2018/02/20 Gordon R. Hanshaw and Shelba J. Hanshaw Tenative TM N 32934AGREEM.EITT,I]O-NDI {NIEY A}i!I HOLD H IRMLESS This Agreement P . .demnifu and I d !g$1; i'lf""tt 't'1 is entered into' effective ."^r frl- ?A -21lt-ou*Jt"*""o ' re CITY OS i6frfpe, a municipal corporation, on l' - theonehan4(..city''),edco.ooon.,l]nshaw,iradShelbaJ.I{anshaw,(.Intemnitor,,or:;d;--Jt o; ine otner. rn. Citv *a : tdenndtorl-) are herein referred to collectively as the '?arties" and individually as a '?arty'" RECITALS Whereas, Gordon R. Hanshaw has applied to the Citv f9r an f1enlio3 -"lIT" f"' fentatir" fraci'fr,fap No. lZSiaGe 'frojecdl located on a 9.84 acre site south of La Pie&a Road, and east of Murtieta Road 1Ae '?roperty"); and Whereas,inconnectionwiththeconsiderationoftheabove.mentioneddiscretionary "pp.r"ts, roa#nito4g has ofrered to, and hereby agrees that it will, indemnify and hold the city illrJ"r. h* any "hali"nge, oising from or related to the discretionry approvals, the Property or the Project as more firlly set forth in this Agreement' AGREEMENT NOW, TTIEREFORE, for frrll md valuable consideration, the leceipt and suffrciency of which are ;;;; ;,r";bdged, and based upon the foregoing recitals, and the terms, conditious, covenants, *a "i""r*tt *itdo4 [oeio, tn. Pa(ieF hereto ag€-e.as follouSt l.IncorporationoflRecitals.The$ecitalssetforthabove.areanintegralpartofthis- ,c.gt";-t, aod ari frltty incorporated herein'- 2. Indemnitors' Indemnificrtion Obligltions [oa"r"lt*1t; shall indemnifu' defend' ald hold h.rmless tU" Oty -oi ItA*ifJ and itlt elected oity council, appointed boards' oommissions, .o-.ittlt' officials, employees' .volunte€'rs' contractors' consultmts irrni"n ,uv i"tfua" [" Eo*ty of Riverlde-a1d its employees' officers' officials' and ;;;t),;a asents G;;;;oiiectivelv, the'Indemnitees') from and against anv ad all "i"i-(' fi.Oiftio, fbo"irr"r, p"oiti.r, and expenses, inctydilq without limitation litigation expeNes -t "rio-"y , r*s, arising out .of eitler (i) the city's approval of the project or actlons r"iatJ to tte prop"rty, iicluding without limitation anj.judicial or adminishative pro"*a*g i*ti"tta oi'uiot"iota Uy any pqsq o.r entitf .ch{eggnc the ;rlrdd; enforceauiliti of any city.permit or apprwal relating.to the Project, any *aitioo of "pp.ourr *"por"a 6 tn" -ciiy o" zuch permit or approval, and any finding or determination ."a" -a[v otto action taken by any of the Indemnirees in conjunction with such permit o, ,pprofi, ir"i.ding without-linritaiion any action taken pursuat to the California Environmfita Oaity e"ti*Cfen ), or (ii) the acts, omissiong or operations of tn" na.*oit*1s) and tie diiectors, offrcers, membets' parqem' employees' agents' *ot ""tor," rra *icontractors of each person or entity comprising the Indemni^ to($ with respect to Oe o*oe"rnif, pfaryinq, agiq, construction, md maintenance of- the Projec{ *t o" nop".tv f"t ;ii;t tle ilojeciii leioq arnroved The Citv shall. notitr the IoJ"r"it<il of aryclaim, lawsuit, or other judicial & "aministative proceeding (herein, 2,t65/61 E58{o I &73a30.2 $t/06^t an ..Action') within the scope of this rndemnity obligation ant request ,nfJ th: r"a"r"it"<ri a**d such Action with legal counsel reasonably satisfactory to &e city. .If tf," l"a"r"it"<O fails to so defend the Action, the City shall have the riSht but not the "iriea,i* . rlo'so wirh counsel of their own choosing, with no right q{ "p. pl":.d bt foafioi oXg m4 if thev do, the lndemnito(s) shall promptly pay the City's full cost thomf, with payments made a leas on a moothly basis. Notwithstanding the forcgoing tl" *Ai*rity o'Utigrtio, under clanse (i) of the first sentenc.e of this condition shall not appty to Oe e*teo:t the claim rises out of the willful misconduct or the sole active ,!Ii{,[* "f tn" City. This Agreement shall survive any final actiotr on the Project, and ,t ift "rurui"" "oa bc independdt of any Project approvals, even if zuch Project approvals are invalidated in whole or Prt. 3.EntireAgrecment;AmeDdDcntEandWeivers.ThisAgeement.containss"T,ry-' ;g;;;b"teen the Cig and Indemnito(s) with respect to the subject matter_ set forth t Er"i, -a supersedes any prior disc.ssions, negotiations, and agreements with respect thereto. Thii Agreemeni may be amorded or modified only by a written agreemeat e*""ot"a by bod parties. No waiver of my of rhrc terms of this Agree,mur! $"{ F;tr;;; or'binding unless in writing and executed by an authorized rcprescntative of the Party waiving its rights hereunder. 4. Successors and A*rips. This Agreemont shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrdors, successors, transferees, and assigns of the Paties' IN WIINESS WHEREOF' the prties hereto have entered into this Agreement to be effective as of the date first writte,n above. l+ Dated:Lotn APPROVED AS TO FORM RTITAN& TUCKE&LLP ..CITY' CITY OF MENIFEE, a Califomia Municipal Corpordion By: AR ANDO G. VILLAffi CITY OF MENIFEE Attomeys for the CitY 2rt5:l/031E5E l)m I to?34302 10&06/lt Ivhoifee -2- Its: d *INDEMNITOR" Gordon Dated 201 8 6 2018 By: PrintName: (**n L hzo, 2.t65l01 I t5E4ml E071430.2 tO&06,'lE -3- r( 'u,)-----t_