2019/07/01 Murrieta, City Dispatch service agreement (5)DISPATC}I SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MT]RRIETA AND THE CITY OF MENIFEE This Dispatch Service Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF MURRIETA, a municipal corporation (hercinaftcr "Murrieta"), and the CITY OF MENIFEE, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "Menifee"). Murrieta and Menifce may be individually referred to as a "Party" and collectively rcfcrred to as the "Partics". RT](]ITAT,S A. Menifee has formed a police department to enhance the public health, safety, and welfare of its residents. B. Murrieta has recently updated its facilities and technology related to dispatch services for its public safety services, including its police department. C. Menifee desires to have Murrieta provide dispatching services lor Menifee's police department, and Murrieta is willing to perform such services to increase efficiencies and provide better services to the respective police departments and communities. D. Due to the increased call volumes resulting from providing dispatch services for Menifee, twelve (12) dispatcher positions will be added to the Murrieta dispatch center. Menifee acknowledges that Murrieta is hiring the new dispatchers specifically to account for the increase in call volume that will occur with providing the dispatch services called for by this Agreement and that Murrieta would not otherwise be hiring such dispatchers. E. Similarly, Murrieta providing dispatch services to Menifee will require hardware and software upgrades of the existing Central Square CAD and RMS system, including licensed ancillary modules, to the multi-agency versions of the software. Mcnifee shall pay for such upgrades and all implementation costs related to the software system upgrade, including hardware, to enable the software for Murrieta staff to provide police dispatching services to both Parties. F. Murrieta providing dispatch services for Menifee will enhance deployment and communication during critical incidents for both cities, and updated compatible technology wilI improvc the interoperability of the adjacent cities. G. A single dispatch center will also result in cost savings and increased efficiencies for both cities. H. The expansion of Murrieta's dispatch capabilities to accommodate Menifee's dispatch needs will cause Murrieta to incur substantial start-up and ongoing costs on Menifee's behall including dispatcher {ClientFiles/4540ll|WSO567299.DOCX} I recruitment costs; supervisory, administrative, and technical support recruitment costs; and technology hardware and software costs. l. The Parties agree and acknowledge that this Agreement is guided by the following three core principles: (l) Dispatch seryices can be provided more effectively and efficiently to both Menifee and Murrieta through the operation ofa single dispatch center serving both communities; (il) the type and quality of services to be received by Menifee under this Agreement shall be equivalent to those provided to Murrieta, and (iii) the compensation provisions in this Agreement are based on a total cost recovery model, with the intent that Menifee pay to Murrieta the full cost (nothing more and nothing less) ofthe services that it provides to Menifee hereunder, i.e., Menifoe shall reimburse Murrieta for Menifee's pro-rata share of staffing and operating a dispatch center serving both cities. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS IDENTIFIED HEREIN, THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: l. RECII'ALS. The lorc going recitals are true and correct and accurately reflect the intent and understanding of the Partics. 2. DEFINI'I'IONS. Thc lbllorvi ng defined terms shall havc the following meanings: "Annual Technology Maintenance Costs" means the cost paid by Murrieta on a yearly basis to license, operate, maintain, and upgrade the computer software uscd to provide dispatching services; the cost paid by Murrieta for radio, voice, and data communications lines, circuits, and equipment between the two agencies; and the cost paid by Murrieta for mapping and GIS services. The Annual Technology Maintenance Costs shall be adjusted on an annual basis to reflect the actual costs incurred by Murrieta for those services. "CAD" means computer-aided dispatch "Call For Service" means all incoming phone calls, all onview events in CAD that generate an incident number, and all onview events in CAD that do not gcnerate an incident number. Call For Service includes received calls, dispatched calls, and officer-initiated calls. "Data Conversion Costs" means the costs incurred by Murrieta in converting data or information into a format and onto devices suitable lor transfer to Menifee, which conversion and transfer shall occur upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. All costs for data conversion associated with Menifce's data shall be Menifee's rcsponsibility. "Dispatch Services" means the services described in [!!!!!], which Murrieta shall provide to Menifee in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Such services are intended to result in Murrieta's provision of services to Menifee that are equivalent in type and quality to the services that Murrieta currently provides to its public safety departments. a c {ClientFilcs/4540111W50567299.DOCX} 2 b. c- d. "Costs for Service" means the ongoing cost ofproviding Dispatch Services to Menifce, as calculated pursuant to [!![!!!. "Effective Date" means July I , 2019. "Extra Work" means work in addition to the Dispatch Services that the Parties determine to be necessary for the proper execution of the Dispatch Services, and which Menifee has requested in writing that Murrieta perform. "Force Majeure" means the following acts of God: strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; orders or restraints ofany kind by the govemment of thc United States or of the State of Califomia or any of their departments, agencies or officials, or any civil or military authority; insurrections, riots, landslides, earthquakes, fires, storms, droughts, floods, explosions, breakage or accident to machinery, transmission pipes or canals; or any other cause or event not reasonably within the control of the Party obliged to perform under this Agreement. j. "Go [,ive Datc" mcans July l, 2020 k l. "Menifee Calls For Scrvice" means the Calls For Service that originate within the jurisdictional limits of Menifee or a mutual aid call to which Menifee responds. "RMS" means records management systcm "Start-Up Costs" means the costs incurred after the Effective Date in connection with the expansion of Murrieta's dispatch capabilities in order to provide Dispatch Services to Menifee. Start-Up Costs include, but are not limited to, costs related to the recruitment, hiring, and training ofnecessary dispatch and related personnel; inlrastructure improvements to the existing Murrieta dispatch center; acquisition ofequipment and software; and costs for services provided by existing Murrieta personnel to implement and facilitate this Agreement. Startup Costs will also include costs lor dispatch-related equipment to be used by Menifee including, but not limited to, mobile data browsers/mobile data communicators and all related licenses and appurtenances. Without limiting the foregoing, Start Up Costs shall include the full cost of Murrieta's purchase and implementation (including hardware) ofan upgrade to the existing Central Square CAD and RMS, including licensed ancillary modules, to the multi-agency versions ofthe software, as necessary to enable the software and Murrieta staff to provide police dispatching services to both Parties. A forecast of anticipated Start- Up Costs is provided in Exhibit C. "Start-Up Period" means the period from the Effective Datc to the Go Live Date. "Start-Up Services" means Murrieta's implementation of such infrastructure and technology upgrades and improvements, equipment purchases, employee recruitments and n1 I Client Filcs/4540/ I /K/S0567299.DOCX I 3 i. f. h. n. o. hirings, other personnel dccisions, and training of Murrieta and Menifee personnel as necessary to provide the Dispatch Services to Menifee by the Go Live Date. "Technology Costs" means the amount Menifee pays to Murrieta for the technology used to run the software and hardware used to provide dispatching serviccs, including both (i) contributions to capital costs for the dispatch software, technology, and systems already in place, and (ii) the Annual Technology Maintenancc Costs. The Technology Costs are based on Menifee's proportionatc use of the dispatch center and is subject to annual adjustment by Murrieta. A description of the method for calculating Menilee 's share of the Technology Costs is provided in [[![!!. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall expire ten (10) years from the Go Live Date, which thc Parties intend to be July l, 2030 (the "Termination Date"), unless it is terminated earlier in accordance with Scction 8, below. 4. SERVICES. Murrieta shall provide the following services to Menifee. a. Start Up Services. Durr ng the Start-Up Period Murrieta shall provide the Start-Up Services to or for the benefit of Mcnifee. Such services include the hiring ofadditional dispatch staff. New hires will bc cmployees of Murrieta and subject to Murrieta's rules and regulations, which include training and probationary periods. b. Dispatch Services. From the Go Live Date throu gh the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, Murrieta shall provide the Dispatch Services to MeniFee. Priority of Dispatch Services shall be allocated equally between the Parties and according to Murrieta's standard operating procedures and this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties acknowledge and understand that the scope of Dispatch Services that Murrieta can provide on the Co Live Date depends on a high level of cooperation between the Parties and may be influenced by whether Menifee timely provides complete and accurate information to Murrieta including, but not limited, GIS data. Thc Parties agree to work together in good faith to meet the Go Live Datel howevcr, should the Dispatch Services not be fully ready for implementation on the Go Live Date despite the Parties'best efforts, said failure shall not be a default of this Agreement and Murrieta shall provide Dispatch Services to the extent possible in recognition olthe public health and safety concems associated with the provision ofsuch services. p l c y time during the term of this Agreement, Menifee may request that Murrieta perlorm Extra Work. Murrieta will not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from Menifee. d. Extra Work. At an lClicntFiles/4540ttlK/50567299.DOCX1 4 5. COMPENSATION. Menifee shall provide the following compcnsation to Murrieta. a. Start-Up Costs ll. ll Pa),ment Obligation: Menifee shall pay Murrieta for the Start-Up Costs in accordance with the invoicing procedure set forth in Section 5(d). Estimated Amounl: The Parties currently estimate that the Start-Up Costs will be as set forth in [[i!i!..1Q,. At such time as the total invoices for Start-Up Costs exceed eighty percent (80%) of the estimated Start-Up Costs as set fo(h in [[i!!!..1Q, the Parties shall meet and confer to revise the estimated Start-Up Costs as necessary. Notwithstanding, Menifee acknowlcdges that the amounts set forth in [$!!!Q are estimates only and that it is responsible for all Start-Up Costs incuned by Murrieta. b.Costs for Servicc: Payment Ohligalion: Menifee shall pay Murrieta the Costs for Service in the amount and subjcct to the adjustments specified in [[j!!!p The Parties acknowledge that the Costs for Service include ongoing personnel costs (dispatchers and non- dispatcher support and supervisory pcrsonnel) and Technology Costs incurred by Murrieta as necessary to provide thc Dispatch Service to Menifee. The Pa(ies lurther acknowledge that somc of the Costs for Service will commence and may be invoiced prior to the Go Live Date. Estimated Amounl: The Parties cunently estimate that annual Costs for Scrvice will be as set fo(h in Exhibit B. At either Party's request, with at least fourteen ( I 4) days prior notice, the Pa(ies shall meet and confer to discuss any current or forecasted changes in the Costs for Service. Notwithstanding, Menifee acknowledges that the amounts set forth in E!.!ULE are estimates only and that it is responsible for all Costs for Service incurred by Murrieta. c- Extra Work, Menifee will com pensate Murricta for Extra Work at rates or charges agreed to in writing by the Parties. d. Invoicing Procedulc: Murrieta shall submit invoices to Menifee on a quarterly basis (January 15, April 15, July I 5, and October l5). The invoices shall be based on actual costs incurred by Murrieta to ensure full cost recovery. The invoices shall identify whether the charges included are for Start-Up Costs or Costs for Service and shall include sufficient back-up documentation to demonstrate that the costs are appropriately catcgorized as either Start-Up Costs or Costs for Servicc. Menifee shall pay the quarterly invoices within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the invoice- After thirty (30) calendar days, payment shall be considered late and a default subject to termination for cause under Section 8 of this Agreement. 6. ON.GOINGCOORDINATION The Police Chief of thc City of Murrieta and the Police Chicf of the {ClientFiles/4540ll|WSO567299.DOCX} 5 l. City of Menifee are the designated and authorized representatives of Murrieta and Menifee respectively for purposes of administration of this Agreement. The Police Chiefs, or their designees, shall meet quarterly or as needed to discuss issues pertaining to: (i) budget; (li) operational issues, including changes to service delivery; (ili) technical issues related to information technology and systcm componentsi and (lv) dispatch operational issues related to field unit reporting and system status management. 7. ADDITIONAL USER(S) OF THE DISPATCH CENTER.The Parties acknowlcdge and agrce that Murrieta may provide dispatch services to other agencies, including currently providing dispatch services for the Murrieta Fire Department, without the consent of Menifee. If Murrieta provides dispatch scrvices to another agency other than the Murrieta Fire Department, the Technology Fee and the Dispatch Services Costs shall be reduccd by the decrease in percentage ofthe Menifee Calls For Service to the total Calls For Service dispatched by Murrieta. Murrieta will require any other agency that wants dispatch serviccs to pay a "Buy-ln Fee" and pay their proportionate share offees and costs as reasonably determined by Munieta. Without limiting the foregoing, the additional agency shall participate in the Technology Costs on a going forward basis. Ii. TERMINATION. Termination Without Cause. Neither Party may terminate this Agreement without cause prior to July I, 2025. From and after January l, 2024, either Party may elect to terminate this Agreement by providing written Notice ol Intent to Terminate to the other Party. Any termination effectuated by this Section 8(a) shall take effect eighteen ( I 8) months following dclivery of the Notice ollntent to Terminate. Ownership of Data and Equipment on Termination Upon the expiration or tcrmination (with a b C or without cause) of this Agreement, all equipment then present in Menifee Police Department vehicles and/or on Menifee property shall become the property of Meniflee, and all equipment then present in the Murrieta dispatch center and./or otherwise on Murrieta prope(y shall remain the property of Murrieta. All data and information relating to Menifec and/or dispatch operations for the benefit of Menifee shall be conveyed by Murrieta to Menifee in a format suitable for use by Menifee subject to payrnent by Menifee of all Data Conversion Costs, and Murrieta shall otherwise cooperate with Menifee in its transition to a new service provider. fClientFiles/4540ll|K|S0567299.DOCXl 6 Termination for Cause. The Parties agree that there is a public health and safety obligation to use every ellort to ensure unintemrpted and continuous delivery of Dispatch Services to Menifee even in the event of a material breach, and evcn if Murrieta disagrees with the allcged determination of material breach. Consistent with the foregoing, this Agreement may not be terminated for cause unless and until the dispute resolution procedures set forth in Section t have been followed to completion. d. Expenses on Termination {f Menifee elects to terminate this Agreement without cause pursuant to this Section 8(a), or Murrieta terminates this Agreement with cause pursuant to Section 8(b) in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 9 below, then Menifee shall pay the following amounts to Murrieta within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice from Murrieta for such costs: (i) any Start-Up Costs that have not yet been paid to Murrieta; (ii) all costs for services provided up to the date of termination; (iii) all costs for personnel terminations resulting from the termination of the Agreement including, but not limited to, any applicable severance payments and COBRA pa).rnentsl and (iv) the Data Conversion Costs. If this Agreement expires on the Termination Date, Menifee shall pay Murrieta the Data Conversion Costs within thirty (30) days ofreceipt ofan invoice from Murrieta for such Costs. 9. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. An y disputes under this Agreemcnt, including but not limitcd to termination lor cause, shall bc subject to the dispute resolution procedures herein. a Meet and Confer ll either Party (i) disputes the other Party's interpretation ol this Agreement; (ii) disputes the sufficiency of the other Party's performance under this Agreement, including cost of service or billing; or (lii) contends there has been a material breach of the Agreement, then the Parties shall meet to attempt to resolve the dispute. The City Manager and Police Chief ol Murrieta shall be the authorized dispute resolution representatives for Murrieta, and the City Manager and Police Chief of Menifee shall be the authorized dispute resolution representatives for Menifee. Initiation o/ Mediation: If a dispute is not resolved through the mect and confer process, either Party may initiate a mediation process by giving written Notice of Mediation to the other Party. u lll. lv. Commencement and Completion of Mediation: The mediation shall be completed within forty-two (42) days of the selection of the mediator. The mediation shall be conducted in accordance with procedures chosen by the mediator. Mediabr's Recommendation: If the mediator is unable to resolvc the dispute during the mediation, the mediator shall submit specific and written recommendations for full resolution ofthe dispute within fourteen (14) days thereafter. The Parties shall lClientFilcs/454olllWS0567299.DOCXl 7 b. Mediation. Selection ol' Mediator: Within fourteen ( 14) days after receipt of a Notice of Mediation, the Parties shall mutually select one person to mediate the dispute, which person shall be a qualified professional with expertise in the subject matter of the dispute. Neither Party may unreasonably withhold, delay, or obstruct the selection of a mediator. i. consider the writtcn recommendations of the mediator. Meditttion Costs: The fees and expenses of the one selected mediator shall be divided equally between the Parties. The above deadlines shall be enforced unless extensions are mutually agreed upon or grantcd to eithcr Party by the mediator for good cause shown. Termina tion followine mediation Ifthe dispute is not resolved through the meet and confer process or the mediation process, then the Party that receives a favorable recommendation from the mediator may move forward with terminating the Agreement. Termination shall be effective thirty (30) days after written notice of termination by the aggrieved Party. 10. INSURANCE. Both Parties shall maintain sufficient insurance, self-insurance, or a combination thereof to comply with the following requirements and, if requested, each Party shall fumish to the other Party certificates of insurance evidencing the required coverage. No policy providing the required coverage may be canceled or tiability limits reduced without first providing the other Party thirty (30) days' written notice. a Commercial General Liability (with coverage at least as broad as ISO form CG 00 0l 0l 96) "per occurrence" coverage shall be maintained in an amount not less than $10,000,000 general aggregate and $2,000,000 per occunence for general liability, bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. II Automobile Liability (with covcragc at lcast as broad as ISO form CA 00 0l 07 97, for "any auto") "claims made" coveragc shall be maintained in an amount not less than $2,000,000 pcr accident for bodily injury and propcrty damagc. lt:Workers' Compensation coverage shall be maintained as required by the State of Califomia. b. Endorsements. Each Part y shall obtain endorsements to the insurance policics with the following provisions: The other Party (including its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers) shall be named as an additional "insured" on the commercial general liability insurance policy. n As to automobilc and commercial general liability policies, for any claims relatcd to {Client Files/4540llll</50567299.DOCX} 8 c. Insurance Coverases. Each Party shall, throughout the duration of this Agreement, maintain insurance, self-insurance, or a combination thereof to cover itself, its agents, representatives, and employees in connection with the performance of services under this Agreement at the minimum levels set forth here. l. i. this Agreement, Menifee's coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to Murrieta. Any insurance maintained by Murrieta shall be in excess of Menifee's insurance and shall not contribute with it. Notices of Cancellation. Each Party shall notify the other Party if anypolicy required bythis Agreement is canceled before the expiration date. For the purpose ofthis notice rcquirement, any material change in the policy prior to the expiration shall be considered a cancellation. If any required insurancc policy under this Agreement is cancelled, the Party procuring that policy shall immediately obtain a replacement policy. d. Proof of lnsurance. Each P arty shall providc the other Party with evidencc of compliance with the insurance requirements listed above by providing a certificate of insurance and endorsements, in a form satisfactory to the receiving Party, before either Party signs this Agreement. Substitute Certificatcs No later than thirty (30) days prior to the policy expiration date of any insurance policy required by this Agreement, the insured Party shall provide the other Party with a substitute certificate ofinsurance. I l. NONDISCRIMINATION. Thc Parties shall each com ply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding nondiscriminatory employrnent practices, whether or not said laws are expressly stated in this Agreement. The Parties shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant because of race, color, rcligious creed, national origin, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, or any other classification prohibited by state or federal law. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Thc Partics shall com ply with all applicable legal rcquirements including all federal, state, and local laws (including ordinances and resolutions), whcther or not said laws are expressly stated in this Agreement. I3- CONFIDENI'IAL INI-OR]VIATIO\ AND RECORDS RE o UESTS Confidential lnformation. The Partics acknowled ge and agree that personnel, proprietary,a trade secret, and other information that is otherwise exempt from disclosure under the Califomia Public Records Act or any recognized privilege, doctrine, or law (collectively "Confidential Information") shall be handled as strictly confidential information, and shall be disclosed only to the extent otherwise mandated by state law, federal law, a properly issucd subpoena, or a court order. Thc Parties agree to immediately advise one anothcr upon thc receipt of any request, demand, or order seeking Confidential Information and to reasonably cooperate with one another in responding to any such request, demand, or order. Thc terms of this Section l3 shall survive termination olthis Agreement. b. Records Requests. If Menifee reccives an y request for documcnts pursuant to thc Public Records Act or other applicable law or court order, Menifee shall be solely lClicnt Files/4540111K15O567299. DOCX i 9 c. responsible for responding to said request. When such requests seek information in the possession, custody, or control of Murrieta, Murrieta shall use its best efforts to provide reasonable assistance to Menifee in responding to said request. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Murrieta shall not be responsible or liable to either the requestor(s) or Menifee as a result of Murrieta's inability to respond to a document request, so long as Murrieta demonstrates it exercised its best efforts to provide reasonable assistance. 14. INDEMNIFICATION. Menifee. Menifee shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Murrieta (including its elected officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers) from and against any and all claims (including all litigation, demands, damages) and their attendant costs, and expenses (including court costs and attomeys' fees) to the extent resulting or arising from Mcnifee's willful misconduct or negligent performance, or failure to perform, under this Agreement. Murrieta. Murrieta shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Menifee (including its elected officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers) from and against any and all claims (including all litigation, demands, damages) and their attendant costs, and cxpenses (including court costs and attorneys' fecs) to the extent resulting or arising from Murricta's willful misconduct or negligent performance, or failure to perform, under this Agreement. Excerrtion for Willful Misconduct and Solc Ncsliscnce Notwithstanding Sections l4(a) and ll b C l4(b), neither Party shall have any obligation to defend or indemnify thc other Party if it is detcrmined by a court of competent jurisdiction that such claim was caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of thc Party to be indemnified. I5. FORCE MAJEURE Ifby reason ofForce Majeure aParty is unable, in whole or in part, to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, such Party shall not be in default, and its performance obligations shall be tolled, during the continuance of such inability. I6. REI,ATI NSHIP F THE PARTIES. In General. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to, nor shall it, be construed in any way to be a joint powers agrecment of any kind. Neither Menifee nor any of its agents shall have control over the conduct of Murrieta or any of Murrieta's employees, cxcept as set forth herein. Neither Party's employees shall acquire or be (or becomc) entitled to any ofthe rights, privileges, powers, or advantages ofthe other Party's employees including, but not Iimited to, the right to any compensation, benefits, or pension benefits ofthc other Party's employees. il {Cticnt Files/4540/l/K/SO567299.DOCX} l0 b Menifee Not An Employer of Dispatchers. Murrieta shall not request or demand that Menifee assume any liability for direct payment of any salary, wage or other such compensation to any person employed by Murricta to perform the services described in the Agreement. Murrieta shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents are "cmployees" of Menifee. No Promise of Future Contract for Dispatch Scrvices. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to imply that Municta must maintain any contractual rclationship with Menifee on a continuing basis aftcr thc tcrmination of this Agreement. Munieta Retains Dailv C trol of Disoatch Services Murrieta is responsible to provide theC Start-Up Services and Dispatch Services as set forth in BE!!!1!, and to reasonably cooperate with Menifee to ensure those services are delivered in an effective and efficient manner. Subject to the foregoing, (i) Murrieta is the final authority and is not required to comply with daily instructions from Menifee staff with respect to when, where, or how Murrieta must perform the Start-Up Services and Dispatch Services; (ii) Murrieta is solely responsible for determining who, under supervision or direction of Murrieta, will perform the Start Up Services and Dispatch Services; (iii) Menifee will not hire, supervise, or pay any employees working for Murrieta pursuant to the Agreement during such employee(s)' period of employment with Murrieta; and (iv) Murrieta shall be solely responsible for setting the hours in which Murrieta performs or plans to perform the Start-Up Services and Dispatch Services. 17. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS AND AGREEMENTS. The Pa(ies agree to cooperate in the execution of any additional policies and procedurcs, instruments, and conveyances, which may be rcquired to carry out the terms of this Agreement. 18. WARRANTY. Murrieta provides the hardware, software, and ancillary systems necessary to the provision ofthe Dispatch Services without any warranty or condition, expressed or implied. Murrieta specifically disclaims any implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Menifee acknowledges that the hardware, software, and ancillary systems may not operate totally without intemrption. Murrieta makes no representations. warrantics, or guarantees regarding uptimc for the hardware, software, and ancillary systems. Murrieta agrees to pursue remedies through the vendor for the systems to all software problems arising from software provided bythe vendor. Remedies for problems arising that arc caused by circumstances outside ofthe vendor's control (network connection issues, user errors, hardware failures, etc.) shall be pursued by Murrieta until a resolution is achieved. lfa total or partial failure should occur, Murrieta Police dispatch shall continue to dispatch for Menifee using whatever manual methods may be necessary and provide the same level of service they would for Murrieta Police. 19. NOTICES. All notices required or contemplated by this Agreement shall bc in writing and shall be delivered to the rcspcctive Party as set forth in this section. Communications shall be deemed to be {ClientFilcs/4540ll|K1SO567299.DOCXi ll effective upon the first to occur of: (a) actual receipt by a Party's Authorized Representative, or (b) actual receipt at the address designated below, or (c) three (3) working days following deposit in the United States Mail of registered or certified mail sent to the address designated below. Thc Authorized Representative ofeither Party may modify their respective contact information identified in this section by providing notice to the other Party. TO: Murrieta Attn: Police Chief 2 Town Square Murrieta, CA 92562 TO: Menifee Attn: Police Chief 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 With a Copy To: City Attomey I Town Square Murrieta, CA 92562 Menifee, CA 92586 20. HEADINGS. The headi ng titles for each paragraph of this Agreement are included only as a guide to the contents and are not to be considered as controlling, enlarging, or restricting the interpretation ofthe Agreement. 21. SEVERABILITY If any term of this Agreement (including any phrase, provision, covenant, or condition) is held by a court of competent j urisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, this Agreement shall be construed as not containing that term, and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect; provided, however, this paragraph shall not be applied to the extent that it would result in a frustration of the Parties' intent under this Agreement. 22. GOVERNING LAW. JURI SDICTION. AND VENUE.The intcrpretation, validity, and enforccment of this Agreement shall be govemcd by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Califomia. Any suit, claim, or legal proceeding of any kind related to this Agreement shall bc filed and heard in a court of competent j urisdiction in the County of Riverside. With a Copy To: City Attomey 29844 Haun Road {ClientFiles/4540ll|WSO567299.DOCX} 12 23. ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION. Neither this Agreement, nor any portion hereof, shall be assigned or transferred, nor shall any of the Parties' duties be delegated, without the written consent of the other Party. Any attempt to assign or delegate this Agrecment without the written consent of the other Party, shall be void and of no force or effect. Consent by a Party to one assignment shall not bc dcemed to be consent to any subsequent assignment. 24. SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall bindand inure to the bcncfit of all duly authorized successors and assigns of the Parties. 25. MODIFICATIONS. This A greement may not be modified, orally or in any manner, other than by an agreement in writing signed by duly authorized representatives ofboth Parties. 26. WAMRS. Waiver of a breach or default under this Agrccmcnt shall not constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver of a subsequent breach ofthe samc or any other provision ofthis Agreement. 27. CONFLICTS. lf any conflicts arise between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the terms and conditions of the attached exhibits or any documents expressly incorporated, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall control. 28. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This A greement, including all documents and cxhibits incorporated herein by reference, comprises the entire integrated understanding between the Parties conceming the services provided hereunder. This Agreement supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements, and understandings regarding this matter, whether written or oral. The documents incorporated by reference into this Agreement are complementary; what is called for in one is binding as if called for in all. 29. LI ATION EXPENSES AND ATTORNEYS' FEES. In thc evcnl that an y action is brought by either Party to construe this Agreement or enforce any of its terms, the prevailing Party shalI be entitled to recovcr its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred, whether or not the matter proceeds to judgment. 10. SIGNATURES. The indivicluals cxccutin g this Agrecmcnt represent and warrant that they have thc right, power, legal capacity, and authority to enter into and to execute this Agreement on behalfofthe respective Parties. 3I. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all of which taken together will be considercd one original document. {ClientFiles/4540lllzuSO567299.DOCX} t3 IN WITNESS \VHEREOF, Murrieta and Menifee do hereby agree to the full performancc of thc terms sct lorth herein. CITY OF MT]RRIETA CITY OF MENIFEE By: Kim Summers Title: City N'lar-rager Datc: A t'l EST: By: Stephanie D. Smith, MMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Title lie E. Devaney City Attomey By: Sarah A. Manwaring, MMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Armando G. Villa Title: City Manager Date: ATTEST: /.(. By: Jeffrey T. Melching Title: City Attomey {Client Files/454oll/KIS0567299.DOCX} 14 I I EXHIBIT *A' Scooe of Services SERVICES PROVIDED BY MURRIETA: During the term of this Agreementr, Murrieta shall provide to Menifee Dispatch Services that are equivalent to those provided to Murrieta, which include the following: Provide all Dispatch Services identified in this Exhibit A to all Menifee police officers. Receive and respond to all 9l I calls for police services for Menifee twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Telephone lines will be answered using a generic greeting such as, "Emergency Services", "9- I - I Emergency", or "police services". Monitor and reply to all emergency radio traffic from Menifee twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Provide call-out notifications as directed by Menifee for incidents requiring response lrom Menifee Police Department personnel or mutual aid resources. Provide after-hour notifications for Menifee Public Works Department personnel. Monitor and reply to all non-emergency radio traffic from Menifee twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Handle dispatch responsibilities for Menifee SWAT activations. Utilize appropriate radio and CAD systems for dispatching services. Ensure supewisory awareness of major incidents. Maintain appropriate staffing levels at all times. Make telephone calls for Menifee Police Department officers to request tow trucks, taxi cabs, and other resources. Use Menifee unit requirements for dispatching calls for service to Menifee Police Department officers. Prioritize response according to Murrieta policies and procedures, r Unlcss othcrwisc indicatcd, capitalizcd tcrms used in this Exhibit A havc thc mcaning sct Forth in thc agrccmcnt to which this Exhibit A is attachcd. a b c d f. h. J. k n't {Cfient Files/454lll/K|SO567299.DOCX} I l. Police General Dispatch Service. Operate and maintain a computer-aided dispatch system that is capable of: Tracking the availability. status of Mcnifee's on-duty police units' activity and Assigning report numbcrs for incidents. Ensuring that all systems and electronic interfaces are maintained and working. Utilize the Riverside County Public Safety Enterprise Communications ("PSEC") radio system for dispatch communications. Operate dcdicated Murrieta and Menifee radio channels for police operations twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. During exigent circumstances the individual radio channels may be patched together for combined communication. Dispatch Menifee police units based on a call priority of l, 2, and 3 for urgent and non-emergency calls for service. Transfer all 9-l-l telephone calls to secondary public safety answering point when appropriate. Maintain and monitor secondary radio channel(s) during special events, incidents, or enforcement activities. 3. Comnuter-Aided Dispatch and Records Mana I.I em ent Svstem Purchase the upgrade of the existing Central Square CAD and RMS, including licensed ancillary modules, to the multi-agency versions of the software. lnstall RMS and Web Query on Mcnifce's workstations. Host and maintain the CAD and RMS applications, database, and backups and provide twenty-four (24) hours, seven (7) days a week ofoperational support of the servers and applications. Murrieta's Communications Manager will be the main contact for any issues related to the CAD and RMS applications and will contact the Information Technology Services Help Desk following Murrieta's current normal business hour (0800 hours to I 700 hours) and after-hour ( I 700 hours to 0800 hours) procedures. Maintain and support the existing software Iicense agreement with Central Square. ll. 1l l. d c t c {Client Files/4540/l/KJSO567299.DOCX} 2 2. Police Dispatch Technolosy Criteria and Guidelines. a. b. c. a. b. c. d. Provide the servers, CAD and RMS along with ancillary applications, databases, system administration, and necessary interfaces for the systems. Maintain and support the servers and the hardware necessary for the operation of the systems. Monitor new technology to maintain technologically current systems. Be solely responsible for determining thc hardware and software that will maximizc benefits to both Murrieta and Menifee; provided, however that Murrieta shall consult with Menifee prior to implementing any significant cost incrcase for hardware and/or software. Provide the ability for Menifec workstations (including Mobile Data Computers t*MDC"l) to perform California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System (*CLETS") queries. Create network accounts for Menifee to access Murrieta's network and Central Square accounts for Menifee to access CAD and RMS applications within five (5) days of the date that the request is received from Menifee. Be responsible for all CAD file maintenance updates including uscr accounts, terminals, and quarterly GIS updates. Provide access to the database views for reporting on the CAD data warchouse and RMS database. Report and track issues with the CAD and RMS vendor(s), and test fixes in the test environment before installing fixes into the live production system. Rcspond to Public Records Act requests or similar requests and subpoenas for incidents and/or addresses located in Menifee. Provide administrative support to the Menifee Police Departmcnt supervisors or administrators seeking information from CAD and/or RMS. Provide and maintain a point-to-point dcdicated connection at Murrieta's dispatch center to establish communications with Menifee's network. Provide and maintain a backup dedicated connection for communications with Menifee's network. n.l n o p q it b {Client Files/4540/l/WSO567299.DOCX} 3 Assist Menifee to resolve any issues with the operation of the mobile softwarc as a result of issues with the CAD application. 4. Nctwork Connectivitv. f. h. i. J. k. t. Provide hardware support for the MDCs or issues related to networking or connectivity between the two agencies. Murrieta will assist Menifee, as necessary, to resolve any issues; however, Menifee is responsible for any hardware costs associated with the resolution of an issue if it is not related to the CAD application. lnstall and maintain the current MDC software and resolve any problems. a b 6.Ancillary Services. a May conduct inquiries lor officers into federal, state, and local databascs through CLETS and Rivcrside Sheriff Officc Message Switch (Local Warrant System) ("RSOMS"). Complete after-hours entries into federal and state databases (MUPS, DVROS, AFS, SVS). Be thc Custodian of Record of all tclephone audio recordings, and consult with Mcnilee representatives prior to thc release of any such information rclating to incidents within or relating to thc City of Menifee, thc Menifee Police Dcpartment, or the services providcd to Menilee under this Agreement. Process audio recording requests for criminal, civil, and intemal cases that are actually recorded by Murrieta after full consolidation and provide copies ofrecords to Menifee following Murrieta's request procedure. Murrieta Communications Manager will be responsiblc for CJIS audits, yearly training and sign-offs for Murrieta only. b c d 7. Geosraohic Information S ystem- a Work with Menifee to assure that the merging of the mapping data for the two agcncies creates a seamless single Geofile to be used for dispatching services. For areas of shared boundaries, duplicates and discrepancies must be resolved before imp lementation. Update and maintain the Menifee portion of the Geofile ad hoc basis as needed (but no lcss frequently than quarterly). Thc changes will be based upon direct geographic information system ("GIS") files provided by Menifee or agreed upon documentation for Murrieta to input directly. SERVICES PROVIDED BY MENIFEE: During the term of this Agreemcnt, Menifee shall provide to Murrieta and be rcsponsible for thc following actions: b {ClientFilcs/4541/1lK/50567299.DOCX} 4 5. Mobile Data Computer Svstem. l. Police General Dispatch Service. Provide daily rosters for all patrol shifts to Murrieta at the beginning ofeach shift. Notify Murrieta prior to conducting any operations with an OPS plan, including personnel involved and location. Conform to Murrieta response protocols. Conform to Murrieta call types and dispositions. Conform to Murrieta's radio codes. Follow established complaint procedures to address personnel and dispatching issues. Orders received from Murrieta Communications Center related to thc operation of the communications center are official department orders and will be treated as such. Menifee personnel receiving such orders shall comply. Wherever practical, Menifee's authorized representatives will be consultcd prior to the implementation of new orders or procedures. .In the event of a dispute between a Murrieta dispatcher and Menifee field personnel, the dispute shall be referred to the employees' direct supcrvisors. The employees' supervisors shall then be responsible for identifying a resolution to the dispute. lll Issues unrelated to personnel complaints should be addressed at the line supervisor level initially. Ifresolution is not achieved for any type ofissue, it shall be forwarded to authorized representatives for each agency for resolution- Proposed operational or proccdural changes should be dirccted to the Murrieta Communication Manager and Menifee's authorized reprcscntative. Establish and maintain telephone line(s) services as necessary to support the dispatch consolidation effort outlined in this Agreemcnt. Proccss all paperwork related to the records function including, but not limited to, records data entry, citation entry, or miscellaneous paperwork not related to the basic dispatch function and respond to Public Records Act requests or similar rcquests and subpoenas for incidents and/or addresses located in Menilee. a b d e f, a b tClientFiles/4540111W50567299.DOCX1 5 2. Computer-Aided Dispatch and Records Manasement Svstem. l. iv. Submit a request to create a network account and accounts for Central Square CAD and/or RMS applications for a new hire to Murrieta. Notify Murrieta immediately of any separated employee so that the respective network and Central Square accounts can be deleted. e. Manage RMS user accounts, all agency specific code table maintenance, UCR, and ad hoc reporting. Support Menifee's records workstations. Murrieta will assist Menifee as necessary to resolve any issues; however, Menifee is responsible for any hardware costs associated with the resolution of an issue if it is not related to the RMS application. Provide all ad hoc reporting (using SSRS or other tools) from the CAD data warehouse and RMS database. Menifee will be provided view access to the databases to create the necessary reports. tl Provide the initial Geofile and Maverick map layers. Menifee will be accountable for the quality of the data. Work with Murrieta to assure that the merging of the mapping data for the two agcncies creates a seamless single Ceofile to bc used for dispatching services. For areas of shared boundaries, duplicates and discrepancies must be resolved before implementation. Providc and maintain a dedicated connection to Murrieta's core network including thc installation and maintenance of network connections. 4. Ancillarv Services a. Menifee Records Supervisor will be responsible for CJIS audits, yearly training and sign-offs for Menifee. b. Maintain and manage the ORI and mnemonics for Menifee. 5. Mobile Data Com nuter Svstem Maintain its own NetMotion server and provide the connectivity of the MDCs to the Murrieta CAD system along with related costs" Pay any costs to upgrade the current MDC software to MobileCOM if Menifee elects to upgrade the software. al b iI b {ClientFiles/454olllKlS0567299.DOCX} 6 a. 3. Network Connectivitv. 6. Geosraphic Information System. Provide direct GIS files or agreed upon documentation for Geofile and Maverick map additions and changes on a quarterly or on an ad hoc basis as needed. Menifee will review and sign off on Geofile changes incorporated by Murrieta on a quarterly basis. Upon sign-off, Menifee will be accountable for the quality of data. Provide AT&T data and site plan/complex card detailed information to supplement the GIS Web Dispatch application. Provide all updated geographic data to Murrieta. d c {ClientFiles/4540/l|WSO567299.DOCX} 7 EXHIBIT *B' Costs for Service Menifee agrees to pay and Murrieta agrecs to accept as total compensation for Dispatch Services2 the following: Year One. In the first year, known as the Start-Up Period, Menifee's Dispatcher Costs will be the actual "Loaded Cost" ofthe dispatchers hircd in support ofproviding Dispatch Services to Menifee, up to twelve (12) dispatchers. Loaded Cost shall be defined as base pay plus benefits.- 2. Year Two. [n the second year, commencing with the Go-Live Date, Menifee's portion of Dispatcher Costs will be 43% ofthe "Total Personnel Cost" r. The Total Personnel Cost shall include the following: a. The "Fully Burdened Cost" for all dispatchers. Murrieta will calculate the Fully Burdened Cost to include direct and indirect costs such as salaries and benefits without limitation, departmental support, supervision, and administrative overhead, including associated human resources costs; intemal service costs; and indirect City-wide overhead costs. Murrieta agrees to meet with Menifee prior to the Co Live Date to review the components of the Fully Burdened Cost. After meeting, Murrieta shall have the sole authority to determine both the direct and indirect components and to calculate the cost. b. Actual training costs incurred. lf Murrieta is unable to complete the Cost Allocation Plan necessary to determine the Fully Burdened Cost rates prior to May 3l , 2020, Menifee's Dispatcher Cost shall be 43% of the Loaded Cost rate for all dispatchers plus actual training and ove(ime costs incurred. 3. Year Three and bcyond. Commencin g July l, 2021, Dispatchcr Costs will be calculated at the Fully Burdened Cost rate in the same manner as Ycar Two (described in subsection (A)(2) above) unless both Murrieta and Menifee agree in writing to a new formula prior to the commencement of any given year. 2 Unlcss otherwise indicated, capitalizcd tcrms uscd in this Exhibit B havc thc mcaning set forth in thc agrccment to which this Exhibit B is attachcd. r 43% is the the proportion of thc twclvc ( I 2 ) dispatchcrs hircd pursuant to thc Agrccmcnt rclativc to thc total numbcr o f dispatchcrs (twcnty-cight (28), as ofthc Eflcctivc Datc), roundcd to thc ncarcst wholc numbcr. {Client Filesi4540llll<130567299.DOCX} I A. Dispatcher Costs. c. Overtime costs incurred by all dispatchers, applyins base payplus any additive pavs that are pavable on overtime hours includins bi-linsual pay. Workers' Compensation and Medicare. 4. Estimates of Dispatc er Costs for Year One and Year Two are fo(h in Exhibit B- I 5. The Parties specifically acknowledge that the amount due from Menifee is subject to annual adjustments at the beginning of the fiscal year based on Murrieta's personnel costs, including but not limited to increased labor costs as negotiated in the Memoranda of Understanding between Murrieta and the Murrieta General Employees Association and Murrieta Supervisors' Association, respectively, and any increases in employee compensation and benefits. B. Non-Dispatc her Pcrsonnel Costs, Performance ofthe dispatch services under this Agreement will require services and support from Murrieta personnel other than dispatchers including, but not limited to, supervisory or management dispatch personnel and information technology services. Menifee shall pay thc Total Personnel Costs for the following positions in the following proportions and amounts (subject to adjustment as set forth herein): I . During the Start Up Period, Menifee shall pay the Loaded Cost for thc following positions: Position Title Proportion Communications Manager 430 Radio Systcms Administrator Hours actually worked up to Go Live Date Information Systcms Analyst Hours actually worked up to Go Live Date Information Systems Technician Hours actually worked up to Go Live Date 2. In Year Two, commencing on the Go Live Date, Menifee shall pay the Fully Burdened Cost plus any applicable overtime lor the following positions and in the following proportions: Position Title Proportion Communications Manager 43o/o Radio Systems Administrator 20% lnformation Systems Analyst 20% Informaton Systems Technician {ClientFiles/454olIlWS0567299.DOCX} 2 I If Murrieta is unable to complete the Cost Allocation Plan necessary to determine the Fully Burdened rates prior to May 31, 2020, Menifee's Non-Dispatcher Cost shall be the Loaded Cost lOYo (l plus any applicable overtime for thc following positions: Position Title Proportion Communications Manager 43% Dispatch Supervisors (4)43% Radio Systems Administrator 70Yo Information Systems Analyst 20% Informaton Systems Technician t0% 3. Estimatcs of Non-Dispatcher Costs for Year One and Ycar Two are set forth in Exhibit B-1. The Technology Costs consist ofthree components. The first component represents Menifee's contribution towards the initial investment of the start-up costs incurred by Murrieta to acquire and implement its CAD and RMS system, which enables Murrieta to provide Dispatch Services to Menifee, including contribution to capital costs for the dispatch software, technology, and systems already in place. Murrieta's investment to implement and acquire its CAD and RMS system was One Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars (S I ,800,000), financed to be paid over a term of seven (7) years ("Finance Payment"). For each Finance Payment payment after the Go Live Date, Menifee shall pay to Murrieta Forty-One Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight Dollars and Twenty Cents (S41 ,848.20). The second component of the Technology Costs is the Annual Technology Maintenance Costs. For the first year following the Go-Live Date, the Annual Technology Maintenancc Costs will include an additional componcnt for defened start-up costs, as detailed in Exhibit B-2. For each subsequent year, the estimatcd Annual Tcchnology Maintenance Costs arc estimatcd as detailed in Exhibit B-3 Menifee's responsibility for Annual Technology Maintenance Costs is based on the ratio of Menifee authorized swom personnel to total number of authorized swom personnel on the dispatch system. The number ofswom personnel used for the above calculations will be updated annually at the meet and confer meeting held pursuant to Paragraph F, below. The Annual Technology Maintenance Costs may change based upon a change in pricing and/or adjustments in the actual costs billed by the CAD vendor for the support renewal. The third component of the Technology Costs are monthly subscribcr rates for mobile, portable, and consolc radios ("Radio Costs"). Menifec's responsibility for Radio Costs for the first year following the Go Live Date shall be Thirty-Eight Dollars and Eighteen Cents ($3ti.l8) per radio utilized by Menifcc pcrsonnel. The Radio Costs increase by six percent (6%) for each following year through June 30, 2025. Technolopv Costs {ClientFiles/4540ll|WSO567299.DOCX} 3 I D. Offset Costs The Parties acknowlcdge and agree that the net proceeds from any grants, subsidies, or reimbursements received by Murrieta, to the extent (1.e., in the proportion) they result from the provision of Dispatch Scrvices to Menifee, shall be offset against the Dispatcher Costs during the invoicing period in which the grant, subsidy, or reimbursement is provided to Murricta. E. Pavmcnt Ilethodologv Notwithstanding the estimates provided above and in Exhibits B-1. B-2 and !,f, thc amount paid by Menifee to Murrieta for the Costs for Scrvices shall be the actual costs incurred by Murrieta, even if such costs exceed (or are less than) the cstimate. The Parties shall meet and confer annually (as part of a coordination meetings required by Section 6 of thc Agrcemcnt) to make adjustments in costs or aoolicable proportions including, but not Iimitcd to, the proportion of dispatchers called for under this Agreement to total dispatchers, the proportion of Mcnifee cnd users to total end users, the proportion of Menifee radios to total radios, the Annual Technology Maintenancc Costs, and any offset costs received or anticipated to be received by Murrieta. {Client Files/4540/l1K/SO567299.DOCX} 4 Menifee shall make payments to Murrieta for its share of the Costs for Services in accordance with the invoicing and payment procedure set forth in Section 5(d) ofthe Agreement. F. Annual Meet and Confer. Year One FY 20t9t20 Year Two FY 2020t21 The abovc arc only estimates and the Parties acknowledge that Menifee will, according to thc formulas set forth in scctions (A) and (B) of Exhibit B, be charged lor and pay for actual costs notwithstanding o lf Murricta completes a Cost Allocation Plan by May 31, 2020, thcn Supervisor costs shall not be chargcd to Mcnifee, bccause such costs will bc includcd in thc Total Pcrsonncl Cost of Dispatchcrs. Personnel (Salarv/Benefi ts)Annual QTY Duration Share Total t2Dispatcherss97.406.00 6 mos.100%s584,436.00 Comm Mgr s 164,048.00 I l2 mos s70.540.64 Radio Administrator *s 108,667.00 I I 2 mos.4jYo s43,466.80 lT Analyst +s 120,702.00 I l2 mos $30,17s.s0 I 6 mos.t0%s5,385.70IT Tech *s 107.7 14.00 Total $734,004.64 Pcrsonncl (Salarry'Benefits).\nnual QTY Duration Sharc Total Dispatchcrs s 100,8 15.00 t2 l2 mos.100%$ r ,209,780.00 Supervisors s1r9.961.00 4 l2 mos.430h1 9206,332.92 Comm Mgr s l 78,279.00 I I 2 mos.43o/o s76,659.97 Radio Administrator s I I 2,470.00 I I 2 mos.20%$22,494.00 IT Analyst $131,173.00 I I 2 mos.20%$26,234.60 IT Tech s111,484.00 I l2 mos.t0%$s,5'14.20 Total $ l,547,075.69 IClientFilesi4540ll1K]SO567299.DOCXl I EXHIBIT *B-I" Estimated Personnel Costs 43y:o 2s% the above estimates. In the same vein, the Parties acknowledge that, for Year One (fiscal year 201 9/20), the three positions noted with asterisks (Radio Administrator, IT Analyst, and [T Tech) will be charged on an hourly basis for hours actually worked and thus the amounts listed for those positions are for illustration only. {Client Files/454lll/WSO567299.DOCX} 2 Menife Die pat.hng Servres rh.dwa,eand Software Costs bV Year oalo'l20t9 Summary FY 20 - Year 2 costs cAOMappin8 CIO NOCAtat€ Qu.ry Positlm CAO Mobib aas€ with Clls/NClC Eom5 CAD Mobile Mapplnr CAO Mobile server Software lC 101-250 Positioor) lnform RMs lclc/Slal€ Soltwac Annual Maintcn:nc. for ncx, Soflwa l. lntorrn CAOBurines! Analysis and Conrultation SeNke 1d.v Pbduct Na m€ Unit Prlce Clty Total Prlc€ ldorm RMSEusin€ssAn lyshand Consultatbo Se kes2- Poject Management lrom C.ntral square -rr- hfom CAD Softu,are Ucenr€ fes S ZO,m.oO l.form CAD$ftware Lkenre re6 S 1,000.00 hform CADsoatware Uceff€ Fees S 1,0@.00 hform Mobile Softw.re Ltense Fes S 20.000.00 lntom Moblle Software tienre Fer S 4.000.00 lnform Mobile lmplementation 5eruic6 S 10,@0.00 liform RMS softpare Ltense F€er S 13,5m.00 lnform RMS sftware tkense Fers S 2,5OO.OO Ihis co6t reflects addiq additio..l software lklni€r S 11776.32 roElTdted,/c6tr.lsqu.re cAo/tRMs Quot d Add{n *ty- cbst s Er,7r6.!2 Project Mana(ement Cort!5 700.00 Project Management Cosls Project Manaeement Co3t! s 1,400.00 5 6,250 00 Project Ma.atement s€rvi(es Cost S a,rSOOO CrosroadsCrath so,tw .e 5 9,800.00 rotir Addironar R.quir.d sotwarcJ--1I6fr- Crlm. vl€w lmpl.ment.tlon prof.$lonal ervk€i 86ed on addiq irenifee to murrieta'5 Crtm€yiew da5hhoard and advrnced anaMkr 5 14,E75.m crimevle,r/ (Adlanced rcpo^ing, Nea,mc, d.shbdrd) YE y subs.iptlon 5096 of Munieta Yearly Subscription S E,137 50 fl€ld Oprlmobllc app to CAD) lmplement.tion I 1,400.m rieldops Yearh Subsrrlptlon Cost Subscription peruFr 5 2,400 0O |qsearch lmpllmlntatlon lmphmernalon I 1,100.00 lQs€arch Yearly Subs(rlption Yearv sub5(ription S 4,800.00 Proie.t Manq.ment tor C.lm.Vl.e and Fl.ld Ors Proi€d Man{Ement Coi5 $ 2,454.0 rotat oprioi.t sofrt arc u..iina.nd hptcrr.tion c6t!_3:J--lltlltz6-sor Annuel lvL int€nance for n€w scrftwar€ Ihis <o6t reflEtr addl.E add rtional software ltenses S 31,ss2 64 Annral M.lnt o.n.c for M!r|if€! Porrion of C.nt..lsquar! Thir co6r rElle<r! i/bnif€€! lhare of:|5% of the erinins.nnuJ Sd*.ru m.inten k€ S 22.555.54 Duo sofMar€ (2FAl 2rA software (amualv) I 7,421d, Endpolnt Pote<tbn c,ftonbLck s€(uritysofrllar? fo. dispatch compliels S 107.44 Vmleare Lice6mt 5Ot6 share of the hon licsB 13 honr) S 3,000.00 s.,t,r. n 'lceC. 3 6i1,5r9.52 NOTE: CentralSquare agi.eed to paym€.! termsof 50%at startand 50%ar EGItoe Oo€s not in(lodethe possible renewalr.crc.re of 3% tor Centra I Square raibver htemet connectih lMonrhly, S 10,788.00 Primary lntsnet Connedifi -Sha.?d Co6t lMonthlv) S 8,027.76 rmorr scruicc corsl-iiliEi. Grrnd Tobl (do.s not inclqd. t.x.i) $ 224,ss8.20 {ClientFilcs/454olllK/50567299.DOCX} 3 EXHIBIT *B-2" Annual Technologv Costs - Deferred Start Up Costs h6 FY21 . Ontolnt .orts - tril An nla Mei.t.n.i.c ior nlw sotr*..! Thn ccr re-oecrs mani.nanc. fo. r he additionat sottwarc tic€nrG Anru. Ma'ntenance lo r Ven Le Po'r on ot Ce r.squaresot*a.r EXHIBIT *B-3" Annual Technologv Maintenance Costs Me6,fae Dirgath .B Seivres tr.,cware and sohw.re coslr bv Ye.t oalo l2or9 Summary 50% 5ha€ of rhe host rcen*s (3 hons) Cm13ro&rAni!a M.ini.n.*e rh!con.ef€dsMenifte!rhareof !614of rheernrtennta narr.n.ice S croesrords crdh soitw. c 3 2rAsoftsae (AnnJal!) S C.:bonbla.t recunty softwae tor diiparch @mpuLE J 22,555 54 900.@ l07,rt4 S 4,8oo.oo 3 t5,3t7.50 s 10,/8a 00 S 8.027.76-i rsflr6 $ 99,692.8a Fle d Opr Ye.nySubscriplion Cost crl6e! ew (Adv.nced '€ponlnEi N€rne, dasiboard)Yeary lq search Yernv subs(rlprlon i0% of Muliete Yeary 5Jbscription J 3,ooo.oo sortrerc rcnamtr T-iiEiii- S 2,aoo.oo s a,l:17.50 Opdonal Softwa.e Renewalr l)o'a r( J..1rrnossnf 1,1rwa yran.oi lat.r{..rrn \.):n Fa over lnternd colmcllon (Month y) Pri6ary lnternet Connactiotr- Shared Clst (MonrhVl {ClientFiles/4540lllKiS0567299.DOCX} I EXHIBIT "C" Start-Up Costs Menifee agrees to pay and Murrieta agrees to accept as total compensation for Start-Up Servicess the following: A. Equiomcnt. Hardwarc an d Softwarc . All such equipment and software as is necessary to provide the serviccs described in Exhibit A to Menifee, to the same extent and quality as is provided to Murrieta. Such equipment and software includes,but is not limited to those items listed on Exhibit C-1. B. Other Eouiomcnt. Furni turc. and I nfrastructure All such equipment, fumiture, and other infrastructurc (not otherwise listed in [!]!i!..Q!) as is necessary to provide the services describcd in Exhihit A to Mcnilcc , to thc same extent and quality as is provided to Murrieta. Such cquipment, fumiture, and other infrastructurc includes, but is not limited to, dispatch ergonomic workstations, Motorola dispatch console radio equipment; telephone and 9-l-1 Vesta console equpmenti acquired computers, monitors, telephones, printers; and retrofit of the dispatch center as necessary to accommodatc the additional demand created by providing the Services lised in Exhibit A. C. Murrieta Legal Serviccs. Mcnifee shall further pay for half of all costs incurred by Murrieta for services by its City Attorncy's office in preparing the Agreement upon invoice by Murrieta. D. Offset Costs. Thc Parties acknowledge and agree that the net proceeds lrom any grants, subsidies, or reimbursemcnts rcceived by Murrieta, to the extent (i.e., in the proportion) they result from or are in conncction with the Start-Up Services shall be offset against the Start-Up Costs during the invoicing period in which the grant, subsidy, or reimbursement is provided to Murrieta. If the grant, subsidy, or reimbursement is received after the Start-Up Period, it shall be offset against Costs for Scrvicc in the period in which it is receivcd. Notwithstanding the estimates provided in Exhibits C-l the amount paicl by Mcnifcc to Murrieta for the Start-Up Costs shall be the actual costs incurred by Murrieta, even if such costs exceed (or are less than) the estimate. Menifee shall make payments to Murrieta for its share of the Start-Up Costs in accordancc with the invoicing and payment procedure set forth in Section 5(d) of the Agreement. s Unlcss othcrwise indicatcd, capitalizcd tcrms used in this Exhibit C havc thc mcaning set fonh in thc agrccmcnt to which this Exhibit C is attachcd. {ClientFiles/4540lllWS0567299.DOCX} 2 E. Pavment Methodolosv. CAD Nclgstite QLery Positlon cAD Mobile Brie witt' o 6/Nclc Forms CAD Mobih Scrver softwae (C 101 250 PoritDnr) lifo.m RMS NCIC/State softwr rc Ann!al Mri.lerence for rew Softw.re Me.ifee DBpatrhrg Selv'ces Hardware a.d Soflwa.e CGts by Yea. oalo5/2ot9 Summary FY19 - Year One CostsffiEil lnform CAD Softw.ru Llcenre feel t 20,000.00 lnfomcADsoftware Lk€nse Fees S 1,000.00 lntonn OqD Softw.re Uc.nr. feer S 1100.00 lnlom Mobile Softwar. Li@.* F€e! S 20,000.00 hbrm Mobil€ Softwar. Uclnc€ Fels S 4r0O.0O lnfo,m Mobile lmplem€ntrtion Seftices I 10,000.00 lnfonn Ri6.oftw.r. LEei.e Fe€s S l3jm.m liform RMS softw.re Licens€ Fess $ 2,500.00 Thlr.oit cflac$ addlnS add ltion.l 'oftwa re lkanres 5 15,776.32 tor ol Tor.l Trlte.h/cdnEl sq!&re cAD/iMs Quoted Ada-o onty - Con t 87,26.!tit l.formC D ELeincasA.alysita.dCo.rLhnrE. Se Ee I d.y Remote Projed M..a8em€.tcoltr 5 70000 PrccLCt Name Urt PrEe Qty Tot! I Prte lnfom RMSBosnessA.atysisandCo.s!ltato.SeryE62 days Femot. Poie.t Mr.ageme.r costi t 1,40000 Protect M..a8€me.tfrom Ce.trallquire ProJect Mi.agcmc.r Coste S 6,25000 5ox ol ,ro jecl rvLnareme't servter con T--!E6E- A.nual Ma,ntenan.e for Menifee Ponon ofCentl.|5q!.re ThBcostretle.tiMerrnesshrreof36v'ottl'eaiitti.grnnLil Softwle mai.te..rce S 22,555.54 rorat Menifeeponi of anouat Maintenanrel-iJii- C,osno.ca Crail' soft ware 5ne Lice.se lo Be l.stallec on lu.e 1,2020 w/ bildLe 7/r/202o TorC Addnon l i.qsH SoftEE Propeny& tvbonce tlrrCw.re Zebra anoTopaz hbe|printe6, sig.rture prds.nd lc.nnels $ 5,aa977 rotr rar urdware costs -l--lEi-- 2FAsoftwrre (A.nlllly) C.rbonblacl sec!rry soft*.re forcispatcl" compl]te6 s 7,42400 5 64480 Cli€.t .c.€5r lke..e lo. Wi.od m.cf i.€r fo, Disratch com p!te6 5 1,58000 Mi.rorofr Offro lror3c forci.p.t hcompltcrr S 1,53600 ronar sotmre ccrs l--i!EE- Dell7060 SFF 5 Y.a r W.rr..ty Plus Ta.itf h.re.!e for Disp.tch phs €xtra DellP21l7H for D rpatch (4 percomputed TotC H.dwIe Conr s 4,00000 5 1,2J2 00 $ 7,2r2.m PCM G N€rworl S.tur.c<Netwo* selvae5 to confiSl]r€ and en.blirh ine n€tworl bdwe€. M.nif€€and Mlrra€t. 5 31,60r.77 failover l.te ret Coi.ectEn lMo.tit) 5 899 00 Prihiry lntem€t Connectio. . Strred Cost (Montnr) S 668.98 tot.t Nerwort sewies coit-3 t3J6tt5 NOTI Cc ntr.l Sq[a.e a8sreeo to Oaymert termi ot 50% at itan a.c 50% .t 80 live { Client Files/454O1 1 I W 50567 299. DOCX } Grahd Toral(does nor Induderaxes) 5 176,158-18 EXHIBIT "C-I" Eouioment. Hardware. and Software E { Client Files/4540t I lW50567299.DOCX }