2019/09/09 CivilPros Civil Design CIP 19-02AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CIVIL PROS AND THE CITY OF MENTFEE FOR Ctp NO. ,t9-02 (MURR|ETA ROAD STREET RESURFACING, NEWPORT RD TO MCCALL BLVD). CIVIL DESIGN SERVICES This is Amendment No. 1 to that certain Agreement ("Agreement") made on September 19, ("City") and CIVIL PROS ("Consultant") for CIP RESURFACING, NEWPORT RD TO MCCALL B Amendment is made and entered into ongDbr.b r AGREEMENT for Professional Services 2018 by and between the City of Menifee NO. 19.02 (MURRIETA ROAD STREET LVD) - CIVIL DESIGN SERVICES which1 ,2019 , to increase the scope of work and compensation amount as indicated belSw: 1 . Section 2, "Compensation" is amended to read as follows, increasing the contract amount by: $9,580.00 (NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS) Section 2. City hereby agrees to pay Consultant a sum not to exceed $108,580 (ONE HUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS) notwithstanding any contrary indrcations that may be contained in Consultant's proposal, for services to be performed and reimbursable costs incurred under this Agreement. ln the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Exhibit A, regarding the amount of compensation, this Agreement shall prevail. City shall pay Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth herein. The payments specified below shall be the only payments from City to Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall submit all invoices to City in the manner specified herein. Except as specifically authorized in advance by City, Consultant shall not bill City for duplicate services performed by more than one person. Section 3. Exhibit A, Scope of Services is amended to include Exhibit A: Additional Scope of Work. Exhibit A: Additional Scope of Work is not intended to replace the original Exhibit A to the Agreement, but instead to augment and increase the scope of work listed in the original Exhibit A to the Agreement. 3. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. CITY OF MENIFEE Armando G. Villa, City lvlanager Attest: C IVILPROS n,Assistance Vice President Dougl Sawyer, Vice Presiden w-tr* \,\ Ma Cle Approved as to Forrn: Melching,rney Professional Services Ameodment No. l with CivilPros ---1 Exhibit A: Additional Scope of Work Professional Services Amendment No. 1 with CivilPros lanua.y 22, 2019 Carlos Geronimo Senior Civil Engineer The City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Dear Carlos As previously discussed, CivrlPros hereby requests an adjustment to our cont.act (PO 01621) tor the subject project inthetotal amount of 59,980 (S8,800 for desiSn and S 780 for su rveyin8). Adding this amount to our oriBinal contract amount of S99,000 would mean that our total contract amount is 5108,s80. This request is due to additional unanticipated design and surveying that is required to flatten the cross gutters at Newport Road & Murrieta Road, as well as additional work that is needed for drainage design throughout the prolect and field locating all signal pull bores at each siSnalized cros5ing. These services were not ant;cipated nor included in our o.iginal proposal. Attached are the breakdown ol total slaff time for this proiect which includes the original stafi tim€ and surveyinS for the project as well as the staff time fo. the requested changes Tha nk you for considering o ur request. Feel free to contact me (951-538-2 257 ) Bob.morin(acaviloro5.€om if you have any questionr or would like to discus5 this request in more detail. Sincerely, ZifiicIVILPRoS Bob Morin Assrstant Vice President Zilcrvrr-pRos 3850 Vine St I Suite 110 | Riverside I California | 92507 1 Professional Services Amendment No, 1 with CivilPros Subject: Request fo. change order to PO fol521for Murrieta Road overlay project Attachment B - Consultant Cost Proposal Munid. Rood R.lurtc'ng BENCN SB FTA OBE - 0 00.a 0.00.r WBS C6r-Co& IEll t6cnptlo. I TaBl Orde Managehln( MecrlnC., ar'd l /dkshop3 Blodrng Phas€ Suppon S..vr!s ooc' sc c0 93 t% 79 650 6 o 0 l0 00 t19/r !3 so00 tsa 13 lob, C-! 110,755 tag.8t0 sr.200 IE,E15 lo 2 3 5 thlpr1 Sulpon AJin! Cslrudion Fln6l l lerk ftdlgt Puidl Llst ltatr3 end Aegun Sa.vras S.bcl wth r" n.pplE blo oDc' ol 719 3a 0 0 0 0 rdtd EnErE S!8.r49 Sob 2 Sob 3 Sob 5 lt0r, 160 56.6m 30 l0 a0 gl 316.6!0 63* 0 oaa 0 olt 00% 0 oqr Xrt 9C4 116 to 00 50 00 t0 00 30 00 30 00 *u-$701 t.ble I T!!l5 Sunnrry t209 66 !108 5AO trDl€ 2. co.tsurbnuslbcoll3ut .l Sqh6.ry (c6B I Hou6) 'Atl9Dctw'll b. bill.d.r.du.b, ruDEon.d !y rocolob lnd crr C.ltrnt Tr.vol rnd E!e.ll.cGurd€ 9a a. l 3 { cl =, i i I !l i t! B,' i ,l: 't :l a !, t! al 'l 'r ii i-:litari:"! trtilt-, ,r 3t ,1 ri al tt ii .; iiilttI} qa E€ d3 3. Ei 6au! ;E E! I I T a s! II rili I' I I I t j I I!tI II I It I t i : I I i t 3I! I III II ll l Etl? lil I I II Irll I T TE itiili t & t rl *l I ls I rl i : I i, ;irl I I II . -. !:: Professionai Servlces Amendment No. 1 with ClvilPros I ,l :l , -!! .arl!t , I ! I tI I t, l: l! I 9t t t-'r! et , iil,,,i 8 a!' I ! 8888;I!;" a i I ,1,irIh6 5"rl I,1 III Tt B ! !itr a'ItI I I Irl';,t i,t 3I I PtiJ; It Tlr I' ., lla!t.rt I I! IIrl 8Irl-., e: !r E i I a i I & E! : n rB 8! Ei5 {x OEE' E6 t , i ! d 88i{lioii il i lttt zt t I I IIItt!rIit- 3 r5III ;3iiltri El - - - - " " Professional Services Amendment No, 1 w th CivilPros rl !l -'l c ! .r Itl