2019/11/01 3HM Entertainment FY19/20 City of Menifee Music & Arts Festival Music Act Booking & Managment ServicesCITY OT'MENII-I'I.] PRO}-T]SSIONAI, SERVICES,\(;REEiVIIN]' FYI9I2O CITY OF MENIFEE MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL MUSIC ACT BOOKING & MANA(;trMENT SERVICES,a(-o, l ltS pl{OfISSIONAI. SERVICES AGREIIMI-lNl' ('-Agrcenre r") is made and ct'ltctivc- rhis \72-,lar ui: trlruenrbef 2019 ("1-.tlcctivc Date"1 h1' and bctuccn thc ('ll-Y ol: MtiNll'-F-E. a Califbmia nrunicipal corporarion. ("City") and 3HM Entertainment, a Califbmia Sole Propickrrship ("Consultant"). Cit."- and Consultant may sometinres hereirr bc relerrcd to individuall-r- as a "Partv" and collectivell as the "Parties." SECTION I. SERWCES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forlh in this Agreement. Consultant shall provide to City rhc services describetl in thc'Scope olserviccs. attached hercto as Flxhibit A and incorporated herein by this rcfercncc lthe "Senices"). Consultant rvill perlirrm subsequent task orders as requested h1"the Contract Adnrinistrator (as dcllned below). in accordancc rvith the Scope ol Seivices. In thc event ola conflict in or inconsistency between thc terms of this Agreement and Exhibit A- this Agreement shall prevail. I .l I cn'n ol'Scrviccs. l he tcrtn oi tlris A grcclr.lcnt shall bcgin on Novcnrbcr 1,2019 and shall end on June 30, 2020 unless the tcmr ol this Agreement is otherwise terminalcd or exlendefl as provitled l'or in Section 8. -l-he time provided to Consultant to complete thc Scrvices requircd by rhis Agrccmcnr shall not atl'ect City's right to lerminate this Agreement, as providcd tbr in Section 8. Standard ol Pcrlirrmancc ('onsultant reprcsents attd u'arrants thal Consultanl is a provi,Jcr ol tirst class work and serv-iccs and Consultant is experienced in pcrfornrirrg the Serviccs contcnlplated hcrein antl. in light ol such status and crperiencc. C'onsultanl shall perlirrm the Serviccs required pursuant to this Agreement in the nranner and according to ths standards otrsencd b) a colnprlsnt practitioner ol the prol'ession in which Consultant is engaged in the geographical arca in which Consultant practiccs its prol'ession and to the sole satislaction of thc Contracl Administrator. 1.7 1.3 Assi nt ol' Personn . Consuhant shall assign onll competent personnel to perlirrm the Scrvices pursuant to Agrccment. [n the cvcnt that City. in i1s sole discretiorl. at any iinrc during the tcmt ol'this Agrcement. desircs the reassignment ofanl such persons, Consultant shall. irnnrediatcly upon receiving nolicc liom Citl'of such dc'sire olCity. reassign such person or pefsons. 1.4 '['ime. Consultant shall dr.'votc such tinte to the pcrtbrnlance of the Services pursuant to this Agrccmcnl as may be reasonably necessary to satist,v Consultanl's obligations hereunder. 1.5 Authorization to l)crl'trrnr Scrviccs. (lonsultanl is not authotizcd ttr perlirrm any of the Services or incur anv costs whatsocver under the terms of this Agrcement until receipt of authorization fnrnr thc (fontrac( Administrator. SECTION 2. ('OMPI]NSA'TION. Cily hercby agr*cs to pa1'Consultant a stlnl not 1tl cxceed EIGHT THOI-ISAND SEVEN HLINDRED DOLI-ARS AND ZERO CEN'I'S (58,?00.00) notwithstanding ony contrarr- indications tl.lat may be contained in Consultant's proposal. ior the Sen'iccs to be perlbrmcd and reimbursable costs incurred urrder this Agreenrcnt. In thc cvcnt of a conflict hetween this Agreemenl and [:xhibit A. regartling thc amount ol conrpcnsation. Ihis Agrecmcnt shall prcvail. Citl shall pa1 ('onsultant lbr the Scniccs renderctl pursuant to this Agreclncnt at thc time and in rhe manner ser lbrth hercin. 'lhc paymenls specitied below shall be the only payrneltts tiom City to Consultant lirr thc Scn'ices rendered pursuant to lhis ngreemont. Consultant shall submit all iny6iccs to Citl. in thc manner spccilied hcrein. I:xccpt as specilically authorized in advance b1 C'ity. ('onsultant shall not bill City lbr duplicate scrviccs perlbrnted by ntorc lhan onc persot]. 2.1 Invoices. Consultant shall submit invoices monthl! during the term ot'this Agreen:enl. based on thc cost tor the Services pe'rlirrmed and reimbursable costs incurred prior to thc invoicc da1c. lnvoices shall contain thc fbllowing inlbrrration: Scrial identifications of progress bitls: i.e.. Progress Bill No. I lor the llrslll invoice. ctc.: b. l'hc beginning and ending dates olthe billing periocll c. A "'l ask Summary" containing the original contract amount. the amount of prior billings. thc lotal due this period. the balancc availablc under this Agrccment. and the perccntage of completion: d. At City's option. ftrr each item in each task. a copy ofthe applicable time cntrics or timc sheets shall be submitted showing the namc of the person performing the Sen iccs. the hours spcnt by each pr--rson. a brief description ol lhe Services. and cach rc'imbursable expense: c. lhe total number of hours of work perftrnned undcr this Agreement b-v Consultant ancl each employcc. rigcnt. and subcontractor ol Consultant perfbmling the Scrvices hcleundcr ltecessary to cotltplctc the Scrviccs dcscribeti in llxhibit A: Reccipts lor expenscs to be reinrbursed: l-he Consultant Representalive's signature. lnvoiccs shall bo submittcd to Citl of Mcnit-ec Atln: Acctrunts Payablc f. s. t67t03l,ir8r)001 '6:10.ll I ] O8 29.19 l9fi4.l I laun Road !lenili'c. t'A 925t16 2.2 Monthly Pavurcnl. Cit .r- shall rnake nronlhly payments" based on invoices receivcd. for the Sen,ices satislactorill pertbmrcd. and lbr authorized reimbursable costs incurred. Citv shall have thi(y (30) days f-rom the receipt of an invoice that complies with all of the requirements above to pay Consultant. 2.3 lrinal Pa tllen Citl, shall pay thc last fir,e pcrcenl (5'lo) of thc total anrounl due pursuanr to this Agrecment within sixly (60) days alicr completion of the Services antl suhnrittal to City., of a tlnal invoice. if all olthc Scrvices requircd har.e bccn satisl'actoril) perlbrmed. 2.4 'Iotal I'avment. City shall not pay ally additional sttm for an1' expensc or c()st whals6cver incurred h1 Consultant in rcndering thc Sr'n'ices pursuallt 10 this Agreement. Cit)' shall make no payntent fbr any exlra. lurther. or additional service pursuant to this Agrccment. ln no e\'!-n1 slrall Constlltant submit anf invoice lbr an amounl in excess ol'the maximum anlount ol' contpensation provided abovc cither 1i)r a task or f,or thc antirct,,- ol'the Services pert'ormed pursuant to this Agreemenl. unlcss this Agreement is modilled in writing prior lo the submission ol'such an inroicc. t.5 Ilourlr Fees. I'ees lbr thc Scrrices perlbrmcd b1 ('onsultanl on an houtll hasis shall not ercccd thc.lnlounts shoun on thc li'e schedulc includr.'d with l:xhibit A. 1.6 Reimbursab lc I:roenscs. Reirnhursahle cr penscs are included within the maximum amount of this Agrccmc'nl. 2.7 Pavment l axcs. C'onsultant is solcl 1' responsible lbr the payntent of cmplol''ment taxcs incurrl-d under this Agrccnlcnt and anl ltderal or slatc ta\es. 1.8 Pavntc nl upon -l ermination.ln thc evcnt that Citl' or Consultant terminates this Agrecment pursuanl to Section 8. Citl shall compL-nsatc Consuhant li)r all outslandilrg costs and reimbursable cxpenscs incurrcd lirr Seniccs satisf:lctorily compleled antl filr reinrbutsahie expc6scs as gl'thc clalc of writtcn notice oftcrnrinalion. Consuhant shall maintairl adeqtrate logs and timeshects in ordcr to vcril_v costs and reritrrbursable expenses incurred to that dalc. SECTION .3. FACILITIES AND EQTIIPMENT. Except as olherwise provided. Consultant shal[. at its sole cost and expense. providc all lacilities and equipment necessary to perform the sen'ices required b1'this Agreement. Cily shall make available ro Consultanl only ph-v-sicat Iacilities such as desks. liling cahinets. and confcrence space. as ma.v be rcasonably ne.cessary ,br Consultant's use rvhile consulting with Clity cmployees 3nd reviewing records and the inlbrmation in possession of City. The location. quanlity. and time ol'lunrishing lhose lacilities shall be in the sole discretion ol'City. In no evenl shall City be required kr fumish an1 {acility that ntay invoh'e incurring any dircct expense. including but no1 limitcd ro computcr, long-distance telephonc or otlrcr comtnunictrtion chargcs. r'chicles- and reproduction f'acilities. SE(r'tlON ;1. INSIIRANCE REQUIREMENTS. Befbre bcginning anl work under this Agrcement. ('onsultant. at its own cosl and e'rpcnse. shall pnrcurc thc types and amounts ol'insurance checkr.tl bclou and provide (lcllillcates ol- lnsurance. indicating that Consultant has obtained or currentll' maintains insurancc that meets the requireme s of this section and rvhich is satisfactory. in all respects. to City. Consullant shall maintain the insurance policies required b_v.' this scction throughout the term ol'lhis Agreemcnt. 'l'l.rc cost of such insurancc slrall be included in ('<lnsultant's compensation. Consultant shall not allow any suhconlractc)r- consullanl or other agenl to cornnlencc work on any subcontract until Consuhant has ohtaincd all insurancc rcquired herein ft'rr the subcontr&ctor(s) and providcd cvidence thereol'to Cit1.. Verificalicln ol'the requircd insurance shall be submiftc-d and made part ol'1his ngrcenrenl prior lo e\ccution. C'onsultant acknowledges the- insurance polic.r- must covcr inter-insured suits belwecn Citv and othcr lnsureds. .l.l Workcrs' Compensation. Consultat'tl shall. at its sole cosl and expense. maintain Statutory Workcls' (.ompcnsation Insurarrce and l-)nploycr's Liahilitl' lttsurarct' tbr an,v- and all persons emploved directly or indirectly by Consultant pursuant to the provisions of the Calilbmia l-abor Cotle. Statutory Workcrs' Compcnsation Insurance and [implo-ver's Liabilitl' Insurance shall hc providcd wirh linrirs ol' not less than oNl: Mll-LIoN DOLI-ARS ($ I .(X)(1.000.00) per accidcnt. ON L Ml l-t.l0N llot.l .n RS ($ I .000.000.00) discasc pe r cmployce. and ON F. Ml l.l.lON t)Ol-l.ARS ($ discasc pcr policy. In thc alternativc. Consultant may rell t'rn a selI ir1surance pl.ogrinn to mcct thosc rcquiremcnts. bu1 only il'tlre program of scll'-insurance complies f'ull), \^.ith thc provisions of the Calilbmia I-abor (lodc. I)etermination of whether a scll'-insurattce progrant meels the stantlartls ol'thc Califomia l-abor Code shall bc solely in the discretion ol'the loltract Administralor. The insurer. if insurancc is providcd" or Consultant. ila pn:grarn ot.scll'- insurance is provided. shall waivc att riglrts of subrogation against City and its olficers, otficials' emplpy'ccs. trnd zruthoriz-cd volunteers fbr loss arising liom thc Services perlbrmcd under this Agrcctncnt. 4.2 Com nrercial (icncral a nd Automohile I-iabilit ln surancc it ( icncral u nrcnts C'nnsultant. at its orln cost alld cxpensc. shall mainlain comntcrcial general and automobile liahilit-r- insurance lbr the ternr of this Agrcerne'nt in an amoulll not lcss than ONL: MILLION DOI-l.ARS ($1.000'000.00) pcr occurrcrlce' combincd singlc limit c6r'e rage. lirr risks associatcd rvith thc Scrviccs contemplated by this Agrccmcnt. -l'Wo MILI.ION IX)I-LARS ($ general aggregatc. and TWO lv,ll.l"loN DOt.l-nRS ($2,000.000.00) products/completed opcrations aggregate. II'a Comnlcrcial General Liahility Insurance or an Automobile Liabilitv Insurance fbrm or olher lbrm rvith a general aggregate linrit is usetl. cithcr the'general aggrcgate linrit shall appl) separatel)'to thr-'Sen'iccs lo be perlbrmed under this Agreement or the general aggrcgate limit shall he at least twice the requircd occurrsnce limit. Such coverage shall includc but shall not be limited to. protection against clainrs arising fiom bodill'and personal injury. including dr-ath rcsulting therefiom. and damirgc to prop(:rty resultiug fhrnr the Services contcmplated under this nglcement. including thc use ol'hired- owned. and non-owned automobile's. h inimunr sco of'cor,. Conrmercial gcneral covcragc shall bc at least as hroud irs [nsurancc Sqrviccs Ol'llce- ('ommcrcial Gencral l-iahilitl' occrlrrL'tlcc lbrm C(i 00(]1 -t--6:r[]l I .tr)B lr) t9 Automohile ooverage shall be at leasl as broad as lnsurance Serviccs Olf]cc Automobile Liability tbrm ('A 0001 C'ode 2. tl. and 9. No cndorscment shall bc altachcd limiting the covcrage. c. Additional requircmcnts. liach ot'the tollor.rin g shall be incluclcd in the insurance coverage or added as a cr'rtiflcd cndorsemcnt to the polici a. ['hc insurance shall cover on an occurrcnce or an accidcnt basis. and not on a claims-made basis. b. Any t'ailure of Consultant to comply rvith reporting provisions olthe policy shall not afl'ecl covcrage provided to City and ils olllcers. employees. agents. and voluntcers. 4.--i l'roltssitrnalLi hilitv Insurancc (ieneral re ouirerrrcnls. ('onsultanl. al its own cost and sx per.rse. slrallil n.raintain fbr the period covercd by this Agreement prof'essional liability insurance lbr liccnsed professionals peribmring the Services pursuant to this Agreemcnt in an amount not less than ONI: Mll,l,lON DOt-LARS (S1.000.000) covering tlre licensed prol-essionals' emors and onrissions. Any dcductiblc or sell'-insured rctentiotl slrall be shown on the Ccrtificatc. lf the deductible or self'-insurcd retention cxcceds 'I-WENT'Y-FIVI: I IIOUSAND DOLLARS ($25.000). it ntust be approved b;- ( ity. b. Claims-made limitations. Ihc Ibllowin g provisions shall appll il the prot-essional liahilil- coverage is writtcn on a claims-madc lbrm a. '[he retroactive datc of thc policy must be showr and must bc no later than the commencentcnt ofthe Services. b. lnsurancc musl bc' mainlaincd and cvide-ncc ol insurance must be pnrvided for a1 leasl tivc (5) ycars aflcr the expiration or termination of this Agreement or conrpletion ol thc Serviccs. so long as commercially availablc at rcasonahlc rates. c. Il'covcragc is cancclcd or not rencvt'ed and it is not replaoed with another claims-made policy' lbnn with a retroactive dale that precedes the Eflective Date ol'this Agrecment. Consultant ntusl provide extended reporting coveragc lbr a minimum o1'tivc (5) ,r-ears alier $e expiration or lermination of this Agrccment or lhe cunplelion ofthc Services. Such continualion coverage ma1.he providcd b1 one of the following: ( I ) renewal ol the existing policy; (2) an extcnded reporting pcriod endorscnrenl: or (3)replaccment insurance with a relroaclive datc no later than thc commcncemenl of the Scn'ices under this Agreement. City shall have thc righl 1o cxercisc. at Consultant's sole cost and expense. any extendcd rcporting provisions ol'thc policy. ilConsultant cancels or does not renew the coveragc. d. A copy oi the claim reporting requiremcnls must bc submitted tt' City ptior to thr.- conrmencement ol'the Serl'ices undcr this Agrecnlctlt 167t o:tl858{001,6iot.,|)a08.29'tr) ,Acc e;ril tahilitr ol insurcrs. All insuranse rs quired b)'lhis Sectiou is ltl bc placc.d with insurcrs wilh a Bcsts' rating o1'no lcss thau A:VII and adrnitted in C'alil'ornia b. Verillcation of col'erage. Prior to be ginning thc Serviccs under this Agrccment. Consultant shall fumish Citl' uith Ce(ilicates ol Insurance. additional insured cndorsement or policy language granting additional insured status conrplele certified copies ol'all policies. inclucling complete ccrtilled copies of ail endorsements. All copies of'policics anrl certified endorscments shall show the signature ol a person aulhorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its bchalf. l'he Ccrtificate oi Insurancc musl include thc lbllowing refercnce: FY I9I2O CTT} 0F ]\IINIFEE MTISI(] & ARTS F E,STIVAI- MTISIC A(]T BOOKIN(; & MANA(iIlMtiN'l' SI,IRVlClls. I'hc nantc antl irddrcss lirr .,\dtlitional Insut'cd ctrtlorscDtcr]ls Certillcates of Insurance ancl Notice of Cancellation is: City of Menii'ee. 29844 Haun Road. Menil'ec. CA 92586. Cily must be endorsed as an additional insured for liabilitx- arising out of ongoing and ctxnplcted operalions b;- or on behalf of Consultant. Nrtlicc o l'Reduction in or Cancellation ol' Coveragc. ('txtsultant shallc provide written notice to city within ten (10) working days il: (l) any ofthe required insurance policies is terminated: (2) the limits ofanl ofthe required polices are reduced: or (l) the deductible or se'll insured retention is increased. d Additional insured: Lrrimary insurancc.City and its olficers. emplo-v-ees. agents. and authorized voluntccrs shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to each of the lirllow'ing: liabilit-v arising out ol'the Serviccs pertbmred by or on behall'ol Consultant. inclu{ing the insured's general supervision ol'Consultant: products and complcted operations of Consultant. as applicablc: prcmiscs owncd. occupicd. or used by Consultant: and automobiles gwncd. leasecl. or used by Consultant in the course of providing the Services pursuant to this Agrccntcnt. I he coverage shall contain no spccial limitations on thc scope of protection al fordcd tgCitl,oritsofficcrs.employecs.agenls.orauthorizedvolunteers.'['hcinsuratrccprovidedtoCitl as an additional insurcd must apply on a primary and non-contributory basis u'itlt rcspect to any insurance or scl[insurance program maintained by City. Additional insured status shall continue tbr qne ( I ) year aller the expiration or termination of this Agreement or completion of the St'rr iccs. A certitied endorsement nrust be attachcd to all policies stating that coveragc is primaqv insurancc with respccl to City and its oflficcrs. ollicials, ctrtployees. and voluntcers- and that no insurance or self-insurancc maintained bl., Cit.v shall be called upon to contribute to a loss under the coverage. c.Decluctihles ar.rd Scl l'-insured lletentiorrs. ( onsullant shall obtain thc u,ritten approval ot'Cit-v lbr tho self-insured retentions and deductibles belbre beginning any ol'the Services. During the term of this Agreement. on[1' upon the prior express written aulhorization ol'the Clontract Adrninistrator. Clonsultanl may increasc such dcductibles or sclf- insured relentions rvith respect to Cily. its oflicers. crnployees. aBents. and volunteers. 'l'hc Conlracl Adrninistrator ma1, corrdition approval of an incrcasc in dcductiblc or sell'-insured t/)7l0rIt5E-00t)l r61t[]t I roE ,r9 te -6- -1..1 All l'olicies Rcquircments. retcntion levels with a requirement thal Consultant procure a bond guaranteeing payment ollosses and relatcd investigations. claim administration. and del'ense expenses that is satistactory in all rcspects to cach ol thenr. i. Subcont raclors Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall lumish separatc ccrtificatcs and certified endorsements tilr each subcontractor. All coverages lbr subcontractors shall be sub.iect to all ofthe requiremenls stated hcrein. g. Variation. l'he Contract Administrator may. but is not required 10. approve in writing a variation in the lorcgoing insurance requircmcnts. upon a determination that the coverage. scope. limits. and fbrms olsuch insurance are either not commercially availablc. or thal City's intercsts are otheru'ise fulll' protected. ,t.5 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies a1 law or equity City may have if (lonsultant lails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy cndorscments to the extent an4 u'ithin lhe time hcrein requircd. C'it-v-. rnal'. at its solc option. exercise anl of the fbllowing rcmcdics. which are alternalives 1o other lcnrcdics City ma,v- havc and are not thc cxclusivc remedy lbr Consultant's breach: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amounl of the premiums lor such insurancc tiom any sums due under this Agreement: h. Order Consultaul to slop llork undcr this Agreemcnt or rvithhold an1' pa)'ntcnt that beconres due to Consuttant hereunder. or both stop work and rvithholti an1 paymcnt. until Consullant dcmonstrates conrpliancc with thc requirenrcnts hereoll and/or c l erminate this Agrecrlent SI]CI'ION 5. INDEMNI FI('ATI()N. 5.1 Indem nification lor Prol'essional Liabilitv. Where the lar'r' cstablishes a proll.ssional slandard ot'care lbr pcrlbmrancc oi the Scrvices. to the tullest cxtent pernlitt!'d by 11r.. Consultant shall irrden-rnit1'. protect. de find (with counsel selected b!' City-). and hold hannless t'ity and an1. and all ol'its ol-ficcrs. cnrployecs. oflcials. voluntesrs" and agents tiom and against any and all claims. losscs. costs. damages. expcnses. liabitities. licrrs. actions. causes o1'actiott (whether in tort. conlract. undcr statutc. al law. in equity. or otherwise) charges. awards. asscssmct)ts, fines. or penaltics ol'any kind (including reasonablc consullanl arrd expcrt l.:cs and e\penses ol' invcstigation. costs ol whatever kind and naturc and. il Consultant lails to providc a defense lor C'ity. the legal costs of counscl retained b1' City) and any judgment (collcctivell-. "('laims") to thc oxtent sante are caused in whole or in part b) any ncgligenl or uronglill act. error. or omission of Consultanl. its olficers. agcnls. enrployecs. or subcontraclors (or any cntitl or indir,idual that Consuhant shall hear the legal liabilit-v- thcrc'ol) in the pertbrmartcc olpro(bssional sen'ices undcr this Agrccment. 5.2 Intiernnillcation lirr 0ther than l'rol'sssional l.iabilitv. Othcr than in thc pc.rlbrmancc of prol'essional services and to the lull cxtent pemtitted by larv. Consultant shall intlemnil),. prorecr. dclcnd (u,ith counsel selectcd by Cit)-.). and holcl harmlcss C'il1. and any and -7 all of its officers. ernployees. o1'ficials. volunteers. and agents from and against any and all Claims, where the samc arisc out oL are a consequencc of. or are in any way attributable to. in whole or in part- the performance of this Agreement by Consultant or b1' any individual or entit)' for rvhich Consultant is legally liable. including but not linritcd to ollicers. agents. emplolccs or subc()ntractors of Consuhant. 5.i l..imitation ol lndemnitication. The provisions of this Scction 5 do not apply to claims occurring as a rcsult olCity's solc or active negligcnce. The provisions o1'this Section 5 shall not release Cit)'fiom liabilitl'arising from gross negligence or willlul acts or omissions ol' City or anl and all oI its olficcrs. ofllcials. employees. and agents acting in an ollicial capacitl . SECTION 6. STATTIS OF ('()NStIT,'TANT. 6.1 IndependcnlContractor. Atalltimesduritt g thc tcrm of this Agreemenl. ('onsultant shall bc an independent contractor and slrall not be an emplolce of Cit1. Citl shall havc the right ro c()ntr()l Consultant only insofar as the results of thc Services rendcred pursuant to this Agrcentent trnd assignmcnt of personncl pursuant to Subparagraph 1.3: howcvcr. otherw'ise City shall not havcr the right to control thc nreans by which C'onsultanl accumplishcs the Serviccs rendered pursuant to this Agreemcnl. '[he personnel perlbrming the Serviccs uttclcr this Agreemr'nt on behalf ol'Consultant shall at atl times be under Consultant's exclusive dircctiotr and control. C'onsultant shall not at any time or in an) nranncr rL'present that it or any of i1s officers, employecs. or agents is in any nranner officcrs. olflcials. cnrplo-vees. or agr-tlts of City. Clonsultant shtrll not irrsur or harte tlre. powc-r to irrcur an1, clcbt. obligation. or liability whatever against Cit1. or bind City in any marner. IJxcept lbr thc lees paid to Consultant as provided in this Agreement. Citv shall not pay salaries. uages. or other compensation 1<l Consultant lbr pertbnning tlrc Scrvices hereuntler fbr Cit1 . (iitl shall not bc liable lbr compcnsation or indemnification to (\rnsultunt tbr injurl or sickness arising out of pertirmring llre Scrvicu's hcrcundcr. Notwithstanding alrv other Ci1)-. state. or f'ederal policy, rule. regulation. law. or ordinance to the contrary. Consultant and any of its cmployccs. agents. and subcontraclors providing services under this Agreernenl shall not qualit"v tirr <rr bccome cntitled to any compensation. bcne lit. or anl incident of ernploymcnt b1' Cit1.. including but not lirnitcd to eligibilin to cnroll in the Calilbrnia Puhlic l:mplolees Rctiremcltt System ("PL[{S") as an employee of City and entitlement to anl contribtttion to be paitl hy Cily' tbr employer contributions and/or cmployce conlributions fbr PERS benelits. SECTI ON 7. r,ECA l, lil,l,Qtr I REMI,INI'S. t.l G'ovemingLal. -fhe larvs of the Statc ol'('alitirmia shall govem this Agrcement 7 .1 Complian ce with Aoolicablc [.alvs. Consultant and any subcontractor shall compll with all applicable local. state. and I'edcral laws and regulal.ions applicablc to the perlbnnatrcc- ol' the w6rk hcrcuntler. Consultant shall not hire or employ any person to pcrtbrm work within (lity or allow any person to perfbrm thc Scrviccs required under this Agreement unlcss such person is properll, documented and legally' entitlcd to be emplo"v-cd uithin the Uniled States. Any and all work suhjcct to prcvailing uages. as d,..tcnnincd b1'the I)ircctor oflndustrial Ilelations olthe State ol'Calitbrnia. will be the minimum paid to all laborers. including Consultant's employce and subcontractors. [t is understood that it is the responsibilit-,'' of'Consultant to determine thc correcl scalc. 'l'he Slats Prcvailiug Wage Rates rna1, be obtaincd l-rom tl-re ('alilbmia Departnrenl of _t67 I ;rr:r I ltlE.4{D I_6:10ll I I aorl lrrrl9 -tt Industrial Relations ("DIR-) pursuant to Califomia Public tltilities Clode. Scctions 465.466. and 467 bl cafling 415-703-4774. Appropriate rccords dcmonstrating conrpliancc with such requircment shall be maintaincd in a satc and secure location al all tirles. and readily'availablc at City's request. Consultant shall inclemnily'. del'cnd. and hold Citl and i(s clected and appointed boards. members. ot-ficials. oflicers. agents. representativcs. employees. and voluntL-ers harntless tiom and against any liabilitl. loss. damage. cost or L'xpenses (including but not limitcd to reasonable attolueys' l'ees. expctt witncss I'ees. court costs. and costs incurred related to irtly inquirics or proceedirrgs) arising from or related to (i) tho noncompliancc b1' Consultant or an1 p4rty pertbrming thc Scrvices of an-v applicable krcal. statc. and/or lederal law, including. without limitation. any applicablc l'cderal and/or state labor laws (including. without limitation. the requirernL.nt to pay statc plei,ailing *ages nnd hirc apprenlices); (ii) the implementation of Section I 78 I ol'the l,abor Code. as thc sanrc ma1- bc amended lionr time to time. or anv other similar lau : ancl/or. (iii) tailure by ('onsultant or any party pertbrming the Scrvices to provide any required disclosure or idcntilication as required h1 t-abor Code Scclion 1781. as thc'same ma.v- he amended fiom time to timL'. or an\ othcr sinrilar law. It is agrce'd b1'thc l)arties thal" in connection with pcr.l'onnalce ol'the Services. iucluding. without lirnitation" any ancl all public works (as dcllned bl.applicable law)- Consultant shall bear all risks ofpaymcnt or non-paymcnt ofprevailing wages undcr Calilbrnia lau.and/or the implcnrcntation ol l-ahor Code Scction 1781. as the same nray be arnendcd 1'ronr time to lime. and/or au)'other similar lalv. Consultant ackuowledgcs and agrees that it shall be indr-'pcntlently' responsihle lbr reviewing thc applicable laws ancl regulations and elftcluating compliance with such laws. Clonsultanl shall require the samc ofall subcontraclors. 7 .i I.iccnscs and Permits. Consultant re presents and warrants to Citl' that Cousultant and its ernplolees. agonls. and an-v- subcontractors havc all licenscs. pernrits, qualilications- and approvals ol- *hrtro.ter. naturc that n1s l1:gally rcquired to practicc their rcspectivc profcssions. Consultant represents and warrants to CiR' that Consultant and its employees. agenls. and subconlractors shall. at their sole cost and expense. keep in effec1 at all tinrcs during thc tcrm of this Agreenrent nny licenses. pcrmits. and approvals that are legally rcquired to praclicc their' rc'spcciive prol'cssions. ln addition to thc lbregoillg. Consultant and alrv subcontractors shallobtain antl mainlain during the term of this Agreement valid Business l-icenses from City. SECTION tI. ]'ERMINATION AND MODIFICATIoN. 8.1 'l-ermination. city may cancel this Agreement at any time and without cause upon rtrittcn noti l'ication to Consultant. 8.2 'I cn.uination h v C onsultartt ConsLrltant tnay cancel lhis Agrcemcnt upon -10 tlal''s' wriltcn noticc lo Cit). 8.3 (lonseq uences ol"l'crmination. In the event ol'tsrmination. Ctlnstrltant shall be entitlecl to compensation fbr thc Services pertbrmed up to the dale of termination: City. howcver. mal condition pavment ol such conrpensalion upon ('onsultanl delivcring to Cil-v an-v- or all doc:urncnts" phglographs. computer so{iwarc. r'itlco and autlio tapcs^ and olhc'r nraterials prol'ided to Consultant or prepared b1'or lor Consultant or City in connection with this Agrccment. -() li.4 Extension. City ma.v... in its sole and exclusive discretion. cxtend the cnd date of this Agrecment bcyond that provided tbr in Subsection l.l. Any such extension shall requirc a u,ritten amendment to this Agreement. as provided for lrcrcin. ('onsultant understands and agrces tha1. il C'it)- grants such an crlension. (iir1, shall havc no obligation lo provide Consultant uith compensation beyotd the maximunt amount provide<l lbr in this Agreement. Similarly. unless iruthorizcd b}'the ('ontract Adntinistrator. ('ity shall havc no obligation to reimburse Consultant for anl othcrwise rcimbursable expcnscs iucttrred duling thc cxtcrtsiou pcriocl. 8.5 all the Parties. Anrcndments. I he Partie s nta y arnend this Agrcement only by a rvriting signed by ll.(r Assiunnrent and Subcontractinq. Ci ty and (ionsultarrt recognizc and agree thul this Agrecment contcnrplates pcrsonal perlirrmancc bl Consultant and is based upon a dL'termination of Consultant's unique personal competence. experience. and specialized personal knowlcdge. Moreovcr. a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agrecment was and is the professional reputation and competence of C'onsultant. Consultant may not assigrr this Agrccment or any intcrcsl tlrcrcin rvithoul the prior r.rritten approval olthe Conlract Administrator. Consultant shall nqt subcontract any portion ofthe performance cotrtemplated and provided tbr herein, other tfian to the subcontractors notcd in Consultant's proposal. r,r'ithout prior uritten approval of the ('ontract Administrator. ln the evcnt that kcy personncl leavc Consultant's employ. Consultant shall notity' C'ity imntediarcll ^ tt.7 Sunival. AII obligations arising prior to thc expiration or termination ol this Agreemcnl and all provisions of this Agreemcnt allocating liability between Citl- and Consultant shall survive the cxpiration or termination olthis Agreement. 8.lt ()Dtitrr.ts u non lJreach [.rr (]o nsultant. ll' C'orrsultant r.nateriall v brcachcs anv ol' the terrns ol this Agreement. Citl-'s rernedies shall include. but n<tt he limited tn, any or all of the lollowing: a. Immediately terminate this Agreementl b. Retain the plans. specilications. draw-ings. reports. design documents. and any other rvork product prepared hy Consultanl pursuanl 1o this Agreemcnt: c. Retain a dift'erent consultant to complete the Services described in Exhibit A: and/or d. Charge Consultant the dil-terence belween tlle cost to cotnplele the Scnices dc'scritrcd in Erhibit A that is unlinished al tlrc tinte ol'breach and the atntlunl lhat Cit) would have paid ('onsultanl pursuant to Section 2 it' (lonsultant had completed the Services. SECTION 9. KEI]PIN(; ANI) STATTIS Otr'RECORDS. 9.1 ltecords Crcated as [)an ol ( onsultant's Perlir rmance All repu1s. data. maps. models. charts. studies. surveys. pholographs, mcmoranda. plans. studies. specifications, rccords. li[es. or any other documents or rnaterials. in clectronic or any o rer lbrm that Consultanl prepares l(,rl 0ll8r8-00(rl1{)rLrl] I rl)8 tLl ta - t0- or obtains pursuant to this Agreement and that relate to thr: mattcrs covered hereunder shall be thc propenv of Cit1. Consultant hcrebl agrees to deliver thosc documenls to Citl' upon the erpiration or ternrination ol this Agrccnrent. It is understood and agreecl thal thc docunrcnts and othcr matorials, including hut not linritccl to thosc dc'scribed ahove. preparcd pursuant to this Agreenrcnt are prepared spccitically for C'ity and are not necessarily suitable fbr any fulure or other use. Any usc ot'such documcnts fbr other projr-cts b1- City shall be rvithout liabilitl- to Consultant. Citl'and Consultant agrce tha1. until final approval h1 Cit1. all data. plans. spccilications. repofls. and other documcnts arc conlldcntial antl rill not bc rolcascd to thirtl partics withoul prior wrilten conscnt ol'hoth Parties unlcss required by- law. 9.2 [.icensins oi lnt cllcctual l)ronertr.I-his Agreement creates a non-exclusivc and perpclual liccnsc lol Citl-to copy. use. modil.r'. rcuse. or sublicense anv and all copl rights, designs. rights ol' rcproduction, and other intellectual propcrty cnrbodied in plans. specifications. studies. drau,ings. estimatcs- test data. surve'r' results. models. rcnderings. and other docutnents or works of'authorship lixcd in any langible mediunr ol'exprcssion. including but not limited to. phlsical dralings. digital rcndcrings. or data storetl digitalll. magncticall\. or in anl other mediutn. rvhich arc prcpared or caused to be prepared hy Cionsultant under this ngreement ("Docunrents and Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors ltl agrce in writing that City is grantcd a rron- cxclusive and pcrpctual licensc lbr an1' Documents and Data the suhcontractor prepares under this Agrcement. Consullant represcnts and narranls that ('onsultant has the legal right to Iice'nsc an1 and all Documents and Data. Consultant makes no such represcntalion and warranty in regard to Doculnents and Data which were preparcd by dcsign professionals other than Consultant or providcd to ('onsulunt b1, thc (iit1. Cityshallnotbclinlitcdinanl wa-v- in its usc ol'the Doctrmcnts and l)ata at an1'time. proridcd that an) such use not lvithin thc purposes intended br this Agrccment slrall bc at Citv's sole risk. 9.i ('onsultanl's []oo ks and Rccords. Consultant shall rnaintain an v and all leduers- books ofaccount. invoiccs. vouchers. canceled checks. and other records or documcnts evidencing or rclating to charges fbr the Sen,ices or cxpenditures and disburscments charged to City-' under this Agltcment lbr a minimurn of thrce (-j) )ears. or for an1, Icrngcr period required by lau. Iiorn the <Iate of tlnal payment to ('onsultanl under this Agrecmcnt. All such records shall be maintained in accordancc with gcncrally accepted accounting principlL's and shall be clearly identified and leadilv accessiblc. q.4 Insnection and Audit ol'Rceords .,\uy records or documents that Section 9.J ol' this Agrcemcnt rcquires Consultant to maintain shall be madc available lor inspcction, audit. and/or copying al an)' timc during regular husiness hours- upon oral or written request of C'il1. IJnder Califirrnia (iovemntcnt Codc'section 8546.7. il'thc arnount ol'public litnds expended ttnder rhis Agreemcnt crceeds I'lrN IHOIisnNl) DOLI-ARS ($10.000.00). this Agreement shall hc sutr.lect to the oxamination and audit of thc State Auditor. at the request ol'('ity or as parl ol'an1 audit olCitt'. lirl a period olthrce (3) vcars after linal pa1'ment under this Agrccn)cnt. sl.tcTtoNl0. MtScELLANEOtTSPROV|S|ONS. 10. I Altorneys'Irees. Il-eithcr Itllrt y 1t) this Agreement brings atr-v action. including an action lirr dcclaratory relief. to cnforce or inteq)ret the provision olthis Agreenrent. the prevailing Partl shall be cntitled tu rcasonable attomeys' I'ecs and expenses including costs. in addition tt.r :r,rrr1t t,rrJs 11' t.1 -il- any other relief to which that Party may be entitled; provided. however. tlrat the attomeys' fees awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the hourl;- rate paid by City for legal services multiptied by the reasonahle number ofhours spent by the prevailing Party in the conduct o[thc litigation- The cou( may set such lces in the same action or in a separate action brought lbr that purposc. 10.2 App licablc I-aw: Venuc. ['lre intemal larvs ol'1he Stale ol ('alitbrnia shall govcn1 the intcrpretation and enlbrccment of this Agxeement. In the event that cither Party hrings any action against thc other undcr this Aurcemenl. the Parties agreL- that trial of such action shalI be vc-stcd cxclusivell in Rivcrside Countl . 10.3 Sevclabilitv. II- an y provision ol this Agreerncnt is hcld invalid. the rcmainder ol this Agreement shall not he affected thereby- and all other parts of this Agreement shall nevertheless be in full lbrcc and ell'ect. 10..1 Section llcadings and Subheadinus. 'l he section hcadi ngs ancl subheadings contained in this Agreenrent are included tbr convsnience only and shall not limit or othcrwisc al lcct the terms ol'this Agrccment. 10.5 No lmplied W iver ol'l]reach. .l hc waiver of any breach of a specilic provision ol' this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other breach of that term or any other term ol this Agreemcnt. 10.6 Successors and Assi . I'he provisions ol'tlris Agrcenrent shall inurc to thc bencfit of and shall apply to and hincl the succcssors antl assigns of thc [)arties 10.7 Consultant Rc nresen iltl\ c'All matters undcr this Agrccment shall bc handled tbr ('onsultant b1. l)avc F'c'rrara ("Consuhant's Rcprcsentativc"). 'fhe Consultant's Reprcscntativc shall have full authority to represent and aqt on hehalf of'Consultant I'or all purposcs r-rndcr this ,\greBrnenr. lhe Consultant's Represcntative shall supervise and dirc'ct the Serviccs, using his bcst skill and attcntion. and shall bc responsible lirr all mcans. methods. techniques. sequcnccs. and procedures and for the satist-actory coordination of all portions of lhc Services under this Agreemetrl. 10.8 Citv Contract Administration. 'l his Agreement shall bo administered by a City enrployee. Jason llendrix. Community Scn'iccs Supen'isor ("Contract Administrator"). All corresponclence shall be rlirccted Io or through thc Contract Aclministrator or his designee. 'Ihe ('ontract Adnrinistrattrl shall havc lhc pouer to act on behall'ol City lirr all purposes trndcr tliis Agrcement. tJnless otherwise providcd in this Agreement. Consultant shall not acccpt direction or orders liom any person othcr than the Contracl Administrator or his designee. 10.9 Noticcs. Anl nritten nolicc to C'onsultant shall be sent to: 3HM Entertainment Attn: Dave Ferrara I I 271 Ventura Blvd, #410 Studio Citv. CA 91604 -rrlol:l I tr'r8 lr) ie -t2- Anv written notice to Citv shall be sent to lhe Conlract Administrator at: Citx" ol'Menif'ee 2984.1 Haun Road Meniiee. CA 92586 Attn: .lason llcndrix. Community Sen'ices Supervisor with a copl to: City Clcrk City ol'Menifcc 2984,1 ljaun Road Mcnil'ee. CA 92586 10.10 l)rol-essio nal Seal.Where applicable in the detennirration ol thc Contracl Adnrinistrator" the first pagc ofa technical report. Iirst pagc oldesign spccifications. and eaoh pagc ol' constructiou drawings shall be stamped/scaled and signed by the licensed ptofessional rcsponsible for the report/dcsign preparation. Thc stamp/seal shaltbe in a hlock entitled "Seal and Signature of Rcgistered Prolessional with rcporVdesign rcsponsibility." as in thc follovuing cxample. Se:al and Signalurc ol'Rcgistercd Prol'cssional u'ith rc rti dcsi rcs onsibilit l0.l I Rieh ts and l{emedics. Llxce pt with respect to rights trnd remedics expressly dcclarcd to be exclusilc in this Agrccmcnt. thc rights and rcmedies ofthc Parties are cumulativc and the exercise by either Party of one or more of such rights or remcdies shall not preclude thc cxc.rcise by, it. at thc sanre or dil'lercnt tinres. ol'arry other rights or remedies lbr the same del-atrlt or any othcr del-ault b;- the olher Party. 10.12 Intceration, 'l'his Agrcernent" including the scope of services attached hereto and incorporated hcrein as Flxhibit A. rcpresents the enlire and integrated agrcement bct\.\ccn City and Cgnsultant and supersedes all prior negotiations. representations. or agreements. either written or oral. 'l'he terms of this Agreement shall be constnred in acoordance with the mcaning of thc language uscd and shall not he construcd tirr or against eithcr Party by reasou ofthe authorship of this Agret-'mcnt or an1'- othcr ntle olconstruction which might othenl ise appl1". 10. I 3 Countemarts. This A grcen'rent mal bc cxccuted in multiple counterparts. each ol which shall bc tn original and all ol'rvhich togcthcr shall corrstitutc onc aBrecnlent 10.14 xecution of Contracl 'l hc pc-rsons r--rc-cutirtg this Agrcenrcnt on behall'of each ol' rhc Parlies hcrcto represcnt and *'arrant that (i) such Partf is dull,organized and existing. 1ii) they are duly aulhorized to cxecute and deliver this Agreement on behall ol said Party, (iii) by so executing this Agreemcnt. such Party is fbrmatly bound to the provisions of-this Agrcement^ and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not liolate any provision ol'any other Agreement t() *'hich said Parly' is bound. -l_l-tr,?11):1t6iE-0(l{r]_a.r{).lll I a08.29,1o I 0.1 5 Nondiscrinrination. Consultanl covenants that. by and lor itscll-. its heirs. executors. ossigns. and all persons claiming undcr or through thcm. that in thc perlirrnrance of this Agrc'cment thcre shall be no discriminalion against or segregation of. anr person or group of persons on accounl ol' any impernrissible classillcation including. hut not linritcd to. racc. color. creed. rcligion. scx. marital status. sexual oricntation. national origin. or anceslry. 10.16 No Third Pafl Bencliciaries. With thc exception ol the specilic provisiotrs sr-t lbrth in this Agrcemcnt. therc are no intended third-party benellciaries under this Agrecment and no such othcr third parties shall havc any rights or obligations hcrcunder. I0.l7 Nonliabilitr ot'City Olllce-rs and limplovscs. No ollicer. olllcial. ent plolcc. agent. rcprcscntative. or v()lunteer ol'City shatl bc personalll liable to Consultant. ()r arll- success()r in interest. in the evcnt of any detault or breach b1 Cit1' or for any amount which may bccome clue to ('onsullant or 1o its successor. or tirr breach olan-v obligation ofthe temrs of this Agrcement. 10.18 No Undtre lnlluencc. C'onsuhant declarcs and lvarrants thal no tlndue influcnc.'or pressurc is uscd against or in concerl with any ollcer or emplol'cc of Cit.v- in conn!'ction with the awiuti. tcrms or implementation of this Agreenrent. including any method of coercion. confidential linancial arrangemcnt. or financial inducement. No ollicer or cmployee of City shall receivc compensation. dircctll'or indirectl;-" tiom Cgnsultatrt. or lrom anl officr'r. emplolee' or agent of Consultant. in conneclion with the award olthis Agrccment or an.v- rvork lo be conduclcd as a result ol'this Agreement. I 0. I 9 No llcnell 1 to Arise to Citv Enrnlovees. No menrber. officer . or cnrployee ol' Ci1y. or their designecs or agenls. and no public official u,ho exerciscs authority over or has responsihilities rvith respect to this Agreement during his/her tcntrre or fbr one ( I ) .,-ear therc'after. shall have any inlerest. direct or indirect. in an-v agrecment or sub-agrecment. or the procecds thereof'" for the Scrl'ices 1o bc perlbrmed undcr this Agreement. [Signaturcs on Following Page I lb'lOlllrill-0(r0l_r i0.lll I io8 2r)'19 -1.+- tN WITNIISS WI tl-.REOF. the Parties hereto have executed and enlered into this Agrccment as of the lllfectivc Date. CITY ()r'MEl.-l[-El-cot\stit.NT r\nnando G.a. Citl Managcr ,\ tlcs1 Sar A. Man 1 . City ('lerk l)ar,e lrcrlura. ( )rr rtcr as 10 Fornl: . N{clchinu lNote: 2 olficer's signatures required if ('onsuhant is a corporation. unless provided lvith a ccrtilicate ol'secretary in-lieulonlc\ ra. O l6it r)u t85l{-0(,(}I _/l.10.11 I I i0lt. 29, I 9 t< a. EXIItBIl'A SC()PI] OF SERvICI]S Clonsultant shall work closell rrith City stafl' in identii_,ing and securing a list ol'anist(s) performances rvithin the spccificd budget. Music act cosls shall be all inclusive. including but not limited to. ridcr, trave'l etc costs rvilhin eslirnatcd bLrdget not t() e\cccd $36.100 for music act. Consultant shall be responsihle for management of all artists' needs. This includes. hut is not limitcd to. travel. lodging underuriting. day ofrequests. and any posl event requests.'this should include anl specitic stage. sound. lighting or othcr requests ncedcd bv band to ensurc an oulstanding set during the evcnt. Consultant shall partner with city and or city appointed sound/stage/lighting vendor, to ensure artist supplies cii)- with marketing material to properly- advertise artist as associated \vith cvcnt (video clips. logos. etc) Arrange for elected officials. sponsor- and VIP ticket experiencc nreet and greet opportunities rtith selccted artisl. Deliverables: - Provide list ofartists available to perform at Music & Arts Festival for consideration/selection. - Consultant shall serle as the negotiation liason between artists/talent selected for the event and Cit-v. and shall provide confirmation of perfonnance(s). with sulficient noticc to nreet marketinp/planning deacllines. - Consultant shalloversee/coordinat€ payment oftalent acts takes on a timely basis to meet all contractual obligations. l:XIllBIl A entertainment 11171 ',€rirrB'd * 410 Srbcly CA 91d04 tel818:171 9859 tax 8186986412 \lirrgrrit'l. .\tl.rchud ple;uc llnrl ,rur pftrpo.al trr r'tncrr 0u conllirct li)r' .ntcrtr irr ntllrt brx)Ling rn(l,rrnag!nllnl .crrrec. lirthc\l,.;nili"\ltrric&.\ s lr6lnil. \\,,u[c\pLricltc.in.]l]l()h.nc(,ul-\\u:rr!ci,nlidcnl lhrl ou tcim can hL ol srcil b.r|clil h,lhc ('il\ nl'\llnili,jc ns \lu !!ro\r lhi( nc* t'ligshiP c\cnl. (\rgoil \\itfi !\cn clicnt i. k) pro, i,lc l .e.rrnlcs.. l'laslc..h er.urted anJ ultinut.ll untdllinirU rJ 'u..es\lirlc\.,tlhrl \r'ucrnhsltnx(lrrl .\rourrtxrltrstrt!\..."\\!\\i,rl l:n \i)tt:' l)lcnsc rc\'ic$ thc a(tnlhcd Jtrr)po\il irnd rhorrld rl)u l;rrc rnr-qu6tionr. llcnsc dit nol hcsil:itc lo isk. I hr'\ lin\rrrd l(, lutlllct !,,n\cNrlirnrs xnd lhrnl r<'u in:rr,han,:c li,r rorrr c,,i.id9:1rti('rr. \hrgirit:r ('om!'i('. ( inrlri.lr .\dlnhislrilor f it\ t,l \ llnil;c li.'pc.llull\. (,(l lS lOlti |).r\!ilnrI'ir l!..r.lu"l ill\l I nt,llrrnnrurl (s Iltr i7 tr)3:,) 3HM.......We work for You! enterta inment 11,-71 Ve.traEM * 410 S-rbcly C,A $m4 r.la18 371 9459 hx 8145986412 ill\l I nlerlri"rrsnl l'rl)tn\xl (I)19-r)l l l ht(.rlrillnronl l}x,l,irn.t \hrnlrrrrtrl Scrt icc\ \ l(.'r il(\. \ l'r\i( & \rl\ l (\riral l02ll I'rrparcd hr r l)n1c l err:rrx. I'rr\idcnl I O/li/l(ll t) l(l \ PIIts()\\l' I lhr r l crrnrx l \($rttir( l'n'rh'(1'r/l lllcnl ltul(r .ill\l l dunrlur JnJ l1!\iJ!nt th\'€ I c'rJ'r hi\ l'.rn i'rr(ll\cd irr 1hc c cflrin r.nt indurtr\ ltn. 'l.JJrh {o rurr'. }li. hr,':'(l h:rc(cr,,l'lr(l rnd.spcaicn* in \Ilu:rlh xll rrf--.uh,'l lhc li\c cnl!'rtirnrrlnt hucincs\. nr rr cll :rr Ihc conncclion<- r.sorrrccs antl rcl;llt,n.hips amn\s((l or !r nc:rd\ -l dccrdcs in drr business uniquclr pusitic.n -tll\ l litl"rtinmcnl rs (,n. t,l lhe lt)p inrlepuntlcnl potlutcr.,'l !Lrrlil\ drlqlJnnncill. l. Rcsuarch rttl rccounncnd. hnscd on itrccd upon budgcts ind anistic guidclincs- potontilllv i\xilahlc cntLrlrinnllnt artirt! lbr rc Iisti\'rl. J. t Jxrn l'inJl rlai.ion .'l l6ti\ rl rrrnr!:cmdrl, ncgi,liitc rnd c,lnlrJcl 'ho.t tl.::rl-- p6.ihlc $ ith irlisls nrli\h iscnls li,r c\ult. -l Illr i$r a ll mr in+ta llc .ontracts pfio|' l(, l'!\ti\-r I sitsniltrn'e .1fld ncgoliatc ridcr pror isions r. rpprl)Uixle. {. t'ro\i(lc li\li\al \\ilh dclirlc(lpr\m!nl \chcdulc Iirr irrtisl includini-! procor"ine t\-()-r. xnd c(xrdinnling C.\ f l'tl r\ilhholding it'ippli.itrlc lbr .)ul ofstatc a isLs. j. t'on.ult and n'orJinrlc silh l;\ti\rl rcsrrding -iupgrrr" .crr ices n!c6\.tfl li rc ruccc.sN pr!\lrllnlirm i)l lhu unlcnrinmsnl pr(,!rr.m. (icr \lagc. s('und,lighh. porr er. b:rcLlinc- rlnlling- sccuril\ . c il crinq- irccolnnxrdnti(rrs. ,,ila. iti contrNlui I l\ rt iPu latL{ in ntl i\l riJ.N ) n nd pr(*ids l'rrti\ .ll mrnrlrllrcnl \\ith dcl.ril"tl uc,.:d.r-l'rc.rl.hrrr ns rnd ustinrJlcd ct,!t\ litr the irhor e :rs ng.xlid 6..\d\rncinslhcdil.rrillltli\t'\rqrc\rnl:rlir"sJsuclll.rrunrl. light. rn{lothcr sunx'a \en ic.s L(|mprniu\ ns n.!^d!d 7. I\1^ idc l'..ti\al \ itl r detailerl --tlJ\ ol".chcdulc lionr hcadlin. rrtist lord-ir to cnd ofpcrfonnrn.!. ti ll o\ tlc oonilc. dx\ {,1'sh('t\ c\ unl xnd \l:rg! milnxgsln!1rl.(). .\s!.isl lhli\ il miirkct ing $ ilh pflrcndrg i isl-spr')molionilmilL-rinl.rsl\ailnhlcinilimch manicl, lo. ( ixr dinrtc rnd mrnr!. rll hc.rdline :rrrr.l hrrhtidrtx'n- 1.,!isli!\ Jnd sntlil:linnrcnt cr.Jcnliilirg x\ nccdcd. I l. Coordiniil,.'. lranagc .\rtist m.cl n 1lreslt i\ nc.{cd. ll. .\dditi(,n.| Llulics;t* nrulurll\ rgrc!'d uu,n ILt\\,rcn l,tlrducd and l;sslirirl. Il!x\( \cc rtll.hrknl .\ li, !,,s1 h'crlil('r\ . .l.rto1t8i3,r!)01 3HM.......We work for You! S( ()l'1.()l \\()lll.: \l|jnili! \ltAi(.t \rl\ 1.(\lrrnl :(l:ll l)(\.riIli,xr l. Trlcnl Llu\ L1 S.nirus (r.-sexrrh. roc(nnnlcnd. Icr'r,lixt!- c(nrlr3cl r :l t)rrxhrslion ad\rnce- coordinnlion- !chc(hrlinu i. - l)ar of'shol nanrgcr J. .\.lditiorul crp"rr..' {lrlrcl. *lrll h'lcl. arH insurxn.c lir cil\ tpr.r- lo.nl hi7 liccnsc. cr.\r ) enterta inment 11:71 ventEB/d $ 410 Sd)C& CA g1$4 lel818 371 9859 iax 818 698 641: \llr.hln(rrl \ ( os t t,Rol,()s.u.: lir': S-l.rl(x ) i)t) 5l sr)r) 0t1 ! l{x)0 (xl 5ll{x) (xl l,'l:rl sll700.1nr'. ('rnol lo .\.!c(l \ oul clicnl rppro\ nl) Notl.;: I his In'|n's.l i\ li,r (imrultr$l l.rlcnl hu\er l:nleflrilnnc1lt nmnaucnrcnl sur\ice\ ()\l \ lllis Fopo(alI)0liS N( )l includc icttl1larlilt Mirnnancc l.rs nor contrxclurllt rcquircd rid$ r'cqlliremcnh tic: hotcl- tr.rctlinc, pfuducti(nr. utc,irs. elc) thrl *ill bc cl)drdEnl r{r,r lh€ Jl1i\t(s) ultimntelr pr',r-urtd. l):rr e l:crr:r;t l1c.xlcflt ll I\l l nldlir --l - 3HM.......We work for You!