siad6nd! qDrod
I OBE Cmt..t hi.rmarm r0 08E
ElectrEal OA lrEpectron 39638
Eng,n..nng S.Mc.i r.c
?7395 Ecio C.nyoll Cout 90
t aTr-8090
Lo.d Acf,lcy to co.ipt.t. t r aacbn
20 Coo.t tant r Ranthg at.r Ev.turtl(.
tocal &ancy crtt t hd .I DBE c.ftnc.l(.rt .r. v.td andhr..rnerm o.! lnr. tbrm t! ccnd.t. ! r.ccur.r.
; .;..c!Ey ^.sc.nert.t, ,1 piE-
?2 O.r.
?5 Lo.!l
t7. La.t&Ency C{,lb.q
1t. F.dr.LAd Pr{rcl
19 Prooorcd C.r{r.ct
TIIIFORI NI tdcntdy !t, Er€t€ amt D.tnO ct.ncd t(rc'ldr .{r(lort ollE. wrat.n cr,tirmltbn.a..ehrC.d OBE Ir r.qulr.C
1r. roTA! clAt Eo DaEPAiICtPAIOt{
OEIRIAUIIoN OnFat - hdor,.d y{r co6rr.at r prqdl.l to rc.t ar.ic,
?610:176 2 a00/00/00 -6-
1:xItBtr l0-e [rtscr,osuRE oF l{}BBytNG Acj vtfl [s
(()Mr1 ltl Ist()Rli t()t)ts(.t()it l()tIty[i(,4(.Iv St,tRSt,\\tr()tt t,s( rtr:
l. Tvpr ofFulcnl Acrion:2. Stetur of Fcdcral
J. Rcpon Typc:
tr hBr l
rqlE$lnt 4lltti|dnt
tr r hlonirtuppl'o[on tr . inil$l
l. \rrE rnd tufttrBr ot Rqx'.rtr* Idirl
@ rr'," I sur"no,,r..
lro-- rt ln{tr!,
(hrx.tli,nd lthtrict. n IlDsn
6. F.d.r.ll}0.nnl:nr/&.no:
For M.rcrt.t Ch.lqc Ortr:
J.,r..n lJ{ rctr,rl _
5. Itllponlry tilitr h t\o. { h slhrf,trlk .f,nr.. Nrrllc r.xl AddF$ of prtmr:
L- ]cd.Bl Acttu. \rmh.( rt trr,\r,
(i,nrmrioirt Dirtrid. rt tnosr
,. F.d.r.l PftCrrl[ .rr/Dcr.lprbn:
(mA Nuhh.r, rl.Ip[.uhl. _
9. Airrd noln! 'ttno$
l0 I.nr.nd Addrcr! of U,bb! hrttt(ll'rtul[nl d Lht ror. tirrr tu!,r Mtr
Il.l.dhld..lr P.rfonrltrd !in.k ! tm(tulno!tlh* rl drltirq|r ti(DrNo lr,x,
rla{ Ntrrr lir{ rwnc. i{t,
r{llr(h (ir{ntr! rxr Slct{rrt Lr(rl|r I
l2 Afl,unr ot P.)ncit ((h..t ![ thrr ulpt],s- O*'"4 Erl,*sr
l{. Trll( ol P|ll m4rt tch((t.tl thrt dpnt]l
l.t Forn r, Pr!lll.nr t.hc(I
fl I ;'il,,...,,
.ll rrr.t .pt{! )
Brief l}$ri|llio! ,'IScn ic hrt,6Ht,r lo h. p.rfi,.rrd rnd D.r(rt orS(n tc. i.(todiE .m..(.t..mprTclr[ tr] nrmh.nr).ontx..( for pIr.d tnd..arrt tn tr.6 t!:
I ullrch ( onrilndrun lilrrlt 1) ti n\rcr!i^ I
16. (i'nriru.ti'nShNrli,.ttrrh.d r'-EI r I
| ,. loli r hr Btrdq, tn.ri iir fm ir .urriw.d t rlid. rl I s( scn. n$ thr.t.<t {ftdhrt\hErJ'*!.s pl-od t'r ..( ru .t'"" ..r* tn t-* j *.rudrr. rrtud hr! fiD.lrl{rF,urotrd ror{Dr r,rl l's ( rrJ: tbnrnttukn
NlrlE Llclllni.. Udds - Vro ltcr&ln rl..\illl\ qrnoJ r, (i{grr\ qrMrth &, ril hir\.hU.l,r l{lfi( kl"F.*t .\!\ Fr!. f,tF t!t. x, t.{.
rh! ^+ircd d.{r {! tult Rr sri6r r. ' . .n rl F5.trr nr
il$1il:1ff.;l.:ijl*'* ror .tPP
l"cdtral t rr (hl1
Auillori/c(l hr l.cil R.tJnrttllrnnr
lr,.rrllrtrl.i!: rr', I \rt \...r.\\ tr,a-!r Lt..
7610376.2 a00/00/00 -7-