2019/09/18 CivilPros CIP20-01 Bundy Canyon Rd/Scott Rd Widening ProjectCITY OF MENIFEE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREE,MENT CIP 20-01: BUNDY CANYON ROAD/SCOTT ROAD WIDENIN(; PROJECT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SE,RVICES - TLIIS PROFESSIpNAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and effective this fftday.f,.fud.20l9 ("Effective Date") by and between rhe CITY OF MENIFEE, a Calilomia municipal corporarion. ("Ciry") and CIVILPROS. a Calilornia Corporation ("Consultant"). City and Consultant may sometimes herein be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties." SECTION I. SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall provide to City the services described in the Scope ofServices, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this relerence (the "Services"). Consultant will perform subsequent task orders as requested by the Contract Administrator (as defined below), in accordance with the Scope of Services. In the event ola conflict in or inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and Exhibit A, this Agreement shall prevail. l I Term of Services. The term olthis A greement shall begin on September 18, 2019 and shall end on October 31,2021 unless the term of this Agreement is otherwise terminated or extended as provided for in Section 8. l he time provided to Consultant to complete the Services required by this Agreement shall not affect City's right to terminate this Agreement, as provided for in Section 8. I .2 Standard of Performance . Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant is a provider offirst class work and services and Consultant is experienced in performing the Services contemplated herein and, in light of such status and experience. Consultant shall perform the Services required pursuant to this Agreement in the manner and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which Consultant is engaged in the geographical area in which Consultant practices its profession and to the sole satislaction olthe Contract Administrator. ,l.3 Assienment of Personnel. Consultant shall assign only competent personnel to perform the Services pursuant to Agreement. In the event that City, in its sole discretion, at any time during the term of this Agreement. desires the reassignment olany such persons. Consultant shall, immediately upon receiving notice from City ofsuch desire of City, reassign such person or persons. 1.4 'l'ime. Consultant shall devote such timc to the perlormance ol the Services pursuant to this Agreement as may be reasonably necessary to satisfy Consultant's obligations hereunder. 26?l/0:r1858-000t 7610316 2 a06/l1,lc 1.5 Authorization to Perform Services. Consultant is not authorized to pertbrm any of the Services or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of authorization lrom the Contract Administrator. SECTION 2. COMPENSATION. City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS (52,340,960.00) not withstanding any contrary indications that may be contained in Consultant's proposal, Ibr the Services to be performed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreemcnt. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Exhibit A, regarding the amount ofcompensation, this Agreement shall prevail. City shall pay Consultant lorthe Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth herein. 'fhe payments specified below shall be the only payments lrom City to Consultant for the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall submit all invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized in advance by City. Consultant shall not bill City fbr duplicate services performed by more than one person. 2.1 Invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices monthly during the term of this Agreement, based on the cost lor the Services performed and reimbursable costs incurred prior to the invoice date. Invoices shall contain the following information: a. Serial identifications ofprogress bills; i.e., Progress Bill No. I lor the first invoice, etc.: b. The beginning and ending dates of the billing period; c- A "Task Summary" containing the original contracl amount, the amount of prior billings, the total due this period, the balance available under this Agreement, and the percentage of completion; d. At City's option, lor each item in each task, a copy olthe applicable time entries or time sheets shall be submitted showing the name of the person performing the Services, the hours spent by each person, a briel description of the Services, and each reimbursable expense; e. l'he total number of hours of work performed under this Agreement by Consultant and each employee, agent, and subcontractor of Consultant performing the Services hereunder necessary to complele the Services described in Exhibit A; f. Receipts for expenses to be reimbursed; g. The Consultant Representative's signature Invoices shall be submitted to: City of Menifee Attn: Accounts Pavable 267tl0ltE5E-0001 7630176 2 a06/11/19 ')- 29844 Haun Road Menifec. CA 92586 2.2 Monthly Payment. Cit y shall make monthly payments, based on invoices received, for the Services satisfactorily performed, and for authorized reimbursable costs incuned. City shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt ofan invoice that complies with all ofthe requirements above to pay Consultant. 2.3 lrinal Paymcnt. Cit y shall pay the last ten percent ( I 0%) of the total amount due pursuant to this Agreement within sixty (60) days after completion olthe Services and submittal to City ofa final invoice, if all ofthe Services required have been satisfactorily performed. 2.4 Total Payment. City shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever incurred by Consullant in rendering the Services pursuant to this Agreement. City shall make no payment lor any extra. further, or additional service pursuant to this Agreement. In no event shall Consultant submit any invoice for an amount in excess of the maximum amount of compensation provided above either for a task or for the entirety of the Services performed pursuant to this Agreement, unless this Agreement is modified in writing prior to the submission ol such an invoice. 2.5 Hourly Fees. Fees for the Sen'ices performed by Consultant on an hourly basis shall not exceed the amounts shown on the fee schedule included with Exhibit A. 2.6 RcimbursableExpenses Reimbursable expenses are included within the maximum amount ol this Agrccment 2.7 Payment of l'axes. Consultant is solel y responsiblc lor the payment of employment taxes incurred under this Agreement and any lederal or state taxes. 2.8 Pavment upon Termination. In the event that Cit y or Consultant terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 8, City shall compensate Consultant for all outstanding costs and reimbursable expenses incurred for Services satisfactorily completed and for reimbursable expenses as of the date of wdtten nolice oitermination. Consultant shall maintain adequate logs and timesheets in order to verify costs and reimbursable expenses incurred to that date. Except as other!!'ise provided. Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expcnse, provide all facilities and equipment necessary to perlorm the services required by this Agreement. City shall make available to Consultant only physical lacilities such as desks. filing cabinets, and conference space, as may be reasonably necessary for Consultant's use while consulting with City employees and reviewing records and the information in possession of City. The location. quantity, and time of fumishing those lacilities shall be in the sole discretion of City. In no event shall City be required to furnish any facility that may involve incurring any direct expense, including but no1 limited to computer, long-distance telcphone or other communication charges, vehicles, and reproduction lacilities. 26?l/01t858-0001 7610176 2 a06/14/19 -J SECTION -i. FACILITIES AND EQITtPMENT. SECTION 4. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Before beginning any work under this Agreement, Consultant, at its own cost and expense. shall procure the types and amounts of insurance checked below and provide Certificates of Insurance, indicating that Consultant has obtained or currently maintains insurance that meets the requirements of, this section and which is satisfactory, in all respects, to City. Consultant shall maintain the insurance policies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement. The cost of such insurance shall be included in Consultant's compensation. Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor. consultant or other agent to commence work on any subcontracl until Consultant has obtained all insurance required herein lor the subcontractor(s) and provided evidence thereofto City. Verification ofthe required insurance shall be submitted and made part of this Agreement prior to execution. Consultant acknowledges the insurance policy must cover inter-insured suits between City and other lnsureds. 4.1 Workers' Compensation. Consultant shall, at its sole cost and ex pense. maintain Statutory Workers' Compensation lnsurance and Employer's Liability Insurance lor any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by Consultant pursuant to the provisions ofthe Calilomia l,abor Code. Statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability lnsurance shall be provided with limits of not less than ONE MII-LION DOLLARS (S1,000.000.00) per accident, ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($ I,000,000.00) disease per employee, and ONE MI t.LION DOLLARS ($,l,000,000.00) disease per policy. In the alternative, Consultant may rely on a self- insurance program to meet those requirements, but only if the program ol self-insurance complies fully with the provisions of the Califomia Labor Code. Determination of whether a sell'-insurance program meets the standards olthe Califomia Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion ofthe Contract Administrator. The insurer. ifinsurance is provided, or Consultant, ifa program olself- insurance is provided. shall waive all rights of subrogation against City and its officers, oftlcials, employees. and authorized volunteers lor loss arising from the Services performed under this Agreement. a. General requirements. Consultant. at its own cost and expense. shall maintain commercial general and automobile liability insurance lor the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILI,ION DOLLARS ($l,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit coverage, for risks associated with the Services contemplated by this Agreement.'fWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate, and TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) products/completed operations aggregate. If a Commercial General Liability lnsurance or an Aulomobile t-iability Insurance lorm or other form with a general aggregate limit is used. either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the Services to be performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to. protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting thereliom. and damage to property resulting from the Services contemplated under this Agreement, including the use ofhired. owned, and non-owned automobiles. b. Minimum scope ofcoverase. Commercial general coverage shall bc at least as broad as lnsurance Services Office Commercial Gencral Liabilitv occurrence lorm CG 0001. 26?l/03 t8t8-0001 7630176 2 a06/14/19 -4- 4.2 Commercial Gcneral and Automobile Liabilitv Insurance. c. Additional requirements. Each of the lollowin g shall be included in the insurance coverage or added as a certified endorsement to the policy: a. The insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident basis, and not on a claims-made basis. 4.3 ProfessionalLiabilitylnsurance. a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain for the period covered by this Agreement prolessional liability insurance for licensed professionals perlorming the Services pursuant to this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE, MILLION DOLLARS ($l,000,000) covering the licensed professionals' errors and omissions. Any deductible or sell-insured retention shall be shown on the Certificate. lf the deductible or self-insured retention exceeds TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000). it must be approved by City. b. Claims-made limitations. The following provisions shall apply if the professional liability coverage is written on a claims-made form: a. The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be no later than the commencement ofthe Services. b. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the Services, so long as commercially available at reasonable rates. c. If coverage is canceled or not renewed and it is not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the E,ffective Date olthis Agreement. Consultant must provide extended reporting coverage for a minimum ol five (5) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement or the completion ofthe Services. Such continuation coverage may be provided by ont: of the following: (l ) renewal ofthe existing policyl (2) an extended reporting period endorsement; or (3) replacement insurance with a retroactive date no later than the commencement of the Services under this Agreement. City shall have the right to exercise. at Consultant's sole cost and expense, any extended reporting provisions ofthe policy, if Consultant cancels or does not renew the coverage. d. A copy ol the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to City prior to the commencement olthe Services under this Agreement. ) Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Olfice Automobile Liability lorm CA 0001 Code 2. 8, and 9. No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage. b. Any lailure ofConsultant to comply with reporting provisions ofthe policy shall not affect coverage provided to City and its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. 267 t/03 t858-0001 7610176I a06lll/19 4.4 All Policies Requirements. a. Acceotability ol insurers. All insurance required by this Section is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII and admitted in California. b. Verification of coverage Prior to beginning the Services under this Agreement, Consultant shall lurnish City with Certificates of lnsurance, additional insured endorscment or policy language granting additional insured status complete certified copies of all policies, including complete certified copies of all endorsements. All copies of policies and certified endorsements shall show the signature of a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The Certificate of lnsurancs must include thc lollowing reference: CIP 20-01: BUNDY CANYON ROAD/SCOTT ROAD WIDENING PROJECT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES. 'fhe name and address f,or Additional Insured endorsements. Certificates of lnsurance and Notice of Cancellation is: City ol Menifee, 29844 Haun Road, Meniflee. CA 92586. City must be endorsed as an additional insured for liability arising out ofongoing and completed operations by or on behalf ol Consultant. Notice of Reduction in or Caneqllatjan o;[]qavela.gq. Consultant shallc. provide written notice to City within ten ( l0) working days if: (l) any of the required insurance policies is terminaled; (2) the limits ofany olthe required polices are reduced; or (3) the deductible or self-insured retention is increased. d. Additional insured: primary insurance. Cit y and its officers. cmployees. agents, and authorized volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds with respcct to each of the following: liability arising out of the Services performed by or on behalf of Consultant, including the insured's general supervision of Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant, as applicable; premises owned. occupied, or used by Consultant; and automobiles owned, leased. or used by Consultant in the course of providing the Services pursuant to this Agreement. 'lhe coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City or its officers. employees, agents, or authorized volunteers. The insurance provided to City as an additional insured must apply on a primary and non-contributory basis with respect to any insurance or self-insurance program maintained by City. Additional insured status shall continue for one ( I ) year after the expiration or termination ofthis Agreement or completion ofthe Services. A certified endorsement must be attached to all policies stating that coverage is primary insurance with respect to City and its officers, oflficials, employees, and volunteers, and that no insurance or self-insurance maintained by City shall be called upon to contribute to a loss under the coverage. Deductibles and Self-insured Retentions. Consultant shall obtain the written approval olCity lor the sell-insured retentions and deductibles before beginning any olthe Services. During the term of this Agreement, only upon the prior express written authorization of the Contract Administrator. Consultant may increase such deductibles or self- insured retentions with respect to City, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. 'fhe Contract Administrator may condition approval of an increase in deductible or self-insured 26? l/0:rlE58-0001 7610176 2 a06/l{/19 -6- retention levels with a requirement that Consultant procure a bond guaranteeing payment ollosses and related investigations, claim administration. and defense expenses that is satisfactory in all respects to each of them. L Subcontractors. Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall fumish separate certificates and ce(ified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all ofthe requirements stated herein. g. Variation. The Contract Administrator may. but is not required to, approve in writing a variation in the foregoing insurance requirements, upon a determination that the coverage, scope, limits, and forms ofsuch insurance are either not commercially available, or that City's interests are otherwise fully protected. 4.5 Remedies. ln addition to any other remedies at law or equity City may have if Consultant iails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may. at its sole option. exercise any of the following remedies, which are alternatives to other remedies City may have and are not the exclusive remedy lor Consultant's breach: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount olthe premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement; b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement or withhold any payment that becomes due to Consultant hereunder, or both stop work and withhold any payment, until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof; and/or c 'Ierminate this Agreement. SFJ,CTION 5. INDEMNIFICATION. 5.2 lndemniftcation lor Other than Prolessional Liability. Other than in the pcrlormance of prolessional services and to the full extent permitted by law. Consultant shall indemnify. protect. delend (with counsel selected by City). and hold harmless City. and any and :671/03185E-0001 76:10:t762 a06,1.1,l9 -7 5.1 Indemnification for Professional Liability. Where the law establishes a professional standard ol care lor performance of the Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, deflend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all ol its officers, employees, officials. volunteers, and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, damages, expenses. liabilities, liens, actions, causes of action (whether in tort, contract, under statute, at law, in equity, or otherwise) charges, awards, assessments, fines. or penalties of any kind (including reasonable consultant and expert lees and expenses of investigation, costs of whatever kind and nature and. if Consultant fails to provide a delense for City, the legal costs oi counsel retained by City) and any judgment (collectively, "Claims") to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error. or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of prolessional services under this Agreement. all of its officers. employees. officials, volunteers. and agents lrom and against any and all Claims, where the same arise out of are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant or by any individual or entity lor which Consultant is legally liable. including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subcontractors of Consultant. 5.3 Limitation of [ndemnification for Design Professionals. Notwithstandin g any provision of this Section 5 to the contrary, design professionals are required to defend and indemnily City only to the extent permitted by Civil Code Section 2782.8. The term "design professional" as defined in Section 2782.8, is limited to licensed architects. licensed landscape architects. registered professional engineers. professional land surveyors, and the business entities that offer such services in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Califomia Business and Professions Code. 5.4 [.imitation of lndemnification. The provisions of this Section 5 do not apply to claims occurring as a result of City's sole or active negligence. The provisions olthis Section 5 shall not release City from tiability arising from gross negligence or willful acts or omissions of City or any and all of its officers, officials. employees, and agents acting in an official capacity. SECTION 6. STATI.]S OF CONSULTANT. 6.1 Indepcndent Contractor. At all times durin g the term ofthis Agrccment. Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee olCity. City shall have the right to control Consultant only insolar as the results of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement and assignment of personnel pursuant to Subparagraph 1.3; however, otherwise City shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. I'he personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees. or agents is in any manner officers. officials, employees. or agents of City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt. obligation, or Iiability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in this Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages. or other compensation to Consultant for performing the Services hereunder fbr City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of perlorming the Services hereunder. Notwithstanding any other City, state, or lederal policy. rule. regulation, law. or ordinance to the contrary, Consultant and any of its employees, agents. and subcontractors providing services under this Agreement shall not qualify for or become entitled to any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by City, including but not limited to eligibility to enroll in the Califomia Public Employees Retirement System ("PERS") as an employee of City and entillement to any contribution to be paid by City lor employer contributions and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits. SECTION 7. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. 7 .l Governing Law. I'he laws o1- thc State of Calilornia shall 167l/03 t85E-0001 ?610.176 2 a06/ l4/19 8- govcm this Agreement 7 .2 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Consultant and any subcontractor shall comply with all applicable local, state. and fedcral laws and regulations applicable to the perlormance of the work hereunder. Consultant shall not hire or employ any person to perform work within City or allow any person to perform the Services required under this Agreement unless such person is properly documented and legally entitled to be employed within the United States. Any and all work subject to prevailing wages, as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations ofthe State of Califomia, will be the minimum paid to all laborers. including Consultant's employee and subcontractors. It is understood that it is the responsibility of Consultant to determine the correct scale. The State Prevailing Wage Rates may be obtained from the Califomia Department of lndustrial Relations (*DIR") pursuant to Calilomia Public Utilities Code, Sections 465.466, and 467 by calling 415-103-4774. Appropriate records demonstrating compliance with such requirement shall be maintained in a safe and secure location at all times, and readily available at City's request. Consultant shall indemnify. defend, and hold City and its elected and appointed boards, members, olficials. olficers, agents. representatives. employees, and volunteers harmless from and against any liability. loss, damage, cost or expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attomeys' fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and costs incuned related to any inquiries or proceedings) arising from or related to (i) the noncompliance by Consultant or any party perlorming the Services ofany applicable local, state, and/or federal law, including, without limitation, any applicable federal and/or state labor laws (including, without limitation, the requirement to pay state prevailing wages and hire apprentices): (ii) the implementation ofSection I 781 of the l.abor Code, as the same may be amended lrom time to time, or any olher similar law; and/or (iii) failure by Consultant or any party performing the Services to provide any required disclosure or identification as required by Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended lrom time to time, or any other similar law. [t is agreed by the Parties that, in connection with performance ofthe Services, including. without limitation, any and all public works (as defined by applicable law), Consultant shall bear all risks ofpayment or non-payment ofprevailing wages under California law and/or the implementation of [-abor Code Section I 781 . as the same may be amended from time to time. and/or any other similar law. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that it shall be independently responsible for reviewing the applicable laws and regulations and effectuating compliance with such laws. Consultant shall require the same of all subcontractors. 7 .3 Licenses and Permits. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents. and any subcontractors have all licenses, permits. qualifications, and approvals of whatsoever nature that are legally required to practice their respective professions. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant and its employees, agents, and subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense. keep in effect at all times during the term ol this Agreement any licenses, permits. and approvals that are legally required to practice their respective professions. In addition to the foregoing. Consultant and any subcontractors shallobtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement valid Business Licenses lrom City. SE,CTION 8, TERMINATION AND MODIFICATION. 8.1 Termination. City may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause upon written notifi cation to Consultant. 8.2 Termination bv Consultant. Consultant may cancel this Agreement upon 30 days' written notice to City. 26rt/011E58,000r ?610376 2 a06/l.l/19 -9 8.3 Consequences of Termination. In the event of termination . Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for the Serv'ices performed up to the date of termination; City, however, may condition payment ol such compensation upon Consultant delivering to City any or all documents, photographs. computer software. video and audio tapes, and other materials provided to Consultant or prepared by or lor Consultant or City in connection with this Agreement. 8.4 Extension. City may, in i1s sole and exclusive discretion, extend the end date of this Agreement beyond that provided for in Subsection l.l. Any such extension shall require a written amendment to this Agreement, as provided for herein. Consultant understands and agrees that, if City grants such an extension, City shall have no obligation to provide Consultant wilh compensation beyond the maximum amount provided for in this Agreement. Similarly, unless authorized by the Contract Administrator, City shall have no obligation to reimburse Consultant lor any otherwise reimbursable expenses incurred during the extension period. 8.5 all the Parties Amendments. The Parties ma y amend this Agreement only by a writing signed by 8.6 Assisnmcnl and Subcontractin q. Cit y and Consultant recognize and agree that this Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and is based upon a determination of Consultant's unique personal competence, experience, and specialized personal knowledge. Moreover, a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agreement was and is the professional reputation and competence ofConsullant. Consultant may not assign this Agreement or any interest therein without the prior written approval ofthe Contract Administrator. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion ofthe performance contemplated and provided for herein, other than to the subcontractors noted in Consultant's proposal, without prior written approval of the Contract Administrator. In the event that key personnel leave Consultant's employ, Consultant shall notily City immediately. 8.7 Survival. All obligations arising prior to the expiration or termination of this Agreement and all provisions olthis Agreement allocating liability between City and Consultant shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8.8 Options upon Breach by Consultant. If Consultant materially breaches any of the terms ol this Agreement, City's remedies shall include, but not be limited to, any or all of the following: a. Immediately terminate this Agreement; b. Retain the plans, specifications, drawings, reports, design documents, and any other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement; c. Retain a different consultant to complete the Services described in Exhibit Al and/or d. Charge Consultant the difference between the cost to complete the Services described in Exhibit A that is unfinished at the time of breach and the amount that City would have paid Consultant pursuant to Section 2 if Consultant had completed the Services. 26r l/011E58,0001 7610176 2 a06/l.l/19 -10- SECTION 9. KEEPIN(; AND STA'I'US OF RI]CORDS. 9.1 Records Created as Part of Consultant's Pcrformance. All reports, data, maps, models, charts. studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda. plans, studies, specifications, records, files. or any other documents or materials, in electronic or any other form that Consultant prepares or obtains pursuant to this Agreement and that relate to the matters covered hereunder shall be the property of City. Consultant hereby agrees to deliver those documents to City upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. [t is understood and agreed that the documents and other materials, including but not limited to those described above. prepared pursuant to this Agreement are prepared specifically lor City and are not necessarily suitable for any future or other use. Any use of such documents for other projects by City shall be without liability to Consultant. City and Consultant agree that. until final approval by City, all data, plans, specifications, reports, and other documents are confidential and will not be released to third parties without prior wrilten consent olboth Pa(ies unless required by law. 9.2 Licensinq ol lntellectual Property. '['his Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual Iicense for City to copy, use, modify. reuse. or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, rights of reproduction. and other intelleclual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies. drawings, estimates. test data, survey results. models, renderings, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium ol expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magnetically, or in any other medium, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement ("Documents and Data")- Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in w ting that City is granted a non- exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents and Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents and Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents and Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City's sole risk. 9.3 Consultant's Books and Records. Consultant shall maintain any and all ledgers, books ofaccount, invoices. vouchers. canceled checks, and other records or documents evidencing or relating to charges for the Services or expenditures and disbursements charged 10 City under this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) years. or for any longer period required by law, from the date of final payment to Consultanl under this Agreement. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounling principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. 9.4 Inspection and Audit ol'Records. An y records or documents that Section 9.3 of this Agreement requires Consultant to maintain shall be made available lor inspection. audit. and/or copying at any time during regular busincss hours. upon oral or written request ol City. Under Califomia Govemment Code Section 8546.7. ifthe amount ofpublic funds expended under this Agreement exceeds TEN TIIOUSAND DOI-LARS (S10.000.00), this Agrecment shall be subject to the examination and audit olthe State Auditor. at the request of City or as part ofany audit of City. lor a period ofthree (3) years after final payment under this Agreement. 267tl01l85E-0001 ,6:10176 2 a06/14/19 -ll- SECTIONlO. MISCELLANEOUSPROVISIONS. l0.l Attomeys' !'ees. [f either Part y to this Agreement brings any action, including an action lor declaratory relief, to enforce or interpret the provision olthis Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to reasonable attomeys' fees and expenses including costs, in addition to any other relief to which that Party may be entitledl provided, however. that the attomeys' fees awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the hourly rate paid by City for legal services multiplied by the reasonable number olhours spent by the prevailing Party in the conducl olthe litigation. The cou( may set such lees in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. 10.2 Aoplicable Law: Venue. The intemal laws of the State of California shall govem the interpretation and enlorcement of this Agreement. ln the event that either Party brings any action against the other under this Agreement, the Parties agree that trial of such action shall be vested exclusively in Riverside County. 10.3 Severability. Ilany provision of this Agreement is held invalid. the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and all other parts ol this Agreement shall nevertheless be in full force and effect. 10.4 Section Headings and Subheadings. The section headi ngs and subheadings contained in this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the terms of this Agreement. I 0.5 No Implied Waiver ol Breach. The waiver of any breach of a specific provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver olany other breach ofthat term or any other term of this Agreement. I 0.6 Successors and Assisns. The provisions ofthis Agreement shall inure to the benefit oland shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns ofthe Parties. 10.7 Consultant Representative. All matters under this Agreement shall be handled for Consultant by Bob Morin. Assistant Vice President ("Consultant's Representative"). The Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of Consultant lorall purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his best skill and attention. and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions ofthe Services under this Agreement. 10.8 City Contract Administration. This Agreement shall be administered by a City employee, Carlos Geronimo, Sr. Civil Engineer ("Contract Administrator"). All correspondence shall be directed to or through the Contract Administrator or his designee. 'Ihe Contract Administrator shall have the power to act on behalf of City for all purposes under this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the Contract Administrator or his designee. I 0.9 Notices. Any written notice lo Consultant shall be sent to: -12-267tl031E58-0001 7630176 2 a06/14/19 CIVILPROS Attn: Bob Morin, Assistant Vice President 3850 Vine Street. Suite I l0 Riverside" CA 92507 Any written notice to City shall be sent to the Contract Administrator at City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Attn: Carlos Ceronimo, Sr. Civil Engineer City Clerk City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee- CA 92586 10.10 Professional Seal Where applicable in the determination ol the Contract Administrator, the first page ola technical report. first page ofdesign specifications, and each page of construction drawings shall be stamped/sealed and signed by the licensed professional responsible for the report/design preparation. T'he stamp/seal shall be in a block entitled "Seal and Signature of Registered Professional with report/design responsibility," as in the following example. Seal and Signature of Registered Prolessional with report/design responsibility. l0.l I Rishts and Remedies. [:x cept with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies olthe Parties are cumulative and the exercise by either Pa(y of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it. at the same or different times, ofany other rights or remedies for the same default or any other delault by the other Party. 10.12 [ntesration. This Agreement, including the scope ol services attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, represents the entire and integrated agreement between City and Consultant and supersedes all prior negotiations. representations, or agreements, either written or oral. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either Party by reason ofthe authorship of this Agreement or any other rule olconstruction which might otherwise apply. 10.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one agreemenl. 267rl011858-000r 76101?6 2 a06/ l.r/ I9 - l3- with a copy to: 10.14 f]xecution ofContract. The persons executing this Agreement on behalfofeach of the Parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such Party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said Party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such Party is lormally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said Party is bound. I 0. I 5 Nondiscrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and lor itsell its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that in the performance ofthis Agreement there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any impermissible classification including, but not limited to, race. color, creed, religion, sex. marital status, sexual orientation, national origin. or ancestry. 10. I 6 No Third Party Beneflciaries. With the exc eption of lhc specific provisions set forth in this Agreement, therc are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third parties shall have any rights or obligations hereunder. 10.17 Nonliabilitv of City Otficers and Emplovees. No officer, official. employee, agent. representative. or volunteer of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event olany delault or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or lor breach ofany obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 10.18 No Undue Influence. Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of City in connection with the award, terms or implementation olthis Agreement. including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of City shall receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from Consultant, or from any officer, employee, or agent of Consultant, in connection with the award ofthis Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. 10.19 No Benefit to Arise to Cit), Employees. No member. officer, or employee olCity. or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or has responsibilities with respect to this Agreement during his,4rer tenure or for one (l) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect. in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, lor the Services to be performed under this Agreement. [Signatures on Following Page] - l4-2671/03185E-0001 7630176 2 a06/lJ/19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parlies hereto have executed and entered into this Agreement as olthe Effective Date. CITY OF MENIFEE CONSULTANT _r'.),)/ BillZimr(y'r(9[, Mayor orin, Assistant Vice President $ Dougl Sawyer, Vice Presiden ICorporation must have two signatures] City C as to Form: . Mclchin AttomevJ 2671/0llE58-000t 7610176 2 a06/ l{/19 -l5- EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Project Objectives The City's primary objective for this Agreement is to obtain professional assistance in compteting environmenta[, design, improvement plans, Right-of-Way Acquisition, specification and construction bid documents for the Bundy Canyon/Scott Road widening from Haun Road to Sunset Avenue (City Limits). Project Management The consuttant shatl provide professional and technical services during the scoping, environmental review and design of the project. Devetop a project team and prepare the project scope of work, activities, schedule, and work ptan. Define key issues and goats and coord'inate responsibitities of project team members. Conduct regutar monthty project team coordination and status meetings, prepare agenda, meeting minutes and action items. Consultant shatl coordinate with City staff when working with developers, utility and other agencies. Consuttant shatI coordinate and conduct one presentation of the proposed project team prior to retease of the pubtic review of the draft environmental document; and a City Council presentation of the project in conjunction with the approval of the project environmental document. Consuttant shatI implement and maintain the foltowing quatity control procedures during the preparation of plans and documents relating to this project: a) QC program in effect for the duration of this contract. b) Design and calcutations are independently checked, corrected and back- checked. c) Att related correspondence and memorandum routed and received by affected persons and filed in appropriate fi[e. d) Where different disciplines are invotved, implement means to assure that confticts and misalignment do not exist. e) Provide outtine of firm's QC Program. ldentify critical QC reviews within the project schedute.f) QC person shatl sign at[ draft and finat ptans and documents submitted to the City, in addition to the person responsible for preparing said ptans and documents. Environmental Analysis As previously stated, an EIR was prepared and Certified by the City of Witdomar. The Consultant shatl prepare the necessary documents in order to re-certify this document 2671/01lli5t,0001 ?6:10:U6 2 a06/ ll/19 EXIIII]I'f A for the City of Menifee. At[ Environmental Documentation work wi[[ be performed under the oversight of the City of Menifee. The project construction funding is currently not estabtished, however at minimum; compliance with the Catifornia Environmental Quatity Act (CEQA) witt be required as part of the design task. The consultant sha[[ recommend updates to the technical studies as necessary. As an optional item, the consultant shatl submit a scope and fee to bring the project into comptiance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) for the entire atignment of the project as identified in the ElR. Define and anatyze the feasibitity of proposed horizontal and vertical alignment atternatives, identify impacts and discuss in the environmentaI report as appropriate. Geotechnical Evaluation and Report. Perform pothoting/Geo technical investigation as needed to verify the exact location and depth of existing utitities so as to avoid confticts with proposed improvements. Permitting The Consuttant witt identify the permits that witt be required on this project.o The Consuttant sha[[ identify a[[ agencies with permitting authority over any aspects of the project and sha[[ maintain communication and coordination efforts with such agencies throughout atl phases of the work. Consuttant shatl identify permitting requirements and, in conjunction with City staff, establish how these requirements wi[[ be imptemented. The incorporation of at( permitting requirements in pretiminary engineering, environmentaI mitigation, finaI engineering and PS&E shatt be accomptished during the appropriate phases of the work.r The consultant sha[[ prepare, and assist City in preparing permit apptications for the permits listed above. The consuttant, in close coordination with the City Project Manager shatl serve as the liaison between City and other concerned agencres. Utility and Other Coordination a a 267 t/031858-0001 ?630376I a00/00/00 -2- Reconnaissance and Field Surveys. Coordinate and review att existing improvement plans/as buitt drawings within the areas of the project boundaries. Perform fietd reconnaissance and prepare a record of site conditions.. Obtain and review availabte information relevant to this project from the City, utitity base maps pertinent to project and adjacent areas and as-built plans.. Perform fietd data coltection surveys to obtain the location of utitities and other structures visibte from the surface, electric potes, sidewalks, curb and gutter, fire hydrants, trees and landscaping improvements along the project edges. Consuttant shall provide coordination with atl parties affected by the project such as: utitity companies, City staff, utitity agencies, and other Consuttants:o Coordinate, research, and verify the tocation of existing utilities and any retocation required for such utitities.o Maintain coordination with utitity agencies throughout the project. . Consultant shatl also coordinate the design with affected devetopers.. Coordination with Caltrans for any encroachment or project impact to their jurisdiction. Right of Wayr ldentify private improvements within the right of way takes. Prepare legal ptats and property descriptions for right of way takes from each affected property (within 6 - 9 months from start of work). At[ easements shatl be clearty marked and identified. Property take descriptions sha[[ be ctear and checked for closure.. Coordinate with City's Right of Way acquisition consuttant.. Prepare a master summary ptan for acquisition of att right of ways. Construction Documents Prepare contract ptans for the construction phase, technical specifications, and cost estimates (P.S.& E. ) associated with the project. These documents shatl be suitabte for public bidding. . Prepare att plans using AutoCAD with 1"=20' scale for plan views, 1" =20' hz 1"=5' vt for profiles, and 1"=10' (or as needed) scate for detaits.. Finished drawings sha[[ be delivered to the City on 4 mil Mytar, 24" x 36" using City border and titte btock.. Consultant sha[[ prepare technicat specification and the bid package. . The Consuttant sha[[ submit three (3) sets of ptans, technical specifications, and cost estimates at 30%, 60%, 90%, and at the Final completion stage of the project for City review.. The Consuttant shatt incorporate the comments received after the reviews and should ptan on a meeting with the City staff at each submittal [eve[ to review the City's comments.o Final submittat requires originats, mytars, and computer fites of the P.S.& E.. Ptans and specifications for the project shat[ compty with the latest editions of the City of Menifee Design Standards, Standard Plans, Special Provisions, and other reference standards such as the State Standard Plans and Specifications and the Standard Specification for Pub[ic Works Construction (Greenbook) latest editions.. The titte sheet of the specifications, reports, and each sheet of the project ptans sha[[ bear the professional sea[, certificate number, registration ctassification, expiration date of the certificate, and signature of the professional engineer responsible for their preparation. Mi lestones Mitestone 1 Pretiminarv Enqineerinq 2671lot 1856,0001 76301?6: a00/00/00 .J Based on initial input from the City and after gathering att pertinent data, the Consuttant shatl perform fietd surveys, devetop geometric approval drawings and obtain design concept approval for the preparation of preliminary plans (30% [eve[ ptans). Milestone 2 - Environmental Documentation and ApprovaI AtI environmentaI studies and assessments, as previously described in "Environmenta[ Anatysis", shatt be compteted as fottows: o lnitiation for environmentaI phaseo Draft EnvironmentaI Studies. Environmental Ctearance / Project Approval. Detiverabtes There wi[[ be no federal funds invotved in the environmentat and design phase of the project. However, Cattrans is acting as a federal agency fotlowing the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FHWA, Catifornia Division of the Catifornia Department of Transportation, which became effective on June 7,2007. The MOU was signed pursuant to Section 6004 of the 2005 Safe, Accountable, Ftexibte, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) which atlows Secretary of Transportation to assign, and the State of California to assume responsibitity for most NEPA environmentaI review determination. For those projects, the State may also be assigned FHWA's responsibi lities for environmentaI consuttation and coordination under other federaI environmenta[ [aws. By statue, the State is deemed to be a Federal agency for those assigned responsibitities - as it is for this project's environmental review, consuttation, and coordination; as assigned by FHWA, pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 326. Cattrans wi[[ prepare the NEPA environmenta[ determ'ination when the requested environmentaI reports are deemed comptete. Milestone3-Finat PS&E This phase devetops 60% levet p(ans, specifications and estimates for City review and circulation to various service units within City, utitity companies and other pubtic agencies. a)Review comments and incorporate them from Mitestone 1 and 2 for finat draft PS&E. Prepare final roadway ptans. The following is a listing of estimated plan sheets: Titte Sheet Key Map General Notes and Project Specific Notes Standard lmprovement Plans and Profiles Cross Sections b) a a a -4-2671/01lE5E-0001 76-10176I a00/00/00 . Traffic Signat Plans. Singing and Striping Ptans. Construction Detaits. Construction Staging Plans. Grading Ptans. Drainage Ptan and Profites. Drainage Detaitsr Erosion Control Ptans. Utitity Relocation Plans and Detaits. Summary of Quantities. GeotechnicaI Reporto Hydrotogy/Hydraulic Report. SWPPP for Construction Phase. Post Devetopment WQMP c) Prepare special provisions. The City of Menifee uses the "Greenbook" as its general specifications, Special Provision fites must be developed on a Windows operating system and file format and furnished in Word or WordPerfect. d) Prepare quantity calculations, takeoffs and estimates to be signed by the preparer and independent checker. e) Prepare CPM schedute based on estimate of required number of working days for project construction.f) Detiverabtes: 3 futl size set of ptans with 60% submittal; 3 copies of contract special provisions at 60% submittats; cost estimate; CPM schedute. Upon receipt of comments from the 60% level review, the Finat PS&E phase shatl be prepared incorporating comments from the draft PS&E (60%) to produce Finat PS&E (90% and finat PS&E bid package ready for advertisement). Detiverables for Final PS&E (not timited to): r 1 set 24" x36" signed fina[ Mytar ptans used for reproduction (signed and stamped by a registered CE)o 2 sets of final quantity catcutations (stamped by a registered CE)o 2 sets of final special provisions (signed and stamped by a registered CE)o Etectronic copy of final ptans (pdf) and AutoCAD Civit 3D, and special provisions (Microsoft Word).. 1 copies of RE Fite and etectronic copy in pdf format.r 2 sets of final cost estimate. 1 copy of fina[ design catculations. 1 copy of independent design check TIMING Consultant shatl comptete atl design in the period of 18-24 Months. 5 26? l/0t t858-0001 76101176 2 a00/00/00 ATIACHMENT A: COST PROPOSAI. & ACCTPTANCE OT PROPOSTD CONTRACT/AGRTIMTNT ft MENIFEE NFw Benor. Eoit (PLEASE REAI) AI.IO 'IARK EACH CHECK8OX COiIFIR'I AXNOWLEOGEJIEIiT AXD AoREEANCE V/TTTI THE INDICATO sTATEIAENTS) 81 Th. Propor.l Corl prorld.d r.fl.(ts .ll posnbl. dlr.ct .nd indirc(t c6tr, tr.!rl, intur.n<., ovarhaad, laboa, pro,ll, r6rtcr. aontlnadlt commlrrlqtr, rancwal aommllslonr. trrylca la6, and any El ltc Prop6.lprond.d ..11.€B .ny .ddltlon.l rddcndum(r) Itiu.d wtth r6p.<t to thlt RFP. El Uy rtgn:ture certtfle. th:t $lr ttrm h.5 no bEtn€sr o. per'qt.l rel.donrhlpr wlth .ny olher (omp.ni6 or p.R6! th.t could ba .o.ild.r.d . confltct ot lnt.r6l, or pot.nti.l €onflicl of int.r6t to thc clty ot rn€nlfee, pert.lnln3 to.ny :nd.ll wofl o'lervcer lo be pertormed.s . rcsult ol thls requet Jld.ny resultl.t AtreemenUContr.ct wlth the Clty. ^C(IPTANCt OT PROPOSED A6RTE'TEHT/COXTR^CT Ei srlrltttotttt,p.opar.llndlc.t.tu/Gh.v.r.!t.\,.dth.p(opor.d\,witt.n.t..m.nt(ErhlbrtAl Jld ll;.|.<t!d viEold.cr@t all i..ms of the prop.6!d 4r..m.ni. Propo..f,ln subdtnnt. r6pon3. to this RFP, v.r..nt! thrt lt hr. rullpow.r .nd.uthorlly to.omply with thc.cqulrcm.nB rp.c!|l.d hcrcln ad *lll hold th. Clly h.rml6. trom ,td .!.tnrt .ny .ltd .ll loit, <ort. n.b$lty. .nd.IPcnr. (ncludtng rcatonablc atlornay fc..) arlrlnl out o, any baaa<h ol lhlr warrar! ly. CivilPros 3E50 Vine St. Suate 1'10 Riverside CA 92507 Clty r 619 t 7940325 5t.t.Zip Codc r 619 r 734-87-55 -I coDorrtlon PanrERhlp Tau3(/Btec lltivldu.t/Sote Prop.letor or slrBte membe. LLC Other sig€d By Douglas B. Sawyer Llmited Liabittty Company ,LLC, Senror Vice President. West Region TI tIE ZiifilGvrlPnos 2671/0lr8s8-000t 76101?6 2 a00/00/00 -6- h[]GrvrlPnos -7 267 t/01t858-0n0r r6101176I a00/00/00 f---r-- I 4 7 t^ :.. c /I nfr MENIFEE o'.,-€ t d.atE,^ so@tlb tu' hraaMcvsar ttaA) Sdd e td I I @ @I@ 167l 0t1llr8-000t 7610176I a0000/00 8- I cosl sulrha nY BY coxsu(rarl I C.-d rdr Crr (Lrr O'd.!.t Sr:.r) 6l<Hd.d!hd.'.n cosT sl,iitARY BY tast(mt MEN!FEE 6 E 2671/03lEtE-000 t ?610176 2 100/00/00 -9- I I II I + --;I nh MENIFEE r I I IE@alt aa I @ttti -10- 267 t/0118i8,0001 76:t0t76 2 a00/00/00 COST SUWARY BY TASX ,r,a,a arla,lL a-,24a a2,ata?,5 or5rTdr c., ii!o'..i!, Irta,r3a ttao,r4,l7r,r{ tz.xo.rao ZiilGrvrlPnos -11-267 t/01t858-0001 7630176 2 a00/00/00 tr---r-- ,f 4 e I nh MENIFEE I t aI E! I TTEIE _! o a a)6 II 2'...dntF..d.l&kqt I .l I I EE ---1 E @ I I o E@ II EEETET EEE-D EI 2671/031858-0001 7610376 2 a00/00/00 -12- I : I l Ii .l.l.lo. l-lc lz.lrt . l.la I a 1 a l! L a l.lu la lE nh MENIFEE t t I 4ir rdr.!{ t 267 t/01t858-000 t 7630]76 2 ,00/00/00 -l3- llii!lr ! .li ,t'!llDIl.it'r : ! t .?33 r? 9:. E I t I a 0 I!I a a E E; !i r 8 g a B 3 I a ! 5 ? ! : t E I d I i 3. !i ! r ! a t I EI i t I & E 1 t t eI I! a Jt I a I 3 t E & 8 8 I lll ;ur&Il..2iUJ: =; t I I, I I st at 8 ! lllt t ! t I I E 8 L I I E E a 8 a r E I E q a I PiH,b^|'4g.dpvnB,Mt.v E" *dti(o TANTnt MENIFEE Now. Botter. Best. ! ! i I ,la,$! 267 t/03 t858-0001 r6t0-176I a00/00/00 -15- III llII ,aErratoaatF nh MENIFEE i I 66 2.ixcd.d.d'9t,4 T i _.+ -----+--------.1- Blt,dohrc.dhe. 2671/01t858-0001 7610176 2 a00/00/00 -t6- ,l o la la l n lr l c lr l t I o lrrrl lr!. 0 T 0 I 0 t 0 I o I o i 0 I o I . I o I ! ololol! l I o l! l6l0l0lo l.l0l0 0lol01ol0tol0lo n* MENIFEE f,lil;lili!II 6 i ! 267 t/03 t858-0001 76101761 ,00/00/00 -17 - !alnlnrlralr ,nIr0Lldlr-lr6m rtllaatrtilzr2t nt MEN!FEE New. Better. Best i E I t t tt ! a i,Fi i3 BI i 5 RdB id Add.l .l Er,t O.rmbor . 8O0 Pwp OA/OC S.n.dsb O6l.n.a.l a grMd rrv.rn! b.r ma rd &rlln Prq-l Sd!.drb.nd UFa.s l,onrily Pr€r.E n.9ot R.uEnUtl.r P.'t h Pddng I{.p Utla- F..lrm.n G.d-ndd E !6.mC P.or lola PSIE .id Cdt*r O.lrsur P. do G.or..n.r.r t.rd wdr Pr.prE g6Lchn'.rr reon rd hdig: p*r.rm L'd., S!r.y.in toroar.pirc S,q Fr.t! ..4 Ltrr D6.,pto: tnty.ta O!r. C.dn !..r cd.hr. R.-.Eh .rd vnt tqto o, €4ani Udan od ^,t M. .n Cordo!6,anUdliaanoc 1160 trao l1.o !r ro 32 La.to^ I- nwo.ddd plr.E t0 hr.ddcplln.ry i.vd MitnC d.r..i Cmh.nh Fnl OA/OC Slbd 10.. P5l,E ridr-6r.d O.lto.,rr6 CIy..d Slr-old. inii or $aa Cffir R,orrb !-dllg Cdr..rtrlc.l Erddld id R.Drl l2{m cddm.. ..d R.B ar ErEb.c lir,rp.mrn phf,vAetofi orehq. P-rorm F.ld f,..onrs.E..nd P,a... R..dd.l Sr. Cod'to. l: ori E.v6m.rn.l Stud.r €.v6tudd Cl.d*.rP'q..r AE dl s!b.r o!air.r.c- tc !r. Cr, P,r.,. 6(lr PSAE.id C6trr O.rrr.blr! lnt rd'.qph.,Y inh rih$.c ,!d.. rDR com-lr F r ol,oc slhir 6oja PsaE..d c6t.cr o.ltrraLr ! E i I t }ISULTANT 0 ,0 0 0 0 a lt aaa 0 0 o z-3 Recom.Br.re -rl trdd swryt 0 !0 9 C@drr$ o, O.rgn *.h Al'. r.<t Or.rop.,s 0 !0 L S! 26? l/011858-0001 76103?6I a00/00/00 -18- I 2. 'ritrdfy gEh..hq Ooco-rd6 Dd^ppov.r NL MENIFEE New. Better Best sulnlll 904s FS8,E .id car&! ore..br.r cty r^d stharora. Rdfr.r F!( c..ft Rnolro M-r,I' rr.9t- r tDr,( PsaE.nd conrr.r t).riffrH.r al tat taa! t.p..90!a PSaE..d Cnt*r tuBr*L! hi.(rt Fan.iy R.!e r/b.nno Add.s cm6rr F.r oaroc irSo tJso arro !r lo a 6 t ivlrI E,8i E,Ia' iI T I i 3 ! Et Ilt rdrarrn.,, Rnd lL.hno dd.. c6dh F6.rol/oc slbrna l@'( PSAE ..d Cdn.d O.ra.br.r a.a lBr ,|. lrd Ocffi c'ty !^d Sr (.605i Rdtu 6, t00aa Col6r R.d'rd ra..t'g ft.o.i. Fmd pS3E. B'd S+h.dd. .dCdtnr ocDr.tr.r I hridh.lrr..ry iaft M..!.9- Ad<t . ColrrBE Fn.l OA/OC ! Pla ApFovll I Pdrtl. R..iv. qu AapMrr .ic Prn . rs C.y .nn l(.y St.r.hd<h€ E.vonril &ayl 94odr R/W S{pF.r h. O..l!. DdLCriFl urlt R.h.rH cd*r.iff a c'ry ..d sorri ol(,r R.vr* or e1.' c@..r RBorib M-!.a ,o l0 0 lo 0 0 s0 lo !o SUBCO}ISULTAI{T 2671/01t858,000r 7610:176I a00/00/00 - I9- I 402t2 ClOCOrl Gt-d Tota Cort I 57,295 nfr MENIFEE New. Better. Eest tI 6 I E al'r !,57 41fi P f SUACONSULT I It I I tt l.r s.n.d,. .rd Upat.r R.vB €irlng ftolft ! oo.6dr sr. v..: -d subE'3:.^ o. E,t o.nr&r' R.ver^Dmvdor€,yD.D.l.!.tgoo obrtF -d a 3@d tw.Fr9 h6. h.p !., (r..ln R.urcn ulr.. p.rio.6 PolhoLg I rr.' Ultr t.iom r 6.d..r'td lnll-llrg P6D.r. 30t PSIE -d Co,r6.r o.]vr.nlt rn..dsrdrn-, R.vl.*M-lnl Add.rt coin.int Firro^roc c.ry d sr.i.h.,ra.. R.v a ot toa c@d.d x.idff ,r.{I'g I 1 IPtrp.r.9.0r..h(., r.P.n .n c nndry r ,l l- dlar d.,ll '.l.1o'',' coonrEr. f c R.vrw Ar Eitrhe rrpEmqn F,ar7 +!l. Dla{E P.D.D . R..od or S.. C6ea 1 P..rod L,or S@., d lopog..9rE Sd., fi.nr nd L.!.r O.!.irpr o.r 2a unr-a oG. c..ti.a.ir I I c6nll.r i.r.ct .,n v.,t LGr.,r ol E Erll LlLr ..'a ^q M-r.n cNnlhrid rln Lflt ^tfr.raoo,turb. o. D.!9. Nih ^nxrc ordord Ianhnm.dd cr..r-.,rrot.r ^prr&.r Srhnr O.t-.k ro rh. c.y e.9n'or'3t.jdc.d[do.!.ei: rd.rdr*r{^ry Rd* I\r..|69 ^drr.r roR c.mn.dt F..l o^/oc Subnr50..PslE. conr&r D.l&.'.br.! c., -a s1.r.noid.r R.v.i .a 60t cmi.,r R.rdrn ra..rng II l PnD.n 90.l PSrE -d Cdr.C O.nEr. rd.ri*Fr-r Rr.r ,ia.rhl. ^ 26? lX)l t858,000t 7610.1?6I a00/00/00 -20- I I t I rlraltll2a nl0 I l rlralralar I Bi &r, &!, ar.o 5 arr. tr5, arm ! S{ad t !0t PSIE d, CorrEcr O.rP(t!t t Ct .hc $.r.hord? i.va' ol !O* Cord.6r R.!or/b. M.drE 1 I I ,r.rd. rCala PSL.,n C.dr..r o.r,r.brt rd.l.r.s.fy i,tr ll. rha Aaa suhhI1mi PSIE -dCod'.(rO.rt ..6r! c., .nd sr.k.h.l..l R.v.w o' l00t cmn. R.!o!l6iM..h, ,l,t f .u. r.. Bld Oo.(lmlr rd.dBap.n] R,.* M.dhg t.r an rarnvr : tmit R...!.Pi.nrpp.d.B.ndF.,mr!nom c4.nd('ysr.r.hdd,tr I I I I ElfuE.trld^../'!su,Dd R,^./ Sur9dl rd O.!{7' O.v.bFsl suor !t6 ot *op. ..4 l.. l. Dmg ,i pa|.d nlo .oipbo r'tr NEP^ r!, lh. .rrr. .ra...,r d h. !.oFr , 'a..ra.d . 5. Erh ,r6,333I nt MENIFEE Ne,w. Better. Best. or,dls6lcut OOCt ircox o.ri r.d c.n 267 t/01l65E-000 t 76]0176I a00/00,00 -21- I I I I ,15^B6rL'row,d,.tr l ta { ln $a tta ,l ia7 nfr MEnrorn c.sdnor,o wah utrtry A!€oes Cddn.Lo oi O.egn wnh Afi.cr.d O&dop.re MENIFEE New. Better. Best G.n!.rl Prqlcl Adrnnl'lr.ll..r Mdrtnly PDT !L.trno3 Prqecr Scr'edJle and Up&res il, hly Prog.... Rlpdl 1.2 Pr.-O..lgn ReMR Enslm0 Prqed Ooculnenre sr. ver!.nd srt nEear oa Erdy o.rEr.bl.r Rcvicw 6id Appro.al ot Eany HN.r.Hc! - BOD F,VVP OA,oC Schtdlc o6r.rh ..n a Ednd .utulyng be.. m.o lo. 43En R?s?.rch UliIlEs U(m Pdhding & Mrp Utlili6 Pcrlc.h all Gcol..n.r.d Enlne.r.g preffre 3@,{ PSEE and Cdl.ad O6r!e6U6 rnl.rdlctd.!ry R4cw lih.thg a&r... cdrmar. rrn6loA/oc c[y ,nd st.kchdd.r R.vcw o( 30% crmnEnr Rcsdur.. ire.rnc parlc.m Gaoiachncar ield *c.t Prca.E g.<rrcnn cal r.9ql and indngt Cddnd! lnd R.!€w Al Erdrnq hp.o,lnl.nt Arhr&b{ll Drlynqt prrt.m Fdd RccfinaE$nc.and ft.p5re. Redd o, sr. c..rdncns Pstdm L'd.r S.@y ..d Tooog..phrc grrv"y Eons and L.gal Oqscaplldrs Codirlr. R.:.arch .nd v.rly Loc 'm ., Alslno L.htn.s .n.l lny Apoac!ts. h nahdl rs cnsrdmc^lal phrla 0 0 0 0 s0 Oret Enwd|menrsl sld€s Enwomnl.l O..dn cclPrqcct App@l Slbml O.livd.U.s to thc Cty ! P -99 Bt a 51aD a E tEt" tI - Hydro tcullo 113 't40 Ll Prol.cl Coordhtlon 0 t0 s0 0 s0 0 s0 I 0 s0 s00 s00 0 l0 0 s0 s00 0 230 s0 312,?00 zv 210 500 0I I s0o 0 50 230 230 s3?.mo 0 s0 s00I 0 0 t0?.2 G.ot.chnlcJ Evdullon -n R.9dl 0 s0 0 s0 ?.3 Roco.nalslrnc. and FloH slrEy3 0 l0 so0 s0 s00 0 s0 2 a Utlllty d Olh.r Coordn.llon l0 s0 0 0 0 o s0 t'- s0 s0 267 t/01l85E-0001 7610]76: a00/00/00 ')) s0 ftol..l *eg.m.nt 96 l6 l1J./r/to SJbfrl 30% PS&E and Co.'l.acl BiE.bi.s 0En$ronmon{d oocun.rtalion -d apDrov.l 0 0 =It 210 J72.700 ! r9Eir tt 5 3 t0o ta0i 60ra PsaE !t4.000 I 0 50 1oo sra 000 I 0 s0 0I 50 4.2 90!{ PSeE r00 100 tla,000 0 s0 r0o 100 sr100o 0 s0 0 a0 t5,600 so0 s0oI s00 0a 4lEsu.ld Ed Docll]ulr s0Pr.prrc Fhrr PSaE Brd S{r1.(turo md Cdlrrrcr ocrw.brca L 0 s0 0 o 0 s0 l05 I Plan fuprovd & Pormlls 0 0 s0 t05 2 Rlghl ol wry 0 s00 s00 0 s0 oI s0 - nt MENIFEE New. Better. Best preoare 60% pSlE el]d Co.1l@cl OeltoerEbies htdoroplh!ry Fee i/bctng Ltf.5 roR c..ndr.nr3 Fn6r oa/oc Submt 60% PS&E and C(r'tracl 0!liver.U6s c't ..d g.tc6dd.r R.rd dl 60!. cffir R.rduro r,hclng F €oara 9096 pS]aE 66d Cdi6d Oarr€raol.i rnl.rdirc plil.ry R.{.w l\rlllrng Addcss Comrli Fin.lo r'OC subdr 90% PS&E .nd cdtr.d O.lNdador Cty .nd g3k.hd&r R.M.w ol 901( CmrEnl R.sdolE ! irclhg r00% PsaE P..p... 100% PSAE.nd C6lE.l O.ltud.bb. hl..ded...y Rffi ir.clng AddB CdYm.nts Fnd OAr'OC cnysnd galehddcr R€r* or lo0% conrl.nr Resdur'd' lhelng hlddladn.ry R.!a lr..lng A.ldcr Cc.rncnlr Frnd OA/OC S!bmt FrnEt Pockag€ Rccdv. Prrn ^aC.d.le r.d P.rml! t6 C'ty..d (cy g.k.nd4rr Er{ron.p.lal Pemll ng Envirmm!.lal Analy!l' SJppo.l R/W Qppdl ld Erdgn Cr6€1.pdEnl Rqht.oa-Wsy acqo srtori udfy R.k 6l o cad.dro ; E3 dt i s0 i0 55 600 so 606 19,?10 oocs t 600 OEOCOi Or.nd lold Coi t 79,840 267 t/0:l IE5E-0001 ?6]0176 2 ,00/00/00 -23- a. fln.l PS8E 240 280 t]].000 5. Pln Arprcv.l.. [OW, -d Prnll.t0I 556 ZiilGvrlPnos -24- 7-.-rI i-- + .G I *. ) i}* n ] c / :671/011858-0001 76103'16 I a00/00/00 nh MENIFEE New. Better. 8est, Doug S.wyer (Pirnopal ln-Chargo) ga!.m Muall.m O.chn'c.l Advrsor) Bob l.{ofln lProgram lvtanageo Davld B€rryman ($ Prqed Managc4 Mark Esposto (Sr Prolcct Manage.) Rcsourc./Cla3ritk.tion Malt Bntten (Sr Prqecl Ma.a9.4 Oanlelh Lrbnng (Prol.ct Managed Krina LaFad.d (Ass6slant Eng,n6.l) Rcsou rca/ Clas.slf lc.tion RATE SHEETS R.te 53CO s3m 5250 5214 s218 s 194 Nick Nrchols (Prolecl Manage.) Emm3otr.l G.osp. (Projlct Controls) Sasna Fox (Senror CADD O€slgncr) s 19i 51r5 s120 Profassional Assooata Prol6gonal S€nrcr Manager Sen'or Engr^e./Pl.nner/Sury€yor Ass6late Engtne€/Plann€/Surveyor Asl Engrnelr/PLnn.r/Suveryor Senror CAOO T6chnE|an/ocagn.r CAOD T.chnE an lll s22A s205 Engrneenng Ard 2-Pcrson Su,vary Craw Rcrourc./ CL3rif k.tion Righl ol Way Pl3nnrng Lead ROW Pro,ect Manager Rrght ol Way Plannog A^alyst Utility Manager s186 5170 s135 s145 s136 s175 s135 s150 s145 ROW Agent 51m 5SO Ratc Ratc 2671/0lltE5E-0001 76-10376 2 a00/00/00 Advrsory Manager El'rdgct & Ftnancl3lCont,ol Anatst s180 s150 CivilPros t{v5 -25- ft MENIFEE New. Betier. 8est. Admrn6lranve Assstant Rc.orrcc/CL-llk tlDn Assooate Engrne€r Senlo, Eng,neer Laboratory Iechntclan Resou.ce/Clas6itkation Prinqpal ln Charge CEQA/I]EPA Cuhural BDlog,cal Prqect Admrnrstrator RATE SHEETS s75 Rrtc s 160 s150 S€nor G€olog6t Senlor PrcJect ccolo!rst Prol6cl Engrn66r sl50 sl40 s 130 s!rc Rate s:17 s 1a8 s 188 sz37 s140 Rcfirr.c/CL0lfkrtion Jarod MIler s157 s1m Ratc s140 2671/01t8J8-0001 ?610176 2 a00/00/00 -26- Gcocon Rlncon